endless summer architectural design workshop in sydney tu münchen / university of sydney march 2015 associate professorship of achitectural design and building envelope prof. tina wolf responsable: dipl.- ing. moritz mungenast 'smart skin pavilion'

endless summer architectural design workshop in sydney€¦ · endless summer architectural design workshop in sydney tu münchen / university of sydney march 2015 associate professorship

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  • endless summerarchitectural design workshop in sydney

    tu münchen / university of sydney march 2015associate professorship of achitectural design and building envelope prof. tina wolf responsable: dipl.- ing. moritz mungenast

    'smart skin pavilion'

  • program description

    the excursion and architectural design project „smart skin pavi-lion“ is supervised by the associate professorship of architectu-ral design and building envelopes prof. tina wolf of tu münchen and dr. sandra löschke and dr. francesco fiorito from university of sydney. we offer an interdisciplinary scientific program with workshop and lectures in the fields of new materials, architecture, experi-mental and adaptive building envelopes. Aim is, to get an intense design to production experience, which will be a benefit for the ongoing career. the workshop will be a design competition for a pavilion, focusing on ‚smart skins‘.the architectural students from tu münchen will work in teams together with architectural students of the university of sydney.

  • cultural and social program

    visits and excursions to the different parts of sydney, surroun-dings and to cultural sites give both, an introduction to the cul-tural and political profile and to the importance of developing and integrate new technologies in australian architecture.social events complement the daily life experience and create opportunities to interact with the australian university life and culture.australia is an upcoming country with a lot of potential for young architects with a high knowledge of sustainable strategies.

    where and when?the workshop takes place at the university of sydney, australia.from the 01.03.2015 to 29.03.2015.

  • target group and requirements

    the program is open to master students of architecture. stu-dents should be familiar with 3d-modelling, model making, highly motivated and fluent in english.

    applicationstudents have to hand in a motivation letter, a curriculum vitae, and a portfolio of their former design work.

    how to applydownload the application form: www.hk.ar.tum.de / lehre / summerschool send to: [email protected] deadline: 13.01.2015

  • ECTS

    12 ECTS for the workshop. There is an option to get 3 ECTS additional, if you partici-pate in a research project befo-re or documentation work after the workshop.

    program fee€ 1.200,00

    program fee includes:workshop, excursions, accom-modation in a dorm or hostel incl. breakfast, public trans-portation pass.

    visastudents have to buy the eVisi-tor visa by themselve.www.immi.gov.au

    insurancethere is no insurance of any kind included in this summer-school program. students are responsable for their own he-alth- and travels insurances.

    workshop structure

    week 1- introduction- presentation research- problem / dream / solution- concept design- competition design 1- external jury

    weekend sightseeing sydney

    week 2- reformation in groups- design to model- competition design 2- external jury

    weekend sightseeing sydney

    week 3-4- reformation in groups- model to prototype- final competition- final jury- exhibition

    languagethe language of the whole workshop will be in english.

    copyright pictures are held by dr. sandra löschke, chair of emerging technlogies tum, professorship for architecural design and building envelopes tum, aquabumps.

  • professordr. tina wolf

    responsable: academic lecturermoritz mungenast

    academic lecturerphilipp molter

    senior lecturerdr. sandra löschke

    university of sydney

    senior lecturerdr. francesco fiorito

    teaching team

    tu münchen

    contacttu münchen, architekturfakultätprofessur für entwerfen und gebäudehülle prof. tina wolf arcisstrasse 21d 80333 münchent: +49 (0)89.289 [email protected] www.hk.ar.tum.de