Strands Objectives Reading Students should be able to: understand how writers explore current issues through fictional dystopian societies understand how language can be used to manipulate people Writing Students should be able to: understand the features of a dystopian narrative understand how short, simple sentences can emphasise key moments in a narrative that highlight the dystopian features of a plot. understand how writers can create a sense of fear by controlling the release of information to the reader understand how to plan and write a dystopian short story Grammar Students should be able to understand how writers can use nouns and noun phrases to create an impression of a place and influence reader’s view of a fictional world. understand how writers can use adverbs, adverbial phrases and sentence length to control the pace of action in a narrative understand how choice of pronouns, nouns and verbs can influence the reader’s response to characters and their points of view End of Semester 2 Exam Learning Objectives English Year 9 2017/2018

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Strands Objectives


Students should be able to:

understand how writers explore current issues through fictional dystopian societies

understand how language can be used to manipulate people

Writing Students should be able to:

understand the features of a dystopian narrative

understand how short, simple sentences can emphasise key moments in a narrative that highlight the dystopian features of a plot.

understand how writers can create a sense of fear by controlling the release of information to the reader

understand how to plan and write a dystopian short story

Grammar Students should be able to

understand how writers can use nouns and noun phrases to create an impression of a place and influence reader’s view of a fictional world.

understand how writers can use adverbs, adverbial phrases and sentence length to control the pace of action in a narrative

understand how choice of pronouns, nouns and verbs can influence the reader’s response to characters and their points of view

End of Semester 2 Exam Learning Objectives English Year 9 2017/2018

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List of topics for End of Semester Exams 2018 Year 9


TOPICS LEARNING OBJECTIVES (Calculator allowed) Page

Number Chapter 17



1. To be able to find the differences between terms in a sequence – Ex 17A 2. To be able to find the Nth term of a sequence – Ex 17B 3. To be able to find the Nth term of a linear sequence – Ex 17B

Page 278- 285

Chapter 18


4. Using indices – Ex 18A 5. Negative indices – Ex 18B 6. Multiplying and dividing with indices – Ex 18C

Page 288 - 294

Chapter 15

Straight line graphs

7. To be able to find the midpoint of a line on the Cartesian plane - Ex 15A 8. To be able to draw straight line graphs – Ex 15B 9. To be able to find the gradient of a line – Ex 15C 10. To be able to graph the equation y=mx+c. – Ex 15D 11. Parallel lines – Ex 15E 12. To be able to find the equation of a line – Ex 15F

Page 238 - 252

Chapter 31 Statistical


13. Pi charts – Exercise 31D

Page 547-550

Chapter 32 Statistical Measures

14. The mode – Ex 32A 15. The median – Ex 32B 16. The mean – Ex 32C 17. The range – Ex 32D 18. Which average to use – Ex 32E 19. Using frequency table – Ex 32F 20. Grouped data – Ex 32G

Page 558 -579

Chapter 30 Transformations

21. Translation – Ex 30A 22. Reflection – Ex 30B, 30C 23. Rotation – Ex 30D, 30E 24. Enlargements – Ex 30F

Page 498 - 516

Chapter 6 Sets

25. Inequalities – Ex 6A 26. Describing elements – Ex 6B 27. Venn diagrams – Ex 6C

Page 84 - 91

Chapter 7 Ratio,

proportion and speed

28. Ratio – Ex 7A 29. Dividing amounts in a given ratio and map scales – Ex 7B, 7C 30. Speed and density – Ex 7D, 7E 31. Direct proportion – ,Ex 7F

Page 96 – 107 111 - 113

Chapter 26 Trigonometry

32. Pythagoras’ theorem – 26A 33. Trigonometric ratios – 26B

Page 414 – 416

Chapter 33 Probability

34. Probability scale – Ex 33A 35. Calculating probabilities, Addition rule for probability – Ex 33B, 33C, 33D 36. Probability from data, Expected frequency - 33E, 33F

Page 590 - 604

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Levels of organization

•Describe the levels of organisation within organisms: organelles, cells, tissues, organs and systems.

b)Cell structure

•describe cell structures, including the nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, cell wall, chloroplast and


•describe the functions of the nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, cell wall, chloroplast and vacuole

•compare the structures of plant and animal cells.

Movement of substances into and out of cells

•understand definitions of diffusion, osmosis and active transport

•understand that movement of substances into and out of cells can be by diffusion, osmosis and

active transport

understand the importance in plants of turgid cells as a means of support

• understand the factors that affect the rate of movement of substances into and out of cells, to

include the effects of surface area to volume ratio, temperature and concentration gradient

• Describe experiments to investigate diffusion and osmosis using living and non-living systems.

The organism in the environment

•understand the terms population, community, habitat and ecosystem

•explain how quadrats can be used to estimate the population size of an organism in two different


•Explain how quadrats can be used to sample the distribution of organisms in their habitats.

Feeding relationships

•explain the names given to different trophic levels to include producers, primary, secondary and

tertiary consumers and decomposers

•understand the concepts of food chains, food webs, pyramids of number, pyramids of biomass and

pyramids of energy transfer

•understand the transfer of substances and of energy along a food chain

•explain why only about 10% of energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next.

End of Semester 2 Exam Biology Year 9 2017/2018

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Cycles within ecosystems

• describe the stages in the carbon cycle, including respiration, photosynthesis, decomposition and


• describe the stages in the nitrogen cycle, including the roles of nitrogen fixing bacteria,

decomposers, nitrifying bacteria and denitrifying bacteria (specific names of bacteria are not


Human influences on the environment

•understand the biological consequences of pollution of air by sulfur dioxide and by carbon


•understand that water vapour, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane and CFCs are greenhouse


• understand how an increase in greenhouse gases results in an enhanced greenhouse effect and

that this may lead to global warming and its consequences

• understand the biological consequences of pollution of water by sewage, including increases in the

number of micro-organisms causing depletion of oxygen

•understand that eutrophication can result from leached minerals from fertiliser

•understand the effects of deforestation, including leaching, soil erosion, disturbance of the water

cycle and of the balance in atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide

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Year 9 Chemistry

End of Semester 2 Exam Learning Objectives

Topic (1): Energy and Reactions

Classify changes as exothermic or endothermic from temperature changes

Explain why energy input may be needed to start some reactions or keep them going.

Describe bond breaking and making in terms of energy transfer.

Summarise energy changes by drawing simple energy level diagrams.

Describe the combustion of hydrocarbons (in terms of reactants and products) as an example for

exothermic reactions

Describe examples of energy being used to start a chemical reaction or keep it going. (example

of endothermic reactions)

Apply knowledge of explosive reactions to explain why they occur more or less rapidly when the

particle size or the oxidiser is changed. (idea about factors affecting the rate of chemical


Describe test for oxygen

Topic (2): bonding

a. Ionic Bond:

understand how ions are formed by electron loss or gain

know the charges of these ions:

metals in Groups 1, 2 and 3

non-metals in Groups 5, 6 and 7

Ag+, Cu2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Pb2+, Zn2+

hydrogen H+, hydroxide OH–, ammonium NH4+,carbonate CO3

2 nitrate NO3-, sulfate SO4


write formulae for compounds formed between the ions listed above

understand ionic bonding in terms of electrostatic attraction.

draw dot-and-cross diagrams to show the formation of ionic compounds by electron transfer, limited to

combinations of elements from Groups 1, 2, 3 and 5, 6, 7 (Only outer electrons need to be shown)

b. Covalent Bond

know that a covalent bond is formed between atoms by the sharing of a pair of electrons

understand covalent bonds in terms of electrostatic attractions

understand how to use dot-and-cross diagrams to represent covalent bonds in: diatomic molecules,

including hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, halogens and hydrogen halides

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Understand how to use dot-and-cross diagrams to represent:

inorganic molecules including water, ammonia and carbon dioxide

Organic molecules containing up to two carbon atoms, including methane, ethane, ethene and

those containing halogen atoms.

c. Metallic Bond

know how to represent a metallic lattice by a 2-D diagram

understand metallic bonding in terms of electrostatic attractions

explain typical physical properties of metals, including electrical conductivity and malleability

Topic (3): Redox

Understand the terms: redox, oxidation, reduction, oxidising agent and reducing agent (in terms of

gain and loss of oxygen)

Understand the terms: redox, oxidation, reduction, oxidising agent and reducing agent (in terms of

gain and loss of electrons)

Use results from displacement reactions to produce an order of reactivity. (Revisit the reactivity


Recall how metals are extracted from ores taken from the Earth’s crust.

Recall that the extraction of some metals is more difficult than others, depending on the

metal’s reactivity.

Explain why some elements have been isolated for much longer than others.

Explain why the method used to extract a metal is related to its position in the reactivity series

and cost of the extraction process.

Topic (4): Extraction of metals

Describe how metals are extracted from their ores by heating with carbon (Extraction of iron by

blast furnace)

Describe the movement of ions in electrolysis.

Explain how oxidation and reduction happen during electrolysis.

Describe the electrolysis of Aluminium from molten aluminium oxide.

Pre-Knowledge required from Semester (1):

Valencies and formulae of compounds

Writing Balanced chemical equations

Converting word equations into symbol equations

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Year 9 Physics

Semester 2 learning objectives

1. Able to use the following units correctly - kilogram (kg), joule (J), metre (m), metre/second

(m/s), metre/second2 (m/s2), newton (N), second (s) and watt (W)

2. Describe energy transfers involving energy stores: energy stores: chemical, kinetic,

gravitational, elastic, thermal, magnetic, electrostatic, nuclear

3. Energy transfers: mechanically, electrically, by heating, by radiation (light and sound) and

explain the principle of conservation of energy

4. Understand and use the relationship between efficiency, useful energy output and total energy

output: efficiency = (useful energy output/total energy input) x 100% and draw and interpret

Sankey diagrams

5. Describe how thermal energy transfer may take place by conduction, convection and radiation.

Explain the role of convection in everyday phenomena and explain how emission and

absorption of radiation are related to surface and temperature

6. Explain ways of reducing unwanted energy transfer, such as insulation

7. Know and use the relationship between work done, force and distance moved in the direction

of the force: work done = force × distance moved (W = F × d)

8. Know that work done is equal to energy transferred

9. Know and use the relationship between gravitational potential energy, mass, gravitational field

strength and height: gravitational potential energy = mass × gravitational field strength ×height

(GPE = m × g × h). Know and use the relationship: kinetic energy = ½ × mass × speed2

(KE = ½ × m × v2).

10. Understand how conservation of energy produces a link between gravitational potential

energy, kinetic energy and work. Describe power as the rate of transfer of energy or the rate

of doing work

11. Use the relationship between power, work done (energy transferred) and time taken: power =

work done / time taken (P = W/ t)

12. Describe the energy transfers involved in generating electricity using: wind, water, geothermal

resources, solar heating systems, solar cells, fossil fuels, nuclear power

13. • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of methods of largescale electricity production

from various renewable and non-renewable resources.

14. • Use the following units: degree Celsius (°C), Kelvin (K), joule (J), kilogram (kg),

kilogram/metre3 (kg/m3), metre (m), metre2 (m2), metre3 (m3), metre/second (m/s),

metre/second2 (m/s2), newton (N) and pascal (Pa). Use the following unit: joules/kilogram

degree Celsius (J/kg °C)

15. Know and use the relationship between pressure, force and area: pressure = force / area (p =

F / A). Know and use the relationship between density, mass and volume: density = mass /

volume (ρ = m / V)

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Year 9 History Scheme of Work | Semester 2 | Feb-June 2018 Topic Guidelines for Semester 2 examination

History February 2018 to June 2018

Year 9

Learning Objective Topics Textbook Reference

To investigate the suffragettes and suffragists

To determine what finally won the vote for women

Who were the Suffragettes?

Pages 18 - 21

To explore the tragic event of the 1913 Derby

To determine if Emily Davison was murdered

History Mystery: Did Emily Davison mean to kill herself?

Pages 22 - 23

Explore the differences between a democracy and dictatorship

Identify the main features of both

Different ways to run a country Pages 64-65

Explain Fascism and Communism

Identify the countries that had these political systems

Two types of dictatorship (Communism)

Pages 66 - 67

Explore fascism in Italy

Two types of dictatorship (Fascism) Pages 68-69

Investigate Hitler’s life up to 1933

Adolf Hitler: choirboy, artist, tramp, soldier, politician

Pages 70-71

Investigate Hitler’s life up to 1933

Adolf Hitler: choirboy, artist, tramp, soldier, politician

Pages 72-73

Investigate what life was like under Nazi rule

What was life like in Hitler’s Germany?

Pages 74-75

Investigate what life was like under Nazi rule

What was life like in Hitler’s Germany?

Pages 76-77

Investigate the role and treatment of women in Nazi Germany

What was life like in Hitler’s Germany?

Pages 78 - 79

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SUBJECT: Geography


Rich world, poor world

Key words: Standard of living, unequal, development

Explain what makes a poorly developed country consider the differences in peoples’ standard of living around the world

Recognise that differences exist within countries as well as between countries in terms of peoples’ standard of living

Pages 66-67:

So what is development

Keywords: Crust: Development, improvement

Define what is meant by development

List some of the conditions you would expect to find in a highly developed and a poorly developed country

Pages 68-69:

Measuring and mapping development

Key words: Development indicator, Life expectancy, Gross Domestic Product, Purchasing power parity

Understand what is meant by a development indicator and why they are used

List five examples of development indicators

Interpret a world map of GDP per person

Pages 70-71:

Malawi: a developing country

Key words: Cash crops

Locate Malawi on a world map

Understand some of the reasons for Malawi’s low level of development

Pages 72-73

Singapore: a developed country

Key words: Transhipment port, Colony/ Colonies

Locate Singapore on a world map

Understand some of the reasons for Singapore’s high level of development

Pages 74-75

How did the development gap grow?- part 1

Key words: Industrial revolution

Explain how historical factors, geographical factors, and levels of health and education, contribute to the development gap between countries

Pages 76-77

How did the development gap grow?- part 2

Key words: Conflict, cash crops, Corruption, Commodities

Explain how conflict and corruption, over-reliance on a few exports, and a lack of industry, contribute to the development gap between countries

Pages 78-79:

Escaping from poverty

Keywords: Poverty, Refugees, Fairtrade

Appreciate why some people risk everything in the hope of finding a better life in another country

Understand why there is no easy solution to illegal immigration

Pages 80-81:

Putting an end to poverty

Keywords: Aid, NGO’s, microfinancing

Describe some of the ways in which poorer countries, richer countries, and individuals like us, can help to end poverty

Explain how manufacturing can help countries to develop

Pages: 82-83

Topic Guidelines for Semester 2 examination February 2018 to June 2018

Year 9

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Semester 2 End of Semester Exam Learning Objectives 2017-2018

Year 9

SUBJECT: ICT – Software Skills



(Microsoft Paint)

Explain features of image types: bitmap, vector

Know how to create images: combining basic shapes and text

Know how to edit images using:

o Crop

o Resize

o Rotate

Know the features and tools of Microsoft Paint, including:

o Creating shapes

o Adding text and changing text colour and size

o Using brushes

o Using fill

o Cropping, resizing and rotating images


Desktop Publishing/Word


(Microsoft Publisher/

Microsoft Word)

Know how to enter or edit text

Know how to format text using:

o font colour

o font size

o font type and style

o Bullets and numbering

Know how to use columns and tables

Know how to use layout features:

o Text wrap

o Page orientation

o Margins

Know the features and tools of Microsoft Publisher, including:

o Adding text using text boxes

o Adding images

o Using text wrap

o Changing the page orientation

o Changing the margins of a page

o Changing text colour, size, style

o Creating lists using bullet points and numbering

o Adding tables and columns

o Adding headers and footers and page numbers


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(Microsoft PowerPoint)

Know how to create slides using Microsoft PowerPoint

o Know how to add images and text

o Know how to use themes/templates

o Know how to add animations and transitions

o Know how to add action buttons and hyperlinks

Know how to create a template/master slide in Microsoft PowerPoint

o Know how to add a slide background

o Know how to use placeholders

o Know how to add footers and slide numbers

Know how to print presentation slides

o Know how to print full page slides, 2 slides per page and 3 slides per page


o Know how to add headers and footers to handouts

Know the features and tools of Microsoft PowerPoint, including:

o Using predesigned templates/themes

o Adding text and images to slides

o Applying animations to text and graphics

o Applying slide transitions

o Adding action buttons and hyperlinks

o Designing presentations using Slide Masters (setting background colour, font

size, style and colour, adding headers and footers)

o Using the different print layout settings


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Visiting the sick Explain the reward for sick

List the things to remember when visiting the sick


Miracles of the Prophet

To understand the definition of a miracle

To recall and explain one of the miracles of the Prophet

To understand that the Quran is the greatest miracle


Hijab Understand the role of clothing in the Quran

Define the term hijab, awrah and mahram


The 99 Name of Allah

To understand why it is important for Muslims to learn and live by the names of Allah.

To be able to explain how Muslims can use the names in prayer and remembrance of Allah


Guarding the tongue

Understand the dangers of gossiping, lying and backbiting

To know why it is important to watch what you say


Forgiveness To know the importance of asking for forgiveness in Islam

To list the ways of asking for forgiveness


Anti-Social Behaviour

To understand why Muslims should behave well and how to avoid Anti- social behaviour in society



To know what the revelation is

To learn the story of the first revelation of the Quran

To know at least 3 ways on how revelation was received by the Prophet


Ramadan To understand why Muslims fast during Ramadan

To explain the things to avoid and things to do whilst fasting


Laylat al Qadar To describe the important of Ramadhan

To explain what the Night of Power is and how one may look search for it


The Prophet’s (PBUH) Last


To explain the main teachings covered in the last sermon (Brotherhood, Life and property, Riba) and its importance for Muslims today


Semester 2 Learning Objectives Year 7-9 AFL ISLAMIC

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Year 9 Qatar History

To be able to explain Qatar’s Interior and Foreign policies and explore

the role of the Sovereign investment fund. (Pages 36-41)

Be able to explain the social changes under the rule of the different

emirs. (46-50)

Be able to explain Qatar’s role in supporting Arab and Islamic issues. (56-


Be able to explain Qatar’s role in supporting the Palestinian cause. (64-


Topic Guidelines for Semester 2 examination February 2018 to June 2018

Qatar History Foreigners Years 7 to 9