Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 COL Application Part 9 - Withheld Information Part 9 Enclosure 3 Turkey Point Response Plan Miami-Dade County, Florida 9-5 Revision 3

Enclosure 3: Turkey Point COLA, Turkey Point Response Plan, … · 2012. 7. 19. · MIAMr4. EMRGENCY MAAN Turkey Point Response Plan INTRODUCTION The Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant

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Page 1: Enclosure 3: Turkey Point COLA, Turkey Point Response Plan, … · 2012. 7. 19. · MIAMr4. EMRGENCY MAAN Turkey Point Response Plan INTRODUCTION The Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant

Turkey Point Units 6 & 7COL Application

Part 9 - Withheld Information

Part 9

Enclosure 3

Turkey Point Response Plan

Miami-Dade County, Florida

9-5 Revision 3

Page 2: Enclosure 3: Turkey Point COLA, Turkey Point Response Plan, … · 2012. 7. 19. · MIAMr4. EMRGENCY MAAN Turkey Point Response Plan INTRODUCTION The Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant

Miami-Dade Department ofEmergency Management9300 NW 41 s' StreetMiami, FL 33178-2414(305) 468-5400www.miamidade.gov/oem

Miami-Dade County, FloridaEmergency Operations Center


Turkey Point Response Plan


November 12, 2010

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0 rTurkey Point Response Plan

INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1S c o p e .......................................................................................................... ............... 1How to use this plan .................................................................................................. 1Authority and References ......................................................................................... 1Distribution .......................................................................................................... 3

PROCEDURES SECTION .......................................................................................... 3General Inform ation .............................................................................................. 3Emergency Classifications ....................................................................................... 4Com m and and Control ........................................................................................ 4Preparation ........................................................................................................ 9R e s p o n s e ................................................................................................................. 1 2

Deployment of Response Forces ...................................................................... 12Alert and Notification of the Public .................................................................... 12Public Information (ESF-14) ............................................................................. 14Protective Actions ............................................................................................. 15Evacuation ........................................................................................................ 16In-Place Sheltering ............................................................................................. 17S a m p lin g ................................................................................................................ 1 7Responder Safety ............................................................................................. 18Emergency W orker Equipment ........................................................................ 19Potassium Iodide ................................................................................................ 20Emergency Services ........................................................................................ 20Special Considerations ...................................................................................... 22Special Needs (ESF-18) ................................................................................... 23Public Schools .................................................................................................. 23Private Schools and Licensed Day Care Facilities ............................................. 23Residential Healthcare Facilities ........................................................................ 23Detention Centers ............................................................................................. 24Public Parks ...................................................................................................... 24Coastal W aters .................................................................................................. 24S ta d iu m s ................................................................................................................ 2 4Homestead Air Reserve Base ........................................................................... 25Agriculture ......................................................................................................... 25

State and Federal Assistance ........................................................................... 25R e c o v e ry .................................................................................................................. 2 7

Plume Footprint .................................................................................................. 27Public Protective Action Adjustment .................................................................. 27Advisory Team on Environment, Food & Health ............................................... 28Medical Support for Radiological Emergencies .................................................. 28Security of Hazard Areas ................................................................................. 29Equipment and Supplies .................................................................................... 29

APPENDIX .................................................................................................................... 30Appendix 1: EOC table of organization ............................................................. 31

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Appendix 2: Responsibility Matrix .................................................................... 32Appendix 3: Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) .................................................. 33Appendix 4: Supporting SO Ps ........................................................................... 34Appendix 5: Crosswalk to NUREG Criteria ...................................................... 35

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The Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant is operated by the Florida Power and Light (FPL)Company. It is located on the shore of Bi scayne Bay, approximately 25 miles south ofthe City of Miami, and seven (7) miles north of the Monroe and Miami-Dade County line.Units three (3) and four (4) are twin 760 Megawatt electric nuclear power plants utilizingWestinghouse pressurized water reactors.

In the event of an emergency at the Plant, a ri sk to the public exists from exposure toradiation that could be released. Expos ures may be received from a plume ofradioactive gases as they pass overhead, or from contamination depos ited on theground as a result of fallout from the plume.

Emergencies at the Plant can ra nge from minor incidents, which would have little or noimpact on the County, to major accidents resulting in the r elease of radioactiveelements and contaminants into the at mosphere and surrounding e nvironment.Modeling data and past experience suggest that even a majo r accident at an Americannuclear power plant would not cause the leve Is of expos ure that resulted from theChernobyl accident in the former Soviet Union.

The Director of the Department of Emergency Management or his designe e isresponsible for the coordi nation, development and maintenance of radiologic alemergency response planning and the c oordination of plans with other responseorganizations.

The Director or his designee is responsible for coordination of emergency operations atthe local level and k eeping local government official s and emergency response unitsappraised of the status of the operation. Approved cha nges to the plan shall beforwarded to organizations with responsibility for implementation of the plan.

ScopeThis document describes the county-wide re sponse to a Turkey Point Nuclear PowerPlant emergency.

How to use this planThis plan is to be used as a general gui de for tasked and affected agenc ies. Missionassignments and resource requests may incl ude functions and resources not identifiedwhen this plan was written.

Authority and ReferencesFederal• Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex, 2008 National Response Framework.

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" Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEM A) - Executive Order 12148 outlinesFEMA as lead in State, tribal and local emergency planni ng and prepar ednessactivities with respect to nuclear power facilities.

* Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) - NRC Authorization Acts for 1980 [PublicLaw (PL) 96-295] and 1982-1983 (PL 97-415) links off-site emergency preparednessand facility licensing. The acts prohibit the NRC from issuing an operating licensefor a power plant until it determines that plans ar e in place whic h provide forreasonable assurance to public health and safety.

* Executive Order of the President, Number 12241, transfers responsibility for reviewand concurrence of State plan s from the NRC to FEMA, establis hes planningcriteria, assistance priorities, off-site and funding responsibilities.

" NUREG-0654, FEMA-REP-1, Re v.1, Criteria for Prepar ation and Evaluation ofRadiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of NuclearPower Plants.

* Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR 50).

" Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, Public Law 83-703.

" Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations (44 CFR 350).

State• Florida State Statute Chapter 252, Division of Emergency Management.

" State of Florida Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan-Annex A, State ofFlorida Radiological Emergency Management Plan.

" Florida Radiological Protection Act, Florida Nuclear Code and Southern IndustrialNuclear Compact Law, as amended (Chapter 404, Florida Statutes).

* Governor's Executive Order 80-29, April 14, 1980.

* Southern Mutual Radiological Assistance Plan (S MRAP), Southern St atesEmergency Response Council.

* State of Florida Bureau of Radiation Control Department of Health - RadiologicalEmergencies, Standard Operating Procedures.

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Local* Miami-Dade County Code Chapter 8B, establishes the duties of the Miami- Dade

County Department of Em ergency Management (DEM) to provide for theeffective direction, control, and coordi nation of Miami-Dade County government,disaster management services, personnel, and to provide collaboration with othergovernments and the private sector in compliance with the Miami- DadeComprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP).

* Miami-Dade Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, Department ofEmergency Management (DEM).

DistributionHard copies of this plan can be distributed to any local, state, and federal responseagency; electronic versions of this plan shall only be provided in PDF formats.


General Information

Emergency Planning Zones (EPZ)To facilitate a preplanned strategy for protective actions during an emergency, there aretwo emergency planning z ones (EPZs) around each nuclear power plant. Two zone shave been identified: the Plum e Exposure Pathway and the Ingestion ExposurePathway. These z ones extend ten (10) and fifty (50) miles around the plantrespectively.

Plume Exposure PathwayThe plume exposure pathway has a radius of approximately 10 miles from the TurkeyPoint Nuclear Power Plant. The 10-mile plume exposure pathway is sub-divided into 10geographically identifiable areas. Areas one (1) through nine (9) are located withinMiami-Dade County. Area 10 encompasses Ocean Reef, a private community in upperKey Largo in Monroe County. Pr otective actions for the plume expos ure pathway aredesigned to avoid or reduce the dose from potential exposure of radioactive materialsand may include sheltering, evacuation, and the use of potassium iodide whereappropriate. Factors such as wind s peed, direction, and projected doses shalldetermine the area(s) that could require protective actions.

While the main focus of emergency planni ng concerns mainland Miami-Dade County,coastal bay areas and barrier islands may al so be affected. These include Biscayne

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Bay, Biscayne National Park, and a portion of John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park(See Appendix 3, EPZ Map).

Ingestion Exposure PathwayThe ingestion exposure pathway EPZ has a radius of 50 miles from the Turkey PointNuclear Power Plant. Protective action for the ingestion exposure pathway aredesigned to avoid or reduce dose from potential ingestion of radioactive materialsdeposited in water and food sources, including milk, fresh vegetables and other crops,tropical and fresh water fish, and seafood. These actions may include but are not limitedto a ban of contaminated food and water.

Emergency ClassificationsFour (4) classes of emergencies have been established to define emergency conditionsat nuclear plants. The four emergency classifications are listed below in order ofincreasing severity.

1. Unusual Event - Under this cat egory, events are in process or have occurredwhich indicate potential degradation in the level of safety of the plant. No releaseof radioactive material requiring offsite response or monitoring is expected unlessfurther degradation occurs.

2. Alert - If an alert is declared, event s are in process or have occurred whichinvolve an actual or potentia I substantial degradation in the level of safety of theplant. Any releases of radioactive materi al from the plant are expected to belimited to a small fraction of the En vironmental Protection Agency (EPA)protective action guides (PAGs)

3. Site Area Emergency - A site area em ergency involves events in proces s orwhich have occurred that result in actual or likely major failures of plant functionsneeded for protection of the public. Any releas es of radioactive material are notexpected to exceed the EPA PAGs except near the site boundary.

4. General Emergency - A general emer gency involves actual or imminentsubstantial core damage or melting of reac tor fuel with the potential for los s ofcontainment integrity. Radioactive re leases during a general emergency canreasonably be expected to exceed the EPA PAGs for more than the immediatesite area.

Command and ControlIn accordance with Chapter 8B of Miami- Dade County Ordinance, the Department ofEmergency Management shall provide for t he effective direction, control andcoordination of Miami-D ade County government disaster management services,

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functional units, and personnel, and provide co Ilaboration with other governments andthe private sector, in compliance wit h the Miami-Dade County Comprehens iveEmergency Management Plan. T o carry out its responsibilities under the Radiologic alEmergency Preparedness Plan (REP), Miami- Dade County may activate and operateseveral facilities to manage response a nd recovery activities associated with a nemergency at the Turkey Point Nuclear Po wer Plant. Direction and control functionsshall be managed from the EOC utilizing the Incident Command System (ICS) and shallfall under the purview of the County Mayor or his designee in accordance with NationalIncident Management System (NIMS) and the Miami-Dade Comprehensive EmergencyManagement Plan (CEMP).

Emergency Operations Cent er (EOC) - Local, s tate, and f ederal agencies wit hradiologicalspon sibilities send representation t 0 the EO Clocated at o coordinate loca I operations with each other. TheMiami-Da men o m ergency Management (DEM) is the lead agency forfacilitating response and recovery operations for a radiological emergency at the TurkeyPoint Nuclear Plant. The EO C shall be activated for a Site Area Emer gency or aGeneral Emergency but the Director of DEM or his designee may activate the EOC forother emergency classes if desired.

Evacuation Command Post (ECP) - The ECP is set up by Miami- agencies withassignments within the 10-mile EPZ. The EC P shall be located a t

This si es son eedge of the 10-mile EPZ and is not expected to reac h radiation expos ures aboveEnvironmental Protective Agency Protective Action Guidelines. A Chief Fire Office rfrom Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Department shall coordinate with leaders from the othertasked agencies to set up and operate the ECP. The ECP shall be activated for a SiteArea Emergency or a General Emergency but the Director of DEM or his designee mayactivate the ECP for other emergency clas ses if desired. Functions that occur at theECP include but are not limited to:

1. Distribution of radiological protection equipment2. Monitoring and decontamination of em ergency workers exiting the 10-mile

EPZ3. Staging personnel and equipment assigned missions within the 10-mile EPZ4. Assignment of evacuation routes to Miami-Dade Transit Operators5. Assignment of traffic control points to Miami-Dade Police Officers

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r (ERC) - The ERC shall be located at

from Miami-Dade FireRescue Department shallcoordinate with leaders fromthe other tasked agencies toset up and operate the ERC.The ERC shall be activatedfor a Site Area Emergency ora General Emergency butthe Director of DEM or hisdesignee may activate theERC for other emergencyclasses if desired. Functionsthat occur at the ERC includebut are not limited to:

1. Monitoring anddecontamination ofthe evacuating public

2. Hosting registration ofthe evacuating public

3. Provision of temporarysheltering facilities

4. Distribution ofPotassium Iodide (KI)when necessary

5. Provision of otheremergency servicesas necessary

Marine Reception Center(MRC) - The MRC s hall belocated atm

.ESF , -Function. eadAgencyESE#. .. Transoortation:. .Miami-Dade

IT.";ransitESF# :2 C)ommuiIcations Miarmi-Dade •ETSD

.-ESF ..#".3. infrastructure . :Mam-adeD•EM-ESF#.4 Fire-Fighting • MiamiDade6 Fire

Rtescue...ES.F-#.5 :Planning . .'Miami-Dade DEMiESF*.6•:.& .; M ass ý,Care Amefican,,-Re d-,

ýESF, 7 Resource . Miami-Dade '-Dept.SUP-.•.; s Unt of -,.. P-ocu'PrOcurement.

ESF # 8.-Health.&: MiaiDd- Medical ,Heatth Dept.

ESF.# 9 -Search-&,. ,Miami:.Dade .FireRescue P.Rece •-USAR

.•ES:F-..4.* • 40! 2H.azardous : D:. i...•:; •ERM ..:. .,,-:.:-...:.

E-S`F.# 11.-Food'& Water M:heSalvation.....-Afrmy......

E.;ESF-•#4 42 .Energy F.o rida :Power&

ESF.#13. Militar{Suppoyrt Florida l National

ESF.# -_14 Public .i:mi-Dade. .....In formation Commbunications..:,

.ESF#.,15 .:Volunteers. .& Uited .Way:"Dona-tions

.ESF-#4:6 Law. Miami-Dade PoliceEnforcement '-D.ept.

,ESF# 17 Animal.. :,,Miami-Dade Police._.... . •.:Protection Dept.

ESE#. 18. Business and i;,Miami-Dade'Industry . Infrastructurei nis site is

in intrim ctrn

for boaters evacuating thebay and offshore areas around t he Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant. Marinerswho cannot return to marinas in the 10 -mile EPZ shall be di rected to MathesonHammock Marina. A Chief Fire Offi cer from Miami-Dade Fire RescueDepartment shall coordinate with leaders from the oth er tasked agencies t o set

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up and operate the MRC. The MRC shall be activated for a Site AreaEmergency or a General Emergency but t he Director of DEM or his designeemay activate the EOC for other emergency classes if desired. Functions thatoccur at the MRC include but are not limited to:

1. Vessel anchorage2. Personnel monitoring and decontamination3. Transportation to the ERC

Air Command Post (ACP) - The ACP may be established at Opa-Locka Airport.The ACP is activated to coordinate the mi ssion of the various air resources thatwould be used to support response and recovery operations to an emergency atthe Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant. The ACP shall be activated whennecessary to coordinate air operations within or near the 10-mile EPZ. Ifnecessary, Miami-Dade Police Aviation can request air restrictions. Airrestrictions (e.g., 5nm and 18K feet) may be requested as need ed to facilitatesafe air operations. Organizations that ope rate rotary wing aircraft that could betasked to support response or recovery operations in Miami-Dade include but arenot limited to:

1. Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Department2. Miami-Dade Police Department3. Miami-Dade Public Works Department4. US Immigration & Customs Inspections5. US Coast Guard6. City of Miami Police Department

Several aircraft are used to support Federal Radiological Monitoring andAssessment Center (FRMAC) operations and can use the above referenced sitesas bases of operation in coordinatio n with Miami-Dade Police DepartmentAviation Unit.

Incident Command Post (ICP) - Hostile actions targeting the Plant may resultin the establishment of an ICP near the facility. Response age ncies establishingthe ICP shall estab lish contact with othe r response facilities at the earliestopportunity possible. The on-site in cident commander shall as sign commandstaff to coordinate county wide actions and public information.

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EOC / ICP / EOF / ENC Interface Lead Public Information Officer (PIO):maintains routine information exchange

and public information coordinationbetween the PlOs at the ICP, EOC, and

the Emergency News Center (ENC)


Liaison P1o

Liaison: maintains routineinformation exchange and

strategy coordination betweenthe Incident Command

Post(ICP) and the EmergencyOperations Center (EOC)

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Florida Power and Light also maintains facilities for emergency response and recove ryfrom emergencies at the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant.

Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) - Florida Power and Light is responsiblefor the maintenance and operation of the EOF and the provision of information onPlant status and protective action recomm endations to local, state, and federaldecision makers. The EOF, "sstaffed and equipped to evaluate and coor dinate FPL activities related to anemergency at the Plant and to provi de real-time and proj ected emergencyconditions. The EO F shall be activated at the direction of the FPL Rec overyManager for a Site Area Emergency or a General Emergency but may activatefor other emergency classes if desired. Miami-Dade County is represented at theEOF by the Miami-Dade Incident Co mmander and suppor t staff such asexecutive staff and Public Information Officers (PIO).

Emergency News Center (ENC) - FPL maintains and operates the ENC, co-located with the EOF, as a central point of contact for all news media. PubicInformation Officers (PIO) from local, state, and federal agencies assemble at theENC to c oordinate public informati on related to emergency response andrecovery activities as sociated with an emergency at the Turkey Point NuclearPlant.

The Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) is the lead agency for Stateresponse and their response role is out lined in the Radi ological EmergencyManagement Plan. FDEM coordinates State agency response to emergency situationsat the Plant. The State Emergency Response Team (SERT) Chief is the designatedDeputy State Coordinating Officer and shall coordinate and direct all State supportassets in the area. The State Coordinating Officer retains overall control of the State'sresponse to the event.


Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) TrainingRadiological response training is a ma jor component of the DEM REP Pr ogram. Thetraining plan is designed to ensure that first responders and support personnel arefamiliar with their roles and responsib ilities in a Turkey Point emergency. The DEM isresponsible for ensuring that appropriate county emergency response per sonnel areadequately trained in accordance with the tr aining levels and standards outlined inChapter 15 of the Florida Radiological Emergency Management Plan.

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Updates of PlansThe Turkey Point Response Plan is reviewed and updated annually.

Turkey Point SirenThe Turkey Point warning sirens located throughout the 10-mile EPZ are tested on thefirst Friday of every quarter: March - June - September - December.

Exercises and DrillsExercises and drill s hall be conducted in accordance with the guidance contained inchapter 14 of the State Radiological Emergency Management Plan.

Public Education and InformationTo inform the population of t he 10-mile EPZ, about the Turkey Point Nuclear Plant andemergency planning measures, FPL and the DEM update and mail a "Safety Planningfor Neighbors of FPL's Turkey Point Nuclea r Plant" booklet annually. Additionally, DEMprovides public schools in the 10-mile EPZ with a flyer that summarizes the schoo Isystem's emergency procedures for emergencies at the Plant.

Emergency Facilities and Equipment/Sufficient StaffingOperational checks are per formed on r adiological response equipment during t hecalendar year as required in accordance with NUREG-0654 and/or Miami-Dade Countyprocedures.

Letter of CertificationEach year by December the DEM submits to the State of Florida Division of EmergencyManagement documentation det ailing its comp letion of required objectiv es towardcertification. These objectives include providing public information, conducting drill andexercises, training emer gency responders, maintainin g radiological responseequipment, updating plans and procedures, and conducting alert and notification systemtesting.

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Emergency Communications TestinqTesting of communication systems shall be c onducted on a regula rly scheduled basisas shown below.

System Daily Weekly MonthlyHot Ring Down XCommercial Telephone XESATCOM XNAWAS XMiami-Dade Police Radio System XMiami-Dade Fire Radio System XCellular Telephone XFacsimile XEOC Radio System X

Alert and notificationAll classifiable emergencies at Turkey Point (PTN) require alert and notification of Stateand local authorities by FPL. T he Florida Nuclear Plant Emergency Notification Formestablishes the content of notific ation messages. Within 15 minutes of categorizing aPlant emergency into one (1) of the four (4) recognized emergency class ifications,Turkey Point's Emergency C oordinator or designee shall notify the State Watch Office(SWO) in Tallahassee. The SWO is responsible for receiving notific ation of anemergency, verifying informationcontained in the notification message, andalerting local Offices of Emergency ottantel eI er NumbersManagement (OEMs) or designated PublicSafety Answering Points (PSAPs) andfederal emergency response agencies. Inturn, affected OEMs or PSAPs shall n otifylocal response organizations. Ifappropriate, emergency responsepersonnel shall be called to duty using thealert and notification call-down system ofthe corresponding agency. (Refer to SOPIII B 1, Alert & Notification).

In the event of hostile action incidents, TheTurkey Point Emergency Coordinator shall notify local law enforcement (e.g., MDPD) inaccordance with internal security procedures.

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In the event the county becom es aware of in formation or intelligence that indicates orsuggests a possible hostile action against t he Turkey Point Nuclear Plant, the Turke yPoint Duty Call Su pervisor, Security Director, or Control Room s hall be notified. If lawenforcement responds to a hostile action event that has the potential t o impact anuclear power plant, they shall ensure that both the Plant an d the Department ofEmergency Management are notified.

Depending on the nature and s ensitivity of the informati on, specific communicationpaths and protocols may be used.

CommunicationsReliable communications between the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant and off-sitegovernment agencies is essential. Ther e are three (3) separate communication•systems that ma -,-, used.


Deployment of Response ForcesMiami-Dade response resources may be deploy ed as early as the declaration of anAlert. Due to the size of the required resp onse, a field deployment may require morepersonnel than County Departments generally hav e on-duty. At the direction of the IC,County Departments shall recall or reassign those resources necessary to accomplishthe Department's emergency res ponsibilities as contained in this plan and applicableSOPs. In order to expe dite or facilitate the County's response to a Plant emergency,the County Mayor may declare a Local Stat e of Emergency at the dec laration of anAlert. Personnel and equipment costs for in cidents that do not receive a disasterdeclaration shall be forwarded to Florida Power and Light and/ or American NuclearInsurers for reimbursement. Additionally, for incidents in which a disaster declaration isreceived, costs would be doc umented and s ubmitted to the Federal Emergen cyManagement Agency (FEMA) for reimbursement. Personnel and equipment costs mustbe documented in acc ordance with Miami-D ade County procedures and forwarded toDEM for compilation and submission to FPL.

Alert and Notification of the PublicThe 10-mile EPZ contains an extensive warning siren system. The system is comprisedof 45 pole -mounted sirens and 1 indoor mini -siren capable of deliverin g a "wailing"sound within its ¾/ mile coverage area. The sirens can be activated and controlled from

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the Miami-Dade Emergency Oper ations Center or from the Miami-Dade Fire AlarmOffice.

The purpose of the sirens is to alert resi dents that an emergency exists at the Plant.Residents must tune to a loca I television or radio stat ion for emergency information.Emergency information shall not be disseminated over the siren system.

In the event one or more warning siren fails to function, police v ehicles shall conductroute alerting in the area of the failing siren. A map depicting each siren's coveragearea is filed in a binder titled "Turkey Poin t Individual Siren Maps" and displayed in theEmergency Operations Center. Copies of the map binders reside with the RadiologicalEmergency Preparedness Coordinator (REP), the Planning Section Chief, and MDPDShift Commander.

Activation of the siren system shall occ ur in a timely manner (preferably within 15minutes) of the decis ion to im plement public protective ac tions. If one (1) or morewarning siren fails to function, the Public Safety Branch Dir ector shall coordinat eactivation of the Route Alert System with ESF- 16. (Refer to SOP III -B-2, Route Alertingfor PTN).

NOAA Weather Radio - EAS ( NWR-EAS) receivers are located in key oc ations, suchas hospitals, schools, government office s and nursing homes th roughout the 10-mileEPZ. The system is activated by request fr om the M-D EOC to t he National WeatherService (see SOP 11-9, Emergency Alert System Activation).

Highway Advisory Radios can be used to alert and notify motorists that an emergenc yexists at the Plant. T he radio signal is limited to a distance of less than ten (10) milesand relies on repetitiv e recorded messages wh ich listeners can tune-in on their carradios. Pre-recorded messages shall direct motorists to tune to a lo cal radio station foremergency information. Two s ystems exist within the 10-mile EPZ. T he FloridaTurnpike Authority operates one and the Department of Transportation operates theother.

Boaters in the waters withi n the 10-mile EPZ shall be notifie d of emergencies byloudspeakers from boats and aircraft operat ed by the following ESF-16 sup portagencies:" Biscayne National Park" Miami-Dade Police Marine Patrol" United States Coast Guard" Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission

Boaters would be advised to tune to a designated VHF channel (e.g. , 23A) foremergency information.

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Public Information (ESF-14)Two (2) types of public information are addr essed in this plan: emergency informationand general information.

Both emergency information and general information shall be available to the public viathe County's 311 system and th e DEM website www.miamidade.gov/oem. The (GIC)Miami-Dade 311 is a county call center whic h is capable of ans wering public requestsfor information. GIC performs two major functions: first, they disseminate and explaingeneral information and emergency information to callers; secondly, they monitor trendsin information requests and public concerns that can be evaluated and incorporated intopress releases to dispel rumors, expand upon previous information releases, or modifyoperational response requirements.

EMERGENCY INFORMATION is released from the EOC v ia ESF-14 and isintended to inform the pub lic about protective acti ons that are to beimplemented. Emergency information shall take the form of EmergencyAlert System (EAS) messages. Copies of EAS Messages are on file atthe DEM REP Coordinator's desk in a binder entitled Turkey Point EAS.

Emergency information is time sensitive. Once it becomes evident thatpublic protective action is needed, ESF-14 shall transmit copies ofapplicable EAS mess ages to the Nati onal Weather Service an d themedia in a timely manner (preferably within 15 minutes) of the decisionon what protective action is most appropriate. Once initial protectivemeasures have be en implemented, all su bsequent EAS mess agesshall contain a protective action component. In other words, if an EASmessage instructs the public t o evacuate areas 2, 3, and 4, allsubsequent EAS messages s hall repeat the protective measure(evacuate areas 2, 3, and 4) until such time that the protective measureis no longer necessary or is s uperseded by another protective action.This will ensure that the public receiv es clear and consisten temergency information.

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GENERAL INFORMATION is released from the Emergency News Center(ENC) and is designed to describe the nature of the accident and theactions being undertaken to mitigate or correct the emergency. It mayinclude updated infor mation designed to dispel rumors, describe theextent of the emergency, or quell public concerns. It may also includeancillary information that suppor ts, expands, or clarifies the requiredprotective actions.

Agencies issuing press releases s hall coordinate their releas e withESF-14 in order to assure that the public receives a consistent,accurate message. An example of an inconsistent message would besomething like the EOC issuing a press releas e reassuring the publicthat the accident is not significant, while another agency is telling thepublic that facilities o r services within the area of concern are bein gclosed or curtailed due to the incident.

Media EducationMiami-Dade shall participate with the Florida Division of Emergency Management,Florida Power and Light, and Monroe Count y in a coordinated annual program toacquaint the news media with the radiological emergency plans and procedures for theTurkey Point Nuclear Plant.

Protective Actions* Accident Assessment

Control Room personnel at the Turkey Po int Nuclear Plant a re responsible forconducting a technical assessm ent of the PI ant's condition and for taking steps tocorrect or minimize the effe cts of the emergency. They shall communicate initialaccident assessment data and recommended pr otective action, if applic able, toCounty and State Offices of Emergency M anagement. As resources are deployedfor the incident, the Florida Bureau of Radiation Contro I (BRC), FPL, and federalagencies shall use m odeling data, plant conditions and field team information toconduct the technical assessment of the Plant's situation and make protective actionrecommendations to the Miami-Dade IC at the EOF.

* Protective Action Decision MakingProtective Action Guides have been dev eloped by the Bureau of Radiation Controland are consistent with federal guidelines. Department of Health personnel shall useEPA Protective Action Guide Manual 400-R-92-001 as a gu ide for recommendingprotective actions. Protective action options include:

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Turkey Point Response Plan

> Evacuation> In-place sheltering> Early dismissal of childcare facilities and other special facilities> Restricting access into affected areas> Preventing the consumption and distribution of food and water

The principal exposure source within t he plume includes whole body exposure togamma radiation from radioactive gas, and possibly radioactive particles. In-place-sheltering and/or evacuation, and controlled access would be the principal protectiveactions (Refer to SOP Ill-B-4, Protective Action Decisions).

FPL shall provide rec ommendations for protective actions to the DEM. The EOCcan choose to accept the proposed recommendations or implement more stringentprotective actions.

EvacuationTime permitting; the decision to implement recommendations s hall be made jointly atthe EOF by the Miami-Dade IC, the Chairperson of the Monroe County Board of CountyCommissioners, and the Governor, or any of their authorized representatives. Ininstances where State involv ement in in itial decision-making is not possible, thedecision to take protective actions for Mi ami-Dade County shall be made by the Miami-Dade County Mayor or the Miami-Dade IC. Ev acuation of one (1) or more evacuationareas is the preferred method of protecti ng the residents of the 10-mile EPZ fromradiation exposure. Evacuation decisions shall be implemented after consultationbetween the EOC and the Emer gency Operations Facilit y on the evacuationimplications (timing, traffic control, special needs, etc.).

Access control would be done by ESF-1 6 t hrough the use of roadblocks and barricadesat strategic points in the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zo ne (Refer to SOP III-B-16,Miami-Dade Police Department Proce dures, SOP Ill-B-9, City of HomesteadProcedures, SOP III-B-25, City of Florida City Procedures, CEMP Volume 2, Evacuation& Re-entry Annex). Residents and transi ents would be dir ected away from therestricted areas. Access control will primarily be enacted in conjunction with evacuationsor pending evacuations, but may become nec essary for other reasons. Evacuatedareas shall remain inaccessible to the gener al public until suc h time that samplingproves that it is safe to return into the area.

Evacuees shall not be stopped along evacuati on routes to check for contaminationbecause massive traffic congestion would prec lude the prompt and safe evacuation ofthe area. Evacuees will be encouraged to go to the Tamiami Park ERC for monitoringand decontamination. Traffi c will be monitored by law enforcement agencies andimpediments to evacuations (e.g., stalled vehicles) shall be res olved (e.g., removedfrom roadways) or communicated to the EOC for resolution.

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Emergency evacuation bus pic k-up points have been established in key area sthroughout the EPZ. MDT has t he primary responsibility for evacuation of the generalpublic who may require transportation assistance.

In-Place ShelteringIn-place-sheltering protects individuals fr om becoming contaminated with radioactiv ematerial released as a result of an accident at the Plant. Individuals will be instructed toseek shelter inside buildings or homes, clos e all doors, windows or other externalopenings in the structure, and remain inside until otherwise instructed by the authorities.In most instances, air conditioning shut-o ff would not be necessary. EAS messagesand press releases shall contain specific guidance on appropriate protective measures.In-place-sheltering would typically be done for areas that are not directly downwind fromthe Plant but may be considered a primary protective action strategy when it is safer forthe public not to evacuate. This could be the case in the following scenarios:

" a rapidly developing accident" when there are impediments to evacuation" When there is a brief release above PAG exposure levels.

SamplingMonitoring and sampling teams from FPL, FD OH BRC, and FRMAC (if requested) shalltake samples from exposed agriculture and wa ter sites. Maps for recording survey andmonitoring data, key land use data, dairies, food processing plants, water sheds, watersupply intake and treatment plants and reserv oirs shall be maintained by the FloridaDivision of Emergency Management (FDEM).

Procedures can be instituted to protect food items and livestock. These include, but arenot limited to:

* Removal of cows or other livestock fr om pastures and plac ing them on storedfeed

* Quarantine of potentially contaminated milk* Cut-off of contaminated water supplies• Washing of all harvested produce

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Additional guidance from t he FDOH BRC and the Florida Department of Agricultureshould be obtained pr ior to the i mplementation of the above measures to assure theiradequacy under the existing conditions.

Responder SafetyResponders going into the radiation hazardarea shall be issued appropriate protectivegear (Refer to SOP III-B -11, Distribution ofRadiological Equipment).This includes the following:

* CD V-742 High range dosimeter* CD V-1 38\1 39 Low range dosimeter" Thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD)* Incident Radiation Expos ure Record

card (one card for every dosimeterissued)

* Potassium Iodide (KI) Instruction card" Potassium Iodide (KI) dose

Responders going into radiation hazard areasand/or personnel conducting specific functionssuch as monitoring and decontamination arerequired to wear a leve I of protection thatamply allows for safe operations, consistentwith MDFR HAZMAT Bureau's policies andprocedure.

First responders hav e strict exposure limitsthat shall be c losely observed. Eachorganization shall ass ign a safety officer whoshall be responsible f or monitoring responderexposure limits and adjusting assignments asnecessary to keep individual exposures wit hinthe authorized expos ure limit. (Refer to SOPIII-B-19, Radiation Pr otection Strategies).Departmental safety officer(s) shall monit orcompliance with radiation protectionstrategies, radiation area stay times, anddevelop strategies to minimize radiationexposure levels.

Miami-DadeExposure Limits

For Emergency Responders0 100 mR ( Callback Value) is the

initial exposure limit. Authorizationfrom the functional command (e.g.,Law Enforcement, Fire Resc ue,MDT, etc.) must be given to exc eedthis exposure limit.

* 500 mR (Turnback Value) is thevalue where first responders aredirected to turn back. Authorizationfrom the County IC must be given toexceed this exposure limit. Theindividual exposed is directed to callback to the section supervisor uponapproximating this value.

EPA Emergency ResponderExposure Limit

* 5 REM for all "routine" emergencyactivities

* 10 REM for protecting valu ableproperty (when a lower dose is notpracticable)

Miami-DadeExposure Limits

For Emergency Responders• 25 REM for life saving activities or

protection of large populat ions(where a lower dose is notpracticable)

* >25 REM for life-saving activities orprotection of large populat ionswhen an emergency workervolunteers for the mission and isfully aware of the risks involved

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The IC or designee is author ized to increase emergency respon der exposure limits inexcess of 500 mR after consultation with the D epartment of Health Operations Officer.Approved doses shall be limite d to levels specified in Tab le 2-1 of Florid a Bureau ofRadiation Control SOP 2.

Whole body exposure limits for emergency wo rkers shall not exceed 25 REM projecteddose unless it is on a voluntar y basis and the worker is aw are of the risks involved.While working in a radiation area, personnel shall monitor their dosimeter every 30minutes and record their exposure.

First responders entering the radiation hazard area shall be monito red and, ifnecessary, decontaminated upon completion of their mission.

Emergency Worker EquipmentContaminated tools and equipme nt shall be thoroughly washed to remove radiologicalcontamination. If equipment is determined to still be contaminated after a thoroughcleaning, it shall be clearly marked as "R adioactive Material" and disposed of asradioactive waste by the BRC. Equipment that is determined to be twice background orgreater shall be considered contaminated.

Water used for decontamination shall be redi rected into collection ditch es, holdingponds, or other secure areas whenev er possible. The area shall be monitored forresidual contamination after the event has been terminated. If contamination is found,the area will remain sealed off under the control of the Department of Health.

The following are general recommended g uidelines for controllin g or limitingcontaminated water runoff:

Trenches can be dug to direct the flow of water away from emergency work ers andvictims. Simple dikes can be built to contain the runoff. Plastic barriers can be usedto prevent water from seeping into the earth. Contaminants will naturally be filteredout by the layers of earth and are expect ed to remain near the surface. Wherepracticable, runoff shall be kept from enteri ng closed bodies of water such as lakesand ponds. Closed water sources suspected of having become contaminated shallbe sampled for residual radiation levels and processed as necessary to bring itwithin acceptable EPA limits. Drainage systems such as storm drains are muchmore difficult to control for runoff. Howeve r, contaminants are expected to dilute tothe point where residu al radiation will be with in the acceptable limits as set forth bythe EPA.

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Potassium IodidePotassium iodine (KI) may be us ed to saturate the thyroidgland with stable iodine. This saturation with non-radioactive (stable) iodine s erves to limit the uptake ofradioactive iodine to the thyroid. The medication providesprotection solely to the th yroid from one subst ance,radioactive iodine. It is not protective against radiation and will not limit the radiationexposure to other body organs. It offers no protection against exposure of the body,including the thyroid, to radiation originating outside the body.

KI may be issued to emergency workers a nd those who are deemed difficult to movewhen authorized by the Miami-Dade IC upon the recommendation of the BRC andCounty Health Officials. If t he decision is made to administer KI, the drug should begiven before, or as soon as possible afte r, an incident resulting in a r elease ofradioactive iodine with a projected dose to the thyroid gland greater than 5 REM.

Decisions to administer KI to the general public is made by the State Health Officer andis detailed in Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control. (Refer to SOP20, Potassium Iodide for the Public).

KI shall be administered by the County He alth Department to evacuees in accordanc ewith established protocols at the Emergency Reception Cent er. (Refer to Miami-DadeCounty Health Department - Protocol for Po tassium Iodide Distribution to AffectedPopulation).

Emer-gency ServicesThe ERC is designed to provide health and safety assistance to the evacuating public.

The MDFR in support of ESF-8 (Health and Medical) shall set up monitoring anddecontamination stations. Evacuees w ho are contaminated shall under go grossdecontamination. Contaminated clothing shall be placed in suitable containers forlater disposition under the direction of the County Health Department and the FloridaBRC. Radiation readings above twice background shall be considered grounds fordecontamination. Refer to the following SOPs:

* SOP Ill-B-5, Use and Care of Dosimetry* SOP Ill-B-6, Use of Radiological Survey Instruments• SOP Ill-B-7, Preliminary Radiological Survey Station* SOP III-B-15, Personnel Decontamination/Survey Station

* Every effort shall be made to register an d account for individual family membersreceiving emergency services s o that loved ones can be locat ed. The AmericanRed Cross (ARC) shall manage a Disaster Welfare Info rmation System designed toexpedite family reunification. The Miami-Dade County Corrections Department shall

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also maintain an evacuee regist ry that shall be used to assist the ARC in reunitingfamily members (Refer to SOP Ill-B-8, Co rrections Department). Information shallbe obtained from evacuees as t hey are processed through the E RC. Registrationconsists of obtaining name, address, telephone number an d destination ofevacuees. The data will be tabulated and copies shall be submitted to the CountyEOC. The ARC will use this information to assist them in reunification of familymembers. Due to the need t o maintain the radiological inte grity of the ERC,everyone going to this site after a rel ease shall be monitored, and if necessary,decontaminated. In order to avoid needless mon itoring and decontamination,physical reunifications shall be accomplished at a site separate from the ERC.

Stress Management Counseling and Critic al Incident Stress Debriefing s hall beavailable to evacuees and emergency work ers. The Human Services BranchDirector and the Mental Health T ask Force EOC representative shall facilitate andcoordinate counseling sessions.

FPL Risk Management and American Nuclear Insurers shall provide financia Iassistance for temporary living expenses incl uding shelter, food, clothing, etc. toresidents forced to evacuate for a Turkey Point emergency. Individuals seekingfinancial assistance shall have to demonstrate that they have been directly impactedby the emergency ac tions implemented. Initially, this can be done with a driver'slicense or other document reflecting that th e individual resided within the affectedarea. FPL Risk Management will not provide assistance to individuals who chooseto evacuate or take other actions beyond those directed by County authorities. RiskManagement and American Nuclear Insurers shall deploy personnel t o multiplelocations where affected persons can request assistance. The EOC shall establishcommunications with Risk Management and assist in the selection and coordinationof appropriate assistance sites.

Individuals requiring treatment for inju ries not radiological in nature shall betransported to hospitals in acc ordance with standard MDFR operating proc edures.Baptist and Mercy H ospitals in Miami-Da de County have the equipment and staffnecessary to decontaminate and treat persons who are injured and contaminatedwith radioactive material, if necessary.

Evacuees shall be directed to temporary evacuation centers staffed by the AmericanRed Cross (ARC) after receiving an initial screening and other necessary emergencyservices at the Emergency Rec eption Center. If it becomes necessary to provideshelter for an extended period of time, FPL, the Greater Miami Tourism and VisitorsBureau and the ARC shall dete rmine the feasibility of relocating evacuees to areahotels and motels.

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Coordinating the delivery of medical and health services to victims of radiologicalemergencies is the responsibility of the De partment of Health. Local Department ofHealth and other public health clinics shal I be utilized for general health care ofevacuees. Additional medical personnel shall be assigned to these facilities throughcoordination with the Florida Department of Health.

Management of Household PetsIt is expected that many households may pr esent at the Emergency Recept ion Centerwith their pets. Management of household pets will be facilitated by:* Pet registration procedures applicable to hurricane pet shelters shall also apply t o

Turkey Point emergency pet shelter situati ons. Pet owners residing in the 10-mileEPZ may all 3-1-1 to request an applic ation, or download Pet-Friendly HurricaneEvacuation Center Application. Submission of the Pet Friendly Hurricane EvacuationCenter Application Package does not guarantee acceptanc e into the shelter. Atentative acceptance letter will be sent upon receipt and verification of eligibility.

* Pets must be on a leash, in a crate, or otherwise controlled so as to prevent possibleharm to responders or others during necessary interactions (e.g., radiologica Imonitoring).

• Pet owners are expected to conduct decontami nation activities of their pets underthe supervision and direction of MDFR personnel.

" A separate section of the shelter area at Tamiami Pa rk will be used for residentspresenting with household pets.

" Residents will be responsible for the care and safe handling of pets at all times. A"Disaster Preparedness Animal Supplies Checklist" is available as a guide for petowners at http://www.miamidade.gov/animals/library/disaster tip sheet enaq.pdf.

* Pet owners are expec ted to advise responders of known aggres sive tendencies ofpets.

" Pets showing signs of aggressiveness shall be muzzled by the owner.• Miami-Dade Animal Services Department shall ass ign an animal control officer to

the public monitoring area and de contamination area of the ERC to take control ofanimals that pose a threat to responders or others.

Special ConsiderationsThere are several groups of people and/or facilities that require specialized attentionduring an emergency at the Plant. These gr oups include, but are not limited to peoplewith special needs, public and private schools, licensed day care centers, residentialhealthcare facilities, correctional facilities, and recreational facilities.

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Special Needs (ESF-18)There are a number of people with Special Needs inside t he 10-mile EPZ requiringassistance in evacuation. As mandated by State law, DE M maintains a list of peopleneeding evacuation assistance. Ambulanc es, buses, and wheelcha ir-equipped vansshall be dispatched to provide transportation to the ERC or other appropriate facility.

Public SchoolsThe public school enrollment within the 10 -mile EPZ is approximately 48,000. If anevacuation is ordered during school hours t he Miami-Dade County Public Schools shalldispatch school buses to pick up students a nd transport them to host schools outsidethe 10-mile EPZ. Families have been advised and press releases shall be issued toremind them not to pick up children from their school, but to reunite at host schools.

Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) may recall driver s and stage buses atdesignated schools in the 10-mile EPZ and evacuate schools threatened by potentialreleases in accordance with recommended protective ac tion decisions and MDCPSprocedures.

Private Schools and Licensed Day Care FacilitiesApproximately two-hundred (200) private schools and dayca re centers are locatedwithin the 10-mile EPZ. Students at private schools ar e typically transported to andfrom school by their parents, with a limi ted number being transported by privatetransportation providers or a single vehic le shared by one or more of the schools. Incase of an emergency at the Plant, the FI orida Department of Children and FamilyServices shall notify facilities wit hin the 10-mile EPZ so they can begin pr eparations.Facilities without response plans will follow the protective action guidance of the DEM.At the emergency classification of Site Area Emergency, these facilities may be advisedto conduct an early dismissal. Miami-Dade Corrections and Miami-Dade Transit mayprovide evacuation assistance for those facili ties in affected areas that require it.Children evacuated from private schools and day cares shall be taken to the emergencyreception center. It shall be t he school adm inistrator's responsibility to implementreunification measures for the children and their families.

Residential Healthcare FacilitiesResidential Health Care Facilities (hospi tals, nursing homes, adult liv ing facilities,intermediate care facilities, ambulatory surgical centers and adult day care) are requiredto have mutual aid agreements with a sirm ilar facility in the event they are required toevacuate. In case of an emergency at the Plant, Residential Healthcare Facilities withinthe 10-mile EPZ shall be notified by the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA)so they can begin preparations. Whenever possible, medical facilities shall be allowedto practice in-place s heltering to prevent unnecessary trauma to patients. In caseswhere the incident is severe or shall be extended over a long period of time, medical

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facilities shall be required to evacuate. If necessary, Miami-Dade Co unty TransitAuthority buses, as well as ambulances, can be dispatched to assist evacuation ofthese facilities.

Detention CentersThere are two (2) police stations with deten tion areas within the 10-mile EPZ. If anevacuation order is issued, Miami-Dade and Homestead Police Dep artments, with theassistance of the Miami-Dade Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, shall makearrangements to move anyone in custody to the Miami-Dade County Stockade (Trainingand Treatment Cente The two (2) police stations are:

o Homestead Police Departmento Miami-Dade Police Departmenmm

Public ParksThere are approximately 75 identified public parks within the 10-mile EPZ. BayfrontPark Marina and Convoy Point are in close proximity to the Plant. These facilities maybe closed as early as an Alert if circumstances warrant it. There are signs in each par kadvising visitors to turn on their radio or TV if they hear a warning siren. If park closuresbecome necessary, park officials or law enforce ment patrol units shall advise visitors toleave the park.

Coastal WatersThe MDPD is the lead agency for coordinating boater evacuation. The Coast Guard isresponsible for coordinating the implementation of any marine safety or security zonesnecessary in an emergency at the Plant. The United States Coast Guard (USCG),Florida Fish and Wildlife and Biscayne Park Services shall coordinate missions wit hMDPD. Coast Guard Sector Miami shal I broadcast emergency Alert messages onMarine VHC Radio Channels (e.g., 16, 23A) as necessary. Additionally, as available,helicopters with public address capability shall sweep the area and adv ise vessels toclear the area and/or monitor maritime sa fety broadcasts for further information.Evacuees in waters off Miami-Dade County s hall be directed to the MRC at MathesonHammock Marina. After an initial screening by MDFR, evacuees shall be transported tothe ERC. Due to the long lead-time requir ed for notification, evacuation and perimetersecurity, marine blockades may be initiat ed during the Aler t phase. Advisoriesregarding blockades shall be announced ov er VHF Chann els (e.g., 16, 23A) and/orNWR-EAS receivers.

StadiumsThe Homestead Motorsports Complex is located 5.5 miles from the Turkey PointNuclear Power Plant; within the Homestead City limits. The Complex has a capacity ofapproximately 80,000. Approx imately five (5) events annually attract sufficien tspectators so the Complex reac hes full capacity. Major race events at the Comple x

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usually occur over three (3) days (Friday through Sunday) with the final day having thelargest spectator turnout. Homestead Polic e Department has jurisdiction over theComplex, and is res ponsible for coordinating the ev acuation of t he Complex ifnecessary. Traffic control functions neces sary for the evacuation of the Complex shallbe coordinated from a mobile c ommand post established on-site by Homestead PoliceDepartment for large events. D ue to its proximity to the Plant, its physical layout, siteaccess, and other f actors, protective actions for this facility shall be limited toevacuation. In order to mitigate the impact that an evacuation of the Complex is likely tohave on a general evacuation of the 10- mile EPZ, the Complex may be directed t oevacuate prior to the general population. (Refer to SO P IllI-B-9, City of HomesteadProcedures and Homestead-Miami Speedway Event Emergency Management Plan).

Homestead Air Reserve BaseA small portion of the Homest ead Air Reserve Base (HARB) is within five (5) miles ofthe Plant. The base shall be included in a five (5) mile evacuation. Upon notification ofan evacuation order, the Commander of t he base shall releas e non-essential andcivilian personnel. An HARB Liaison at the EOC shall coordinate additiona I protectivemeasures and military mission requirements at the base.

AgricultureA sizeable portion of s outhern Miami-Dade County is used for agriculture.Consequently, a release from the Plant ma y have a significant im pact on the area an dthe population dependent upon ag riculture for its livelihood. The Miami-Dade CountyCooperative Extension and the Florida Department of Agriculture shall work closely withESF-8 (Health & Medical) to ensure prompt in formation and instructions are provided tothe agricultural community. The above nam ed agencies shall also be engaged in post-event damage assessment and loss assessment

State and Federal AssistanceAn emergency at the Plant ma y be of such significanc e that local resources may beinsufficient to manage the situation. If the County's IC determines that State or Federalresources are needed, a Ioc al State of Emergency may bedeclared and a formal request for State/federal as sistance Agency Regionmay be is sued. Requests for assistance shall be made FEMA IVthrough the FDEM or the St ate Emergency Response Team DOE III(SERT) who shall draft an Executive Order recommending that EPA IVthe Governor also declare a State of Emergency. NRC 1I

If the State Coordinating Officer (SCO) or the Governor concurs with the need forassistance as requested, s/he s hall activate or request assi stance from one or more ofthe following sources:0 State agencies

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FMMMCYMUGWNT Turkey Point Response Plan

* Other States with membership in the Southern Mutual Radiological Assistance Plan" Federal agencies

When an emergency occurs at the Turkey Po int Nuclear Power Plant that threatenspublic safety, the federal government shall activate the Federal Radiological Monitoringand Assistance Plan (FRMAP). When activat ed, the plan calls for several federalagencies to respond to the involved nuclear plant and be prepared to assis t State andlocal governments.

Activation of FRMAP shall occ ur when t he Department of Energy (DOE) has beennotified that a radiological emergency has occurred and that an authorized person hasrequested federal assistance. Authorized persons are the BRC Operations Officer, forradiological monitoring and laboratory assistance, and the State Coordinating Officer inthe State EOC.

The following personnel and equipment resour ces are available and shall be providedon request:" Radiological monitoring and environmental specialists with supporting equipment" Aerial radiological monitoring equipment" Fixed and mobile laboratory support" Remote handling equipment" Technical assistance in predicting the dispersion of radioactivity into the environment" Medical consultation on the t reatment of injuries complicated by radioactiv e

contamination" Technical support for emergency public information" Department of Energy, Savannah River 0 perations shall prov ide personnel a nd

equipment to ensure liais on, coordination and comm unications among FRMAPagencies and appropriate State/local officials at the scene.

ESF 7 (Resource Management) may support federal assistance through the acquisitionof necessary space and or other assets for the DOE.

Air operations shall be conduc ted from Opa-Locka Airpor t. The initial Air-SupportCommand Post (ASCP) shal I be at Miami-Dade Poli ce Department Helicopt erOperations. The ASCP shall have county, State and federal representatives co-located.

Once federal agencies arrive, a Joint Informa tion Center (JIC) shall relocate to theFederal Response Center or alternately to one of several local hotels or office buildings.There are a number of sufficient facilities in close proximity to the EOF.

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Plume FootprintOne of the first functions to be accomplished after a radiolog ical release is to replacemodel-based data used to project initial protective actions with actual monitoring results.The quickest and most efficient mechanis m for obtaining an es timate of the releas edeposition is through the use of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Aerial MeasuringSystem (AMS). AMS consists of fixed a nd rotary wing aircraft with radiologic almonitoring capability that can be deployed to conduct surveys of the affected area. AMSis only one component of the Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center(FRMAC) that is available through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The State or County shall request FRMAC by calling DHS as the lead federal agenc y(LFA) or by calling DOE directly. The County EOC shall work closely with the LFA/DOEto coordinate the logis tics of arriving f ederal support. A FRMAC Advance Party shallalso be deployed and shall meet with the LFA, State and County to establish the initialFRMAC monitoring and sampling plan.

The FRMAC shall gather radiological data to:• Make plume and deposition predictions• Determine air and ground concentrations• Determine deposition patterns of isotopic c oncentrations, exposure rates and dose

projections• Assess isotopic concentrations in environmental and foodstuff samples

Once deployment authorization from DHS is re ceived, AMS has a local arrival time ofapproximately eight (8) hours. Each aerial mission is expect ed to take from two (2) -three (3) hours and an additional one (1)- three (3) hours is needed to compile theresults for distribution. Assessm ent data and associated recommendations shall beforwarded to the State and County Emer gency Management organizations via theFRMAC or LFA. In an effort to maximiz e interagency cooperation, Miami-Dade shallrequest a FRMAC liaison be assigned to ESF-5 (Planning Section) in the EOC.

Public Protective Action AdjustmentInitial AMS flights will provide rapid, roug h, residual fallout patterns and intensity ofcontamination deposited after the passage of the plum e. Detailed radiological surveysshall be performed by both aerial and grounds based survey teams to measure andmap the extent of the depos ition, determine expos ure rates, and ident ify specificradionuclide and their intensities. Suffi cient information regarding the need foradditional protective action or reduction of any existing restrictions will become availableas a result of these more detailed surve ys. Areas shall b e opened for re-entry onlywhen clearly definable boundaries are available (e.g. highways, streets, canals, etc.).

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eM CMANAMT Turkey Point Response Plan

The M-D EOC, Florida BRC and FRMAC shall cooperativ ely prepare and maintainmaps identifying areas that have been and shall require screening.

The M-D EOC shall also maintain exposu re records for all Miami-Dade Countypersonnel involved in screening or sample collection activities.

Sampling priorities shall be based on actual conditions. The IC shall develop samplingpriorities in coordination with FDEM and the LFA. In general, sampling priorities are:

1. Determining a rough contamination footprint2. Non-evacuated areas where people are living that are near and/ or downwind of the

contamination footprint3. Evacuated critical facilities that are not in the contamination footprint4. Evacuated areas where people live that are not in the contamination footprint5. Drinking water and/or open-a ir water treatment facilities within o r near the affected

areas6. Farms and packing houses outside the contam ination footprint; perishability of the

crops shall help to prioritize the areas to be sampled first7. Dairies and food processing plants outside the contamination footprint8. Milk, livestock, and animal feed facilities outside the contamination footprint

Advisory Team on Environment, Food & HealthFederal protective action recommendations by the LFA shall be based on advice fromthe Advisory Team on Environment, Food and Health, and shall take into considerationUnited States Department of Agriculture, EPA and H ealth and Human Servicesguidance. The Advisory Team shall not release informati on or make recommendationsto the public unless authorized to do so by the LFA. Ultimately, the Advisory Team shallco-locate with the FRMAC.

Medical Support for Radiological EmergenciesTwo hospitals in Miami-Dade County ar e equipped and under contract with FPL toprovide medical care to people with radiological injuries or exposures, Baptist Hospitaland Mercy Hospital. In the event that addi tional medical support is needed, ResourceManagement (ESF-7) shall request activati on of the Radiation Emergency AssistanceCenter/Training Site (REAC/TS) and/or the Southern Mutual Radiological AssistancePlan. Requests for activation of these support mechanisms shall be made to the LFAfor REAC/TS and the FDEM for SMRAP.

REAC/TS maintains a radiological emer gency response team in Oak Ridge, TN,consisting of physicians, nurses, health physicists, coordinators, and necessary supportpersonnel that are on twenty-four (24) hour call to provide consultative or direct medicaland radiological assistance.

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EMEMGCY MAAGEMNT Turkey Point Response Plan

Security of Hazard AreasAny hot spots identified by survey teams shall be marked off and secured by local andState law enforcement personnel. The Fl orida Department of Agriculture andConsumer Services shall restrict the tran sportation of agricult ural products until theGovernor's Advisory Committee concurs that the area's products are safe.

As areas are opened for re-entry, roadblock s and other means for restricting access tothat area shall be relocated. ESF-16 agencies shall coordinate and assist the return ofevacuees into clear areas.

Equipment and SuppliesMiami-Dade County uses CDV-771-1 kits for radiological monitoring. DEM maintainsan inventory of radiological monitoring equipment. Emergency equipment and suppliesshall be distributed to field command post s for issuance to f ield personnel at thedirection of the Miami-Dade IC. (Refer to SOP III-B-1 1, Distribution of Radiologic alEquipment).

DEM inventories and inspects communic ations equipment quarter ly and radiologicalmonitoring equipment at least an nually, or after each exercise to ensure that they areoperational. Local operability c hecks are performed on all fiel d-assigned monitoringequipment regularly and after each use by Miami-Dade Fire Rescue.

The Bureau of Radiation Control, Radiolog ical Maintenance and Calibration Facilityshall exchange defective radiologic al monitoring instruments. Calibration of theinstruments is in accordance with intervals recommended by the supplier and/or Bureauof Radiation Control Calibration lab.

Supplementary dosimetry, survey meters, and TLD can be requested from the Bureauof Radiation Control, other host and risk counties, and t he NRC. Approximately 40portal monitors can also be requested fr om these same sources and from nuclearplants.

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EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Turkey Point Response Plan

Appendix 1: EOC table of organization

Table of Organization1/19/2007

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Responsibilities MatrixMayor or designee (DEM Director)Miami-Dade DEMFlorida Division of Emergency Mgmt.

Miami-Dade Police DepartmentMiami-Dade Fire Rescue Department

Homestead Police Department

Florida City Police DepartmentNational Park ServiceEnvironmental Resource Mgmt. Dept.

Miami-Dade Public WorksFL Bureau of Radiation Control

FDLE/Florida Highway PatrolMiami-Dade County Health Dept.

Miami-Dade Solid Waste Dept.American Red CrossU.S. Department of EnergyU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Federal Emergency Mgmt. AgencyFlorida Power & Light

Miami-Dade Corrections DepartmentMiami-Dade School Board

Miami-Dade TransitU.S. Department of AgricultureAmerican Nuclear Insurers

U.S. Coast Guard3-1-1










S Ss

s P P












S S S S P 5S










P = Primary S =Support

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wýrO- Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan

Appendix 3: Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ)

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MIAM.m Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan

Appendix 4: Supporting SOPs

Ill-B-1, Alert and NotificationIIl-B-2, Route AlertingIll-B-3, Alert and Notification of Response AgenciesIll-B-4, Protective Action DecisionsIll-B-5, Use and Care of DosimetryIll-B-6, Use and Care of Survey InstrumentsIIl-B-7, Preliminary Radiological Survey StationIll-B-10, Turkey Point Warning Siren ActivationIll-B-1 1, Distribution of Radiological EquipmentIII-B-12, Sector to Area ConversionIII-B-1 3, Emergency Worker Vehicle DeconIII-B-14, Emergency Worker Vehicle MonitoringIII-B-15, Personnel Monitoring StationIII-B-17, Ingestion Protective ActionsIII-B-19, Radiation Protection StrategiesIII-B-29, Turkey Point Quarterly Siren TestIII-B-31, Marine Safety

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Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan

Appendix 5: Crosswalk to NUREG Criteria

Criterion Reference Miami-DadeNumberA.1 .a. MDC-REPP Procedures Section



MDC-REPP Appendix 1MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Command and controlMDC-CEMP Concepts of Operations, Part 2MDC-REPP Procedures SectionMDC-REPP Introduction, Authority and Reference

A.4. MDC-CEMPC.1.c. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, State and Federal AssistanceC.2.a. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Command and ControlC.4. MDC-REPP Procedures Section

MDC-REPP Appendix 2D.3. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, General InformationD.4. MDC-REPP Procedures Section

MDC-EOC SOP Ill-B-4E.I. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Alert and Notification

MDC-EOC SOP Ill-B-I, Alert & NotificationE.2. MDC-EOC SOP Ill-B-3, Alert & Notification of Response Agencies

E.5. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, ResponseE.6. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Response

MDC-EOC SOP Ill-B-1 0, Warning Siren - Emergency ActivationMDC-EOC SOP Ill-B-2, Route Alerting

E.7. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Response

F.l.a. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Alert and NotificationMDC-REPP Attachment CMDC-EOC SOP 11-3, Operation of the ESATCOM SystemMDC-EOC SOP 11-4 Operation of the Hot Ring Down SystemMDC-EOC SOP Ill-B-1 Alert and Notification of Response Agencies

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I~~u~t-n ~ Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan

F.1.b. MDC-CEMP Concepts of OperationsMDC-CEMP Appendices, ESF-2 CommunicationsMDC-REPP Procedures Section

F.1.c MDC-CEMP Concepts of OperationsMDC-CEMP Appendices, ESF-2 CommunicationsMDC-REPP Procedures Section

F.1 .d. MDC-CEMP Concepts of OperationsMDC-CEMP Appendices, ESF-2 CommunicationsMDC-REPP Procedures Section

F.1.e. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, ResponseMDC-EOC SOP Ill-B-l, Alert and Notification of Response Agencies

F.2. MDC-CEMP Concepts of OperationsMDC-CEMP Appendices, ESF-2 CommunicationsMDC-REPP Procedures Section

F.3. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, PreparednessG.1. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, PreparationG.2. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, PreparednessG.3. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, ResponseG.4.a. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Command and Control

G.4.b. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, ResponseG.4.c. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, ResponseG.5. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, ResponseH.3. MDC-CEMP

MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Command and ControlH.4. MDC-CEMP Concepts of Operations

MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Command and ControlMDC-EOC SOP Ill-B-1 Alert and Notification of Response Agencies

H.10 MDC-REPP Procedures Section, PreparationH.1 1 FL-REMP Appendix II, Section IX and Figure 11-12J.2. MDC-CEMP Attachments, Figures 16

MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Command and Control and ResponseJ.9. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Response

MDC-EOC SOP Ill-B-4, Protective Action DecisionsMDC-EOC SOP III-B-17, Ingestion Protective Actions

J.10.a. MDC-CEMP Attachments, Figure 16J.10.b MDC-CEMP Attachments, Figure 15J.10.c. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Response

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J.10.d. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Response

J. 10.e MDC-REPP Procedures Section, ResponseJ. 1O.f. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, ResponseJ.1O.g. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Response

J.1O.h. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Command and ControlJ. 10.i. MDC-CEMP Attachments, Figures 16 and 17J. 10.j. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Response

MDC-EOC SOP III-B-16, Miami-Dade Police Department ProceduresMDC-EOC SOP Ill-B-9, City of HomesteadMDC-EOC SOP III-B-25, City of Florida City

J. 1 O.k. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, ResponseJ.10.1 MDC-CEMP Attachments, Figure 17J.12. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Command and Control and Response

MDC-EOC SOP III-B-15, Personnel Decontamination/Survey StationMDC-EOC SOP III-B-26, American Red Cross

K.3.a. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, ResponseMDC-EOC SOP III-B-19, Radiation Protection Strategies

K.3.b. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, ResponseMDC-EOC SOP III-B-11, Distribution of Radiological EquipmentMDC-EOC SOP III-B-19, Radiation Protection Strategies

K.4. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, ResponseK.5.a. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Response

MDC-EOC SOP Ill-B-5, Use and Care of DosimetryMDC-EOC SOP Ill-B-6, Use of Radiological Survey InstrumentsMDC-EOC SOP Ill-B-7, Preliminary Radiological Survey StationMDC-EOC SOP Ill-B-15, Personnel Decontamination/S

K.5.b. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Response

L.1. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, ResponseL.4. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, ResponseM.1. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, RecoveryN.1.a. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, PreparationN.l.b. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, PreparednessN.2.a. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, PreparednessN.2.c. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Preparation

MDC-EOC SOP III-B-18, Coordinating the MS1 DrillN.3.a. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, PreparednessN.3.b. MDC-REPP Procedures Section, Preparedness

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Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan



Procedures Section, PreparednessProcedures Section, PreparednessProcedures Section, PreparednessProcedures Section, PreparednessProcedures Section, PreparednessProcedures Section, PreparednessProcedures Section, PreparationProcedures Section, PreparationProcedures Section, PreparationProcedures Section, PreparationProcedures Section, PreparationProcedures Section, PreparationProcedures Section, PreparationProcedures Section, PreparationProcedures Section, PreparationProcedures Section, PreparationIntroductionIntroductionProcedures Section, PreparationIntroductionExecutive SummaryVolumes II and IIIAppendixP.7.

P.8. MDC-REPP AppendixP.10. MDC-CEMP, Concepts of Operations, Part 2 - Response Actions

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