EN-N2 english Level 2

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  • 7/29/2019 EN-N2 english Level 2


    Level 2

    Daily life

    Last Year at School


    My name is Jonathon Turpie, Im in my second year of A levels which is the final

    year of education in the British system.

    A levels are after the GCSEs. GCSEs are the first level of education that you do, and you

    have some compulsory choices you have to do. You have to choose one language and

    one of the humanities and some other subjects such as business studies and sociology.

    In A level you have 4 choices for the beginning year and then you have 3 choices for the

    final A2 year. Im doing biology, chemistry and English and I did French for my beginning


    Next year I have several options. I can go to university, I can get a job or I can

    take a gap year and Ill go to university after my gap year. Im undecided about what I

    shall do; Ill either go to Bath University or take a gap year travelling round the world.

    Holidays & Festivals

    Safety Tips

    Firework Safety Tips

    1. Only buy fireworks from a legitimate retailer.

    2. Check the fireworks you buy are suitable for the size of the garden and conform to

    British Standards.3. Dont drink alcohol if setting off fireworks.

    4. Light fireworks at arms length with a taper.

    6. Never go back to a lit firework.

    7. Never play with fireworks or put fireworks in your pocket.

    8. Always supervise children.

    9. Store fireworks in a metal box, kept closed between use.

    10. Keep pets indoors.

    European Connections


    Stratford-upon-Avon is one of the most important tourist destinations in the U.K. It

    is the birthplace of William Shakespeare, the great playwright. People visit from all over

    Europe and the rest of the world. In Shakespeares time, going to the theatre was the

    only way people could learn about other countries: Hamletis set in Denmark, The

    Merchant of Venice in Italy, Macbeth in Scotland,Antony and Cleopatra in Egypt.

    In Stratford-upon-Avon, there are five houses associated with Shakespeare and his

    family as well as Holy Trinity church where he was christened and buried.

    Stratford-upon-Avon is also home to the Royal Shakespeare Company where

    Shakespeares plays are produced every year. You can meet the actors at the stage door

    after a performance and ask for autographs, or see them in the pub next door. In the

  • 7/29/2019 EN-N2 english Level 2


    2007 season, you might see Judi Dench (James Bond s M) and Ian MacKellan (Gandalf,

    in Lord of the Rings). They were great Shakespearian actors before they were film stars.

    The swans are always swimming up and down the river. Shakespeare is known as the

    Swan of Avon and so one of the three theatres is called the Swan.

    Sports & Games

    Snakes & Ladders

    Each player takes turns in throwing the dice in order to start the game. Each player

    has first to throw a six or each player throws the dice and the player with the highest

    number starts the game. The player with the second highest number is next and so on.

    Each player then throws the dice in turn and moves their marker the number of

    spaces that is shown on the dice. For every six thrown the player has another throw. If a

    players marker lands at the bottom of a ladder then the player can move his marker to

    the top of a ladder. However, if a players marker lands at the top of a snake then themarker has to go down to the bottom of the snake.

    If a players marker lands on an opponents marker then the opponents marker has

    to be removed off the board and back to start position.

    The object of the game is to be the first player to complete each square on the

    board with the correct number of plays to finish; i.e. if the player is four squares from the

    last square then they have to throw a four to complete the game.

    Multicultural Britain

    Notting Hill Carnival

    Notting Hill Carnival is an annual event which takes place in Notting Hill, London,

    England each August, over 2 days (Sunday and the following bank holiday). It has

    continuously taken place on the streets of Notting Hill since 1985. It is led by members of

    the Caribbean population, many of whom have lived in the area since the 1950's. The

    carnival has attracted up to 2 million people in the past, putting it the second largest

    street festival in the world, after Rio.

    Heroes & Legends

    On Board the Pride of Loch Ness

    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the best tour in Scotland on

    board the Pride of Loch Ness. So here we are on Loch Ness, home of the famous Loch

    Ness monster. Have you got your binoculars and your cameras to catch the sightings of

    Nessie? Now, some people think that Nessie could be a giant fish and are scared to sail

    or swim on the loch. Others suggest that people see waves or tree branches and imagine

    it is the monster. For example, you see that big branch of a tree floating here next to the

    boat, you could imagine its the monster, but its just a tree. Look at the big branch that

    looks like its a big long neck with humps and a head on it... Hey, wait a minute its

    coming over here! Goodness! Back, back everyone, hes coming at us... Its a real...
