EMPOWERING KIDS FOR LIFE A curriculum based tool designed to unleash the potential each child has to create better opportunities for the future. Another quality publication by Mission Ministries Philippines, Inc. Motivation “In the context of Early Childhood Education; when children are normally asked what they want to become when they grow up, most likely the children respond by saying they want to become a doctor, teacher, fireman and other figure in the workforce seen as the most important. It is very seldom where a child will say “I want to have a business someday”. “Here in the Philippines, we have an education system that was created around the time of Industrial revolution when we needed to turn rural kids into urban employees, capable of working in assembly line and mass market factories. As a result, we ended up with a school system focused on rote memorization and measurable predictable results (Ref. Strauss 2006)”. “This reality is probably one of the reasons why the Department of Education enacted REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10157 in January of 2012 – The Kindergarten Education Act. This law made kindergarten an integral part of the basic education system in the Philippines and offered a curriculum that will introduce Filipino learners in the world of work or Entrepreneurship”. “Research has shown that today’s children need more than the traditional 3R’s of learning, namely - Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, but there is a need to integrate the key 21st century skills of collaboration, creativity, communication and creative thinking into the classroom to prepare young learners for increasing competitive and global challenges. And when is the best time to prepare our learner? During the early childhood Phase”. Mission Ministries Philippines Inc. (MMP), A Christian Non-Government Organization is joining the advocacy of the Department of Education, and partnering in a tangible way, in preparing young learners for the world of work within a globalized world. MMP is known for its effective ministry in setting-up or enriching Developmentally Appropriate Early Childhood Education programs. Over 1,000 schools for children have been set-up or advanced since its conception in 1984. What if the opportunity of achieving greater success in life, and the work environment, was integrated into the learning experience of a younger generation as they grow towards young adulthood, when such positive advancements in life become available. This is how Mission Ministries Philippines has approached the development of its newest curriculum for young learners - KIDPRENEUR. Preparing The Young Learner For Opportunity, Rewarding Future in Work, and a Globalized World We offer many other programs & services. Visit our website: www.MissionMinistriesPhilippines.org For More Information Please Call Or Visit: Mission Ministries Philippines, Inc. #54 Sct. Madriñan St., South Triangle, Quezon City | Ph. 928-5110 | Fax: 928-5409 Cell #: 0920-2228158 / 0947-8118394 | Email: [email protected]

EMPOWERING KIDS FOR LIFEmissionministriesphilippines.org/sites/default/files/files/mmp-kp-brochure-8x11.pdfEMPOWERING KIDS FOR LIFE A curriculum based tool designed to unleash

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Page 1: EMPOWERING KIDS FOR LIFEmissionministriesphilippines.org/sites/default/files/files/mmp-kp-brochure-8x11.pdfEMPOWERING KIDS FOR LIFE A curriculum based tool designed to unleash

EMPOWERING KIDS FOR LIFEA curriculum based tool designed to unleash the potential each child has to create better

opportunities for the future.

Another quality publication by Mission Ministries Philippines, Inc.


“In the context of Early Childhood Education; when children are normally asked what they want to become when they grow up, most likely the children respond by saying they want to become a doctor, teacher, fireman and other figure in the workforce seen as the most important. It is very seldom where a child will say “I want to have a business someday”.

“Here in the Philippines, we have an education system that was created around the time of Industrial revolution when we needed to turn rural kids into urban employees, capable of working in assembly line and mass market factories. As a result, we ended up with a school system focused on rote memorization and measurable predictable results (Ref. Strauss 2006)”.

“This reality is probably one of the reasons why the Department of Education enacted REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10157 in January of 2012 – The Kindergarten Education Act. This law made kindergarten an integral part of the basic education system in the Philippines and offered a curriculum that will introduce Filipino learners in the world of work or Entrepreneurship”.

“Research has shown that today’s children need more than the traditional 3R’s of learning, namely - Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, but there is a need to integrate the key 21st century skills of collaboration, creativity, communication and creative thinking into the classroom to prepare young learners for increasing competitive and global challenges. And when is the best time to prepare our learner? During the early childhood Phase”.

Mission Ministries Philippines Inc. (MMP), A Christian Non-Government Organization is joining the advocacy of the Department of Education, and partnering in a tangible way, in preparing young learners for the world of work within a globalized world. MMP is known for its effective ministry in setting-up or enriching Developmentally Appropriate Early Childhood Education programs. Over 1,000 schools for children have been set-up or advanced since its conception in 1984. What if the opportunity of achieving greater success in life, and the work environment, was integrated into the learning experience of a younger generation as they grow towards young adulthood, when such positive advancements in life become available. This is how Mission Ministries Philippines has approached the development of its newest curriculum for young learners - KIDPRENEUR.

Preparing The Young Learner For Opportunity, Rewarding Future in Work, and a Globalized World

We offer many other programs & services. Visit our website: www.MissionMinistriesPhilippines.org

For More Information Please Call Or Visit: Mission Ministries Philippines, Inc.#54 Sct. Madriñan St., South Triangle, Quezon City | Ph. 928-5110 | Fax: 928-5409

Cell #: 0920-2228158 / 0947-8118394 | Email: [email protected]

Page 2: EMPOWERING KIDS FOR LIFEmissionministriesphilippines.org/sites/default/files/files/mmp-kp-brochure-8x11.pdfEMPOWERING KIDS FOR LIFE A curriculum based tool designed to unleash

A Self Paced Curriculum With Real Time Hands On Tutoring:Children will develop entrepreneurial ideas and attributes that will become building blocks towards an entrepreneurial journey in each child’s life.

Will provide opportunities for community partners, and others engaged in early childhood programs, to further connect with parents, and create a stewardship mindset towards a sustaining lifestyle within the family structure.

Will establish sound beliefs in each child and family member towards the importance of economics, and the value of saving and budgeting resources more wisely.

KIDPRENEUR comes with three sets of materials: 1. Educator’s Manual 2. Learner’s Workbook (preschool up to Grade 2) 3. Ten Story books: Real life stories of entrepreneurs who started as a child.

KIDPRENEUR is an acrostic that represents different traits and characteristics that are carefully chosen because they are the most identified entrepreneurial attributes.

KIDPRENEUR - Teaching Kids Business: A “KIDPRENEUR” is a child empowered to bring ideas to life using curriculum-based tools designed to unleash the potential each child has to create better opportunities for the future.

There are many studies reccomending that the environment you are exposed to

during the early years of growing greatly effects how you perceive the world - and the kind of person you become heading into adult life. We have focused on further creating an enriching environment, through a curriculum-based participation, that encourages and nurtures the attributes of entrepreneurship in children.

By means of our own extensive and experienced first hand involvement, and what

many studies indicate, we strongly believe in the potential of children and the need to inspire entrepreneurship at an early age.

We realize there is a great need to instill a good moral boundary in work ethic that encourages and teaches young learners to take life’s advantages and create opportunity for success.

Knowledge and Wisdom Imagination and Creativity Discipline Passion Resilience Eagerness to Listen Networking Attitude and Skills Excellence in Giving

Uprightness Reverence for God.

“Research has shown that today’s children need more than the traditional 3R’s of learning, namely - Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, but there is a need to integrate the key 21st century skills of collaboration, creativity, communication and creative thinking into the classroom to prepare young learners for increasing competitive and global challenges”

A unique characteristic of the curriculum is the integration of Bible Characters that exemplifies the featured entrepreneurial attribute, with added subject contents like Math, Science and Language.