Charleston: 802794 v.2 EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES Employment at Will EMPLOYMENT WITH TBC IS AT WILL, WHICH MEANS THAT EITHER THE EMPLOYEE OR THE EMPLOYER IS FREE TO TERMINATE THE EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP AT ANY TIME WITH OR WITHOUT CAUSE, ADVANCE NOTICE OR WARNING. NO REPRESENTATIVE OF TBC HAS THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THIS AT WILL RELATIONSHIP EXCEPT IN A SPECIFIC WRITTEN AGREEMENT DECLARING SUCH INTENT AND SIGNED BY THE EMPLOYEE AND THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OR HIS/HER DESIGNEE. Equal Employment Opportunity TBC is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer (EEO). TBC believes in and adheres to the principals and practices of an EEO. We recognize and are committed to creating equal employment opportunities for all individuals, both applicants and employees, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, genetic information, marital status, pregnancy, disability or handicap, Vietnam and/or disabled veteran status, or any protected category. In addition, TBC intends to comply with federal, state, and local laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, Vietnam era or disabled veteran status, and any sensory mental or physical disability in accordance with the American Disabilities Act. This policy shall include, but not be limited to, the following areas: work assignments, employment, placement, promotion, demotion, or transfer; recruitment and recruitment advertising, referrals; layoff, recall (return from reduction-in-force), termination, training, educational and training assistance, social and recreational programs, wages, other forms of compensation and job requirements. All members of management are accountable and have full authority for the implementation and enforcement of the EEO programs. All employees are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is not offensive as to the race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, veteran status, genetic status, sexual orientation, or disability of any employee. The Human Resources Department is responsible for EEO questions, complaints and compliance. Any complaints of discrimination should be submitted in writing first to your supervisor and/or to the Human Resources Department. TBC will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation Disability & Reasonable Accommodation

EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES Employment at Will...TBC may conduct reference checks on all potential employees to confirm and supplement information in the applicant’s resume or application

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Employment at Will


TBC is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer (EEO). TBC believes in and adheres to the principals and practices of an EEO. We recognize and are committed to creating equal employment opportunities for all individuals, both applicants and employees, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, genetic information, marital status, pregnancy, disability or handicap, Vietnam and/or disabled veteran status, or any protected category. In addition, TBC intends to comply with federal, state, and local laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, Vietnam era or disabled veteran status, and any sensory mental or physical disability in accordance with the American Disabilities Act. This policy shall include, but not be limited to, the following areas: work assignments, employment, placement, promotion, demotion, or transfer; recruitment and recruitment advertising, referrals; layoff, recall (return from reduction-in-force), termination, training, educational and training assistance, social and recreational programs, wages, other forms of compensation and job requirements. All members of management are accountable and have full authority for the implementation and enforcement of the EEO programs. All employees are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is not offensive as to the race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, veteran status, genetic status, sexual orientation, or disability of any employee. The Human Resources Department is responsible for EEO questions, complaints and compliance. Any complaints of discrimination should be submitted in writing first to your supervisor and/or to the Human Resources Department. TBC will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation Disability & Reasonable Accommodation

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TBC makes commercially reasonable efforts to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and is committed to providing a work environment free from discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities. It is TBC’s policy not to discriminate against any qualified applicant or employee in hiring or in the terms, conditions and privileges of employment due to a physical or mental disability. It is the responsibility of the applicant or the employee to notify TBC of the need for any accommodation. When TBC becomes aware of any disability which prevents an otherwise qualified applicant or employee from performing a job, an assessment will be made as to whether reasonable accommodation would allow the person to perform the job before refusing employment or making a distinction in terms, conditions or privileges of employment because of the disability. An accommodation which creates an undue hardship on the company or which endangers the health or safety of the individual or others is not a reasonable accommodation. TBC will make any reasonable accommodation necessary to allow an otherwise qualified applicant or employee to perform the job. An otherwise qualified applicant for employment or employee with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation may inform his/her immediate supervisor or director of the nature of the disability and the accommodation required. Employees with access to such information shall maintain the confidentiality of the information to the extent reasonably possible and shall not release the information to anyone who does not have the right or need to know. Job Postings

Notices of available job positions are posted on TIPs by Human Resources with the exception of positions filled by promotions within the department or positions filled by employees who would otherwise be laid off or reduction of hours. Internal applications can be obtained by searching forms on TIPs. Promotions and Transfers

Employees are eligible to apply for posted positions after successfully completing six months in their current positions or with executive level approval documented on the internal application. To apply for a posted position, employees must submit an internal application with appropriate signatures to human resources prior to position being closed. An employee’s past performance, qualifications, abilities, job experience, and potential are important factors considered in the selection process of employees for promotion. Where these factors are deemed to be equal among two or more qualified employees and it is decided to promote from within, length of service may be a determining factor. It is the desire of TBC to give qualified employees preference over others when filling vacancies or new positions within. However, because of legal requirements, levels of education and other qualifications required for some positions, promotion from within the organization is not always possible. Management reserves the right to determine relative

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qualifications for a posted position and to hire from outside rather than select from within. Some transfers may be initiated by TBC. This allows us to broaden the range of skills within the organization and enhances individual versatility. Hiring

TBC engages a variety of resources to recruit and select qualified applicants who have the best fit with the Company’s culture and needs, while adhering to all provisions as mandated by federal and state law (i.e. ADA, FLSA, FCRA, DFWA, WARN, etc.). Background Checks

To ensure that individuals who join TBC are well qualified and have a strong potential to be productive and successful, and to further ensure that we maintain a safe and productive work environment that is free of any form of violence, harassment, fraud or misconduct, TBC may conduct background checks on all applicants who are offered and accept an offer of employment. In addition, TBC may conduct periodic checks on all employees as a preventive measure to help identify a possible safety threat or threat of legal liability to other employees.

Employment Applications

TBC relies upon the accuracy of information contained in its employment application, as well as the accuracy of other data presented throughout the hiring process. Any misrepresentations, falsifications, or material omissions in any of this information or data may result in TBC’s exclusion of the individual from further consideration for employment or, if the person has been hired, termination of employment. All applicants are required to complete an application.

Reference Checks

TBC may conduct reference checks on all potential employees to confirm and supplement information in the applicant’s resume or application. Prior to a contingent offer, TBC may obtain a release from the applicant acknowledging the information obtained may not all be positive, and that the persons making statements about the applicant are discharged from any legal liability. TBC may seek confirmation of background data such as dates of employment, salary, position and duties, education and professional licenses. In addition, TBC may seek information regarding the applicant’s competency with respect to certain job-related skills such as attendance, dependability, judgment and initiative.

Criminal Record Checks

TBC may conduct criminal record checks through the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (“SLED”) or any applicable state agency, on applicants who are offered and accept an offer of employment and employees who apply for or are transferred to alternate positions within TBC. Once TBC has made a contingent offer, the applicant

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completes a release authorizing the records check. Any applicant who refuses to sign a release form will not be eligible for employment.

Driving Record Checks

TBC may conduct driving record checks on applicants who are offered and accept an offer of employment and employees who apply for or are transferred to alternate positions within TBC. Once the Practice has extended a contingent offer, the applicant completes a release authorizing the driving records check. Any applicant who refuses to sign a release form will not be eligible for employment.

Post-offer Drug Screen

Upon selection of applicants for employment, a contingent offer of employment will be extended. A post-offer, pre-employment drug screening will be scheduled with the Occupational Health facility. Pre-employment drug screening is required of all individuals who have been offered employment with TBC. The exam is completed by a physician or Medical Review Officer (MRO) appointed by TBC. TBC is responsible for the cost of the exam. Onboarding

Every new employee goes through a period of introduction and adjustment in order to learn about the organization and the specific job for which he/she was hired. A TBC-wide onboarding is provided to the new employee in order to provide the employee with the background of TBC, organizational goals, personnel policies, employment benefits, required training, and a tour of the facility. Departmental orientation is scheduled by the department supervisor and will include review of job descriptions, job specific training, and review of departmental policies and procedures. During this time the new employee is provided with training and guidance from his/her supervisor. Employment of Relatives

To avoid any potential conflict of interest, TBC will not employ relatives, two individuals living together in a relationship that is essentially equivalent of marriage, or two individuals involved in a dating relationship, except under the following circumstances.

Both parties were currently employed by TBC at the time this policy was initiated and:

o Neither person would be responsible for auditing the work of another. o The working relationship will not create a conflict of interest or the

appearance of favoritism in the reasonable, sole discretion of management. Relatives are defined as parent, spouse, child, grandchild, sibling, grandparent, stepparent, stepchild, in-law, and domestic partner.

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Should a relationship as described above develop between two employees that would involve the factors listed above, TBC will discuss resolution with the two employees. Ultimately, however, TBC reserves the sole right to transfer or end employment of one of the employees if it is deemed to be in the best interest of TBC. Immigration Law Compliance

In accordance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, it is TBC’s policy to hire only those individuals who are authorized to work in the United States. Pursuant to this law, all individuals who are offered employment will be required to submit documentary proof of their identity and employment authorization. Employees will also be required to complete and sign, under oath, the Immigration and Naturalization Services Form I-9. Form I-9 requires the employee to attest that he/she is authorized to work in the job for which he/she is hired and that the documents submitted are genuine. E-verify

Pursuant to South Carolina law, TBC has enrolled in and will use the federal, internet based E-Verify System to verify the legal status of new employees. TBC will verify a new employee through E-Verify within three business days of the date of hire to remain in compliance. Please note that all applicants for employment will be required to provide a photo ID and their social security numbers to verify legal status under E-Verify. Employment of Minors

TBC is interested in the education and training of the youth of this community; however, a work environment that complies with the appropriate State Child Labor laws must be provided. These rules define the number of hours that a minor is permitted to work and the working conditions. The number of hours is variable depending on the age group and is defined differently during school and non-school periods. All hiring of minors must be coordinated through Human Resources to ensure that appropriate paperwork and licensing is in place. Working conditions that exist at the Center and are not permissible for minors are those

• involving potential exposure to ionizing radiation or radioactive substances; • where there is a risk of exposure to bodily fluids or transmission of infectious

agents; • requiring wearing of personal protective equipment other than gloves, boots, or

eye protection; or • involving the operation of dangerous or heavy equipment

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Conflict of Interest in Employment

All employees should avoid situations that could potentially create a conflict of interest with those of TBC or compromise TBC’s integrity or reputation. A conflict, or the appearance of one, occurs when an employee or immediate family member uses his/her position at TBC for personal benefit through an investment, association or business relationship that interferes with the ability to exercise independent judgment on behalf of TBC. An example would be having a financial interest in or moonlighting with any organization or enterprise that is a customer, supplier or competitor of TBC. No presumption of conflict is created by the mere existence of a relationship with outside firms. However, if employees have any influence on transactions involving purchases, contracts, or leases, it is imperative that they disclose to their director or the CEO as soon as possible the existence of any actual or potential conflict of interest so that safeguards can be established to protect all parties. Employees are strongly discouraged from accepting meals with sales people, vendors, suppliers or any other type of solicitor. Exceptions to this rule may be made when traveling outside of the area with salespeople or service providers, or when networking through vendor sponsored events. Before accepting any type of gift or promotional item from an outside entity, it is best to consult with your director. Items that are given as a token to the company should be reported to Human Resources and when possible these items will be raffled or shared among all employees. Outside Employment

TBC does not discourage outside or additional employment except in cases where it negatively affects an employee’s job performance with TBC or creates a conflict of interest (see previous - Conflict of Interest in Employment for further detail). Outside employment will not be allowed to interfere with employee efficiency or safety on the job. An employee may not use TBC business time, resources, or equipment for self-employment or for business operations other than that of TBC. Classification of Employees

All employment is at-will. Either TBC or the employee can terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without prior notice and with or without a reason. The assignment of any of the following employment classifications does not guarantee employment for any specific length of time. TBC uses the following employee classifications:

o Full-time: An employee who works on a regular and predetermined schedule of at least 32 hours per week.

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o Part-time: An employee who works on a regular and predetermined schedule of less than 32, but at least 20 hours per week.

o Per-Diem: An employee, who works on an intermittent or as-needed basis to cover peak periods, leaves, etc. Employment may be for a finite period of time.

o Hourly (nonexempt): An employee included in the minimum wage, overtime and

time-card provisions of the state and federal wage-and-hour laws. Such employees are legally required to be paid for overtime at one and one-half times the regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of a 40-hour workweek.

o Salaried (exempt): An employee who meets the criteria for exclusion from the wage-and-hour laws. Such employees are paid a fixed salary on a bi-weekly or annual basis and do not receive overtime for hours worked over 40 hours per week.

Please note that employees who are paid by an agency other than TBC are not eligible for benefits specified for TBC employees and are classified as temporary (or temp to perm) and all pay or benefit questions should be directed to their parent agency.

FLSA Exempt Employees – Salary Basis Policy

The Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) is a federal law that requires that most employees in the United States be paid at least the federal minimum wages for all hours worked and overtime pay at time and one-half the regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 hours in a workweek. However, Section 13(a)(1) of the FLSA provides an exemption from both minimum wage and overtime pay for employees employed as bona fide executive, administrative, professional and outside sales employees. Section 13(a) (1) and Section 13(a) (17) also exempt certain computer employees. To qualify for exemption, employees generally must meet certain tests regarding their job duties and be paid on a salary basis at not less than $455 per week. Job titles do not determine exempt status. In order for an exemption to apply, an employee’s specific job duties and salary must meet all the requirements of the Department of Labor’s regulations.

Salary Basis Requirement To qualify for exemption, employees generally must be paid at not less than $455 per week on a salary basis. These salary requirements do not apply to physicians. Being paid on a “salary basis” means an employee regularly receives a predetermined amount of compensation each pay period on a weekly, or less frequent, basis. The predetermined amount cannot be reduced because of variations in the quality or quantity of the employee’s work. Subject to exceptions listed below, an exempt employee must receive the full salary for any workweek in which the employee performs any work,

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regardless of the number of days or hours worked. Exempt employees do not need to be paid for any workweek in which they perform no work. If the employer makes deductions from an employee’s predetermined salary, i.e., because of the operating requirements of the business, that employee is not paid on a “salary basis.” If the employee is ready, willing and able to work, deductions may not be made for time when work is not available. Deductions from pay, including partial or full day deductions, are permissible only in the following circumstances:

1. Exempt employee is absent from work for one or more full days for personal reasons other than sickness or disability;

2. Exempt employee is absent from work one or more full days due to sickness or

disability, but only if the deduction is made in accordance with a bona fide plan, policy or practice of providing compensation for salary lost due to illness;

3. To offset amounts employees receive as jury or witness fees, or for military pay;

4. For unpaid disciplinary suspensions of one or more full days imposed in good faith

for workplace conduct rule infractions;

5. For the initial or terminal week of employment;

6. For penalties imposed in good faith for infractions of safety rules of major significance; or

7. For amounts owed to TBC.

It is our policy to comply with the salary basis requirements of the FLSA. Therefore, we prohibit managers from making any improper deductions from the salaries of exempt employees. We want employees to be aware of this policy and we do not allow deductions that violate the FLSA.

If you believe that an improper deduction has been made to your salary, you should immediately report this information to your direct supervisor, or to Human Resources.

Reports of improper deductions will be promptly investigated. If it is determined that an improper deduction has occurred, you will be promptly reimbursed for any improper deduction made. Seniority and Length of Service

TBC defines seniority and length of service as continuous employment for the purposes of PTO and other benefits and as indicated by ERISA or 401k Plan. An employee who resigns in good standing may be eligible for rehire; however, seniority and length of

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service begins on the date of rehire. Please note, if it is determined upon investigation that an employee resigned from employment solely to obtain funds from the TBC 401(k) Plan, the former employee may not be eligible for rehire. See the plan 401k plan document for seniority rules under that plan. Employment Verification

All inquiries for present or past employment verification are to be referred to Human Resources. Without specific written authorization from the employee, only job title and dates of employment will be released. Personnel Records

Personnel Records are the property of TBC. The Human Resources Department maintains the employment records of all TBC employees. Such information includes name, address, telephone number, emergency notification, as well as other relevant employment data. Personnel records are confidential. Generally, only supervisors and management personnel who have a legitimate business reason to review information in personnel records are allowed to do so. TBC is, however, required to comply with valid court orders and government requests for information from personnel records. In addition, as part of the enforcement of court-ordered child support payments, South Carolina employers must report all persons hired or returning from leave or layoff to the South Carolina State Support Registry along with relevant details of their employment. An employee may review his/her personnel records at any time and insert written statements of his/her own. Arrangements should be made with Human Resources for a mutually convenient time. To ensure that records are kept current, employees are required to notify Human Resources of any changes to personal information by submitting changes via the payroll portal at https://[email protected] . Open Door Policy/Communication

Employees are encouraged to discuss work-related problems with any member of the management staff, regardless of the level, so appropriate action may be taken. Human Resources is also available for consultation and guidance. Complaints and Grievances

It is TBC’s intent to provide a reasonable hearing and resolution of employee concerns that may arise. If an employee has a complaint or needs a problem solved, it should be brought up as soon as possible with those who can solve it. It is important to find a

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solution that helps everyone concentrate on the reason TBC exists--to serve the community. Complaints and/or grievances may include concerns regarding safety, wages, supervision, discipline, application of policy, harassment and working conditions. If an employee believes that he/she has a legitimate work-related complaint, the employee is encouraged to first attempt to resolve the issue(s) through discussions with his/her immediate supervisor. If a supervisor does not respond to a complaint within five days from the time the complaint is brought by the employee, barring extenuating circumstances, it should be brought to the attention of the next level manager/director or a representative in Human Resources. TBC will attempt to resolve all complaints within a reasonable period of time while preserving the confidentiality and privacy of those involved to the extent feasible. If no resolution can be established then the decision of the CEO will be final internal decision of TBC. Complaints and/or grievances may also be submitted by calling the Compliance Line at

1-888-423-7986. This service is available 24/7 for the convenience of staff. Termination of Employment

Resignation: Resignation is a voluntary termination freely made by the employee for any reason he/she chooses. While there is no requirement to provide notice, TBC requests, when reasonably possible, two (2) weeks notice from non-supervisory personnel and four (4) weeks notice from those in supervisory positions. A Resigning employee is required to complete and submit a Notice of Resignation form (found on TIPs) to his director, who will then forward it to Human Resources to be placed in the employee's personnel file. Please Note: An employee who fails to report for work and does not call in for three (3) consecutive days may be deemed to have abandoned his/her job and resigned from his/her employment, unless there are extenuating circumstances out of the employee’s control that prevented notification. Involuntary Termination: Involuntary termination is initiated by the TBC. Because the employment relationship is at will, discharge may occur without initiation of any other form of disciplinary action. All involuntary terminations must be approved by the VPHR and/or CEO. Reduction in Force (RIF): There are times when it may become necessary to eliminate positions within TBC as a result of changing business conditions (such as reorganization

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resulting in the elimination or modification of a job or changes in job functions or technology). Factors considered in the RIF determination include redundancies, length of employment, job performance and capability to fill other duties or roles. TBC reserves the right to deviate from the normal order designated when it determines circumstances warrant such a variation. Exit Interview: The Human Resources Department will conduct an exit interview with each terminating or terminated employee. The purpose of this interview includes return of TBC’s property, review of financial arrangements (including amount of final paycheck and accrued vacation), review of reasons for termination, and to obtain employee input/suggestions for improvement of TBC. Continued benefit coverage, if eligible, will be explained at this time. Unless other arrangements have been made for earlier payment, the employee's final paycheck will be available on the next scheduled payday. Return of Property: Employees are responsible for items issued to them by TBC or in their possession or control, including the following: Employees are required to return all TBC property immediately upon request or upon end of employment. Learn@TBC (Continuing Education)

TBC supports learning efforts which provide employees with knowledge and skill based opportunities to enhance both personal development and career growth. Through Learn@TBC, staff has access to hundreds of continuing education courses as well as job specific training. The system allows an integrated approach for obtaining, monitoring and maintaining all required training such as safety, industry specific, and job specific; as well as, personal development or skills based training programs through vendor purchased programs and instructor lead classes. Learn@TBC is accessible by going to the link on https://portal.adp.com. WAGE AND SALARY PRACTICES

Work Schedule

The standard pay period is forty (40) hours of work within a seven (7) day period; however, work schedules vary throughout the organization. For purposes of determining overtime for nonexempt employees, the work week starts with the day shift on Sunday morning (first shift beginning after 12AM on Sunday) and ends with the night shift on Saturday night (last shift beginning prior to 12PM Saturday). Because of The Blood Connection’s responsibilities to the community, some variation may be required in normal starting and ending times, days worked or hours scheduled. In

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addition, an employee may be assigned to jobs other than his or her usual assignment. As much notice as possible will be provided when these changes need to occur, however, advance notice is not always possible. Meals and Breaks

Breaks: In some departments, workflow is such that the supervisor may schedule breaks. Because the purpose of the break is to provide the employee with a brief respite from his/her work, break periods may not be used to extend a lunch period, work overtime or leave early. Meals: The Blood Connection provides meal periods for nonexempt employees which are typically forty-five minutes in length. Such employees must be entirely relieved from duty during this time and should not remain at their desk or workstation. The supervisor should be notified if a meal period is missed or interrupted. In some departments, a certain staffing level must be maintained at all times, and the supervisor may schedule meal periods. Nonexempt employees must clock out for their meal period. Manual adjustments should be submitted to departmental time-keeper if a punch is missed due to lack of clock availability; such as, on an “inside set-up” on mobiles or couriers on deliveries. The manual submission should be submitted as soon as possible upon return to the work location. Overtime

Generally, the regular workweek for nonexempt employees is 40 hours; however, there will be times when a supervisor may ask an employee to work beyond the normal shift. As much advance notice as is feasible will be given when possible; however, time is of the essence in some departments, and advance notice is not always possible. Employees should notify their supervisor if assigned overtime is a burden in a particular instance so other alternatives may be considered. If the supervisor judges no other choice is available to meet a need, mandatory overtime may be required. Supervisory approval is necessary before working overtime. In emergency situations this requirement may be waived. Employees working overtime without approval in a non-emergency situation may be subject to disciplinary action. Overtime compensation is paid to nonexempt employees in accordance with applicable federal and state wage payment laws. Overtime pay is based on actual hours worked. For purposes of determining overtime, the workweek starts with the day shift on Sunday and ends with the night shift on Saturday night. Time off due to vacation, sick, holiday or any other type of paid leave (PTO) is not considered hours worked for the purpose of calculating overtime. Manager Discretion Time (MDT)

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Vacant time was historically used by The Blood Connection as a means of offering nonexempt employees a stable schedule during the Blood Center’s beginnings in the late seventies. However as defined here, MDT is the use of non-worked hours credit in order to compensate a nonexempt employee for an unforeseen event or calamity that left that employee short of hours for that shift. MDT can only be granted by the employee’s director/or designee for hours missed at no fault of the employee and when no other work is available in the employees home department or other departments where similar skills are performed. Time and Attendance

The Blood Connection is required to keep accurate payroll records on all employees and to keep records of actual hours worked by nonexempt employees. Time clocks are used for this purpose. Accurate timekeeping is the responsibility of every employee. Altering or falsifying a time sheet is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. The employee must clock in and out or complete a manual adjustment form in order to record time and attendance daily unless the employee is on an approved leave of absence. An employee’s time and attendance is printed on each check stub for the represented period and cashing the paycheck certifies that the hours are correct and accurate for that pay period. Employees with direct deposit should report errors to time and attendance or pay related issues to Human Resources within 3 working days of receipt of such deposit. Adjustments to paychecks will typically be made on the next scheduled paycheck or next paycheck after notification that the adjustment is required. Employees must complete all time and attendance adjustments by the last day of the pay period in order for their supervisor to review and approve. E-Timesheets must be reviewed and signed off by departments and ready for Payroll reviews by 10:00 am the Monday prior to payday. Pay Rules

The Blood Connection practices a uniform approach to pay rules and has established the following guidelines and parameters for determination of pay and earning: A: General Pay Rule Setup Parameters (All Departments):

Pay period runs on a Weekly cycle. Pay Week begins on Sunday. Example start date in MM/DD/YYYY: 09/04/2011 If an employee's shift crosses midnight, the punches count toward the In-punch day. B: Round and Grace Setup Parameters

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All punches should be rounded to a minute-to-minute basis C: Activity Code Setup Parameters

Name of Activity: How is it Paid

(what is the rate


75 cent differential (Examples: bus driver, team lead, or preceptor)

Extra $ .75 / hour

$1.50 differential (Examples: any combination of two 75 cent activities or CDL bus driver.)

Extra $1.50/hour

$2.25 differential (Examples: CDL bus driver and combination and 75 cent differential activity.)

Extra $2.25/hour

$3.00 differential (Examples: any combination of two 75 cent activities and CDL bus driver.)

Extra $3.00/hour


1. On- Call Weekday

2. On-call Weekend or Holiday

1. Flat rate of $5.00 per day (Mon-Friday)

2. Flat rate of $25.00 per day (Sat & Sun or Holiday)

Call Back Paid a minimum of 1 hour

D: Overtime Setup Parameters

What is the Weekly Limit? What is the Rate Paid?

40 x 1.5 for hours over limit “average weighted rate used”

E: Premium Time Setup Parameters

All Departments:

Start and End Time

Days of Week to Apply Premium Amount

0700-1900 Monday through Friday Base rate (no premium)

1900-0700 Monday through Friday Extra $1.25

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1900-0700 Friday through Monday Extra $1.25

All departments are paid “premium hours pay differential” for those hours worked during the time period defined above. (Example One: If an employee worked 0600 till 1400 on a Wednesday they would be paid for 1 hour at base plus $ 1.25 and for 7 hours at base pay only. Example Two: If they worked from 0600 Saturday till 1400 Saturday evening then they would be paid for 8 hours at base plus $1.25.) Pay Check Distribution/Direct Deposit

Employees are paid on a weekly basis for the one-week period ending with the previous Saturday night shift. There are 52 pay periods each year. Payment to employees is based on time and attendance hours or adjustments submitted by employees to department time-keepers by 8 AM on each Monday morning for the previous week. Payday is normally the Thursday following the end of each pay period except when Thursday is a bank/federal holiday. In such cases, employees will be advised of the adjusted payday. Employees are encouraged to have pay directly deposited into their bank accounts by direct deposit. Once authorization is received, there is normally a delay of two weeks before direct deposit begins. If direct deposit is not an option then the employee will be set-up on an ADP pay card. Pay Deductions

The Blood Connection will automatically make deductions required by law such as withholding tax, Social Security and Medicare tax, garnishments, and wage assignments. Other deductions such as insurance premiums, United Way, 403(b) contributions and the like will be made after written authorization from the employee. Center-wide Performance Management System (PRIDE)

Employee performance is a critical component of an organization’s success. Employees should have the opportunity to share in TBC’s success. Through PRIDE, employees are rewarded for both their personal and their team’s contribution to the organization’s overall success, and for maintaining quality and excellent service. The common focus of PRIDE is results (not activity or time at work) oriented. Frequent, objective feedback is the best and fairest way to evaluate performance. Eligibility: Employees must work the entire calendar month in order to receive payout for that month. Hourly employees are paid based on base rate of pay for total suffered hours. Exempt level employee hours are based on number of budgeted days at 8 hours per day credited.

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The share-back portion is determined by a rolling three month net income (NI) minus the amount designated by the board for reserves (2/3 of one percent). This amount is then shared back 50/50 between TBC reserves and employees as PRIDE dollars. Individual payouts are then calculated based on hours suffered for the month times the multiplier (or percent share-back) for the month being considered. The percent share-back is also further determined by the percentage of goal met for the month being considered and calculated against that percentage or if met at 100% it is capped at such. The highest multiplier allowed under this plan is 4 or 40% as currently set by the board of trustees. Compensation Adjustments

Compensation reviews are typically performed in conjunction with annual business plan review and submission at time of fiscal budget. An external salary/benefits survey is conducted at the direction of the board of trustees on a biannual schedule. Salary adjustment recommendations are then reviewed based on salary surveys, external compensation factors and benefit benchmarking. Job re-grading may be suggested due to the results provided or when job duties change significantly. Travel and Business Expenses

Each employee is responsible for minimizing non-budgeted travel expenses. This policy provides recommendations as to how this is to be interpreted by staff. Department heads (Directors) are responsible for approving and monitoring employee expenses, including travel to meetings, conferences, and conventions. Generally, travel expenses resulting from meetings, conferences, and conventions will be submitted in the annual departmental budget for budget approval. Non-budgeted business travel (meetings, conferences, and conventions) should be minimized and based on need. Approval for non-budgeted travel must be obtained from the respective Senior Level Supervisor. Travel fares should be purchased through The Blood Connection’s current travel agent, unless directed otherwise. An Expense Detail Report: 8351PLF is required for all items to be reimbursed (along with accompanying receipts). Expense reports will be reviewed by respective department head and submitted to the business office. Ref: 8351PL01 (Travel and Expense Policy) EMPLOYEE CONDUCT/PRACTICES

Standards of Conduct - Discipline

The Blood Connection (TBC) provides our communities with a service upon which many individuals rely. Thus, the quality and reliability of each employee’s work is of utmost importance. TBC requires employees to follow all laws, industry regulations and company policies. Further, we require employees to act in a professional and ethical

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manner in all dealings with individuals they may come into contact with through the normal course of business. This includes donors, patients, volunteers, vendors, customers, general public, and other employees. Every employee of TBC is expected to meet or exceed a high performance standard in order to ensure that our services are reliable and that the Mission—to provide the community and patients’ needs in a professional and ethical manner and in all things strive for excellence—is met. Any failure to meet this high standard may form the basis for discipline, up to and including immediate termination of employment. Examples of Misconduct: Listed below are examples of certain kinds of actions that will not be tolerated because of their unfair impact or danger to co-workers, property, donor/patients, suppliers or the employee. By way of example and not limitation, the following conduct is strictly prohibited and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including, immediate termination: • Failure or refusal to carry out legitimate job assignments and management requests (insubordination) • Unauthorized release of TBC information • Swearing or verbal abuse while on TBC premises or performing of work-related business off site • Falsification of any work/documents • Derogatory discussion of company policy, management or co-workers in any public place, or where the discussion may be overheard by donors, patients or volunteers • Violations of confidentiality as it pertains to donor/patient, employee or business records • Any willful behavior that affects the goodwill or reputation of TBC • Negligence through failure to follow established safety and/or SOPs; careless or willful act that could result in injury to self, another employee, or donors/patients. • Removal of TBC property without permission, unauthorized taking of company funds or property or unauthorized charges against a company account • Dishonesty • Discrimination against or harassment of co-workers

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• Possession, consumption, or being under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance on company premises, while performing work off site or in situations where off-the-job or off-the-premises conduct impairs job performance or undermines the public confidence in, or harms the reputation of TBC. • Deliberate damage to company property • Altercations, fighting or threatening to fight with another employee • Carrying unauthorized weapons of any kind • Sleeping on the job • Acceptance of kickbacks, undisclosed gifts or other incentives from vendors or customers • Negligent performance of an assigned duty or responsibility • Violation of TBC policy or SOPs • Serious misconduct of any kind These examples are not all-inclusive; other behavior may also lead to discharge on the first occurrence. Discipline: TBC establishes specific rules and regulations to govern the conduct of its employees, nonetheless the employment relationship is at will, and may be ended at any time, with or without notice, and with or without cause. Reporting: Employees may report any instance of behavior that is unlawful, unethical or contrary to company policy. Retaliation for reporting this type of behavior is unacceptable, and company management will be responsible to ensure that it does not occur. Employees may advance a complaint to their immediate supervisor, department director, Human Resources Director, or Chief Executive Officer. In cases of serious misconduct, an employee may also direct an anonymous complaint by calling the Compliance Line at 888-423-7986. The Human Resources Director will review complaints. Reports made as anonymous using the compliance line will be have a response posted back to the compliance line per protocol. All reports of inappropriate behavior will be documented and investigated. If verified, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. If the problem impacts the manufacturing process, it will be documented using an error/incident form and QA will be notified. Confidentiality of Records

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In the daily operation of TBC, employees have access to information and other personal data about individuals (e.g., donor health histories, donor and patient tests and donors on special recruitment lists). All TBC records and information relating to TBC or its donors, patients or customers are confidential and employees must, therefore, treat all matters accordingly. No TBC or TBC-related information, including without limitation, documents, notes, files, records, oral information, computer files or similar materials (except in the ordinary course of performing duties on behalf of TBC) may be removed from TBC’s premises without permission from TBC. Additionally, the contents of TBC’s records or information otherwise obtained in regard to business may not be disclosed to anyone, except where required for a business purpose. Employees must not disclose any confidential information, purposefully or inadvertently (through casual conversation), to any unauthorized person inside or outside TBC. Employees who are unsure about the confidential nature of specific information must ask their supervisor for clarification. Employees will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, for knowingly or unknowingly revealing information of a confidential nature. Attendance and Tardiness

TBC expects all employees to work each day of their assigned work schedule. An unscheduled absence from work impairs the efficiency of the business and/or quality of service TBC is dedicated to providing. It is TBC’s policy; therefore, to identify absences as they occur and, in cases of excessive unscheduled absences, take appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of employment. Unscheduled Absences: An unscheduled absence is any absence from work (including a partial-day absence) that is not planned or scheduled (e.g. calling in for your own personal illness or illness of a minor child or family emergencies). Pre-approved annual or personal leave, bereavement leave, jury duty etc. are considered scheduled absences. The type of paid leave that you elect or are given the option of using does not determine whether an absence is considered scheduled or unscheduled. For example, an employee may call in with a personal illness and not have available accrued sick leave. Although the employee may be given the option to utilize annual leave, the unscheduled absence will be recorded as unscheduled. Doctor’s Appointments: Employees are encouraged to make non-emergent doctors’ appointments outside of their scheduled work hours whenever possible. In cases where this is not feasible, employees must obtain prior approval for the time off from their supervisor or director. Approval should be obtained with as much advance notice as possible so that there is a minimum of disruption to operations. An absence due to a doctor’s appointment that is not pre-approved will be counted as an occurrence.

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Occurrences: Each unscheduled absence will be recorded as an occurrence. Two or more absences on consecutive scheduled workdays will be recorded as one occurrence as long as TBC determines that the absences are related to the same illness/injury. TBC reserves the right to require a doctor’s verification when an absence exceeds three or more consecutive days or at other times when deemed necessary. Notification: The supervisor must be informed as soon as possible if an employee is unable to report for work or will be late. If the supervisor is unavailable, a message should be left for the supervisor stating the reason, probable duration of the absence and a telephone number where the employee can be reached. If the absence or tardiness is due to an emergency, the call must be made as soon as is reasonably possible. Some departments have specific notification procedures due to the nature of their work. Please refer to the department supervisor for these procedures. An employee who fails to report for work and does not call in for three consecutive days may be deemed to have abandoned his or her job and voluntarily terminated his employment unless there are extenuating circumstances out of the employee’s control that prevented notification. The date of termination will be recorded as the last day worked. Sick Leave: It is expected that employees will only use sick leave for legitimate personal illnesses/injuries or those of a minor child requiring the employee’s care. Employees are not encouraged to work when ill; however, excessive absences, even where sick leave has been utilized for a portion or all of the absences in question, will subject an employee to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of employment. NOTE: The definition of excessive sick leave usage does not include occurrences that qualify under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or pregnancy disability leave. No adverse employment action will follow as a result of absences covered under those policies. PTO must be used for sick leave when available; otherwise the leave will be unpaid. Excessive Absenteeism: Excessive absenteeism is often manifested in a pattern of unscheduled absenteeism. By way of example, and not limitation, circumstances that may create the inference of excessive absenteeism may include, but are not limited to: • Unscheduled absences on days immediately before and/or after scheduled days off, • Unscheduled absences on days immediately before or after weekends or holidays, • Continued unscheduled absences following exhaustion of all paid leave, or • Use of paid leave immediately following the time at which said leave is earned.

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All absences will be evaluated on a rolling twelve-month period from the date of the last absence. Where absenteeism is an issue, employees may be denied pay increases, transfers, or promotions until and unless any attendance problems are rectified. Unexcused Late Arrivals: Unexcused late arrivals (an employee is expected to be at his/her work station and ready for work at the assigned time), leaving early for or returning late from breaks, or leaving before a shift is completed without prior approval will result in verbal and/or written counseling. Excessive occurrences may be cause for disciplinary action up to and including termination. Personal Appearance / Dress Code

A professional atmosphere is maintained, in part, by the image that employees present to donors, patients, customers and vendors. Each employee is expected to dress modestly, wear clothing appropriate to the job and utilize good judgment in determining dress and appearance. Clothing is expected to be clean; well fitting (i.e. the right size not too tight, not too loose); absent of wrinkles, holes, tatters, lint, etc. and color coordinated. Outer clothing is expected to cover the employee’s torso from the neck and shoulders through the midriff and down the legs to the shoes without interruption for men and to no more than two inches above the knees for women. Outer clothing should also be opaque to undergarments. On special occasions (particular blood drives, etc.) staff may be asked (and are permitted) to wear short pants that coordinate with the blood drive theme. Employees are expected to wear appropriate undergarments. Undershorts and socks for men and underpants, bras, and appropriate leg wear for women. Except as excluded by departmental dress code (see below), TBC-logo shirts may be worn at any time as long as the accompanying pant or skirt is in accordance with the dress code. Jeans should only be worn when approved by your director or their designee and must be clean, not overly faded, with no cuts or holes. The wearing of jewelry is permitted, but jewelry must be in good taste, not overly large, abundant, or ornamental. Jewelry must not inhibit the performance of work tasks, and employees are expected (and may be directed) to remove jewelry when the item may present a hazard to the employee or others. Please be considerate of co-workers, patients, and guests; good personal hygiene is a must. Heavy use of perfume and cologne is inappropriate due to sensitivity (allergies, illness) of employees and patients.

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Employees inappropriately dressed will be sent home and directed to return to work in proper attire. Such employees will not be compensated for their time away from work. An employee who repeatedly violates the dress code policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Department directors may further define appropriate standards of appearance for their departments. Questions of interpretation of personal appearance guidelines should be directed to the department director. Departmental dress code will also adhere to guidelines established by the safety program for use of required personal protective equipment. Non-Discrimination / Anti-Harassment

Unlawful discriminatory behavior or harassment is a serious violation of TBC’s policies. Every employee at TBC is expected to work actively to maintain a workplace that is free from unlawful discrimination and harassment of any employee on the basis of his/her race, religion, color, national origin, age, sexual orientation, marital status, genetic information, or the presence of any physical, mental or sensory disability. Employees should conduct themselves to ensure that no discrimination or harassment occurs and help TBC provide a harassment-free work environment where people treat one another with respect. Harassment can take many forms including slurs, comments, jokes, innuendoes, unwelcome compliments, pictures, cartoons, pranks or other verbal or physical conduct which: 1) has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment; 2) has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance; or 3) otherwise unreasonably affects an individual’s employment opportunities. SEXUAL HARASSMENT is a type of harassment and occurs when the verbal and physical conduct described above is sexual in nature or is gender-based, that is, directed at a person because of his or her gender. Sexual harassment exists in the workplace when: 1) submission to the conduct is either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment, 2) submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as basis for an employment decision affecting such individual or 3) the conduct unreasonably interferes with the individual’s job performance or creates a work environment that is intimidating, hostile or offensive. Sexual harassment includes: unwelcome verbal behavior such as comments, suggestions, jokes or derogatory remarks based on sex; physical behavior such as pats, squeezes, repeatedly brushing against someone’s body, or impeding or blocking normal work or movement; visual harassment such as posting of sexually suggestive or derogatory pictures, cartoons or drawings, even at one’s work station; unwanted sexual advances, pressure for sexual favors and/or basing employment decisions (such as an employee’s

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performance evaluations, work assignments, or advancement) upon the employee’s acquiescence to sexually harassing behavior in the workplace. If an employee feels he/she or any other employee has been subjected to harassment of any kind, he or she is encouraged to immediately identify the offensive behavior to the harasser and require that it stop. If an employee is uncomfortable in addressing the matter directly with the harasser, or if the employee does so and the behavior does not stop, the matter should immediately be discussed with Human Resources, the department supervisor/director or any supervisor/director with whom the employee feels comfortable. All complaints will be investigated promptly, impartially and discreetly. Upon completion of the investigation, the appropriate parties will be notified of the findings. Any supervisor, agent, or other employee who has been found to have harassed an employee/volunteer will be subject to appropriate corrective action, ranging from a disciplinary warning to termination. No employee will suffer retaliation in any form for reporting instances of harassment. Electronic Communication

TBC’s computer systems store and provide information and software critical to its operation. TBC relies on its computer system to maintain and ensure the safety; purity, potency, and integrity of the blood supply as well as to perform business functions. Ref: 9750PL (Acceptable Use Policy and 9750PLFa Employee/Guest User Policy Acknowledgement Form) Drug Free Workplace Policy

TBC is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment free from the influence of drugs and alcohol. The use of these substances can create a variety of safety, health and job performance problems, as well as interfere with overall company productivity. In addition to affecting the impaired employee, such problems can disrupt and/or endanger other employees, volunteers, donor and patients. In support of the DRUGFREE WORKPLACE ACT of 1988 and in the interest of providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees, TBC specifically prohibits the following conduct. • Buying, manufacturing, selling, possessing, transporting (unless such activity is required by job or is a legal substance in a sealed container) or use of intoxicant, narcotic hallucinogen, stimulant, sedative, drug, mood-altering substances excluding prescribed drugs, or drug paraphernalia at any time during working hours, meal and rest times, and while in TBC vehicles or personal vehicles on TBC business

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• Reporting for work or working under the influence of prohibited substances, including alcohol, listed above • Failure to cooperate with TBC’s Drug Free Workplace policies including, but not limited to, refusal to submit to required testing or professional evaluation for substance dependency or failure to submit to and complete rehabilitation conditions established TBC reserves the right, in accordance with any state or federal laws, to require an individual to take a drug and/or alcohol test in the following situations: • Post Offer, Pre-employment • For Cause Testing Option (at management discretion) • Random • Post-accident/injury (as indicated/at management discretion) • Follow-up An employee must immediately inform his or her supervisor/director if he/she is taking prescribed or over-the-counter drugs that may impair his/her ability to safely perform the job. This must be done prior to beginning the workday. An employee may be required to provide proper written medical authorization from the treating physician in order to continue work. Violation of these rules, failure to cooperate with any required test or tampering with a sample will result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination. Health professionals recognize drug and alcohol dependency as a condition that requires treatment. TBC supports sound treatment and encourages employees to seek appropriate assistance. Seeking or receiving professional treatment will not jeopardize an employee’s job. The company sponsored employee assistance program (EAP) is equipped to handle issues related to substance use and abuse. This policy applies to all employees of TBC while on the job or for staff on paid call and to situations where an employee’s off-the-job or off-premises conduct impairs job performance or undermines the public confidence in, or harms the reputation of, TBC. For safety-sensitive positions that require a commercial driver’s license (CDL), additional mandatory Department of Transportation/Federal Transportation Administration (DOT/FTA) regulations apply. TBC reserves the right to investigate suspected use or possession of illegal drugs and alcohol. To ensure that illegal drugs and alcohol do not enter or affect the workplace, TBC reserves the right to search all vehicles, containers, or other items on TBC property

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in furtherance of this policy. Individuals may be asked to display personal property for visual inspection by management or Human Resources. Searches may be conducted under this policy when TBC has reason to believe that an employee has violated TBC’s substance abuse policy. Failure to consent to a search or to display personal property for visual inspection may be grounds for discharge or denial of access to TBC premises, in TBC’s sole discretion. Because TBC’s primary concern is the safety of its employees and their working environment, TBC will turn over all confiscated drugs to the proper law enforcement authorities. Further, TBC reserves the right to cooperate with or enlist the services of the proper law enforcement authorities in the course of any investigation. Smoking

TBC is strongly committed to maintaining and improving the health and well-being of all employees. It is, therefore, TBC’s policy that employees have the right to work in an environment free of the hazards of tobacco smoke. To protect the health of all TBC employees and maintain a positive public image, TBC adheres to a nonsmoking policy within its buildings, vehicles and at all mobile sites. Smoking is never permitted in areas where there are sensitive or hazardous materials. Smoking by employees is permitted only during rest or meal periods in designated areas outside of TBC buildings. However, recognizing that use of certain legal substances, tobacco in particular, may degrade an employee’s health and may escalate the cost of employer-provided healthcare benefits; TBC provides education regarding hazards of tobacco and provides paths to engage employees in cessation of tobacco use. Use of Communications Systems

Telephones - TBC-provided telephone lines are intended for business use and should not be used for personal phone calls. Accordingly, employees are encouraged not to make or receive personal telephone calls during work hours unless there is an emergency. An employee telephone is available in the break-room for placing personal local phone calls during breaks or lunchtime. Personal faxing, long distance or toll calls should not be charged to TBC. Cellular telephones must not be used while operating a moving vehicle. Cellular telephones should be kept in the off or vibrate position while in presence of donors or donor contacts. Calls may then be returned during designated break periods.

Use of ID Badges, access cards, personal codes, passwords (vehicles, phone, and


Staff identification badges are provided to all Blood Connection employees. Employees are required to wear their ID badges when they are at a Blood Connection work site (including mobile drive sites.) The ID badges must be clearly visible at all times.

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For security and safety reasons, if an employee’s ID badge is lost or stolen, he or she must contact his/her supervisor or Human Resources immediately. Employees are required to wear a temporary ID badge until a new ID badge is available. Under no circumstances should a staff member give or loan his/her personal ID badge to any other person inside or outside of TBC. TBC personnel on duty should make every effort to be aware of strangers on the premises. Anyone who notices an unfamiliar or unauthorized person in a nonpublic area of the Center should contact his/her supervisor or Human Resources. All visitors who are expected to leave the public areas must sign-in at the receptionist desk and obtain a visitors badge. Personal Codes: All employees are provided personal codes to be used for gas cards, phones, computer access, and door entry. These codes are assigned to each employee upon hire and must not be shared with any other individual. Any unauthorized access by use of another employee’s code is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. RFID Cards: All employees are provided personal RFID cards to be used for time clocks and door entry. These cards are assigned to each employee upon hire and must not be shared with any other individual. Any unauthorized access by use of another employee’s card is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Personal Mail and Copying

TBC name, address or stationery may not be used for personal mail or for payment related deliveries. The copy and fax machines are available to employees as long as use is not excessive and does not interfere with routine operational use by TBC staff for TBC business. The Break-Room/Vending Machines

Coffee and tea in the break-room are available to staff at no cost as a benefit during working hours. Please ensure that the break-room is clean and orderly at all times. At the Bracken Road facility, vending machines with snacks and beverages are available for employees at a cost. Please report any malfunction of vending machines to the number indicated on the machine. Solicitation Rules

Solicitation and/or Distribution of literature by non-employees on the property of TBC is prohibited.

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Solicitation by employees on TBC's property during working time is prohibited. Distribution of literature by employees on TBC's property in non-working areas during working time, which in any way interferes with work, is prohibited. Distribution of literature by employees on TBC's property in work areas is prohibited. "Working time," for purposes of this rule, is defined as those periods which are designated for the performance of assigned job tasks by the employee doing the soliciting or distribution of literature or the employee being solicited or given literature. Bulletin Boards

Bulletin boards are an official means of communicating information. Only notices of TBC center-wide importance or interest will be posted. Such postings are used to communicate announcements required by law, official safety information, statistics and other employer notices. These boards should be checked frequently, as employees are required to be aware of their posted contents. Tips and Gratuities

An employee must neither solicit nor accept any tip, gratuity or gift for personal use from any vendor, donor, patient, or other person associated with a donor or patient for any service rendered by the employee while on duty. Gifts that are tokens of appreciation, such as plants or food items, may be accepted by employees as long as these gifts remain at TBC and are shared with others in the department. If any tip, gratuity or gift arising out of an employee's work at TBC is mailed or delivered to the employee at work or home, the employee should promptly report the occurrence to his/her supervisor. Donating Blood/Platelets

TBC encourages employees to donate blood and/or platelets at any time they are eligible. Employees who wish to donate during their scheduled work hours may do so as long as prior approval is obtained from their supervisor. Emergency Closing/ Inclement Weather

TBC must maintain an adequate supply of blood and blood components to meet patient needs even during times of inclement weather. During times when inclement weather alters the regular operation of TBC, employees are required to report to work only as they are able to do so safely, and only as required to do so by their Continuity of Operations Plan for Emergencies (COPE) Response Level (CRL) as indicated on the job description of each employee. TBC will make all commercially reasonable efforts to notify staff of

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closings, and which employees should report to work according to their CRL. Notifications may be in the form of phone calls by supervisors, email, TIPs website notification, or use of the media.

CRL Description

1 Essential job functions are not required to continue critical operations.

2 Essential job functions may be performed “at home”. 3 Essential job functions can be done at home but may require reporting to

work depending on staffing level.

4 Essential job functions are required to continue critical operations depending on blood supply levels.

5 Essential job functions are required to continue critical operations depending on day of week or testing schedule.

6 Essential job functions are required to continue critical operations as scheduled. If not scheduled, then “on-call” status will be initiated.

Note: Depending on the severity of weather/emergency all employees may be required to report to work as they are able to do so. Employees who are unable to report as indicated by their response level will be documented as having an occurrence/absence. Accrued PTO should be used for those non-exempt employees who lose time due to closing or absence from work due to inclement weather. Press Contacts

The Blood Connection relies on media assistance to notify the community in times of crisis or need. Also to educate the community about the importance of donating blood; therefore, every inquiry from the media needs to be handled professionally and with a willingness to assist them. All contacts with media (radio, television, newspaper, and magazine) must be directed to the marketing department except: When only a photographer or cameraman (w/o a reporter) shows-up at a blood drive. Make sure to get their names and for whom they work. Provide this information to the

Standard Plans

Reporting to Worksite

A CRL 6 only

B CRL 5 and CRL 6

C CRL4 and CRL 6

D CRL 4, 5 and 6 (CRL 3 should stand-by for further instruction)

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marketing department on the same day by 5 p.m. or by 7 am the next day, depending on the time they were at the event. In all other situations, direct the media to the marketing manager. If the marketing manager is not available for consultation or to act a spokesperson, then the inquiry should be directed to the Director of Donor Resources. In the event that the neither manager nor director is available, then the employee should obtain a contact name and phone number and direct the inquiry to the Director of Donor Resources. Building Maintenance

The general maintenance and upkeep of the facility is a vital role played by all employees of TBC. In order to insure that all problems are addressed in a timely manner, when an employee sees any problems inside or outside they should complete a “Facilities On-Line Ticket” form. These tickets are accessed by logging into TIPs and using the MicroMain system found under links on the home page. A. This ticket should be submitted and the Director of Plant and Equipment or designee will contact you. B. If the problem is of an emergency nature then when the ticket is submitted you will be contacted immediately, by the Director of Plant and Equipment or designee, who will inform you who to contact for repairs or services, if it is after hours. In an effort to reduce electric bills employee must make every effort to conserve energy by insuring that lights and electrical machines are turned off whenever they are not necessary. Privacy

Although the health and safety of its employees is of vital importance to TBC, what employees do on their own time which may affect their health and safety is not regulated by the company. No one will be discriminated against or disciplined for using lawful substances outside of working hours and away from TBC premises, including tobacco or legal drug and alcohol products. If, however, use of lawful substances outside of working hours and away from TBC facilities affects employees’ on-the-job performance, appropriate steps will be taken under our discipline policy. While TBC has a duty to its employees, its clients, and the public to investigate off-duty employee behavior, which may affect them, it also has an equally important duty to protect employees from unwarranted invasions of their privacy. Use of Company Property

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TBC provides mail, telephone, office and computing equipment and services for work related activities only, and as such are the property of this Company and are to be used solely for job-related purposes. It is not permissible to have personal mail or packages delivered to the Company address. Use of the mail services should be limited to out-going mail only with required postage already provided. Personal long distance calls are not permitted any time without the approval of a supervisor and the employee will be required to reimburse the Company for the cost of the call. Other personal calls should be kept to a minimum and shall not interfere with the performance of the job. Unauthorized use of Company property is strictly prohibited and may subject the employee to discipline, up to and including termination. TBC owned vehicles are provided for use by authorized personnel in the performance of Company business. Procedures for the use, maintenance, return, and emergency situations must be followed when using a company vehicle. HEALTH, SAFETY AND SECURITY


TBC values the safety, health and well-being of all employees. Company practice is to provide safe and healthful working conditions in all operations and to follow all safety and health laws and regulations. TBC has established a Safety Program emphasizing the goal of integrating safety and health practices into each job. This goal is accomplished through cooperative efforts of all Blood Connection staff and management. Safety orientation, quarterly training, an active Safety Committee, safety audits, safety equipment, and use of personal protective equipment are some of the tools used to reduce work hazards. Accepting mutual responsibility to operate safely is a critical component of an effective Safety Program. Each employee is responsible to observe safety procedures in day-to-day duties, use safety equipment properly, report unsafe conditions, accidents and/or illnesses, and support efforts to provide a safe work environment. Potentially hazardous situations are to be reported immediately to a supervisor or director. REF: TBC Safety Manual. Parking

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Staff should park in the designated employee parking area at each facility. Lockers/Personal Possessions and Equipment

TBC has limited lockers for security of employee coats, purses and other personal possessions at the main facility. Lockers are assigned by request by your supervisor. Where limited lockers are available, the employee should remove all contents and lock at the end of each shift. TBC reserves the right to search these lockers at any time. TBC does not assume responsibility for any theft or damage to the personal belongings of employees. TBC provides all work-related resources needed to perform the job; however, if an employee brings personal effects or items into the work area for his personal use then it is at the sole discretion and responsibility of the employee and TBC will not replace, fix, maintain, or compensate for any theft or damage, or depreciation of such items. Employee’s Children on the Work-site

Under no circumstance should the children of an employee be allowed in the work-site area. Due to the nature of our business it is reasonable to expect that the work-site area may contain dangers to children or non-employees who have not received safety training in those areas. If an employee has to bring a child or children to TBC the following criteria must be met: • emergency situation exists where bringing a child to work is an interim solution • prior notice and permission granted by the director/ or designee • child(ren) must remain in the break area (NOT IN THE WORKSITE AREA) • no disruption or damages to work flow or facility exists Failure to comply with the established criteria above may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Security

Maintaining a safe and secure work environment for our employees is of the utmost concern to TBC. A variety of practices have been developed to ensure security for the various work sites, including identification badges, daily security practices and access to additional resources in the event of an emergency. Visitors and unauthorized guests are not allowed in non-public areas at any time. All visitors who are expected to leave the public areas must sign-in at the receptionist desk and obtain a visitors badge. Employees can reduce the opportunity for criminal activity by locking offices and securing valuable property. Employees are encouraged not to bring large sums of money or unnecessary valuables to the workplace. Maintaining a secure work environment is not possible without the full participation of every employee. It is an employee’s

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responsibility to report any incident that might affect the security of donors, patients, staff, or facilities to their supervisor or Human Resources. Additionally, anyone who has taken out a restraining order on any individual must report this action to Human Resources immediately. Security is available at the Bracken Road facility evening from 7pm until 7am and can be reached at 864-751-3555. Workplace Injury

Preventing workplace injury is an integral part of TBC’s Safety Program. It is an employee’s responsibility to report all occupational accidents, near-miss accidents and injuries/illnesses to his supervisor. A Safety Report (accident/injury form) must be completed at the time of the incident or as soon as possible thereafter. The employee must seek medical care immediately, if necessary. TBC has contracted with an occupational health facility to administer emergency care, post-accident evaluation, and follow-up for work related accidents. Employees are to be seen by the facility doctors as soon as possible following an accident. If the injury occurred outside the hours of 0800 to 1700 (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), and is an emergency then the employee should be taken to the emergency room for immediate care. Otherwise for injuries of a non-urgent nature, follow-up should occur on the next day at the health facility designated by the company. TBC works closely with employees that become injured or ill due to a work-related incident and makes every effort to assist them in returning to employment as early as it is medically safe to do so. The Human Resource Director coordinates this process with the employee. It is the policy of TBC to strive for safe performance of jobs. Suggestions from employees are actively sought regarding safe work procedures. *The electronic version of the employee accident/injury form can be accessed via the intranet by searching for the forms on TIPs. • Complete all the required information • Submit form to supervisor and Human Resources REF: TBC Safety Manual Appendix S: Directions to Occupational Health Facility Accident/Injury Forms Zero Tolerance for Workplace Violence

TBC is committed to providing a safe work environment free from violence for all employees, volunteers, donors, and/or visitors. Any type of actual or threatened workplace violence committed by or against an employee or volunteer will not be

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tolerated. By way of example and not limitation, the following is a list of conduct that is strictly prohibited and may be cause for disciplinary action up to and including termination.

An act, that involves a physical assault;

Behavior that a reasonable person would perceive as obsessively directed (e.g. intensely focused on a grudge, grievance, or romantic interest in another person, and reasonably likely to result in harm or threats of harm to persons or property)

Making implied or actual threatening remarks

Aggressive or hostile behavior that creates a reasonable fear of injury to another person or subjects another individual to emotional distress

Intentionally damaging or threatening to damage employer property or property of another employee

Possession of a dangerous weapon or firearm while on Blood Center property or while performing Blood Connection business at other locations. A dangerous weapon is any instrument capable of producing bodily harm, in a manner, under circumstances, and at a time and place that manifests an intent to harm or intimidate another person or that warrants alarm for the safety of another person

Committing acts motivated by, or related to, sexual harassment or domestic violence

Threats, threatening conduct or any other acts of aggression or violence will not be tolerated. Non-employees engaged in actual or perceived violent acts on TBC premises, in a Blood Connection vehicle or at a mobile blood drive setup will be reported to the proper authorities and fully prosecuted. Employees are expected to refrain from acts of violence and to seek assistance to resolve issues that may lead to acts of violence in the workplace. TBC does not expect employees to be skilled at identifying potentially dangerous persons; however, employees are expected to exercise good judgment and to inform their supervisors/directors or Human Resources if any person exhibits behavior that the employee perceives to be a sign of a potentially dangerous or threatening situation. Such behavior may include: discussing weapons or bringing them to the workplace; displaying obvious signs of extreme stress, resentment, hostility, or anger; making threatening remarks; sudden or significant deterioration of performance; and/or displaying irrational or inappropriate behavior. This includes situations involving employees, donors, vendors, solicitors, or other visitors.

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Employees and volunteers are encouraged to report concerns to their director/supervisor or Human Resources. Reports may be made anonymously, in writing, and submitted to Human Resources. All reported incidents will be investigated. Reports or incidents warranting confidentiality will be disclosed to others only where business necessity requires disclosure. In order to maintain workplace safety and the integrity of it’s investigation; TBC may suspend employees either with or without pay, pending investigation of alleged violent or threatening activities. Based on TBC’s investigation, appropriate action will be taken to effectively eliminate and prevent threats and/or violence in the workplace. Employees are urged to report situations occurring outside the workplace that may affect workplace safety. For example, where civil or criminal orders of protection restrict any individual’s contact with a Blood Connection employee or volunteer at his/her workplace, the employee/volunteer must provide a copy of the order to Human Resources so that proper precautions may be taken. Where an employee or volunteer fails to provide TBC with notices of an outside danger and thereby subjects any employee, volunteer, vendor, or donor to any form of danger, disciplinary action may follow. TBC reserves the right to conduct searches of any person, vehicle or object that enters or is located on TBC premises, in a Blood Connection vehicle or at a Blood Connection mobile blood drive setup. This includes, but is not limited to, desks, lockers, purses, briefcases, lunch sacks, and clothing. TBC management or local authorities may conduct searches. If the search is done at the request of management and in the presence of the employee, the employee may refuse the search, but such refusal may result in termination of employment for refusal to cooperate. TBC reserves the right to conduct searches or authorize searches by law enforcement on its property without the employee being present. TBC does not tolerate any form of violence in the workplace. Any employee found to have violated the above policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of employment. Furthermore, TBC will take any precaution necessary to prevent acts of violence in the workplace. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS

Paid-Time-Off (PTO)

PTO benefits are available for all employees working at least 20 hours per week. Employees are eligible to use their PTO benefits only as they accrue. PTO should be used for all non-worked hours or days for which pay is requested. This includes vacation, holiday (not worked), sick leave, personal days, etc.

Accrual of PTO begins upon hire date. PTO for full-time employees accrues according to the schedules below. PTO for non-exempt employees working less than full time, but at least 20 hours per week, earns at half the rate of non-exempt full-time employees. In order to maintain part-time status the employee must not fall below 20 hours in a pay

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period. Employees classified as non-exempt full-time and who normally work 40 hours per pay period, but who occasionally fall below 40 hours, will receive non-exempt full-time benefits. This policy does not cover an employee who is on unpaid leave; such circumstances are handled on a case-by-case basis, dependent on state and federal laws and pertinent TBC policies. PTO accrual ceases upon employment separation for any reason including retirement.

Years of Service PTO Accrued Per Year Non-Exempt Exempt 0 through 4th year 24 days (192 hours) 30 days (240 hours) 5th through 9th year 27 days (216 hours) 33 days (264 hours) 10th through 14th year 30 days (240 hours) 36 days (288 hours) 15th through 19th year 33 days (264 hours) 36 days (288 hours) 20th and beyond 36 days (288 hours) 36 days (288 hours) Because the purpose of this benefit is to provide employees with rest from work, non-exempt employees are encouraged to schedule PTO for a minimum of four hours. PTO must be requested in advance. Employees are required to complete a PTO Request via Enterprise Time system and submit it to their supervisor for approval. PTO will be granted at the time requested whenever possible. Requests presented to the supervisor at least 30 days prior to the start of a requested PTO will more likely be honored than requests made at the last minute. The need to ensure appropriate service to the community and/or vacation requests from other employees may occasionally result in a denial. Requests for PTO of a period of longer than four consecutive work-weeks must be approved by the CEO. Full-time, nonexempt employees who are normally scheduled to work 40 hours per work week, but due to business reasons (e.g., a blood drive is cancelled) fall below 40 hours for the week, will be allowed to supplement their pay with PTO in order to bring them up to, but not above, their scheduled 40 hours. Under these circumstances, a PTO Request is not required; however, the hours requested should be submitted to appropriate timekeeper in a timely manner and will still be subject to final approval by the department director (or designee). PTO pay is not considered hours worked for the purpose of calculating overtime. Employees shall not be eligible to take PTO in their first twelve-months of employment, except in the following circumstances:

A full-time, nonexempt employee who falls below his standard 8-hour workday may supplement his with PTO in order to bring him up to, but not above, his scheduled 8 hours;

Scheduled holidays;

Upon approval from a Director, but not to exceed seven (7) occurrences within the first 12-months of employment.

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** First-year occurrences include any of the following:

Any absence from appointed schedule.

Any day where time worked does not equal at least 60% of scheduled shift because of arriving late or leaving early (other than when asked to do so by a manager).

Any requested/PTO day off except: o Jury duty o Compassionate leave o Days pre-approved prior to hire and listed in offer-


** please note that although an instance listed above may not result in an occurrence it may still fall under the disciplinary rules outlined in the disciplinary section of this handbook. For those employees who have completed their first 12-months of employment, TBC encourages the use of their accrued PTO each year. Unused PTO may be carried over from year to year and may accrue up to 1,560 hours. Once PTO accrues to 1,560 hours, no further hours will accrue until the total falls below 1,560. Upon termination, accrued PTO will be paid out (or deducted if in the negative balance) on the last check, except where termination was the result of gross negligence or misconduct.

Accumulated PTO in amounts between 1 and 40 hours is cash redeemable twice per employee each fiscal year. Established "cash-redemption PTO" dates will be on payroll associated with a May and a November pay period. To redeem PTO hours employees must complete the Cash-redemption PTO Request provided by HR during designated redemption period.


TBC does not observe paid holidays; however, the following days are observed as

"Holiday” for the purpose of “holiday pay” and for using accrued and eligible PTO.

New Years Day

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Labor Day

Thanksgiving Day

Christmas Day Because of a responsibility to the community, some staffing is necessary on

holidays. The department director will make every effort to prepare schedules that are fair and agreeable to employees, but appropriate service and production

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schedules must be maintained. If an employee is required to work on an actual holiday, he/she will receive time and a half for all hours actually worked.

Workers Compensation Insurance

As an employee of TBC, work related injuries or occupational diseases are covered by Workers Compensation insurance through the appropriate state agencies/funds. TBC pays the premium cost for this coverage. Additional information about this program is available from Human Resources or through the applicable state Department of Labor and Industries.

Unemployment Insurance:

State law provides for unemployment compensation benefits for individuals losing their jobs through no fault of their own, such as a layoff due to lack of work. This benefit may provide such individuals with temporary income replacement. For information regarding eligibility requirements and waiting periods, please contact Human Resources or the applicable state agency for unemployment benefits. COBRA

In accordance with the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), TBC offers employees and their qualified beneficiaries the opportunity to continue medical/dental coverage under TBC’s medical/dental plans when a qualifying event would normally result in the loss of eligibility. Some common qualifying events are resignation, termination of employment (for reasons other than gross misconduct); death of an employee; a reduction in an employee’s hours or a leave of absence; an employee’s divorce or legal separation; and a dependent child no longer meeting eligibility requirements. Pursuant to this law, the employee or beneficiary pays the full cost of coverage at the company’s group rates plus an administration fee. TBC uses a COBRA administrator who will provide each eligible employee with a written notice describing rights granted under COBRA when the employee becomes eligible for coverage under TBC’s health insurance plans. The notice contains important information about the employee’s rights and obligations and should be carefully noted.


An employee is eligible for up to a 12-weeks (or up to 26 weeks of military caregiver leave to care for a covered service member with a serious injury or illness) unpaid Leave of Absence during any 12-month period (measured backward from the date an employee uses any FMLA Leave) pursuant to the Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”) if the employee meets the following requirements:

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1. He has worked for the Company for twelve (12) months or 52 weeks. The 12 months or 52 weeks need not have been consecutive. Separate periods of employment will be counted, provided that the break in service does not exceed seven years. Separate periods of employment will be counted if the break in service exceeds seven years due to National Guard or Reserve military service obligations or when there is a written agreement, including a collective bargaining agreement, stating the employer’s intention to rehire the employee after the service break. For eligibility purposes, an employee will be considered to have been employed for an entire week even if the employee was on the payroll for only part of a week or if the employee is on leave during the week.

2. In the 12-month period prior to the FMLA Leave request he has worked at least 1,250

hours. This does not include time spent on paid or unpaid leave.

3. He works at a Company site with 50 or more employees within 75 miles of that office or worksite, using available transportation by the most direct route; and

4. He or an immediate family member has a qualifying event under the FMLA.

Each workweek will be a rolling workweek measured from the date an employee uses any FMLA Leave.

Spouses employed by the same employer are jointly entitled to a combined total of 12-workweeks of FMLA Leave for the birth and care of the newborn child, for placement of a child for adoption or foster care, and to care for a parent who has a serious health condition. To qualify as FMLA leave under this policy, the employee must be taking leave for one of the reasons listed below:

1. The birth and care of a newborn child of the employee:

2. The placement with the employee of a child for adoption or foster care;

3. To care for a spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition (physician statement required)

4. When an employee is unable to work because of a serious health condition (physician statement required).

5. Qualifying exigency leave for families of members of the National Guard and Reserves when the covered military member is on active duty or called to active duty in support of a contingency operation.

6. To care for a covered family service member who has been injured or is recovering from an injury sustained while on active military duty in the Armed Forces.

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An employee may take FMLA Leave because of a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the functions of the employee's position. A serious health condition is defined as a condition that requires inpatient care at a hospital, hospice or residential medical care facility, including any period of incapacity or any subsequent treatment in connection with such inpatient care or a condition that requires continuing care by a licensed health care provider. This policy covers illnesses of a serious and long-term nature, resulting in recurring or lengthy absences. Generally, a chronic or long-term health condition that would result in a period of three consecutive days of incapacity with the first visit to the health care provider within seven days of the onset of the incapacity and a second visit within 30 days of the incapacity would be considered a serious health condition. For chronic conditions requiring periodic health care visits for treatment, such visits must take place at least twice a year. Employees with questions about what this FMLA policy or under the Company sick leave policy should consult with the HR manager. If an employee takes paid sick leave for a condition that progresses into a serious health condition and the employee requests unpaid FMLA Leave as provided under this policy, the Company may designate all or some portion of related leave taken as leave under this policy, to the extent that the earlier leave meets the necessary qualifications.


Under some circumstances, employees may take FMLA Leave intermittently – which means taking leave in blocks of time, or by reducing their normal weekly or daily work schedule.

If FMLA Leave is for the birth and care of a newborn or placement for adoption or foster care of a child, use of intermittent leave is subject to Company approval.

FMLA Leave may be taken intermittently whenever medically necessary to care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition, or when the employee is unable to work due to a serious health condition.

The Company may temporarily transfer an employee to an available alternative position with equivalent pay and benefits if the alternative position would better accommodate the intermittent or reduced schedule, when leave is foreseeable and planned, or to care for a child after birth placement for adoption or foster care.

If the employee is taking leave for a serious health condition or because of the serious health condition of a family member, the employee should try to reach agreement with the Company before taking intermittent leave or working a

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reduced hour schedule. If this is not possible, then the employee must prove that the use of the intermittent leave is medically necessary.

Medical certification to support Intermittent FMLA Leave is required. The certification must include the dates and the duration of treatment, as well as a statement of medical necessity for taking intermittent leave or working a reduced schedule.


An employee whose spouse, son, daughter or parent either has been notified of an impending call or order to activate military duty or who is already on active duty may take up to 12-weeks of FMLA Leave due to a qualifying exigency related to or affected by the family member’s call-up or service. (Son or daughter for this type of FMLA leave is defined the same as for child for other types of FMLA leave except that the person does not have to be a minor.)

The qualifying exigency must be one of the following: a. short-notice deployment, b. military events and activities, c. child care and school activities, d. financial and legal arrangements, e. counseling, f. rest and recuperation, g. post-deployment activities; or h. additional activities that arise out of active duty provided that the employer

and employee agree, including agreement on timing and duration of the leave.

The FMLA Leave may commence as soon as the individual receives the call-up notice. This type of leave would be counted toward the employee’s 12-week maximum of FMLA leave in a 12-month period.

The Company will require certification of the qualifying exigency for military family leave. The employee must respond to such a request within 15 days of the request or provide a reasonable explanation for the delay. Failure to provide certification may result in a denial of continuation of leave. This certification will be provided using the DOL Certification of Qualifying Exigency for Military Family Leave.


An employee may take up to 26-weeks of FMLA Leave in a 12-month period to care for his or her spouse, son, daughter or parent or next-of-kin who is injured or recovering from an injury suffered while on active military duty and is unable to perform his or her duties as a service member. Next of kin is defined as the closest blood relative of the injured or recovering service member.

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Note that the maximum amount of FMLA Leave is 26-weeks under this category. Therefore, if an employee requires an FMLA of 12-weeks for his own serious health condition, the FMLA Leave under this section would be reduced by 12-weeks.

If a husband and wife both work for the Company and each wishes to take leave to care for a covered injured or ill service member, the husband and wife may only take a combined total of 26 weeks of leave.

The Company will require certification for the serious injury or illness of the covered service member. The employee must respond to such a request within 15 days of the request or provide a reasonable explanation for the delay. Failure to provide certification may result in a denial of continuation of leave. This certification will be provided using the DOL Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of Covered Service member (http://www.dol.gov/esa/whd/forms/WH-385.pdf ).



The Company will request medical certification of the serious health condition.

The employee must provide such certification within 15 days of the date of the request or provide a reasonable explanation for the delay.

Failure to provide certification may result in denial of the FMLA Leave.

Medical certification must provide the date the condition began, the expected duration of the condition and a brief statement of treatment. Medical certification will be provided using the DOL Certification of Health Care Provider for Family Member’s Serious Health Condition.

If the employee is suffering from a serious medical condition, the certificate must state whether the employee is unable to perform work of any kind, or that the employee is unable to perform the essential functions of the employee’s position.

The Company may directly contact the employee’s family member’s health care provider for verification or clarification purposes using a health care professional, an HR professional, leave administrator or management official. The Company will not use the employee’s direct supervisor for this contact. Before the Company makes this direct contact with the health care provider, the employee will be a given an opportunity to resolve any deficiencies in the medical certification. In compliance with HIPAA Medical Privacy Rules, the Company will obtain the employee’s family member’s permission for clarification of individually identifiable health information.

The Company has the right to ask for a second opinion if it has reason to doubt the

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certification. The Company will pay for the employee’s family member to get a certification from a second doctor, which the Company will select. The Company may deny FMLA Leave to an employee whose family member refuses to release relevant medical records to the health care provider designated to provide a second or third opinion. If necessary to resolve a conflict between the original certification and the second opinion, the Company will require the opinion of a third doctor. The Company and the employee will mutually select the third doctor, and the Company will pay for the opinion. This third opinion will be considered final. The employee will be provisionally entitled to FMLA Leave and benefits under the FMLA pending the second and/or third opinion.


The Company may request recertification for the serious health condition of the employee or the employee’s family member no more frequently than every 30 days and only when circumstances have changed significantly, or if the employee receives information casting doubt on the reason given for the absence, or if the employee seeks an extension of his or her leave. Otherwise, the Company may request recertification for the serious health condition of the employee or the employee’s family member every six months in connection with an FMLA absence. The Company may provide the employee’s health care provider with the employee’s attendance records and ask whether need for leave is consistent with the employee’s serious health condition.


Employees on FMLA Leave will be eligible to continue coverage under the Company medical and dental coverage, if applicable.

Employees will be required to continue to share in the cost of such coverage. While on unpaid FMLA Leave, the employee must continue to make this payment, either in person or by mail. The payment must be received in the Accounting Department by the 15th day of each month. If the payment is more than 30 days late, the employee's health care coverage may be dropped for the duration of the leave. The Company will provide 15 days' notification prior to the employee's loss of coverage.

If the employee chooses not to return to work for reasons other than a continued serious health condition of the employee or the employee’s spouse, parent or child, or a circumstance beyond the employee’s control, the Company will require the employee to reimburse the Company the amount it paid for the employee’s health insurance premium during the FMLA Leave period.

If the employee contributes to a life insurance or disability plan, the Company will continue making payroll deductions while the employee is on paid FMLA Leave (i.e., substituting accrued paid time off for FMLA Leave). While the employee is on unpaid FMLA Leave, the employee may request continuation of such benefits

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and pay his or her portion of the premiums, or the Company may elect to maintain such benefits during the leave and pay the employee's share of the premium payments. If the employee does not continue these payments, the Company may discontinue coverage during the FMLA Leave. If the Company maintains coverage, the Company may recover the costs incurred for paying the employee's share of any premiums, whether or not the employee returns to work.


Employees who return from an FMLA Leave on or before the expiration date will be reinstated to the same or equivalent position, in accordance with applicable law.

Key Employees: Under specified and limited circumstances where restoration to employment will cause substantial and grievous economic injury to its operations, an employer may refuse to reinstate certain highly paid “key” employees after using FMLA Leave during which health coverage was maintained. A key employee is a salaried, eligible employee who is among the highest paid ten (10%) percent of employees within 75 miles of the work site.

If an employee has taken FMLA Leave due to his/her own serious health condition, the Company will require certification from the employee’s Health Care Provider that he/she is fit for duty before the employee can return from FMLA Leave.

If the Company receives medical evidence satisfactory to it that the employee will be permanently unable to safely resume all of the essential functions of his or her job, with or without reasonable accommodation, and if reassignment to a vacant position is not possible, then the employee’s employment will be terminated. The employee will be eligible for hiring consideration in the event that his or her medical condition allows.


Employees are required to exhaust all available paid leave (such as sick leave and vacation time) to cover some or all of the FMLA Leave. Any such paid leave shall run concurrently with the FMLA Leave.

Upon approval of an employee’s request for a leave of absence, the Company shall designate whether such leave of absence counts as FMLA Leave.

An employee who meets the above stated criteria should direct any inquiries to Human Resources. If the employee qualifies, Human Resources will work with the manager to cover the employee’s responsibilities in their absence.

Employees seeking to use FMLA Leave are required to provide 30-days advance notice of the need to take FMLA Leave when the need is foreseeable (i.e., maternity leave) and such notice it practicable.

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Employees will also be required to provide:

Medical Certification supporting the need for leave due to a serious health condition affecting the employee or an immediate family member (see attached form) as well as second or third opinions (at Company’s expense) as needed;

Periodic reports during the FMLA Leave regarding the employee’s status and the intent to return to work.

In the event an employee requires intermittent FMLA Leave to care for an immediate family member or himself, and such Leave is for planned medical treatment, the employee must try to schedule treatment so as not to unduly disrupt Company operations.

Designation of FMLA Leave. Within five business days after the employee has submitted the appropriate certification form, the HR manager will complete and provide the employee with a written response to the employee’s request for FMLA leave using the DOL Designation Notice (http://www.dol.gov/esa/whd/forms/WH-382.pdf ).

FMLA leave will run concurrently with any leave of absence, including Worker’s Compensation and/or short-term disability. PTO can be used on a proportionate basis to make up the difference between regular weekly wage and any benefits he/she may be receiving. PTO can be used to make up any difference in


This policy applies to those pregnant employees experiencing a pregnancy-related disability who are not eligible for an FMLA Leave. An eligible employee, as defined above, may take up to 8 workweeks of Leave for Maternity Purposes during any 12-month period (measured backward from the date an employee uses any Leave).

Employees are eligible for a Leave for Maternity Purposes following any disability due to pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, childbirth, and recovery there from.

An employee is expected to report to her supervisor the fact that she is pregnant as soon as it becomes known to her, along with a statement from her doctor as to her anticipated delivery date.

Leave for Maternity Purposes will be treated the same as any other medical leave, as described herein. The employee's benefits coverage, if any, will continue for the length of the employee's employment. The employee will be required to substitute and exhaust any accrued paid time off during the allotted 8 weeks of unpaid leave allowed under this policy.

Upon return from a Leave for Maternity Purposes, an employee will be reinstated to her

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former position or to a substantially similar position at the same rate of pay as prior to taking the Leave.

Failure to report to work at the end of the set expiration of the leave or when the employee's physician releases the employee to return to work will be considered a voluntary resignation.

In the event the employee is eligible for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Policy, this Leave for Maternity Purposes will run concurrently with any FMLA Leave and any Short Term Disability.

Personal Leave of Absence:

Personal leaves of absence may be granted to accommodate compelling personal needs that can only be satisfied through a temporary absence from work and where there is a reasonable likelihood of the employee returning to work. Employees may request an unpaid personal Leave of Absence (LOA) under the following guidelines: Eligibility: All full-time and part-time employees with at least twelve (12) months of continuous service. Length of Leave: A personal LOA may be granted to cover an absence of more than five (5) days and may extend to a maximum of thirty (30) days for employees with 1-10 years of full-time service and to a maximum of sixty (60) days for employees with 10 or more years of full-time service. Employees may not take leave beyond the maximum for their years of service in a three-year period measured forward from the first day of the leave. Personal Leave of Absence on an intermittent or reduced schedule basis is not available. Notification/Approval: Requests for a personal LOA must be submitted in writing and be approved by the department director and Human Resources. Each request will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration the urgency of the request, ability of the department to provide coverage for the absence, and the employee’s length of service and work record. If the leave is for a non-FMLA medical reason for either the employee or the employee’s minor child, a doctor’s certification may be required. Payment during Leave: The employee is required to use all available accrued PTO for which they would normally be eligible as part of his/her personal leave prior to taking leave unpaid. Benefit Continuation: Coverage under any group health plan (medical, dental) will be maintained throughout an approved LOA to the extent coverage would be maintained if the employee were still working while the employee is on paid leave. During periods of unpaid leave, he/she must pay the full level of the benefit premium for coverage to continue. Group health plans benefit continuation for non-FMLA related leave is limited

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to a 60-day period. Employees are encouraged to discuss other benefits continuation with Human Resources. Reemployment Following Personal Leave: TBC cannot guarantee the same position vacated or hold a position for the employee while he/she is on a personal LOA. Military Leave of Absence:

Employees who require time off from work to fulfill military duties will be treated in accordance with applicable state and federal laws. The employee is expected to notify his/her supervisor and provide a copy of his/her orders as soon as possible and with as much advance notice as possible. An eligible employee who provides advance written or oral notice of reserve training or military service will be granted an unpaid military leave of absence for up to five years. During a military leave of absence, benefit coverage will be the same as for any other employee on a leave of absence. Medical coverage may be continued based on the provisions of the Uniformed Services Employment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA). Compassionate Leave

In the case of a death of a relative, all full-time and part-time employees are entitled to three days leave to attend services and take care of other business and personal matters. These days should be taken consecutively within a reasonable time of funeral or ceremony and will be compensated as 8 hours of vacant pay and up to 16 hours of PTO if requested and accrued. For purposes of this policy, a "relative" means spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, domestic partner, relatives of a domestic partner, and family member by marriage, including step and in-law relationships. Domestic partners are adult individuals who reside together, are mutually responsible for their common welfare, and are not married. Jury Duty

TBC encourages employees to fulfill their civic responsibility by serving on jury duty when required and serving as a witness in court when subpoenaed. Witness duty must be based on TBC business, directly related to TBC litigation or litigation that involved the employee while he/she was on TBC paid time in order to be paid time. When serving on a jury, all full-time and part-time employees working over 20 hours per week will be paid the difference between their base rate of pay and the amount received for jury duty. PTO accrual benefits will continue during company-paid jury duty as if the employee were working.

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Employees must notify their supervisor and provide Human Resources with a copy of the notification of impending jury duty as soon as possible after receiving their notification from the court. Employees will be granted time off as dictated by the court and are expected to work their regular work schedule on days when court is not in session and work the remaining part of their scheduled shift when excused from court for four hours or longer. (Evening and night shift employees will not be required to work a shift immediately proceeding or following jury or witness duty.) An employee will be paid while on jury duty. After receiving payment from the court, the employee must submit proof of the compensation for time served to Human Resources. The amount paid by the court, excluding mileage, will be deducted from the employee’s next scheduled paycheck or the compensation check may be endorsed to TBC and full salary will be paid for the time affected. Jury-duty hours paid does not count as hours worked for overtime calculation nor do any premium pay policies apply.

Voting Time-Off

TBC encourages good citizenship by supporting all employees to exercise their right to vote. Employees are encouraged to utilize the expanded hours of the polls by voting during times which do not interfere with their work schedule. Employees living in other localities need to inform their supervisor in advance if they expect any conflict between their work schedule and the exercise of voting in any election for any public office. Supervisors will adjust the employee's schedule as needed to ensure they will have the opportunity to vote. Employee Assistance Program

TBC offers a voluntary and professional service that provides information, counseling, and referral services to all full-time and part-time employees who may be experiencing personal stress or issues in their lives which may directly or indirectly affect their overall performance on the job. The Employee Assistance Program of Greenville Hospital System has been retained and their offices are located at 1020 Grove Road, Greenville, SC. A counselor can be reached at (864)455-2360 or 1-800-868-6869. The EAP provides the following services without cost to employees: • Assessment • Information • Short-term Counseling • Referral • Follow-up

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Crisis intervention is also provided 24 hours a day in case of emergencies through the EAP by calling: (864) 455-2360 or 1-800-868-6869. Employees can contact EAP directly or by referral through the Human Resources Director. Tuition Assistance Policy


It is the policy of The Blood Connection to assist employees with educational expenses by providing tuition assistance for all benefit eligible employees for qualified coursework.

Our Mission, Vision and Values as well as good business practice call for us to encourage the professional development of employees by supporting participation in educational opportunities that expand their knowledge and enhance the talents they bring to The Blood Connection. Our mission and values also call us to be prudent stewards of our resources. In choosing and approving learning opportunities, employees must consider both personal and organizational development.

POLICY: To be eligible, employees need to meet the following criteria:

Budgeted FTE employee who works at least 32 hours a week or greater

Successful completion of 3-years of employment This policy does not apply to employees who are:

Receiving severance benefits

Temporary, PRN, or Part-time

An employee not “good standing” prior to the first day of class

“good standing” refers to an active employee who currently has no disciplinary actions outstanding within the last six months and who meets attendance and performance expectations as set by their supervisor.

If an individual leaves employment, applications that had been approved prior to the last day worked will not be valid. Eligible courses are:

A course that relates to present job responsibilities or potential future positions at The Blood Connection.

A course that is provided by an accredited technical school, college, or university as part of a degree program.

Courses are required to be for credit.

The benefit is The benefit is a maximum of $2,500 per calendar year. The last date of the class determines the calendar year in which the maximum is applied. The calendar year begins January 1st and ends December 31st. Prior to assistance, the employee must demonstrate successful course

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completion. Successful completion is defined as:

Undergraduate Work: requires receiving a grade of “C” or better or a “pass” where the grade is given on a pass/fail scale.

Graduate Work: requires receiving a grade of “B” or better or a “pass” where the grade is given on a pass/fail scale.

Fees, tuition, required course books, and costs directly charged for taking the course for credit will be considered for assistance. Items not reimbursable under the program are laboratory fees, parking fees, and cost of any materials purchased by the student. Continuing education courses, seminars, conferences and workshops that an employee attends are not part of this program. These programs should be budgeted out of Human Resources department’s annual operating budget. Employees who have received a grant, scholarship or other award in support of their education would be eligible for assistance under this program after the amount of the grant, scholarship or other award is deducted from the total cost.


Employees interested in receiving assistance for coursework should take the following steps: 1. Complete a tuition assistance application to determine eligibility for tuition

assistance. Complete the application prior to the start of the course. By completing and signing the application, the applicant attests to the accuracy of the information and formally requests approval. This form is available on TIPs , or from Human Resources.

2. The employee must submit the application to his supervisor for approval any time prior to the start of the course to be eligible for assistance. Applications received after the course has started will not be approved.

3. The supervisor will review the application and approve or deny the application. The supervisor will forward the application to Human Resources for approval.

4. Human Resources will notify the employee in writing regarding final approval or rejection of the application.

5. For assistance to occur, the employee must submit evidence of successful completion of the class and all relevant documentation to Human Resources. The application and related documentation must be submitted within 60 days of the last day of the course. Documentation must include: a. Proof of enrollment in a degreed program (Associates, Bachelors,

Masters) b. Proof of enrollment for each class c. Receipt for cost of each class/books d. Documentation to disclose any financial assistance requested/received

or documentation from the accredited school that no financial assistance has been requested

e. Final course grade Documentation received later than sixty days (60) after the course end date will

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not be considered for assistance.

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