ANALYSIS PUBLISHED: 12 JUNE 2017 | VOLUME: 2 | ARTICLE NUMBER: 17094 Empirically observed learning rates for concentrating solar power and their responses to regime change Johan Lilliestam * , Mercè Labordena, Anthony Patt and Stefan Pfenninger Concentrating solar power (CSP) capacity has expanded slower than other renewable technologies and its costs are still high. Until now, there have been too few CSP projects to derive robust conclusions about its cost development. Here we present an empirical study of the cost development of all operating CSP stations and those under construction, examining the roles of capacity growth, industry continuity, and policy support design. We identify distinct CSP expansion phases, each characterized by dierent cost pressure in the policy regime and dierent industry continuity. In 2008–2011, with low cost pressure and following industry discontinuity, costs increased. In the current phase (2011—present), with high cost pressure and continuous industry development, costs decreased rapidly. Data for projects under construction suggest that this trend is continuing and accelerating. If support policies and industrial structure are sustained, we see no near-term factors that would hinder further cost decreases. P olicies to promote relatively expensive renewable energy technologies are often justified on the basis of learning effects, which make these technologies less expensive and more competitive the more they are deployed 1–3 . The metric to describe this is the learning rate, which corresponds to the investment cost reduction for each doubling of installed capacity. Photovoltaic modules, for example, have had an average learning rate of 20% since 1990, comparing favourably to coal power (at 5–8%) over its first installed 1,000 GW (refs 4–6). Because of its ability to provide dispatchable renewable electricity, concentrating solar power (CSP) may be an attractive technology to policymakers. However, few CSP stations have been built to date, with three-quarters of them having been finished within the last six years, making it difficult until now to empirically estimate the CSP learning rate. Most policy analyses have assumed a learning rate of 5–15%, based on analysis of CSP stations built in the 1980s or on selections of a few stations 3,7–9 , as well as extrapolation from other technologies 10–13 . The particular historical development of CSP also offers insights of relevance to the theory of technological learning. Current theory explains that growth improves costs because growth increases the likelihood of fundamental technological advances, incremental learning by doing, economies of scale in manufacturing, and standardization 6,14–18 . Nonetheless, theory has not yet established a clear link to two other potentially important factors: policy support design, and industry continuity. However, a learning curve analysis for CSP can shed light on this link because CSP has grown under a sequence of different policy regimes, rather than many regimes operating in parallel, and because the CSP industry has been marked by a long period of discontinuity, when new project development halted entirely. Here, we present a comprehensive, global empirical study of the learning rate for CSP, based on observed costs for all CSP stations currently operating or under construction. Our findings suggest that the current learning rate for CSP is 18% or higher, making the prospects of this technology more attractive than previously assumed. We further suggest that the CSP technological learning rate has benefited substantially during periods of high cost pressure in policy support, and during periods of continuity in the component manufacturing industry. CSP policy regimes and expansion phases The global CSP generation capacity is currently 4.8GW, with an additional 2 GW under construction (Fig. 1; see Supplementary Data 1 for all data and sources). This expansion happened in three phases, each driven by a specific policy regime: 1984–1990 in California; 2007–2013 in Spain; and, 2013–today in several countries. As there is only a slight overlap between the second and third phases, this phase-wise expansion enables us to consider the effects of the separate policy regimes in isolation, something not possible for wind power or photovoltaics, which benefited from multiple, parallel regimes. The first phase began in 1984 as the company Luz built the first of nine Solar Electricity Generation Systems (SEGS), totalling 350 MW, in the Californian desert. The policy regime enabling the SEGS plants was the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA), sup- plemented by Federal and State tax credits. PURPA required public utilities to purchase electricity through long-term power-purchase agreements (PPA) at rates equal to the avoided cost of covering peak demand by new fossil fuel power. In California, regulators included the avoided cost of environmental externalities. Under PURPA, all renewables projects, regardless of the technology, competed against each other, leading to high cost pressure. During the early 1980s, the expectation of high natural gas prices led to avoided cost estimates high enough to make construction of the SEGS financially viable. Gas prices then fell in the late 1980s, and the remuneration under PURPA became too low to support further CSP expansion. After failing to finance projects under development, Luz declared insol- vency in 1991 and sold the SEGS units, which still operate today 19–23 . The second expansion phase commenced in 2007, resulting from a Spanish law increasing the feed-in tariff (FIT) for CSP facilities of up to 50 MW to US$0.43 kWh -1 (e nominal 0.27 kWh -1 ). The government also offered a premium over the wholesale market price, but this option was abandoned in 2010. The government guaranteed the FIT for 25 years, followed by 15 additional years Climate Policy Research Group, Institute for Environmental Decisions, ETH Zürich, Universitätstrasse 22, room CHN J71, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland. *e-mail: [email protected] NATURE ENERGY 2, 17094 (2017) | DOI: 10.1038/nenergy.2017.94 | www.nature.com/natureenergy 1 © 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Empiricallyobservedlearningratesfor ... · Investment cost (US$ kW 1) Investment cost (US$ kW 1) Investment cost (US$ kW 1) a b Cumulative installed capacity (GW) 0 2,000 4,000 6,000

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    Empirically observed learning rates forconcentrating solar power and their responses toregime changeJohan Lilliestam*, Mercè Labordena, Anthony Patt and Stefan PfenningerConcentrating solar power (CSP) capacity has expanded slower than other renewable technologies and its costs are still high.Until now, there have been too few CSP projects to derive robust conclusions about its cost development. Here we present anempirical study of the cost development of all operating CSP stations and those under construction, examining the roles ofcapacity growth, industry continuity, and policy support design.We identify distinct CSP expansion phases, each characterizedby di�erent cost pressure in the policy regime and di�erent industry continuity. In 2008–2011, with low cost pressure andfollowing industry discontinuity, costs increased. In the current phase (2011—present), with high cost pressure and continuousindustry development, costs decreased rapidly. Data for projects under construction suggest that this trend is continuing andaccelerating. If support policies and industrial structure are sustained, we see no near-term factors that would hinder furthercost decreases.

    Policies to promote relatively expensive renewable energytechnologies are often justified on the basis of learning effects,which make these technologies less expensive and morecompetitive the more they are deployed1–3. The metric to describethis is the learning rate, which corresponds to the investmentcost reduction for each doubling of installed capacity. Photovoltaicmodules, for example, have had an average learning rate of 20%since 1990, comparing favourably to coal power (at 5–8%) over itsfirst installed 1,000GW (refs 4–6). Because of its ability to providedispatchable renewable electricity, concentrating solar power (CSP)may be an attractive technology to policymakers. However, few CSPstations have been built to date, with three-quarters of them havingbeen finished within the last six years, making it difficult until nowto empirically estimate the CSP learning rate. Most policy analyseshave assumed a learning rate of 5–15%, based on analysis of CSPstations built in the 1980s or on selections of a few stations3,7–9, aswell as extrapolation from other technologies10–13.

    The particular historical development of CSP also offers insightsof relevance to the theory of technological learning. Current theoryexplains that growth improves costs because growth increasesthe likelihood of fundamental technological advances, incrementallearning by doing, economies of scale in manufacturing, andstandardization6,14–18. Nonetheless, theory has not yet established aclear link to two other potentially important factors: policy supportdesign, and industry continuity. However, a learning curve analysisfor CSP can shed light on this link because CSP has grown undera sequence of different policy regimes, rather than many regimesoperating in parallel, and because theCSP industry has beenmarkedby a long period of discontinuity, when new project developmenthalted entirely.

    Here, we present a comprehensive, global empirical study ofthe learning rate for CSP, based on observed costs for all CSPstations currently operating or under construction. Our findingssuggest that the current learning rate for CSP is 18% or higher,making the prospects of this technology more attractive thanpreviously assumed. We further suggest that the CSP technologicallearning rate has benefited substantially during periods of high cost

    pressure in policy support, and during periods of continuity in thecomponent manufacturing industry.

    CSP policy regimes and expansion phasesThe global CSP generation capacity is currently 4.8GW, with anadditional 2GW under construction (Fig. 1; see SupplementaryData 1 for all data and sources). This expansion happened inthree phases, each driven by a specific policy regime: 1984–1990in California; 2007–2013 in Spain; and, 2013–today in severalcountries. As there is only a slight overlap between the second andthird phases, this phase-wise expansion enables us to consider theeffects of the separate policy regimes in isolation, something notpossible for wind power or photovoltaics, which benefited frommultiple, parallel regimes.

    The first phase began in 1984 as the company Luz built the first ofnine Solar ElectricityGeneration Systems (SEGS), totalling 350MW,in the Californian desert. The policy regime enabling the SEGSplants was the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA), sup-plemented by Federal and State tax credits. PURPA required publicutilities to purchase electricity through long-term power-purchaseagreements (PPA) at rates equal to the avoided cost of covering peakdemand by new fossil fuel power. In California, regulators includedthe avoided cost of environmental externalities. Under PURPA, allrenewables projects, regardless of the technology, competed againsteach other, leading to high cost pressure. During the early 1980s, theexpectation of high natural gas prices led to avoided cost estimateshigh enough to make construction of the SEGS financially viable.Gas prices then fell in the late 1980s, and the remuneration underPURPA became too low to support further CSP expansion. Afterfailing to finance projects under development, Luz declared insol-vency in 1991 and sold the SEGS units, which still operate today19–23.

    The second expansion phase commenced in 2007, resultingfrom a Spanish law increasing the feed-in tariff (FIT) for CSPfacilities of up to 50MW to US$0.43 kWh−1 (enominal0.27 kWh−1).The government also offered a premium over the wholesale marketprice, but this option was abandoned in 2010. The governmentguaranteed the FIT for 25 years, followed by 15 additional years

    Climate Policy Research Group, Institute for Environmental Decisions, ETH Zürich, Universitätstrasse 22, room CHN J71, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland.*e-mail: [email protected]

    NATURE ENERGY 2, 17094 (2017) | DOI: 10.1038/nenergy.2017.94 | www.nature.com/natureenergy 1

    © 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

    mailto:[email protected]://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nenergy.2017.94www.nature.com/natureenergy


















    Spain2.28 GW

    United States1.66 GW

    South Africa0.60 GW

    China0.59 GW

    Other1.09 GW

    Phase 1Phase 2

    Phase 3

    2015 20181985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

    Figure 1 | Global expansion of CSP. The plot shows the expansion of CSP forstations built in 1984–2016 and stations currently under construction andscheduled for completion in 2016–2018. Solid colours describe existing CSPcapacity; transparent colours show capacity under construction. Notshown: 5 stations of, in total, 322 MW capacity under construction in India(250 MW), China (60 MW) and Mexico (12 MW), as their completiondates are unknown. Hybrid stations are excluded. Source data can be foundin Supplementary Data 1.

    at 80% of the initial tariff. All CSP stations were eligible andalthough the FIT was initially meant to decrease after the first500MW, no clear mechanism to decrease support over time wasintroduced and support remained constant, meaning that there wasno downward pressure on costs. In 2007, developers applied for gridconnection for 4GW of new capacity, which rose to 15.6GW by200924, representing almost half of the Spanish peak load; in fact,the FIT was so attractive that the government delayed the operationdate for new stations. The government stopped accepting newapplications in 2012 and by 2013, 49 projects totalling 2.3 GW hadbeen completed. In the wake of the financial crisis, the governmentthen retroactively reduced the FIT for all existing stations, markingthe end of the Spanish CSP expansion. A lingering effect is thatSpanish companies, built up during the FIT regime in 2007–2012,remain dominant in the global CSP market today, although theirdomestic market has collapsed24–27.

    The third phase started in 2013 and is marked by expansionfirst in the United States (which subsequently halted, followinguncertainty about future policy support10), and then in emergingcountries including China, South Africa andMorocco. Across thesecountries, policy support shifted to tendering schemes, resulting inlong-term PPAs. Each tender involved competition, and this led torapidly decreasing remuneration, as we describe in the next section.

    The last few years also sawmarket actors disappear or experienceeconomic difficulties. The dominant CSP company, Abengoa,narrowly avoided insolvency in 2016, and is now changing itsbusiness model to focus on project development, abandoningthe model of developing, owning and operating CSP stations28,29.Major component manufacturers (for example, Siemens) andproject developers (for example, Solar Millennium) have exited theindustry, and the two largest receiver manufacturers—Schott andRioglass—merged in 201630–34. The number of experienced industryplayers is today lower than five years ago, although new companies,especially Chinese manufacturers, are emerging.

    Observed investment cost development and learning ratesTwo types of CSP station—parabolic trough (PT) and solar tower(ST)—account for over 90% of the industry, with Fresnel stationsadding a few per cent to global capacity. One can also differentiateCSP stations according to their thermal storage capacity, whichinfluences plant design and operation. Because of the fundamental

    Tower >8 h (n = 4)(under construction) Trough >1, ≤3 h (n = 4)(under construction)

    Trough >1, ≤3 h (n = 4) Tower ≤1 h (n = 4)

    Tower >8 h (n = 4)

    Tower ≤1 h (n = 4)(under construction)



    ent c

    ost (






    ent c

    ost (






    ent c

    ost (






    Cumulative installed capacity (GW)








    14,000Trough ≤1 h (n = 38)Learning curve: Trough ≤1 h Learning curve: Trough ≤1 h 2011−2014








    2012(30) 2013


    Cumulative installed capacity (GW)









    Trough ≥6, ≤8 h (n = 20)Trough ≥6, ≤8 h (n = 20) (under construction)Learning curve: Trough ≥6, ≤8 h Learning curve: Trough ≥6, ≤8 h 2011−2017




    2011(11) 2012




    Cumulative installed capacity (GW)





    2015(2) 2017(3)









    0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

    0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

    0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

    Figure 2 | Investment cost development and fitted learning curves fordi�erent types of CSP. a–c, The cost development curves and fittedlearning curves (see Methods for details) for parabolic trough (PT) stationswith


    Cumulative installed capacity (GW)




    t of



    ity (U

    S$ k


    1 ) Levelized costLevelized cost (under construction)

    1 2 3 4 5








    2012(51) 2013

    (62) 2014(67)





    Figure 3 | Levelized cost of electricity for all CSP stations. Each point is theaverage of all stations entering into operation in that year. The years writtenon each data point indicate when each installed capacity was reached; thenumbers in brackets indicate the number of stations of each configurationinstalled by each year. The LCOE for SEGS 1 lies above the plotted range.See Supplementary Data 1 for source data.

    however, the function fits very well (R2 = 0.97), with a learning rateof 30%; using alternative, not project-specific, data from the Spanishgovernment, the learning rate is 21% (see Supplementary Note 3).

    Figure 2b shows the cost development for PT with 6–8 h ofthermal storage. This curve follows a different pattern, as no suchstations were built before 2008. After a rapid cost decrease in2008–09 (between Andasol 1 & 2; mainly driven by exchange ratechanges, see Supplementary Note 4), costs remained stable until2011 and decreased weakly since. The most recent station (Noor II,under construction) is 40% cheaper than the first, Andasol 1,while two particularly expensive Spanish stations completed in2013 were major outliers. For the entire period 2008–2017, thelearning function fits acceptably (R2 = 0.58) with a learning rateof 7%, whereas it is considerably higher (18%) but with a worse fit(R2 = 0.34) for the same subperiod (2011—present) as in Fig. 2a.

    Figure 2c shows the cost development for ST, and for other PTconfigurations. Costs follow no clear trend, primarily since there arevery few stations of each configuration.

    Observed development of levelized costs of electricityFigure 3 shows that the generation-weighted average levelized costof electricity (LCOE) of CSP has been volatile over time. It decreasedsharply during the SEGS era, then increased by 40% in 2008 withthe shift to Spain, decreased by about 40% again by 2014, and thenincreased by 30% in 2015–16. The average LCOE of existing stationsin 2015–16 is US$0.22 kWh−1, slightly higher than for Nevada SolarOne (2007), and up from US$0.18 kWh−1 in 2014, following a shiftin expansion to new technologies (more towers; larger storage) andnew countries (South Africa, Morocco); individual stations deviatestrongly from the average (see Supplementary Note 2). Except forthe period 2012–14, when the LCOE decrease was driven by a shiftto better solar resources, changes in technology cost are the maindriver of LCOE changes (see Supplementary Note 1). The averagecapacity factor has increased from 30% in 2007–09 to 50% in thenewest stations (see Supplementary Note 6), indicating that CSPdevelopers seek not only to reduce costs but increasingly also toleverage the dispatchability of CSP.

    The decreasing LCOE trend of 2009–2014 accelerates for newstations under construction, decreasing LCOE by 33% over theperiod 2016–18. The Chinese stations drive this trend, claiming35–60% lower LCOE than recent stations in South Africa, as lowas US$0.07 kWh−1, despite a much worse solar resource. Althoughthe high (US$0.18 kWh−1) Chinese FIT indicates that these LCOEstatements may be exaggeratedly low, the long-term decreasingLCOE trend appears to continue and even accelerate.

    Observed remuneration for CSP stationsWhereas the Spanish phase (2007–13)was characterized by constantFIT remuneration in local currency, Fig. 4 shows that the shift toPPAs and expansion in other countries caused a sharp remuneration

    Year operational (or expected operational)












    E an

    d re






    h−1 )

    Remuneration (operating)Remuneration (under construction)LCOE

    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

    Figure 4 | LCOE and remuneration of each individual CSP station with bothdata points available. The first phase (1984–1990) is not shown, as we haveno remuneration data for SEGS. See Supplementary Data 1 for source data.

    decrease in 2013, from US$0.36 kWh−1 to US$0.14–0.21 kWh−1within one year, followed by a weak decrease since. The SouthAfrican stations have higher LCOE than remuneration, as the time-of-day bonus is not included in Fig. 4. TheMoroccan stationsNoor Iand II also have higher LCOE than remuneration, probably becauseour weighted average cost of capital (WACC) assumption of 5% istoo high given the large amount of concessional finance for theseplants, which typically depresses theWACC (seeMethods for detailson the WACC assumptions).

    We can say that cost pressure has increased markedly since2013, because while the LCOE has decreased, remuneration hasdecreased more. During the Spanish phase, the average differencebetween remuneration and LCOE is US$0.12 kWh−1, whereas it isUS$0.03 kWh−1 for the post-Spanish stations (see SupplementaryNote 5). Note that these numbers include the 30% investmenttax credit for the US stations Solana, Genesis, Ivanpah, Mojave,and Crescent Dunes, represented as a 30% increase in the PPAprice (also in Fig. 4), but not the 270% time-of-day bonus forthe South African stations during 5 peak hours in the afternoon:assuming 17 h baseload (from 5 h storage), this would roughly equala 50% support increase for these stations.

    Today, the South African policy support in particular drivesthe reduction in remuneration, with tender outcomes in 2016 40%lower than in 2014. In 2016, the Chinese government introduceda FIT of US$0.18 kWh−1 (ref. 35), breaking with the general trendof decreasing remuneration. Recent tender bids elsewhere are low:SolarReserve set a record in 2016 bidding for a 240MW tower inChile at US$0.06 kWh−1, a price that could compete with fossil fuelsfor dispatchable electricity36. For this trend to persist, continuedcost pressure is necessary, requiring project developers to continuereducing LCOE.

    Policy regime impacts on cost developmentIn the analysis below, we observe changes in policy regimes to havehad a major influence on the cost development of CSP, controllingfor other factors that have also changed. One such factor is a generalshift towards lower solar resources at the station sites. The shift fromNorth American deserts to Spain meant a reduction of the solarresource but this explains only about one-third of the 90% priceincrease of no-storage PTCSP from 2007–2011 and about half of the40% LCOE increase in 2008 (see Supplementary Data 1 and Supple-mentary Note 1). Another potential factor is changes in commodityprices, which have affected the learning rates of wind power inparticular9, but there appears to be little relationship between CSPcosts and commodity prices (see Supplementary Note 7).

    NATURE ENERGY 2, 17094 (2017) | DOI: 10.1038/nenergy.2017.94 | www.nature.com/natureenergy

    © 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.



  • ANALYSIS NATURE ENERGYInstead, the most striking development underlying both the

    LCOE development and PT learning curves is a shift in expansionacross a sequence of regions and the accompanying shift in policyregimes. Three causal pathways appear to play a role.

    First, there seems to be a first-mover disadvantage, making thefirst stations in any given country more expensive than those thatfollow. The two exceptions to this are China and India, where allstations are major downwards outliers in our data; possibly, lowerlabour costs can be a contributing factor to the very low—possiblyexceedingly low—stated LCOEs in these countries. This can causeprice jumps when the locus of CSP development shifts from onecountry to another. For example, the Spanish stations in 2009 were70% more expensive than the last SEGS stations. Similarly, firststations built in the United Arab Emirates (Shams) and South Africa(KaXu) cost the same or more than the last Spanish plants, despitebeing twice the size and having better solar resources. In otherwords, continuous expansion driven by a stable policy regimewithina single country stimulates learning.

    Second, it appears that discontinuities in the industry lead torising prices, as later engineers need to ‘reinvent the wheel’. In 1991Luz, the only active CSP company at the time, went bankrupt,and while the SEGS are still operational today21, most engineersinvolved in constructionmoved on to other jobs. Interestingly, someof the engineers involved in operating the SEGS stations contributedto planning Nevada Solar One (2007), and it is striking that thisstation fits well on the SEGS cost curve. These American engineersplayed no role in the Spanish expansion, despite it involving no-storage PT CSP similar to SEGS. None of the Spanish and Germancompanies in Spain had previousCSP experience, and this also helpsexplain the particularly sharp rise in costs. By 2011, the markethad become more diversified with several companies experiencedin development and manufacturing, and costs started decreasing.During the Spanish expansion, we observe a smooth cost reductiontrajectory for large-storage plants but not for small-storage ones(see Fig. 2a,b). Almost all of the large storage plants were builtby a single company (Cobra), which could accumulate experiencequickly, whereas the market for plants without storage includedseveral different companies, each gaining experience more slowlybefore costs started to decrease. Hence, accumulation of experiencewithin companies—rather than at the global level—appears to drivelearning rates: when policy support becomes inadequate and firmsexit the market, learning suffers.

    Third, the degree of competitive cost pressure that a given policyregime generates appears to play a role. Such cost pressures differedstrongly across the three regimes. In the Spanish regime, there wasno competition and low cost pressure, as all CSP stations wereeligible to receive the high and constant tariff25. It is in Spain wherethe lowest, or even negative, learning rates can be observed. Beforeand after the Spanish CSP expansion phase, first under PURPA inCalifornia and later with separate national tendering schemes, costpressures were substantially higher; each project developer has hadto compete with other bidders, and in the case of PURPA theseincluded other renewable energy technologies. Cost pressure of thesupport scheme correlates with the cost reductions seen in eachexpansion phase.

    ConclusionsWe have shown that investment costs, LCOE and remuneration ofCSP have decreased rapidly over the last five years, after a markedincrease in 2008–11. They are likely to continue decreasing into thenear future, despite a short-term LCOE increase in 2015–16 causedby a shift to new countries and less mature technology configura-tions. Concentrating solar power is still more expensive than windand photovoltaics, but the observed recent (2011—present) trend ofdecreasing costs is strong, on par with photovoltaics and substan-tially higher than previous estimates and expectations for CSP.

    We identified three expansion phases for CSP, eachwith a distinctpolicy regime and industry development, and each with differentcost development trends. Industry discontinuity in the 1990s had astrong negative impact on CSP cost development. We also observedthat costs tend to be higher for first projects in each new country.In contrast, during times of continuous expansion and continuityand diversity among suppliers and developers, costs decreased. Ourresults indicate that continuity both in policy support and in theproject developer and component manufacturing industries areimportant for cost reduction.

    In this sense, the recent financial problems of the dominant CSPactor—Abengoa—may be a threat not only to that company, butalso to global CSP development. Further, the fact that markets forsolar-specific components are thin raises concerns about continuedcost reductions. If CSP is to expand and continue experiencingdecreasing costs, ensuring and increasing industry diversity couldbe a key policy task in the coming years.

    Finally, we show that learning effects are strongest in policyregimes with high cost pressure. During the Spanish regime, wherethe absence of decreasing support over time resulted in low costpressure, the observed cost reductions were miniscule. Hence, ourresults suggest that policy support design matters not only forthe pace of expansion, but also for technology cost development:without cost pressure, CSP did not get cheaper. Although therecently announced Chinese FIT appears to have low cost pressure,the tender schemes elsewhere are highly competitive, giving reasonto expect that CSP costs will stay on their rapidly decreasing trend,if the industry is diverse and strong enough to support furtherCSP expansion.

    MethodsData. All of our results are based on a global data set of all operational CSPstations with a capacity of 10MW or more, including plants verified as currentlyunder construction. All data used for this article can be found in SupplementaryData 1. Our CSP data are also made available and periodically updated onwww.csp.guru.

    We based our data set on data from SolarPACES, which provides thelargest publicly available CSP database37, and complemented this data withadditional sources. First, we filled gaps with data from two industrypublications, CSP World 38 and CSP Today39. We then searched for data to fillremaining gaps directly from power station operators or developers, and fromfunding agencies for the specific projects. Where the data set was stillincomplete, we also relied on government reports, and on releases from newsportals, such as Bloomberg or Reuters. As a last step, in a few cases weobtained data for particular stations from academic articles. We include datafor CSP stations under construction, but not for stations ‘under development’or ‘announced’, as it is uncertain whether such projects will be realized. Evendata for projects under construction are uncertain and may be incomplete.Thus, we use and publish data only for stations that we could verify as underconstruction using satellite pictures, or for which we found multiple, seeminglyindependent, sources stating that construction had begun (see below for detail onverification of projects under construction).

    All data were collected between February and August 2016. Laterdevelopments are not included in our analysis, with one exception: we include theChinese FIT, released in September 2016, for the stations already underconstruction in August 2016 that are eligible for that support. In addition to thename, location, solar resource, dates for construction start and start of operationsfor each station, our data describe the technical features (capacity; technology;storage size; solar field size; cooling type; expected generation) and economic andfinancial aspects (total investment cost; solar-specific component manufacturer;remuneration scheme, duration and level; concessional funding or other financialsupport). The resulting data set is complete with respect to the technology used,capacity, operational status and project developer for all non-hybrid CSP stations,and it is almost complete (>94%) for location, solar resource, year operationaland storage capacity. Our data concerning expected generation cover 88% of allnon-hybrid stations operational or under construction, we have data forinvestment costs for 86%, and for remuneration type and level for 80% ofall stations.

    Our cost data refer to the total station cost: it was not possible todisaggregate cost for station subsystems using project-specific data. We convertall costs to US dollars (US$) using the average exchange rate of the year when


    © 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

    NATURE ENERGY 2, 17094 (2017) | DOI: 10.1038/nenergy.2017.94 | www.nature.com/natureenergy


  • NATURE ENERGY ANALYSISeach project became operational40, and then deflate the costs to US$2015 (ref. 41).All costs are in US$2015, unless stated otherwise (for example, enominal).

    Except for the adjustments described below, the data are includedunmodified from the stated references. For six Spanish stations (La Dehesa,La Florida, Solabén 2&3, Solacor 1&2), we found no cost data, and filled thesegaps with investment costs from the Spanish government42. In some Spanishcases (Solabén 1&6; Palma del Río 1&2 and Madajas; Termosol 1&2) we foundinvestment costs only for 2–3 stations together, and hence split the total costsproportionally. For Genesis (US), we found no investment cost data, but only astatement that the granted loan covers 80% of the investment, and scaled the totalcost accordingly. We base the data for Supcon phase 1 (China) on data fromSolarPACES, and divide the numbers by 5 as only 10 of the total 50 MW areoperational, while allocating the remaining 40 MW as under construction. Costand generation data for the SEGS stations are not available from the databasesdescribed above or from the station operator or developer, and for these stationswe had to rely on academic publications. The cost data we use are from ref. 43,whereas the generation data are not the expected generation, as for all otherstations, but the actual average generation in 1998–200221.

    For the stations under construction, all stations for which we identifiedcoordinates are visible as construction sites on Google Maps satellite pictures,except Abijheet, Gujarat and KVK (India). The South African stations Redstoneand Kathu are not visible on satellite pictures, but are verified as started (Kathu)or about to break ground (Redstone) in September 2016. In some cases, especiallyin China, the satellite pictures show construction sites of some unidentifiable sort,and in one case (Dacheng), updated satellite images showed that the constructionsite was for a photovoltaic station. When we found statements that a CSP stationis under construction, and could see that some construction is going on at thespecified place and/or have found press releases supporting that construction hasbegun, we included the station in the data set.

    For the remaining non-verified stations, either the coordinates are inaccurate,or construction had not started at the time the satellite photo was made (whichcan be several years ago), or the project has been delayed or cancelled. For theIndian projects, we were not able to confirm the SolarPACES data, so that theseprojects remain uncertain, but we did find several seemingly independent reportsabout construction progress of these projects. It is possible, but as we judge itimprobable, that the numbers for the Indian projects under construction arean overestimate.

    There is no comprehensive overview of the Chinese projects, and there isconsiderable confusion about project names, sizes, technology and status. Hence,we have listed and verified them as well as we could. Four Chinese stations fromSolarPACES are not visible on satellite images, but multiple sources, including theFIT programme35, report their existence. The list of Chinese projects underconstruction is to the best of our knowledge correct, and it covers about half ofthe capacity of the FIT programme; in the remaining cases, construction hasprobably not yet started (October 2016).

    Hence, the 23 stations listed as under construction in our database areverified stations (by satellite picture), or projects we have no reason to question.Our list is shorter than published by others. For example, Greenpeace andESTELA44 report 30 CSP projects (2.2 GW) larger than 10 MW underconstruction, of which we confirm 21; of the 8 Chinese projects in that study, weconfirm 2. However, their project list is outdated—most projects are listed asscheduled to finish in 2014–2016—and several projects reported as ‘underconstruction’ were already operational when the report was published.

    Investment cost functions for learning curves. Learning curves describe howcosts develop as a function of cumulated production. Typically, learning rates arepositive, meaning that costs decrease over time, for example via efficiencyimprovements in manufacturing and at power plant level, and/or scale effects.The learning curve is expressed as

    Ccum=C0nb (1)

    where C cum is the cost per unit as a function of cumulative output, C0 is the costof the first unit, n is the cumulative output and b is the experience index; for eachdoubling of cumulative capacity, the costs decrease by the learning rate LR = 1–2b(ref. 45).

    The three types of CSP station—PT, ST and Fresnel—collect solar energy indifferent ways, onto a linear absorber tube using curved (parabolic trough) ormany flat mirrors (Fresnel) or onto a central receiver using a multitude ofindividually controlled flat mirrors (tower). As the technology used for each typeof station is different, it is not appropriate to derive one learning rate for CSP,but separate ones for each technology. Further, each station subsystem (forexample, solar field, storage, power block) has its own learning rate and weightin the total cost of different CSP configurations, especially depending on thestorage size. Hence, in addition to splitting along technologies, we here createseparate learning curves for each technology, and for different amounts ofthermal storage.

    We do not include hybrid CSP stations in any of our analyses, as these aretechnically different from solar-only stations (or solar-mainly, as many existingstations use small amounts of natural gas).

    Levelized costs of electricity. For the LCOE calculations, we assume an economiclifetime of 25 years, which corresponds to the duration of most PPAs, but isshorter than the 25 + 15 year duration of the FIT payments in Spain. We assumeyearly operation and maintenance (O&M) costs of 1.5% of the investment cost.Actual O&M costs are usually lower for larger projects, so that our method mayslightly overestimate the O&M costs of large stations, by a few per cent; as theO&M costs are only a small fraction of the LCOE, this assumption has minisculeeffects on the final LCOE46. The yearly generation is the expected generation asstated by the project developer or another entity involved in construction oroperation of each station. Hence, important and project-specific factors such asthe solar resource at the site of each station and other station design andoperation choices are implicitly included in our assessment, as integral parts ofthe expected generation.

    We assume a uniform weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of 5%, whichis similar to the SunShot studies, which use 5.5%47 and 4.4%10.

    The baseline assumption of a WACC of 5%, which is relatively low by globalstandards, reflects our judgement that all stations were built in relatively low-riskeconomic schemes (long-term FITs or PPAs, both of which reduce or eliminatethe price risk). This both reduces the overall risk level for all CSP stations andmakes the investment risk—and hence the WACC—more similar across stations,including across stations in different countries. Further, many stations—althoughwe do not have complete data for this—are backed with concessional loans orstate guarantees, which further reduces the investment risk. Still, the 5% WACCmay in some cases be an underestimation of actual costs of capital, especially asCSP investment has shifted from low-risk (Spain, US) industrial countries tohigher-risk emerging countries (South Africa, Morocco, India, China). Asprevious studies have shown, the investment risk, as expressed by the WACC,strongly affects the LCOE of renewables and CSP48–50: hence, any assumption onthis must be well considered. Therefore, we also present LCOE results using 10%WACC (see Supplementary Note 5).

    Data availability. The data and the data sources can be found in SupplementaryData 1 and in a periodically updated database found on www.csp.guru.

    Received 9 December 2016; accepted 16 May 2017;published 12 June 2017

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    AcknowledgementsFunding for this work came from a European Research Council Consolidator Grant(grant number 313553).

    Author contributionsJ.L. designed the study and drafted the article; J.L. and M.L. gathered the data; J.L. andS.P. analysed the data; S.P. generated the figures; all authors worked with the finalmanuscript; A.P. supervised the grant.

    Additional informationSupplementary information is available for this paper.Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints.Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.L.How to cite this article: Lilliestam, J., Labordena, M., Patt, A. & Pfenninger, S.Empirically observed learning rates for concentrating solar power and their responses toregime change. Nat. Energy 2, 17094 (2017).Publisher’s note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

    Competing interestsThe authors declare no competing financial interests.


    © 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

    NATURE ENERGY 2, 17094 (2017) | DOI: 10.1038/nenergy.2017.94 | www.nature.com/natureenergy


  • AmEndmEntshttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-018-0315-9

    Author Correction: Empirically observed learning rates for concentrating solar power and their responses to regime changeJohan Lilliestam, Mercè Labordena, Anthony Patt and Stefan Pfenninger

    Correction to: Nature Energy https://doi.org/10.1038/nenergy.2017.94, published online 12 June 2017.

    In the version of this Analysis originally published, the total learning rate for parabolic trough stations with 6–8 hours of thermal storage (Fig. 2b) was calculated to be 25%. After publication, the authors found a code error that caused the learning curve fit function to believe that the first station in the dataset was marked as 1 GW and not 0 GW. As a result, the estimated learning rates for the complete times-pan were too high. The correct learning rates should be 2.7% for Fig. 2a and 6.8% for Fig. 2b (instead of 5.2% and 25.2%, respectively). These learning rate fit curves have been updated and the captions have been corrected. In Fig. 2a, the fit for 2011–2014 was unaffected. For consistency with Fig. 2a, a fit for 2011–2017 has been added to Fig. 2b, showing a learning rate of 17.5% (R2 = 0.337). The text has been modified in the abstract and the sections ‘Observed investment cost development and learning rates’, ‘Policy regime impacts on cost development’ and ‘Conclusions’ to reflect the quantitative changes to the learning rates. Supplementary Notes 1, 3 and 4 and Supplementary Figs. 2, 6 and 7 and their captions have also been updated to reflect the new learning rates. In the caption of Supplementary Fig. 2b, “(2008–2017 learning rate=0.21, R2=0.468)” has been changed to “(2008–2017 learning rate=0.06, R2=0.513; 2011–2017 learn-ing rate=0.079, R2=0.072)”. In the caption of Supplementary Fig. 6b, “(2008–2017 learning rate=0.289, R2=0.715)” has been changed to “(2008–2017 learning rate=0.077, R2=0.631; 2011–2017 learning rate=0.225, R2=0.498)”. In the caption of Supplementary Fig. 7, “(a) parabolic trough (PT) stations with

  • AmEndmEnts Nature eNergy

    0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5Cumulative installed capacity (GW)











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  • AmEndmEntsNature eNergy

    Published: xx xx xxxx https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-018-0315-9

    0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5Cumulative installed capacity (GW)











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