Lund University Lund, 2014-06-03 Master Thesis in Finance Tutor: Anders Vilhelmsson Empirical tests of Fama-French three-factor model and Principle Component Analysis on the Chinese stock market Jingjing Guo 890103-1321 Kaiwen Wang 900927-8350

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Lund University

Lund, 2014-06-03

Master Thesis in Finance

Tutor: Anders Vilhelmsson

Empirical tests of Fama-French three-factor model and

Principle Component Analysis on the Chinese stock market

Jingjing Guo 890103-1321

Kaiwen Wang 900927-8350



Date: 2014-06-03

Authors: Kaiwen Wang Jingjing Guo

[email protected] [email protected]

Mobile: 0762063660 0762187877

Title: Empirical tests of Fama-French three-factor model and Principle Component

Analysis on the Chinese stock market

Tutor: Anders Vilhelmsson, Department of Business Administration, Lund University

Purpose: This paper aim to verify that the Fama-French three factor model (FF)

captures more cross-sectional variation in returns for the Chinese stock market than

the CAPM, over the period January 2004 to December 2013. Furthermore, we

construct statistically optimal factors by using the principal component analysis (PCA)

for the Fama-French portfolios and test whether the FF model leaves anything

significant that can be explained by the PCA factors.

Method: Following the procedure in Fama and French (1993), first we construct FF

factors and portfolios based on firm size and book-to-market equity, and then compare

the performance between CAPM and FF models by applying time-series regressions.

For deeper comparison, we continue to explain the return matrix (120*9) with

principal component analysis, which produces several PCs for new time-series

regressions and study the overall fitness and factor loadings of both FF and PCA

models. To see which model captures the most variation, we run cross-sectional

regressions with respect to all the three afore-mentioned models.

Conclusion: Our results show that the FF model tends to be more powerful than

CAPM for explaining the variations in cross-sectional returns. Yet within the FF

model, our data contains one divergence from the US market, we actually find a

reversal of book-to-market equity effect. Finally, our results suggest that the PCA

model performs better than the FF model.



We would like to express our sincere appreciation to our supervisor, Anders

Vilhelmsson, who has dedicated a lot of time helping us with valuable advices. We

also want to thank Mikael.o.k.karlsson for his support and useful comments.


Table of contents

Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ 1

Acknowledgements.......................................................................................................................... 2

Table of contents .............................................................................................................................. 3

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 5

1.1 Brief introduction .............................................................................................................. 5

1.2 Problem discussion ............................................................................................................ 5

1.3 Literature review ............................................................................................................... 6

1.3.1 Fama-French three factor model .......................................................................... 6

1.3.2 Principle component analysis ................................................................................ 8

1.4 Background of Chinese stock market .............................................................................. 9

1.5 Delimitation ..................................................................................................................... 10

2. Empirical Framework .............................................................................................................. 12

2.1 CAPM ............................................................................................................................... 12

2.2 Fama-French three factor model ................................................................................... 12

2.3 Cross-sectional regression .............................................................................................. 13

2.4 Principle component analysis ......................................................................................... 13

3. Research methodology .............................................................................................................. 16

3.1 Data description .............................................................................................................. 16

3.2 Fama-French three factor model ................................................................................... 18

3.3 Principle component analysis ......................................................................................... 19

3.4 Regression ........................................................................................................................ 22

4. Results ........................................................................................................................................ 23

5. Analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 29

5.1 The dependent and explanatory variables .................................................................... 29

5.2 Model evaluation ............................................................................................................. 32

5.3 Diagnostics ....................................................................................................................... 34

5.4 PCA .................................................................................................................................. 36

5.5 Cross-sectional regressions ............................................................................................. 38

5.6 PCA based new FF model ............................................................................................... 39

6. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 42

7. Reference.................................................................................................................................... 43

8. Appendix .................................................................................................................................... 46

8.1 Programming MatLab .................................................................................................... 46

8.2 Regression results from synthetic FF model ................................................................. 47


List of tables

Table 1 Summary statistics for the monthly independent returns (in percent) in the

regressions: January 2004 to December 2013 ............................................................ 23

Table 2 Descriptive statistics for 9 portfolios formed on size and book-to-market equity:

2004-2013, 10 years........................................................................................................ 23

Table 3 Regressions of stock excess returns on the market excess return: January 2004 to

December 2013, 120 months. ........................................................................................ 24

Table 4 Regressions of stock excess returns on the market excess return (Rm-Rf) and the

mimicking returns for the size (SMB) and book-to-market equity (HML) factors:

January 2004 to December 2013, 120 months. ............................................................. 25

Table 5 Regressions of stock excess returns on the mimicking returns for the size (SMB)

and book-to-market equity (HML) factors: January 2004 to December 2013, 120

months. ........................................................................................................................... 26

Table 6 Regressions of stock excess returns on the PCA factors: January 2004 to December

2013, 120 months. .......................................................................................................... 26

Table 7 Cross-sectional regressions of stock excess returns on the estimated coefficients:

January 2004 to December 2013, 120 months .............................................................. 27

Table 8 Correlation matrix ...................................................................................................... 34

Table 9 Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test .................................................................. 34

Table 10 Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test ........................................................... 35

Table 11 Heteroskedasticity Test: ARCH ................................................................................. 36

Table 12 R^2 for FF and PCA model ....................................................................................... 38

Table 13 Correlations between original FF factors and synthetic FF factors ........................ 40

Table 14 Regressions of stock excess returns on the synthetic market excess return (Rm-rf)

and the mimicking returns for the synthetic size (SMB) and book-to-market equity

(HML) factors: January 2004 to December 2013, 120 months. ..................................... 47

List of figures

Figure 1 SSE composite index from 2004 to 2013 ............................................................ 17

Figure 2 Portfolios returns movement ........................................................................... 35

Figure 3 Factor loadings for FF and PCA models .............................................................. 37


1. Introduction

1.1 Brief introduction

Following the rapid development of the Chinese economy, the Chinese stock market

has begun to show a competitive edge in the world’s financial and trading markets.

Since the establishment of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) in 1991 and the

Shanghai Stock Exchange (SHSE) in 1990, a growing number of individuals have

invested in the Chinese stock market. But the problem is most of the A-share investors

could not reasonably predict the risk and changes in earnings. Su (2003) proposed that

domestic investors were unable to see the true nature of the equity market which leads

to a confusing and aimless investment. Therefore, economists seek to find an efficient

way to capture the variation in stock returns.

In early years, the most widely used model is the traditional Capital Asset Pricing

model (CAPM) shaped by William Sharpe (1964) and John Lintner (1965). However,

the CAPM is not accurate enough to predict the risk and explain variations in stock

returns due to its unrealistic assumptions. An important reason of why it cannot

describe the cross-section of expected returns is that CAPM only takes one factor, the

market risk Beta, into consideration. Therefore, based on the CAPM, Fama and

French (1993) proposed the well-known Fama–French three-factor model (FF model

hereafter) by adding size and book-to-market factors into the regression analysis.

They found that this model could significantly explain the cross-sectional variation of

expected return on the US stock market.

1.2 Problem discussion

When comparing the Chinese stock market with the US stock market, it is not hard to

notice that the former is an emerging market with relatively short history. Moreover,

the regulatory environment in China lacks clearly defined property rights and

inadequate legal protection under a transition economy. Additionally, the Chinese

government plays an interfering role by retaining control of the country’s largest


enterprises. As a result, there is no clear evidence to show that the FF model can be

properly applied to the Chinese stock market.

After referring to the old studies about the appropriate rules of pricing under the

CAPM and FF model, we will evaluate both of them and make a comparison to see

how much improvement the FF model can provide after two new risk factors (size and

book-to-market ratio) are added. Besides, principal component analysis is a widely

used statistical method, which reduces the dimensionality of a dataset that contains a

large number of interrelated variables, while retaining as much of the variation as

possible. We intend to construct the PCA factors and compare them with the FF

factors. Finally, we will test which model that performs best in explaining the stock

returns, by running cross-sectional regressions.

1.3 Literature review

1.3.1 Fama-French three factor model

Harry Markowitz (1952) proposed the “mean-variance” model and defined the

concept of efficient frontier by explaining how a risk-averse investor constructs the

optimal portfolio among a number of risky assets. Based on Markowitz’s work on

diversification and modern portfolio theory, William Sharpe (1964), John Lintner

(1965) and Jan Mossin (1966) independently introduced the traditional capital assets

pricing model (CAPM). The traditional CAPM shows a positive linear relationship

between average excess return and the risk-adjusted factor beta and, thereby providing

a powerful explanation of the cross-section of expected returns. Stephen Rose (1976)

proposed the arbitrage pricing theory (APT), which takes various macroeconomic

factors into account to explain the expected returns of financial assets.

Banz (1981) found that market equity (ME) could be added to explain the

cross-section of expected returns. He argued that the small size firms with low ME

tend to have higher average returns, while big size firms, on the contrary, have lower

average returns. Stattman (1980) and Rosenberg, Reid and Lanstein (1985) stated that


the firms’ book-to-market ratio should be positively related to the average returns on

US stock market. Bhandari (1988) studied the effect of leverage and Basu (1983)

tested if Earnings-to-price ratio could help to explain the cross-sectional variation.

Based on the preliminary arguments, more recent studies by Fama and French (1992)

examined the joint roles of market beta, size, book-to-market ratio, leverage and

earnings-to-price ratio in average returns. They argued that beta alone cannot capture

the cross-section of average returns in the U.S stock market. They found that the size

and book-to-market equity were significant in explaining the cross-sectional variation

in average return on the US stock market for the 1963-1990 period, while leverage

and E/P ratio were not.

Fama and French (1993) extended their tests of common risk factors to both stock and

bond markets. The established FF model well explained 95% variation of the excess

return wherein they added two additional factors: SMB (Small minus Big: the

difference between the return on a portfolio of small stocks and the return on a

portfolio of large stocks) and HML (High minus Low: the difference between the

return on a portfolio of high book-to-market ratio and the return on a portfolio of low

book-to-market equity). They tested on 25 portfolios sorted on size and

book-to-market equity from 1963 to 1990 and summarized that size and BE/ME ratio

as the two mimic risk factors that play important roles in capturing variation in


Fama and French (1995) strengthened the validity of their model and examined

whether the fluctuation of stock prices, in relation to size and book-to-market equity

(BE/ME), reflects the behavior of earnings. Concluding that the market beta and size

factors in earnings could significantly help explain returns, but that there was no

relationship between BE/ME factors in earnings and returns.

Positive evidence was also shown by Chui and Wei (1998) in five Pacific-Basic

emerging markets (Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea and Thailand). In their


paper, a weak relationship was shown between the market beta and average returns

while the BE/ME gives powerful explanations of cross-sectional variation of expected

returns in Hong Kong, Korea and Malaysia and the size effect is significant in all

stock markets except Taiwan.

Due to the complexity of the FF model versus the simplicity of the CAPM, Phan

(2007) created simple proxies for FF factors in the Japanese stock market across 33

industries by using four domestic stock indexes. In his paper, most of the market betas

and size-factor betas are statistically significant, while only half of the BM-factor

betas were found to be significant.) The overall GMM statistics reveals that the FF

model can be applied in the sample period. In the robustness check, the whole period

was split into three non-overlapping sub-periods where the market risk premium and

premium SMB were found to be negative in one sub-period (1990-1998) which

verified a reversal of size effect by a number of researches in the Japanese market.

1.3.2 Principle component analysis

The key purpose of principal component analysis (PCA) is to reduce the

dimensionality of the dataset that contains a large number of interrelated variables,

meanwhile retaining as much of the variation as possible. This method is achieved by

orthogonally transforming the original set of variables into new sets, called the

principal components (PCs), in which the variables are linearly uncorrelated, and also

PCs are ordered so that the first component retains most of the variation contained in

all of the original variables.

It is generally accepted that the earliest descriptions of this technique were given by

Pearson (1901) and later independently developed by Hotelling (1933). During the 25

years immediately following publication of Hotelling’s paper, it appears to have only

a small amount of improvement regarding the applications of PCA. Since then,

however, an explosion of new applications has occurred in respect that PCA requires a

considerable computing power, and this expansion unsurprisingly coincided with the


widespread introduction of electronic computers.

However PCA does not require a priori specification of factors, which nowadays leads

to its subsidiary position once being employed for asset pricing, otherwise there must

be an additional step, as known as to create the mimicking portfolios, also like a

realization of this statistical technique. Daskalakia, Kostakisb, and Skiadopoulosc

(2012) applied PCA after testing a number of traditional asset pricing models when

trying to find the common factors in commodity futures returns. Kelley (2010)

compared the conventional equity risk models with the PCA-based model which in

the end delivers that PCA-based model, meets and sometimes exceeds the

performance of standard supervised models. Xu (2007) studied the performance of a

factor extracting method based on maximizing the explanatory power of the extracted

factors which is mainly accomplished through PCA and compares its factors’

explanatory power with FF factors’. Moskowits (2003) also included PCA based

approach to analyze covariance risk and pricing anomalies.

1.4 Background of Chinese stock market

Our research focuses on the price movement of those A-share stocks which are listed

on the CSI300 index. Here, the A-shares do not refer to a “class” of common or

preferred stocks as usual, in this paper, A-shares are specialized as shares of the RMB

currency that are purchased and traded on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock

exchanges. As we mentioned earlier, the Chinese stock market is a young market with

relative short history. Shanghai stock exchange (SSE) was established on November

26, 1990 and was in operation on December 19 of the same year. The other stock

exchange, Shenzhen stock exchange (SZSE) was founded on December 1, 1990 and

opened in July 3, 1991.

The CSI 300(2) stock index, abbreviated as CSI300, is a constitute stock which was

published on April, 8th, 2005 by China security index co., Ltd, composed of the 300

largest A shares listed on the Shanghai stock exchange and Shenzhen stock exchange.


As the first equity index jointly launched by Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges

together, CSI300 aims to reflect the performance and fluctuation of China’s A-share

market. The CSI300 index is a capitalization-weighted index, like the S&P500 index,

which covers more than 60% of the market capitalization of Shanghai and Shenzhen

stock markets. With characteristics of large-scale and high liquidity, it is designed as a

performance benchmark and basis for derivatives' innovation and indexing. To

determine the sample space of CSI300, ST shares (stocks with special treatment), the

stocks with abnormal price fluctuations or manipulated by market, are deleted. So the

CSI300 index is a representative index for analyzing the Chinese stock market.

1.5 Delimitation

Regarding the relation between BM-factor and average returns found in this paper that

is opposite against Fama and French (1993), we may conjecture this phenomenon is

mainly caused by the limited time horizon. Compared with Fama and French (1993),

our sample period is shorter and only covers 10 years (2004-2013). The Chinese stock

market also experiences a continuing “bear market” during most of this period. On the

other hand, since the Chinese stock market is an emerging market, the number of

stocks in our portfolios during some particular months will decrease to zero if we

extend the time horizon from 10 years to 15 years. Meanwhile, we choose the top 100

stocks among 300 stocks as the proxy for the whole market, it is reasonable to believe

that the results would be more significant and persuasive if more stocks were included

in the sample.

Furthermore, risk-free rate is a typically proxy for the return on a one-month Treasury

bill. But in China, the one-month Treasury bill has never been issued until 2007.02.

To keep it consistent with our sample period, we replace it with the one-year Treasury

bill. Not surprisingly, the return on the one-year Treasury bill is slightly higher than

the one-month Treasury bill, which might explain the slightly negative average market

risk premium over ten years.


1.6 Outline of this paper

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 explains the time-series

and cross-sectional regressions used to test the asset-pricing model and the empirical

framework of PCA factors. In section 3 we describe the dataset and explain how to

construct the FF and PCA variables. The regressions and diagnostic test results are

given in section 4. Section 5 presents our analysis with regard to the obtained results

while section 6 concludes.


2. Empirical Framework

2.1 CAPM

Based on the “mean-variance” model which was proposed by Harry Markowitz

(1959), Sharpe (1964) and Lintner (1965) introduced the traditional CAPM. The

CAPM is used for pricing the individual stock or portfolio. Under the assumptions of

CAPM, the expected return for any asset i at any time t is given by the following


[ ( ) ]i f i m fE R r E R r ( ) (1)

where E(Ri) denotes the expected return on asset i, rf is the risk-free interest rate,

E(Rm) is the expected return on the market portfolio, and ( )m fE R r is the risk

premium. This linear relationship is also called the security market line (SML). Since

the market risk premium tends to be positive in the long run, SML indicates that there

should be a positive relation between the market beta and average excess return.

i is defined as2

( , )i mi


COV r r

. In this equation, r is the returns in excess of the

risk-free rate and m represents the market portfolio.

The time-series regression of CAPM at time t is defined as follow:

( )it ft i mt ft i ir r r r (2)

2.2 Fama-French three factor model

The FF model equation is given by the following equation:

( ) [ ( ) ] ( ) ( )i f i m f i iE R r b E R r s E SMB h E HML


where E (Ri) is the expected return of any asset i, fr is the risk-free interest rate.

E (Rm) is the expected return of the market portfolio. E (SMB) and E (HML) are both

expected excess return on proxy portfolios for the size factor (small minus big) and


book-to-market factor (high minus low). The factor sensitivitiesib ,

is and ih are the

slopes in the time-series regression at time t as follow:

( )tit f i i mt ft i i itR r b R r s SMB h HML


2.3 Cross-sectional regression

After running time-series regressions on different models, we obtain the estimated

betas for each portfolio. We then run month-by-month cross-sectional regressions

with nine portfolio returns and the estimates of portfolio betas to test which model

performs the best when explaining the cross-section of average excess returns.

According to the theory, the time-series average value of all estimated intercepts

should be equal to zero and the means of all estimated slopes are used to test whether

the average premium for market beta is positive.

With respect to the one-factor asset pricing model (CAPM), the model should be

organized as follow:

, ,ˆ ,p 1,2,...,9p t f t t p p tR r c


where the ˆp denotes different estimated market betas for every FF portfolio which we

can obtain from the time-series regressions in the first step. And t is interpreted as

the risk premium.

With respect to the three-factor model (FF and PCA), the model is given below:

, 1 1, 2 2, 3 3, ,ˆ ˆ ˆ , p 1,2,...,9p t f t t p t p t p p tR r c


This formula gives us the risk price of SMB and HML beyond market beta and the

1 2 3, , should be equal to the time-series mean of E(Rm-rf), E(SMB) and E(HML) if

the model is constructed in an accurate way.

2.4 Principle component analysis

Suppose that x is a vector of p random variables, and then the variances and the

structure of the covariance’s or correlations between the p variables are targeted.

However it will often not be very helpful to simply look at the variances or

correlations, unless p is small, or the structure is very simple, which requires an


alternative approach that is to look for a set of fewer derived variables meanwhile

preserving most of the information given by original variances, covariance’s and


In mathematical term the first step is to look for a linear function α′1x having the

maximum variance of all p elements in vector x, where α1 is a vector of p constants

α11, α12, … αp, and ‘ denotes transpose, so that

α′1x = α11x1 + α12x2 + ⋯ + α1pxp = ∑ α1jxjpj=1 (7)

Next, identical way to find a linear function α′2x having maximum variance, only

being uncorrelated with α′1x, and so on, till the kth stage a linear function α′kx is

found, which has the maximum variance, also subject to being uncorrelated with α′1x,

α′2x,…,α′k−1x. The kth derived variable α′kx. is the kth PC.

After we define PCs, coming alone is the question how to calculate them. Top of all,

the concept of covariance matrix Σ of vector x need to be introduced. This is the

matrix whose (i, j)th element is the covariance between the ith and jth elements of x

when i≠j, and the variance of the jth element of x when i=j. To derive the PCs, say

the first α′1x in which vector α1 maximizes the variance, var[ α′

1x ,]= α′1Σα1 .

Apparently for a finite α1, the maximum will not be achieved so a constraint must be

imposed. The constraint used in this derivation is α′1α1 = 1 which indicates the sum

of squares of elements of α1 equals 1.

To maximize α′1Σα1 subject to α′1α1 = 1, the standard approach is to use Lagrange

multipliers technique, that is to maximize α′1Σα1 − λ(α′

1α1 − 1), where λ is a

Lagrange multiplier. Then taking differentiation with respect to α1 gives Σα1 −

λα1 = 0or (Σ − λIp)α1 = 0, where Ip is the (p×p) identity matrix. Thus, λ is an

Eigen value of Σ and α1 is the corresponding Eigen vector. To decide which of the p

Eigen vectors gives the maximum variance of α′1x, first note that the quantity which

is to be maximized is given by:


α′1Σα1 = α′

1λα1 = λα′1α1 = λ (8)

That gives the sign of λ must be as large as possible. Thus, α1 is the Eigen vector

corresponding to the largest Eigen value of Σ, and var( α′1x) = α′

1Σα1 = λ1, the

largest Eigenvalue.

The second PC,α′2x, is to be produced by maximizing α′

2Σα2 subject to being

uncorrelated with α′1x or equivalently cov[α′

1x, α′2x] = 0, where cov(x, y) denotes

the covariance of the random variables x and y. Based on the given formula

cov[α′1x, α′




1α2, any of those following

equations α′1Σα2=0, α′

2Σα1=0, α′2α1=0, α′

1α2=0 could be used to specify zero

correlation between α′1x and α′

2x . Then to maximize α′2Σα2 − λ(α′

2α2 − 1) −

φα′2α1, where λ, φ are the Lagrange multiplier, again differentiation with respect to

α2 need to be taken ,Σα2 − λα2 − φα1 = 0.

If we multiply both sides with α′1, this gives us α′1Σα2 − λα′

1α2 − φα′1α1 = 0,

since the first two terms are zero and α′1α1 = 1 , it turns out φ=0.Therefore,

Σα2 − λα2 = 0, or equivalently (Σ − λIp)α2 = 0, which once again concludes that λ

is an Eigenvalue of Σ, and α2 the corresponding Eigen vector. Then λ = α′2Σα2, and

λ is to be as large as possible.

As stated in previous sections, for the third, fourth,...,pth PCs, the vectors of

coefficients α3 , α4 ... αp ., are always the Eigen vectors of Σ corresponding

toλ3, λ4.,...,λp, meanwhile are the third and fourth largest, ..., and the smallest Eigen

value, respectively.


3. Research methodology

3.1 Data description

In our research, we collect data from CCER (China Center for Economic Research)

database and DataStream. We select the top 100 largest stocks among the 300 stocks

in our sample. According to the latest index weight, the top 100 stocks account for

69.04% of the whole index, and it convinces us that our sample is large enough to

represent the market.

When selecting the sample stocks we apply the following criteria. First, the stock

must have active trading during the twelve-month period preceding July of year t,

which means the stock without a trading record for more than three months will be

excluded. Second, the stock should have been listed longer than two years. Third, the

stock should have positive book value at the fiscal year-end in year t-1 in order to

result in a positive BE/ME ratio (discussed below). Those stocks that do not satisfy

those conditions above are excluded and replaced by the stock following behind them.

Our research covers the time period from January, 2004 to December, 2013, a period

of 120 months. But due to the short history of the Chinese stock market, not all firms

in our sample have the complete data covering our time period. For instance, many

big size financial firms are only listed from 2007. Fama and French (1992) excluded

financial firms in their research because they tested the effect of leverage in the

regression, normally the financial firms have high leverage, and the high leverage has

different meaning for nonfinancial firms. Since we do not test the leverage effect in

this paper, financial firms will be included in our sample. Especially, during our

sample period, after the first three years the market slumped around 2000 points and

met the remarkable bull market in 2007. After reaching an all-time high of 6,124

points on October 16, the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index ended 2008 down a

record 65%. Since then, the bear market started and has continued up until today.


Figure 1 SSE composite index from 2004 to 2013

In order to ensure that the risk premium factor is consistent with the excess return of

each portfolio, when estimating the market returns for the CSI index, we compute the

average expected return for the 100 stocks in the sample for each month as the market

return instead of calculating the return for the whole market.

When determining the risk-free interest rate, to keep it consistent with our sample

period, we use the monthly data of one-year Treasury bill instead of the one-month

Treasury bill since the latter was not issued until 2007.02.

In FF three-factor model, our first step is to construct factor-mimicking portfolios in

view of the size and book-to-market ratio. We use a firm’s market equity (ME) as

measurement of its size, where the market equity is defined as market price times the

number of shares outstanding for June of year t. With respect to the book-to-market

ratio, we try to measure it in two different ways. In the first method, we take the

reciprocal of price-to-book value (PTBV) at the fiscal-year end of year t-1. In the

second method, we strictly follow Fama and French (1993) where the book-to-market

equity is computed as the ratio between the book equity of a firm at the fiscal

year-end in year t-1 and the firm’s market equity at the end of December in the

preceding year. Since during our studied period, all the firms in the sample do not

issue preferred stock, we just treat the book value of stockholders’ equity as the book

value of common equity. In order to guarantee that the accounting information is

known before the returns they are used to explain, we match the returns for July of the


year t to June of year t+1 with the accounting data for all the firms at the end of fiscal

year t-1.

3.2 Fama-French three factor model

In order to examine the performance of FF factor model in the Chinese stock market,

as implied in Fama and French (1993), we mimic the underlying risk factors related to

size and book-to-market ratio as the explanatory variables. Firstly, when constructing

the portfolios, we assume that evidence for the book-to-market ratio plays a stronger

role than size in capturing the variation in stock returns based on the US market is

suitable for the Chinese stock market as well. We sort firms into two groups on

market equity and three groups on BE/ME exactly as in Fama and French (1993). As

we mentioned above, our empirical tests focus on the primary portfolios, which

consist of the top 100 firms that are chosen from the CSI300 index. We divide all the

100 firms into two groups based on the rank of their market value in the proportion 50%

and 50%. It means that the Big group (B) contains 50 companies in big size and the

other 50 companies are located in the Small group (S). Similarly, we also break our

portfolio into three book-to-market equity groups according to the breakpoints for the

bottom 30 % (Low), middle 40 % (Medium) and top 30 % (High) of the ranked result

of BE/ME.

At the end we manage to organize all the stocks into 6 specific portfolios according to

the intersection of securities groups, that is, we find the intersection of each group and

the six portfolios are: S/H, S/M, S/L, B/H, B/M, and B/L. (The letter in the numerator

denotes the portfolios in different size groups; the letter in the denominator denotes

the portfolios in different BE/ME ratio groups.) For example, the group B/L portfolio

contains the stock in the big size group with a low BE/ME ratio, and S/H portfolio

contains the stocks in small size group and also in high BE/ME group. In this way, we

divide our original portfolio into six smaller portfolios.


Now the risk factors of SMB, HML and risk premium can be obtained. The size factor

is defined as the difference between the average monthly return on small group and

big group, likewise, the BE/ME factor is the difference between the returns on high

and low group. Then we calculate the average monthly return for each portfolio and

SMB and HML can be acquired by using the following formulas:

SMB = average monthly return of small size minus big size

= / / / /



HML = average monthly return of high BE/ME ratio minus low BE/ME ratio

= / / / / / /



The third risk factor that relates to beta is similar to what we have introduced in the

CAPM model. It should be calculated as follows:

Excess return = Rm-Rf

For the dependent variables, we use excess returns on 9 portfolios formed on size and

BE/ME instead of strictly following Fama and French (1993), which means we split

the sample into three sub-groups based on the rank of size, following the same rule

when we create the book-to-market groups. On each dimension there are three

sub-groups and the intersection of them results in nine FF portfolios. The motivation

of reducing the number of portfolios is because Fama and French (1993) covered

three market indexes (NYSE, Amex and NASDAQ) which include 4797 stocks, on

the contrary our sample only contains 100 stocks and is thereby much smaller.

3.3 Principle component analysis

Principal component analysis has been extensively used as part of factor analysis, like

in our case the FF model, while PCA and factor analysis, as usually defined, are really


quite distinct techniques.

In previous sections of this paper, the FF model is estimated using monthly returns of

100 representative stocks, which then are divided into 9 portfolios according to firm

size and book-to-market ratios. Given those monthly returns of nine portfolios, we

would also like to use linear algebra technique such as PCA to construct the “optimal”


Where the first step is to construct the portfolio returns matrix, where each column

represents the return series of one portfolio (nine in total) and each row contains the

monthly returns of all nine portfolios but at one time point (so 120 in total). Then all

data is formed in a 120 by 9 matrix where the first row is the earliest return for each


Step two is to calculate the nine by nine covariance matrix, denoted as V, with the

built-in function in Excel, giving us the covariance matrix. The next step is to find the

Eigen value decomposition, here and after recognized as a vector x where initial

values are set at random. Using Excel-solver, it is then possible to maximize the target

term under certain constraints.

max 𝑥′𝑉𝑥

subject to 𝑥′𝑥 = 1

Solver produces a new vector 𝑥1 that optimizes the equation above, and the first

principal component can be computed as follow.

𝑃𝐶1,𝑡 = 𝑥′1𝑅𝑡

where 𝑅𝑡 is a vector of portfolio returns at time t.

For second PC, same pattern is applied with the additional constraint.

max 𝑥′𝑉𝑥

subject to 𝑥′𝑥 = 1, 𝑥′1𝑥 = 0(𝑜𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑜 𝑥1)

which works out a new vector 𝑥2 that gives us 𝑃𝐶2,𝑡 = 𝑥′2𝑅𝑡.


Repetition emerges when we continue to the third PC, only with the extra condition

that 𝑥′2𝑥 = 0 to ensure new optimal vector 𝑥3 is orthogonal to 𝑥2. The number of

PCs that is possible to work out is as same as the dimension of covariance matrix,

which in this paper is nine, yet usually not all of them will be employed for factor

analysis since the fundamental idea of this method is to reduce the dimensionality of


There indeed have been many researches discussing the ‘stopping rule’, to determine

the optimal number of components that adequately account for the total variation in

an objective matrix meanwhile achieving its primary goal of reducing the

dimensionality. Just like explained in many applications of PCA, we aim to replace

the nine elements of returns matrix by a much smaller number of PCs, which

nevertheless discard very little information. Even though there is no strict rule to

determine the ‘right’ number, there does exist some widely spread and often followed

guidelines to help extract the PCA factors that captures the majority of variation.

Most commonly mentioned is the cumulative percentage of variation approach. Under

normal circumstance the required number of PCs ought to contribute to 70% to 90%

of the total variation, and in this paper the number of three satisfies that condition at

the same time being the smallest value of PC amount. So in following sections we

always choose the first three principal components for analysis.

A more convenient alternative to get PCs applying professional computer software

such as EViews, in which all cumulative proportions and PCs can be delivered in one


After the factors are obtained, we run both time series and cross-sectional regression

in the same way as with FF factors, and compare these two models’ performance

specifically on the basis of the R squared coefficient.


3.4 Regression

So far, we have constructed excess return of nine portfolios sorted on the firm size

and book-to-market equity as dependent variables in all time-series regressions.

Meanwhile, with regard to different models (CAPM, FF and PCA), the excess market

return, excess return on SMB, HML and three PCA factors are built respectively.

Generally, the slopes and R2 are direct evidence to judge how a model explains

variation in stock returns, so we examine the explanatory power of market beta and

FF factors separately, which means we test the performance of CAPM as well as a

two-factor model. We then combine three factors together and examine regressions

using Rm-rf, SMB and HML factors jointly. As implied in the previous part, for

comparison, we replace the FF factors by PCA factors and run time-series regressions

on the same portfolios. Given the beta estimates for three models, we eventually

examine cross-sectional regressions on these models and observe which model

captures most of the cross-sectional variation in stock returns. In this paper we choose

monthly return from 2004 to 2013 that gives us 120 time points, which implies that

this procedure requires 120 repetitions of OLS regressions. Surely Excel is able to

accomplish that but with loads of manual operations, and we choose to write a loop

script in MatLab consequently to finish the task. The program script for FF model is

attached in appendix, where the dataset includes betas for three variables as the first

three columns and returns at each time point as the other 120 columns. For CAPM

and PCA, all needed is to re-import the dataset and adjust the length of lhs (left hand

side) and first loop.


4. Results

The summary statistics for those independent variables used in the time-series

regression are given below. In Panel A, we take the average value of each explanatory

variable as expected risk premium. Results suggest only two out of six factors (HML

and PCA2) are significant from the simple hypothesis test. Especially, the slightly

negative expected return of market risk premium violates the common rule in

asset-pricing model, an aspect that will be interesting to discuss. Panel B shows the

correlation between each factor. We will not only focus on the correlation between

factors within each model, but also analyze the relation between FF factors and PCA


Table 1 Summary statistics for the monthly independent returns (in percent)in

the regressions: January 2004 to December 2013

Table 2 presents the annual mean of firm sizes and book-to-market equity for nine FF

portfolios. Meanwhile, the number of firms and the percentage of market weights in

each group are also shown to analyze the property of each portfolio. Most importantly,

the average monthly return panel directly examines the size and book-to-market

equity effect.

Panel A

Name Mean Std. t-value

Rm-Rf -0.00309 0.09237 -0.36649

SMB 0.003955 0.0457 0.947995

HML -0.01906 0.063865 -3.26889

PCA1 -0.01021 0.276579 -0.40435

PCA2 0.02165 0.082701 2.867775

PCA3 0.005836 0.089137 0.717169


Rm-Rf 1

SMB -0.01637 1

HML -0.07538 -0.00874 1

PC1 0.996724 -0.04922 -0.06516 1

PC2 0.052219 0.643197 -0.72093 0.022184 1

PC3 0.113909 -0.43486 -0.48649 0.164103 0.041298 1

Panel B Correlations


Table 2Descriptive statistics for 9 portfolios formed on size and

book-to-market equity: 2004-2013, 10 years.

Table 3Regressions of stock excess returns on the market excess return:

January 2004 to December 2013, 120 months.


quintile Low Middle High Low Middle High

Small 12276.45 12927.73 16780.65 Small 0.208365 0.417837 0.57529

Middle 30389.31 44146.81 44866.38 Middle 0.224329 0.408116 0.613168

Big 91750.15 372038.9 271500.7 Big 0.207749 0.414882 0.698239

Small 0.055909 0.080461 0.029581 Small 11 14 5

Middle 0.107824 0.125425 0.081201 Middle 15 14 11

Big 0.041414 0.226002 0.252182 Big 4 12 14

Small 0.031739 0.028243 0.017881 Small 0.33058 0.372558 0.36751

Middle 0.032451 0.024714 0.010689 Middle 0.340482 0.364748 0.332708

Big 0.026943 0.013524 0.01037 Big 0.417384 0.355227 0.330813

weight in portfolio

Average of annual B/E ratios for portfolio

Average of annual number of firms in portfoio

Mean Yearly standard deviation

Book-to-market equity(BE/ME) quintiles

Average of annual averages of firm size

Average of annual percent of market


quintile Low Middle High Low Middle High

Small 0.01 0.01 0.00 Small 1.79 1.61 -0.84

Middle 0.01 0.00 -0.01 Middle 2.96 0.66 -2.87

Big 0.00 -0.01 -0.01 Big 0.60 -1.78 -2.76

Small 0.87 1.09 1.04 Small 15.41 24.82 20.35

Middle 1.02 1.05 0.96 Middle 26.37 22.13 22.27

Big 0.96 1.00 0.95 Big 11.04 19.27 20.43

Small 0.67 0.84 0.78 Small 0.06 0.04 0.05

Middle 0.85 0.81 0.81 Middle 0.04 0.05 0.04

Big 0.51 0.76 0.78 Big 0.09 0.05 0.05



Dependent variable: excess returns on 9 stock portfolios formed on size and book-to-market equity

Book-to-market equity(BE/ME) quintiles

a t(a)

b t(b)



Table 3 tests the performance of CAPM on the nine constructed portfolios in which

we examine the regressions that only use market risk premium (Rm-rf) as explanatory

variable. As we mentioned in section 3, the direct evidence for evaluating a model

mainly includes slopes and R2. From the results showed in the panel above, we notice

the market betas distribute around one which then strongly supports the underlying

theory of CAPM. Nevertheless, the R2 locates on an unsatisfied level that motivates

us to include more factors to help explain the variation in stock returns.

In table 4 we run a two-factor regression in the absence of market risk premium. It is

easy to observe that R2 largely decreases to a much lower level when SMB and HML

factors are used. But the result still shows that the size and book-to-market equity

factors can capture the variation in stock returns to a certain extent.

Table 4 Regressions of stock excess returns on the market excess return

(Rm-rf) and the mimicking returns for the size (SMB)and book-to-market

equity(HML) factors: January 2004 to December 2013, 120 months.


quintile Low Middle High Low Middle High

Small 0.00 -0.01 0.00 Small -0.57 -0.57 -0.10

Middle 0.00 0.00 -0.01 Middle -0.37 0.10 -0.95

Big -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 Big -0.83 -0.75 -0.57

Small 0.77 0.65 0.06 Small 4.37 3.10 0.28

Middle -0.19 -0.28 -0.09 Middle -0.99 -1.27 -0.45

Big -0.60 -0.63 -0.61 Big -2.61 -3.08 -3.28

Small -0.44 -0.33 0.33 Small -3.46 -2.19 2.16

Middle -0.60 0.02 0.27 Middle -4.42 0.11 1.89

Big -0.70 0.09 0.38 Big -4.26 0.59 2.85

Small 0.21 0.11 0.04 Small 0.09 0.10 0.11

Middle 0.15 0.01 0.03 Middle 0.09 0.11 0.10

Big 0.18 0.08 0.14 Big 0.11 0.10 0.09

s t(s)


Dependent variable: excess returns on 9 stock portfolios formed on size and book-to-market equity

h t(h)


Book-to-market equity(BE/ME) quintiles

a t(a)



Table 5Regressions of stock excess returns on the mimicking returns for

the size (SMB) and book-to-market equity (HML) factors: January 2004 to

December 2013, 120 months.

In table 5, by adding market factor to the regression equation that is shown in table 4,

all the intercepts decrease to zero and the market betas do not deviate too much from

the results in CAPM. In addition, R2 increases significantly for every portfolio in the

sample, especially in SM, ML and BH portfolio, where it reaches 95% level and


quintile Low Middle High Low Middle High

Small 0.00 0.00 0.00 Small -0.12 -0.08 1.05

Middle 0.00 0.01 0.00 Middle 0.79 1.44 -1.14

Big 0.00 0.00 0.00 Big -0.61 -0.57 -0.09

Small 0.86 1.09 1.07 Small 22.99 38.85 24.93

Middle 0.99 1.06 0.98 Middle 45.15 22.97 26.94

Big 0.92 1.00 0.97 Big 12.33 23.56 42.87

Small 0.80 0.69 0.10 Small 10.64 12.22 1.12

Middle -0.15 -0.24 -0.05 Middle -3.49 -2.59 -0.75

Big -0.56 -0.60 -0.58 Big -3.75 -6.98 -12.65

Small -0.35 -0.21 0.45 Small -6.37 -5.21 7.28

Middle -0.49 0.13 0.37 Middle -15.49 1.98 7.09

Big -0.59 0.20 0.49 Big -5.50 3.19 14.86

Small 0.86 0.94 0.85 Small 0.04 0.03 0.04

Middle 0.95 0.82 0.87 Middle 0.02 0.05 0.04

Big 0.64 0.84 0.95 Big 0.08 0.04 0.02


b t(b)

a t(a)

s t(s)

h t(h)

Book-to-market equity(BE/ME) quintiles


Dependent variable: excess returns on 9 stock portfolios formed on size and book-to-market equity



accounts for the best fitting. Even the BL portfolio produces the lowest R2 of 0.64,

there is still a significant augment compared with the CAPM. The standard deviations

of the regressions also decline to a lower level.

Table 6 Regressions of stock excess returns on the PCA factors: January

2004 to December 2013, 120 months.

In practice, Principal component analysis can be easily applied using EViews. After

importing all returns series of nine portfolios constructed above, the built-in principal


quintile Low Middle High Low Middle High

Small 0.00 0.00 0.00 Small -0.85 -0.45 0.48

Middle 0.01 0.01 -0.01 Middle 1.70 1.54 -1.67

Big 0.00 0.00 0.00 Big -1.83 -0.24 -0.71

Small 0.29 0.36 0.37 Small 32.52 35.38 25.51

Middle 0.33 0.36 0.33 Middle 27.44 23.83 27.58

Big 0.29 0.33 0.33 Big 46.27 23.54 34.68

Small 0.61 0.43 -0.20 Small 20.37 12.68 -4.14

Middle 0.20 -0.14 -0.18 Middle 5.11 -2.88 -4.52

Big 0.13 -0.35 -0.42 Big 6.24 -7.59 -13.50

Small -0.22 -0.19 -0.20 Small -7.97 -6.05 -4.39

Middle 0.09 -0.02 -0.23 Middle 2.49 -0.53 -6.18

Big 0.90 0.08 -0.07 Big 46.48 1.89 -2.48

Small 0.93 0.92 0.85 Small 0.03 0.03 0.04

Middle 0.88 0.83 0.87 Middle 0.04 0.04 0.04

Big 0.98 0.85 0.92 Big 0.02 0.04 0.03

b3 t(b3)


b1 t(b1)

b2 t(b2)

a t(a)


Dependent variable: excess returns on 9 stock portfolios formed on three Principal components

Book-to-market equity(BE/ME) quintiles



component analysis then provides Eigen values and Eigen vectors, and each of the

eigenvector contains nine numbers respectively for nine portfolios. To calculate the

principal component, by definition we need to multiply return vector at each time with

the Eigen vector, and get one time series now recognized as one principal component.

As mentioned earlier in this paper we have generated three uncorrelated factors to

explain the excess return. By running OLS regression with those three factors for each

portfolio returns, we generate exactly the same process as what we did in the FF

model. The performance of PCA model is best characterized by R2, and slope on each

factor actually does not make economic sense, but we still present it for analyzing the

trend of variation in factor loadings among portfolios

Table 7 Cross-sectional regressions of stock excess returns on the

estimated coefficients: January 2004 to December 2013, 120 months

The results in table 7 provide the comparison of the performance of different models

in cross-sectional dimension. The MatLab program (see Appendix 8.1) produces a

1*120 vector for each variable that involved in CAPM, FF model and PCA model,

and then we take the means of all vector elements and sort them in one table. R2 as

the most important criterion is surely included. For comparison, the average values of

the excess returns obtained in the time-series regressions are also presented in the

bottom line.

Model c λmt λsmb λhml R^2

CAPM -0.0125 0.0093 0.12

FF3 -0.0249 0.0221 0.0052 -0.0181 0.58

PCA -0.0328 0.0878 0.0234 0.0090 0.62

TSR coefficients -0.0031 0.0036 -0.0191

9 portfolios sorted on Book-to-market ratio and size


5. Analysis

5.1 The dependent and explanatory variables

The average market risk premium used in the time-series regression is only -0.309%,

which indicates the overall expected return level is less than the return level of

risk-free assets. Theoretically, investors would not invest in such a poor market with

negative excess returns which are far from an investment perspective (normally 5%).

This unexpected result may mainly be caused by the choice of risk-free interest rate.

As we mentioned in the delimitation part, to ensure the data of risk-free interest rate is

available during the study period, we use the expected return on a 12-month treasury

bill, which is slightly greater than 1-month Treasury bill. But we note that, even if we

replace the 12-month T-bill returns by 1-month T-bill returns for the post February

2007 period, this problem could be mitigated but not solved. The excess return is still

around -0.1%. On the other hand, in the recent 5 years, most individual investors have

to bear continuing losses due to the weak performance of the whole market. As a

result, this problem may partly be explained by the low return of the overall market.

The t-statistic for the market risk premium is also not significant.

The size factor SMB provides an average premium of 0.36%, but from the

insignificant t-statistic (0.86) we have to infer that the size effect is not obvious in our

sample. For the book-to-market factor HML, the negative risk premium is significant

and in accordance with our finding that firms with high BE/ME ratio tend to have

lower returns and vice versa. Among three PCA factors, both the second and third

factors generate positive risk premiums and similar to the FF model, only the second

factor is significant in statistical term.

In the correlation matrix, we observe that the correlation between SMB and HML is

only -0.874%. The uncorrelated results indicate that the SMB proxy is largely

independent from book-to-market equity effect and same for HML proxy. It confirms

that these two factors capture the variation in stock returns along different dimensions.


On the other hand, the correlations between the market risk premium and SMB and

HML are -1.6% and -7.5%, and when comparing with previous papers, the correlation

of all three factors is much lower. But we would expect a stronger correlation between

FF factors and the market premium (around 20%-30%). In Fama and French (1993),

they found that market betas tend to collapse to one when adding FF factors into the

model. Unfortunately this effect is not obvious in our case.

With respect to the PCA factors, since they are orthogonal to each other, the

correlation between them should be extremely low, however as displayed in Table 1

the correlation between the first factor and the third factor is not low enough. By

comparing the PCA factors with FF factors, we would say the first PCA factor is

perfectly correlated with the market risk premium; the second PCA factor is positively

correlated with SMB factor and negatively correlated with HML factor, and for the

last PCA factor there ought to be a mixed effect of size and book-to-market ratio due

to the nearly same negative correlation with SMB and HML.

Table 2 includes the summary statistics of 9 portfolios. As mentioned many times

there are 100 stocks in our sample and after sorting the BL and SH portfolios contain

the least number of stocks, 4 and 5 respectively. The numbers of stocks in the

remaining portfolios are similarly around 12. The average book-to-market equity

ranges from 0.20 to 0.69 since none of the firms have a BE/ME greater than one. It

indicates that the price-to-book values of all the firms in the sample are larger than

one, and the real value of the firms tend to be over-estimated during this period.

Together, the largest three portfolios formed on size covers 82% of the total market

value and 52% of the weight of the whole portfolio in the sample.

The 9 portfolios provide a virtual wide spread of average monthly return from 1.03%

to 3.24%. In every BE/ME group, average returns have a tendency to decrease from

the small size portfolios to big size portfolios. It then confirms the conclusion in Fama

and French (1993) that there is a strong negative relation between size and average


return. In contrast, our results in book-to-market equity dimension are totally opposite

to FF’s evidence. According to the same paper, there should be a stronger positive

relation between book-to-market equity and average return which indicates the

portfolios with a higher BM gain higher returns. But in our sample, for every group of

the same size, the average returns always tend to monotonically increase from high

BE/ME portfolios to low BE/ME portfolios. Since most of the firms in the high

BE/ME groups are state-owned financial or industrial enterprises, we suggest this

phenomenon is directly caused by those firms’ poor performance compared to the low

BE/ME firms.

Fama and French (1995) found that high BE/ME firms are typically those who have

distressed during the bad time whereas low BE/ME firms are typically growth stocks

with high average returns on capital. Here, the academic from behavioral finance area

(DeBondt and Thaler (1987), Lakonishok, Shleifer and Vishny (1994)) provide

another perspective. They argued that investors tend to overreact to the past

performance of those firms that are sorted on book-to-market-equity, which means the

stock price is underestimated for the distressed firms (high BE/ME) and

overestimated for the growth firms (low BE/ME). If the overreaction is corrected,

then the return should be higher for value firms and lower for growth firms.

This odd result shed light on the singularity of this market where we reckon the

participants are not as rational as postulated in the original FF model. However the

firms’ sizes tend to influence the return the same way as in the US market. That

phenomenon is totally reasonable, since during that period we have chosen, which is

the very early stage of this industry, most of the participants in China’s stock market

are new to this activity and relatively lack professional information. Also given the

strong government intervention and ambiguous regulations, it is plausible that this

market contains particular characters other than US market. By taking the t-test

between the 9 portfolios, we cannot reject the null hypothesis that they have the same

returns due to the large p-values, which indicates this result is found by chance.


5.2 Model evaluation

In table3, we examine the traditional CAPM model and test whether market beta

explains the excess returns in the time-series regression. The results are virtually in

accordance with the theory. An effective factor model should have intercept terms are

close to zero. In this case, the absolute values of all portfolios’ intercept terms are less

than 0.01 and the average value of market beta is close to 1. Except for the BL

portfolio with a relative low R2 of 0.5, the R

2 mainly range from 0.65 to 0.85,

combining all the significant t-statistics, we could conclude that the CAPM captures

most common variation in stock returns. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the fact that

no portfolios produce a R2 greater than 0.9 and some intercept terms are still slightly

higher. Thus, it indicates the excess return on market portfolios might leave some

variation in the expected return which could be attributed to SMB and HML factors.

In Table 4, we simply test how much variation in stock returns can be captured by the

size factor and BE/ME factor. In the absence of market risk premium, as expected, the

R2 reduce to a much lower level, only one portfolio exceeds 0.2; there are six out of

nine R2 are above 0.1 and especially for the portfolios in the low BE/ME group. Even

the two-factor model shows poor performance, we still infer that those two factors

capture some variation that risk premium factor missed and adding SMB and HML

factors to the CAPM will substantially help explain the excess returns.

Table 5 shows that after adding excess market return to the regression, the three

factors model (FF model) captures most of the common variation in stock excess

returns. All the intercept terms are close to zero and are significant in statistical terms.

At the same time, due to the slight correlation between SMB, HML and market factor,

betas are more close to 1 in five portfolios. All of the market betas are significant and

more than 12 standard deviations from zero.

With respect to the SMB factor, the factor loadings on SMB are related to the size. In

each BE/ME group, the coefficients for SMB factors monotonically decrease from

small size portfolio to big size portfolio which verifies the statistical results that


average returns tend to decrease from the small size portfolios to big size portfolios.

However, in the SH and MH portfolios, the t-statistics are insignificant, less than 2

standard deviations from zero.

Similarly, the slopes on HML factors are also associated with BE/ME ratio and all the

slopes are significant. In each size group, the slopes for HML factors tend to increase

from the low ratio portfolio to high ratio portfolio. The contrasting results of the

relation between book-to-market equity and average return still result in the same

tendency with FF’s conclusion. To address this concern, we recognize that in FF’s

portfolios, the firms with high BE/ME ratio tend to have higher returns, so the HML

factor should be identified as a positive risk premium. Not surprisingly, portfolios

belong to the high BE/ME group should be assigned a higher positive factor loading

and vice versa.

In our case, contrarily the HML factor is a negative risk premium, which leads to the

results that those firms, which have low BE/ME ratios and higher positive returns,

should be given lower negative slopes. After constructing the three factors model, the

standard deviation of the equation decreases significantly. Given the significant slopes

on SMB and HML factors, we expect the new model will better explain the excess

return and result in higher R2.

In CAPM, no portfolios could produce the R2 higher than 0.9; in the FF model, there

are three portfolios that produce R2 greater than 0.9 and eight out of those nineR

2 are

higher than 0.8. The BL portfolio still results in the lowest R2, but it also increases

with a wide margin from 0.50 in the CAPM to 0.64 in the FF model. In the small size

group,R2 increases from the value between 0.50 and 0.77 to 0.64 and 0.94, similarly,

for the three portfolios in the big size group, R2 increases from the value between 0.66

and 0.83 to 0.84 and 0.93.


5.3 Diagnostics

To ensure that the regression results are convincible, we make some diagnostic tests.

Firstly, if near multicollinearity exists, a high R2 of the model accompanies with high

standard error of the coefficients. As a result, the individual variables are insignificant.

Similarly, the regressions become very sensitive to the explanatory variables. By

checking the correlation matrix, since the correlation between three independent

variables are less than 0.2 so that the possibility of multicollinearity can be excluded

according to the rule of thumb (0.8).

Table 8 Correlation matrix

Since even two uncorrelated non-stationary series will also result in high R2 in the

regression, to prevent spurious regressions, next, we test the stationarity of all the

series: excess return for each portfolio i, excess return on the risk premium, SMB and

HML. Based on the monthly data we have, we use the augmented DF test, and choose

p=12 as the frequency to check if there are unit roots in the series. Given the results in

the table, we can reject the null hypothesis at any levels and conclude that all the

series in our sample is stationary. Moreover, it is more understandable to observe from

the graph of returns. It is visible to note that all the series have no trending behavior

and the curves frequently cross the mean of zero. Not surprisingly, stock returns are

always white noise process.

Table 9 Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test


SMB  1.000000

RM_RF -0.01637  1.000000

HML -0.00874 -0.07538  1.000000


t-value -5.74961 -9.81737 -7.96013 -10.8636

p-value 0 0 0 0


t-value -9.39641 -5.22304 -9.56297 -9.33814

p-value 0 0 0 0


t-value -9.19847 -9.37308 -5.35538 -3.60796

p-value 0 0 0 (-0.007)


Figure 2Portfolios returns movement







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120




After running the time-series regressions with respect to the FF three factor model, we

are interested in testing whether there is heteroscedasticity and serial autocorrelation

exists in the residual series. To test heteroscedasticity, based on the time-series

regressions we have, the ARCH test for testing whether the residual variance is

constant over time is used. From the results in the table, eight out of the nine

portfolios pass the test except for the MH portfolio. The p-value of it is only 0.01,

which suggests us to reject the null hypothesis that states they have constant variance

over time. To deal with this problem in the regression, we use robust standard errors

to get rid of the heteroscedasticity as usual. Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM

Test is applied to test for autocorrelation. Since all p-values are greater than 0.05, we

can conclude that autocorrelation does not exist at 95% confidence level. The results

also verify the Durbin-Watson test results, which we obtain from the regression output

view in EViews


Table 10 Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test

df=5 L M H

Obs*R S 0.310079 0.97606 1.061793

p-value -0.8629 -0.6278 -0.6025

Obs*R M 0.824057 0.110059 5.515462

p-value -0.6752 -0.949 -0.0684

Obs*R B 0.128221 0.902074 3.311051

p-value -0.9409 -0.6504 -0.2029


Table 11 Heteroskedasticity Test: ARCH

5.4 PCA

The so-called factor loadings of PCA are obtained and shown with clear slope. Still

since they contain no explicit and direct indication of real life factor such as firm size

or book-to-market equity, we choose to connect the PCA factors with the variables

formed in FF model as mentioned earlier in this section.

When observing the correlation matrix in table 1, a rather notable number implies

PC1 is strongly related to (Rm-rf), as clearly displayed in the figures below, the trend

are significantly similar, while PC2 and PC3 both appear to have equal correlation

with SMB and HML. More specifically speaking, there is a positive relation between

PC2 and SMB, as 0.64, and negative between PC2 and HML as -0.72. The surfaces of

them deliver the same information that in SMB it inclines from SL corner diagonally

yet in HML it presents the opposite, and both of them work together to produce a less

steep slope in PC2 chart that leaning just like it in SMB. As to PC3 which is

simultaneously affected by both SMB and HML with respective correlation -0.43 and

-0.48. Even though the absolute numbers are not outstanding, their influences are

obvious to catch. The SH corner stands higher than others in both SMB and HML and

double negative force makes SH the deep down hollow in PC3. Also BL corner in

SMB and HML is low-lying while in PC3 it turns into the peak that again emphasizes

the negative sign.

df=1 L M H

Obs*R S 0.122492 0.048691 0.107173

p-value -0.7291 -0.8272 -0.7459

Obs*R M 0.616636 0.387231 5.597467

p-value -0.4366 -0.5378 -0.0178

Obs*R B 3.606256 0.178464 0.868303

p-value -0.0583 -0.6758 -0.3557


Figure 3 Factor loadings for FF and PCA models

Furthermore, the basic idea of principal component analysis suggests that the first

component usually captures the majority of variation. Then to conclude we would say

in this particular market, even though firm size and book-to-marker ratio at some level

affect the excess return of stocks, market return plays a rather more important role in

explaining the risk of stock or portfolio excess returns. We consider it possible to

explain this correlation since the market return we use is actually the average of those

100 stocks that chosen, its prior position in the correlation matrix appears to be rather


Recall the time series regression tables, besides the intercepts and the coefficients for


factors, summary statistics table also includes coefficient of determination, usually

denoted as R2 that indicates how well data points fit the statistical model. For further

comparison, we extract R2 coefficients of FF model and PCA model and put them in

one table.

Table 12 R2 for FF and PCA model

Evidently in above table, R2

for each portfolio applied with FF and PCA are all over

0.8 besides the only one in FF model that is BL portfolio. However PCA fits almost

perfectly with the highest R2 out of all. This particular portfolio actually has already

shown its unique quality earlier when constructed. In initial FF model the conclusion

is that firms with bigger size and low book-to-marker ratio both tend to bring less

return. Nevertheless the very few stocks from China’s market that sorted into this

portfolio happen to be the leading high-yield stocks of all 100. That makes this

supposed-to-stay-down-the-pyramid portfolio level up to the top of all, which then

disturbs the normal function of FF model in this market. Furthermore in respect that

PCA factors are generated algebraically from PCA model then performs equally well

for all portfolios. All in all considering that the average R2of FF and PCA models are

respectively 0.857 and 0.893, then we would say from the perspective of data fitness,

FF model performs just as well as PCA does, which once again provide sufficient

validity of FF model.

5.5 Cross-sectional regressions

Clearly when analyzing the cross-sectional regression outcomes, as shown in table 7,


Low Middle High

Small 0.86 0.94 0.85

Middle 0.95 0.82 0.87

Big 0.64 0.84 0.95


Low Middle High

Small 0.93 0.92 0.85

Middle 0.88 0.83 0.87

Big 0.98 0.85 0.92

Average R^2=0.89

Average R^2=0.86


R2 of CAPM is only 0.12 which means this model delivers nearly no significance

when applied for this dataset. This result is consistent with the early studies that reject

the CAPM. Even there is a positive relation between excess return and beta, but it is

too “flat” to describe different portfolios. Although the market risk premium is

slightly different in the sample, the model brings a positive risk premium contrarily.

As implied by afore-mentioned empirical framework, the dependent variable in the

cross-sectional regression is the excess return for each portfolio, so we would expect

an intercept of zero. But in this case, the intercept is -0.012 indicating that the

zero-beta-portfolio gives lower return than rf.

FF model, with R2 of 0.58, continuously shows its advantage compared with the

former, although its performance is slightly weaker than PCA’s, whose R2


0.62. That is not quite a surprise because the latter is derived purely mathematically.

Also, Daskalaki, Kostakis, and Skiadopoulos (2012) tested various asset-pricing

models, the results clearly state that PCA works better than all other models with its

R2 top to 0.6 while others float around 0.3. In Xu’s (2007) paper the several R

2 of FF

model are near 0.3 yet PCA produces R2 that half of them are above 0.4.

With respect to FF cross-sectional regression, if the model is constructed properly,

then 1 2 3, , should be equal to the times-series mean of market risk premium, SMB

and HML. By comparing those between cross-sectional regression results and

time-series mean we find that they are almost equivalent for SMB and HML factors

but the spread in market risk premium seems a little wide. Similarly, the intercepts for

FF and PCA models are also negative, and all models predict positive market risk

premiums. To conclude we still would say FF model fits Chinese market nicely and

deserves a leading place in asset pricing field.

5.6 PCA based new FF model

Since previous analysis tells PCA generally functions better than FF model in data

fitting, with the intention of improving FF model, we implant PCA in FF factors


construction part. More precisely the idea1 is to create new (Rm-rf), SMB and HML

using afore-mentioned three principal components so that those FF factors not only

represent their essences but also contain most of the variation of portfolio returns.

To achieve that we firstly run another regression for old (Rm − rf)t with the three

PCs extracted from original portfolio returns. That is to say treat old (Rm − Rf) as

the dependent variable on the left hand side and PC1, PC2 and PC3 as the

independent variables on the right hand side then to regress three newβ1, β2, β3.

Second is to compute new (Rm − Rf)′tby applying the new betas. Surely for SMB

and HML it is the identical application. Putting this transformation in term of formula

will be as follow.

(Rm − Rf)t′ = βR,1PC1t + βR,2PC2t + βR,3PC3t

SMBt′ = βS,1PC1t + βS,2PC2t + βS,3PC3t

HMLt′ = βH,1PC1t + βH,2PC2t + βH,3PC3t

Afterwards new factors should be proved to contain enough credibility before being

put to use. One direct approach is once again to introduce the correlation table.

Table 13 Correlations between original FF factors and synthetic FF factors

Obviously we can say the new factors are relatively strongly connected with the old

ones. Thus it is worth trying to substitute new factors into FF model.

As noted in Table 14 in appendix, the R2 of generating FF model with new factors is

0.893 which is exactly the same as previous R2

of PCA model. Continuing to

cross-sectional regression the result is surprisingly notable as well. Although the

coefficients of intercepts and factors here are not the same with that in any other

models, the R2 (0.62) is once again identical with PCA, slightly higher than initial FF

models. At this point we might be able to state this so called new FF model contains

1 http://www.calculatinginvestor.com/2013/03/18/pca-factors-vs-fama-french-factors/


0.998509 0.791914 0.854025


some improvement over the old one, however the correlation between old and new

factors are not always strong enough. That is to say even though new factors include

more information of return matrix, but the correlation between them and the old FF

factors is lessened.


6. Conclusion

Through all procedures, it is not difficult to notice that R2

in FF model is much greater

than CAPM, which leads us to conclude that FF model tends to be much more

powerful than CAPM for explaining the cross-sectional variation in average stock

returns. Thus PCA in the same way slightly dominates the FF model, which is also

plausible following the extent literature where we also detect the statistical edge of

PCA in asset pricing. Although the new FF factors that we synthesize construct a new

model with the exact same R2 as PCA factors do, which seems to have a promising

improvement over the old FF model, however the correlation between new and old FF

factors are not as high as expected. Therefore its validity in representing the initial FF

factors still needs to be studied further. In addition, the FF model constructed based on

our dataset produces a reversal of BM effect, and we attribute it to the oddness of this

particular market, which is relatively more complex and affected by multiple forces

other than the US market. In a general view, CAPM, FF model and PCA model

applications in China’s stock market function nicely and once again show their

feasibility for asset pricing.


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8. Appendix

8.1 Programming MatLab

%%Import dataset, and name the matrix as “data”. This dataset also include factors

column, then independent variables are extracted from “data” as well.

lhs=[ones(1,9);data(:,1:3)];%%add a ones vector to get the intercept coefficients.


%% loop for each time point

for i=4:123

coef=data(:,i)\lhs;%%simple OLS regression

a=[a,coef(1)];%% collecting coefficients from each regression.





for j=1:9 %% loop within each vector, to calculate R squared by definition.


resid=y(j)-coef(1)-coef(2:4)*lhs(j,2:4); %%compute individual residual.






%%after loop Rsq ends up a vector containing 120 elements.



8.2 Regression results from synthetic FF model

Table 14Regressions of stock excess returns on the synthetic market excess

return (Rm-rf) and the mimicking returns for the synthetic size (SMB) and

book-to-market equity (HML) factors: January 2004 to December 2013, 120



quintile Low Middle High Low Middle High

Small 0.00 0.00 0.00 Small -0.85 -0.45 0.48

Middle 0.01 0.01 -0.01 Middle 1.70 1.54 -1.67

Big 0.00 0.00 0.00 Big -1.83 -0.24 -0.71

Small 0.87 1.08 1.08 Small 32.59 35.48 25.44

Middle 1.00 1.07 0.99 Middle 27.76 23.92 27.45

Big 0.90 0.99 0.97 Big 48.53 23.68 34.65

Small 1.14 0.81 -0.01 Small 15.58 9.68 -0.12

Middle -0.10 -0.31 0.10 Middle -0.99 -2.55 1.04

Big -1.93 -0.81 -0.56 Big -38.06 -7.06 -7.28

Small -0.29 -0.18 0.42 Small -5.94 -3.16 5.46

Middle -0.38 0.12 0.47 Middle -5.74 1.52 7.14

Big -1.48 0.17 0.46 Big -43.84 2.24 9.06

Small 0.93 0.92 0.85 Small 0.03 0.03 0.04

Middle 0.88 0.83 0.87 Middle 0.04 0.04 0.04

Big 0.98 0.85 0.92 Big 0.02 0.04 0.03

s t(s)

h t(h)


b t(b)


Dependent variable: excess returns on 9 stock portfolios formed on size and book-to-market equity

Book-to-market equity(BE/ME) quintiles

a t(a)
