Page 1 of 12 Nebraska Homeless Assistance Program (NHAP) Emergency Solutions Grant Covid-19 Funding Request for Applications Program Guidelines NHAP Application Due Application Review Intent to Award Notification 7/9/20, 5:00 pm CDT 7/10/20 to 7/20/20 7/31/20

Emergency Solutions Grant Covid-19 Funding Program Guidelinesdhhs.ne.gov/Documents/ESG-CV Guidelines.pdf · ESG-CV Application Process Timeline and Description .....12 SEPARATE DOCUMENTS

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Nebraska Homeless Assistance Program


Emergency Solutions Grant Covid-19 Funding

Request for Applications

Program Guidelines






Intent to



7/9/20, 5:00

pm CDT

7/10/20 to



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Table of Contents SUBMISSION OF QUESTIONS .................................................................................................................................. 3

PROGRAM SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................................. 3

TARGET POPULATION ............................................................................................................................................. 3

I. Homeless individuals ................................................................................................................................... 3

II. Individuals At Risk of Homelessness ........................................................................................................... 3

III. Individuals Vulnerable to Covid .................................................................................................................. 3

ELIGIBILITY ................................................................................................................................................................ 4

ESG-CV FUNDING PRIORITIES ............................................................................................................................... 6

ESG-CV REGIONAL ALLOCATION ......................................................................................................................... 6

APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 6

NHAP ELIGIBLE SERVICES DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................... 7

PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 9

NHAP APPLICATION REVIEW AND FUNDING RECOMMENDATION PROCESS ........................................... 9

RATING CRITERIA ................................................................................................................................................... 10

AWARD NOTIFICIATION ........................................................................................................................................ 11

ESG-CV Application Process Timeline and Description .................................................................................... 12

SEPARATE DOCUMENTS – Available on NHAP Funding Webpage (link below):

ESG-CV Application Form, including total agency budget

Personnel Form – Attachment A

CoC Verification of Participation – Attachment B

Approval of Emergency Shelter Activities by Local Government – Attachment C NHAP Funding Webpage: http://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/Nebraska-Homeless-Assistance-Program-Providers.aspx

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Questions regarding this application should be directed to NHAP Coordinator Andrea Curtis by electronic mail at: [email protected]

The deadline to submit questions is 5:00 PM CDT on Wednesday, July 1, 2020. Answers to submitted questions will be posted on the NHAP Providers page:


On Tuesday, June 30, at 2:00 pm CDT, there will be an informational session via Webex regarding this request for applications. To join the informational session, please follow this link.

NOTICE: Other than at the informational session, no verbal questions will be answered. All questions and inquires must be in writing and submitted via authorized format noted above. Responses to questions will be posted on the NHAP website. This supplemental information is to be followed and complied with in addition to the application.

PROGRAM SUMMARY The Nebraska Homeless Assistance Program (NHAP) receives ESG funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for homeless assistance services to be provided in the Balance of State to include Street Outreach, Emergency Shelter, Homelessness Prevention, and Rapid Rehousing.

The CARES Act appropriated a total of $4 billion in supplemental ESG funds nationwide. HUD has allocated $3.95 billion, nationwide, to be utilized to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19 among individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance.


ESG-CV funds are to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19 among individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance. I. Homeless individuals: (see 24 CFR 576.2 for a complete definition) II. Individuals At Risk of Homelessness: Under the CARES Act, individuals and families

whose income does not exceed 50% of the area median income are considered “at risk of homelessness” and are eligible for homelessness prevention services, if they meet the criteria identified in federal regulation (24 CFR 576.2).

III. Individuals Vulnerable to Covid-19 a. Individuals over 55 b. Individuals with any of the following diagnosis: immunocompromised, diabetes,

chronic lung disease, COPD, moderate to severe asthma, severe obesity, heart condition, kidney disease or liver disease.

NOTE: NHAP funding may not be used to serve wards of the State. This population is not considered homeless for the purpose of NHAP because the State is legally responsible for the

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basic needs of such children. Runaway youth who are not a part of the foster care system and are not wards of the State are considered homeless.


To be eligible to apply for ESG-CV funding, applicants must:

A. Assume responsibility for having knowledge of and the ability and intent to comply with federal and state Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and state Homeless Shelter Assistance Trust Fund (HSATF) requirements found in the Code of Federal Regulations Title 24 Part 576 (ESG) and Title 24 Part 84 (HUD Uniform Administrative Requirements) and Nebraska Revised Statutes 68-1601 through 68-1608 (HSATF) and Nebraska Administrative Code Title 462 (HSATF);

B. Abide by guidance provided in the HUD ESG-CV Notice, when the Notice is published.

C. Agree to abide by the conditions and content of the Program Guidelines document and the submitted application as approved if selected to receive funding;

D. Provide evidence of participation in their Continuum of Care (Attachment B); E. Obtain Continuum of Care approval for the need for the proposed services

identified in their application and provide documentation of such approval (Attachment B);

F. Be exempt from taxation under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue of 1986 or represent a number of eligible applicants;

G. Not discriminate based on age, religion, sex, race, color, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or national origin; (24 CFR 5)

H. Provide: (a) Residential housing for at least eight hours of every twenty-four hour period,

as defined by the state and federal rules and regulations governing HUD’s Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program and/or Nebraska’s Homeless Shelter Assistance Trust Fund (HSATF); and

(b) Homelessness prevention, rapid rehousing, street outreach and/or shelter services for individuals and/or families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in compliance with the state and federal rules and regulations governing HUD’s Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program and/or Nebraska’s Homeless Shelter Assistance Trust Fund (HSATF);

I. Agree to participate in any count of homeless individuals and/or families and housing inventory undertaken by DHHS or their designee;

J. Agree to comply with the written ESG/NHAP standards approved by the relevant Continuum of Care. Standards are found on the NHAP website at: http://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/Homeless-Assistance.aspx

K. Agree to follow the NHAP HMIS workflow and participate in NHAP’s identified HMIS database by entering all required NHAP and HUD data elements on all persons served and all NHAP-funded activities, with the exception of victim or legal service providers who agree to collect all of required NHAP and HUD data elements on all persons served and all NHAP-funded activities and enter them into

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an electronic database system which is comparable to the HMIS, and also agree to DHHS NHAP coordinator accessing HMIS to view NHAP funded client records during monitoring for quality assurance purposes;

L. If requesting funding for homeless prevention and/or rapid rehousing services, agree to assess client eligibility and obtain the necessary documentation to verify the client, the payment/service provided and the housing unit meet HUD’s ESG requirements at 24 CFR 576: http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title24/24cfr576_main_02.tpl

M. If requesting funding for shelter services, agree to maintain shelter facility in compliance with HUD’s minimum standards at 24 CFR 576.403 and provide Attachment C to verify approval of emergency shelter activities by local government for all cities or counties where shelter will occur – (HUD requires new subrecipients to submit an approval for any and all cities/counties where shelter will occur, even those programs using hotel/motel vouchers. Current NHAP subrecipients who have previously submitted approvals for cities/counties do not need to resubmit for those identified cities/counties, just those cities/counties where shelter will occur that do not have a prior city/county approval on file at DHHS).

N. Conduct an annual, certified, external financial audit/financial report completed within the last 12 months;

O. Submit a correctly completed application, including Attachments A through C (unless not required per instructions).

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ESG-CV FUNDING PRIORITIES NHAP’s expectation is that agencies within the Continuum of Care will assist with

adjusting funding across homeless assistance activities as needs are evaluated.

Approximately 21% of funds will be awarded to street outreach or emergency shelters for food and essential services only.

Approximately 74% of funds will be awarded to agencies able to provide both Rapid Rehousing and Homelessness Prevention (when possible) to ensure funds can be shifted based on client needs for the area. Regional member agencies may confer to determine who will apply to provide the services in order to maintain maximum flexibility of the funds across the region and between Rapid Rehousing and Homeless Prevention.

Approximately 1% will be allocated to the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).

Approximately, 4% of the funds are retained for potential administrative costs. HUD allows up to 10% to be utilized.

ESG-CV REGIONAL ALLOCATION Please find below the available funding for ESG-CV Funding. The funds were allocated by region based upon weighted factors of economic impact (poverty rate 20%, COVID-19 related unemployment claims 40%, rent burden 40%, and population). The State’s expectation is that regions within the Balance of State Continuum of Care will be willing to shift funding to other regions as needs arise.

Region ESG 2020-2021


Region 1 $656,575.25

Region 2 $1,358,788.09

Region 3 $1,552,807.77

Region 4 $1,831,706.63

Region 5 $1,514,687.09

Region 7 $1,164,380.17


SECTION I: Applicant Information Section I provides basic applicant information, (enter data into text boxes), emergency shelter bed types (select from drop-down menu), populations served (check all that apply), primary population/need served (select one from drop-down menu), counties that the agency serves (enter into text box) and Continuum of Care Region (select from drop down menu). Indicate if the application is to be the lead agency applying for Rapid Re-Housing and Homeless Prevention in the region.

SECTION II: Total Funding Request Be sure to include ALL sources of the agency’s total budget which support Covid-19 related homelessness services (enter into text box).

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Proposed ESG-CV Budget: Complete the chart for the amounts requested for allowable NHAP funded services. To complete the chart, double right click anywhere inside the Excel file to enter the individual budget item requests. The chart will auto-calculate the totals. Once completed with the budget entry, scroll up within the spreadsheet to ensure the entire budget can be seen, and then click outside the chart. This will imbed the file back into the Word document. The overall proposed budget should match with the budgets for proposed program activities.

SECTION III: Program Information Enter a concise narrative under each program criteria 1-4 to demonstrate how the proposed NHAP funded project would meet the overall objective of preventing, responding to, and safe and stable permanent housing to the homeless and at risk of homelessness in the community the agency serves. The text boxes allow for standard formatting and the ability to insert small tables.

See the following descriptions of eligible costs for Criteria 5.

For each activity that is being requested for NHAP funding, provide a narrative description of activity being proposed and a detailed description of how each line item was calculated (e.g. breakdown of personnel costs with fringe benefits if applicable, service cost calculations, methods of determining cost allocation percentages, detail of operational expenses, etc.). Provide the total amounts and a brief description of other funds utilized to support the NHAP program. If “Other Funds” is left blank or has a zero provide detail as to why no other funding is sought or received. Points will be deducted if the service narrative does not contain sufficient budget breakdown detail to replicate the calculated budget totals.

Include detailed budget narratives for each applicable NHAP funded activity under Criteria 5 (a) through (d). Every applicant must complete Criteria 5 (f) for the HUD required data. Following are services descriptions with detail of eligible costs associated with each activity:


Eligible activities for ESG-CV funding are 1) Street Outreach 2) Emergency Shelter (case management, shelter operations, and food costs only), 3) Homelessness Prevention, and 4) Rapid Rehousing. Further guidance regarding allowable activities and costs will be made available to agencies when HUD publishes the ESG-CV Notice.

1) Street Outreach – funds may cover costs related to engagement, case management, emergency outpatient health services, emergency outpatient mental health services and transportation.

2) Emergency Shelter – funds may cover costs related to: a) Essential Services – case management b) Shelter Operations – eligible costs are the costs of food; training on infectious disease

prevention and mitigation and to provide hazard pay, and costs incurred since March 30 to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19 among persons who are homeless. Through December 31, 2020, there is Coronavirus Relief Funding available

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to support improvements made to shelters, motel/hotel vouchers to decrease shelter utilization rates, to provide isolation and quarantine space, and to provide personal protective equipment.

c) Eligibility - Eligible persons are those who meet the criteria set of HUD’s “homeless” definition and criteria set forth in the Target Population section.

3) Homelessness Prevention – funds may cover costs related to: a) Services – housing search and placement, housing stability case management,

mediation and credit repair; b) Financial Assistance – rental application fees, security deposits, utility deposits or

payments, last month’s rent, and moving costs; and c) Rental Assistance - short-term (up to 3 months in a 3-year period) rent; medium-

term rent (more than 3 months, but not more than 24 months in a 3-year period); rental arrears (one-time payment for up to 6 months of rental arrears in a 3-year period).

d) Eligibility - Eligible persons are those who meet the criteria set forth in HUD’s “at risk of homelessness” definition (24 CFR 576.2) or in paragraphs (2), (3) or (4) of HUD’s “homeless” definition (24 CFR 576.2) and for the ESG-CV Funds have an annual income below 50 percent of median family income for the area, as determined by HUD.

4) Rapid Rehousing – funds may cover costs related to: a) Services – housing search and placement, housing stability case management,

mediation and credit repair; b) Financial Assistance – rental application fees, security deposits, utility deposits or

payments, last month’s rent, and moving costs; and c) Rental Assistance - short-term (up to 3 months in a 3-year period) rent; medium-

term rent (more than 3 months, but not more than 24 months in a 3-year period); rental arrears (one-time payment for up to 6 months of rental arrears in a 3-year period).

d) Eligibility – Eligible persons are those who meet the criteria set forth in paragraph (1) of HUD’s “homeless” definition (24 CFR 576.2) or in paragraph (4) of the “homeless” definition and live in an emergency shelter or other place described in paragraph (1) of the “homeless” definition.

Indirect Cost Allocation: Agencies who have a federally negotiated indirect cost rate may utilize this rate. Not-for-profits who have not established a negotiate indirect cost rate may use the de minimis rate in accordance to 2 CFR 200.414.(f).

Direct Cost Allocations: (See 2 CFR 200 Subpart E Cost Principles for further clarification)

All costs must be included in the NHAP application, including direct cost allocations. Direct cost allocations must presented as a budget line item and included in the total request for funding. Direct costs are only allocable to a cost objective, (NHAP subgrant/contract), in accordance with the relative benefits received. Applications with direct cost allocation requests must include sufficient documentation and written records of cost accounting for the basis of costs charged to the award to demonstrate that costs were properly allocated. 2 C.F.R. § 200.405.

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The OMB Super Circular specifically addresses costs associated with administrative and clerical positions. The Super Circular explains that salaries of administrative and clerical staff should normally be treated as indirect costs. However, such costs may be charged directly to a federal award if all of the following conditions are met: 2 C.F.R. § 200.413(c).

Administrative or clerical services are integral to the project or activity;

Individuals involved can be specifically identified with the project or activity;

The costs are explicitly included in the budget or have prior written approval of the federal awarding agency; and

The costs are not also recovered as indirect costs.


As part of the HEARTH Implementation Act, performance measures are to be used to demonstrate outcomes. These outcomes in turn measure program progress in meeting the defined goals and objectives. Primary goals the State strives for NHAP subrecipients to achieve include, reducing the length of homelessness, reducing returns to homelessness and maintaining/increasing cash and non-cash income. Performance measurements will be used to determine how programs and activities are meeting established needs and goals including:

Street Outreach – increase the % of persons referred to Coordinated Entry; increase the % of discharges to Permanent Housing; increase the % of persons exiting with income; increase the % of persons exiting with non-cash benefits; reduction of the number and % of individuals who return to homelessness after discharge to Permanent Housing destinations.

Emergency Shelter/Transitional Housing - increasing the percent of discharges to Permanent Housing, reducing the percent of individuals who return to homelessness after discharge to Permanent Housing destinations, and reducing the missing/null data error rates.

Homelessness Prevention – increasing the percent of discharges to Permanent Housing, reducing the percent of individuals who return to homelessness after discharge to Permanent Housing destinations, and reducing the missing/null data error rates.

Rapid Rehousing – increasing the percent of discharges to Permanent Housing, reducing the percent of individuals who return to homelessness after discharge to Permanent Housing destinations, and reducing the missing/null data error rates.

All subrecipients will be required to provide expected performance data and the number of individuals estimated to be served prior to grant award.


Applications for the ESG-CV award process will be reviewed by teams composed of representatives of the governor-appointed Nebraska Commission on Housing and Homelessness; State, Regional or Local Continuum of Care Committees; Department of Health and Human

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Services; and/or other agencies or organizations with experience in service delivery to those experiencing, or at risk of experiencing homelessness. NHAP will facilitate the review process.

A maximum of 110 points are possible. If applying to be the lead agency for a region, 110 points are possible. 100 points are possible if applying to serve part of the region.


Criteria 1: Agency Experience & Need for Services in Continuum (0-15 Total Points)

1.1- Describe your agency’s participation in the Covid-19 response in your community. Describe the needs currently identified and how your agency is uniquely suited to assisting with those needs.

Criteria 2: Coordination of Service(s) (0-25 Total Points if applying as the Lead agency, 0-20 if applying to serve part of the region)

2.1- (0-15 Points if applying as the Lead agency, 0-10 if applying to serve part of the region)

Describe your agency’s participation in the Coordinated Entry System to promote the “no wrong

door” approach to ensure streamlined accessibility to permanent housing programs and self-

sufficiency for program participants. Describe how the agency is currently responding and

working within the Coordinated Entry System to prepare, respond, and prevent the spread of

Covid-19. Detail should be provided about how the agency will continue their response to Covid-

19 given the priority to rapidly rehouse those currently being housed in hotel/motels. Detail

should be included regarding how confidentiality of program participants who are fleeing

domestic violence will be maintained as per the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). If applying

to be the region’s lead agency, describe how you will lead the coordination of services within

your region and ensure homeless prevention and rapid rehousing services are provided

throughout the region.

2.2 – (0-10 Points) Describe your agency’s strategy for incorporating the Housing First approach. Provide an honest assessment which recognizes your agency’s challenges in fully adopting Housing First best practices. In your assessment, consider your agency’s policies, length of stay, type of services, targeted populations, and staff training opportunities. Also please consider how you involve program participants in planning, policies, processes, and procedures.

Criteria 3: Strategies- Agency Program Management (0-20 Total Points if applying as the Lead agency, 0-15 if applying to serve part of the region)

3.1 – (0-15 Points if applying as the Lead agency, 0-10 if applying to serve part of the region) Describe your agency’s strategies, policies, and practices, for ensuring compliance with the federal and state regulations and program requirements associated with ESG, HSATF, and ESG-CV regulations (e.g. quality assurance process, staff training, program requirement checklist, etc.). Please describe how your agency adapts their strategies and policies when new guidance is

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issued. If applying to be the lead agency, describe your agency’s ability to scale these strategies for use by other agencies in your region. In addition, if planning to contract with other agencies for services, please describe your monitoring plan to ensure compliance with regulations and quality assurance.

3.2 – (0-5 Points) Describe how your agency will track data related to the ESG-CV funding. Describe your agencies policies and practices for monitoring and improving the accuracy and quality of program data.

Criteria 4: Fiscal Stability (0-15 Total Points)

4.1 Please describe your agency’s strategies, policies, and practices for maintaining or attaining fiscal stability. In your response consider information regarding diverse funding sources, ongoing solicitation of non-governmental funding, cash reserve, endowment, etc. Also please describe your agency’s segregation of financial duties, audit findings; and Board involvement in fiscal oversight of agency.

Criteria 5: Request for Funding (0-25 Total Points)

5.1 (0-25 Points) Under the detailed budget narratives on the following pages (sections 5.1(a)-(c), provide clear, complete and accurate information to support requested funding and demonstrate performance. All requested information needs completed for each Program Type proposed. For each proposed activity, provide clear, complete, and accurate information, which justifies proposed budget.

Criteria 6: Quality of Application (0-10 Total Points)

6.1 (0-10 Points) Information appears accurate, complete and well-presented; responses correspond with questions; and information provides understandable overall picture of agency, the programs and services and the need for continued funding.

110 TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS (100 total points possible if not applying to be the region’s lead agency.)


Subaward Agreements shall run for a two (2) year term beginning August 1, 2020 and extend through July, 2022.

The Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) will notify applicants and the general public of intent to award ESG-CV funding by July 31, 2020.

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This Notice of Intent to Award NHAP funds is subject to the execution of a written subaward. The subrecipients shall not acquire any legal or equitable rights relative to the funding until a subaward containing terms and conditions acceptable to DHHS is executed. If the intended subrecipient fails to negotiate and execute a subaward with DHHS, the intended award may be revoked and the funding reallocated. DHHS further reserves the right to cancel this Notice of Intent to Award at any time prior to the execution of a written subaward.

Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this request, to negotiate with all qualified sources, or to cancel in part or in its entirety this Request for Applications. This Request for Applications does not commit the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services to award funding, to pay costs incurred for the preparation of proposals, or to procure or subaward funds for services.

ESG-CV Application Process Timeline and Description

Date Action

Responsible Party


Online posting of the RFA and application via the NHAP website. Notification of the posting will be emailed to the Continuum of Care network.


7/1/20Deadline to submit questions to NHAP for public posting



Applications submitted to NHAP by 5:00 p.m. CDT


7/10-7/20/20 Application review process. NHAP

7/21/20-7/31/20 Finalize award process. NHAP

7/31/20Intent to Award notification, contingent upon funding, posted to NHAP website.