EMBODY YOUR CREATIVE RADIANCE A 6Phase Process and Visualization Playbook

Embody Your Creative radiance€¦ · This creative visualization and heart, mind and soul exercises will help you become “the creator” by fully ENGAGING and EMBODYING every aspect

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Page 1: Embody Your Creative radiance€¦ · This creative visualization and heart, mind and soul exercises will help you become “the creator” by fully ENGAGING and EMBODYING every aspect

EMBODY YOUR CREATIVE RADIANCEA 6Phase Process and Visualization


Page 2: Embody Your Creative radiance€¦ · This creative visualization and heart, mind and soul exercises will help you become “the creator” by fully ENGAGING and EMBODYING every aspect

This creative visualization and heart, mind and soul exercises will help you become “the creator” by

fully ENGAGING and EMBODYING every aspect of you and your creativity. The 6phase process will

also enhance your meditation practice and your life.

When you truly EMBODY YOU and your innate wisdom, you become magnetic to your dreams and

your mission! With this 6 phase process you will experience creative, emotional and spiritual

transformation, both consciously and unconsciously.

You will access an inner healing state for your experiences and impressions, thoughts and

imagination, and with the feelings and emotions, utilize your inner flowing energy to manifest creative

powers, abundance and flow in your life.

This 6phase process is an intuitive Self Empowerment Framework to help you access what it take

for you to keep saying YES to YOUrSELF, again and again.

When you experience life from within, you realize that life doesn’t flow with the brain, but it’s the

energy that passes from a higher power, the soul, through the brain, heart, and body that makes an

abundant life possible in the outside world.

This framework can be translated into Self Empowerment Morning Ritual that can help you become

your own hero, your own god within, helping you to commit to yourself and saying YES again and

again and again, even in times of uncertainty and challenge.

With continued and deeper practice you can start experiencing enhanced creativity and imagination,

improved mental performance, Increased happiness, increased feelings of peace, centeredness and


Page 3: Embody Your Creative radiance€¦ · This creative visualization and heart, mind and soul exercises will help you become “the creator” by fully ENGAGING and EMBODYING every aspect

Your Commitment to Your Creative Radiance

Create a vision statement for your Creativity as a Spiritual Practice

Page 4: Embody Your Creative radiance€¦ · This creative visualization and heart, mind and soul exercises will help you become “the creator” by fully ENGAGING and EMBODYING every aspect

1 Awareness and Energy

Awareness in the present moment and Connection to the Self, Self Awareness is a superpower!

We start the journey of feeling connected with the very special place inside you and expand your inner

and outer awareness, this is the main technique used in Vipassana meditation.

We also raising your vibration. All of this energy vibrates on a Scale of Consciousness, Dr Hawkins groundbreaking book, Power vs. Force: The Anatomy of Consciousness.

Choosing to raise your vibration allows you to reclaim your power, the place where life's energy,

inner truth and innate wisdom collide.

We are going to use the Mantra “Sat-Chit-Ananda”

Sat: truth, absolute being or existence-- that which is enduring and unchanging

Chit: consciousness, understanding and comprehension

Ananda: bliss, a state of pure happiness, joy, sensual pleasure and fulfillment

This mantra brings in the experience of realizing the unity and wholeness of all existence.

the eternal and unified concept of the soul, which is beyond space, matter and time.

You may also think of “I Am That I Am”, There is nothing to do, just to be.

Page 5: Embody Your Creative radiance€¦ · This creative visualization and heart, mind and soul exercises will help you become “the creator” by fully ENGAGING and EMBODYING every aspect

Phase One Awareness and Energy

What are your insights, downloads and magical moments about Awareness in the present moment, Connection to the Self and Energy?

Allow the words to just come, in free flow

Page 6: Embody Your Creative radiance€¦ · This creative visualization and heart, mind and soul exercises will help you become “the creator” by fully ENGAGING and EMBODYING every aspect

2. Awakening the Power of Gratitude

Discover the power and potential of deep appreciation for what creates meaning in your life.

Ground yourself in the roots of self acceptance and live in the present moment.

Scientific benefits of a gratitude practice include a stronger immune system, lower blood pressure,

Increased optimism, Increased generosity, increased compassion and empathy.

Discover greater awareness of who and what you are grateful for.

Bring to mind one thing you are grateful for in the moment of now. It could be as simple as the fact that

you have food and shelter.

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Phase Two: Awakening the Power of Gratitude

How can gratitude enhance your creativity practice? Take a moment to journal about what gratitude means to you and how you express it.

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3. Radical Forgiveness , Acceptance, Harmony

No two human emotions have a greater impact on the quality of your life than forgiveness and faith,

with the exception of gratitude.

Learn to accept yourself and your surroundings so that you can live more harmoniously with yourself

and others.

It takes courage to forgive.

If we eliminate shame, guilt, grief, fear and anger, we can get to courage. Dr. David Hawkins in Power

vs Force calls this the level of determination, of exploration, the level of empowerment.

“As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew that if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.” ~ Nelson Mandela.

Forgiveness is Freedom. The ability to release expectations of other people and life conditions we can’t control.

In this phase, you learn to forgive and let go of the past.

When Nelson Mandela was asked in the early 1990s how he “survived” a quarter century in prison his

answer was that he did not survive, he “prepared.” He prepared to forgive so that if, in fact, he did

survive, he would be able to let go and move on.

Scientific Research shows biochemical changes in blood flow to different parts of the brain when we

are angry and conversely, when we choose to forgive.

Numerous studies prove that hosting anger and chronic emotional distress erodes physical health, alters cardiovascular homeostasis, impoverishes sleep quality, and stimulates the production of stress-related hormones like cortisol. Conversely, forgiveness promotes wellbeing, cardiovascular health, and may increase survival rates.

Page 9: Embody Your Creative radiance€¦ · This creative visualization and heart, mind and soul exercises will help you become “the creator” by fully ENGAGING and EMBODYING every aspect

Phase Three: Radical Forgiveness , Acceptance, Harmony

What is your idea of a harmony?

Forgiveness promotes wellbeing, Have you forgiven yourself?

Journal on areas of your past that need your forgiveness

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4. Higher Consciousness: Access your Heart

Self-Transcendence, Higher Power, Contribution and Love of the Self, the Divine, others and the


The easiest way for you to be a high conscious person is to increase the energy of your heart, the

consciousness of love.

Access Self Love with the Universal Self Love Mudra. (A Mudra is a hand gesture or a hand expression). Mudras can shift energies from what we might be experiencing to how we want to feel.

Self love is the total acceptance of yourself, just as we are, right now. Without the need to fix or do

anything. This can be incredibly challenging with the many illusions of perfection on social media and

other spaces and places.

• The Mudra: Place the palms of your hands splayed on your higher chest area, breathe.

• The Mantra: I love you.

Repeat these words to yourself: “I love you, I love you, I love you”. Truly allowing yourself to

believe these words. When you feel this energy, create a Vortex of Love, or circles of love energy

around you, and expand these as far as they can go around your house, neighborhood, city, country,

continent, the planet and beyond.

Dr. David Hawkins found that vibrating at the level of love (500 ) can lift over 750,000 individuals

on the planet that are operating in fear, worry, guilt, shame and anger (below 200). One person! If you

choose to set your vibration at 500 (The level of LOVE) you can counterbalance 750 other people.

How amazing is that? This is how your heart can change the world and connect to your guides and to

your purpose.

Page 11: Embody Your Creative radiance€¦ · This creative visualization and heart, mind and soul exercises will help you become “the creator” by fully ENGAGING and EMBODYING every aspect

Phase Four: Higher Consciousness: Access your Heart

Knowing that vibrating at the level of love (500 ) can lift over 750,000 individuals on the planet

What can you do to raise your vibration? Here are a few ideas

*Create a “Raise Your Vibration Challenge” for yourself or maybe with your close ones

(Surrounding your- self with high vibrating people, you will feel better about yourself, more optimistic,

less stress, and happier).

*Practice Creativity (Sketch, doodle, paint, write, cook, make something today with the intention of

raising your vibration).

*Clean a closet, *Write love notes to yourself and others, *Be in nature, *Be of service

Contemplation: How did you choose to raise your vibration? What did you create? How did it make you feel?

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5. Intuition: Access the Power of your Choice

In order to carry a positive action we must develop a positive vision ~ Dalai Lama

Your intuition is vital if you want to connect to your higher wisdom.

You intuition is critical for accessing your creativity, and for accessing deep states of consciousness

where you can bring in innovative ideas, or to make life decisions, business decisions, love and

relationships decisions.

“All great achievements of science must start from intuitive knowledge. I believe in intuition and

inspiration.... At times I feel certain I am right while not knowing the reason." ~ Einstein

Whether you are an entrepreneur, a creative, a student, a lover, a teacher, a worker...tapping into your

intuition is your best asset.

All the big CEOs, leaders and visionaries rely on intuition for their decision making process.

“I've trusted the still, small voice of intuition my entire life,” Oprah Winfrey has said.“I rely far more on gut instinct than researching huge amounts of statistics,” “I tend to make up my

mind about people within thirty seconds of meeting them.” Richard Branson.

As you give ourselves permission to connect more to the guidance of our own intuition.

Your choices start coming from a place of empowerment, radiance and love.

Page 13: Embody Your Creative radiance€¦ · This creative visualization and heart, mind and soul exercises will help you become “the creator” by fully ENGAGING and EMBODYING every aspect

Phase Five: Intuition: Access the Power of your Choice

Do you find yourself settling when it comes to your choices?

Are you specific in your desires and dreams?

Meditate or reflect on this

What would happen if you had the audacity to actually reach for what it is that you truly, madly deeply

want to create?

Anchor Create your own sacred space and daily Rituals to anchor your creations and yourself

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6. Surrender and Trust

As you get more and more comfortable with your Power of choice, it is time to set your intentions.

IntentionsAsk the questions What do I desire? What do I really really really want?

Why do I desire this? Where am I coming from? Is it from fear and lack? or from my highest YES?

Ask for vision and clarity.

SurrenderSurrender and letting go does not mean that you’re weak or not consciously creating.

Life is a co creation, with infinite intelligence or Source.

As you express yourself as infinite intelligence, knowing and fulfilling itself, creating your life with

intention drive and determination is perfect. However, at some point you need to let it go and trust that

the universe is working for you and whatever presents itself is for your best and highest good.

States of anxiety will form if you do not understand this part of the process.

Your role is not to force it into place, it is to set a clear and consistent intention, and then allow space

for the universe to assemble the parts. You must find ways to trust to that which is greater than your

individual self and will affect other individuals and the planet. Faith and trust is the secret ingredient for


TrustTrust is not just a feeling of the heart, it’s also connected to our brain patterns and processes.

The inclination to trust is wired into our DNA. When trust is betrayed, the neural networks and regions

of the brain associated with trust disengage and shut down. The parts of the brain that had formerly

been associated with positive emotions and acceptance toward the other person are now replaced

with animosity, suspicion, and resentment.

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Phase Six: Surrender and Trust


When was the first time that your trust was broken? How old were you?

What does surrender mean to you?

How can you practice surrender and trust?