No.46 March 2011 - May 2011 Embassy of India, Tel Aviv INDIA NEWSLETTER Minister Pilot had meetings with Mr. Shalom Simhon, Israeli Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor, Mr. Moshe Kahlon, Israeli Minister of Communications and Mr. Nir Barkat, Mayor of Jerusalem, among others. Mr. Mr. Sachin Pilot, India’s Minister of Pilot also interacted with top State for Communications and IT executives of leading Israeli visited Israel from May 30 - June 1, companies from numerous fields as 2011. Minister Pilot was a key note well as senior officials of various speaker at the High-Tech Industry Israeli ministries Association (HTIA) Annual organized by the Mission. Conference which was held in In addition, Minister Pilot visited Jerusalem. various sites of interest including the The Minister addressed the gathering Israeli company, Gilat Satellite on the huge potential that the Indian Networks, witnessed first Telecom market offers to Israeli hand Israel’s achievements in the companies and also participated in areas of satellite networks and an expert panel on broadband. . at a dinner meeting where he telecom applications CSIR Delegation to Israel A CSIR delegation led by Professor Samir Brahmachari, Secretary Department of Scientific & Industrial Research and CSIR, Ministry of Science & Technology, New Delhi, visited Israel from April 9-13. Prof. Brahmachari visited the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Labor, the Technion Institute of Technology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Samuel Neaman Institute, Teva Pharmaceuticals, IAI and other sites of interest. High level meetings during the visit included meetings with the Chief Scientist, Mr. Avi Hasson; Deputy Director General of Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, Mr. Boaz Hirsch; President of Tel Aviv University, Prof. Joseph Klafter; Director of International Investments, Israel’s Investment Promotion Center, Mr. Joseph Abraham; and NewTech Director Mr. Oded Distel among others. Minister Pilot addresses the gathering at the HTIA conference. Mr. Sachin Pilot visiting Gilat Satellite company Minister of State for Communications and IT, Mr. Sachin Pilot and Indian Ambassador with Israeli Minister of Communications Moshe Kahlon Minister of State for Communications & IT visits Israel

Embassy Newsletter (March-May 2011)

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This is the Newsletter of the Indian Embassy in Israel for the period March-May 2011. Please visit to know about the various events and activites organised by the Embassy and other India-related organisations.

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Page 1: Embassy Newsletter (March-May 2011)

No.46 March 2011 - May 2011Embassy of India, Tel Aviv


Minister Pilot had meetings with Mr. S h a l o m S i m h o n , Israeli Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor, Mr. Moshe K a h l o n , I s r a e l i M i n i s t e r o f C o m m u n i c a t i o n s and Mr. Nir Barkat, Mayor of Jerusalem, among others. Mr.

Mr. Sachin Pilot, India’s Minister of Pilot also interacted with top State for Communications and IT execu t i ves o f l ead ing I s rae l i visited Israel from May 30 - June 1, companies from numerous fields as 2011. Minister Pilot was a key note well as senior officials of various speaker at the High-Tech Industry Israeli ministries A s s o c i a t i o n ( H T I A ) A n n u a l organized by the Mission. Conference which was held in In addit ion, Minister Pilot visited Jerusalem. various sites of interest including the The Minister addressed the gathering I s r a e l i c o m p a n y, G i l a t S a t e l l i t e on the huge potential that the Indian Networks, witnessed first Telecom market offers to Israeli hand Israel’s achievements in the companies and also participated in a r e a s o f s a t e l l i t e n e t w o r k s a n d an expert panel on broadband. .

at a dinner meeting

where he

telecom applications

CSIR Delegationto Israel

A CSIR delegation led by Professor Samir Brahmachari, Secretary Depar tment o f Sc ien t i f i c & Industrial Research and CSIR, Ministry of Science & Technology, New Delhi, visited Israel from April 9-13.Prof. Brahmachari visited the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Labor, the Technion Institute of Technology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Samuel Neaman Institute, Teva Pharmaceuticals, IAI and other sites of interest. High level meetings during the visit included meetings with the Chief Scientist, Mr. Avi Hasson; Deputy Director General of Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, Mr. Boaz Hirsch; President of Tel Aviv University, Prof. Joseph Klafter; D i r e c t o r o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l Investments, Israel’s Investment Promotion Center, Mr. Joseph Abraham; and NewTech Director Mr. Oded Distel among others.

Minister Pilot addresses the gathering at the HTIA conference.

Mr. Sachin Pilot visiting Gilat Satellite company

Minister of State for Communications and IT, Mr. Sachin Pilot and IndianAmbassador with Israeli Minister of Communications Moshe Kahlon

Minister of State for Communications &IT visits Israel

Page 2: Embassy Newsletter (March-May 2011)



with India’s Agriculture Minister The Israeli delegation also participated Sharad Pawar and other senior in business seminars organized by officials from the Ministry. FICCI and CII.

Ms. Noked, on her first visit to India, Ms. Orit Noked, Israeli Minister of was accompanied by senior officials Agriculture and Rural Development, from her office and a delegation of visited India from May 2-3, 2011. agro-business companies from Israel. During her visit, Ms. Noked had met

The Israeli Minister also visited the Indo-Israel Center of Excellence for vegetables in Karnal, Haryana and discussed the ongoing cooperation with Mr. Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Chief Minister of Haryana.

Visit of CM of Haryana to IsraelDuring the visit, the delegation met with Israel’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mrs. Orit Noked, as well as senior officials from M A S H AV ( I s r a e l ’ s a g e n c y f o r I n t e r n a t i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and CINADCO (the Center for I n t e r n a t i o n a l A g r i c u l t u r a l Development Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture). The delegation also visited various sites of interest including the Arava International Center for Trainees, A high level 12-member delegation led expertise in agriculture and water Sheizaf Water Reservoir, Yair Research by Chief Minister of Haryana, Mr. management and to explore ways to Station, Raanana Water Treatment Bhupinder Singh Hooda, visited Israel increase the ongoing cooperation plant, dairy farm, citrus groves and from April 10-15, 2011 to between the State of Haryana and mango plantations and many more. f irsthand knowledge of Israel’s Israel in the field of agriculture.


Visit of Israeli Minister of Agriculture to India

Israeli Agriculture Minister Ms. Orit Noked visitingthe Indo-Israel Center of Excellence for Vegetables

in Haryana

Israeli Minister of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment, Ms. Orit Noked, meeting with India's

Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar

Chief Minister of Haryana, Shri Bhupinder Singh Hooda meeting with Israeli Agriculture Minister Orit Noked

Haryana CM visiting the Lamdany Commercial Apiary in Kfar Haim Haryana CM visiting the Raanana Water Treatment Plant

Page 3: Embassy Newsletter (March-May 2011)



Israel at the invitation of FICC

(Federation of Israeli Chambers of

Commerce) and Israel-Asia Chamber

of Commerce.

The delegates visited Naan-Dan-Jain

Irrigation company, agricultural

farms, Weizmann Institute of Science,

and other sites of interest.

In addition, the delegation attended a A high level multi-sectoral ASSOCHAM Seminar on enhancing India-Israel delegation consisting of Indian Business relations. The delegates also bus iness representa t i ves f rom called on the Ambassador.numerous sectors including Agri and During the visit, ASSOCHAM and Food processing, Gems and Jewellery, Israel-Asia Chamber of Commerce Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology, signed an MoU for promoting the Infrastructure, Banking, Logistics and business relations between the two Textiles visited Israel from April 26-29, countries and to assist the interchange 2011. of visits and commercial delegations The ASSOCHAM delegation visited and study tours bilaterally.

Visit of ASSOCHAM delegationto Israel

The 21st International AgroMashov

A g r i c u l t u r a l E x h i b i t i o n a n d

Conference was held on March 2-3,

2011 at Israel’s Trade Fair Center in Tel

Av i v. Ag roMashov p rov ides an

opportunity for farmers and members

of the agro-business manufacturing

and trading community to present

their products and services from

initial growing stage to final sale.

The theme of the AgroMashov 2011

conference was “Global Challenges in

Agriculture and the increasing global

shor tage in food” . Th is year,

AgroMashov 2011 focused on the BRIC

countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and

China). Both official and business

representatives from these countries

participated in the conference and

exhibition. India was represented by

F i r s t Sec re t a r y (Po l i t i c a l and

Information) & C’dA, Mr. Sujit Ghosh.

Mr. Sujit Ghosh addressing the gathering at theAgro Mashov Conference

AgroMashovConference and


NABARD delegation visits Israel

A 18-member delegation of senior irrigation solutions in Israel and high-

officials from the National Bank for tech agriculture.

Agriculture and Rural Development On March 10, 2011, the delegation met

(NABARD) visited Israel in March 2011 in the Embassy with Mr. Sujit Ghosh,

for an exposure-cum-study visit on F i r s t Sec re t a r y (Po l i t i c a l and

regional development, innovative Information) & C’dA and Mr. Sanjay

A group photo of the NABARD delegation

Vyas, First Secretary (Economic and

Commercial) who briefed them on the

various aspects of India-Israel

relations. The visit was organized by

the Weitz Center for Development

Studies in Rehovot.

Page 4: Embassy Newsletter (March-May 2011)



The 2nd Asia 1X1 seminar, which is organized by the Israel-Asia Chamber of Commerce, was held on 31st March, 2011 in Tel Aviv.The seminar featured an economic overview and projection of Israel-Asia t r a d e , w i t h s e v e r a l r e l a t e d presentations. Key note speakers at the conference included Mr. Ran Cohen, President of Israel-Asia Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Dan Catarivas, Director, Division of Foreign Trade and I n t e r n a t i o n a l R e l a t i o n s , Manufacturers’ Association of Israel, among others. Following the presentations, one-on-one mee t ings be tween I s rae l i companies and the Commercial Attaches of various Asian countries were held. India was represented by First Secretar y (Economic and Commerce), Mr. Sanjay Vyas.

The Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute held a unique business seminar on "Doing business with India" on March 28, 2011.The seminar inc luded var ious p resen ta t i ons regard ing do ing business with India. Mr. Sanjay Vyas, First Secretar y (Economic and Commerce), delivered the opening statement.Other key note speakers at the Seminar included Mr. Elad Goz, former Commercial Attache at the Consulate-General of Israel in Mumbai and Mr. Shauli Katznelson, Chief Economist at the Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute, among others.

Asia 1X1Seminar

“Doing Businesswith

India” Seminar

Celebrating India in IsraelIn what was the first of its kind in scale and variety, a Festival of India “Celebrating India in Israel” was held at prestigious venues in Tel Aviv,

th thJerusalem, Herzliya and Haifa from April 29 – May 25 , 2011.The festival was a blend of Indian dance, films, theatre, literature, art, food and music. It was held in collaboration with India based production company 'Teamwork' and various cultural institutions in Israel including the Suzzane Dellal Centre, Cinematheques at Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa, the Confederation House, Mishkenot Sha'ananim, the Cameri Theatre, Reading 3 and the Jaffa Museum of Antiquities. The cultural extravaganza was a great success among Israeli audiences.A reception was hosted by the Ambassador Navtej Sarna on April 30, to mark the inauguration of the festival. Minister of Finance Yuval Steinitz was the Chief Guest.Speaking on the occasion, the Minister underlined the importance placed by Israel on the relationship with India particularly in the economic and trade fields.

Ambassador with Minister of Finance Yuval Steinitz

The festival started with a Bollywood Dance Workshop at Suzanne Dellal Centre on April 29 conducted by Bollywood choreographer Giles Chuyen.

Audiences following the dance steps of bollywood choreographer Gilles Chuyen at Suzzane Dellal Centre

Page 5: Embassy Newsletter (March-May 2011)


Celebrating India in Israel

Ambassador addressing the audience at openingof dance performances at Suzzanne Dellal Centre

Aditi Mangaldas acknowledgesthe ovation

Minister of S&T, Daniel Hershkowitz,addressing the audience

Ambassador with Kathak performers of Aditi Mangaldas dance group

This was followed by classical dance performances by two Suzzane Dellal Centre.of India's well-known dance companies – the Aditi Minister of Science & Technology Daniel Hershkowitz was Mangaldas Dance Group (which presented Kathak) and the the Chief Guest at the opening evening of the Dance Nrityagram (which presented Odissi) from May 2 – 6, at chapter.

Oddissi dance performances by Nrityagram artists. 5


Page 6: Embassy Newsletter (March-May 2011)



Tel Aviv - 5, Druyanov St., Tel: 03-5250332, Fax: 03-5250786Tel Aviv - 24 Saadiya Gaon St., Tel: 03-7610255, Fax: 03-7602033Jerusalem - 19 Hillel St., Tel: 02-6220018, Fax: 02- 6240724Haifa - 8, Khatib St., Tel: 04-8650241, Fax: 04-8670886Ben Gurion Airport - El-Al Building, Tel: 03-9717998

C O N S U L A R M A T T E R SThe Embassy has outsourced visa services (with effect from May 15,2010) 5250332, Fax No. 03-5250786, website: www.smvisa.co.il. The above to two new agencies (a) M/s Caspi Aviation Ltd., 1- Ben Yehuda Street, Tel mentioned agencies have offices in different parts of the country as under. Aviv, Tel. No. 03-7962000, Fax No. 03-5108365, website: www.caspi- The Embassy website (www.indembassy.co.il) also contains all relevant aviation.co.il and (b) S.M. Visa, No. 5, Droyanov Street, Tel Aviv, Tel. No. 03- details.

Branches of Caspi AviationTel Aviv - 1, Ben Yehuda St., Tel : 03-5100214, Fax: 03-5107673Bat Yam - 79, Balfur St., Tel : 03-5070797, Fax: 03-6596557Netanya - 27, Dizengoff St., Tel: 09-8841830, Fax: 09-8332735Petah Tikva - 20 Hahitadrut St., Tel: 03-9136136, Fax: 03-9307919Ashdod - 17 Rogozin St., Tel: 08-8521521, Fax: 08-8522505Haifa - 20 Nordau St., Tel: 04-8624919, Fax: 04-8624032

Branches of S.M.Visa

Screening of bollywood cinema was an important Jerusalem (May 5) preceded by an 'In conversation' with component of the festival. Films were screened at Sharmila Tagore, the legendary film actress.Cinematheques in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa. The Film The audience was also introduced to noted producer Bobby component started with the screening of Hindi film Bedi before the screening of his film “Maqbool” at Tel Aviv “Kashmir Ki Kali” at Tel Aviv Cinematheque (May 4) and (May 5) and Jerusalem (May 6).

Ambassador speaking at the opening eventin Tel Aviv

Mr.Alon Garbuz, Director ofTel Aviv Cinematheque

Sharmila Tagore at Tel Aviv Cinematheque

Ambassador along with Actress Sharmila Tagore and her husbandMr. Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi at the screening of ‘Kashmir Ki Kali’

in Tel Aviv

Actress Sharmila Tagore and Sanjoy Roy, the Festival producer, in conversation

Celebrating India in Israel (Continued)

Page 7: Embassy Newsletter (March-May 2011)


Meir Shalev and Urvashi Bhutalia sharing thoughts Namita Gokhale and Zeruya Shalev in dialogue

Miron C. Izakson, David Shulman and Reba Som in discussion

The high point of the Festival was a dialogue at Mishkenot included Namita Gokhale, Reba Som, Tarun Tejpal, Urvashi Sha'ananim (May 12) between Indian and Israeli authors on Butalia and Navtej Sarna. Israeli literature was represented contemporary political and social themes. Noted Israeli and by Abraham B. Yehoshua. David Shulman, Eli Amir, Miron C. Indian authors participated in the event. Indian authors Izakson, Meir Shalev and Zeruya Shalev.

Some exhibits at Visual Arts Exhibition

A visual art exhibition “Where Streets Have No Name” was presented at Jaffa Museum of Antiquities from May 15 to May 25.


Celebrating India in Israel (Continued)

Page 8: Embassy Newsletter (March-May 2011)


Mrigya performance at Beit Shmuel Hall, Jerusalem Mrigya performance at Reading 3, Tel Aviv

The concluding part of the festival was dedicated to Indian classical and fusion music.Renowned artistes including Pandit Hari Prasad Chaurasiya (flute), Zila Khan (Sufi Vocal) and Mrigaya (a well known fusion band from India) performed in Jerusalem, Herzliya and Tel Aviv to full houses.

As a part of Celebrating Indian in Israel, an Indian Food Aviv (May 4 & 5), Kohinoor, Crowne Plaza in Jerusalem (April Festival was also organised at Pacific, Crowne Plaza in Tel 27 - May 25) and also at Tandoori in Tel Aviv.

Celebrating India in Israel (Continued)

The play 'Hamlet the Clown Prince', a depiction of Hamlet

through the eyes of clowns, was produced by Mumbai-based

'Company Theatre' and ran to packed houses at the Cameri

Theatre in Tel Aviv.

Artists performing the play 'Hamlet the Clown Prince'


Ambassador with the artists and the Director, Rajat Kapoor, of the play

Pandit Hari Parsad Chaurasiya in performance Zila Khan (Sufi Vocal)

Page 9: Embassy Newsletter (March-May 2011)

the opening matches in Ashdod and Lod. Be’er Sheva. Prizes were also given to all The semifinals were played on March 5, the participating teams, officials and the in Ashdod. The final was played between best performers in the all the matches of Ashdod and Lod in the Be’er Sheva the tournament. Cricket ground on March 19. The team The First Assistant of Mayor of Be’er from Lod won the first edition of the Sheva Municipality Mr. Yigal Ovsheyevitz, India Trophy. Ambassador Navtej Sarna Committee Member of the Central distributed the Winner’s Trophy (Lod), Organisation of Indian Jews in Israel Mr. Runners-up Trophy (Ashdod) and the Michal Daniel and several members of trophy for the 3rd place team (Ramle) at the Indian Community in Be’er Sheva a closing event held on March 19, in were present on the occasion.

A Twenty-20 Knockout c r i cke t tournament – “India Trophy” was organised by the Embassy in co-operation with the Israel Cricket Association (ICA) and various other cricket clubs in Israel during February – March 2011. Eight teams participated in this cr icket tournament which commenced on February 26, 2011 with

India Trophy in Israel(February 26 – March 19, 2011)


Ambassador presenting winners’ trophy to thecaptain of Team Lod

CONDOLENCE MEETINGFormer Ambassador of India in Israel Shri Raminder Singh Jassal passed away

on March 11, 2011 in Ankara. A condolence meeting was held at the Indian Embassy in Tel Aviv on March 21.

Acclaimed Indian Ghazal singer Pankaj Udhas performed on March 12 at the Hechal Hatarbut, Tel Aviv. Shri Sharad Srivastava, First Secretary attended.

Pankaj Udhas Night

Ambassador with members of participating teams

Annual Celebration of “Maiboli”The Central Organisation of Indian Jews in Israel (COIJI) in and dances. Mr. Sharad Srivastava, First Secretary attended

rd the function and emphasized the role of Maiboli in coordination with the Embassy organised the 23 Annual strengthening ties of the Bene Israel Community in Israel Maharashtra Day function in Lod on May 05, 2011.with India. The celebrations were marked by rendition of Marathi songs

Indian Evening in Ashdodevening at Dyuna Theatre, Ashdod on received from young Israeli audiences to May 14, 2011. the Indian dance and music. The event, attended by about 400 people, included colourful dance performances and Hindi film songs. The Embassy was represented by Shri J.N. Majhi, Second Secretary. He applauded the 'Namaste Israel' group for their efforts to make Indian dance and culture popular among the Indian community in Israel.The “Namaste Israel” group of David He also appreciated the kind of response Nigrekar organized a special Indian

Mr. J.N. Majhi, Second Secretary addressing theaudience at Indian evening in Ashdod.

Artists of Namaste Israel group performing to theIndian Film songs


Page 10: Embassy Newsletter (March-May 2011)




Government targets US$ 500 billion exports by 2014

Infosys acquires New Zealand software company Gen-i

Kerala IT to strengthen ties with Spice Exports Treble in Five YearsGems & jewellery exports rise 4% Finlandin April

Shipment of Electronic goods soared in India in January-

Wipro launches cloud portal for March periodclinical trials

March exports up 43.8% at US$ 29.89 billion

Indian BioTech industry to reach US$ 10 billion mark by 2015

Indian PC market grows 6.2% in Q1: Gartner

India better placed than China in regulating credit flow: Fitch

Apollo Hospitals signs MoU with University College London

50% new Internet subscribers from tier-II towns

Gold demand in India to rise 33% by 2020: WGC

robust in the next decade. The with metros which dominated the scene cumulative annual demand will be in just a year back giving way to the non excess of 1,200 tonnes by 2020, metro towns now. registering a growth of 33 per cent. The Commerce and Industry Ministry According to a new research conducted has set a target of achieving US$ 500 -by the World Gold Council (WGC), the billion exports by Financial Year (FY)

Infosys Technologies acquired Gen-i's demand for gold in India would be 2013-14 by strategising the country’s software solutions practice, which is an d r i v en by r ap id GDP g row th , foreign trade through diversification of arm of New Zealand-based Telecom urbanisation and rise in income and products and markets and technological Corp for around NZ$ 5 million. savings levels of the consumer.enhancement.

Spice exports have seen risen three-fold The IT department of Kerala and the in value terms in the last five years. In India's gems and jewellery exports rose Finnish government are looking at quantity terms, the increase would be marginally by 4.18% durng April. forging a strong partnership and close to 60% in the period.Exports of cut and polished diamonds collaboration to foster innovation and have increased by 5%, while silver entrepreneurship.jewellery exports rose by around 34% in

April. The overall exports of gems and jewellery at US$ 3,215.73 million (Rs.

The shipment of LCD, LED and Plasma 14,268.20 crore) in the month of April Wipro Technologies has launched Wipro TV models almost doubled in India in 2011 is showing a growth of 4.48% Clinical Collaboration Portal, a secure the January-March period driven by (4.18% in rupee terms) as compared to cloud-based productized solution. The strong demand from cricket world cup, US$ 3,077.76 million (Rs. 13,696.02 service is aimed at helping drug says a research report. According to the crore) in the same period in the development owners (DDOs), clinical latest DisplaySearch quarterly India TV previous year. research organisations (CROs) and shipment and forecast database, the regulators to improve collaboration for total TV market in India for the first multi-region clinical trials. quarter was 3.7 million units,

accounting for 41.5% of the Asia-Pacific Merchandise export in March reached TV market. US$ 29.13 billion, up 43.8 per cent over

US$ 20.25 billion in the same month a The Indian biotechnology sector is year ago, while imports grew 17.2 per expected to touch the US$ 10 billion cent to US$ 34.74 billion from US$ 29.62 mark by 2015 on the back of emerging billion a year ago.opportunities across various verticals, namely biopharma, agri-biotechnology, The combined desk-based and mobile industrial biotechnology among others.PC market in India grew by 6.2 per cent

Fitch Ratings has stated that India is to nearly 2.6 million units in the first better placed compared to China in quarter of calendar 2011, according to a regulating the flow of bank credit. The report from research firm Gartner.

A memorandum of understanding rating agency said India's regulatory between Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd environment has remained focused on and University College London (UCL) for controlling credit growth while China's collaboration in training and clinical growth has largely been funded by bank Internet usage is increasing rapidly in research was signed. According to the credit. non-metro cities, so much so that more MoU, both partners would enter into a than 50% of the new subscribers are strategic partnership to promote and from these tier-II towns. Senior Director, carry out educational and research Yahoo India, Nitin Mathur said that the initiatives in health sciences.Gold demand in India will continue to be trend in internet usage is changing fast 10

Page 11: Embassy Newsletter (March-May 2011)


Security India 2011July 8, 2011, New Delhi

India International Garment FairJuly 12-14, 2011, New Delhi

India International Jewellery Show (IIJS) 2011August 4-8, 2011, Mumbai

Technotex India 2011August 25-27, 2011, Mumbaiwww.biztradeshows.com

Agritech Asia September 6-8, 2011, Mumbai

Electronica and Productronica India 2011September 13-16, 2011, New Delhi

Inarcon -International Exhibition for Building MaterialsSeptember 23-25, 2011, Chennai

India Lab ExpoDecember 8-11, 2011, New Dlehi

Nanotech India 2011December 1-3, 2011, Kochi, Kerala

Printex 2011December 15-18, 2011, Mumbai

Convergence India 2012March 21-23, 2012, New Delhi















Delhi. Four models are now available for bookings – the California, the 458 Italia, the 599 GTB and the four-door FF. Renault to launch India-developed hatch early next yearFrench automotive major Renault has sewn up plans to roll out a fully India designed and developed hatchback in the B segment early next year, following the launch of its sedan Fluence and sports utility vehicle Koleos later this year.

AUTOMOBILESBMW India to nearly triple its

dealership count by 2015

Ferrari opens first India showroom

Luxury carmaker BMW India is looking to nearly triple its dealership count by 2015, a move that would reduce its dependence on key markets such as Delhi and Mumbai.

Italian supercar maker Ferrari roared into India with its first showroom in

Popular Indian Recipes

Chicken CurryIngredients:

4 table spoons oil

2 medium sized onions grated

2 tablespoons garlic paste

2 teaspoons ginger paste

3 tomatoes, (remove the skin)

grated or pureed,1 tsp of tomato


1 teaspoons red chilli powder /or

as desired

2 teaspoons coriander powder

1 teaspoons cumin powder

600 grams of boneless chicken

cut into small 1 to 2" cubes

half tsp black pepper powder


1 cup hot water or as required;

salt to taste

1 teaspoon garam masala powder

finely chopped fresh coriander

leaves to garnish

Heat the oil in a heavy bottomed pan. Add the onions and fry for about 4


minutes or till rich golden brown. Add the ginger-garlic paste and fry briefly till the raw smell goes away. Add the tomatoes while stirring.

Saute for about 4 minutes on medium heat or till oil separates. Mix in the red chilli powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, turmeric powder, salt and pepper to taste. Increase the heat and add the chicken pieces.

Fry for about 5 minutes or till the chicken is lightly browned. Add the hot water and mix well. Bring it to a boil. Cover and cook on very low heat for about 15 minutes or till chicken is well cooked and the oil has separated (you can add some more hot water if the gravy is too thick). Sprinkle garam masala and cover tightly for about 10-15 minutes for the aroma to blend well in the curry (adding 1tbsp of fresh cream and 1inch cube of butter will make the gravy tastier). Garnish with corriander leaves and serve with hot rice or naan (Israeli breads are good option).


Page 12: Embassy Newsletter (March-May 2011)


Sikkim, the land of mystic splendour, is situated in the eastern Himalayas. Spread below Mount Kanchenjunga (8,534 m), the third highest mountain in the world, this northeastern Indian state is wedged between Bhutan, Tibet and Nepal. With an area of 7,300 sq km and measuring114 km from the north to south and 64 km from east to west, its elevation ranges from 300 m to over 8,540 m above sea level, which makes it one of most vertical places in the world. Amidst the grandeur of the mountain peaks, lush valleys, fast flowing rivers and hills, Sikkim offers its visitors a rare and singular experience. Within a matter of hours, one can move from the subtropical heat of the lower valleys to the cold of the rugged mountain slopes and up till the snowline. The state offers a vacation that is more like a voyage of adventure and discovery.

Sikkim has nearly 200 introduced in Sikkim. Mountaineering: The Sikkim Himalayas, the epitome of the monasteries or Gompas world's mountains, encompass a wonderland, which for sheer belonging to the Nyingma beauty and magnificence, remains unbeaten elsewhere in the and Kagyu order. Feel the globe. peace and quiet of being

Rafting and kayaking have also one with nature and close been added to the to the almighty as sacred list of adventure words mingle with the sports in Sikkim. whirring prayer wheels. Rivers Teesta and Among the monasteries, the most important one is the Rangit offer long Rumtek Monastery, 24 km from Gangtok. A drive through stretches, which are beautiful countryside takes one to Rumtek Dharma Chakra ideal for rafting. The centre, which was built in the 1960s. Sikkim also offers ample Teesta has been scope for adventure sports.

With captivating landscape, and incomparable g r a d e d o n t h e diversity of flora and fauna, Sikkim is the ultimate destination professional rafting international scale at Grade 4. for a trekking holiday.

Foreigners' entry formalities It offers everything – from short and easy excursions to the Foreigners must obtain Inner Line Permit (ILP) to visit Sikkim. long challenges of the snowy peaks, invoking visions of the These can be obtained from all Indian Missions, Sikkim spectacular Himalayas, the Tourism Offices at New Delhi, Kolkata, District Magistrates lush meadows, green Office of Darjeeling, Siliguri, and Rangpo on the strength of an woodlands and fragrant Indian Visa. The 30 days duration Permit is issued on the spot orchards. without any delay provided photocopies of the passport and visa along with two passport photos of the applicants are made M o u n t a i n b i k i n g i s available. The permissible duration of the stay for foreign another adventure sport tourists is 30 days initially. that has been recently

River Rafting & Kayaking:


Mountain Bik ing :

India Calls - SIKKIM – The Land Of Mystic Splendour

Major attractions

How to reach By Air:By Rail:By Road:

From March to June and September to December. www.sikkim.gov.in; www.sikkimtourism.travel

Best time to visit:For more information visit:

Bagdogra, near Siliguri, 117 km from Gangtok, is the nearest airport. This is connected with regular flights from Kolkata. New Jalpaiguri, 117 km from Gangtok, is the nearest railway station. Gangtok is well connected by road with Kolkata (721 km), Darjeeling (139 km), Guwahati (589 km) and Patna (584 km).