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All our products are carefully examined before delivery. If any problems should arise we will do all we can to ensure that measurements can be resumed in the shortest possible time. In the event of inappropriate use, or mechanical or electrical overloading we provide no warranty. We accept no liability for any form of consequential damage.

The right to make alterations is reserved.

Ammonit Gesellschaft für Messtechnik mbH Wrangelstraße 100 10997 Berlin Germanywww.ammonit.de

Manual Data Logger English Edition 1.4.0. Order No. WICOM-32: P2500 METEO-32: P2510 METEO-32X: P2520

February 2005

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Data Logger Manual

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Dear Customer,

The Data Logger from Ammonit is a piece of professional equipment with which you can record the meteorological details of a location, and all the data necessary for estimating the wind energy potential of a site. The logger can be used flexibly and is suited for a wide range of applications. The implemented standards of measurement evaluation and data security meet the requirements of professional specialists. But the ease of use means that even beginners can handle the Data Logger successfully.

Read the manual carefully before installation, and please remember that time spent now setting up the logger properly might save you from losing important data!

We hope you find this manual clear and easy to understand. If you have any comments or suggestions please do not hesitate to let us know.

You can contact us at:Tel.: +49 (0)30 600 31 88-0 Fax +49 (0)30 600 31 88-10 E-mail [email protected]: www.ammonit.de

We wish you success in your work!

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1. Installation 7

1.1. Overview 7

1.2. Starting up 10

1.3. Display & button functions 11

2. Sensors 17

2.1. Anemometer 17

2.2. Wind vane 18

2.3. Hygro/Thermo inputs 18

2.4. Air pressure 19

2.5. Pyranometer 20

2.6. Precipitation sensor 20

2.7. Recording other inputs 21

2.8. Ultrasonic anemometer 21

2.9. External sensor power supply 22

2.10. The Xtend-inputs 22

2.11. Internal measurements 23

2.12. External signal converters 23

2.13. Logger cascading 24

3. Data registration 25

3.1. Measurement series 25

3.1.1.Scan intervals 25

3.1.2.Log interval 25

3.1.3.Pre-evaluation in the log interval 26

3.1.4.Storage organisation or time series 27

3.1.5.Data format of measurement series 27

3.2. Wind statistics 28

3.2.1.Frequency distribution of the wind speed 29

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3.2.2.Frequency distribution of wind direction 30

3.2.3.Data format on the display 31

3.2.4.Data format in PC 33

3.3. Slow Motion Recorder (SMR) 35

4. Data Logger and PC 37

4.1. Software CALLaOLOG02 37

5. Warnings 49

6. Remote monitoring with GSM 51

7. Energy supply 55

7.1. Battery supply 55

7.2. Connecting to an external power supply 56

7.3. Solar power 57

7.4. Energy requirements of your system 58

7.5. Digital output 59

8. RS485 Functions 61

8.1. Online access to data 61

8.2. WindTracker 62

9. Maintenance and service 63

10. Annex 65

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1. Installation

1.1. Overview

The Data Logger is a universal tool for the detailed registration of meteorological data.

The different types of logger "series 32" differ only in the number of input channels, i.e. the three connection sockets of the WICOM-32 are identical to those of the METEO-32 and METEO-32X. So it is very comfortable to use larger loggers in smaller measurement configurations, or alternatively to start using a smaller logger in extended measurement systems.

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All Data Loggers have the following characteristics:

• Recording of measurements at programmable intervals

• Generation of wind statistics for energy predictions

• Recording wind data in slow motion over a short period with Slow Motion Recorder (SMR)

• 3 buttons and a 2-line display for ease of use

• An operating range from –40° to +85°C

• Low-Low-power electronics and stand-by mode for energy conservation

• Precision real-time clock < 25 ppm over the entire temperature range (max. deviation approx. 1 minute / month)

• Powered by standard 9V-block batteries (lithium type optional)

• Socket for external 10-26 V DC supply

• Separate supply for wind sensors, with overload cut-out

• GSM-option for data transfer and e-mail / text messages

• Self-control of supply sources and internal temperature

• Plausibility testing of measurements

• Transmission of warnings (GSM option)

• Non-transient data storage / 1000 KB (approx. 500 000 values)

• Updating of user software via serial interface and GSM

• RS232-interface for rapid data transfer at 38400 baud

• Data compression by up to 30%

• RS485-interface for options, e.g. connection of ultrasound anemometers

• User friendly Software with schematic layout for multi-logger management

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1.2. Starting up

After you have unpacked the logger, you should first familiarise yourself with the basic functions. To do this you must connect it to a power supply.

Either inset the batteries, or

connect to an external e.g. 12 V DC supply. You will find detailed information about the energy supply in Chapter "Energy supply".

The display then comes on and as the system starts it shows:

AAmmmmoonniitt BBeerrll iinn

CCoolldd SSttaarrtt.. .. ..

The Data Logger now begins a "Cold start", i.e. the pre-set parameters are checked and loaded. The display then shows the type of logger:

e.g. SSyysstteemm MMoonniittoorr **

WWIICCOOMM--3322 VV11 ..22

and the measurement operations begin.

Ex works, the Data Logger has the following default settings:

• Central European Time (CET) / Central European Daylight Savings Time (CETDST)

• All available input channels are activated (mean values)

• Measurement interval = 1 second

• Storage interval = 10 minutes

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1.3. Display & button functions

The Data Logger has a 2-line display and three buttons on the left-hand side.

The buttons can be used to display various information and to carry out test functions, making it easier to check the system during installation and maintenance. On-site you only need to check the system is operational and start measurement simply by pushing a button. There is no need to expose sensitive equipment (notebook, PDA) to the weather.

In order to save power, the display only comes on when necessary.

Display on: Press any button

Display off: Press and hold the button for about 2

seconds (Select)

The display switches off automatically 30 minutes after the last button was pushed.

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The displays are grouped according to topics. You can move through

the sequence of topics by briefly pressing down the Select Button

as often as required.

Topic Contents and functions

System Monitor

Reports on the current status of the logger (e.g. time, external power supply etc.) and the display of the measurement values of allactivated input channels

Warnings Display of warnings and error reports


Manual logging on to a GSM network and display of connection status etc.

Digital Control

Display and manual control of the digital switching output

Statistics Output of the wind data statistics, as required for wind energy predictions

Reset Resets all data records and restarts measurements

When you have reached "Reset", pressing the -button again returns

you to the first topic "System Monitor".

When you have selected a topic, then you can press the and -

arrow buttons (Down and Up) to see the individual displays or to reach special functions. The top line of the display will always show the chosen topic, and the data you need will be displayed in the bottom line.

SSyysstteemm MMoonniittoorr **

AAnneemmoo11 :: 55 ..88 mm//ss

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System Monitor

This is where the current values are displayed: this is particularly useful during the installation and when checking the system.

A new measurement is shown by the brief appearance of a star (**) in

the first line of the display. Note that only activated Input Channels will be displayed, and the measurements will be updated at the selected intervals:

Display Down Up

Logger type & version

Date & time

Supply voltage

No. of stored warnings

Measurement Channel 1

Measurement Channel 2


Measurement Channel n

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Here you can see the stored warnings. For example, these might show if an anemometer has not given an impulse for some time, or if a defective wind-vane has been identified. Warnings are only displayed once, and will be deleted if the cause has been put right. If the fault occurs again then the error report will be repeated.

Display Down Up


Warning 1

Warning 2


GSM Modem

The Data Logger can be equipped with a GSM System, so that data can be downloaded and remote checks carried out. Normally the GSM System will be activated at a chosen time. There are useful help functions which allow use control the operation of the modem manually during installation.

Display Down Up

Modem not registered

Activation phase (Modem On, Send PIN…, Search Net... etc.)

Interrupt activation

Modem on line

(Network-Name -/- ) Switch off


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Digital Control

The socket for the external power supply includes a pin for a switching output which can be controlled remotely by PC-software or GSM/SMS. The control signal can be for example to activate a sensor heating or a modem. Here this signal can be switched on or off manually.

Display Down Up

OFF (Pin is open)

ON (Pin is GND)


The wind statistics required for energy applications can be read off the display and noted. In the first line you will see in parentheses what the second line displays, for example (run) refers to the statistics currently being set up.

Display Down Up

Logger no. & start date

No. of evaluations

Mean - Anemometer 1

Max. - Anemometer 1

Frequency 0..1 m/s

Frequency 1..2 m/s

Etc. See description of statistical data

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The Reset function starts the logger again and deletes all the existing data. It is normally only needed after the installation or relocation of the Data Logger to restart the system. Re-setting involves pressing the buttons in a specific sequence in order to prevent unintended or unauthorised deletion of data.

Display Down Up




etc. (until the display shows RESET)


Look out! 1. Press down and hold!

3. Release button!

2. Press down in addition!

R E S E T ! or "u missed it", if it failed

The configuration parameters are not deleted or changed using the "RESET" function. For information about these changes see the chapter on "Maintenance".

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2. Sensors

The connections to the sockets of the individual logger types are 100% compatible. The WICOM-32 can register three wind speeds and two wind directions, whereas the METEO-32 also has additional sockets for humidity, temperature, air pressure, global irradiation and precipitation and the METEO-32X has additional inputs which are not pre-defined (ADC, Counter, Status).

Details of the wiring to the sockets is provided in the Annex.

2.1. Anemometer

To measure wind speed attach an anemometer with impulse output. The characteristic of the anemometer is given in the form of a linear equation with a gradient and an intercept at 0 m/s:

v = a · I + b v = Wind speed

a = Gradient of characteristic I = Pulse rate b = Intercept of characteristic

The parameters are entered with the "CALLaLOG" software: the gradient is in 0.1mm/pulse rate and the intercept in cm/s.

The Data Logger counts the pulses of the anemometer signal and calculates the wind speed (in m/s) to one decimal place. The individual measurement values therefore represent exact means for each completed measurement interval.

The display shows the wind speed in [m/s]

SSyysstteemm MMoonniittoorr **

AAnneemmoo11 :: 55 ..88 mm//ss

All wind speed values are stored in dm/s, so that they must be divided by 10 before being used (this can be done automatically by the "CALLaLOG" program during data transfer).

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2.2. Wind vane

To register the wind direction attach a serial opto-electronic sensor or a wind vane with a potentiometer, which should have a total resistance

of 2000 Ω - 10 k Ω. The potentiometer is addressed ratiometrically, to make allowance for temperature and cable influences on the measurements. Results are independent of fluctuating supply voltages

and the resistance of the potentiometers. The resolution of a 2000Ω-

vane is 1° with a precision of ±1° over the entire temperature range. Calibration is not necessary, but may help to correct for any offset of the wind vane introduced during the installation.

d = U + O d = Wind direction

U = Measured value O = Offset (Angular deviation to North)

The measurement values are presented in 1°-steps from 1° ... 360°, measured clockwise:

VVaannee11 :: 334422 °°

Any implausible measurement values are documented as "777".

The directional data is stored in 1 degree steps. Mean values are calculated, and of course the mean of "1°" and "359°" is recorded as "North (360°)" and not "180°"!

2.3. Hygro/Thermo inputs

These inputs are only available for the "METEO" versions.

Either a simple temperature sensor (e.g. the "TPC", P6471) or a combined hygro / temperature sensor (e.g. the "KPC", P6831) can be connected directly to the "Hygro/Thermo" socket.

The temperature sensor contains a resistance thermometer, and the measurement is converted by the sensor into a voltage proportional to the temperature. For the correct evaluation of the measurement signal enter the gradient and the intercept of the sensor characteristic as parameters.

T = a · U - b T = Temperature

a = Gradient U = Measured voltage b = Intercept

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The gradient is in °C/V. The temperature reading in °C for 0 V output voltage is entered as the Intercept value.

The display shows the value in °C:

TTeemmpp.. 11 :: 1188 ..44°°CC

Temperature data is stored in tenths of a Kelvin. [0°C = 273,15 Kelvin]

The humidity sensor consists of a capacitor sensor element with an integrated converter circuit.

For the calculation enter the gradient in Volt

humidityrel.% .

F = a · U F = Relative humidity

a = Gradient U = Measured voltage

The display shows the relative humidity as a percentage:

HHyyggrroo :: 4455 %%

The relative humidity values are stored in % .

2.4. Air pressure

These inputs are only available for the "METEO" versions.

A barometric sensor can be attached with an active analog output, such as the Vaisala "PTB100A" or the "AB60" from Ammonit. The output signal is proportional to the air pressure. You have to enter the start of the measurement range [in hPa] and the gradient of the sensor characteristic in [hPa/V] as parameters.

P = a · U + b P = Air pressure

a = Gradient of characteristic U = Measured voltage b = Intercept of characteristic

The display shows the air pressure in hPa:

BBaarroo:: 11001177 hhPPaa

The data is stored in hPa.

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2.5. Pyranometer

These inputs are only available for the "METEO" versions.

Pyranometer, e.g. from the "CM" series of Kipp & Zonen, will be connected via pre-amplifier which aligned the µV signal to the data logger (0 - 1.2V). The output signal is proportional to the global radiation.

For the calibration you must enter the gradient of the characteristic in [ W/m²/V ] as parameters.

R = a · U R = Global radiation

a = Gradient U = Measured voltage

The display shows the global radiation in W / m²

PPyyrraannoo:: 992266 WW//mm22

The global radiation values are stored in W / m².

2.6. Precipitation sensor

These inputs are only available for the "METEO" versions.

Registering precipitation requires an impulse input, for example from a "Rain Gauge" from R.M.Young (P6720/1).

For the calibration you must enter the gradient of the characteristic in [µm / impulse].

N = a · I N = Amount of precipitation

a = Gradient of characteristic I = No. of impulses registered

The display shows the precipitation during the last measurement interval [0.1 mm]:

RRaaiinn :: 44 ..88 mmmm

Data is stored in [0.1 mm/minute], so that before evaluation the numbers must be divided by 10.

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2.7. Recording other inputs

The Data Logger converts the input signals of the sensors into predefined measured variables. The impulses of an anemometer are converted for example into m/s based on the entered calibration values. If you set the calibration factor Slope = 0, thereby the internal conversion is switched off and the measurement categories are indicated as master data. (Signal inputs in Hz with resolution of 0,1 Hz, Analog inputs in mV)

Master data of measurement categories

Input Measurement range Resolution

Anemometer 1...3 0 ... 1000 Hz 0.1 Hz

Rel. humidity 0 ... 1200 mV 0.1mV

Air temperature 0 ... 1200 mV 0.1mV

Air pressure 0 ... 5000 mV 0.5 mV

Rain 0 ... 1000 Hz 0.1 Hz

2.8. Ultrasonic anemometer

All Ammonit Data loggers can be used in combination with meteorological ultrasound sensors from Gill Instruments for wind measurements. These high-resolution, one to three dimensional sensors (WindSonic, WindObserver, or WindMaster) are connected via the RS485 interface (2-wire cable) and activated via their own channel in the "Channels“ window of the CALLaLOG02 software.

Sonic Hor.: Horizontal wind speed in cm/s

Sonic Dir.: Wind direction in degrees

Sonic Ver.: Vertical wind speed in cm/s (nur Master)

Note that the vertical wind speed is stored with an offset of "1000". Three-digit values indicate downward air flows.

Before connecting up the sensors these should be configured appropriately. The necessary settings are shown in the connection plan. Further information about the sensors can be found in the anemometer manuals.

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2.9. External sensor power supply

Some sensors require an operating voltage of 12 V and have to have a constant external power supply. But because the measurements for temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure change relatively slowly it is usually sufficient to take a single measurement at the end of each storage interval. These sensors can therefore be connected to the switched power supply (Pin 5 of the Meteo socket), which significantly reduces the operating current. Note that in this case the slope should not be set to zero.

2.10. The Xtend-inputs

The METEO-32X has additional inputs which are not pre-defined. The "Xtend" connection socket can be used to register other analog and digital signals.

Input Measurement range Resolution

4 x 12 bit-ADC 0 … 1200 mV 0.1 mV

2 x 16 bit Counter 0 ... 1000 Hz 0.1 Hz

2 x Status OFF (=0) / ON (=100) 1 %

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2.11. Internal measurements

In the Data Logger, 4 measurements are made in addition to the activated input channels, so as to be able to check internal system parameters continually, and if necessary to warn against overheating or the loss of a power supply (see "Warnings"). These internal results can also be activated as normal measurement channels and registered.

Internal measurements Meas. range Resolution

External supply 0 ... 26 V 0.1 V

Battery, left 0 ... 10 V 0.1 V

Battery, right 0 ... 10 V 0.1 V

Internal temperature -40°C ... + 80°C 1°C

Note: the internal temperature is recorded with an offset of +40°C, so it is always necessary to subtract 40 from the value before any evaluation.

2.12. External signal converters

Ammonit Data Loggers have an internal signal converter to receive signals in usual forms, such as frequencies, or analog voltages. However, adapted input modules may be needed for special tasks; for example, high-resolution temperature measurements require PT100 elements with 4-cable technology, and when determining electric power it is better to work with signal transformers which directly multiply voltage and current. For such applications, adapters with an RS485 interface are available (see Gantner….) which are connected to the Data Logger by a simple two-wire cable and controlled by means of the standard MODBUS-protocol.

In order to receive data through such interfaces, the Data Logger has eight additional channels (Cascade 1 .. 8), which can be activated in the usual way in the "Channels“ window. The parameters of the attached Modbus module (address and register) are defined under "Cascade Settings“. The data can be stored in the format provided by the module. Note that values must lie in the range 0 to + 65 535, and that negative values are not permissible.

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2.13. Logger cascading

In addition to external Modbus-modules, it is also possible to link up further Ammonit Data Loggers if the of a single unit does not have enough input channels, or if the measurements from two devices operating close to one another are to be exactly synchronised and read out in a single data-set via the same interface. In this case the appropriate cascade channels of the "Master“ Logger are activated and definitions are entered for each channel under "Settings“:

Address: Number of the Slave Logger(s)

Register: Number of the required channel (Speed 1 = 1, Speed 2 = 2 etc.)

The "Slave"-logger is cascaded via the RS485-interface and the parameters must be set as usual (enter measurement interval, activate channels, enter slope and offset, etc). In addition it is necessary to set the following:

Logger number: Value between 95 and 99 (matching the address in “Master”)

“Slave” mode: Activate (see “Settings” / “RS485 Options”)

Please note that:

• When the logger is in “Slave” mode no other functions are allowed via the RS485-interface (Sonics, Scada-output, etc. must be switched off)

• A logger in "slave“ mode draws a constant 50 mA, because it can no longer revert to standby status in the breaks between measurements.

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Data registration

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3. Data registration

The entire memory available on the data logger is subdivided into:

• measurement series memory

• Wind statistics memory

• Slow Motin Recorder (SMR)

The data of measurement series and wind statistics are subdivided into blocks. In the measurement series memory, one block of data encompasses the measurements for one day; in the statistics memory, one block encompasses one statistic. Both individual memories are organized as shift registers. When there is no space left in a memory, the system overwrites the respective oldest stored block. This protects the user against data loss, because even that data which has already been read out remains "logged" in the shift register memory until memory space is required for newer data. Because the various data sets overlap chronologically, data from several read-outs can be joined continuously.

3.1. Measurement series

3.1.1. Scan intervals

Initially, each sensor sends an electrical signal to the output which represents the measured quantity as a function of time. Within the data logger, these signals are converted to numerial values in certain regular intervals controlled by an internal real-time clock. These values form the basis for all further evaluations and are henceforth referred to as "scan values". The time interval between each scan can be selected as the so-called

scan interval, in the range 1 ... 60 seconds

3.1.2. Log interval

Of course, you can also imeediately store each measured value. However, in typical long-term measurements, several scan values are collected together before they are stored. The time within such a routine is carried out is referred to as the log interval. You determine the length of this interval by specifying a fixed

number of scan values: 1 ... 9999

i.e. a whole numbered multiple of scan interval. Many short scan intervals or a few long ones can lead to log intervals of the same length. In many applications your settings are specified to be in

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accordance to a standard. In other cases it is best to choose scan intervals of at least 10 seconds.

Shorter intervals may be necessary for turbulence measurements.

Please note also, that power consumption increases at shorter scan intervals.

3.1.3. Pre-evaluation in the log interval

The scan values acquired within a log interval can be separately programmed and calibrated for each channel.

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3.1.4. Storage organisation or time series

The shift register for the measurement series is subdivided into blocks. Each block encompasses one day; the system automatically inserts a block mark after midnight. Each block mark has a time code assigned to it. After the entire memory is allocated, the oldest block - this corresponds to one day - is deleted.

When the system is being programmed such that the entire memory is occupied before a block mark has been set, the system stops logging the time series when there is no more space. In this case it is only possible to free the memory by pressing "Reset".

3.1.5. Data format of measurement series

Data output can be in TEXT files as ASCII code that the user can read directly and process with most text editors. A new time code is inserted into the data after a RESET, after a cold start or after an interruption in the measurement operation and automatically at:

T 10/20/92 11:13:33 10*600

Identification letter

Starting time /

and date

Scan interval in [s]

Number of scan


Product delivers

log interval

in secondsUsing "CALLaLOG" software to transfer data converts the time code into time and date at the beginning of each line.

The data for one log interval is displayed in one line. The numbers are separated by BLANKS, leading zeros are suppressed and at the end of each line there is the control character for "line end": CR. The order

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and the number of columns correspond to the parameters programmed into the parameter file.

Example of a measurement delivering a wind speed: average value (4.5 m/s), maximum value (6.2 m/s), standard deviation (1.4 m/s) and mean wind direction 156°:

45 62 14 156

Generally, the user will want to think and work in "round" intervals. To support this, the scan interval is always synchronised to the full minute. Thus, after a RESET command, the user must wait until the clock reaches the next full minute before the just programmed measurement operation starts.

Every midnight the log interval is synchronised to the full hour - even if this results in an incomplete log interval just before 24:00 hrs.

3.2. Wind statistics

Input quantities such as wind speed and wind direction have an extremely dynamic nature. Characteristically they change both within short periods ("gusts") as well as in long-term periods (such as in seasonal rhythms.

Thus, during the last few years, in certain areas of application such as wind energy utilization, a number of standard procedures have been developed for characterizing local wind regimes with just a few statistical values and tables.

You can directly apply some of these methods for your pre-evaluations. A particular area of the memory is reserved for statistical data. When the blocks reserved for statistics are full, the system overwrites the respective oldest block with the next new statistic.

Synchronisation Log interval

Synchronisation Scan interval

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Statistics parameters

Memory reserves: 4 Statistics

Averaging time: 1 Minutes

Store statistic after: 1 Monthly (calender


Each statistic of Data Logger provides:

• Mean and maximum value of wind speed

• Frequency distribution of wind speed

• Frequency distribution of wind direction

The wind speed that is recorded by a second anemometer at a different measurement level calculates as well mean and maximum wind speed and frequency distribution.

3.2.1. Frequency distribution of the wind speed

The frequency distribution indicates how often a certain wind speed occurs. The Data Logger provides 29 wind classes each 1m/s wide. The upper class contains all averaging above 28 m/s wind speed You get these values as relative frequency in % for the whole measurement period. This provides the analytically basis for determining the energy content of the wind and also for the so-called Weibull distribution which is occasionally used to characterise wind sites.

The following graph represents an example of frequency distribution of wind speed. This graph - as well as further pictures shown in this manual - is drawn with the evaluation software "ALWIN for Windows" (copyright Deutsches Windenergie-Institut and Ammonit / Order No. P7005).

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ALWIN "imports" the measurement data of a Data Logger directly to your PC. Above picture shows the frequency distribution as diagram. ALWIN calculates the parameter for Rayleigh- and Weibull distribution from the measurement data (see above curves in the diagram). And it links the data with the power curves of various wind energy converters. Thus, you get a prognosis of the energy yield, but keep in mind to consider further influences as hub height and air density.

3.2.2. Frequency distribution of wind direction

The recorded wind direction is classified into sectors of 10° aperture each. The 36 sectors are north centred and start with the sector zero= S0 (355° to 5°). For each sector you get the average wind speed and the frequency distribution of the wind direction as well as the mean wind speed for the resp. sector, measured with anemometer no. 1. Graph in ALWIN:

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The left part of the graph shows the frequency distribution of the wind direction and the right part the mean wind speed of the resp. sector. At the site of above example most of the energy can be gained from west to north west direction: important for positioning of several WECs at one site.

3.2.3. Data format on the display

If you have activated the theme "Statistics" with the button, you can read off the statistical data on display.

First you get the headline of the current statistic on display:

9999 0033ffeebb0033 0000 ::0000

The headline starts with device number, followed by the date and hour at which the following statistic was created ( here 3. February 2003, 00:00 o’clock at midnight).

The following output show the number of previous measurements, than avarage and maximum wind speed of the first anemometer.

DDaattaa 1122334455** 11mm iinn

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SS11((aavvee)) :: 88 ..22 mm//ss

SS11((mmaaxx)) :: 2233..44 mm//ss

The frequency distribution of wind speed follows:

00-- 11 mm//ss 00 ..77%%

11-- 22 mm//ss 77..22%%

etc. as long as the data is in the classes. The sum made up fromall wind classes may deviate insignificantly from 100 % due to rounded values.

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Next the frequencies of the wind direction devided in 36 sectors with 10° wide each, together with the average wind speed in this sector measured with anemometer 1. Sectors with no values are not shown.

DD 00 11 ..99%% 33..44

DD 11 11 ..22%% 33..22


If you recorded a second wind speed, next the values S2(ave) and S2(max) as well as the frequency distribution of the second anemometer follow.

Now the output of the current statistic block is finished.

3.2.4. Data format in PC

The data is stored ALWIN compatible as text file on your PC. If you would like to integrate the data in specific evaluation software, see below information about data format. Each statistic starts with a status line:

#08102089211300738 10

ID code "#" for statistics block Device-Nr. 08 Start: 20.10.89 21:13 hrs

Time passed: 738 minutes (always 5 digits)

Averaging time: 10 minutes

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Frequency distribution of wind speed (anemometer 1):

and for a second anemometer

v2 47 84 66 98 110 180 12 77 ... 0 0

Frequency distribution of wind direction and wind speed distribution for each sector:

v 35 70 41 111 12 4 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0

ID character

Mean wind speed 3,5 m/s

Maximum wind speed 7 m/s

Frequency distribution of the 29 wind classes [min]

ID character for wind roseNo. of sektorMean wind speed

v/r-0 31 53 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Absolute frequenciesWind classes 1..29

Maximum wind speed

v/r-1 37 56 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

v/r-2 22 54 1 11 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

v/r-3 13 37 6 40 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

v/r-4 12 15 5 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

v/r-35 10 3 18 0 0 1 3 4 5 0 0 5 2 9 6 9 6 1 4 1 3 2


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3.3. Slow Motion Recorder (SMR)

The Ammonit Data Logger can also be used to record wind data in slow motion over a short period. After being started by a programmable event, the wind input data will be stored at selected intervals directly into a separate read-only memory. In all, 180 measurement lines can be recorded; this corresponds for 1-second measurement intervals to a duration of 3 minutes, for lower measurement frequencies a correspondingly longer period of time will be covered. Like the statistical data, the data will only be transferred when called up.

Various events can trigger the signal which starts measurements:

• An individual wind speed 1 above the pre-set threshold value

• A mean value over 3 seconds of the wind speed 1 exceeding the pre-set measurement value

• A start signal is given by an online command via the CALLaLOG software

• A start signal is sent to the Logger using the text message (SMS) command "T"

To allow you to make best use of this option, several parameters can be adjusted:

• The threshold for the start signal in [dm/s].

• The switching output is activated during a recording

• Recurring recordings are possible, in case there is a new event

• After a measurement, the initial measurement value can be set as the new threshold

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The start signal can also lead to a text message (SMS) being sent to a pre-set GSM-number. This function can be switched on by the recipient sending the message "E+" to the Logger. This is a very simple way of achieving an automatic alarm when the wind speed exceeds a chosen value. Please note that in the case of repeat events, a new text message will be sent each time. The function can be switched off at any time by sending the message "E-".

The data is stored in text files in a separate directory. At the start of every file a line specifies the time when the start signal was received. The number of columns and the order of the data in a line are always the same, however many sensors are attached: the first three columns are for the 3 anemometers, and this is followed by the values for the two wind vanes.

In the example only one sensor was attached in each case:

E 02/27/03 11:57:00 1*1 57 0 0 257 777 56 0 0 257 777 54 0 0 256 777 56 0 0 257 777 61 0 0 254 777 60 0 0 253 777 61 0 0 251 777 61 0 0 252 777


... in all 180 lines (900 measurement values)

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4. Data Logger and PC

4.1. Software CALLaOLOG02

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The program "CALLaLOG02" enables simple configuration, monitoring and manually or time- controlled data transfer. Each user-defined measurement system can be attached over modem or cable. Several logger can be grouped in individual projects and each project can be assigned its own interface and a separate inquiry time.

All projects with user-defined measurement systems can be supervised with this software fast and clearly.

Commonly used settings can be access over a Button directly. For example: a "click" on the Button "Settings..." will be indicated the most important attitudes of the selected Data logger and a click on the button "Channels" will be able to see and configure the different channels.

The software "CALLaLOG02" and a suitable cable for connection between PC and logger are included in delivery with Ammonit Data logger.

Quick start CALLaLOG2002

Your Data Logger is supplied with CALLaLOG2002 software for WINDOWS, that A short introduction, covering: 1. Copying the necessary files

2. Creating a new client with "Projects" and "Loggers"

3. Using the WINDOWS™ TAPI Interface or the serial interface

4. Connecting a logger

5. Using the "tabsheets"

6. Using the "Settings..." window

1. Copying the necessary files

You need a drive "c.\” with a directory "c:\ammonit”. If this directory is not present it will be automatically created during the installation of CALLaLOG2002. If you already have a version of CALLaLOG2002 installed on your PC please follow these steps:

1. Create a main directory c: \ammonit\callalog02 and copy the new "*.csi"-file contained in the software pack to this location.

2. Should the file "latestopen_client.ccl" already exist rename it to allow creation of a new file. Now open your previous version of CALLaLOG2002 and select "save all" in the menu..

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3. Note: If you open a new client without saving the old one, the file "latestopen_client.ccl" will be OVERWRITTEN!

2. Creating a new client with "Projects" and "Loggers"

The WELCOME screen

Select "Create new Client"

and enter a name of your choice

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Select "new project" and/or "new site/logger" from the menu and enter an appropriate name.

After creating your project with all desired loggers, save your settings with the "save all" command. Always save before leaving the program, or your changes will be lost.

The button "Start with last client" on the Welcome screen allows you to quickly and easily access your previous configuration.

3. Using the WINDOWS™ TAPI Interface or the serial interface

The WINDOWS™ TAPI Interface allows you to connect to the data logger. The necessary settings can be made directly on the "project” page.

Click on "Select Connection Interface..." and choose a connection.

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Now select "Interface settings..." to configure the connection.

When leaving the WINDOWS™ TAPI window you might experience a short pause before it closes. This is normal, and does not indicate an error in the settings..

4. Connecting a logger

Connect your data logger to the COMx port.

On activating a logger, the button "connect" appears on the "logger" page.

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The "connect" button activates the link directly via COMx or alternately via modem and transmits the password. After successful connection the other buttons are activated too.

You can close the connection by selecting "disconnect.." at any time. Selecting a different logger/client/project will also close the connection.

5. Using the "tabsheets"

The connection to the Data Logger is separated every time you change a "tabsheet" or select a symbol. You see the tabsheets on the right side of the screen.


You can use the "Client-tabsheet" to access the directories in which you have stored your data. Access via a network is also possible.

b) The Project

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Click on a project symbol or on a button of the Client-tabsheet, to select and interface. (See the chapter: "Using the WINDOWS™ TAPI Interface or the serial interface")

When you activate this tabsheet you can also see all the logger which belong to this project.

Click on a logger symbol to gain direct access to the data from that logger.

c) Site/Logger

This is a highlight. The most frequently used commands can be accessed directly via a button.

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You can also view the settings of the Data Logger in offline mode. A connection is only needed to make alterations. With the button "Go Online" you can receive a rapid overview of the data your sensors are currently producing.

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6. Using the "Settings..." screen

The "Settings" screen shows the key settings of the chosen Data Logger. It is accessed using the "Settings..." button in the menu of the Logger page. If you are connected with the Data Logger ("Connect.." on), then you can alter the settings as required.

You have direct access to the settings of the Data Logger via the button alongside.

PasswordIn order to avoid unwanted alteration of the password, it is necessary to confirm any change:

Click on "Password" and enter the new password.

You then have access to the button "Upload New Password". Confirm the new password here and it will be stored in the Logger.

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ChannelsHere you can view the configuration of the individual channels:

• The data from the Logger such as means, maximums and standard deviations

• The generation of the measurement and storage intervals

• The calibration data (gradient (slope) and intercept (offset)) Give the slope value in 0.1mm, the offset value in cm.

Here too the changes must be confirmed with "Upload New Settings".

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5. Warnings

In the Data Loggers, measurement values are constantly being checked for their plausibility. As soon as a fault is identified or suspected, the relevant information is stored. This might involve an anemometer which has not given an impulse over a longer period of time, or the solar power supply which is not recharging the battery sufficiently. The warning list can be viewed on the display, and every fault will be reported by text message to a specified recipient if this option has been activated in advance with the text message command "W+".

The following measurements are grounds for a "Warning":

• The external power supply is 5 to 11.8 V

• The voltage from one of the two batteries is 3 to 6 V

• The internal temperature is below -35°C or above 80°C

• An anemometer has not given an impulse for the past 12 hours

• An anemometer has measured a value above 65 m/s

• A wind-vane has not reported a value for the past 12 hours

• A wind vane reports the error code "777"

• A rel. humidity measurement lies outside the range 5 to +110%

• The temperature measurements lie outside the range –30 to +70°C

• The air pressure measurement lies outside the range pre-set offset and 1100 hPa

A measurement channel is not checked for plausibility if it has been switched off (Pre-set slope parameter = "0").

The information in the warning list is stored after the fault has been corrected. Only when the warning is selected on the display does it examine if this point can be deleted.

A warning function activated by a text message can be switched off again by the command message " W- ". Note that the warning function itself is deactivated once the report has been sent. This prevents a series of reports being sent for the same fault. The function must therefore be switched back on again once the cause of the fault has been corrected.

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Remote monitoring with GSM

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6. Remote monitoring with GSM

The requirements for connecting the measuring station to a GSM-network are:

External 12 V DC power supply for logger and GSM modem, e.g. a 5 Watt solar system

The site must be covered by a network operator, and allow both data transfer and text messaging (SMS) functions.

The modem must have an SIM card which is cleared for data transfer

Before the modem is connected, the logger must be configured with two important entries about the supplied software: - The PIN number of the data card if one is necessary - A time of day when the measuring station regularly switches on the GSM system so that it can be contacted.

If no laptop computer is available, the time setting can also be made by a text message from a mobile phone. As a temporary solution the pre-set PIN number "0000" can be used if the card is configured appropriately.

After you have set up the logger and connected up the modem, you can test the functions manually (see also Chap. 1.3: Display and button functions).

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After activating the GSM modem various messages appear on the display (Modem ON, Send PIN..., etc.) until the network has been found. As soon as the network operator or his Network code shows on the display, the measurement station is registered and ready. Additional information is shown on the display:

"SQ" = Signal quality, over a range from 0 (no signal to 31 (max.).

An incoming call is marked by the symbol "-*-".

GGSSMM MMooddeemm SSQQ2211

TTeelleeccoomm ——**——

As soon as the connection has been established the broken line "-/-" changes to "---".

GGSSMM MMooddeemm SSQQ2211

TTeelleeccoomm ——————

When receiving an SMS text message the word "SMS” is displayed instead of the line.

GGSSMM MMooddeemm SSQQ2211

TTeelleeccoomm SSMMSS

GSM Modem SQ21

”Telecom” —/—

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Remote supervision of the system without a PC is possible with any mobile telephone capable of sending and receiving SMS text messages. Send one of the messages in the following table to the station’s number and you will receive a reply either within seconds or whenever the GSM module is activated next.

Function Text

View current data A

Activate/deactivate digital output of the Data Logger

O+ resp. O-

Activate/deactivate warning messages by mobile phone (SMS)

W+ resp. W-

To set GSM settings on 02:00, 09:00, 14:00, 21:00, Period of the activation = at a time 3 hours


Deactivate GSM modem (stand-by) S

Start Slow Motion Recorder (SMR) T

Activate/deactivate SMR message in case of programmed events by mobile phone (SMS)

E+ resp. E-

To set a call number for SMS information ("warnings" and "SMR") Afterwards all SMS informations will be send to the addresser of these SMS


To set an email-address for SMS information ("warnings" and "SMR")

N 1234 abc*def.de




)1234=call number SMS Center;

abc*def.de= email-address (please feed* instead of @ )

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In reply the logger will transmit any current data back to you (display may vary slightly depending on the mobile phone).

Test logger Name of station (or ID number)

S55 Station

20Sept02 15:09:21 Internal date and time of logger

12.4S1 Value Speed1

12.2S2 Value Speed2

9.8S3 Value Speed3

358D1 352D2 Value Direction1 Direction2/

/ 22.0’Ti Logger internal temperature

12.4Vx Voltage of external supply

7.0Vbl 8.8Vbr Voltage of internal battery left/right

W- 1 O+ E+ Warning messages off (1 message saved), digital output on, SMS information on in case of programmed event (SMR)

A warning for a measurement channel is shown by a "w" before the value. E.g.: "w358D1" shows that an error has been registered for Wind Vane 1 (even though the current values are obviously correct again).

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Energy supply

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7. Energy supply

A reliable energy supply is essential for continuous measurements and long-term operations. The Logger can be powered by tow standard Alkaline batteries (9V-blocks), or by lithium type batteries. However, for long-term operations we recommend an additional external power supply, either from a transformer, accumulators, or a complete solar power supply. You will also need an external power supply if you want to attach extra sensors to a METEO Data Logger.

7.1. Battery supply

Even if you use an external energy supply you should always have batteries in the logger as a back-up in case of loss of power from the external supply.

Exchange the batteries at regular intervals, before measurements are lost. Take care when changing a battery that no moisture enters the logger, that the battery is inserted properly, and that the housing of the Data Logger is screwed tightly shut afterwards.

Inserting and changing batteries:

Open the housing of the Data Logger.

Note the polarity! The positive pole (+ pole) is on the left in both cases!

Slide the battery under the spring and then push upwards

To remove a battery pull it out at the upper end.

If the Data Logger is stored for a lengthy period without being used, take the batteries out and store them separately!

Take empty batteries out immediately!

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When operating with the internal batteries the electronics makes sure that the one battery is completely discharged before the second one is used. This is economical, and means that a battery can be replaced without interrupting the measurements. So that you know which battery has to be replaced, there is a line reserved in the "System Monitor" to display the supply voltages:

SSyysstteemm MMoonniittoorr

99..22 1122 ..66VVeexx 55..99

This example shows: - the Logger is currently operating with the external power supply (12.6 V) - the left battery is fully charged (9.2 V) and ready ( )- the right battery (5.9V) should be replaced soon.

7.2. Connecting to an external power supply

Any external DC power supply with a maximum of 26V may be connected. Should there be a regular power socket in the vicinity of the measuring site, a standard transformer can be used. Preliminary test-runs at the office or in the lab should as a rule be made with external power so as not to begin the actual measurements with batteries which are already partly discharged.

For longer measurements it is possible to augment the batteries with a small solar panel, thereby greatly extending their useful power delivery.

Solar power coupled with accumulators can provide continuous power to the system. Please take into account that the usefulness of conventional recharging governor is limited due to the small but continuous power delivery and fluctuating ambient temperature.

Should the voltage of the external power supply fall below 9 VDC the internal batteries take over.

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7.3. Solar power

At sites without access to a mains power supply, the system can be fitted with a solar power supply for stand-alone operation.

DimensionsThe available solar radiation is much lower in winter than in summer. The power system needed for stand-alone operations should therefore be planned to maintain operations in winter. Since the power consumption is very low, not only for the Ammonit Data Loggers but also the sensors and GSM, stand-alone operation can be possible with a 5 Watt solar power supply.

Direction of installation and angle of inclinationThe solar panel should be set up to face towards the equator. If the panel faces to the east or west, the power yield will be reduced by 20%. The angle of installation should be at least 60° to the horizontal. This can also help to ensure that the module is kept clear of snow, ice, or debris

Steel cabinet option "solar power supply"Ammonit has a complete solar supply system on offer (Order no.: P9110.1x) The solar power supply consists of a solar panel, accumulator and charger with internal temperature compensation. The charger ensures that the accumulator does not become overcharged or completely discharged, while the internal temperature compensation uses a built-in temperature sensor to register the ambient temperature, which affects the charging and discharging processes of the accumulator. This help to ensure reliable and trouble-free operations over many years. If required, lightning protection can also be fitted.

The included accumulator is maintenance-free and is especially suited to remote operations. Car batteries are not suitable for solar power systems!

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7.4. Energy requirements of your system

In the Annex you will find some notes on current requirement. The current consumption adds up from the continuous requirements for the logger, interfaces and permanently supplied sensors on the one hand, and periodical requirements for the actual measurements. The following graph shows the current consumption [µA] in dependence to measurement rate. The consumption rises considerably when the scan interval is less than 5 seconds. The additional consumption that the interface needs during data read-out is not considered. You can neglect this consumption if you don’t use the interface more than 1 hour per month in long-term operation.





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Measurement interval [s]










basic requirement of the




additional consumption

for measurements

If you have a current consumption of 1 mA, the capacity of the internal batteries is approx. 400...500 days. The life of the batteries decreases by up to 50% in temperatures that are continuously below - 20°C.

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7.5. Digital output

On Pin 2 of the socket for the external power supply there is a switching output. When inactive this has a high resistance, in the active state it is drawn to ground.

There are several ways to activate the digital output:

• Automatically, as long as the modem is switched on (configuration in GSM-window) This function is only necessary if you have to switch your own modem by means of a relay. The switched output is not needed for the Ammonit GSM-systems, so that remains available for other uses.

• Automatically, as long as the SMR registers data (configuration in SMR window) Using this function a wind alarm system can be created: as soon as a threshold value is exceeded and the SMR switched on, the switched output is also activated (and if required an SMS text message will be sent).

• Manually via "Callalog" or SMS text message command The manual control is often used to switch on sensor heating, e.g. a relay-controlled accumulator. Since only a limited amount of power is usually available in stand-alone systems, this function can now be used to switch the heating on remotely when it is really needed.

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Maintenance and service

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8. RS485 Functions

8.1. Online access to data

In some cases, it would be convenient to be able to make the measurements from the sensors linked to the Data Logger available for other applications. For example, the data-sets could also be used in parallel in the SCADA-system of a wind farm control system, and processed there online. The RS485-interface offers a number of convenient options for such purposes.

Digital data supply

When this option is activated the logger sends out a text via the serial interface which contains the time, continuous measurement data, and stored values. The receiver filters the required information out of this stream of data. A converter installed directly at the Logger can also provide the data in a format required by the network or by the transmission medium.

Modbus-controlled data access

In this case the Data Logger is defined as "Slave“, as described in the section Sensors/Logger cascading. The receiver can call up the measurement values as required. (It is important to use the Modbus protocol.)

Analog signal output (with external module)

If the recipient requires analog data, this can be provided by an additional converter, also controlled via the RS485-interface. The output signals can either be 0..10V, or alternatively 0/4..20mA.

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8.2. WindTracker

The Young WindTracker is a compact wind speed and wind direction display which can be used directly with Ammonit Loggers. It includes a programmable alarm output.

To install the WindTracker, connect the “A” and “B” pins between WindTracker (RS-485 terminal) and Logger (RS485 port on “Supply”) and insert the power supply plug.

Setting up the data logger

Start “CALLaLOG” and choose “RS485 Options” (Connect / Settings / RS485 Options)

• Enable Wind Display output

• Select wind data channel (1 or 2) and upload new configuration.

Setting up the Windtracker

• Press and hold ENTER and SELECT keys for about 5 seconds. The left display will show “InP”.

• Press SELECT until right display shows “SEr”.

• Press ENTER repeatedly until the display returns to normal operation.


• The measurement interval of the logger should not be more than 3 seconds, so as to avoid a “serial error” report on the display.

• You can activate the “Alarm” function of the wind display. Please read the “WindTracker” manual for further information.

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9. Maintenance and service

The Data Logger generally operates without the need for maintenance. In long-term operation it is important to ensure that all ports are well closed if they are not in use and that the batteries are replaced in good time. Check the overall set-up once in. The maintenance intervals for the individual sensors are specified in the data sheets supplied with them. If very high accuracy is required, or conditions are very demanding it may be necessary to exchange or recalibrate sensors in the course of a measurement campaign.

The drying agent should be checked at least once a year

It is possible to reactivate the Desiccant in an air-flow Dryer at 90°C. If it is filled into desiccant bags you can apply the same regeneration process, but the number of regeneration cycles is limited to 2 - 3.

After ending a lengthy measuring campaign

After dismantling the measurement system, it is the ideal opportunity to check all the components for possible wear and damage. The maintenance can also include the re-calibration of the sensors if necessary.

Store without batteries

When the batteries are inserted the logger works completely automatically. When storing it for a long time take out the batteries.

Information about hardware and software versions

To get the actual hardware and software information of the unit, containing the version number and date, press the "Select" button, hold it, and additionally press the "Up" button. Please note the displayed text, before You contact our service.

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How to load factory settings

If You want to/need to get back all parameters, which are provided with the unit at delivery state ("factory settings"), proceed like this:

• check if You need any collected data in the logger, if yes load and save them

• disconnect ALL supplies (batteries, external)

• press the "Select" button, hold it down and connect one supply again

wait until You see the text "factory settings" on the display; then You can release the "Select" button: the factory settings are loaded.

ATTENTION: As mentioned, this action clears all data within the data logger, there is no recovery possible!


The software for the Data Loggers is constantly being developed further. In order to allow you to benefit from the latest functions and options for your measurement systems, it is possible to upload up-dated user software via the serial interface, including by telephone or GSM-connections. To obtain the necessary programming files and further information, contact [email protected].

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10. Annex

- Technical Data

- WICOM-32 - Pin assignment

- METEO-32 - Pin assignment

- METEO-32X - Pin assignment

- Connecting sockets of the Data Logger

- Chart: wire ident code

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Technical Data


Material Polycarbonat Dimensions HxBxT [mm]: 120 x 200 x 75 Weight approx. 1 kg Protection type IP 65, waterproof Connector sockets Miniature-round-socket connectors

screwed: protection type IP 67 Cap screw V2A

Power Supply:

Operating batteris 2 Alkaline-Batteries, approx. 550mAh (9V E-Block - 6LR61 - PP3) can be replaced by Lithium batteries

External DC 10 ... 24 Volt

Power consumption:

Standby approx. 0,5 mA between the measurements Meas. Operation approx. 45 mA

Temperature range:

Meas. Operation - 40 ... + 85 °C Display readable - 10 ... + 50 °C

Measurement inputs:

Anemometer Number 3 wind speeds Variable Pulses Signal level TTL-Level Meas. range 0 ... 2000 Hz Resolution 0,1 m/s

Wind vane (potentiometric) Number 2 wind directions Variable resistance proportion (wiper position of the

potentiometer) Meas. range 0° ... 360° Resolution 1°

Potentiometer 2000 Ω ... 10000 Ωresistance

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Wind vane (opto-electronic) Number 2 wind speeds Variable serial data Meas. range 0° ... 360° Resolution 11.25°

Humidity probe Number 1 rel. humidity Variable DC Voltage Meas. range 0 V ... 1230 mV Resolution 1% RH

Thermo probe Number 1 temperature Variable DC Voltage Meas. range 0 V ... 1230 mV Resolution 0,1 K

Air pressure probe Number 1 air pressure Variable DC Voltage Meas. range 0 V... 5000 mV Resolution 1 hPa

Rain Number 1 Rain Variable Pulses Meas. range 0 ... 1000 Hz Resolution 0.1 mm

Analog input Number 4 Variable DC Voltage Meas. range 0 .. 1200 mV Resolution 0.1 mV

Counter Number 2 Variable Pulses Meas. range 0 ... 2000 Hz Resolution 0.1 Hz

StatusNumber 2 Variable Switcher Signal level TTL-Level Meas. range ON / OFF

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Measurement value processing:

Meas. interval 1...60 seconds processing see Chapter „data acquisition“ storage capacity 1000 kByte Memory (EEPROM)

Real time clock:

Accuracy < 10 ppm at ambient temperature + 20 °C < 25 ppm a temperature range of - 30 ... + 60 °C

Backup-Battery 3V Lithium Button Cells CR2032, approx. 180…230mAh

Operation period approx. 10 years


Alphanumeric display 16 character double spaced

Data In / Out:

Serial Interface Electr. specification RS 232 Data transmission 38400baud, ASCII

Digital output (Ground / GND)

Open-Drain, 12 ... 24VDC, approx. 20mA

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Wicom-32Connecting sockets of the Data Logger:1. Data 6-pin

2. Supply 5-pin

3. Wind 12-pin

Pin assignment:

Pin Data

1 Data input

2 Handshake input

3 Data output

4 do not connect

5 Signal ground

6 Handshake output

Pin Supply

1 Ground / GND

2 Digital output (GND)

3** External supply: + 10 V ... + 24 V

4 RS - 485 / A

5 RS - 485 / B

Pin Wind

A Signal input / wind speed 1

B Signal input / wind speed 2

C Signal input / wind speed 3

D Wind direction 1 / Potentiometer end E / West

E Wind direction 1 / Potentiometer start a / East

F Wind direction 1 / wiper position R / Direction

G Wind direction 1 / Potentiometer start A / East

H Anemometer: output + 5V

J Wind direction 2* / wiper position R / Direction

K Wind direction 2* / Potentiometer end E / West

L** External supply: + 10 V ... + 24 V

M Ground / GND

*) Wind direction 2 / Potentiometer start: connect with Ground **) interconnected pins

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Meteo-32Connecting sockets of the Data Logger:1. Data 6-pin

2. Supply 5-pin

3. Wind 12-pin

4. Meteo 7-pin

Pin assignment:

Pin Data

1 Data input

2 Handshake input

3 Data output

4 do not connect

5 Signal ground

6 Handshake output

Pin Supply

1 Ground / GND

2 Digital output (GND)

3** External supply: + 10 V ... + 24 V

4 RS - 485 / A

5 RS - 485 / B

Pin Wind

A Signal input / wind speed 1

B Signal input / wind speed 2

C Signal input / wind speed 3

D Wind direction 1 / Potentiometer end E / West

E Wind direction 1 / Potentiometer start a / East

F Wind direction 1 / wiper position R / Direction

G Wind direction 1 / Potentiometer start A / East

H Anemometer: output + 5V

J Wind direction 2* / wiper position R / Direction

K Wind direction 2* / Potentiometer end E / West

L** External supply: + 10 V ... + 24 V

M Ground / GND

*) Wind direction 2 / Potentiometer start: connect with Ground

**) interconnected pins

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Pin Meteo

1 Rel. humidity, 0 V...+1230 mV

2 Air temperature; 0 V...+1230 mV

3 Air pressure; 0 V ...+5000 mV

4 Analog: Volt 1 0 - 1,2V DC

5 Switched external supply, max. 24 VDC

6 Signal input / rain

7 Ground / GND

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Meteo-32XConnecting sockets of the Data Logger:1. Data 6-pin

2. Supply 5-pin

3. Wind 12-pin

4. Meteo 7-pin

5. Xtend 8-pin

Pin assignment:

Pin Data

1 Data input

2 Handshake input

3 Data output

4 do not connect

5 Signal ground

6 Handshake output

Pin Supply

1 Ground / GND

2 Digital output (GND)

3** External supply: + 10 V ... + 24 V

4 RS - 485 / A

5 RS - 485 / B

Pin Wind

A Signal input / wind speed 1

B Signal input / wind speed 2

C Signal input / wind speed 3

D Wind direction 1 / Potentiometer end E / West

E Wind direction 1 / Potentiometer start a / East

F Wind direction 1 / wiper position R / Direction

G Wind direction 1 / Potentiometer start A / East

H Anemometer: output + 5V

J Wind direction 2* / wiper position R / Direction

K Wind direction 2* / Potentiometer end E / West

L** External supply: + 10 V ... + 24 V

M Ground / GND

*) Wind direction 2 / Potentiometer start: connect with Ground

**) interconnected pins

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Pin Meteo

1 Rel. humidity, 0 V...+1230 mV

2 Air temperature; 0 V...+1230 mV

3 Air pressure; 0 V ...+5000 mV

4 Analog: Volt 1 0 - 1,2V DC

5 Switched external supply, max. 24 VDC

6 Signal input / rain

7 Ground / GND

Pin Xtend

1 12 bit ADC 1 0 ... 1200 mV

2 12 bit ADC 2 0 ... 1200 mV

3 12 bit ADC 3 0 ... 1200 mV

4 12 bit ADC 4 0 ... 1200 mV

5 16 bit Counter 1 Signal input

6 16 bit Counter 2 Signal input

7 Status OFF (=0) / ON (=100)

8 Status OFF (=0) / ON (=100)

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Connecting sockets of the Data Logger:

1. plug „Data“ (Plan view Data Logger)

2. plug "Supply" (Plan view Data Logger)

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3. plug "Wind" (Plan view Data Logger)

4. plug "Meteo" (Plan view Data Logger)

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4. plug "Xtend" (Plan view Data Logger)

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Chart: wire ident code

Pin No short name/ Kurzname

Farbe colour color

1 A ws Weiß white blanco

2 B bn Braun brown marrón

3 C gn Grün green verde

4 D ge Gelb yellow amarillo

5 E gr Grau grey gris

6 F rs Rosa pink color de rosa

7 G bl Blau blue azul

8 H rt Rot red rojo

9 J sw Schwarz black negro

10 K vio Violett violet violeta

11 L grrs Grau/Rosa grey/pink gris/ color de rosa

12 M rtbl Rot/Blau red/blue rojo/azul