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Original Mans Journal Magazine Made by Dario Magana & Jesus Garcia

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Dark Energy Facts

After supernova universe was expanding up to one point and after that strange matter continued this expansion. Scientists who were studying this phenomenon called this matter the Dark Energy. Dark energy has so much of dark matter that is associated with it and we still don't know much about it. Though, man has made such large strides in astronomy and has been able to find out so much, at the same time, there is so much more that remains and that is the dark matter. There is the mysterious and unknown form of energy in the universe that man has not been able to fathom much about. This energy is in the form of one that is made by heavenly bodies like neutron stars, the sun, Galileo Galilei and the various black holes that abound. Almost as much as 23% of the universe is not visible to the naked human eye. This means that there is so much of dark energy was being formed in the universe and we are not aware of it. There are multitude amounts of different ways in which these gases and energy can get together in the most unknown of ways and probably go on to form stars and galaxies that way. This is the place where most of the mass in the universe accumulates. The dark energy is more concentrated towards the center and gets less as it goes outwards.

Cheerleading Facts

Johnny Campbell was the first to be cheerleading the football team in 1898 in Princeton. Cheerleading is almost 100 years old when most of the cheerleaders were men. Now 98% of cheerleaders are females. The estimates tell that around the world there are more than 4 million cheerleaders. Cheerleaders 5 to 13 years of age were lining up in schools and clubs with the idea to win the annual cheerleading competition. Most of the cheerleaders are gymnasts and 12% are

dancers. In US 80% schools have cheerleading squads.

The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders is the most famous squad.

Football is most popular sport for cheerleading. Cheerleading is no doubt a dangerous sport as it involves injuries like broken bones, busted lips and serious injuries. Though cheerleading is to rouse the interest of match watchers, cheerleading in itself is a competitive sport. The competitive cheerleader must be a high level gymnast as she is to perform without any safeguards.

Animal facts

The Pugs were living in Asia until 1800. Believed to have originated before 400 BC. There is somewhat of a debate over the origin of the Pug. Most researchers agree that the Pug was living first in Europe.

POMERANIAN- They were living in Europe until 1700, they crave a lot of attention and constant love from the owner. They seem to be one owner dogs and are very loyal.

Nikola Tesla was born in Smilian Croatia on June 10, 1856(Austria – Hungary back then), within a Serb family. He was a physicist, mathematician, electronics engineer and an inventor, who revolutionized the theory of electronics developing the AC power. He died in New York on January 07, 1943.

Nicola Tesla was one of the most brilliant minds in the history of humanity. However, his achievements and discoveries were quickly shadowed by his contemporary Thomas Edison and by society itself which could not accept the fact that a foreigner like Nicola Tesla could easily outshine Edison`s inventions. However, his works include more than 700 patented projects that include the basis for the television system, radio, microwaves and the controversial US defenses system called “the war of the currents”.

Tesla became one of the greatest minds in science. Nobody was able to unravel some of his works due to his great capacity of induction. He created his documented projects out of brainstorming, it was enough just to picture his idea without even thinking about how it would work, he would simply start working on such a project without even reflecting on the kind of breakthrough it could mean for humanity.

According to some rumors, Tesla became more eccentric as he got older; towards the end of his days he would go on living from one hotel to another looking for a newer one once he could no longer pay for the one he was staying at. He would periodically make a press conference to show some of his new inventions, some which were mostly eccentric: for instance he proposed to lighten part of the Sahara desert so that Aliens from outer space would know that the Earth was inhabited by intelligent beings. During his last days of life, Tesla lived lonely, paranoid and reclusive. Later on, Tesla stated having a laser beam that “could be able to split the earth in half as if it were an apple”.

Some of the Entrepreneurs who supported Tesla economically began to reject him and his innovative ideas since they thought of him as a dangerous visionary who could come up with the idea of providing the human race with free energy; Edison for instance, was one of the most important characters who stated that Tesla was near madness and was not trustworthy of anyone’s attention.


The Kingdom of Netherlands is made up of the Netherlands and the Caribbean Islands: Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and


Holland is the name more widely used than that of the Netherlands.

The name “Holland” comes from the word “Holtland”, which means “the country of lumber”.

This denomination in reality is the name of two western coastal provinces, South Holland and North Holland, due to its historical importance in the region, the name “Holland” is used more frequently as the name of the country, even though it is not its official name. However, there was a time in which, in fact, carried the name of Napoleonic Kingdom of Holland.

The first inhabitants of this land arrived after fleeing from the last glaciers and among them were the hunters and scavengers up to some other more elaborate cultures such as the Romans.

Currently, the country is made up of 12 provinces: Groninga, Frisia, Drenthe, Overijseel, Güeldress, Utrecht, South Holland, North Holland, Zealand, North Brabant, Limburg and Flevoland.

Since the early 19th Century, under the reign of Luis Napoleon, Amsterdam was declared the capital of the reign and it still is.

La Haya is the Government’s headquarters and residence of Queen Beatriz.

Other Important Cities

La Haya, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Maastricht, Elindhoven and Haarlem.


In Holland, there’s approximately 17 million people, 400 people per km2, becoming one of the most densely populated countries in the world.

In Holland, atheism predominates in the entire country, atheism predominates in practically the entire country, Catholicism is almost eradicated, and thus churches become libraries or hospitals leaving only 300 churches for the 12% of believers.

Fashion Trends in The United States

The fashion in the United States is diverse and for the most part it is casual and informal. In America, the fashion standards have been changing over time. The eclectic and enriching culture is vividly visible in their clothing. American fashion styles are as vibrant as the cowboy sun-hat, boots and leather jacket of bikers. These outfits have somewhat revolutionized the Western fashion. In the year 1850, a German named Levi Strauss came up with the idea of Blue jeans in America.

This became famous as working clothes by many young American guys and girls. These outfits are now very popular in every continent around the world. Blue jeans are supposed to be one of the most important gifts to global fashion by America.

The country witnesses the emergence of many front leader designer clothing brands like Ralph Lauren, Victorias Secret and Calvin Klein. People wear T-shirts as a regular piece of clothing in the entire country. Non synthetic or organic cotton T-shirts from BeGood Clothing and American Apparel have been a global trend-setter. Fashion and the entertainment industry have been genuinely interrelated for a long time. The thought of “casual Friday” is that when the workers are encouraged to dress out of their usual uniform. They are given an opportunity to dress in attire of their choice.

In current times, fashion has become very seasonal in terms of attire, shoes, accessories etc. If we take a closer look it includes amazing innovations like crop tops, white stilettos, and fashionable flats, coats worn balanced on shoulders, baby jumpers, rucksacks, pink coats, PVC-latex-vinyl outfits, and Ugg boots.

You should rest enough.

You should carry out enough physical activity.

You should drink enough water to let all the accumulated toxins and bad elements out of your body.

You should consume food that will keep you healthy during

winter and throughout the year.

You should cover your nose and mouth with a tissue every time you sneeze or blow your nose.

You should always wash your hands after sneezing, blowing your nose, coughing or after having come into contact with used tissue paper towels. Wash your hands frequently when you are sick.

You should use soap and warm water or sanitizing substances alcohol based to wash your hands.

You should try to stay home when you have a cough or a fever.

You should moderate your alcohol consumption.

You should sleep between 6 to 8 hours daily in order to recover energy lost during the day.

You should reduce stress doing activities that will induce you into a state of relaxation.

You should try to keep an easy going and relaxed attitude.

You should not smoke or come into contact with cigarette smoke.

You should see a doctor periodically for checkups not only when you are sick.

You should keep a healthy body weight.

You should consume healthy food and avoid consuming excess of

calories and saturated fat.

You should check both your blood pressure and cholesterol level.

You should protect yourself from direct sun light.

Back then, there weren’t as many high tech electronic devices as there are today.

People used to be more passionate about their beliefs than they are nowadays.

People today are more conscientious about the environment than the people in the past.

Ways of communicating with one another are more diverse now than they were many years ago.

Back then, people were less tolerant about social beliefs than they are today.

The evolution of the film industry has taken place for over the past 100 years, from the late 19th century to the current period. Films have changed from a novelty to one of the most important means of entertainment and communication. Over the years many researchers and innovators contributed to the development of the film industry as far as we know it.

This paper has looked at technological advancements that resulted into motion films as seen on screen. Since the inception of film making, various themes have been explored. Social, cultural and political issues have been portrayed in films taking different forms to bring their

point across. The film industry responds according to the issues at the time either to cash in or to bring a point across. Films are very important in communicating and entertaining and have been instrumental in shaping the culture of the world.

Here we have some movies that you can watch this month


Seth Rogen, Zac Efron and Rose Byrne lead the cast of Neighbors, a comedy about a young couple suffering from arrested development who are forced to live next to a fraternity house after the birth of their newborn baby.


In a last ditch effort to save his career as a sport agent, JB Bernstein (Jon

Hamm) concocts a scheme to find baseball’s next great pitching ace. Hoping to

find a young cricket pitcher he can turn into a Major League Baseball star, JB

travels to India to produce a reality show competition called “Million Dollar



A cowardly farmer seeks the help of a gunslinger's wife to help him win

back the woman who left him.

Active Contact Lenses

Active contact lenses will sit in your eyes like ordinary ones, but will have three tiny lasers and a micromirror to scan the beams directly onto your retina, creating images in as high resolution as your eye can see. This could make all other forms of display superfluous.

If fir historic reasons you may want to see a wristwatch display, mobile phone, pad, or TV, you can simply do it virtually. But the contact lens will be able to deliver a full 3d totally immersive perfect resolution experience. They will even let you watch movies or read your messages without opening your eyes.

A prosthetic hand that restores the sense of


Scientists have been hacking into the nervous system for decades, determined to hot-wire the brain to build more intuitive prostheses. They've come so far they can build robotic limbs that users control with their minds.

These prosthetics will be able to sense pressure through brain signals directed from a computerized implant to the brain and a receiver device in the prosthesis. These prosthetics will surely improve the quality of life of those people who have suffered an accident and lost an important limb in their bodies.

Flying Cars

People will avoid traffic jams anywhere in the world. It will be easier and faster to get from one point to another. Life will definitely be more practical and newer jobs will be created to compensate for the jobs lost when using regular automobiles.

1. Assess your skills – Make a list of things that you know how to do.

2. Assess your passions – Find out about the things you enjoy doing and do some brainstorming about them.

3. Train everyday – Train everytime you can, no matter how depressed or sad you are.

4. Find information about your favorite sport – Search and learn everything about the sports, training, physical control, nutrition, etc.

5. Take responsibility and Take Action – Opportunity waits for no one. The world won’t make you any money if you don’t put the plan into action.

6. Believe in Yourself – Make sure to give yourself time to bring your plan to fruition. So many people stop just short of success because they don’t see instant results. Follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to becoming the best.

Xplor is a natural adventure park located in the Riviera Maya, very close to Cancun. If you came to Xplor, you would discover new sensations by flying over treetops with our 14 zip lines, driving an

amphibious vehicle on trails that run through the jungle as well as inside caves; if you swam in the underground river surrounded by stalactites and stalagmites you would be able to discover an amazing underground world; and take an exciting raft ride paddling with your hands while wondering at the rock formation process created by nature millions of years ago. Discover an underworld of fun and adventure, away from any worries of safety. Learn more about the impressive process of rock formation that dates back to thousands of years ago; if you drove an amphibious vehicle through suspended bridges, you would be able to see some caves and part of the jungle; glide over the trees along the biggest zip lines in LatinAmerica.

If you swam an underground river amidst impressive rock formations you could have fun by sliding down from a seat like a hammock to plunge into a refreshing river.

Get all your energy back enjoying our nourishing and delicious buffet accompanied with a fresh fruit juice and fruit smoothies. In addition, a cup of hot chocolate will be waiting for you at the exit of the underground rivers. If you love adventure, Xplor is the attraction at Cancún, Riviera Maya that you really can’t miss!

For more information about this beautiful and extreme place

Cancún: 998-251-6560 | Playa del Carmen: 984-147-6560 | México: 01-800-841-9488 USA-CAN: 1-855-326-0698 | Brasil: 0800-892-127 email: [email protected]