Elsiever Crack

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  • 7/30/2019 Elsiever Crack


    Elasticplastic Jand COD estimates for axial through-wall cracked pipes

    Yun-Jae Kim, Nam-Su Huh, Young-Jae Park, Young-Jin Kim*

    SAFE Research Centre, School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, 300 Chunchun-dong, Jangan-gu, Kyonggi-do,

    Suwon 440-746, South Korea

    Received 5 January 2002; revised 19 March 2002; accepted 19 March 2002


    This paper proposes engineering estimation equations of elasticplastic Jand crack opening displacement (COD) for axial through-wall

    cracked pipes under internal pressure. On the basis of detailed 3D nite element (FE) results using deformation plasticity, the plastic

    inuence functions for fully plastic J and COD solutions are tabulated as a function of the mean radius-to-thickness ratio, the normalised

    crack length, and the strain hardening. On the basis of these results, the GE/EPRI-type J and COD estimation equations are proposed and

    validated against 3D FE results based on deformation plasticity. For more general application to general stressstrain laws or to complex

    loading, the developed GE/EPRI-type solutions are re-formulated based on the reference stress (RS) concept. Such a re-formulation provides

    simpler equations for Jand COD, which are then further extended to combined internal pressure and bending. The proposed RS based Jand

    COD estimation equations are compared with elasticplastic 3D FE results using actual stressstrain data for Type 316 stainless steels. The

    FE results for both internal pressure cases and combined internal pressure and bending cases compare very well with the proposed Jand COD

    estimates. q 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

    Keywords: Axial through-wall crack; Crack opening displacement; J-integral; Reference stress approach; Finite element; Plastic inuence functions

    1. Introduction

    Leak-before-break (LBB) analysis is an important frac-

    ture mechanics concept for design and integrity evaluation

    of nuclear pressurised piping. In this respect, signicant

    efforts have been made over the last two decades on elastic

    plastic fracture mechanics methods for LBB analysis [13].

    However, a majority of research activities have been

    focused on analyses of circumferential cracked pipes, but

    reports on axial cracked pipes are rare. For instance, noting

    that application of LBB analysis requires estimates of the J-

    integral and the crack opening displacement (COD), there

    are currently a number of engineering methods available to

    estimate elastic plastic J and COD for circumferential

    through-wall cracked (TWC) pipes [411], whereas few

    methods are yet available for axial TWC pipes. In the GE/

    EPRI handbook [12], the Dugdale model is given for esti-

    mating elastic plastic Jof axial TWC pipes under pressure,

    and a small scale yielding model for estimating COD.

    Although this may be due to the fact that axial cracks in

    pipes would be less signicant than circumferential cracks,a reliable non-linear fracture mechanics method for the LBB

    analysis of axial cracked pipes is still desirable.

    The goal of this paper is to develop an elasticplastic

    fracture mechanics method to estimate J and COD for

    axial TWC pipes under internal and combined pressure

    and bending. To achieve this goal, 3D nite element (FE)

    analyses based on deformation plasticity are carried out to

    determine fully plastic components of J and COD for axial

    TWC pipes under internal pressure. These results are re-

    formulated in the form of the reference stress (RS)

    approach, which is then validated against further elastic

    plastic 3D FE analyses using realistic stressstrain data.

    Finally, the extension of the proposed RS based Jestimation

    method to combined pressure and bending and to estimate

    other non-linear fracture mechanics parameters, such as the

    Cp-integral, is discussed.

    2. Fully plastic J and COD solutions

    2.1. FE analysis based on deformation plasticity

    Fig. 1 depicts an axial TWC pipe under internal pressure

    p, with relevant dimensions, considered in the present work.

    International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 79 (2002) 451464

    0308-0161/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

    PII: S0308-0161(02) 00030-3


    * Corresponding author. Tel.:182-31-290-5274; fax:182-31-290-5276.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (Y.-J. Kim).

    Abbreviations: COD, crack opening displacement; ERS, enhanced refer-

    ence stress; FE, nite element; GE/EPRI, general electric/electric power

    research institute; LBB, leak-before-break; RO, RambergOsgood;

    TWC, through-wall cracked

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    Some important dimensions for the pipe should be noted.

    The mean radius and the thickness of the pipe are denoted as

    Rm and t, respectively, and the half crack length is denotedby c. The plastic limit load solution (see e.g. Miller [13])

    suggests that important non-dimensional variables are the

    ratio of mean radius to the thickness, Rm=t; and the normal-

    ised crack length parameter r, dened by

    r cRmt

    p 1

    Elastic plastic analyses of the FE model for the axial TWC

    pipe (Fig. 1) were performed using the general-purpose FE

    program, ABAQUS [14]. The tensile properties for the FE

    analysis are assumed to follow the RambergOsgood

    (RO) relation:


    10 s

    sy1 a



    2 3n


    where 10, sy, a and n are constants, with E10 sy whereE and sy are Young's modulus and the yield strength,

    respectively. The deformation plasticity option with a

    small geometry change continuum model was invoked. In

    the present FE calculations, specic values of the variables

    a , E and sy were used; a 1; E 190 GPa and sy 400 MPa: It should be noted, however, that such specic

    values do not affect fully plastic J and COD solutions

    based on deformation plasticity, which will be proposed in

    the present work, as plastic inuence functions do not

    depend on these variables (see Section 2.2 for details). For

    the strain hardening exponent n, on the other hand, three

    values were selected, n 1; 3 and 7. Note that the case ofn 1 corresponds to the elastic case with Poisson's ratio ofn 0:3:1 Regarding other variables, two values of Rm=twere considered, Rm=t 5 and 20, and four values of rwere considered, r

    0:5; 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. Thus a total of

    24 calculations were performed in the present work.The number of elements and nodes in a typical FE

    mesh are 1440 elements/8485 nodes. Two elements

    were used through the thickness, which has been

    shown to provide the most reliable results for COD

    calculation [15,16]. Although the aspect ratio of the

    near-tip elements is quite high, it does not affect the

    present FE computations of J and COD, as the stress

    gradient through the wall is low for the present

    problem. For problems where the stress gradient through

    the wall is high, for instance when through-wall bend-

    ing is applied or when welding residual stress is con-

    sidered, more elements should be used through thethickness. Considering symmetry conditions, only one

    quarter of the pipe was modelled. Fig. 2 shows the

    FE mesh for r 1 and Rm=t 5: To avoid problemsassociated with incompressibility, reduced integration

    20 node elements (element type C3D20R in ABAQUS)

    were used. Internal pressure was applied as a distributed

    load to the inner surface of the FE model, together with

    an axial tension equivalent to the internal pressure

    Y.-J. Kim et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 79 (2002) 451464452


    c half crack length

    E Young's modulus, E0 E=12 n2 for planestrain; E for plane stress

    h1, h2 fully plastic inuence functions for the GE/

    EPRI methodJ J-integral

    K linear elastic stress intensity factor

    n strain hardening index 1 # n , 1 forRambergOsgood model, Eq. (2)

    nI strain hardening indices for the ERS-based

    COD estimation equation, Eq. (32)

    p internal pressure

    pL plastic limit pressure assuming the limiting

    stress ofsypoR optimised reference pressure

    Rm mean radius of pipe

    t pipe wall thickness

    a coefcient of RambergOsgood modeld crack opening displacement at centre of crack

    1 strain, general

    n Poisson's ratio

    r normalised crack length, c=Rmtps stress, general

    sref reference stress

    sy yield strength

    Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of axial TWC pipes under internal pressure p.

    1 The effect of n on J was found to be minor for the present problem.

    For instance, the value ofJusing n 0:5 differs within 3% from that usingn 0:3 for all cases considered.

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    applied at the end of the pipe to simulate the closed

    end. More importantly, 50% of the internal pressure was

    applied to the crack face to consider the effect of the

    crack face pressure.

    The J-integral values were extracted from the FE resultsusing a domain integral, as a function of the applied internal

    pressure. The J values are averaged, whereas the COD

    values, were determined from the FE displacement results

    in the mean thickness of the centre of the crack.

    2.2. FE based plastic inuence functions

    Elastic FE calculations (with n 1) gave the elastic J, Je,from which the shape factor Ffor the elastic stress intensity

    factor K was found:2



    E 1

    Es1 pcp F 2; s1


    2t 3

    Note that the plane stress condition was assumed to calcu-

    late the values of F.3 Resulting values of F are given in

    Table 1, and shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 3 also compares the

    present results with published results [12], showing good

    agreement. Similarly, the shape factor V, associated with

    the elastic COD, de, can be found from

    de 4

    Es1cV 4

    Note again that the plane stress condition was assumed to

    calculate the values ofV. Resulting values ofVare given in

    Table 2, and shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 3 also compares thepresent results with those in the GE/EPRI handbook [12]

    and in Refs. [17,18]. Noting that the solutions in Refs.

    [17,18] were obtained from detailed 3D FE analysis, excel-

    lent agreement between the present solutions and those in

    Refs. [17,18] gives condence in the present FE calcula-

    tions. On the other hand, approximate solutions given in

    the GE/EPRI handbook slightly underestimate the COD.

    For RO materials, the plastic components ofJand COD,Jp and dp, can be expressed as

    Jp asy10ch1np




    dp a10ch2np




    where pL denotes the plastic limit pressure for axial TWC

    pipes, of which the expression used in the present work is

    the solution based on detailed FE limit analyses [19]:

    pL 23

    p syt



    11 0:34r1 1:34r2p 7

    where r is dened in Eq. (1). Fig. 4 compares this solution

    with the limit pressure resulting from detailed 3D FE limit

    analyses [19], together with two published solutions. The

    rst one is the limit pressure solution due to Folias [20],

    which is given by

    pL syt


    111 1:05r2

    p 8

    Y.-J. Kim et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 79 (2002) 451464 453

    Fig. 2. Typical nite element meshes for axial TWC pipe with Rm=t 5 andr 1:0:

    Table 1

    Values of the shape factor F for the stress intensity factor and the plastic

    inuence h1-functions for the plastic J-integral

    Rm=t r F h1n 1 h1n 3 h1n 7

    5 0.5 2.743 3.859 5.656 6.710

    1 3.604 3.740 4.730 4.367

    2 5.576 3.409 3.578 2.8663 7.465 3.055 2.851 2.270

    20 0.5 2.545 3.897 5.806 6.901

    1 3.344 3.779 4.927 4.648

    2 5.240 3.533 4.012 3.606

    3 7.113 3.255 3.430 3.324

    Table 2

    Values of the shape factor V for the elastic COD and the plastic inuence

    h2-functions for the plastic COD

    Rm=t r V h2n 1 h2n 3 h2n 7

    5 0.5 2.632 4.460 5.617 6.388

    1 3.922 4.980 5.824 5.460

    2 8.582 6.723 7.223 6.334

    3 15.417 8.540 8.606 7.656

    20 0.5 2.452 4.500 5.695 6.407

    1 3.627 4.989 5.946 5.611

    2 8.093 6.868 7.915 7.649

    3 14.913 8.949 10.100 10.744

    2 The stress on the end of the pipe, s1, in Eq. (3), is the thin-shell

    approximation. The thick-shell averaged stress is slightly different.

    However, for Rm=t$ 5 considered, there is not much difference. When

    the correct expression for s1 is used, the corresponding value of F can

    easily be found from Eq. (3). Thus the use of the correct expression ofs1 is

    not so important, and for clarity, the thin-shell approximation is used in the

    present work.3 This plane stress assumption may not be valid for thick-walled pipes.

    However, the plane stress assumption does not affect the present solution,

    as the fully plastic solutions do not depend on elastic solutions.

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    The other solution is one due to Erdogan [21]

    pL syt



    0:6141 0:87542r1 0:386 exp22:275r


    Fig. 4 shows that Eq. (7) agrees very well with the FE results

    for all ranges of r, whereas agreement between the FEsolutions and the above published solutions is excellent

    for r. 0:5; but not so good for 0 , r, 0:5: This is

    because in the limiting case of an uncracked cylinder r!0; the above two solutions converge to the Tresca solutionnot to the Mises solution, and thus the factor 2=




    Note that in Eqs. (5) and (6), the plastic inuence func-

    tions, h1 and h2, are functions ofRm=t; the normalised crack

    length r and the strain hardening exponent n. Values of h1and h2 were calibrated from the present FE analysis as

    follows. Firstly, the plastic components of the FE J and d

    values were calculated by subtracting their elastic com-

    ponent from the total FE J and d values:

    JFEp JFE 2






    2 10


    dFE 24



    2t cV 11

    Then the values of h1 and h2 were calibrated from Eqs. (5)

    and (6), respectively. Note that the calculated values of h1and h2 depend on the load magnitude, as shown in Fig. 5. In

    the present work, the value was chosen as the (almost)

    asymptotic value at large loads. Resulting values of h1 and

    h2 are tabulated in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.

    3. J and COD estimations based on GE/EPRI method

    The plastic inuence functions, reported in Section 2.2,

    Y.-J. Kim et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 79 (2002) 451464454

    Fig. 3. Variations of the shape factors, Fand V, for the stress intensity factor and the elastic COD with r: the F-solutions for (a) Rm=t 5 and (b) Rm=t 20;the V-solutions for (c) Rm=t 5 and (d) Rm=t 20: The present solutions are compared with Ref. [12] and Refs. [17,18].

  • 7/30/2019 Elsiever Crack


    can be used to estimate J and COD for axial TWC pipes,

    based on the GE/EPRI approach (see for instance Refs.

    [4,12]). For instance, the J-integral can be estimated from

    J 1E










    where the effective crack length ce is estimated from

    ce c1 wry;

    w 111 p=pL2

    ; ry 12p

    n2 1n1 1


    2 32 13On the other hand, the COD can be estimated from

    d 4E



    ceVce1 a10ch2n





    where the values ofh1(n) and h2(n) can be determined using

    the data given in Tables 1 and 2 with appropriate interpola-

    tion/extrapolation. Fig. 6 compares estimated J, according

    to Eq. (12), with the FE results for four cases of a and n

    (Note that for all cases, sy is xed tosy 400 MPa). Fig. 7,on the other hand, compares the estimated COD, according

    to Eq. (14), with the FE results. They show that the proposed

    GE/EPRI-type J and COD estimations are quite good. It is

    worth noting, however, that the FE results shown in Figs. 6

    and 7 are based on the idealised stressstrain data according

    to the RO relation, see Eq. (2).The GE/EPRI-type J and

    COD estimation equations, given above, have some inher-

    ent problems. First of all, this method requires the RO

    idealisation of the tensile data, and there can be inaccuracy

    associated with this process. The RO idealisation is known

    to be a poor approximation to tensile data for typical

    materials, which consequently can produce inaccuracy in

    the estimated J and COD. Readers can refer to other

    published papers (e.g. Refs. [5,6,9,10,22,23]). The second

    problem is that it is difcult to generalise this method tomore complex problems, such as to combined loading cases.

    To provide relevant solutions for combined loading, in prin-

    ciple more extensive FE calculations have to be performed.

    To overcome these problems, the GE/EPRI-type Jand COD

    estimation results, given in this section, are re-formulated in

    the form of the RS approach [24] in Section 4.

    4. J and COD estimations based on reference stress


    4.1. Reference stress formulation

    For the elastic case n 1; the elastic component of Jand COD, Je and de, in Eqs. (3) and (4) can be re-written as

    Je asy10ch1n 1p



    Y.-J. Kim et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 79 (2002) 451464 455

    Fig. 5. Variation of the FE results for h1 and h2 with the load magnitude for Rm=t 5 and r 0:5:

    Fig. 4. Comparison of the FE limit pressure solutions for axial TWC pipes

    under internal pressure with known solutions. The FE result for r 0corresponds to that for uncracked pipes.

  • 7/30/2019 Elsiever Crack


    de a10ch2n 1p



    where h1n 1 and h2n 1 denote the values ofh1 andh2 for elastic materials, respectively. Comparing Eq. (15)

    with Eq. (3) gives the values of h1n 1; which are tabu-lated in Table 1. Normalising Eq. (5) with respect to Eq. (15)



    Je a

    h1nh1n 1


    pL !



    Variations ofh1n=h1n 1 with n are shown in Fig. 8 for

    Rm=t 5 and 20. Similarly, comparing Eq. (16) with Eq. (4)gives the values of h2n 1; which are tabulated in Table2. Normalising Eq. (6) with respect to Eq. (16) gives


    de a h2n

    h2n 1p




    Variations ofh2n=h2n 1 with n are also shown in Fig. 8for Rm=t 5 and 20. The results in Fig. 8 show that thevalues of h1n=h1n 1 and h2n=h2n 1 are rather

    sensitive to strain hardening n, that is ranges from ,0.7 to

    ,1.8 for n ranging from 1 to 7.

    Introducing another normalising (reference) pressure pref,

    and re-phrasing Eqs. (17) and (18) gives


    Je a h1n

    h1n 1pref



    & 'p





    de a h2n






    !n21& ' p




    Noting that h1n=h1n 1; h2n=h2n 1 and pref=pL arenon-dimensional variables, Eqs. (19) and (20) can be written



    Je aH1






    de aH2





    where non-dimensional functions, H1 and H2, presumably

    depend on Rm=t; r and n. An important underlying idea of

    Y.-J. Kim et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 79 (2002) 451464456

    Fig. 6. (ad): Comparison of FE J results for axial TWC pipes under internal pressure with the GE/EPRI estimates. Note that the FE results are based on

    RambergOsgood materials with deformation plasticity.

  • 7/30/2019 Elsiever Crack


    the RS based J and COD estimation approach is that a

    proper denition of pref can minimise the dependence of

    H1 and H2 on Rm=t; r and n in Eqs. (21) and (22)

    [8,10,24]. Suppose such a load has been found, which will

    be termed `optimised reference pressure', poR. On the basis

    of the present FE results, the following expressions are

    proposed for poR:

    poR crpL 23

    cr 20:06r2 1 0:21r1 0:82 for r, 1:5

    1 for r$ 1:5@ 24

    where the expression for pL is found from Eq. (7). Note that

    for r! 0; cr ! 0:82; whereas for r$ 1:5;cr 1:Introducing these expressions for pref poR into Eqs. (21)and (22) gives the values of H1 and H2. Variations of the

    resulting H1 and H2 values with n are shown in Fig. 9. The

    results in Fig. 9 rstly show that the sensitivity in

    h1n=h1n 1 and h2n=h2n 1 is reduced in H1 andH2. For instance, for the range of 1 # n # 7; the values of

    h1n=h1n 1 and h2n=h2n 1 range from ,0.7 to,1.8, whereas those for H1 and H2 from ,0.8 to ,1.2.

    Noting that the values of both H1 and H2 are now closer to

    unity, Eqs. (21) and (22) can be approximated as


    Je< a






    de< a





    Noting that for the RO materials, the plastic strain is

    related to the stress as

    1p a sE



    2 3n2

    1 27

    Eqs. (25) and (26) can be written explicitly in terms of the

    RS, sref, and the reference strain, 1ref, as




    sref; sref


    poRsy 28




    sref; sref


    poRsy 29

    In Eqs. (28) and (29), sy denotes the 0.2% proof stress, and

    Y.-J. Kim et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 79 (2002) 451464 457

    Fig. 7. (ad): Comparison of FE COD results for axial TWC pipes under internal pressure with the GE/EPRI estimates. Note that the FE results are based on

    RambergOsgood materials with deformation plasticity.

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    1ref is the true strain at s sref; determined from the truestressstrain data.

    4.2. Proposed reference stress based J and COD estimation

    Eq. (28) gives the estimate of the plastic J-integral, and

    the total J-integral can be estimated by adding the elastic

    component with a plasticity correction [25]:








    sy2 3



    ; sref





    where poR is given in Eq. (23). The COD can be estimated

    from Refs. [811]









    2 32sref

    E1reffor 0 # sref, sy






    2 3n121

    for sy # sref


    31In Eq. (31), (d/de)1 denotes the value of (d/de) at sref=sy 1;

    calculated from the rst equation in Eq. (31), so that Eq. (31)

    is continuous at sref sy: The strain hardening index n1 inEq. (31) should be estimated from

    n1 ln1u;t 2 su;t=E=0:002


    where su,t and 1u,t denote the true ultimate tensile stress and

    percentage uniform elongation at s su; respectively.These are obtained from the corresponding engineering

    values using

    su;t 11 1usu; 1u;t ln11 1u 33

    4.3. FE validation

    To validate the proposed RS based Jand COD estimation

    equations for axial TWC pipes under internal pressure, addi-

    tional elasticplastic 3D FE analyses were performed. The

    main difference between these calculations and the previous

    ones in Sections 2 and 3 is the material properties. The

    previous cases considered idealised RO materials with

    deformation plasticity, whereas the present cases used

    Y.-J. Kim et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 79 (2002) 451464458

    Fig. 8. Variations of h1





    for the J-integral with n for (a) Rm=t

    5 and (b) Rm=t

    20; variations of h2





    for the COD with n for (c)

    Rm=t 5 and (d) Rm=t 20:

  • 7/30/2019 Elsiever Crack


    actual experimental uni-axial stressstrain data of Type 316

    stainless steel at the temperature, T 288 8C; withincremental plasticity option. Stressstrain curves for the

    material are shown in Fig. 10, and the relevant data are

    summarised in Table 3. Two values of Rm=t and r were

    considered, Rm=t 5 and 20, and r 0:5 and 2.0, givinga total of four cases.

    Elasticplastic analyses of this FE model were performed

    using ABAQUS [14]. The experimental true stressplastic

    strain data were directly given in the FE analysis. Materials

    were modelled as isotropic elastic plastic materials that

    obey the incremental plasticity theory, and a small geometrychange continuum FE model was employed. Detailed

    information on the FE model is in Section 2.1.

    Fig. 11 compares the FE Jand COD results for Rm=t 5with the predictions based on the proposed RS method,

    denoted as the `enhanced reference stress (ERS)' method.

    In Fig. 11, the Jvalues are normalised with respect to sy and

    c, while the COD (d) values with respect to c. The load,

    internal pressure, is normalised with respect to the opti-

    mised reference pressure, poR. (see Eq. (23)). The results

    are also compared with two other methods: the GE/EPRI

    method and the RS method. Noting that the GE/EPRI Jand

    COD estimations are developed in the present work (see

    Section 3), the resulting J and COD are also compared

    with the FE results. Application of the GE/EPRI method

    rstly requires that the material's tensile data should be

    Y.-J. Kim et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 79 (2002) 451464 459

    Fig. 9. Variations ofH1 for the J-integral with n for (a) Rm=t 5 and (b) Rm=t 20; variations ofH2 for the COD with n for (c) Rm=t 5 and (d) Rm=t 20:

    Fig. 10. Stressstrain curve for SA312 Type 316 (288 8C) and the resulting

    RambergOsgood t.

  • 7/30/2019 Elsiever Crack


    tted using the RO relation, see Eq. (2). In the presentwork, the entire true stressstrain data up to the ultimate

    tensile strength were tted4 using the ROFIT program [26],

    developed by Battelle. The resulting RO parameters, a

    and n, are listed in Table 3, and the resulting RO ts are

    compared with the experimental tensile data in Fig. 10.

    Once the RO parameters, a and n, are determined, then

    Jand COD can be estimated using Eqs. (12)(14) in Section

    3, with the values ofh1(n) and h2(n) obtained by interpolat-ing the present FE results (tabulated in Tables 1 and 2). The

    resulting values of J and COD are denoted as `Present GE/

    EPRI' in Fig. 11. The RS method is similar to the ERS

    method, except that the RS is dened using the limit pres-

    sure, Eq. (7), instead of the optimised reference pressure,

    Eq. (23). For r 2; the optimised reference pressure is thesame as the limit pressure, and thus the ERS-based predic-

    tions are same as those based on the RS method. The

    comparisons in Fig. 11 show that the proposed ERS-based

    J and COD estimates are in overall good agreements with

    the FE results. On the other hand, the GE/EPRI J and COD

    Y.-J. Kim et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 79 (2002) 451464460

    Table 3

    Summary of tensile properties for SA312 Type 316 stainless steel at 288 8C, used in the present FE analysis

    Material E (GPa) sy (MPa) su (MPa) RO Parameters ERS Parameters

    a n 1u n1

    SA312 Type 316 (288 8C) 190 165 455 8.42 2.92 0.3 3.82

    Fig. 11. (a d) Comparison of FE Jand COD results for axial TWC pipes with Rm=t 5 under internal pressure with the engineering estimates: (i) the proposedenhanced reference stress (ERS) method, (ii) the GE/EPRI solutions, developed in the present work (Present GE/EPRI), and (iii) the reference stress (RS)


    4 There are other ways to t the tensile data using the RO relation.

    Typical ways include to t the data only up 5% strain and to t the data

    from 0.1% strain to 0.8 1u,t, where 1u,t denotes the true ultimate strain.

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    estimates are not so accurate, compared to the FE results.

    Such results are consistent with our earlier nding [10,22]

    and such inaccuracy is associated with the RO t. In fact, if

    different ways of tting the RO equation are performed,

    accuracy can be improved, but no guidance on the best RO

    t can be given since it depends on material [22]. The Jand

    COD estimates based on the RS method are good but less

    accurate than those based on the ERS method. Fig. 12

    repeats the results for Rm=t

    20: It can be seen that the

    effect of Rm=t on estimated J and COD is minimal, andthus the same conclusions as those for Rm=t 5 can bedrawn.

    5. Discussion

    In this paper, engineering Jand COD estimation equations

    for axial TWC pipes under internal pressure are developed.

    On the basis of detailed 3D FE results with deformation

    plasticity, fully plastic components ofJand COD estimation

    equations for RO materials are given, which lead to the GE/

    EPRI-type estimation equations. The developed solutions are

    re-formulated based on the RS concept, to overcome

    problems associated with the RO tting. Comparison with

    elasticplastic 3D FE results using actual stressstrain data

    for Type 316 stainless steels with the proposed J and COD

    estimates shows excellent agreement.

    The present work considers internal pressure only.

    However, typical pressurised piping components are subject

    to combined internal pressure and global bending. It has

    been found that a bending loading has only a slight effecton plastic limit load for axial TWC pipes [13]. Noting that

    the denition of the RS in the proposed enhanced RS

    approach is related to the plastic limit load, it can be argued

    that the proposed Jand COD estimation equations for inter-

    nal pressure can be equally applied to combined pressure

    and global bending loading.5 To verify our proposal, the

    proposed J and COD estimates for internal pressure,

    Eqs. (30)(33), are compared with the FE results for axial

    Y.-J. Kim et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 79 (2002) 451464 461

    Fig. 12. (ad) Comparison of FE J and COD results for axial TWC pipes with Rm=t 20 under internal pressure with the engineering estimates: (i) theproposed enhanced reference stress (ERS) method, (ii) the GE/EPRI solutions, developed in the present work (Present GE/EPRI), and (iii) the reference stress(RS) method.

    5 This statement is true not only for the proposed enhanced RS based J

    and COD estimations but also for the GE/EPRI and RS based estimations.

  • 7/30/2019 Elsiever Crack


    TWC pipes under combined pressure and global bending.

    The load proportionality factor l for combined loading is

    dened as

    l MpR2i pRm34

    In the FE analysis, internal pressure and bending moment

    are increased in a proportional manner. For the proportion-

    ality factor, only one value of l was considered, l 0:5:The axial crack was located at the position of the maximum

    tensile stress due to global bending. The resulting FE J andCOD results are compared with the proposed ERS method,

    the GE/EPRI method and the RS method in Fig. 13 for

    Rm=t 5 and in Fig. 14 for Rm=t 20: See Section 4.3 fordetailed descriptions on presentation of results. It can be

    seen that the bending moment in fact has a minimal effect

    on estimated J and COD and thus those proposed for inter-

    nal pressure can be used for combined pressure and global

    bending. Although the results for one value ofl were given

    here, it would be sufcient to show that the proposed J and

    COD estimates can be used for combined pressure and

    global bending.

    Whenthe cracked pipeis operatedat elevatedtemperatures,

    assessment should be carried out against creep crack growth,

    which in turn requires estimation of the Cp-integral and the

    COD due to creep [27]. On the basis of the analogy between

    plasticity and creep, the present estimation equations can be

    used to estimate the Cp-integral and the COD rate, _dc; due to

    creep [28]

    Cp EE0





    de _1csref=E

    with dct 0 0 36

    where _1c isthecreepstrainrateattheRS s sref; determinedfrom the actual creep-deformation data. Validation of these

    estimation equations will be given in a separate paper [29].

    6. Conclusions

    This paper proposes engineering estimation equations of

    elasticplastic Jand COD for axial TWC pipes under inter-

    nal pressure. On the basis of detailed 3D FE results using

    Y.-J. Kim et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 79 (2002) 451464462

    Fig. 13. (ad) Comparison of FE Jand COD results for axial TWC pipes with Rm=t 5 under combined internal pressure and bending with the engineeringestimates: (i) the proposed enhanced reference stress (ERS) method, (ii) the GE/EPRI solutions, developed in the present work (Present GE/EPRI), and (iii) thereference stress (RS) method.

  • 7/30/2019 Elsiever Crack


    deformation plasticity, the plastic inuence functions for

    fully plastic Jand COD solutions are tabulated as a function

    of the mean radius-to-thickness ratio, the normalised crack

    length and the strain hardening index. On the basis of these

    results, GE/EPRI-type J and COD estimation equations are

    proposed and validated against the 3D FE results based on

    deformationplasticity. Formore general applicationto general

    stressstrain laws or to complex loading, the developed GE/

    EPRI-type solutions are re-formulated based on the RS

    concept. Such a re-formulation provides simpler equations

    for Jand COD, which are then further extended to combinedinternal pressure and bending. The proposed RS based Jand

    COD estimation equations are compared with elasticplastic

    3D FE results using actual stressstrain data for Type 316

    stainless steels. The FE results for both internal pressure

    cases and combined internal pressure and bending cases

    compare very well with the proposedJand COD estimations.


    The authors are grateful for the support provided by a

    grant from Safety and Structural Integrity Research Centre

    at Sungkyunkwan University.


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