Elmfield Early Years and Primary Newsletter Newsletter No 8 – March 2012 Dear Parents and Carers It’s been short but busy term packed full of fun learning experiences but the most important news has to be that ELMFIELD SCHOOL FOR DEAF CHILDREN IS OPEN! It’s been a very worrying time over the last year or so, but the overwhelming support we received helped us in our drive to keep our campaign going and ensure that Elmfield stayed open. We would like to thank everyone who supported Elmfield and gave generously of their time. News of our success has been reported in the local media. Local MP Charlotte was quoted as saying ‘It was clear that the expertise built up at the school in terms of leadership and staffing should never have been put in jeopardy. Large numbers of people fought to stop the threat of closure and … every one of them should feel proud and satisfied that they have succeeded in keeping a marvellous school open.’ The saving of Elmfield School also made the front page AND centrefold of the current edition of British Deaf News. David Buxton, the CEO of the BDA, said ‘We would like to congratulate Elmfield School for Deaf children on their successful campaign to save the school. We hope to see more Deaf organisations challenging the current funding cuts and achieving the same success as Elmfield, Campaign Today … Equality TomorrowFinally, now that the school’s future is secure, prospective parents who wanted their child to join us are now taking steps to make the move and we look forward very much to welcoming them. We wish you all a very happy and relaxing holiday and look forward to an exciting term 5. Kate Fogwill and the Elmfield School Team

Elmfield Early Years and Primary Newsletter · 2015-04-15 · Elmfield Early Years and Primary Newsletter Newsletter No 8 – March 2012 Dear Parents and Carers It’s been short

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Page 1: Elmfield Early Years and Primary Newsletter · 2015-04-15 · Elmfield Early Years and Primary Newsletter Newsletter No 8 – March 2012 Dear Parents and Carers It’s been short

Elmfield Early Years and Primary Newsletter

Newsletter No 8 – March 2012

Dear Parents and Carers

It’s been short but busy term packed full of fun learning

experiences but the most important news has to be that


It’s been a very worrying time over the last year or so, but the

overwhelming support we received helped us in our drive to keep

our campaign going and ensure that Elmfield stayed open. We

would like to thank everyone who supported Elmfield and gave

generously of their time.

News of our success has been reported in the

local media. Local MP Charlotte was quoted as

saying ‘It was clear that the expertise built up at

the school in terms of leadership and staffing

should never have been put in jeopardy. Large

numbers of people fought to stop the threat of

closure and … every one of them should feel

proud and satisfied that they have succeeded in

keeping a marvellous school open.’

The saving of Elmfield School also made the

front page AND centrefold of the current

edition of British Deaf News. David Buxton, the

CEO of the BDA, said ‘We would like to

congratulate Elmfield School for Deaf children

on their successful campaign to save the school.

We hope to see more Deaf organisations challenging the current funding cuts and

achieving the same success as Elmfield, Campaign Today … Equality Tomorrow’

Finally, now that the school’s future is secure, prospective parents who wanted their

child to join us are now taking steps to make the move and we look forward very much

to welcoming them.

We wish you all a very happy and relaxing holiday and look forward to an exciting

term 5.

Kate Fogwill and the Elmfield School Team

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Science week This year we have been focussing on

how science is applied to real life and

the jobs people do.

On Monday we visited Slimbridge and

learned about otters and the birds

that live there, and on Tuesday

we investigated different jobs that

people do and how they use their

science knowledge.

On Wednesday we became scientists

investigating the best toothpaste and

making our own version.

Thursday was a trip to a local farm to

learn about how science is involved in

farming and the production of yoghurt.

Finally on Friday we had a visit from a

scientist who works at the hospital in Bristol

as a researcher. He explained to us about his

work and how to keep our hearts healthy. The

week ended with a visit from Warburtons

bread factory. They helped us to make bread

and learn about what makes bread rise.

What a fantastic week of science! Elmfield

School is lucky to have such clever scientists!

Well done to everyone.

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Around the World with Elmfield

After a last minute postponement,

it was fantastic finally to get the

show on the road – or rather flying

high in a hot air balloon on a magical

voyage around the world. And this

year everyone really had something

to celebrate!

Many weeks’ hard work translating

songs and learning lyrics and lines paid

off as the 2fields-Glee Club featuring

Elmfield pupils from both the primary

and secondary departments took us to

Africa, India, America, France and

London in what was a highly

professional show.

Thank you to staff for all their hard

work, and to all those parents and carers

who helped in organising the pre-show.

A special thanks to Mr Heath, Miss

Aiken and Miss Hayes from the Fairfield

performing arts department who have been a

huge support to the show. Without their help

the show would not have been possible!

Photos from the show can be

viewed on our website or go to

YouTube and search for

‘Elmfield Show 2012’.

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Howdy to our American Visitors!

We were delighted to welcome Don

and Cathy Rhoten from the Western

Pennsylvania School for the Deaf to

Elmfield School a couple of weeks ago.

Don and Cathy visited both Primary

and Secondary and met children and

staff. They told us all about their

school in America and taught our

children some American Sign

Language. Many of the children had

been practicing the ASL alphabet and were able to introduce themselves to Don and

Cathy in ASL! The Primary School Council sat with Don and Cathy for lunch and

enjoyed their conversations so much that they haven't stopped talking about it yet!

Don and Cathy run two schools in Pennsylvania which provide an 'All Inclusive

Communication Environment', meeting the needs of a broad range of Deaf children.

Please take a look at their very informative website http://www.wpsd.org/ .

The most exciting news from the

visit is that we are planning to set up

an exchange programme with them,

so our students and staff will visit

them and some of their students and

staff will visit Elmfield! This

promises to be a very exciting

programme and we are very much

looking forward to working with Don

and Cathy on this project.

Fire! Fire!

Earlier this week members of Red

Watch came to Elmfield from

Southmead Fire Station, not

because the school was on fire but

to check that the school buildings

were safe. While they were here,

they very kindly let us have a go

with their hoses!

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Book Week

From one set of super heroes to another,

namely Wonder Women and Spidermen, Mr

Incredible, Cat Women, Bat Women, Banana

Man and Supermathsman, a lifeboat man, a

farmer, Robin Hood and Supermoo, to name just

a few, all of whom visited Elmfield Primary

along with pupils and staff from Secondary to

help make Superhero T-shirts!

Earlier in the week, we also enjoyed drama activities;

an animation workshop; visits to Forbidden Planet,

Waterstones and the library; AND a Book at Bedtime!

NDCS Football Tournament

A group of us went to Reading for

the NDCS Football Tournament on

Sunday 18th March. For some of our

pupils it was the first opportunity

they’d had to participate in a deaf

tournament and it proved to be a bit

of a steep learning curve! We

did manage to win two out of

seven matches and everyone

left resolving to practice hard

and do even better next year!

A very big thank you to Mr

Ford and Mr Gill, and also to

Anna Willoughby and Mark

Hester, for giving up their Day

of rest to accompany our


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Sports Relief

Pupils from both Primary and Secondary came

together to raise funds for Sports Relief Day. The

children had an action packed morning of activities as

they learnt about why we raise funds for other

children and how their money will be used. Then it

was time for them to tackle the Elmfield Mile! Mr Gill

organised lots of different ways for the children to

do their mile, including hopping, jumping, egg and

spoon, running backwards and dribbling with a

football. The morning

was completed by a


presentation and cake

sale. Many thanks to

all of you who sent in

cakes, donations and

sponsor money.

Although we would like

to give a special mention to

Bailey’s grandmother and

all the customers in her

butcher’s shop for their

huge fund-raising efforts,

everyone’s support is very

much appreciated. And

guess what? We collected

over £460 – and that’s

before Gift Aid!

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There have been some very important birthdays lately …

On 17th February Arron was 8 years

old! His birthday was during the

February break and we hope that he

had a lovely time!

And Zak was poorly when it was his 6th birthday on 10th March.

We’re so glad he’s better and back with us now.

Harry’s mum sent in a lovely cake when it was his

birthday on 8th March. Happy 7th birthday, Harry,

and do be careful with that cake, Mrs York and Mrs

Spencer, we don’t want to have to call out the fire

brigade again!

Finally, a very special someone had a very special

birthday on World Book Day, and it was Mrs Turner who was 60 years old! (Yes, we

can hardly believe it either!)

Mrs Turner had great fun on her birthday. As Robin Hood, she nearly got arrested in

Waterstone for getting a little bit too into character, and back at school there was

cake cake cake for everyone! Many Happy Returns, Mrs Turner!

After School Club

Next term After-School Club will be on Mondays from

3.30 -4.15pm. Don’t forget to tell your transport

providers that your child will need picking up from

Elmfield Primary site at this later time each week.

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Jubilee Woods

This week, all pupils at Elmfield Primary

have been involved in the planting of a

new hedgerow in the school grounds. The

saplings were given to the school by the

Woodland Trust as part of the 'Jubilee

Woods' project to celebrate the Queen's

Jubilee later this year. Sixty hawthorn,

hazel, rose, holly and dogwood

saplings and two Royal Oak trees were

planted and will be cared for by the


In addition to these saplings, the school has sixty tree saplings that we would like to

find ‘good homes' for as we do not have space in the school grounds to plant

additional trees. If you would like a tree sapling - crab apple, birch, rowan or cherry -

please contact your child's teacher and your child can bring one (or more) of these

trees home for you to plant and care for at home.

Sainsburys and Tesco Vouchers

Voucher season is upon us once again and Elmfield Primary is

collecting both Sainsbury’s and Tesco vouchers, so please

support us by going to the supermarket and buying lots of

things and then dropping your vouchers into the box which you will find in

our school reception area. Many thanks!

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Staffing Changes

We are very sorry to be saying goodbye to Mrs Rolston, Ms Landeg

and Mrs Sanders who are leaving us at the end of this term. We

would like to thank them very much for their hard work and their

commitment to our school, and we wish them all well in

the future.

During Term 5, Mrs White will be on a teaching placement as part of her MA Hearing

Impairment Course at Birmingham University. She will be teaching in a Hearing

Impaired Resource Base in Bristol for 5 weeks and will return to teach Ostrich Class

on Friday 25th May. Mrs Gorely will be teaching in Ostrich class on Thursdays and

Fridays during Mrs White's absence. From the beginning of Term 5, each class will be staffed as follows:

Class Teachers: Mrs Angove/Mrs Spencer

TAs: Mrs Bradley, Ms Craig, Mrs Turner, Ms Rossiter, Miss Grey

Class Teachers: Mrs York, Mrs Gardiner

TAs: Ms Freyer, Mrs Isaacs Volunteers: Mrs Ward, Ms Smee

Teacher: Mrs Gorely, Ms Gardiner

TAs: Mr Gill, Mrs Isaacs

Teacher: Mr Ford, Ms Gardiner

TAs: Mrs Isaacs, Mr Gill Volunteers: Mrs Lonergan, Ms Smee

Contacting Your Child’s Teacher

If you need to contact your child’s class teacher, please do so through the orange

Home-School book. Should you need to email for any reason (eg to send an

attachment), please use the school’s main email address – [email protected]

– marking for whose attention the email is intended. This will ensure that your query

is dealt with immediately, which might not always be the case should your child’s

teacher be on a course or off sick. Thank you.

Phew, what a scorcher!

We have recently been experiencing some very hot, sunny weather,

and who knows, there might even be more to come during Term 5!

Therefore, we would like to remind parents and carers to make sure

their child has a named hat with them when they come to school in the mornings and

to send in a bottle of high-factor sun cream, also named, so that their child can be

protected from the potentially harmful effects of this lovely summer weather.

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KS2 Healthy Snacks

Children in Ostrich and Falcon are welcome to bring in a healthy

snack from home to eat at break time, for example a piece of fruit

or vegetable, rice cakes, etc.

Looking Ahead

Friday 30th March: Term 4 ends.

Monday 16th April: Term 5 begins.

Monday 7th May: May Day Bank Holiday

Thursday 10th May: Deaf Awareness Week

BSL Poetry Festival

Thursday 24th May: Year 5/6 Transition Visit to Elmfield


Thursday 31st May: Year 5/6 Transition Visit to Elmfield


Friday 1st June: Term 5 ends

Jubilee Celebration Afternoon – details

to follow

Monday 11th June: Term 6 begins

Wednesday 18th July: Term 6 ends

All the staff of Elmfield Primary School

would like to wish you a VERY

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Information from Other Providers

The Family Centre

Mad Hatters Tea Party Making mad hats, decorating crazy biscuits, hunting around the Queen of Hearts’

garden are just some of the activities planned for this fun afternoon. The Southville

Centre is centrally located and easily reached by regular buses from the city centre

and Bristol Temple Meads. If you're feeling active, it is only a 20 minute walk from

the city centre. There is also a small free car park and free on street parking in the

surrounding residential streets.

When: Monday 2nd April Where: Southville Centre Time: 2.00-4.30pm

Price: Children - £4.50, adults and under 4s - Free

Funderworld Charity Night

Funderworld is the UK’s only mobile theme park and it is coming to Durdham Downs,

Bristol. We have got 40 tickets for Tuesday 10th April. They are £3 a ticket and you

pay on the day. (We will send the tickets out to you before the event). These are

very popular as they offer a huge discount to normal entry prices. Tickets are given

on a first come first served basis.

Participants Needed

A PhD student is looking for participants to take part in their research about the

language development in deaf children. He requires deaf children aged 9-16 to take

part. He would only need to meet the child once for about 20 minutes, it involves

playing a few games like ‘guess who’ and ‘20 questions’. He is working with Marc

Marschark (American academic) to replicate the work he did in America. For more

information, please contact [email protected].


SigningWorks is delighted to offer GCSE English Units for Deaf Adults taught in BSL

by a qualified teacher who has level 6 BSL skills. This is a fun introduction to GCSE

English Language taught over 6 weeks resulting in an accredited GCSE unit that forms

part of a full GCSE in English. Students will expand their English vocabulary and

improve their sentence structure using a variety of forms and will end in a formally

assessed piece of work.

All students are welcome, regardless of previous qualification.

Please contact on [email protected] or SMS 07515 285 519 for more

information or to book a place.

Booking and payment needs to be received by April 6th 2012 to secure your place.

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Workshop on Ethics of interest to Interpreters and CSWs


Facilitated by Sarah Haynes and David Wolfenden

Saturday May 12th 2012, 10am-4pm

The Coach House

2 Upper York Street

Bristol BS2 8QN

£132 per person (inclusive of VAT)

Interpreters make decisions every day, ranging from how they dress to interventions

they have to make in the assignment, from whether they engage a client in

conversation to whether it is appropriate to break a confidence.

In this day's workshop, we will look at the more fundamental aspects of decision-

making, the foundations upon which we judge goodness and badness: ethics.

We aim to change the focus of our ethics from a rules-based approach which tends to

focus on what should or shouldn't be done, to a framework which looks more at the

consequences of decisions. Seeing conundrums in this way often means we are much

more easily able to make good decisions, based on sound ethical reasoning.

Please contact Clare on [email protected] or 07515285519 for more

information or to book a place. Booking and payment needs to be received by April

2nd to secure your place.