Ellucian ODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI Amir Saleem Centennial College May 17, 2017

EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

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Page 1: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Ellucian ODS9.0 UpgradeMigrating from OWB to ODI

Amir Saleem

Centennial College

May 17, 2017

Page 2: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Topicsu OWB Support

u Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)

u ODI Architecture

u Upgrade paths

u General Guideline for ODS infrastructure

u Upgrade of Oracle Warehouse Builder

u Oracle Data Integrator install and configuration

u Upgrade of ODS 8.5 to ODS 9.0

u Migrating OWB projects and maps to ODI

u Q&A and Contact Information

Page 3: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

OWB Support

u OWB was a free ETL tool distributed with Oracle Database Server Enterprise Edition

u Oracle has dropped the OWB from Oracle Database 12.x distribution but will support the 11.x OWB with 12.1 database server

u OWB will be not be supported once the Oracle Database 12.1 release has reached its End of Premier Support

Page 4: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)

u ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucian to replace OWB

u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data integration solutions

u Products included in a full distribution are:

u Weblogic Application Server

u Oracle Data Integrator Studio

u ODI Master Repository and ODI Work Repository

u Sources and Targets (In our case Banner and ODS/EDW/DSR)

u Runtime Standalone Agent

Page 5: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

ODI Architecture

Page 6: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

ODI Architecture

Page 7: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

ODI Architecture

Page 8: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Upgrade Paths

u Install and setup ODS from scratch

u Recommended if you don’t have customization done to ODS

u Will be a clean install with no OWB objects and repository left in the database

u Upgrade the existing ODS environment

u If there are a lot of customization done then upgrade path can be taken

u Will have to cleanup OWB objects and repository after the upgrade is done

Page 9: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Centennial Infrastructure for ODS 9

Storage is EMC VNX-5200 with all SSD drives Oracle Sparc T5-8 machine 30 thick threaded virtual cores / 512G RAM for ODS server92 thick threaded virtual cores / 1TB RAM for Banner server38 thin threaded virtual cores / 64G RAM for Cognos server

Page 10: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Upgrade of Oracle Warehouse Builder

u For in-place upgrade to ODS 9.0 the OWB should be running out of the with following patches

u OWB commulative patch # 17906774

u OWB oneoff patch # 21977765

u Make sure to run the OWB repository optimization from Warehouse Builder

u On Solaris/Linux environments AWT_TOOLKIT value should be set to Xtoolkitfor OWB to launch after upgrade to

Page 11: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Oracle Data Integrator install and configuration

u Make sure the Java 8 update 101 is installed

u Make directory /software/sworacle/odi/Middleware/odi12212

u Make sure that /usr/jdk/latest/bin/java -version return java 8

u /usr/jdk/jdk1.8.0_121/bin/java -jar fmw_12.

Page 12: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

ODI Installation type

Page 13: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

ODI Repository Creation

u Make sure to set your JAVA_HOME variable and latest is pointing to the right version of JAVA

u export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.8.0_121

u Change directory to $ODI_HOME/oracle_common/bin and run ./rcu

Page 14: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

ODI Repository Creation

Page 15: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

ODI Repository Creation

Page 16: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

ODI Repository Creation

Page 17: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

ODI Repository Creation

Page 18: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

ODI Repository Creation

Page 19: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

ODI Repository Creation

Page 20: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

ODI Repository Creation

Page 21: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

ODI Studio Configurationu To Configure ODI studio go to /software/sworacle/odi/Middleware/odi12212/odi/studio/bin and

edit odi.conf and set JavaHome=/usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.8.0_121

u Launch it using ./odi and click on File > New

Page 22: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

ODI Studio Configuration

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Standalone Agent Deploymentu Goto /software/sworacle/odi/Middleware/odi12212/oracle_common/common/bin and

run ./config.sh

Page 24: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Standalone Agent Deployment

Page 25: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Standalone Agent Deployment

Page 26: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Standalone Agent Deployment

Page 27: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Standalone Agent Deployment

Page 28: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Standalone Agent Deployment

Page 29: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Standalone Agent Deployment

Page 30: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Standalone Agent Deployment

Page 31: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Standalone Agent Deployment

Page 32: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Defining Agent in the physical Topology

Page 33: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Finalize ODI Setupu Modify the ide.conf file in <ODI_HOME>\jdeveloper\ide\bin and change ‘-Xmx800M’

with ‘-Xmx4096M’u After Installation finishes start the agent from

$Middleware_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin using following command

nohup ./agent.sh -NAME=OracleDIAgent1 PORT=20910 &

u Create the setenv_odi for ODI environment setup in ~/bin folder of oracle user and it should like this:

u export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.8.0_121

u export ODI_HOME=$YourPath/Middleware/odi12212

u export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin:$ODI_HOME/odi/sdk/lib/*:$ODI_HOME/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jps/*:$ODI_HOME/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jdbc/*:$ODI_HOME/oracle_common/modules/oracle.idm/*:$ODI_HOME/oracle_common/modules/oracle.nlsrtl/*:$ODI_HOME/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jmx/jmxspi.jar:$ODI_HOME/oracle_common/modules/javax.management.j2ee.jar

Page 34: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

ODS9.0 Upgradeu Set you environment to Banner DB

u Make sure you unlock your system account in BANNER DB and reset password to a known value

u Change you directory to /software/banupg/ods_edw/ods/ods90000u/banner/upgrade and modify login.sql to reflect your environment

u Run the change_password_before_upgrade.sql to change passwords of default accounts in BannerDB

u Run sqlplus /nolog @upgrade_login_test.sql

u Run sqlplus /nolog @odsstg_upgrade.sql

u Set you environment to ODS database

u Modify the login.sql in /software/banupg/ods_edw/ods/ods90000u/ods/upgrade to reflect your ODS environment

u Run the statement sqlplus /nolog @upgrade_login_test.sql

u Run the Rename_script_from_SCT_to_BL.sql as odsmgr

u Run sqlplus /nolog @ods_upgrade.sql

Page 35: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

ODS9.0 Upgradeu Run the following scripts for different modules

u sqlplus /nolog @general_etl_upgrade.sql

u sqlplus /nolog @finance_etl_upgrade.sql

u sqlplus /nolog @student_etl_upgrade.sql

u sqlplus /nolog @payroll_etl_upgrade.sql

u sqlplus /nolog @posnctl_etl_upgrade.sql

u Verify the environment by running sqlplus /nolog @gurutlrp.sql

u Copy SmartImport.jar and login.properties from ods/odi/java/ to <ODI_HOME>/odi/sdk/lib

u Move the non_licensed modules into subfolder in /software/banupg/ods_edw/ods/ods90000u/ods/odi/xml to Not_Licensed

u Use the method 2 from step 22.5 to import ODI metadata and run following command after modifyigthe login.properties files according to our environment

java -cp $CLASSPATH smartimport.SmartImport

**You will get errors that <Module.zip> file does not exist ignore that

u Run the script

u sqlplus /nolog @gurutlrp.sql

u sqlplus /nolog @warehouse_recompile_banner.sql

Page 36: EllucianODS9.0 Upgrade Migrating from OWB to ODI · PDF fileu ODI is the ETL tool chosen by Ellucianto replace OWB u This tool includes the full Application Suite to implement data

Q&A and Contact Information

Amir Saleem

Centennial College

[email protected]