Ellis Island séquence.docx

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CE: Don't send me back!The scene takes place in Ellis Island at the beginning of the 20th century. The main character is Jacob who was there to take the tests to reach the USA. There was also an inspector who was very strict and authoritative. He performed the literacy test and selected the immigrants. Finally, there was Doctor Carl Travers: he was gentle and more understanding than the inspector about the situation of Jacob. His role was to perform the medical test. At the end of the document, the doctor let Jacob enter \varnothing the country. He may have understood Jacob's situation. He may have been an immigrant himself. He may have known that Jacob's life would be in danger if he was sent back to Russia."

The characters:Jacob is the main character. He immigrated from Russia to escape from the persecutions of the Jews. He used to live in a small village but now he wants to enter the US so as to have a better life.The first inspector was very strict and authoritative. He checked if immigrants could read and write in English. He also checked whether / if immigrants were healthy or not. He was quick because he may have wanted to intimidate the immigrants. But he may have wanted to have the most important number of immmigrants pass the tests.The first inspector may have been authoritative because he thought he couldn't help everyone. If he did help everyone, the immigrants might have taken advantage of him.

Doctor Carl Travers was, contrary to the inspector, very gentle and understanding. He may have wanted to help Jacob. He may have understood Jacob's situation. If he didn't let Jacob enter the US, Jacob might have died. Some important vocabulary words concerning "fear":- to be appalled of- to be terrified of- to be afraid of, frightened of, to be scared of- frightening, fearful- to fear, to dread Go on the site powayusd ellis island or another site on the net and answer the questions1. Where is Ellis Island located (country - state...)?2. What famous monument can you see near Ellis Island?4. Why did they leave their country?5. How did they travel from their country to Ellis Island?6. What can you imagine about their traveling conditions?7. Why did they land on Ellis Island first?8. When did Ellis Island open and when did it close?9. Give the names of the differents rooms in Ellis Island?



1. Where is Ellis Island located (country - state...)?Ellis Island is situated in New York Harbor (USA), more precisely in the Upper New York (New Jersey City); east of Liberty State Park and north of Liberty Island.2. What famous monument can you see near Ellis Island?The Statue of Liberty can be seen from Ellis Island.3. Who landed on Ellis Island, from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century?Immigrants, mainly from European countries (Italy - Ireland...) landed on Ellis Island.4. Why did they leave their country?Immigrants decided to leave their native country because of the war for example. Actually, at that time, many countries were in conflictual situations. Moreover, many people lived in terrible conditions, suffering from the famine and so they decided to flee / escape and to try to start a new and better life in the United States. Most of them believed in the possibility of fulfilling the Amercian dream i.e having a good job and earning money easily.5. How did they travel from their country to Ellis Island?The first immigrants arrived in 1892 so at that time, they traveled by sailing boats. Then, with the industrial revolution, they traveled by steamboats and motor boats.6. What can you imagine about their traveling conditions?The traveling conditions were certianly harsh. Actually, the boats were overcrowded and so it was incredibly noisy, especially when they were aboard motor boats. Furthermore, people on board suffered from hunger, thirst and diseases were hignly contagious.7. Why did they land on Ellis Island first?Immigrants were not allowed to enter the city of New York directly. First, they had to undergo a medical inspection (to check if they were healthy). If they were ill, a symbol was chalked on their clothing. Those with health problems were sent back home or kept in detention rooms till they get cured. They also had to answer a 29-question test (including name - occupation - money carried). 2% were denied admission to the USA.8. When did Ellis Island open and when did it close?Ellis Island was opened as an immigrant inspection station from January 1st 1892 to November 29th 1954.9. Give the names of the differents rooms in Ellis Island?The bunker (dormitories) - the Great Hall - the medical room - the baggage room...

Let's recap:A grandfather is taking his grand-dughter,Mary, to Ellis Island to learn her about her ancestors. He explains how Ellis Island used to be an immigration station before becoming an immigration museum. The little girl's grand father arrived at Ellis Island in 1904. He imigrated from Ireland, where there was a lot of poverty, in the hope of finding a better life in America( and to live the American Dream). When the immigrants arrived at Ellis Island, they were examined in the Great Hall and were asked 29 questions in 2 minutes.Nowadays, the wall of Honor stands right out of the building where people can find their ancestors'names.

HMK :- learn the lesson. - Guess some of the 29 questions asked by the officials during the medical examination at Ellis Island. TACHE FINALE: mener un dialogue