Elizabethtown College Solar Project 2.6 MW ELIZABETHTOWN, PA

Elizabethtown College Solar 2.6MW

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Page 1: Elizabethtown College Solar 2.6MW

Elizabethtown  College  Solar  Project2.6  MW


Page 2: Elizabethtown College Solar 2.6MW

Project  DescriptionAdvanced   Solar   Industries   served   as  the  on-­‐site   EPC  to  execute   the  2.6  MW  solar   project.    Namaste   Solar,   based   in  Boulder,   CO,  served  as   the  general   EPC,  and   together   we  installed   the  system  for  Community   Energy   Solar   who  will  own  and   operate   the  system  while   selling   reduced,   renewable   energy   to  Elizabethtown   College.

Page 3: Elizabethtown College Solar 2.6MW

SolarSystem  Details2.6  MW  (DC)  

8,170  Solar  Modules

11  acres  

Central  inverter  with  step  up  transformer

Single  point  of  interconnection  3,400’  from  the  project  site

Operational  Q1,  2016

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Ground  Mount  RackingEach  of  the  posts  that  support   the  ground  mount   racking  structure  were  pounded   into  the  ground,   avoiding   the  use  of  concrete.    

A  fully  engineered  soil  study  was  used  to  determine   the  depth  of  each  driven  post  in  order   to  meet  the  highest  engineering  standards.

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Solar  ModulesThere  are  8,170  solar  modules  on  the  11  acre  project  site.

The  entire  solar  array  consolidates  the  power  into  a  central  inverter,  which  changes  the  power  from  DC  to  AC  so  that  the  college  can  use  it  to  turn  on  lights,   run  computers,  power  HVAC  units,  etc.    At  times,  the  system  can  power  the  college  100%.  

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EducationElizabethtown  College  sought  out  this  project  for  its  financial,  but  also  educational  benefits.

Early  on  we  met  with  professors  and  students  to  dialogue  about  how  this  system  could  be  used  to  enhance  curriculum  for  engineering,   business,  education,  and  environmental   students.

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Solar=LongevitySolar  is  a  long   term  play.    This  system  at  Elizabethtown  College  is  expected  produce  clean  power  for  25+  years.    It  produces  enough   power  to  cover  the  energy  usage  of  300  homes,  and  creates  zero  sound  and  air  pollution   for  the  neighbors.