Elevated Lesson 2 July 7/8 1

Elevated Lesson 2 July 7/8…Elevated Lesson 2 July 7/8 3 Elevated Series at a Glance for Elevate (continued) Lesson 1: The call to serve When two of esus’ disciples asked how they

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Page 1: Elevated Lesson 2 July 7/8…Elevated Lesson 2 July 7/8 3 Elevated Series at a Glance for Elevate (continued) Lesson 1: The call to serve When two of esus’ disciples asked how they

Elevated Lesson 2 July 7/8


Page 2: Elevated Lesson 2 July 7/8…Elevated Lesson 2 July 7/8 3 Elevated Series at a Glance for Elevate (continued) Lesson 1: The call to serve When two of esus’ disciples asked how they

Elevated Lesson 2 July 7/8


Elevated Series at a Glance for Elevate

About this Series: We use the word “Elevate” a lot, but what does it mean? To be elevated means to be lifted up, or to

feel important. We like to feel elevated by others, but Jesus gives us a challenge. He says that instead of working to show others how great we are, we should elevate them instead. When we do,

incredible things can happen.

Memory Verse: Romans 12:10- “Love each other deeply. Honor others more than yourselves.”

Weekly Overview: Lesson: Topic: Big Idea: Lesson 1: June 30/July 1 Lesson 2: July 7/8 Lesson 3: July 14/15 Lesson 4: July 21/22 Lesson 5: July 28/29

The call to serve Great servants, Matthew 20:20-28 Being a friend Matthew’s story, Matthew 9:9-13 Thoughtful serving Nehemiah helps, Nehemiah 2-6 When I serve Jesus heals lepers, Luke 17:9-11 “You First” Nehemiah honors, Nehemiah 11

Jesus wants me to serve others. I can serve because God loves others. I can serve by thinking of others. When I serve others, it makes a difference. I can serve by honoring others.

Large Group

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Elevated Lesson 2 July 7/8


Elevated Series at a Glance for Elevate (continued)

Lesson 1: The call to serve

When two of Jesus’ disciples asked how they could be the greatest, he gave a surprising answer. He

said that to be great, we need to serve others. Jesus didn’t just say that, though. He lived it! This week,

we’ll find out how Jesus served us, and learn that every time we serve others, we’re following his


Lesson 2: Being a friend

Matthew probably didn’t expect much from Jesus. He expected him to just pass by. After all, no one

wanted to be seen with a tax collector like Matthew. Jesus, however, didn’t feel that way. He wanted

Matthew to know that he was valuable, he was important, even though not everyone thought so. Jesus

served Matthew, just by being his friend.

Lesson 3: Thoughtful serving

Serving others can be amazing, but where do we start? What can we do to serve others each day? The

first step is to look for ways to serve. That seems easy, but there are tons of chances to serve others

every day, and we miss a lot of them! In our story this week, we see Nehemiah take a break from

something super important to help others, and find out how we can spot chances to serve all around


Lesson 4: When I Serve

This week, kids will see for themselves the difference they can make! They will be teaming up to serve

an organization that is making an impact in their community, and serving others in a big way.

Through Jesus’ story, they’ll see that even when we don’t see the results of helping others right away,

it still makes a difference.

Lesson 5: “You First

Have you ever told someone “You first”? We usually hurry to try to be first, but what happens when

we let someone else take the top spot instead? Nehemiah writes down the names of many people and

families, in order to honor them. Through his story, we’ll discover how honoring others can feel pretty

great for us, too.

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Elevated Lesson 2 July 7/8


Elevated Lesson Outline for Elevate

Lesson 2: Being a Friend

Lesson Segment Total Running Time

Engage Opening Song (2:00) Welcome and Opening Activity (10:00) Question of the Day (3:00) Worship: All the Glory (5:00) 0:00 - 20:00 Involve Lesson Intro (2:00) Media and Bible Story (8:00) Memory Verse (5:00) Group Activity (10:00) 20:00-45:00

Challenge Application (5:00) Worship: Movin Me, I Will Follow You (EBC) (8:00) Wrap Up (2:00) 45:00 - 60:00

Video Cue Slide Cue Audio Cue Tech Notes

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Elevated Lesson 2 July 7/8


Opening Song 2:00 Welcome to Elevate! Come up to the front, and find a place to sit! Throw away your popcorn on your way up here.

Welcome and Opening Activity 10:00 Welcome everyone! My name is __________. We have so much fun stuff to do today! There’s music, games, an amazing story, and we’ll even talk about a way every one of us can change the world. That’s all coming up, but I think a great way to start is with a fun game!

This game is called “Crowd Scavenger Hunt!” A couple of you are going to be racing to see how many things you can find in this room. You’ll need some help from the crowd. I’ll need one boy and one girl. Do This: Choose one boy and one girl, about the same age, to be the scavenger hunters. Know This: You’ll probably want to choose two older kids for this activity. I’ll give you a list, and you have three minutes to find as many things as you can! Whoever gets the most of these things wins. Do you think boys or girls are going to win? We’ll find out. Crowd, they’re going to need your help! Ready? Let’s go to our list!

Game Title Slide: “Crowd Scavenger Hunt”

(Roll when directed) Elevate Opener

(Auto advance) Elevate Slide and Underscore

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Worship 5:00

Great job, you two! It looks like the _________ are the winners! You both did an awesome job. You can find a spot to sit again, while everyone gets ready to answer a fun question, our question of the day!

Question of the Day 3:00

If you could change one thing in our world, what would it be? Turn to someone next to you and find out their answer. Then, tell them your answer, too!

Do This: Emcee as the kids are sharing their answers. Encourage them to share with the people around them, and encourage any kid whose story you hear. Know This: Allow kids time to interact with one another. Feel free to ask a few of them what their answer is.

Whether big or small, there are so many ways we can make a difference. If you see a chance to do something good, you can make it happen.

Fun Game Music, 3:00 Countdown, and Scavenger Hunt List:

- A redhead

- A popcorn bag

- A water bottle

- A driver’s license

- Someone wearing flip-flops

- Someone who owns a fish

- A hat

- A drawing

- Someone with curly hair

- Someone with non-matching socks

(Auto Advance) QOTD Slide: If you could change one thing in our world, what would it be?

Question of the Day Video

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Lesson Intro 2:00

One great thing we can all do is worship God. Worship means showing God that we love him. We can worship by singing about how great God is, by spending time with him, and by learning about him. Sometimes, people even worship by giving things like money or their time to God and the church, because they love and trust him so much! We’re going to worship God right now, with some music. Let’s sing!

Giving God “all the glory” means showing everyone how awesome he is. The more I get to know God and spend time with him, the more I realize how great and wonderful he is. One way we can get to know God is by praying. You can pray anytime, anywhere, and God will hear you. Here in church, we usually close our eyes and put our hands in our laps when we pray, so that we can focus on what we’re saying to God. Let’s do that now! God, we love you. The way you made this world is amazing. Help us to see ways we can serve others every day. Amen.

Worship Slide

Song 1: All the Glory

(Auto advance) Worship Slide

Series Title Slide: “Elevated”

Bumper Video (1:00)

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Media 8:00

Have you ever ridden an “elevator”? It’s called that because it elevates you up from floor to floor of a big building. Elevate means to go up, when we elevate something, we’re raising it higher. This series is called “Elevated,” because when we elevate other people, we can make a huge difference in their lives. I don’t mean actually lifting them up, but we can say good things about them, help them, and put them first. That’s what we mean when we talk about “elevating” other people, serving them, and making them feel great. Our friend Calvin has had some great adventures making his video blog, I wonder what he’s doing this week? Let’s find out!

That’s a great story. Almost all of us know what it feels like to be alone, or to be made fun of, like Matthew was. The things people say and do to us can help us or hurt us. That means the things we say and do for others can help or hurt them, too. Our memory verse reminds us of that, too.

Memory Verse 5:00

Do This: Read the verse from the screen. We usually love it when people honor us. When someone says “This guy is great at soccer, or “she is so talented,” we feel good. When people invite us to things, call us their friends, and are nice to us, we feel honored. This verse is giving us a challenge, to honor others. You can honor someone with just a few words. Saying something that’s really good about him or her, or remembering what their favorite things are, just caring about someone can be a great way to honor them.

CalQuest: (8:00)

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: Elevated

Memory Verse Slide: Romans 12:10- Love each other deeply. Honor others more than


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We’re going to practice the verse a couple times. Let’s try saying it together, but say every word slower than the one before. Do This: Say the verse with the kids. Let’s try that again!

Do This: Say the verse with the kids. Alright, this time, we’ll try saying every word faster than the one before!

Do This: Say the verse with the kids. Great job! We’ll keep working on this verse for the next few weeks, so keep practicing it on your own, too.

Group Activity 10:00

Know This: Since this is summer, the schedule for group time looks different than usual. There is an option for group time, if enough volunteers are available. Know ahead of time whether you are doing this activity as a large group or in small groups. Do This: If you are doing this activity in small groups, tell kids to meet with their group leader now. After ten minutes, call the kids back and continue with the “Application” section of this script.

Our next activity is called “Group Think.” In this activity, you’re going to have to answer questions. It’s as simple as that! I’m going to write down your answers on this whiteboard. Sometimes, you’ll have to move to answer the question, sometimes you may just call out an answer. Let’s try a question!

Alright, stand if your favorite color is blue! Stand if your favorite color is red!

Game Title Slide: “Group Think”

What is your favorite color?

Game underscore.

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Stand if your favorite color is yellow! Do This: Estimate which color had the most kids vote for it. If you couldn’t tell, take a guess. It looks like ___________ is the winner. So, all of your favorite colors are ___________. Is that right? No? Well, we had better try another question. Do This: Write their answer on the whiteboard.

What is your favorite animal? Let’s see, this time, I’ll have you all answer at once. Ready, call out your favorite animal on three. One, two three!

Do This: Pick out an animal from the yells. If you truly can’t hear one, a kitten is a safe option.

Alright, I heard ____________, so that must be everyone here’s favorite animal. Let’s try another one.

What’s your favorite food? This time, I’ll just ask one of you.

Do This: Choose one kid, and ask what their favorite food is. Write their answer on the whiteboard.

Alright, ____________ is everyone’s favorite food. How many of you are ok with that being your favorite food? Does anyone not like that food?

That’s all of our questions, but these questions can remind us of something super important. Does everyone here have the same favorite color? No. Does everyone have the same favorite animal, or food? Probably not, but when we all try to answer the same question, some people are heard, and some people aren’t. If your favorite color was green, and I said that you have to like blue, because everyone else does, would that feel good? Not at all. The point of all this is, just because something is popular, doesn’t mean it’s right. Think of Matthew’s story. People stayed away from him and said he was a bad guy, just for

What is your favorite animal?

What’s your favorite food?

Series Title Slide: Elevated

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doing his job. They didn’t even need a reason, he was just a bad guy because everyone else said he was. How many people do we know that might feel like Matthew? They’re left out, just because they aren’t the same. People don’t like them, not for a reason, just because they’re not popular. Maybe some of you feel left out or alone today. The good news is, that’s exactly the kind of person Jesus wanted to spend time with. He didn’t tell Matthew about all the wrong things he had done, or make him promise to change before Jesus loved him. Jesus just became his friend. They talked, ate, and hung out. They traveled together, spent time together, and that’s how Matthew’s life was changed. We can do that, too. We can change someone’s life, not by telling them how to fix themselves, but just by being a friend to them. I have a couple more questions, but you don’t have to tell me the answers to these, just talk about your answers with the people near you.

What does a good friend do? That’s a great question! Talk about it with the people near you. Do This: Allow kids a minute to talk. Let’s try one more question.

Who could you be a friend to? You don’t have to share your answer with the people around you, but think about it for a moment. Is there someone you know that might feel alone? Is there someone that others don’t usually spend time with? Maybe it’s someone in your neighborhood, an older person you know, or someone you meet at a camp this summer. Just being a friend to someone can make a big difference. How could you be a friend to someone who needs you this summer?

Application 5:00

What does a good friend do?

Who could you be a friend to?

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Worship 8:00

There are so many ways we can be friends to others. Being a friend is an awesome way to serve, because you just need to be yourself. You don’t have to wait until you’re older to be someone’s friend. I remember one person who made a big difference in my life, just by being my friend.

Do This: Share an engaging, age-appropriate story about someone who has been a good friend to you. Focus on what they have done that made them a good friend, things like listening, spending time with you, and standing up for you.

I love that we don’t need a lot of stuff to do something amazing for someone else, we just need to show them that we care. There’s one more important thing I want you to know. We don’t serve just because it’s a good thing to do, we serve others because we’re following God. God knows and loves every person on earth. That includes you, and every person you’ve ever met. That’s what I want you to remember today, “I can serve because God loves others.”

So, who could you be a friend to this week? You could choose someone you see who seems sad, and invite them to hang out or play a game. You could decide to write to a kid in one of the children’s hospitals in our area, or see if your family could visit and serve them. You could even talk to your parents about sponsoring a child around the world, and writing to them, letting them know that you care about them. There is so much you can do to make a difference, you just have to look around!

Series Title Slide: Elevated

Big Idea Slide: I can serve because God loves others.

Series Title Slide: Elevated

Worship Slide

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Wrap-Up 2:00

We serve because God gave us such an amazing example of how to care for and love others! So, serving is a great way to show that we love God. That’s what worship is all about, too! Let’s finish up by singing a couple awesome songs about our incredible God!

Super fun! Let’s sing one more song, about how incredibly much Jesus loves us. He came to our world to serve us, to love us, and to give his life for us. That’s what this song is all about.

That was great, I love worshipping with all of you! You can sit down. We’re almost done, but there’s something you should grab when you leave. Do This: Show kids the Family Connection Card. This is our Family Connection Card. It’s a great way to show your families and friends what we have been talking about today. Be sure to grab one of these, because it can give you and your family some ideas for how you can start serving others today. One more thing, we have a big serving week coming up in two weeks, where all of us have the chance to change the lives of people right here in our neighborhoods. You can read the Family Connection Card to find out all about how we’re going to make a huge impact together during this series.

Do This: You can give information about your campus’ serving project from the Family Connection Card. Don’t spend too long on this, but you can share a couple facts about who you are helping, and why your service project is important, to get kids excited about serving in a couple weeks!

Song 2: Movin Me

(Auto-Advance) Worship Slide

Song 3: I Will Follow You (EBC)

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: Elevated

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Let’s finish up by talking to God. To help us stay focused on Him, let’s close our eyes and bow our heads while we pray. God, thank you for showing us how to serve others, and for how much you love us. Help us to be friends to people that need it this week. Amen. I’ve had so much fun hanging out with you all today, I hope to see you next week!

Elevate Slide

Start hangtime music videos