Title Author Gr Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain Aardema, Verna 1 Oh, Kojo! How Could You! Aardema, Verna 2 Who's In Rabbit's House? Aardema, Verna 2 Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's E Aardema, Verna 1 Boy Who Remembered Everything Abbott, J. 5 Song and Dance Man Ackerman, K. 1 Rooster Who Went to His Uncle’s Wedding, The Ada, Alm a Flor 1 Electricity and Magnetism Adamczyk, Peter 5 Woggle of Witches Ad am s, A. 2 Cam Jansen Series Adler, David 2 Fraction Fun Adler, David 3 Picture Book of Abraham Lincoln, A Adler, David 2 Picture Book of Amelia Earhart, A Adler, David 4 Picture Book of Anne Frank, A Adler, David 3 Picture Book of Benjamin Franklin, A Adler, David 3 Picture Book of George Washington, A Adler, David 2 Picture Book of Harriet Tubman, A Adler, David 3 Picture Book of Helen Keller, A Adler, David 3 Picture Book of Martin Luther King, A Adler, David 3 Picture Book of Sojourner Truth, A Adler, David 4 Picture Book of Thomas Jefferson, A Adler, David 2 Elementary Approved Literature List by Title updated April 10, 2015 *previously approved at higher grade level 1

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

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Page 1: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Br inging t he Rain t o Kap it i Plain Aard em a, Verna 1

Oh, Ko jo ! How Could You! Aard em a, Verna 2

Who 's In Rab b it 's House? Aard em a, Verna 2

Why Mosq uit oes Buzz in Peop le's E Aard em a, Verna 1

Boy Who Rem em b ered Everyt h ing Ab b o t t , J. 5

Song and Dance Man Ackerm an , K. 1

Roost er Who Wen t t o His Uncle’s Wed d ing, The Ad a, Alm a Flo r 1

Elect r icit y and Magnet ism Ad am czyk, Pet er 5

Woggle o f Wit ches Ad am s, A. 2

Cam Jansen Ser ies Ad ler , David 2

Fract ion Fun Ad ler , David 3

Pict ure Book o f Ab raham Linco ln , A Ad ler , David 2

Pict ure Book o f Am elia Earhar t , A Ad ler , David 4

Pict ure Book o f Anne Frank, A Ad ler , David 3

Pict ure Book o f Ben jam in Franklin , A Ad ler , David 3

Pict ure Book o f George Wash ingt on , A Ad ler , David 2

Pict ure Book o f Har r iet Tub m an , A Ad ler , David 3

Pict ure Book o f Helen Keller , A Ad ler , David 3

Pict ure Book o f Mar t in Lut her King, A Ad ler , David 3

Pict ure Book o f So journer Trut h , A Ad ler , David 4

Pict ure Book o f Thom as Jef f erson , A Ad ler , David 2

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 1

Page 2: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Young Cam Jansen (Ser ies) Ad ler , David 1

Pict ure Book o f Chr ist op her Co lum b us, A Ad ler , David 2

An t and The Dove, The Aesop 1

Lion and t he Mouse Aesop 3

Tell-Tale Tiger Ah lb erg 1

Silly Sheep Ah lb erg, A. 1

Poor ly Pig Ah lb erg, H. 1

Each Peach Pear Plum Ah lb erg, J. 1

Funnyb ones Ah lb erg, J. 2

Rub b er Rab b it Ah lb erg/Hill 1

Bad Bear Ah lb er t , A. 1

Fast Frog Ah lb er t , A. 1

Hip - Hip p o - Ray Ah lb er t /Am st ut z 1

Wo lves o f Willoughb y Chase Aiken , J. 5

Creep y Craw lies A t o Z Aisw or t h , Louisa 1

Best Fr iend s Alb r igh t , Mo lly 3

At Mary Bloom 's Aliki 1

Digging Up Dinosaurs Aliki 2

Fossils Tell o f Long Ago Aliki 1

Go Tell Aun t Rhod y Aliki K

Hush Lit t le Bab y Aliki 1

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 2

Page 3: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Keep Your Mout h Closed , Dear Aliki K

My Five Senses Aliki 1

My Visit t o t he Dinosaurs Aliki 1

Overn igh t At Mary Bloom 's Aliki 1

St o ry Of Johnny Ap p leseed , The Aliki 1

Tw o o f Them Aliki 2

We Are Best Fr iend s Aliki 1

It 's So Nice To Have A Wo lf Around t he House Allara, H. 2

Miss Nelson Ser ies Allard , H. 1

St up id s Ser ies Allard , H. 2

Bum p s In The Nigh t Allard , Har ry 2

Jam es Meet s t he Prair ie Allen , Kat y 2

Who Sank t he Boat ? Allen , P. 1

Tw o Bad An t s Allsb urg, C. 2

Ghost Cad et Alp h in , Elaine Mar ie 4

Exp lo r ing and Map p ing t he Am . West Alt er , Jud y 4

Bat s Alt hea 1

Flow ers Alt hea 1

Foxes Alt hea 1

How do things Grow? Althea 3

Naked Mo le-Rat Let t ers Am at o , Mary 5

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 3

Page 4: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Sybil Ludington’s Midnight Ride Amstel, Marsha 3

Fir Tree And ersen , H. 3

Wild Sw ans And ersen , H. 3

Nigh t ingale, The And erson , H. C. 3

Em p ero r 's New Clo t hesAnd erson , Hans Chr ist ian

West co t t , Nad ine2

I Can Read Ab out Whales & Do lp h ins And erson , J. 1

Last Treasure, The And erson , Janet S. 5

Fever 1793 Anderson, Laurie Halse 5

Brain on Quar t z Moun t ain And erson , M. 3

Pioneer Girl – The Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder Anderson, William 3

Rain Fo rest Rid e And rew s, Julia 2

Farm yard Cat , The Anello , C. 1

Friend is Someone Who Likes You Anglund, Walsh 1

Amazing Days of Abby Hayes, The Anne Mazer 3

Plains Ind ians Ansary, Mir Tam im 2

True Blue Scout s o f Sugar Man Sw am p , The Ap p elt , Kat h i 3

Bat Zam b oree Ap p elt , Kat h i 2

Hom e o f t he Brave Ap p legat e, Kat her ine 4

One and On ly Ivan , The Ap p legat e, Kat her ine 3

Roscoe Riley Rules #1: Never Glue Your Fr iend s t o Chairs Ap p legat e, Kat her ine 2

Lit t le Tim & The Brave Sea Cap t ain Ard izzone, D. 1

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 4

Page 5: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Sound er Arm st rong, H. 5

Lance Arm st rong – The Race o f His Lif e Arm st rong, Kr ist in 2

Star Wars, Attack of the Clones Arnold, Eric 3

Vo lcanos! Moun t ains o f Fire Arno ld , Er ic 2

Post card s From … Ser ies Arno ld , Helen 2

Shoo , Fly Guy Arno ld , Ted d K

There Was an Old Lad y Who Sw allow ed Fly Guy Arno ld , Ted d K

There Was an Old Wom an Who Sw allow ed Arno ld , Ted d 1

No Jum p ing on t he Bed Arno ld , Ted d K

Gray Boy Arnosky, J 4

All Ab out Alligat o rs Arnosky, Jim 2

Dance Aw ay Aruego , Jose 1

Look What I Can Do Aruego , Jose K

Morn ing Dance Aruego , Jose 1

Bear Shad ow Asch , F. K

Good -Bye House Asch , F. 1

Hap p y Bir t hd ay, Moon Asch , F. 1

I Can Blink Asch , F. 1

I Can Roar Asch , F. 1

Just Like Dad d y Asch , F. 1

Moonb ear Ser ies Asch , F. 1

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 5

Page 6: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Mooncake Asch , F. 1

Sand Cake Asch , F. 1

Skyf ire Asch , F. 2

Tur t le Tale Asch , F. 1

Tim e Tw ist er : Journal #3 o f a Card b oard Gen ius Asch , Frank 3

Fan t ast ic Voyage Asim ov, I. 5

Mat h In The Bat h (and o t her f un p laces, t oo !) At her lay, Sara 2

Mr . Pop p er 's Penguins At w at er , R. 2

Barn , The 1994 Avi 3

Figh t ing Ground , The Avi 5

Good Dog, The Avi 4

Hard Go ld : The Co lo rad o Go ld Rush o f 1859 Avi 4

Nigh t Journeys Avi 5

Pop p y, 1995 Avi 3

Ragw eed , 1999 Avi 3

S.O.R. Avi 3

Secret Schoo l, The Avi 4

Something Upstairs Avi 5

Wind cat cher Avi 4

Excuses, Excuses Avit ab ile, R. 1

Pigs Will Be Pigs Axelrad , Am y 2

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 6

Page 7: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Old Black Fly Aylesw or t h , J. K

Silver Do llar Gir l Ayres, Kat her ine 4

Nor t h b y Nigh t Ayres, Kat her ine 5

Jake Baked t he Cake B.G. Hennessy K

Knee - Knock Rise Bab b it t , N. 4

Phoeb e's Revo lt Bab b it t , N. 3

Tuck Ever last ing Bab b it t , N. 5

Wind Bacon , Ron 2

Bat t le o f t he Class Clow ns Baer , Jacq ueline A. 2

An im al Ark Ser ies Baglio , Ben 2

Bad ger in t he Basem en t Baglio , Ben 4

Ch ick Challenge Baglio , Ben 3

Cub in t he Cup b oard Baglio , Ben 4

Goat in t he Gard en Baglio , Ben 4

Guinea Pig Gang Baglio , Ben 3

Ham st er Ho t el Baglio , Ben 3

Hed gehogs in t he Hall Baglio , Ben 4

Kit t en Crow d Baglio , Ben 3

Kit t en in t he Co ld Baglio , Ben 4

Kit t ens in t he Kit chen Baglio , Ben 4

Lam b in t he Laund ry Baglio , Ben 4

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 7

Page 8: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Mouse Magic Baglio , Ben 3

Ow l in t he Of f ice Baglio , Ben 4

Piglet in a Playp en Baglio , Ben 4

Pon ies at t he Po in t Baglio , Ben 4

Pony on t he Porch Baglio , Ben 4

Pony Parad e Baglio , Ben 3

Pup p ies in t he Pan t ry Baglio , Ben 4

Pup p y Puzzle Baglio , Ben 3

Sheep d og in t he Snow Baglio , Ben 4

Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2

Railroad! A Story of the Transcontinental Railroad Bailer, Darice 3

Miss Hicko ry Bailey, C 3

But t er f lies and Mo t hs Bailey, D. 1

Snakes and Their Young Bailey, D. 1

Unusual Sp id ers Bailey, D. 1

Sim p le Mach ines Bains, R 3

Rat Is Dead and An t Is Sad Baker , B 1

Po lar Bears Baker , L 3

Seals Baker , L 3

Eagels Baker , L. 3

Th ird -St o ry Cat Baker , L. 2

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 8

Page 9: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Life in the Desert Baker, Lucy 3

Lif e in t he Oceans: An im als, Peop le, Plan t s Baker , Lucy 3

Pike o f Pike's Peak Baker , N. 4

Am inal Balian , L. 1

Bah ! Hum b ug? Balian , L. 2

Gard en Fo r A Ground hog, A Balian , L. 2

Hum b ug Rab b it Balian , L. 2

Hum b ug Wit ch Balian , L. 2

I Love You Mary Jane Balian , L. 2

Lep rechauns Never Lie Balian , L. 2

Socksnat chers, The Balian , L. 2

Som et im es It 's Turkey; Som et im e It 's Feat her Balian , L. 2

Sw eet Touch Balian , L. 1

Find ing t he Tit an ic Ballard , Rob er t D. 3

Chasing Verneer Balliet, Blue 4

Wr igh t 3 , The Balliet t , Blue 5

Ind ian In t he Cup b oard Banks, L. 4

Ret urn o f t he Ind ian Banks, L. 5

Funny Old Man & Wom an Barb er , M. 1

I Was Walking Dow n t he Road Barchas, S. 1

Rat t lesnakes Bargar 2

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 9

Page 10: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Boa Const r ict o rs Bargar & Johnson 2

Cob ras Bargar & Johnson 2

Cop p erhead s Bargar , S. 2

House Mouse - Senate Mouse Barnes, Peter & Cheryl 3

Woodrow, the White House Mouse Barnes, Peter & Cheryl 3

An im als Should Def in it ely No t Act Like Peop le Bar ret t , J. 1

An im als Should Def in it ely No t Wear Clo t h ing Bar ret t , J. 1

Cloud y w it h a Chance o f Meat b alls Bar ret t , J. 1

Pet er Pan Bar r ie, Jim 1

Sled Surp r ise, The Bar ron , Gif f o rd 1

Buzz Buzz Buzz Bar t on , B. 1

I Wan t To Be An Ast ronaut Bar t on , B. 1

Lit t le Rab b it 's Loose Too t h Bat e, L. 2

Everyb od y Say Cheese Bat es, B. 4

My Mom Travels a Lo t Bauer , C. 1

Alison ’s Wings, 1996 Bauer , Mar ion Dane K

Run t , 2002 Bauer , Mar ion Dane 3

On My Honor Bauer . Mar ion Dane 3

Wizard Of Oz Baum 4

Rocky Mountain Summer Baxter, Linda 3

My Nam e Is Alice Bayer , J. 2

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 10

Page 11: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Am igo Baylo r , B. 2

Best Tow n in t he Wor ld , The Baylo r , B. 2

Hun t er o f Fossils, A Baylo r , B. 2

Way To St ar t The Day, The Baylo r , B. 1

Everyb od y Need s A Rock Baylo r , Byrd 1

We Sing Nursery Rhym es & Lullab ies Beall 1

Turn Hom ew ard , Hanalee Beat t y, P. 5

Char ley Sked ad d le Beat t y, Pat r icia 5

Who Com es w it h Cannons? Beat t y, Pat r icia 5

Seven Lit t le Rab b it s Becker , J. 1

Usb orne Book o f Sp ace Fact s, The Becklake, Sue 1

Frost y t he Snow m an Bed f o rd , A. K

Mum m y, The Will and The Cryp t Bellairs, J. 5

May'naise Sand w iches and Sunsh ine Tea Belt on , Sand ra 1

Mad eline Ser ies Bem elm ans, L. 1

Rab b it Race Ben Baglio 3

Oscar Ot t er Bench ley, N 1

St range Disap p earance o f Ar t hur Cluck Bench ley, N 1

Sam The Minut em an Bench ley, Nat han iel 1

George t he Drum m er Boy Bench ley, Nat han iel 2

Foo t p r in t s In The Sand Ben jam in , Cyn t h ia 1

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 11

Page 12: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Teeny Tiny Bennet t , J. 1

I See Pat t erns Ben t on , Lind a 1

Berenst ain Bear Ser ies Berenst ain , St an 1

Berenstain Bear’s New Pup, The Berenstain, Stan K

Not -So-Bur ied Treasure Berenst ain , St an 2

Too Much Junk Food Berenst ain , St an 1

All Ab out Seed s Berger , Melvin 2

Coral Reef Berger, Melvin 3

Dive! Berger, Melvin 3

Dolphins Berger, Melvin 1

Germ s Make Me Sick Berger , Melvin 1

Grow l! Berger , Melvin 2

Manta Rays Berger, Melvin 1

Octopus Berger, Melvin 1

Seahorses Berger, Melvin 1

Sharks Berger, Melvin 1

Whales Berger, Melvin 1

Can You Hear a Shout in Space? Questions and Answers About

Space ExplorationBerger, Melvin and Gilda 4

Do Whales Have Belly But t ons? Berger , Melvin and Gild a 1

Rocks & Minerals (Scho last ic True o r False) Berger , Melvin and Gild a 1

What Makes an Ocean Wave? Berger , Melvin and Gild a 3

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 12

Page 13: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Then and NowBerger , Sam an t ha &

Moret on , Dan iel K

Life of a Butterfly, A Bernard, Robin 1

Saguard Cact us Berq uist , Paul & Sh ir ley 3

Dar Tellum :St ranger f rom a Dist an t Planet Ber ry, J. 3

Pony Pals “A Pony in Troub le” Bet ancour t , Jeanne 3

Pony Pals “Det ect ive Pony” Bet ancour t , Jeanne 2

Pony Pals “Runaw ay Pony” Bet ancour t , Jeanne 3

Pony Pals “The Missing Pony Pal” Bet ancour t , Jeanne 3

Pony Pals “The Wild Pony” Bet ancour t , Jeanne 3

Crisis in Space Apollo 13 Beyer, Mark 4

Journey to Ellis Island Bierman, Carol 3

Fuzzy Rab b it Billam , R. 1

Five Ch inese Bro t hers Bishop , C. 2

Do ll Bones Black, Ho lly 5

Lit t le Old Man Who Could No t Read Black, I. 1

Wait ing f o r Sund ay Blackb urn , C. 1

Skelt on Insid e You, The Blaest r ino , P. 2

Ter r ib le Th ing That Hap p ened at Our House Blaine, M. 2

Monst er Books, The (Ser ies) Blance & Cook 1

Anna Banana And Me Blegvad , L. 1

All My Toys Are On The Floo r Blocksm a, M. 1

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 13

Page 14: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Ap p le Tree, Ap p le Tree Blocksm a, M. 1

Best Dressed Bear , The Blocksm a, M. 1

Did You Hear That ? Blocksm a, M. 1

What 's In The Tub ? Blocksm a, M. 1

Gat her ing Of Days:New England Gir ls Journal Blos 5

Old Henry Blos, J. 2

Blub b er Blum e, Jud y 4

Freckle Juice Blum e, Jud y 2

Fudge-a-mania Blume, Judy 3

Iggie's House Blum e, Jud y 3

It 's No t t he End o f t he Wor ld Blum e, Jud y 5

One in The Mid d le is t he Green Kangaroo Blum e, Jud y 1

One in t he Mid d le is t he Green Kangaroo , The Blum e, Jud y 2

Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great Blume, Judy 2

Pain And t he Great One Blum e, Jud y 1

Sup er Fud ge Blum e, Jud y 3

Tales o f A Four t h Grad e No t h ing Blum e, Jud y 3

Pip p a Mouse Boegeho ld , B. 1

10 f o r Dinner Bogar t , J. 3

Do lp h ins Bokoske, Sharon 1

Yankee Doodle and the Secret Society Bolin, JJ 2

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 14

Page 15: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Greed y Goat Bo lt on , F. 1

4 Valen t ines In A Rainst o rm Bond , F. 1

Hallow een Per f o rm ance Bond , F. 1

Bear Called Pad d ingt on Bond , M. 3

Olga Car r ies On Bond , M. 4

Pad d ingt on Help s Out Bond , M. 4

Tales o f Olga d a Po lga Bond , M. 3

Fire! Raging Destruction Bondar, Barbara 3

And I Mean It , St an ley Bonsall, C. 1

Case o f t he Cat 's Meow Bonsall, C. 2

Case o f t he Dum b Bells Bonsall, C. 2

Case o f t he Hungry St ranger Bonsall, C. 2

Case o f t he Scared y Cat s Bonsall, C. 1

Tw elve Bells f o r San t a Bonsall, C. 1

What Sp o t ? Bonsall, C. 1

Who 's Af raid o f t he Dark? Bonsall, C. 1

I Know An Old Lad y Boone, R. 1

Cap s, Hat s, Socks & Mit t ens Bord en , L. 1

Lit t le Gor illa Bornst ein , R. 1

Ch ild ren Of Green Know e Bost on , L. 5

Wh it e Wat er , St ill Wat er Bosw or t h , J. 5

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 15

Page 16: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Franklin in t he Dark Bourgeo is, P. 1

Circle o f Go ld Boyd , C 4

Caro l Reef Hid ew ay-The St o ry o f a Clow n Anem onef ish Boyle, Doc 3

Look Out , He's Beh ind You Brad m an , T. 1

Bird s-Lif e Cycle Books b y Alt hea Brait hw ait e, A. 1

But t er f lies Brait hw ait e, A. 1

Trees Brait hw ait e, A. 1

Lad y Bugs Brait hw ait e, Alt hea 1

Leo And Em ily Brand enb erg, F 1

Leo and Em ily and t he Dragon Brand enb erg, Franz 2

Case o f t he Missing Dinosaur Brand t , K. 3

Ear t h Brand t , K. 2

Jackie Robinson Brandt, Keith 3

Air is All Around Us Bran ley, F. 1

Eclip se Darkness In Dayt im e Bran ley, F. 2

Flash , Crash , Rum b le, and Ro ll Bran ley, F. 2

Gravit y Is A Myst ery Bran ley, F. 2

Journey In t o A Black Ho le Bran ley, F. 3

Planet s In Our So lar Syst em Bran ley, F. 2

Sunsh ine Makes The Seashore Bran ley, F. 1

What Makes Day and Nigh t ? Bran ley, F. 1

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 16

Page 17: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Float ing in Sp ace Bran ley, Franklyn M. 2

Tornad o Aler t Bran ley, Franklyn M. K

Sky is Full of Stars Branley, Frankyn M. 3

Elihu t he Elep han t Brennan , G. 2

Gloom y Gus t he Hip p op o t am us Brennan , G. 2

Good New s Brenner 2

Saving The Presid en t Brenner , B. 5

Wagon Wheels Brenner , B. 1

If You Lived in William sb urg in Co lon ial Days Brenner , Barb ara 2

Ab e Linco ln 's Hat Brenner , Mar t ha 2

Mot her 's Day Mice, The Bret t , Jan 1

Tw elve Days o f Chr ist m as Bret t , Jan 2

Tow n Mouse, Coun t ry Mouse Bret t , Jan K

Clif f o rd Ser ies Br id w ell, N. 1

Wit ch 's Chr ist m an Br id w ell, N. 1

Jim and t he Beanst alk Br iggs, R. 3

Snow m an Br iggs, R. 1

Georgie Br igh t , R. 1

My Red Um b rella Br igh t , R. 1

Bobsledding and the Luge Brimner, Larry Dane 2

True Book, A – Geysers Brimner, Larry Dane 2

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 17

Page 18: Elementary Approved Literature List by Title Title Author Gr · 2015. 7. 16. · Puppy Puzzle Baglio, Ben 3 Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben 4 Pony Express Bailer, Darice 2 Railroad!

Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

True Book, A – Glaciers Brimner, Larry Dane 2

Fire Flies Br inckloe, J. 1

Cad d ie Wood law n Br ink, C. 4

Wish Giver Br it t ain , B. 5

When Dinosaurs Cam e w it h Everyt h ing Broach , Elise K

No Flying in t he House Brock, B. 1

Snakes Broekel, Ray 1

San t a Clauses, The Broger , A. 1

Flat St an ley Brow n , J. 1

Invisib le St an ley Brow n , Jef f 2

Dinosaurs Alive and Well! Brow n , Laur ie & Marc 2

Dinosaurs Travel Brow n , Laur ie & Marc 2

Ar t hur Ser ies Brow n , M. 1

Big Red Barn Brow n , M. 1

Fr iend ly Book Brow n , M. 1

Good n igh t Moon Brow n , M. 1

Pickle Th ings Brow n , M. 1

Runaw ay Bunny Brow n , M. 1

Wait Till t he Moon is Full Brow n , M. 1

Young Kangaroo Brow n , M. 1

Ar t hur Meet s t he Presid en t Brow n , Marc 2

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 18

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Ar t hur ’s Teacher Troub le Brow n, Marc 2

Ar t hur 's Bir t hd ay Brow n , Marc 2

Ar t hur 's Pet Business Brow n , Marc 2

Bust er ’s Dino Dilem m a Brow n, Marc 2

Locked in t he Lib rary Brow n , Marc 2

Dick Wh it t ingt on Brow n , Marcia 3

On Chr ist m as Eve Brow n , Margaret Wise 2

If At First You Do No t See Brow n , R 1

Dark Dark Tale Brow n , R. 1

I Like Books Brow ne, A 1

Gor illa Brow ne, A. 2

Willy The Wim p Brow ne, A. 1

Th ings I Like Brow ne, An t hony K

Trail o f Tears, The Bruckac, Josep h 3

Bab ar and The Ghost Brunho f f , L. 1

Bo llo Cap er Buchw ald , A. 5

Big Wave Buck, P. 4

Snow shoe Trek t o Ot t er River Bud b ill, D. 5

Go ld ilocks and t he Th ree Bears Buehner , Caralyn K

Big Tree Buf f , C. 5

Free At Last Bull, Angela 3

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 19

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Dan iel's Duck Bulla, C. 1

Ghost o f Wind y Hill Bulla, C. 2

Ghost Tow n Treasure Bulla, C. 4

Last Look Bulla, C. 2

Pocahon t as and t he St rangers Bulla, C. 1

Sq uan t o Fr iend Of Pilgr im s Bulla, C. 3

Wh it e Bird Bulla, C. 3

Chalk Box Kid , The Bulla, Clyd e Rob er t 2

Shoesh ine Gir l Bulla, Clyd e Rob er t 4

Eagle Feat her Bulla, Clyd e Rob er t 2

Lion t o Guard , A Bulla, Clyd e Rob er t 4

Pain t Brush Kid , The Bulla, Clyd e Rob er t 2

No Too t he, No Quar t er Buller & Schad e 2

Mike and t he Magic Cookies Buller , Jon 2

Sp ace Rock Buller , Jon 2

Wed nesd ay Surp r ise, The Bun t ing, Er ic 2

Blue and t he Gray, The Bun t ing, Eve 5

Dand elions Bun t ing, Eve 2

Fly Aw ay Hom e Bun t ing, Eve 2

Hap p y Bir t hd ay, Dear Duck Bun t ing, Eve 1

How Many Days t o Am er ica Bun t ing, Eve 2

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 20

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Nasty Stinky Sneakers Bunting, Eve 2

Summer of Riley, The Bunting, Eve 4

Valen t ine Bears, The Bun t ing, Eve 2

Chr ist m as w it h Id a Ear ly Burch , R. 5

Id a Ear ly Com es Over t he Moun t ain Burch , R. 3

Carn ival Burd en-Pat m on , D. 2

Im an i's Gif t at Kw anzaa Burd en-Pat m on , D. 2

Felix and t he 400 FrogsBur ier , Jon and Schad e,


Kit Carson Burke, Rick 3

Mayb e Gard en , The Burke-Weiner , Kim b er ly 1

Secret Gard en , The Burnet , Frances Hod gson 4

Secret Gard en Burnet t , F. 5

Incred ib le Journey Burn f o rd , S. 5

John Pat r ick Norm an McHennessey Burn ingham , J. K

Hey, Get Of f Our Train Burn ingham , John 2

Mr . Grum p y's John Burn ingham , John 1

Lewis and Clark Expedition, The Bursell, Susan 4

Kat y & The Big Snow Bur t on , V. 1

Lit t le House Bur t on , V. 1

Mike Mulligan and His St eam Shovel Bur t on , V. 1

Ligh t A Single Cand le But ler 5

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 21

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Looking At An im als in Co ld Places But t er f ield , Mo ira 2

Frog's Hom e But t erw or t h , C. 1

Lizard s Hom e But t erw or t h , C. 1

Enorm ous Egg But t erw or t h , O. 4

Go lly Sist ers Go West Byars, B 2

An im al, t he Veget ab le & John D. Jones Byars, B. 4

Bingo Brow n & The Language o f Love Byars, B. 5

Burn ing Quest ions o f Bingo Brow n , The Byars, B. 5

Nigh t Sw im m ers Byars, B. 5

No t -Just -Anyb od y Fam ily Byars, B. 3

Pinb alls Byars, B. 4

Sum m er o f t he Sw ans Byars, B. 5

T.V. Kid Byars, B. 3

Troub le River Byars, B. 3

Tw o-Thousand Pound Go ld f ish Byars, B. 5

Want ed , Mud Blossom Byars, B. 4

Winged Co lt o f Casa Mia Byars, B. 5

Cyb il War Byars, Bet sy 5

Go and Hush t he Bab y Byars, Bet sy 1

Moon and I, The Byars, Bet sy 5

My Bro t her , An t , 1996 Byars, Bet sy K

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 22

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Tornad o Byars, Bet sy 2

Mid n igh t Fox Byers, B. 4

A Let t er t o Mrs. Roosevelt , 1999 C. Coco DeYoung 3

Cross Coun t ry Cat Calhoun , M. 1

Eup hon ia and t he Flood Calhoun , M. 2

Wob b le, t he Wit ch Cat Calhoun , M. 2

Ho t Air Henry Calhoun , Mary 3

One Lit t le Monkey Calm enson , S. 1

Pr incip al's New Clo t hes Calm enson , S. 2

Ro ller Skat es Calm enson , St ep han ie K

More St o r ies Julian Tells Cam eron , A. 2

St o r ies Julian Tells Cam eron , A. 2

Most Beaut if u l Place In t he Wor ld , The Cam eron , Ann 3

Wond er f u l Fligh t t o t he Mushroom Cam eron , E. 3

I Can 't Said t he An t Cam eron , P. 1

Bird s Can izares, Susan 1

But t er f ly Can izares, Susan 1

Canad a Can izares, Susan 1

What Do Ar t ist s Do?Can izares, Susan & Berger ,

Sam an t ha1

Mexico Can izares, Susan & Chanko ,

Pam ela1

OceanCan izares, Susan & Chanko ,

Pam ela1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 23

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

FrogsCan izares, Susan &

Moret on , Dan iel1

Shelt erCan izares, Susan &

Moret on , Dan iel1

Th is Bird Can FlyCan izares, Susan &

Moret on , Dan iel1

From Egg t o Rob in Can izares. Susan 1

Stellaluna Cannon, Janell 1

Lucit a Com es Hom e t o Oaxaca Cano , Rob in B. 1

Magic Schoo l Bus Rid es t he Wind , The Cap eci, Anne 1

Blood on t he River Carb one, Elisa 5

Myst ery o f Deat h Trap Mine Carey 5

Tiny Seed , The Car ie, Er ic 1

Troub le f o r Lucy Car la St evens 3

An im als Car le, E. K

Grouchy Lad yb ug, The Car le, E. 1

Have You Seen My Cat ? Car le, E. 1

House Fo r a Herm it Crab Car le, E. 1

Roost er 's Of f To See The Wor ld Car le, E. 1

Very Busy Sp id er Car le, E. 1

Very Hungrey Cat erp illar Car le, E. 1

Do You Wan t t o b e My Fr iend ? Car le, Er ic K

Slow ly, Slow ly, Slow ly, said t he Slo t h Car le, Er ic 1

I Like Me! Car lson , N 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 24

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Em p t y Schoo l House Car lson , N. 5

Fam ily Und er t he Br id ge, The Car lson , N. 4

Jesse Bear , What Will You Wear? Car lst rom , N. 1

Accid en t , The Car r ick, Caro l 3

Ben and t he Porcup ine Car r ick, Caro l 3

Dark and Full o f Secret s Car r ick, Caro l 3

Found ling, The Car r ick, Caro l 3

Lost in t he St o rm Car r ick, Caro l 1

Pat r ick's Dinosaurs Car r ick, Caro l 1

Sleep Out Car r ick, Caro l 2

Washout , The Car r ick, Caro l 3

What Hap p end t o Pat r ick's Dinosaur? Car r ick, Caro l 2

What Wh iskers Did Car ro ll, Rut h K

How Big Is A Brach iosaurus Car ro ll, S. 2

Sassaf ras Casgrove, S 2

Ab raham Linco ln Cashore, Kr ist en 2

Ab raham Linco ln : Great Man , Great Word s Cashore, Kr ist en 5

Beh ind t he At t ic Wall Cassid y, S. 5

Tornad oes Cassie, Br ian K

Choco lat e Touch Cat ling, P. 3

Did You Car ry t he Flag Tod ay, Char ley? Caud ill, R. 4

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 25

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Tree o f Freed om Caud ill, R. 5

Quack Said The Billy Goat Causley, C 1

Star Wars, Episode I: Anakin’s Fate Cerasini, Marc 2

Nigh t m are In Hist o ry, A Chaikin , M. 5

Scien t ist s Chanko , Pam ela 1

Best Teacher in t he Wor ld Chard let , B. 2

Dinosaurs Char lesw or t h , Liza 2

Jingle Bells Char t ier , N. 1

Toad Hun t , The Chenery, J. 1

Year o f t he Book, The Cheng, And rea 3

Flut e’s Journey: The Lif e o f a Wood Thrush Cher ry, Lynne 2

Th ings Bird s Eat , The Chessan , Bet sey 1

Sharks Chessen , Bet sey 1

Build ings Chessen , Bet sy K

Deat h in t he Af t ernoon , 1996 Chest er , Kat e 5

No Such Th ing As A Wit ch Chew , R 3

Magic in t he Park Chew , R. 2

What t he Wit ch Lef t Chew , R. 3

Wish ing Tree Chew , R. 3

Wit ch 's Gard en Chew , R. 3

Over t he River and Th rough t he Wood Ch ild , L. 2

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 26

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Al Cap one Does My Sh ir t s Cho ld enko , Genn if er 4

Rob b ery At t he Diam ond Dog Diner Chr ist elow 2

Five Lit t le Monkeys Jum p ing on t he Bed Chr ist elow ,Eileen 1

Sw am p Monst ers Chr ist ian 1

In t he Pond Chr ist in i & Pur icelli 2

Lo t us Caves Chr ist op her , J. 5

Wh it e Moun t ains Chr ist op her , J. 5

Mat t Chr ist op her Sp or t s Ser ies Chr ist op her , M. 3

All Keyed Up Chr ist op her , Mat t 1

Dog That Pit ched a No-Hit t er , The Chr ist op her , Mat t 2

On t he f ield w it h … Em m it t Sm it h Chr ist op her , Mat t 4

Tough t o Tackle Chr ist op her , Mat t 3

Tall Cit y, Wid e Coun t ry Chw ast , S. 1

Map s Cicciarelli, Joellyn Th rall K

Secret o f t he And es Clark, A. 5

Baby Alligator Clarke, Ginger L. 3

Beezus & Ram ona Cleary, Bever ly 2

Dear Mr . Henshaw Cleary, Bever ly 4

Ellen Teb b it t s Cleary, Bever ly 2

Em ily's Runaw ay Im aginat ion Cleary, Bever ly 3

Grow ing Up Feet Cleary, Bever ly 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 27

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Henry Huggins Cleary, Bever ly 4

Henry Ser ies Cleary, Bever ly 3

Janet 's Th ingam ajigs Cleary, Bever ly 1

Mit ch and Am y Cleary, Bever ly 5

Mouse and t he Mo t o rcycle Cleary, Bever ly 2

Muggie Maggie Cleary, Beverly 3

Ralp h S. Mouse Cleary, Bever ly 3

Ram ona Ser ies Cleary, Bever ly 2

Real Ho le Cleary, Bever ly 1

Rib sy Cleary, Bever ly 3

Runaw ay Ralp h Cleary, Bever ly 2

Socks Cleary, Bever ly 2

Tw o Tim es t he Fun Cleary, Bever ly 1

Grover Cleaver , V. 5

Fr ind le Clem en t s, And rew 3

Jake Drake, Know it All Clements, Andrew 2

Lunch Money Clem en t s, And rew 3

No Talking Clem en t s, And rew 3

Rep or t Card , The Clem en t s, And rew 3

Room One Clem en t s, And rew 4

Schoo l St o ry, The Clem en t s, And rew 3

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 28

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Week in t he Wood s Clem en t s, And rew 5

Land ry New s, The Clem en t s, And rew 3

Ap r il Rab b it s Cleveland , D. 1

Harvey's Hor r ib le Snake Disast er Clif f o rd , E. 2

Help ! I'm a Pr isoner in t he Lib rary Clif f o rd , E. 4

Everet t And erson 's Good b ye Clif t on , L. K

Lucky St one, The Clif t on , Lucille 2

But No t St an leigh Cloven , G. 1

Tro lley Car Fam ily Clym er , E. 3

Cat Who Wen t t o Heaven Coat sw or t h , E. 3

Lo t s o f Ro t Cob b , V. 2

Big Balloon Race Coer r , Eleanor 1

Buf f alo Bill and t he Pony Exp ress Coer r , Eleanor 2

Josef ina St o ry Quilt , The Coer r , Eleanor 1

Sad ako & The Thousand Pap er Cranes Coer r , Eleanor 3

Mo lly's Pilgr im Cohen , Barb ara 2

Three Yellow Dogs Cohen , Caron Lee K

See You In Second Grad e Cohen , M 1

Jim 's Dog Muf f ins Cohen , M. 1

Lost in t he Museum Cohen , M. 2

See You Tom or row Char les Cohen , M. 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 29

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Second -Grad e Fr iend s Cohen , Mir iam 1

Im ages o f Beaut y: Ugly Duckling, Beaut y & Beast Co l 5

Missing Too t h , The Co le 2

Troub le Wit h Dad Co le, B. 2

Troub le Wit h Mom Co le, B. 2

Magic Schoo l Bus Get s Program m ed , The Co le, J 3

Magic Schoo l Bus Insid e t he Ear t h Co le, J 2

Bony Legs Co le, J. 1

Dinosaur St o ry Co le, J. 2

Hungry, Hungry Sharks Co le, J. 2

Magic Schoo l Bus at t he Wat erw orks Co le, J. 2

Magic Schoo l Bus Lost in t he So lar Syst em Co le, J. 3

Magic Schoo l Bus on t he Ocean Floo r Co le, J. 3

Magic Schoo l Bus, The Co le, J. 2

Mixed -Up Magic Co le, J. 1

Monst er Movie Co le, J. 1

Th is is t he Place Fo r Me Co le, J. 2

Bully Troub le Co le, Joanna 2

Norm a Jean , Jum p ing Bean Co le, Joanna 1

Magic Schoo l Bus Get s Caugh t in a Web , TheCo le, Joanna/Lang,

Jeanet t e1

Monst er Valen t ines Co le, Johanna 2

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 30

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

My Bro t her Sam Is Dead Co llier , J. 5

Corn Raid , The (A St o ry o f t he Jam est ow n Set t lem en t ) Co llier , Jam es Linco ln 5

Gregor the Overlander Collins, Suzanne 5

Go ld en Fleece & Heroes Who Lived Bef o re Ach illes Co lum , P 4

Bread & But t er Journey Co lver , An . 3

Mishm ash Cone, M. 3

Blue o r Gray? A Fam ily Divid ed Connell, Kat e 5

Bears, Bears Everyw here Connelly, L. 1

Rob o t Ser ies Cook & Mack 1

Lit t le Fish That Go t Aw ay Cook, B. 1

Pow w ow Coom b s, L. 2

Dor r ie Ser ies Coom b s, P. 2

Island Boy Cooney, B. K

Miss Rum p h ius Cooney, B. 2

Wob b ly Too t h Cooney, N. 1

Nigh t Walkers Coon t z, O. 5

Hangm an 's Ghost Tr ick Corb et t , S. 3

Lem onad e Tr ick Corb et t , S. 2

Soft Rain: A Story of the Cherokee Trail of Tears Cornelissen, Cornealia 5

But t erm ilk Cosgrove, S. 3

Fanny Cosgrove, S. 3

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 31

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Leo t he Lop Cosgrove, S. 2

Mum kin Cosgrove, S. 3

Flut t erb y Cosgrove, St ep hen 2

Gnom e f rom Nom e, The Cosgrove, St ep hen K

Nit t er Pit t er Cosgrove, St ep hen K

Myst ery o f t he PB & J Jam , The Cosson , M.J. 2

Ab and oned Pup p y Cost ello , Em ily 3

Sarah 's Un ico rn Coville, B. 1

Ghost in t he Big Brass Bed Coville, Bruce 5

Ghost in t he Th ird Row Coville, Bruce 5

Ghost Wore Gray, The Coville, Bruce 4

An t arct ica Cow cher , Helen 2

Grand p a, Grand p a Cow ley, J. K

Greed y Cat Cow ley, J. 1

Ten Loop y Cat erp illars Cow ley, J. 1

Jigaree, The Cow ley, J. K

Let 's Get A Pet Cow ley, Joy 1

Mouse Box, The Cow ley, Joy 1

Traveler and t he Farm er , The Cow ley, Joy 1

Wish -Washy Day Cow ley, Joy 1

Bag o f Sm iles, The Cow ley, Joy 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 32

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Mrs. Wishy-Washy’s Farm Cow ley, Joy K

That Crazy Eddie and the Science Project of Doom Cox, Judy 2

Am azing Wor ld o f Sp id ers Craig, J. 2

Here Com es Win t er Craig, J. 1

Joey The Jack-O'Lan t ern Craig, J. 1

Lit t le Chr ist m as St ar Craig, J. 1

Muf f y and Fluf f y Craig, J. 1

Now I Know Ab out Tur t les Craig, J. 1

Now I Know Tur t les Craig, J. 1

Thum p , Bum p : Tiny t he Dancing Hip p o Craig, Janet 1

Three Wishes Craig, M. 1

On t he Far Sid e o f t he Moun t ain Craighead , G. 5

Elep han t in Troub le Craw f o rd , T. 1

Pig Who Saved the Day, The Crawford, Thomas 2

Granny To r relli Makes Soup Creech , Sharon 3

Hear t b eat Creech , Sharon 4

Walk Two Moons Creech, Sharon 5

Wand erer , The Creech , Sharon 4

Ab so lut ely Norm al Chaos Creet ch , Sharon 4

Freigh t -Train Crew s, D. K

Big Mam m a's Crew s, Donald 2

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 33

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Changes Creyling 3

Baseb all Baller ina Cr ist ald i, Kat h ryn 1

In My Gard en Cr ist in i & Pur icelli 2

Diary o f a Worm Cron in , Doreen K

Letter for Mr. Lincoln, A Cunningham, Alvin Robert 3

Drop Dead Cunn ingham , J. 5

Mayb e a Mo le Cunn ingham , J. 3

Bird s Nest s Cur ran , E. K

Lif e In The Fo rest Cur ran , E. K

Lif e in t he Mead ow Cur ran , E. 1

Lif e In The Pond Cur ran , E. K

Wat sons Go t o Birm ingham Cur t is, Ch irst op her P. 4

Invasion f rom Below t he Ear t h Cur t is, P. 5

There's A Dragon in My Gard en Cut t ing, B 1

Museum , The Cut t ing, Brain & Julian 1

Honey Bus Cut t ing, Brain & Jullian 1

House That Jack Built Cut t s, D. 1

Look...A But t er f ly Cut t s, D. K

Skelet on Hiccup s Cuyler , Margery K

Louisiana Purchase, The D. Jaffe, Elizabeth 4

Busy Beavers Dab covich , L. 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 34

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Mrs. Huggins & Her Hen Hannah Dab covich , L. 1

Sleep y Bear Dab ocovich , L. 1

Iq b al D'ad am o, Francesco 5

Ad ven t ure o f t he Bailey Schoo l Kid s, The “Dragons Don ’t

East Pizza”

Dad ey, Deb b ie and Jones,

Marcia Thorn t on2

Ad ven t ures o f t he Bailey St reet Kid s, The “Zom b ies Don ’t

Play Soccer ”

Dad ey, Deb b ie and Jones,

Marcia Thorn t on3

BFG Dah l, Roald 3

Char lie and t he Choco lat e Fact o ry Dah l, Roald 3

Char lie and The Great Glass Elevat o r Dah l, Roald 5

Dir t y Beast s Dah l, Roald 1

Enorm ous Crocod ile Dah l, Roald 1

Fan t ast ic Mr . Fox Dah l, Roald 2

George's Marvelous Med icine Dah l, Roald 3

Jam es & t he Gian t Peach Dah l, Roald 3

Magic Finger Dah l, Roald 2

Giraf f e and t he Pelly and Me, The Dah l, Roald 2

Ter r ib le Wave Dah lst ed t , M. 5

Gus t he Greed y Pup p y Dale, Jenny 2

Leo t he Lucky Kit t en Dale, Jenny 2

Lily t he Lost Pup p y Dale, Jenny 2

Nell t he Naugh t y Kit t en Dale, Jenny 2

Bears on Hem lock Moun t ain Dalg liesh , A. 2

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 35

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Courage o f Sarah Nob le Dalg liesh , A. 3

Funny Fingers, Funny Toes Dam on, L. K

Zucch in i Dana, B. 2

Ch ick That Would n ’t Hat ch , The Dan iel, Claire 1

Back Yard Ten t Dan iel, K. 1

First Day Jit t ers Danneb erg, Julie 2

Cat At e My Gym suit Danziger , P. 5

Am b er Brow n is No t a Crayon Danziger , Paula 2

Forever Am b er Brow n Danziger , Paula 2

I, Amber Brown Danziger, Paula 2

Louis Braille David son , M. 3

Ben jam in Franklin David son , Margaret 4

Helen Keller David son , Margaret 5

St o ry o f Jackie Rob inson : The Bravest Man in Baseb all, The David son , Margaret 4

Lem onad e War , The Davies, Jacq ueline 2

Post card s From Canad a Daw son , Zoe 1

Big Fat Hen Daxer , Keit h 1

River Parad e Day, Alexand ra 2

What is a Mam m al? Day, Jen if er W. 1

Living in Space Daynes, Katie 2

Door In t he Wall d e Angeli, M. 5

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 36

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Bill and Pet e d e Pao la, T. 1

Lit t le Pr ince d e Sain t -Exup ery, An t o ine 1

Let t er t o Mrs. Roosevelt , A De Young, C. Coco 4

Cust ard Kid , The Deary, T. 3

Tr ip let Troub le and t he Field Day Disast er , 1996Deb b ie Dad ey and Marcia

Thorn t on JonesK

We Need Directions! DeCapua, Sarah K

Not h ing 's Fair in Fif t h Grad e DeClem en t s, B. 4

Jam b er ry Degen , B. 1

We Gat her Toget her… Now Please Get Lost ! d eGroat , Diane K

Whisp er ing Clo t h , The Deit z Shea, Pegi 2

Ter ro r Below – True Shark St o r ies d el Prad o , Dana 2

Monst er Tracks Delaney, A. 1

Pee Wee Scout s Ser ies Delt on , J. 2

Em p t y Po t , The Dem i 2

Great est Treasure, The Dem i 2

Gor illas Dem ut h , Pat r ica 2

Johnny Ap p leseed Dem ut h , Pat r icia K

Mars: The Red Planet Dem ut h , Pat r icia 2

Who Was Laura Ingalls Wild er? Dem ut h , Pat r icia 2

St ealing Hom e Denenb erg, B 4

Journal o f William Thom as Em erson : A Revo lut ionary War

Pat r io t , The (My Nam e is Am er ica)Denenb erg, Bar ry 3

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 37

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Flip Ser ies Denn is, W. 1

26 Fairm oun t Avenue d ePao la, Tom ie 2

Char lie Need s A Cloak d ePao la, Tom ie 1

Cloud Book d ePao la, Tom ie 2

Helga's Dow ry d ePao la, Tom ie 2

Legend Of The Blue Bonnet , The d ePao la, Tom ie 2

My First East er d ePao la, Tom ie 2

Nana Up st airs, Nana Dow nst airs d ePao la, Tom ie 1

Now One Foo t , Now t he Ot her d ePao la, Tom ie 2

Oliver But t on Is A Sissy d ePao la, Tom ie 1

Pop corn Book d ePao la, Tom ie 2

St rega Nona d ePao la, Tom ie 2

Wat ch Out f o r t he Ch icken Feet In d ePao la, Tom ie 2

St rega Nona. Her St o ry DePao la, Tom ie 2

Legand o f t he Ind ia's Pain t b rush d ePaula, Tom ie 2

Elephants Depree, Helen K

May I Br ing a Fr iend ? DeRegn iers, B. K

What Will t he Weat her Be? DeWit t , Lynd a K

Flora and Ulysses DiCamillo, Kate 3

Tale o f Desp ereaux, The DiCam illo , Kat e 2

Tiger Rising, The* DiCam illo , Kat e 5

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 38

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Chr ist m as Caro l Dickens, Char les 5

Oliver Tw ist Dickens, Char les 4

Tale o f t he Mand ar in Ducks Dillon , L. 2

But t on Soup Disney, W. K

First Dinosaurs, The Dixon , D. 2

Jurassic Dinosaurs Dixon , D. 2

Dinosaur Exp lo rer Dixon , Dougal K

Hun t ing t he Dinosaurs and Ot her Preh ist o r ic An im als Dixon , Dougal 2

Hard y Boys Dixon , F. 4

Tw en t y-One Ballons Dob o is, W. 5

Hallow een Dream Do lgin , P. 1

Red Hawk and the Sky Sisters Dominic, Gloria 3

Song o f t he Herm it Th rush -An Iroq uo is Legend Dom in ic, Glo r ia 4

Disast er at Sea Donkin , And rew 2

Zep p elin – The Age o f t he Airsh ip Donkin , And rew 3

Atlantis, The Lost City Donklin, Andrew 4

Dinosaur Gard en Donnally, L. 1

Moonw alk The First Tr ip t o t he Moon Donnelly, Jud y 3

Tit an ic Lost .. and Found , The Donnelly, Jud y 3

True Lif e Treasure Hun t s Donnelly, Jud y 4

Tut 's Mum m y...Lost and Found Donnelly, Jud y 3

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 39

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Dinosaur Day Donnelly, L. 1

Dinousaurs' Hallow een Donnelly, L. 1

Alligat o r Shoes Dor ros, A. 1

Rain Fo rest Secret s Dor ros, A. 2

Sum m er Pony Dot y, J. 2

Win t er Pony Dot y, J. 2

Mia Ham m Dougher t y, Ter r i 2

Fred d ie's Sp aghet t i Doyle, C. 1

Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 4

And To Th ink That I Saw It On Mulb er ry St . Dr . Seuss 1

Bar t ho lom ew and The Oob leck Dr . Seuss 1

But t er Bat t le Book, The Dr . Seuss 1

Cat In The Hat Dr . Seuss 1

Cat In The Hat Com es Back Dr . Seuss 1

Five Hund red Hat s o f Bar t ho lom ew Cub b ins Dr . Seuss 2

Great Day Fo r Up Dr . Seuss 1

Green Eggs and Ham Dr . Seuss 1

Hap p y Bir t hd ay To You Dr . Seuss 1

Hor t on Hat ches The Egg Dr . Seuss 1

Hor t on Hears A Who Dr . Seuss 1

How The Gr inch St o le Chr ist m as Dr . Seuss 1

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

If I Ran The Circus Dr . Seuss 1

If I Ran The Zoo Dr . Seuss 1

Lorax, The Dr . Seuss 1

One Fish Tw o Fish Red Fish Blue Fish Dr . Seuss 1

Sneet ches And Ot her St o r ies Dr . Seuss 1

Yer t le The Tur t le Dr . Seuss 1

Th id w ick, The Big-Hear t ed Moose Dr . Suess 1

I Hat e My Bro t her Har ry Dragonw agon , C. 2

Club house Myst er ies #1: Bur ied Bones Myst ery, The Drap er , Sharon M. 3

Out o f My Mind Drap er , Sharon M. 5

Bod y Fact s Drew , David 2

Bod y Map s Drew , David 3

Book o f An im al Record s, The Drew , David 1

Gas Gian t s, The Drew , David 3

Lif e o f t he But t er f ly, The Drew , David K

Bravest Cat !, The The True St o ry o f Scar let t Dr isco ll, Laura 1

Jacob 's Rescue, A Ho locaust St o ry Drucker , M. & Halp er in , M. 4

High Wizard ry Duane, D. 5

Pigs in Hid ing Dub onevich , A. 1

Cave Boy Dub ow ski, Cat hy 2

Pirat e Schoo l Dub ow ski, Cat hy 1

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Seab iscuit Dub ow ski, Cat hy East 1

Ice Mum m yDub ow ski, Mark and Cat hy


Pret t y Good MagicDub ow ski, Mark and Cat hy


A Boy in t he Doghouse, 1991 Duf f ey, Bet sy 2

Gad get War , The Duf f ey, Bet sy 2

Baref oo t – Escap e on t he Und erground Railroad Duncan , Pam ela 3

Bermuda Triangle Dunkin, Andrew 3

Here Is The Trop ical Rain f o rest Dunp hy, Mad eleine 3

City of Ember, The DuPrau, Jeanne 4

Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Dussling, Jenn if er 2

Slinky, Scaly Snakes Dussling, Jennifer 2

Zip p ing, Zap p ing, Zoom ing Bat s Ear le, Ann 2

Now I Know St o ry o f Dinosaurs East m an , David K

Pancakes, Crackers, and Pizza Eb ers/Gisler 1

Incid en t at Haw k's Hill Ecker t , A. 5

Big Fat Pie Ed w ard s, P. 1

Magic Schoo l Bus Figh t s Germ s, The Egan , Kat e/Co le, Joanna K

Barnet t s, The Egglet on , Jill 1

Kangaroo Egglet on , Jill 1

Mrs. Gr im b les Egglet on , Jill 1

Mrs. Gr im b les Grap evine Egglet on , Jill 1

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Buz Egielski, Richard 2

Feat hers Fo r Lunch Eh ler t , L. K

Grow ing Veget ab le Soup Eh ler t , L. 1

Did You Ever See? Einsel, W. 1

Six Foo lish Fisherm en Elkin , B. 1

Breadwinner, The Ellis, Deborah 5

Fligh t o f t he Wh it e Wo lf Ellis, M. 5

True Blue Elst e, Joan 2

Q is f o r Duck Elt ing, M. 2

Dinosaurs Elt ing, Mary 1

Drum m er Ho f f Em b er ley, E. 1

Gone-Aw ay Lake Enr igh t , E. 4

Hun t ing Wit h My Cam era En t ing, Br ian 3

George Wash ingt on Carver Ep st ein , B. 5

War t on and Mor t on Ser ies Er ickson , R. 3

Sam Johnson and t he Blue Rib b on Quilt Ernst , L. 2

Bab y Whales Dr ink Milk Esb ensen , Barb ara Just er K

Mof f at Ser ies Est es, E 4

Hund red Dresses Est es, E. 3

Pinky Pye Est es, Eleanor 4

Exp lo rers f rom Co lum b us t o Arm st rong Everet t , Felicit y 4

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Am igo Means Fr iend Everet t , L. 1

Brave Lit t le St eam Shovel Evers, A. 1

Greek God s, The Evslin 4

Exp lod ing Frog, The Fab le 1

But No t Like Mine Facklam , M. 1

So Can I Facklam , M. 1

Who Was Thom as Jef f erson Fard in , Denn is 3

Case o f t he Lost Lookalike Far ley, C. 5

Black St allion Far ley, W. 4

Char lo t t e Som et im es Farm er , P. 4

Sea Creat ures Faund ez, Anne K

An im al Fam ilies Feinst ein , J. 1

Go Free o r Die: A St o ry Ab out Har r iet Tub m an Fer ies, Jer i 5

Once Up on a Mar igo ld Fer r is, Jean 5

Green Lion o f Zion St reet , The Field s, Julia 2

Und er t he Lem on Moon Fine, Ed it h Hop e 2

Shacklet on Exp ed it ion , The Fine, Jill 4

Lit t le Fox’s Secret Finky, Mary Peace 4

Great Brain Ser ies Fit zgerald , J. 4

Har r iet t he Sp y Fit zhugh , L. 4

Long Secret Fit zhugh , L. 5

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 44

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Angus St o r ies Flack, M. 1

Ask Mr . Bear Flack, M. 1

St o ry o f Ping Flack, M. 2

Bull Run Fleischman, Paul 5

McBroom Tells The Trut h Fleischm an , S. 3

Wh ip p ing Boy Fleischm an , S. 3

Weat her Fleisher , Ju lian K

Low ji Discovers Am er ica, 2005 Flem ing, Cand ace 3

Aut um n Leaves are Falling Flem ing, Mar ia K

Hum an Bod y Rid d le Book, The Flem ing, Mar ia 3

Great Green Turkey Creek Monst er Flo ra, J. 1

Win t er Day Flo r ian , D. 1

Pat chw ork Quilt , The Flournoy, V. 2

Our Communities Foley, Donald K

Can We Get That Here? Fo ley, Donna 2

Communities All Over Foley, Donna K

Abraham Lincoln, Lawyer, Leader, Legend Fontes, Justine & Ron 2

George Washington, Soldier, Hero, President Fontes, Justine & Ron 2

Johnny Trem ain Forb es, E. 5

Sound t he Jub ilee For rest er , Sand ra 5

Feeling Th ings Fow ler , A. 1

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Hear ing Th ings Fow ler , A. 1

It Could St ill Be a Bird Fow ler , A. 1

It Could St ill Be a Fish Fow ler , A. 1

It 's A Good Th ing There Are Insect s Fow ler , A. 1

Sm elling Th ings Fow ler , A. 1

It ’s a Fru it , It ’s a Veget ab le, It ’s a Pum p kin Fow ler , Allan K

Hat t ie and t he Fox Fox, Mem 1

Koalo Lou Fox, Mem 2

Magic Hat , The Fox, Mem 1

Maur ice's Room Fox, P 3

Likely Place Fox, P. 4

One-Eyed Cat Fox, P. 5

Slave Dancer Fox, P. 5

Grasshop p er and t he An t s Franklin , P. 2

Wh it e Crow Fred er ick, Sh ir ley K

Buf f alo Hun t Freed m an , R. 4

Linco ln , A Pho t ob iograp hy Freed m an, R. 5

Cord uroy Freem an , D. 1

Dand elion Freem an , D. 1

Fury Wit ch Freem an , D. 2

Norm an t he Doorm an Freem an , D. 3

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Pap er Par t y Freem an , D. 1

Pocket f o r Cord uroy Freem an , D. 1

Rainb ow o f My Ow n Freem an , D. 1

Sp ace Wit ch Freem an , D. 2

Tilly Wit ch Freem an , D. 2

Lit t le Ghost French , Vivian K

Orp han and t he Do ll Fr ied m an , T. 3

Tales, Trails & Tom m yknockers Fr iggens, M. 4

Who Was Louis Braille? Fr it h , Margaret 2

And Then What Hap p ened , Paul Revere? Fr it z, Jean 4

Brad y Fr it z, Jean 5

Bully for You, Teddy Roosevelt! Fritz, Jean 5

Cab in Faced West Fr it z, Jean 5

Can 't You Make t hem Behave King George? Fr it z, Jean 3

Ear ly Thund er Fr it z, Jean 5

George Wash ingt on 's Breakf ast Fr it z, Jean 3

Hom esick, My Ow n St o ry Fr it z, Jean 5

Just a Few Word s, Mr . Linco ln – The St o ry o f t he

Get t ysb urg Ad d ressFr it z, Jean 2

Trait o r : The Case o f Bened ict Arno ld Fr it z, Jean 5

What 's The Big Id ea, Ben Franklin Fr it z, Jean 4

Why Don 't You Get a Horse, Sam Ad am s Fr it z, Jean 4

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 47

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Why No t , Laf ayet t e? Fr it z, Jean 5

Will You Sign Here John Hancock? Fr it z, Jean 4

Shh ! We’re Wr it ing t he Const it u t ion Fr it z,Jean 5

Three Lit t le Wo lves and t he Big Bad PigFr ivazas, Eugine and

Oxenb ury, Helen2

Haro ld & t he Dinosaur Myst ery Frost , E. 2

Cuckoo Clock Cuckoo , The Fuchshub er , A. 2

Dragon Rid er Funke, Cornelia 4

Th ief Lo rd , The Funke, Cornelia 5

Boston Tea Party, The Furstinger, Nancy 4

Gian t St o ry Mouse Tale Fushchub er , A 1

Bag Full o f Pup s Gackenb ach , Dick 1

Claud e t he Dog Gackenb ach , Dick 1

Do You Love Me? Gackenb ach , Dick 2

Har ry & t he Ter r ib le What zit Gackenb ach , Dick 1

Mot her Rab b it 's Son Tom Gackenb ach , Dick 1

What 's Claud e Do ing? Gackenb ach , Dick 1

St o ry o f Ho lly and Ivy Gad d en , R. 3

ABC Bunny, The Gag, W. 1

Millions o f Cat s Gag, W. 1

Gingerb read Boy Gald one, P. 1

Three Bears Gald one, P. 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 48

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Three Lit t le Kit t ens, The Gald one, P. 1

What 's In Fox's Sack? Gald one, P. 1

Henny Penny Gald one, Paul 1

Lit t le Red Hen Gald one, Paul 1

Three Lit t le Pigs Gald one, Paul 1

Lim est one Caves Gallan t , Roy A. 4

Once Up on MacDonald 's Farm Gam m ell, S 1

Eruption! The Story of Volcanoes Ganeri, Anita 2

Job s Peop le Do Ganer i, An it a K

Elm er And The Dragon Gannet t , R. 2

My Fat her 's Dragon Gannet t , R. 2

Wat er Fo r Dinosaurs And You Gans, R. 1

Ro t t en Ralp h Gan t os, J. 1

Pop p y t he Pand a Gaokenb ack, Dick 1

St one Fox Gard iner , J. 3

Top Secret Gard iner , J. 3

Fo llow My Lead er Gar f ield , J. 4

Bulb , The Gar rard , I. 1

Blue Willow Gat es, D. 5

Terror on the Amazon – The Quest for El Dorado Gates, Phil 3

Monkey See Monkey Do Gave, M. 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 49

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Hello , Cat , You Need a Hat Gelm an , R. 1

Hey, Kid ! Gelm an , R. 2

Mar t iner K. Saves t he Day Gelm an , R. 1

More Sp aghet t i, I Say! Gelm an , R. 1

Wet Cat s Gelm an , R. 1

Why Can 't I Fly? Gelm an , R. 1

Munch , Munch , Munch Gen t her , Norm a L. 1

Dig a Dinosaur Gen t ner , Norm a 1

Bear Fact s Gen t ner , Norm a L. 1

My Sid e o f t he Moun t ain George, J. 4

Talking Ear t h George, J. 5

One Day in the Alpine Tundra George, Jean C. 4

One Day in the Desert George, Jean C. 4

One Day in the Woods George, Jean C. 4

Look To The Nor t h – A Wo lf Pup Diary George, Jean Craighead 2

One Day In The Prair ie George, Jean Craighead 3

Char lie’s Raven George, Jean Craighead 4

Missing Gat o r o f Gum b o Lim b o : An Eco Myst ery, The George, Jean Craighead 4

There’s an Ow l in t he Show er George, Jean Craighead 4

Antarctica Land of Endless Water George, Michael 3

Do lp h in Nam ed Bob , A George, Tw ig C. 3

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 50

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Nursery Schoo l Rab b it Geras, A. 1

Three-Hat Day Ger inger , L. 1

Son For A Day Gerson , C. 4

William , Where Are You? Gerst ein , M. 1

Farm ing Gib b ons, G. 1

Seasons Of Arno ld 's Ap p le Tree, The Gib b ons, G. 1

Trains Gib b ons, G. 1

Dinosaurs, 1987 Gib b ons, Gail K

Post Of f ice Book, Mail and How It s Moves Gib b ons, Gail 2

Weat her Word s and What They Mean Gib b ons, Gail 2

Sp id ers Gib b ons, Gail 1

Beast & The Hallow een Hor ro r Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 2

Beast in Ms Rooney's Room , The Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 2

B-e-s-t Fr iend s Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 2

Cand y Corn Con t est , The Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 2

Case o f t he Coo l It ch Kid Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 2

Clue at t he Zoo , The Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 1

Decem b er Secret s Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 2

Four t h Grad e Celeb r it y Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 4

Garb age Juice f o r Breakf ast Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 2

Gir l w ho Knew It All Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 3

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 51

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Green Thum b s Everyone Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 1

Have You Seen Hyacin t h Macaw ? Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 3

In t he Dinosaur 's Paw Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 2

Lef t -Hand ed Shor t st op Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 3

Lily 's Crossing Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 4

Love, From t he Fif t h Grad e Celeb r it y Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 4

Meet t he Linco ln Lions Band Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 2

Po lk St . Ser ies Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 3

Po lka Do t Pr ivat e Eye Ser ies Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 2

Pow d er Puf f Puzzle Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 4

Purp le Clim b ing Days Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 2

Rid d le o f t he Red Purse Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 3

Ronald Morgan Goes t o Bat Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 2

St acy Says Good -b ye Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 2

Tod ay Was A Ter r ib le Day Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 2

Trail o f t he Scream ing Teenager , The Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 2

Wat ch Out , Man-Eat ing Snake Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 2

Wat ch Out , Ronald Morgan Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 1

Win t er Worm Business Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 3

100 Book Race: Hog Wild in t he Read ing Room , The Gif f , Pat r icia Reilly 1

Each Orange Has Figh t Slices Gigan t i, P. K

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 52

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

How Many Snails? Gigan t i, P. K

Jillian Jiggs Gilm an , P. 1

Wond er f u l Pigs o f Jillian Jiggs Gilm an , Phoeb e 2

Hello , My Nam e is Scram b led Eggs Gilson , J. 5

Th ir t een Ways t o Sink a Sub Gilson , J. 4

Across t he St ream Ginsb urg, M. 1

Ch ick and t he Duckling Ginsb urg, M. 1

Good Morn ing, Ch ick Ginsb urg, M. 1

Fab les Ginsb urg, Mir ra 3

Old Yeller Gip son , F. 4

Mist y and Me Gir ion , B. 4

Raising a Seeing Eye Dog Glassm an , Jackie K

Dest inat ion Everest Glenn , Karen 2

Great Race Of The Bird s & An im als Gob le, P 3

Gif t Of The Sacred Dog Gob le, P. 3

Hap p y Honey: The Best Fall o f All God w in , Laura K

Freed om Crossing Gof f Clark, Margaret 5

Mesa Verd e Go ld ish , Meish 3

Rh inoceros Wakes Me Up in t he Morn ing Good sp eed , P. 1

Boy Who Want ed a Fam ily Gord on , S. 3

Do lp h ins and Porp o ises Gord on , S. 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 53

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Show and Tell Gord on , S. 1

Trees Gord on , S. K

Drip Drop Gordon, Sharon 1

Fr iend ly Snow m an Gord on , Sharon 1

Hom e f o r a Pup p y Gord on , Sharon 1

Jo lly Monst ers, The Gord on , Sharon 1

Pet e t he Parakeet Gord on , Sharon 1

Playground Fun Gord on , Sharon 1

Spelling Bee Gordon, Sharon 1

Surp r ise Par t y Gord on , Sharon 1

Three Lit t le Wit ches Gord on , Sharon 1

Back t o Paul Revere Gorm ley, Beat r ice 4

Fif t h Grad e Magic Gorm ley, Beat r ice 5

Back t o t he Day Linco ln w as Sho t Gorm ley, Beat r ice 4

Nor t h Am er ican Ind ians Gorsline, M. 3

Pioneers Gorsline, M. 4

Very First Thanksgiving Day, The Gow ler Greene, Rhond a K

Old MacDonald Had a Farm Grab o f f , A. 1

Three Little Pigs, The Grace, Ellen 1

Must ard Graeb er , C. 3

Helen Keller Graf f , St ew ar t 2

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 54

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Wind in t he Willow s Graham e, K. 5

Animal Defenses Grambo, Rebecca 3

Ano t her Po in t o f View Ser ies The Lit t le Red Hen / Help

Yourself Lit t le Red HenGranow sky, Alvin 2

Dragon Granow sky, Alvin 1

Kangaroo , The Granow sky, Alvin 1

Loch Ness Monst er (Ser ies) Granow sky, Alvin 1

Oct op us, The (Ser ies) Granow sky, Alvin 1

Pand a, The (Ser ies) Granow sky, Alvin 1

Par ro t , The (Ser ies) Granow sky, Alvin 1

Pegasus, The (Ser ies) Granow sky, Alvin 1

Pony, The (Ser ies) Granow sky, Alvin 1

Praying Man t is (Ser ies) Granow sky, Alvin 1

Seahorse, The (Ser ies) Granow sky, Alvin 1

Tor t o ise & t he Hare, The: Fr iend s At t he End Granow sky, Alvin 2

Tyrannosaurus Rex Granow sky, Alvin 1

Co llect ing Th ings Is Fun ! Graves, Kim b er ly 1

See How It Grow s Graves, Kim b er ly K

Bigger Gian t , The Green , N. 2

Eat ing Ice Cream w it h a Werew o lf Green , P. 4

Tales o f Greek Heroes Green , R. 4

Through the Medicine Cabinet Greenburg, Dan 3

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Ghost Nam ed Rhond a, A Greenb urg, Dan 3

Great -Grand p a’s in t he Lit t er Box Greenb urg, Dan 2

Ph ilip Hall Likes Me, I Reckon Mayb e Greene, B. 5

Gir l Called Al Greene, C. 3

I Can Be a Baseb all Player Greene, C. 2

Ow en Foo t e: Migh t y Scien t ist Greene, St ep han ie 3

For t he Love o f t he Gam e – Michael Jo rd an & Me Green f ield , Elo ise 3

Mar iah Delany Lend ing Lib rary Disast er Greenw ald , S. 4

Am azing Bat s Greenw ay, F. 3

Am azing Bears Greenw ay, T. 3

Fox On t he Box, The Gregor ich , B. 1

Gum on The Drum , The Gregor ich , B. 1

I Wan t A Pet Gregor ich , B. 1

Jog Frog Jog Gregor ich , B. 1

Dear America Across the Wide and Lonesome Prairie Gregory, Kristiana 4

Yum m y, Yum m y Grey, J. 1

Changing Seasons Greyd anus, R. K

My Secret Hid ing Place Greyd anus, R. 1

Let 's Get A Pet Greyd anus, Rose 1

Phoeb e The Sp y Gr if f in , J 4

Dinosaur Habitat Griffith, Helen 2

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Gold en Goose Gr im m Bro t hers 1

Four Black Pup p ies Gr ind ley, Sally K

Brem en-Tow n Musicians Gross, R. 1

Hansel & Gret el Gross, R. 1

If You Grew Up Wit h George Wash ingt on Gross, R. 3

Book Ab out Your Skelet on , A Gross, Rut h Belo r 4

Snakes Gross, Rut h Belov 2

Tom m y at t he Grocery St o re Grossm an , B. 2

Good -Bye, My Wish ing St ar Grove, V. 3

St arp lace, The Grove, Vicki 5

Do lp h in Treasure Grover , Wayne 2

Monst er Und er My Bed , The Grub er , S. K

Is Your Mam a a Llam a? Guar ino 2

Cact us Ho t el Guib erson , Brend a 1

Nob od y List ens t o And rew Guilf o ile, E. 1

Stock Car Kings Gutelle, Andrew 3

Across t he Wild River Gut m an , B 4

Along t he Dangerous Trail Gut m an , B 4

Over t he Rugged Moun t ain Gut m an , B. 4

Hom ew ork Mach ine Gut m an , Dan 4

Kid Who Ran For Presid en t , The Gut m an , Dan 4

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Peanut But t er & Jelly Haas, D. 3

Pop p y and t he Out d oors Cat Haas, D. 2

Turnab out Had d ix, Margaret 5

Am ong t he Hid d en , 1998 Had d ix, Margaret Pet erson 4

Big Snow , The Had er , B. K

Cap t ive Ind ian Boy Haf er , F. 4

Dap hne's Book Hahn , M. 5

Wait Till Helen Com es Hahn , M. 4

Mary Had a Lit t le Lam b Hale, Sarah 2

Pr incess Acad em y Hale, Shannon 4

Pr incess Acad em y, The Hale, Shannon 2

Ox-Car t Man Hall, D. 1

Rose Beyond The Wall Hall, K 5

Bar ry t he Bravest Sain t Bernard Hall, L. 2

Forecast Hall, M. 2

Your Allowance Hall, Margaret 3

Tales of the American Revolution Hall, Peg 3

Tales of the Old West Hall, Peg 5

That 's What A Fr iend Is Hallinan , P. 1

Chains Halse And erson , Laur ie 5

Jenn if er , Tom Ham ill, Juan it a 2

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Boss Fo r a Week Hand y, Lib b y 2

Id a B… and Her Plans t o Maxim ize Fun , Avo id Disast er , and

(Possib ly) Save t he Wor ldHann igan , Kat her ine 5

Captive, The Hansen, Joyce 5

Black Bear Ad ven t ures Hansen , M. 3

Shad ow Maker , The Hansen , R 4

Fallen Sp acem an Hard ing, L. 3

Ghosts of the White House Harness, Cheryl 3

Ab e Linco ln Goes t o Wash ingt on Harness, Cheryl 2

Young Ab e Linco ln - The Fron t ier Days Harness, Cheryl 2

Rosie's Razzle Dazzle Har r is, R. 3

Wake Up , Sun Har r ison , David 1

Porcup ine's Pajam a Par t y Harshm an , Ter ry 1

My Prair ie Year (Based on t he Diary o f Eleno re Plaist ed ) Harvey, Bret t 2

Blackb ird 's Nest Harvey, Olive 1

Lit t le Wit ch ’s Big Nigh t Haut zig, Deb orah 2

Jam aica's Find Havill, J. 1

Tog t he Dog Haw kins, C. 1

Myst ery o f Pirat e Ghost , The Hayes, G. 2

Secret o f Foghorn Island , The Hayes, Geo f f rey 2

Day It Snow ed Tor t illas, The Hayes, J. 4

Th is is t he Bear Hayes, S. 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 59

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Biggest Cookie in t he Wor ld , The Hayw ard , L. 1

First Thanksgiving, The Hayw ard , Lind a 1

Bet sy & t he Circus Hayw ood , C. 2

Ed d ie's Hap p en ings Hayw ood , C. 3

Ed d ie's Menager ie Hayw ood , C. 3

Mer ry Chr ist m as f rom Ed d ie Hayw ood , C. 2

Gerald ine's Big Snow Hazen , B. 1

Gor illa Did It Hazen , B. 1

Tigh t Tim es Hazen , B. 2

Tale o f t he Bunny Picn ic Hearn , D. 1

Banana Tw ist Heid e, F. 4

Reason f o r A Flow er Heller , R. 1

Kites Sail High Heller, Ruth 1

Sheila Rae The Brave Henkes 2

Chrysan t hem um Henkes, K. 2

Jessica Henkes, Kevin 1

Julius - The Bab y o f t he Wor ld Henkes, Kevin 2

Penny and Her Marb le Henkes, Kevin 1

Year of Billy Miller, The Henkes, Kevin 2

Br igh t y o f t he Grand Canyon Henry, M. 5

Mist y o f Ch inco t eague Henry, M. 3

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Max Malone Make a Million Herm an , Char lo t t e 2

Ice Cream Soup Herm an , G. 1

St o rm Chasers – Tracking Tw ist ers Herm an , Gail 3

Red Wh it e and Blue-The St o ry o f t he Am er ican Flag Herm an , John 1

Dear America My America – The Starving Time Hermes, Patricia 3

Dear America Our Strange New Land Hermes, Patricia 3

Season of Promise Elizabeth's Jamestown Colony Diary Hermes, Patricia 2

What If They Knew ? Herm es, Pat r icia 3

Soccer Herzog, Brad K

Crack-Of -Daw n Walkers Hest , A. 3

Who St o le The Ap p les? Heuck, S. 1

Keep ing Healt hy Hew it t , Joy K

First Exp er iences: Go ing t o t he Den t ist Hew it t , Sally K

Keep ing Healt hy Hew it t , Sally K

Lif e Cycles: Cat erp illar t o But t er f ly Hew it t , Sally K

Flush Hiaasen , Car l 5

Hoo t Hiaasen , Car l 4

Gus, A Beaver Highsmith Taylor, Bonnie 4

Perry, A Pronghorn Antelope Highsmith Taylor, Bonnie 4

Sagebrush Highsmith Taylor, Bonnie 2

Simon A Red Fox Highsmith Taylor, Bonnie 4

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Case o f t he Nervous New sb oy Hild ick, E. 4

Galact ic War lo rd Hill, D. 4

Where's Sp o t ? Hill, E. 1

Did You Know ? Hill, Sand i 1

Great At t it ud e, A Hill, Sand i 1

Wake Up , Ground hog! Hill, Susanna Leonard K

Ren t a Th ird Grad er Hiller , B. 3

Case o f t he Lost Boy, The Hillest ad But ler , Dor i 2

Monarch But t er f ly’s Lif e, A Him m elm an , John 2

Hum m ingb ird ’s Lif e, A Him m elm an , John 1

Clue Jun io r “The Case o f t he Choco lat e Fingerp r in t s” Hin t er , Parker 3

You're Go ing Out There A Kid , But Hirsch , L. 5

Old Bear Hissey, J. 2

So lve Them Yourself Myst er ies Hit chcock, A. 5

An Even Break Hit e, Sid 5

Ar t hur Ser ies Hob an , Lillian 1

Case o f t he Tw o Masked Rob b ers, The Hob an , Lillian K

Silly Tilly’s Valentine Hoban, Lillian K

Bed t im e For Frances Hob an , Russell K

Bread and Jam f o r Frances Hob an , Russell 2

Dinner at Alb er t a's Hob an , Russell 1

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Frances Ser ies Hob an , Russell 1

Tom and t he Tw o Hand les Hob an , Russell 1

Of Co lo rs and Th ings Hob an , Tana K

Beardance Hobbs, Will 4

Bearstone Hobbs, Will 4

Changes in Lat it ud es Hob b s, Will 5

Far North Hobbs, Will 4

Ghost Canoe Hob b s, Will 4

House is a House Fo r Me Hob erm an , M. 1

Alb er t t he Alab at ross Ho f f , Syd 1

Danny and t he Dinosaur Ho f f , Syd 1

Gr izzw o ld Ho f f , Syd 1

Horse in Harry’s Room, The Hoff, Syd K

Julius Ho f f , Syd 1

Lit t lest Leaguer Ho f f , Syd 1

Mrs. Br ice's Mice Ho f f , Syd 1

So f t Skull Sam Hof f , Syd 1

St an ley Ho f f , Syd 1

Who Will Be My Friends Hoff, Syd K

One Fine Day Hogrogian , N. 2

Fo llow ing t he Myst ery Man Hohn , M. 5

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Anelina Baller ina Ho lab ird , Kat har ine 2

Haun t ing o f Cab in 13 Ho ll, K 4

When The Alligat o r Cam e To Class Ho lland er , Cass 2

An Elf f o r Chr ist m as Ho lland s, J. 2

Best Fr iend s Ho llaner , Cass 2

Who Said Boo? Ho llaner , Cass 2

Seab ird Ho lling, C 4

Tree In The Trail Ho lling, C. 1

Pad d le To The Sea Ho lling, H 3

Sp id ers are An im als Ho llow ay, J 1

Am p h ib ians Are An im als Ho llow ay, J. K

Insect s Are An im als Ho llow ay, J. K

Mam m als Are An im als Ho llow ay, J. 1

Rep t iles Are An im als Ho llow ay, J. K

Slake's Lim b o Ho lm an , Felice 5

How America Works Holmes, Nigel 3

All New Jonah Tw ist Honeycut t , N. 3

Sign Pain t er ’s Secret , The: St o ry o f a Revo lut ionary Gir lHoob ler , Doro t hy &

Thom as3

Pioneer Cat Hooks, W 2

Bob b sey Tw ins, Myst ery On t he Mississip p i Hop e, L. 3

Record s and Od d it ies Hop kins, John 2

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Surp r ises Hop kins, L. 1

Weat her - Poem s f o r All Seasons Hop kins, Lee Bennet t 2

Volcano! Hopping, Lorraine 2

Wild Weather Tornados Hopping, Lorraine 2

Avalanche! Hopping, Lorraine Jean 2

Floods Hopping, Lorraine Jean 2

Hurricanes! Hopping, Lorraine Jean 2

Tornad oes! Hop p ing, Lo r raine Jean 2

Everyt h ing on a Waf f le Horvat h , Po lly 4

Br igh t Freed om 's Song Houst on , Glo r ia 5

I Can Read Ab out Dinosaurs How ard , J. 1

Ted d y Bear 's Scrap b ook How e, D. 3

Bunn icula How e, J. 2

Celery St alks at Mid n igh t How e, J. 3

Day The Teacher Wen t Bananas, The How e, J. 1

How lid ay Inn How e, J. 4

I Wish I Were A But t er f ly How e, J. 1

Nigh t y Nigh t m are How e, J. 3

Pinky and Rex and t he Schoo l Play How e, Jam es K

Pinky and Rex and t he Sp elling Bee How e, Jam es 2

There’s a Dragon in m y Sleep ing Bag, 1994 How e, Jam es K

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

It Cam e From Beneat h t he Bed How e, Jam es 2

Pinky and Rex and t he Bully How e, Jam es 1

Sp id er and t he Fly How it t , M. 1

Pueb lo St o ryt eller Hoyt -Go ld sm it h , Diane 3

Five No t ab le Inven t o rs Hud son , Wad e 5

Nut t y Can 't Miss Hughes, D. 4

Enorm ous Turn ip Hun ia, F. 1

Lo t t ery Rose Hun t , H. 5

Across Five Ap r ils Hun t , I. 5

Up a Road Slow ly Hun t , Ir . 5

Ch ild o f t he Silen t Nigh t Hun t er , E. 4

Pea Pat ch Jig, The Hurd , T. 2

Russell Rid es Again Hurw it z, J 1

Ald o Ap p lesauce Hurw it z, J. 3

Busyb od y Nora Hurw it z, J. 2

Class Clow n Hurw it z, J. 3

DeDe Takes Charge Hurw it z, J. 2

Tough Luck Karen Hurw it z, J. 4

Ad ven t ures o f Ali Bab a Bernst ein , The Hurw it z, Johanna 2

Class Presid en t Hurw it z, Johanna 3

Helen Keller : Courage in t he Dark Hurw it z, Johanna 2

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Doorb ell Rang Hut ch ins, P. 1

Good n igh t Ow l Hut ch ins, P. 1

Rosie's Walk Hut ch ins, P. 1

Very Worst Monst er Hut ch ins, P. 1

Wind Blew Hut ch ins, P. 1

Changes, Changes Hut ch ins, Pat K

You’ll Soon Grow In t o Them Tit ch Hut ch ins, Pat K

Lit t le Red Rid ing Hood Hym an, T. 1

Journey t o t he River Sea Ib b o t son , Eva 5

Those Myst er ious Dinasaurs Ingoglia, Gina 2

True St o ry o f Corky t he Blind Sea Irvine, B. 2

Legend o f Sleep y Ho llow Irving, W. 5

Rip Van Winkle Irving, W. 2

Pict ure t he Past - Lif e on a Pioneer Hom est ead Isaacs, Sally Senzell 2

Young Mozar t Isad ora, Rachel 2

Alb er t t he Runn ing Bear Get s t he Jit t ers Isenb erg/Wo lf 1

Three Blind Mice Ivim ey, J. 1

George Washington, Our First President Jackson, Garrett 3

Rid d le o f Penncro f t Farm , The Jansen , Doro t hea 5

Revolutionary War, The January, Brendan K

Celeb rat ing Presid en t s’ DayJard ano , Kim b er ly & Callella-

Jones, Tr ishaK

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Who Am I? Jenness, A. 2

St raw b er ry Thanksgiving Jenn ings, Paulla 2

Bird Wat ch Jenn ings, Ter ry K

Per f ect t he Pig Jeschke, S. 1

Lucky's Cho ice Jescke, S. 1

Now Let Me Fly: The St o ry o f a Slave Fam ily Johnson , Do lo res 4

Never Ride Your Elephant to School Johnson, Doug K

Gr izzly Johnson , E. 5

Wagon , The Johnson , Tony 5

Five Lit t le Foxes & t he Snow Johnst on , T. 1

Four Scary St o r ies Johnst on , T. 1

Van ish ing Pum p kin Johnst on , T. 2

Big Red Ap p le Johnst on , Tony K

Quilt St o ry, The Johnst one, T. 2

Round Tr ip Jonas, A. 1

Hap p y Bir t hd ay, Dr . King! Jones, K. 2

God zilla At e My Hom ew ork Jones, Marcia Thorn t on 2

Crocod ile Beat Jo rgensen , G. 1

Bub b legum Jorgensen , Gail 1

What Do You Say, Dear? Joslin , S. 1

Blackb er r ies in t he Dark Jukes, M. 3

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Phan t om To llb oo t h Just er , N. 4

Ravi's Diw ali Surp r ise Kacker , A. 2

Jum p , Frog, Jum p Kalan , R. 1

Rain Kalan , Rob er t 1

Gold Rush – Lif e in t he Old West , The Kalm an , Bob b ie 4

How A Plan t Grow s Kalm an , Bob b ie 4

What is a Biome? Kalman, Bobbie 3

Celeb rat ing t he Pow w ow Kalm an , Bob b ie 1

Cind erella Kar lin , Barb ara 2

Fat Cat Sat on the Mat, The Karlin, Nurit K

Wo lf 's Ch icken St ew Kasza, K. 2

Because of Winn Dixie Kate DiCamillo 3

Tale of Despereaux, The Kate DiCamillo 4

Sw im Wit h t he Do lp h ins Kat h leen W. Kranking 2

Bab y Zoo An im als Kauf m an , E. 2

Penguins Kauf m an , E. 1

Goggles Keat s, E. 1

Hi, Cat ! Keat s, E. 1

Pet Show Keat s, E. 1

Pet er 's Chair Keat s, E. 3

Snow y Day Keat s, E. 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 69

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Whist le Fo r Willie Keat s, E. 1

Ap t . 3 Keat s, E.J. 2

Sea o f Ice/The Wreck o f t he End urance Keelling, Mon ica 3

Nancy Drew Myst er ies Keene, C. 5

Nancy Drew and t he Clue Crew Case o f t he Sneaky

Snow m anKeene, Caro lyn 1

Who is t he Beast ? Keit h Baker K

Rif les f o r Wat ie Keit h , H. 5

What if You’d Been at Jamestown? Keller, Ellen 2

Gerald ine's Big Snow Keller , H. 1

Helen Keller Keller , Helen 4

Ch icken 's Aren 't t he On ly Ones Keller , R. 1

Tree is a Hom e, A Kelley, Dr . Ald en 1

Island o f t he Skog, The Kellog, S. K

Johnny Ap p leseed , 1988 Kellog, St even K

Pecos Bill Kellog, St even 3

Ch icken Lit t le Kellogg, S. 1

Myst er ious Tad p o le Kellogg, S. 2

Myst ery o f t he Missing Red Mit t en Kellogg, S. 1

Tallyho , Pinker t on ! Kellogg, S. 1

Jack and t he Beanst alk Kellogg, St ep hen 2

Best Fr iend s Kellogg, St even 2

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Mike Fink Kellogg, St even 2

Gam m age Cup Kend all, C. 5

Cat erp illar and t h Po lliw og, The Ken t , J. 1

There's No Such Th ing as a Dragon Ken t , J. 2

Fat Cat Ken t , Jack 2

What t o Do Ab out Alice? Ker ley, Barb ara 3

When Hit ler St o le Pink Rab b it Ker r , J. 5

That 's No t San t a Kessler , L. 1

Here Com es t he St r ikeout Kessler , Leonard 2

Orphan Journey Home Ketchum, Liza 4

Bub b a: The Cow b oy Pr ince Ket t em an , Helen 3

Escap e t o Wit ch Moun t ain Key, A. 4

Forgo t t en Door Key, A. 5

How Pizza Cam e t o Queens Khalsa, Dayal Kaur 2

Com e On Up ! Kim , J. K

You Look Funny Kim , J. 1

Anazi & The Moss-Covered Rock Kim m el, E. 1

Balt o and t he Great Race Kim m el, Elizab et h Cod y 3

Invaders from Outer Space Kindersley, Porling 4

Dow n on t he Funny Farm King, P. 1

Babe: The Gallant Pig King-Smith, Dick 2

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Billy the Bird King-Smith, Dick 2

Jenius: the Amazing Guinea Pig King-Smith, Dick 2

Pigs Migh t Fly King-Sm it h , Dick 2

Canad a Geese Quilt , The Kinsey-Warnock, Nat alie 3

Miss Sp id er ’s Wed d ing Kirk, David 2

St o r ies In St one Kit t inger , Jo S. 3

Big Red Kjelgaard , Jim 4

Hom ew ork Hassles Klein , Ab b y 1

Too t h Troub le Klein , Ab b y 1

Herb ie Jones Ser ies Kline, J. 3

Herb ie Jones and t he Second Grad e Slip p ers Kline, Suzy K

Hor r ib le Har ry and t he An t Invasion Kline, Suzy 3

Hor r ib le Har ry and t he Green Slim e Kline, Suzy 2

Hor r ib le Har ry and t he Kickb all Wed d ing Kline, Suzy 3

Hor r ib le Har ry in Room 2B Kline, Suzy 2

Hor r ib le Har ry Ser ies Kline, Suzy 2

Song Lee and the “I Hate You” Notes Kline, Suzy 3

I Can Read About Christopher Columbus Knight, David 3

Map s and Glob es Know lt on , J 1

And y Pig 's Great Flying Ad ven t ure Koci, M. 1

Ann ie Banan ie Kom aiko , L. 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 72

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

George Kon igsb urg, E 5

From t he Mixed -Up Files o f Mrs. Basil Kon igsb urg, E. 5

Jennifer, Hecate, MacBeth, William McKinley, and Me, Elizabeth Konigsburg, E.L. 3

Proud Tast e Fo r Scar let & Min iver Kon igsb urg, E.L. 5

View f rom Sat urd ay, The Kon igsb urg, E.L. 5

Found ling Fox Korshunow , I. 2

Hib ernat ion (Scho last ic Read er Level 2) Kosara, To r i K

From Tadpole to Frog Kottke, Jan 1

Flying Saucer Full o f Sp aghet t i, A Krahn , Fernand o K

Myst ery o f t he Gian t Foo t p r in t s, The Krahn , Fernand o i K

Gr im m 's Fairy Tales Kram er , N. 4

Tiger Wood s/Go lf ’s Young Mast er Kram er , S.A. 3

To The Top! Kramer, S.A. 2

Ad ven t ure in Alaska Kram er , S.A. 3

Wagon Train Kram er , Syd elle 2

Man Who Did n 't Wash His Dishes Krasilovsky, P. 1

Sp id er 's First Day At Schoo l Kraus, R 1

Com e Out & Play Lit t le Mouse Kraus, R. 1

Ella t he Bad Sp eller Kraus, R. 2

Hap p y Day Kraus, R. 1

Herm an t he Help er Kraus, R. 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 73

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

How Sp id er Saved East er Kraus, R. 1

How Sp id er Saved Hallow een Kraus, R. 1

Leo-The Lat e Bloom er Kraus, R. 1

Ow liver Kraus, R. 1

Whose Mouse Are You? Kraus, R. 1

Ph il t he Ven t r iloq uist Kraus, Rob er t 1

Bears Krauss, R. 1

Ho le is t o Dig Krauss, R. 1

Car ro t Seed , TheKrauss, Rut h and

Johnson , Crocket t1

Lionel At Large Krensky, S. 2

Chr ist op her Co lum b us Krensky, St ep hen 1

Pear l Harb o r Krensky, St ep hen 2

Pr in t er ’s Ap p ren t ice, The Krensky, St ep hen 2

Big Bunny & t he Magic Show Kro ll, S. 3

Biggest Pum p kin Ever Kro ll, S. 3

Oh, What a Thanksgiving ! Kro ll, S. 3

I'd Like t o Be Kro ll, St even 2

Masai & I Krou, V. 2

And Now Miguel Krum go ld , J. 5

On ion John Krum go ld , J. 5

All Ab out Seed s Kuchalla, S. K

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 74

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Bab y An im als Kuchalla, S. K

Bears Kuchalla, S. K

Now I Know Ab out Bird s Kuchalla, S. 1

What Is A Rep t ile? Kuchalla, S. K

Bird s Kuchalla, Susan K

Pearl Harbor is Burning! Kudlinski, Kathleen 4

Eleanor Everyw here-The Lif e o f Eleanore Roosevelt Kulling, Mon ica 2

Great Houd in i – Wor ld Fam ous Magician and Escap e Ar t ist ,

TheKulling, Mon ical 2

Pat The Bunny Kunhard t , D 1

Pom p eii "Bur ied Alive"! Kunhard t , E. 3

Celeb rat ing Mar t in Lut her King Jr . Day-Dream ing o f

ChangeKup p erst ein , Joel K

Celeb rat ing Thanksgiving Kup p erst ein , Joel K

I’m Sor ry, Alm ira Ann Kur t z, Jane 2

Let ’s Go Ap p le Picking! Lakin , Pat r icia K

Who’s Hid ing? Lanczak William s, Rozanne 1

Whale - Gentle Giant Langford, Milton 3

Frog Wen t A Cour t ing Langst af f 2

A-Hun t ing We Will Go Langst af f , J. 1

Orp haned Pup Lap p , E. 5

Sing, Sam , Sing Larkin , Bruce K

Car ry On , Mr . Bow d it ch Lat ham , Jean Lee 5

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 75

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Cind erhazel: The Cind erella o f Hallow een Lat t im ore, Deb orah Nourse 3

Lost St ar -The St o ry o f Am elia Earhar t Laub er , P. 4

Seeing Ear t h f rom Sp ace Laub er , Pat r icia 4

Savvy, 2008 Law , Ingr id 4

Ad d ie Across t he Prair ie Law ler , Laur ie 4

Binky Bros, Det ect ives Law rence, J. 1

Binky Bro t hers & t he Fear less Four Law rence, J. 3

Rab b it Hill Law son , R. 4

Ben and Me Law son , Rob er t 3

Travels Across America Series Leacock, Elspeth 4

St o ry o f Ferd inand Leaf , M. 1

Wee Gillis Leaf , M. 2

Legend Of The Milky Way Lee, J 3

United States Constitution, The Leebrick, Kristal 4

Em il t he Eagle LeFleur , T. 2

Cat w ings LeGuin , U. 2

Pilgr im Ch ild ren Had Many Chores Lem s-Tard if , Gina K

Wr inkle in Tim e L'Engle, M. 5

St raw b er ry Gir l Lenski, L. 3

Alw ays Room f o r One More Leod has, S. 2

Lit t le Mouse Makes a Mess Leonard , M. 2

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Lit t le Ow l Leaves t he Nest Leonard , M. 1

Lit t le Pig 's Bir t hd ay Leonard , M. 1

Lit t le Rab b it 's Bab y Sist er Leonard , M. 1

Pain t b ox Penguins Leonard , M. 1

Bear ’s Busy Year , 1990 Leonard , Marcia K

Big Bird Says Lerner , S. 1

What Ab out Exp lo r ing Sp ace Leslie Aim s 3

Porcup ine Nam ed Fluf f y, A Lest er , H. K

Wizard , t he Fairy, & The Magic, T Lest er , H. 1

Pookins Get s Her Way Lest er , Helen 1

Tacky t he Penguin Lest er , Helen 1

Tacky-Three Cheers f o r Tack Lest er , Helen K

Best Enem ies Lever ich , Kat h leen 2

If You Lived At The Great San Francisco Ear t hq uake Levine, E. 4

If You Were An An im al Doct o r Levine, E. 2

I Go Wit h My Fam ily t o Grand m a's Levinson , R. 1

Clara and t he Book Wagon Levison , N. 2

Boom Tow n, 1998 Levit in , Son ia K

Frankenst ein Moved in on t he 4t h Floo r Levy, E. 3

If You Were There When They Signed t he Const it u t ion Levy, E. 3

Lizzie Lies a Lo t Levy, E. 4

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 77

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Shad ow Nose Levy, E. 3

Som et h ing Queer Ser ies Levy, E. 2

St o ry o f Anne Frank, The Lew is, Brend a Ralp h 3

Chron icles o f Narn ia Lew is, C. 5

Long Ago in Oregon Lew is, C. 3

Hill o f Fire Lew is, T. 1

Buzz Said t he Bee Lew ison , W. K

Mud Lew ison , W. 1

Chr ist m as Secret Lexau, J. 2

Pip p i Longst ocking Lind gren , A. 3

Pip p i on t he Run Lind gren , Ast r id 2

Am azing Crocod iles and Rep t iles Ling, M. 3

Tales From Silver Land s Linger , C. 4

Fred er ick Lionn i, L. K

Sw im m y Lionn i, L. 1

Mat t hew 's Dream Lionn i, Leo 2

An Ext rao rd inary Egg Lionn i, Leo K

It ’s Mine! Lionn i, Leo K

Alexand er & The Wind -Up Mouse Lionn i,L. 1

Migh t Mizzling Mouse Lip p inco t t , J.B. K

Af t ernoon o f t he Elves Lisle, J. 4

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Tro jan Horse Lit t le, E. 3

Look Th rough My Wind ow Lit t le, J 5

Kat e Lit t le, J. 5

Boy Who Cr ied Wo lf Lit t led ale, F. 2

Elves and t he Shoem aker Lit t led ale, F. 1

King Mid as Lit t led ale, F. 1

Magic Fish Lit t led ale, F. 1

Pet er and t he Nor t h Wind Lit t led ale, F. 1

Snow Ch ild Lit t led ale, F. 2

Sea Songs Livingst on , Myra Cohn 2

Duck Lloyd , D. 1

Myst ery o f t he Haun t ed Trail Loar im er , J. 5

Days Wit h Frog and Toad Lob el, Arno ld 1

Fab les Lob el, Arno ld 2

Frog & Toad Ser ies Lob el, Arno ld 1

Lucille Lob el, Arno ld 1

Ming Lo Moves t he Moun t ain Lob el, Arno ld 1

Mouse Soup Lob el, Arno ld 1

Mouse Tales Lob el, Arno ld 1

On Market St reet Lob el, Arno ld 1

Ow l At Hom e Lob el, Arno ld 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 79

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Rose in My Gard en , The Lob el, Arno ld 2

Sm all Pig Lob el, Arno ld 2

Treef u l o f Pigs Lob el, Arno ld 2

Uncle Elep han t Lob el, Arno ld 1

Ech id na and t he Shad e Tree Lo f t s, P. 1

Pick-A-Pat h Dinosaur Ad ven t ure Logan , N. 2

Shaw n and Keep er /Show -and -Tell Lond on , Jonat han 1

Gone Fish ing Long, E 1

In t he Year o f t he Boar & Jackie Rob inson Lord , B. 4

Rules Lord , Cyn t h ia 4

Rules Lord , Cyn t h ia 5

Bir t hd ay Presen t f o r Mam a Lor ian , N. 1

Ligh t n ing Lor raine Jean Hop p ing 3

Holes Louis Sachar 4

Thanksgiving Is … Louise Bord en 1

Bess’s Log Cab in Quilt Love, D. Anne 3

Mice Twice Low, Joseph 2

Aunt Clara Brown, Official Pioneer Lowery, Linda 3

Anast asia Krup n ik Low ry, Lo is 3

At t ab oy, Sam ! Low ry, Lo is 2

Aut um n St reet Low ry, Lo is 5

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Gooney Bird Greene Lowry, Lois 2

Num b er The St ars Low ry, Lo is 4

Sum m er t o Die Low ry, Lo is 5

Us and Uncle Frank Low ry, Lo is 4

Pun ished !, 2006 Lub ar , David 2

Vincent Van Gogh Lucas, Eileen 2

Ab raham Linco ln : Our 16t h Presid en t Luciano , Barb ara L. 4

Gir l Nam ed Helen Keller , A Lund ell, Margo 2

No Car ro t s f o r Har ry Lungerm an , Jean 2

Bob b y's Zoo Lunn , C. 1

Roo t Cellar , The Lunn , J. 5

Shad ow In Haw t ho rn Bay Lunn , J. 5

Heaven ly Zoo ; Legend s and Tales Lur ie, A. 5

Cab in in Cr ip p le Creek, A Luxa, Sue 4

Denver Days Luxa, Sue 4

One Go ld en Sum m er Luxa, Sue 4

Pecos Bill Lym an , Nanci 2

It chy, It chy Ch icken Pox Maccarm e, G. 1

Ghost On The Hill Maccarone, G 3

Haun t ing o f Grad e Th ree Maccarone, G. 3

Lit t le Beaver and t he Echo MacDonald , Am y 2

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Ser ies MacDonald , B. 3

Alp hab at ics MacDonald , S. 1

Cassie Binegar MacLach lan , P. 5

Sarah , Plain and Tall MacLach lan , P. 2

Through Grand p a's Eyes MacLach lan , P. 1

Caleb 's St o ry MacLach lan , Pat r icia 2

Skylark, Sequel to Sarah, Plain and Tall Maclachlan, Patricia 3

Three Nam es MacLach lan , Pat r icia 1

Exp lo rat ion and Conq uest Maest o , Bet sy and Giu lio 4

Discovery of the Americans, The Maestro, Betsy and Giulio 2

New Am er icans, The Maest ro , Bet sy and Giu lio 2

St ruggle f o r a Con t inen t Maest ro , Bet sy and Giu lio 3

It is t he Law Magaln ick, Barb ara 3

Making a Law Magaln ick, Barb ara 3

Fan t ail, Fan t ail Mahy, Margaret 1

Be A Per f ect Person In Just 3 Days Manes, S. 3

Cock-a-d ood le-hoooooo ! Mann ing, Mick K

Bust er Loves But t ons! Manushkin , F. 1

Lit t le Rab b it 's Bab y Bro t her Manushkin , F. 1

Are You There Bear? Mar i, R. 1

I Will No t Wear That Sw eat er Mar ie, S. 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 82

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Fur Mark, J. 1

Insid e t he Tit an ic Marschau, Ken 2

Myst ery o f t he Alam o Ghost , The Marsh , Caro le 4

Myst ery o f t he Calif o rn ia Mission Trail, The Marsh , Caro le 4

Myst ery o f t he Rocky Moun t ains, The Marsh , Caro le 4

Myst ery o f t he Und erground Railroad , The Marsh , Caro le 4

Yum m ers Marshall 1

Yum m ers, Too Marshall 1

Four On The Shore Marshall, E. 1

Fox and His Fr iend s Ser ies Marshall, E. 1

Sp ace Case Marshall, E. 1

Three By The Sea & Four By t he Se Marshall, E. 1

Fox Be Nim b le Marshall, J. 1

George & Mar t ha Ser ies Marshall, J. 1

Red Rid ing Hood Marshall, J. 2

Go ld ilocks and t he Th ree Bears Marshall, Jam es 1

Old Mo t her Hub b ard and Her Wond er f u l Dog Marshall, Jam es 2

List en t o t he Rain Mar t in & Archam b ault 2

Po lar Bear , Po lar Bear , What Do You Hear? Mar t in Jr , Bill Car le, Er ic K

St age Fr igh t Mar t in , A. 4

Bab ysit t ers Lit t le Sist er #1 “Karen ’s Wit ch ” Mar t in , Ann M. 3

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 83

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Brow n Bear , Brow n Bear Mar t in , B. 1

Fire, Fire, Said Mrs. McGuire Mar t in , B. 1

Mond ay, Mond ay, I Like Mond ay Mar t in , B. 1

Ghost -Eye Tree Mar t in , B. Archam b ault , J. 2

Kno t s On A Coun t ing Rop e Mar t in , B. & Archam b ault , J. 2

Here Are My Hand sMar t in , Bill Jr . &

Archam b ault , John1

Hap p y Hip p op o t am i Mar t in , Jr .B. 1

Foo lish Rab b it 's Big Mist ake Mar t in , R. 2

Wh it e Dynam it e & Cur ly Kid d Mar t in ,Archam b ault 2

Green Ghost o f Ap p leville, The Marzo llo , J 3

In 1492 Marzo llo , J. 1

I Am A Leaf Marzo llo , Jean 1

Once Up on A Sp r ingt im e Marzo llo , Jean 2

Soccer Sam Marzollo, Jean 2

Big Cit y Po r t Masest ro and DelVecch io 2

Everest - Reaching for the Sky Masoff, Joy 2

11 Bir t hd ays Mass, Wend y 4

Every Soul a St ar Mass, Wend y 5

War Within, The Matas, Carol 5

Bunches & Bunches o f Bunn ies Mat hew s, L. 1

Old en Days Mat h ieu, J. 2

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Mot her 's Day, El Dia d e las Mad res Mat iella, A. 2

Icky, St icky Gloop Mat t hew s, M. 1

Rud o lp h t he Red Nose Reind eer May, R. 2

All By Myself Mayer , Mercer 1

Frog Goes t o Dinner Mayer , Mercer K

Hap p y East er , Lit t le Cr it t er Mayer , Mercer 1

I Just Fo rgo t Mayer , Mercer 1

If I Ever Mayer , Mercer 1

Just a Rainy Day Mayer , Mercer 1

Just Cam p ing Out Mayer , Mercer 1

Just Fo r You Mayer , Mercer 1

Just Go t o Bed Mayer , Mercer 1

Just Grand p a and Me Mayer , Mercer 1

Just Me & My Lit t le Sist er Mayer , Mercer 1

Just Me and My Pup p y Mayer , Mercer 1

Just Shop p ing w it h Mom Mayer , Mercer 1

Lit t le Cr it t er Ser ies Mayer , Mercer 1

Lit t le Monst er Ser ies Mayer , Mercer 1

Mer ry Chr ist m as Mom and Dad Mayer , Mercer 1

Oop s Mayer , Mercer 1

There's A Nigh t m are In My Closet Mayer , Mercer 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 85

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

There's An Alligat o r Und er My Bed Mayer , Mercer 1

There's Som eone in My At t ic Mayer , Mercer 1

What Do You Do Wit h a Kangaroo? Mayer , Mercer 1

When I Get Bigger Mayer , Mercer 1

Extreme Machines Maynard, Christopher 2

Pirat es! Maynard , Chr ist op her 2

Dr if t Mayne, William 4

Coun t ing Is Fo r The Bird s Mazzo la, Frank Jr . 3

Plan t That At e Dir t y Socks, The McAr t her , N. 4

Adventure of Backyard Sleepout McArthur, Nancy 3

Oliver & The Runaw ay Alligat o r McBr ier , M. 3

Ad ven t ure in t he Haun t ed House McBr ier , Page 3

Oliver and t he Lucky Duck McBr ier , Page 2

Blueb er r ies Fo r Sal McCloskey, R. 1

Hom er Pr ice McCloskey, R. 2

Len t il McCloskey, R. 2

Make Way f o r Ducklings McCloskey, R. 1

One Morn ing in Maine McCloskey, R. 1

First Snow McCully, Em ily Arno ld K

Picn ic McCully, Em ily Arno ld K

Anansi t he Sp id er McDerm ot t , G. 2

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

You Would n ’t Wan t t o Sail w it h Chr is Co lum b us McDonald , Fiona 3

Jud y Mood y Goes t o Co llege, 2008 McDonald , Megan 3

Toad Food and Measle Soup McDonnell, Ch r ist ine 3

In t he Gard en McDougall, Jim K

Chr ist op her Co lum b us McGavern , Ann 3

Louisa May Alco t t McGill, M. 4

Sharks McGovern , A 3

If You Grew Up Wit h Ab raham Linco ln McGovern , A. 3

May Flow er McGovern , A. 3

St one Soup McGovern , A. 1

Too Much No ise McGovern , A. 1

Secret So ld ier , The: St o ry o f Deb orah Sam p son McGovern , Ann 3

Shark Lad y McGovern , Ann 2

Baseb all Coun t ing Book, The McGrat h , Barb ara Barb ier i 2

Jud ge Ben jam in Ser ies McInerney, J. 3

Teacher Who Could No t Coun t , The McKee & Ho lland 1

Elm er McKee, D. K

Coun t ry Mouse and Cit y Mouse McKissack, P. 1

Cind erella McKissack, Pat 1

King's New Clo t hes, The McKissack, Pat & Fred r ick 1

Bugs McKissack, Pat Fred r ick 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 87

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Gold Fever McMor row , Cat her ine 2

Quakes McMorrow, Catherine 2

Dinosaur Hun t ers McMullan , K. 2

Doub le Dragon Troub le McMullan , Kat e 3

New Kid at Schoo l, The McMullan , Kat e 3

Dancing w it h Manat ees McNult y, Fait h 3

Bears's Too t hache McPhail, David 1

Em m a's Pet McPhail, David 2

First Fligh t McPhail, David 2

Henry Bear 's Park McPhail, David 2

Pig Pig Grow s Up (Ser ies) McPhail, David 1

Snow Lion McPhail, David 2

Lit t le Red Hen McQueen , Lucind a 1

Snow Treasure McSw igan , M. 4

Thanksgiving Meachen Rau, Dana 2

Elephant is Child, The – Rudyard Kipling Medley, Linda, Ill. 1

Ob ad iah Melser , June K

Poor Old Po lly Melser , June K

Woosh ! A Read -Toget her Book Melser , June K

In A Dark, Dark Wood Melser /Cow ley K

One Co ld Wet Nigh t Melser /Cow ley 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 88

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Chisholm Trail, The Mercati, Cynthia 4

Pony Express, The Mercati, Cynthia 2

Remember the Alamo! Mercati, Cynthia 4

Schoo lhouse on t he Prair ie Mercat i, Cyn t h ia 2

Square Against the World Mercati, Cynthia 3

Square Against the World: Story of a Sod House Mercati, Cynthia 2

Wagons Ho! A Diary of the Oregon Trail Mercati, Cynthia 2

Seed is a Prom ise, A. Mer ill, C. 2

12 Ways t o Get t o 11 Mer r iam , Eve 2

I Can Read Ab out Sp id ers Mer r ians, D. 1

Pushcar t War Mer r ill, J. 5

Big Shark’s Lost Too t h Met zger , St eve K

Op ossum and t he Great Firem aker Mike, Jan M. 3

Save That Raccoon Miklow it z, G. 2

Ann ie and t he Old One Miles, M. 2

Ch icken Fo rget s Miles, M. 1

Seasons o f t he Farm Miller , J. 1

Picking Ap p les and Pum p kins Mills, Liz K

Blind Fligh t Milt on , H. 3

Bears Are Cur ious Milt on , Joyce 1

Dinosaur Days Milt on , Joyce 1

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

March ing t o Freed om St o ry o f Mar t in Lut her King Milt on , Joyce 4

Sacajawea Milton, Joyce 1

St o ry o f George Wash ingt on Quiet Hero Milt on , Joyce 4

Whales, The Gen t le Gian t s Milt on , Joyce 2

Wild , Wild Wo lves Milt on , Joyce 1

Kiss f o r Lit t le Bear Minar ik, E. 1

Lit t le Bear Ser ies Minar ik, E. 1

No Figh t ing, No Bit ing! Minar ik, E. 1

Cind er -Ella Min t ers, Frances 2

Baseb all Saved Us Moch izuki, Ken 3

One Zillion Valen t ines Mod ell, F. 2

Dr inking Gourd , The Mon jo , F. 2

Anne o f Green Gab les Mon t gom ery, L. 5

Your Very Ow n Rob o t Mon t gom ery, R. 3

Lit t le Br it ches (The Wild Coun t ry) Mood y, R. 5

Ter r ib le Mr . Tw it m eyer Moore & Ad elson 2

Nigh t Bef o re Chr ist m as Moore, C. 1

Johnny Ap p leseed Moore, Eva 2

Magic Schoo l Bus, The : The Wild Whale Wat ch Moore, Eva 2

If You Had Lived at t he Tim e o f t he Am er ican Revo lut ion Moore, Kay 3

I'll Meet You At The Cucum b ers Moore, L 3

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 90

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Lit t le Raccoon & The Out sid e Wor ld Moore, L. 1

Magic Sp ect acles, The Moore, L. 1

Snake That Wen t t o Schoo l Moore, L. 2

Ghost Wit h The Hallow een Hiccup s, The Mooser , S. 2

Gen t le Ben Morey, W. 5

Scrub Dog Of Alaska Morey, W. 5

6 Tit les: Eagles, Bees and Wasp s, Alligat o rs and Crocod iles,

Giraf f es, Sharks, To r t o ises and Tur t lesMorgan , Sally 1

How Do We Move Morgan , Sally K

Monkeys and Apes Morris, Dean 3

Snakes and Lizards Morris, Dean 3

Bears, Bears and More Bears Mor r is, Jackie 1

Rocks & Minerals (Wond ers o f our Wor ld ) Mor r is, Neil 3

Do lp h in Mor r is, R. 1

Longest Journey in t he Wor ld Mor r is, W. 1

Funny Lit t le Wom an, The Mosel, A. 1

Tikki Tikki Tem b o Mosel, A. 1

If I Were An An t Moses, A. K

Day o f t he Blizzard Moskin , Mar iet a 2

Hannah’s Journal Moss, Marissa 3

Rachel’s Journal Moss, Mar issa 3

If t he Dinosaurs Cam e Back Most , Bernard 1

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Ow ls In t he Fam ily Mow at , F. 3

Monst er & The Bab y Mueller , V. 1

Playhouse f o r Monst er Mueller , V. 1

When Mar ian Sang Munoz Ryan , Pam 2

Love You Forever Munsch , R. 1

Best Bug Parad e, The Murp hy St uar t Y. 1

Always Inventing: The True Story of Thomas Alva Edison Murphy, Frank 2

Ben Franklin and t he Magic Sq uare Murp hy, Frank 2

George Wash ingt on and t he General’s Dog Murp hy, Frank 1

Five Minut es Peace Murp hy, J. 1

Last Dinosaur , The Murp hy, J. 2

What Next , Bab y Bear? Murp hy, J. 1

Gingerb read Man , Loose in Schoo l, The Mur ray, Laura K

Not Th is Bear Myers, B. 1

I Can Read Ab out Creep y Craw ly Creat ures Nad en , C. 1

John Henry Nad en , C. 2

Blue Rid ge Sum m er Naice, M. 4

First Clay Gat her ing, A Naran jo -Morse, N. 2

Wh ile Mrs. Caver let Was Aw ay Nash , M. 4

Ad ven t ures o f Isab el, The Nash , Ogd en 2

But t er f ly, The Nash , P. 1

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Frog, The Nash , P. 1

Orange, The (Ser ies) Nash , P. 1

Rice (Ser ies) Nash , P. 1

Seed , The (Ser ies) Nash , P. 1

Snail, The (Ser ies) Nash , P. 1

Sp id er , The Nash , P. 1

Tom at o , The Nash , P. 1

Tree, The Nash , P. 1

Cit y Rhyt hm s Nayer , Jud y 2

If I Could Nayer , Jud y 2

What Do You See? Nayer , Jud y 2

Beet les, Ligh t ly Toast ed Naylo r , P. 5

Jacket I Wear in t he Snow , The Neit zel, Sh ir ley K

Bab y Who Go t All t he Blam e, The Nelson , JoAnne 2

Lit t le Bunny's Lunch Nelson , JoAnne 2

Pop corn Pop p er , The Nelson , JoAnne 2

When It Snow s Nelson , JoAnne 2

Gir l Who Ow ned a Cit y Nelson , O.T. 5

Am er ican Ho lid ay (10 b ook set ) Nelson , Rob in 1

Sam , Bangs and Moonsh ine Ness, E. 2

Helga High Up Neuhaus, D. 2

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

April’s Kitten Newberry, Clare 2

Once A Lullab y Nicho l 1

Day at Greenh ill Farm , A Nicho lson , Sue 1

St o ry o f t he Kind Wo lf Nickel, P 2

Ow l at Schoo l Nico ll, H. 1

Vo lcanoes-Moun t ains t hat Blow Their Top s Nirg io t is, Nicho las 2

House On Hackm an 's Hill, The Nixon , J 4

Beat s Me, Claud e Nixon , J. 2

Dead ly Prom ise, A Nixon , J. 5

High Trail t o Danger Nixon , J. 5

If You Say So Claud e Nixon , J. 3

Orp han Train Ser ies Nixon , J. 2

Fam ily Ap ar t , A Nixon , Joan Low ery 5

Dangerous Prom ise, A - The Orp han Train Ad ven t ure Nixon , Joan Low ry 5

Day Jim m y's Boa At e t he Wash Nob le, T. 1

Jim m y's Boa and t he Big Sp lash Bir t hd ay Bash Nob le, Tr inka Hakes 2

Who Took t he Farm er 's Help ? Nod set , J. 1

Dinosaur Dream No lan , D. 2

Time for a Number Rhyme None 1

Time for a Rhyme None 1

How To Cat ch A Ghost Nood les 1

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

I Sp y Noonan , Diana 1

Alligat o r Wit h The Lean Mean Sm ile Nord lich t , L. 1

Rascal Nor t h , S 3

Bor row ers, The Nor t on , M. 4

If You Give A Mouse A Cookie Num ero f f , L. 1

My Glob al Ad d ress Nunn , Tam ara 1

Sup er Cluck O’Connor , Jane and Rob er t K

Jackie Rob inson and t he St o ry o f All-Black Baseb all O’Connor , Jim 2

One Hungry Monst er O’Keef e, Susan Heyb oer 2

Willy Wong: Am er ican Oakes, V. 5

Mrs. Fr isb y and t he Rat s o f NIMH O'Br ien , R. 4

Fancy Nancy at t he Museum O'Conner , Jane K

Magic Top Myst ery O'Connor , J. 3

Teeny Tiny Wom an O'Connor , Jane 1

Black Pear l O'Dell, S. 5

Black St ar , Br igh t Daw n O'Dell, S. 5

Island o f t he Blue Do lp h ins O'Dell, S. 5

Sing Dow n t he Moon O'Dell, S. 4

St ream s t o t he River , Rivers t o t he Sea Od ell, Sco t t 4

Sarah Bishop O'Dell, Sco t t 5

What A Good Lunch Oht om o, Y. 1

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Herm an t he Great Olsen , Z. 3

Ben ji t he Bug Olson , M. 1

First Am er ican Co lon ies Oney, Yann ick 2

No t Now , Said The Cow Op p enheim , J 1

Donkey's Tale Op p enheim , J. 1

Eency Weency Sp id er Op p enheim , J. 1

Have You Seen Bird s? Op p enheim , J. 1

Show and Tell Frog, The Op p enheim , Joanne 1

In The At t ic Oram , H. 1

St o ry o f Ch icken Licken Orm erod 1

Moon ligh t Orm erod , Jan K

Brod er ick Orm ond royd , E. 2

St o ry o f Chr ist op her Co lum b us Osb orne, M. 3

Dinosaurs Bef o re Dark Osb orne, Mary Pop e 2

Do lp h ins at Dayb reak Osb orne, Mary Pop e 2

Magic Tree House (Ser ies) Osb orne, Mary Pop e 2

Revo lut ionary War on Wed nesd ay Osb orne, Mary Pop e 3

Tw ist er on Tuesd ay Osb orne, Mary Pop e 2

Dead ly Pow ers o f Med usa Osb orne, W. 4

No t h ing Here But St ones Osw ald , Nancy 4

Our Teacher Miss Poo l Ow en , Richard 1

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Sp ir it o f t he Wild West , The Ow ens, L.L. 2

Bravest Blacksm it h , The Ow ens, Thom as 3

Migh t y Mach ines Oxlad e, Chr is K

Great Soap Bub b le Rid e Pakanser , S 1

Wond er Palacio , R.J. 5

Ear t hq uack! Palat in i, Margie 1

Case o f The Missing Cat Palazzo , C. 2

Bab y An im als Learn Pam ela Chanko 1

Wr it ing Places Pam ela Chanko K

Circus Days Pare, R. 1

Am elia Bed elia Ser ies Par ish , P. 1

Clues in t he Wood s Par ish , P. 1

Dinosaur Tim e Par ish , P. 2

Haun t ed House Par ish , P. 1

Key t o t he Treasure Par ish , P. 2

Too Many Rab b it s Par ish , P. 1

Cat’s Burglar, The Parish, Peggy 2

Good Hun t ing, Blue Sky Par ish , Peggy 2

Good Work, Am elia Bed elia Par ish , Peggy 2

Alm ost St ar r ing Skinnyb ones Park, B. 4

Don 't Make Me Sm ile Park, B. 4

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Kid in t he Red Jacket , The Park, B. 4

Op erat ion : Dum p t he Chum p Park, B. 3

Skinnyb ones Park, B. 3

Graduation of Jake Moon, The Park, Barbara 5

Jun ie B. Jones Ser ies Park, Barb ara 2

Single Shard , A Park, Lind a Sue 5

Cit y St o rm Parker , Mary 2

Space Busters Space Mysteries Parker, Steve 5

Am azing Bird s Parsons, A. 3

Am azing Snakes Parsons, A. 3

Am azing Sp id ers Parsons, A. 3

Surp r ise, Surp r ise Pascal, F 2

Who Was Dr . Seuss? Pascal, Janet B. 2

How and Why An im als Hat ch From Eggs Pascoe, Elaine 2

How and Why Sp id ers Sp in Silk Pascoe, Elaine 2

Br id ge t o Terab it h ia Pat erson , K. 5

Great Gilly Hop kins Pat erson , K. 5

Green Book Pat on -Walsh , J. 4

Pink and Say Pat r icia Po lacco 5

Pictures of Hollis Woods Patricia Reilly Giff 3

Koko 's Kit t en Pat t erson , F. 3

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Koko 's St o ry Pat t erson , F. 1

Fred er ick Douglass Pat t erson , L. 5

Chr ist m as Cup , The Pat t erson , N. 3

Dogsong Paulsen , G. 5

Hat chet Paulsen , G. 4

Tracker Paulsen , G. 5

Wood song Paulsen , G. 4

Br ian 's Win t er Paulsen , Gary 5

Danger on Midnight River Paulsen, Gary 3

Mr . Tucket , 1995 Paulsen , Gary 4

Mud shark Paulsen , Gary 3

Kat y No-Pocket Payne, E. 2

Battles of Lexington and Concord, The Peacock, Judith 4

Reconstruction Peacock, Judith 4

Secession Peacock, Judith 4

Soup Ser ies Peck, R. 4

Wild Cat Peck, R. 4

A Long Way from Chicago Peck, Richard 2

A Year Dow n Yond er Peck, Richard 2

Teacher ’s Funeral, The Peck, Richard 2

Lit t le Soup ’s Bir t hd ay Peck, Rob er t New t on 2

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Mary Wore Her Red Dress Peek, M. 1

Ro ll Over ! A Coun t ing Song Peek, M. 1

Big Bad Bruce Peet , B. 3

Cap yb ob b y Peet , B. 2

Chest er The Word ly Pig Peet , B. 2

Eli Peet , B. 1

Farew ell To Shad y Glad e Peet , B. 3

How Droo f us t he Dragon Lost His Head Peet , B. 2

Kerm it t he Herm it Peet , B. 3

Wh ingd ingd illy Peet , B. 2

Wum p Wor ld Peet , B. 2

Bill Peet : an aut ob iograp hy Peet , Bill 5

Benny's Bad Day Pellow ski, M. 1

Ted d y On Tim e Pellow ski, M. 1

A Pocket Full o f Kisses Penn , Aud rey K

Kissing Hand , The Penn , Aud rey K

Snakes! Penner , Lucille 2

True St o ry o f Pocahon t as, The Penner , Lucille 1

Liberty! How the Revolutionary War Began Penner, Lucille Recht 2

Clem en t ine Pennyp acker , Sara K

Meet Our Families Perkins, G.L. K

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

An im als At Nigh t Pet ers, S. K

Cham p On Ice Pet ers, S. 1

Maxie t he Mut t Pet ers, S. K

Roost er and The Weat her Vane Pet ers, S. 1

Too t h Fairy, The Pet ers, S. 1

Rub-A-Dub-Suds Peters, Sharon 1

House on the Gulf, The Peterson Haddix, Margaret 5

Fer rell Davis Pet erson , Br ian C. 4

True Books on Geograp hy Ser ies Pet erson , David 2

Lit t les Have A Wed d ing, The Pet erson , J 3

Lit t les Go Exp lo r ing, The Pet erson , J. 3

Lit t les Seno 's, The Pet erson , J. 3

Lit t les Take a Tr ip , The Pet erson , J. 3

Myst ery in t he Nigh t Wood s Pet erson , J. 2

Lit t les, The Pet erson , John 3

Snakes Pet t y, K 1

How Could You Do It Diane Pevsner , S 5

Lucky Bear Ph illip s, J. 1

My New Boy Ph illip s, J. 1

Tiger is a Scared y Cat Ph illip s, J. 1

Pilo t Dow n, Presum ed Dead Ph leger , M. 4

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 101

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Is There Room For Me? Pigd on & Woo lley 1

Big Orange Sp lo t Pinkw at er , D. 1

Fat Men From Sp ace Pinkw at er , D. 3

Hob oken Ch icken Em ergency Pinkw at er , D. 3

I Was a Second Grad e Werew o lf Pinkw at er , D. 2

Lizard Music Pinkw at er , D. 5

Wuggie Norp le, The Pinkw at er , Dan iel M. 2

Tails of the Bronx Pinkwater, Jill 5

Lit t le Engine That Could Pip er , W. 1

Ty's One-Man Band Pit t s, Mild red K

Racing the Sun Pitts, Paul 5

Big Max Plat t , K. 1

Extreme Sports Platt, Richard 4

Thank you Mr. Falker Polocca, Patricia 3

Piggy In The Pud d le, The Pom eran t z, C 1

Tale o f Mrs Tit t lem ouse & Ot her M Pot t er 2

Tale o f Ben jam in Bunny Po t t er , B. 1

Tale o f Pet er Rab b it Po t t er , B. 1

Surp r ise Par t y, The Prager , Annab elle 1

A Jigsaw Jones Myst ery Ser ies Preller , Jam es 2

What I Did Last Sum m er Prelut sky 1

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

It 's Chr ist m as! Prelut sky, J. 2

It 's Hallow een Prelut sky, J. 2

It 's Valen t ine's Day Prelut sky, J. 2

New Kid on t he Block Prelut sky, J. 3

Tyrannosaurus Was a Beast Prelut sky, J. 2

Where Did My Mot her Go? Prest o r , E. 1

Glo r ious Fligh t Across The Channel Provensen , A 4

Old Mo t her Hub b ard Provensen , A. 1

Buck St op s Here Provensen , Alice 2

Thom as 1778-Pat r io t s on t he Run Pryo r , Bonn ie 5

Diary o f a Sun f low er Pugliano , Caro l 2

Ho lid ay Hand w r it ing Schoo l, The Pulver , Rob in 1

King Ar t hur Pyle, H. 5

Mer ry Ad ven t ures o f Rob in Hood Pyle, H. 5

Ellis Island Quiri, Patricia 2

Nat ional An t hem , The Quir i, Pat r icia 2

True Book, A – The Bill of Rights Quiri, Patricia 3

Farm er In The Dell, The Rae, M. (Illus.) 1

Dow n By The Bay Raf f i 1

Shake My Sakes & All Raf f ee Pict ure Books Raf f i 1

Shake My Sillies Out Raf f i 1

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Wheels On The Bus Raf f i 1

Five Lit t le Ducks Raf f l 1

Willie McLean and t he Civil War Sur rend er Ransom , Cand ace 2

Bost on Co f f ee Par t y, The Rap p ap or t , D. 3

Escap e From Slavery:Five Journeys t o Freed om Rap p ap or t , D. 3

Troub le At The Mines Rap p ap or t , D. 4

Sp ect acles Raskin , E. 2

West ing Gam e Raskin , E. 5

Sum m er o f t he Monkeys Raw ls, W. 5

Where t he Red Fern Grow s Raw ls, W. 5

Mrs. Pig 's Bulk Buy Rayner , M. 2

Sher luck Bones Myst ery Book 1 Razzi, J. 4

Sitting Bull Recht Penner, Lucille 2

Tw ist ers! Rech t Penner , Lucille 2

St at ue o f Lib er t y , The Rech t , Lucille 1

Big Block o f Choco lat e, The Red head , J. 1

Bron t osaurus Red head , J. 2

But t on Box, The Reid , Margaret t e 2

Book Ab out Planet s & St ars Reigo t , B. 2

Up st airs Room , The Reiss, Johanna 4

When Sm all is Tall Reit 2

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Guns f o r General Wash ingt on Reit , Seym our 5

Beh ind Reb el Lines Reit , Seym our 5

Arm ies o f An t s Ret an , Walt er 2

Cur ious George Ser ies Rey, H.A. & M. 1

Blizzard ’s Wake Reyno ld s Naylo r , Phyllis 5

Sh iloh Reyno ld s-Naylo r , P. 4

Good n igh t , Good n igh t Rice, E. 2

Sam Who Never Fo rget s Rice, Eve K

St o ry o f t he Chr ist m as Rose Richard son , I. 2

Ligh t In The Fo rest Rich t er , C. 5

Ben and The Bear Rid ell, C. 1

Elep han t s Sw im Riley, Lind a Cap us K

Last Silk Dress, The Rinald i, A 5

5t h o f March Rinald i, Ann 5

Aun t Har r iet ’s Und erground Railroad in t he Sky Ringgo ld , Fait h 5

Map Is a Pict ure Rinko f f , B. 1

Ligh t n ing Th ief , The 2005 Rio rd an , Rick 4

Foxes and Wo lves Rip p er , C. 3

Boy w ho Saved Baseb all, The Rit t er , John 4

Cake That Mack At e Rob ar t , R. 1

Thanksgiving Mice Rob er t s, Bet hany K

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Bab ysit t ing Is A Dangerous Job Rob er t s, W. 5

Gir l Wit h t he Silver Eyes Rob er t s, W. 5

Megan 's Island Rob er t s, W. 5

View From t he Cher ry Tree Rob er t s, W. 5

Henry Reed Ser ies Rob er t son , K. 4

Best Chr ist m as Pagean t Ever Rob inson , B. 3

Mouse Par t y Rob inson , Fay 1

Fan t ast ic Frogs Rob inson , Fay K

Dinosaur Nam ed Sue, A Rob inson , Kay 2

Mom , You're Fired ! Rob inson , N. 4

Oh, Honest ly Angela Rob inson , N. 4

House Wit hout a Chr ist m as Tree Rock, G. 4

Thanksgiving Treasure Rock, G. 5

Cars Rockw ell, A. 1

St o ry Snail Rockw ell, A. 1

How t o Eat Fr ied Worm s Rockw ell, N. 3

Freaky Fr id ay Rod gers, M. 5

Keep t he Ligh t s Burn ing, Ab b ie Roop , P. 2

Benjamin Franklin Roop, Peter and Connie 3

List en ing Silence, The Roo t , Phyllis 3

Math for the Real World Nonfiction Leveled Books Rosen Publisher K

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Deputy Dan and the Bank Robbers Rosenbloom, Joseph 2

Soccer Rosen t hal, Ber t 3

M & M Ser ies Ross, P. 1

Iceb erg Herm it Ro t h , A. 5

Avalanche Rot h , Ar t hur 4

Blind Out law Round s, G. 3

Gian t Dinosaurs Row e, Erna 2

St o ry o f Sacajaw ea Row land , D 3

Three Ducks Wen t Wand er ing Roy, R. 1

Lucky Lo t t ery, The Roy, Ron 3

Fire Fighter Royston, Angela 2

Space Station - Accident on Mir Royston, Angela 4

Truck Troub le Royst on , Angela 1

Nigh t o f t he Tw ist ers Ruckm an , I. 4

Esp eranza Rising Ryan , Pam Munoz 4

Snall's Sp ell, The Ryd er , J 2

Look…What do you see? Rye, Jennifer 3

Henry and Mud ge Ser ies Rylan t , C. 2

When I Was Young In t he Moun t ains Rylan t , C. 1

Blue Hill Mead ow s, The Rylan t , Cyn t h ia 2

Gooseb er ry Park Rylan t , Cyn t h ia 3

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 107

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

High-Rise Pr ivat e Eyes # 4: The Case o f t he Troub lesom e

Tur t leRylan t , Cyn t h ia K

Island er , The Rylan t , Cyn t h ia 3

Lit t le Shop p ing, A Rylan t , Cyn t h ia 2

Mr . Put t er and Tab b y Ser ies, Bake t he Cake, Pick t he Pears,

Walk t he Dog, Row t he Boat , Fly t he Plane, Pour t he TeaRylan t , Cyn t h ia 2

Pop p let on Everyd ay Rylan t , Cyn t h ia 2

Pop p let on In Sp r ing Rylan t , Cyn t h ia 2

Hoop Heroes S.A. Kram er 2

Lew is and Clark Sab in , F 5

Arct ic and An t arct ic Regions Sab in , F. 4

Great East er Egg Myst ery Sab in , F. 2

Myst ery at t he Jelly Bean Fact o ry Sab in , F. 3

Am azing Wor ld o f But t er f lies and Mo t hs Sab in , L. 3

Wond ers o f t he Deser t Sab in , L. 2

Wond ers o f t he Sea Sab in , L. 2

Har r iet Tub m an Sab in , T 5

Sid ew ay St o r ies f rom Waysid e Schoo l Sachar , L. 3

Marvin Red p ost “Alone in His Teacher ’s House” Sachar , Louis 2

Marvin Red p ost “Class Presid en t ” Sachar , Louis 2

Marvin Red p ost “Is He a Gir l” Sachar , Louis 2

Marvin Red p ost “Kid nap p ed at Bir t h ” Sachar , Louis 2

Marvin Red p ost “Why Pick Me” Sachar , Louis 2

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Marvin Redpost: Super Fast, Out of Control Sachar, Louis 3

There's A Boy In t he Gir l's Bat h room Sacher, Louis 5

Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger Sacher, Louis 2

Veron ica Ganz Sachs, M. 4

Alist air 's Elep han t Sad ler , M. 1

Laila's Wed d ing Sakakeeny, K. 2

Juan Ponce d e Leon Sakurai, Gail 4

Dinosaur Who Would n 't Go t o Schoo l Salm on , Michael 2

Foo t b all That Won , The Sam p son , Michael 2

Boy and t he Ghost , The San Souci, Rob er t 2

All Ab out Deser t s Sand ers, J. 3

Long Way West w ard , The Sand in , J. 1

Aust ralia San t rey, L. 2

George Washington, Young Leader Santrey, Laurence 3

Digging Up t he Past (The Ad ven t ure o f Wishb one) Sat h re, Vivian 4

Fog Magic Sauer , J. 4

Barn Cat Saul, Caro l P. K

Dar ing Resue o f Mar lon t he Sw im m ing Pig, The Saund ers, S. 2

Sleep over Fr iend s Saund ers, S. 4

Does 3rd Grad e Last Fo rever? Schanb ack, M. 2

Waysid e Schoo l is Falling Dow n Scher , Louis 4

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 109

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Jerem y Bean 's St . Past r ick's Day Scher t le, A. 2

Maui Hooks Haw ai'I Scheu, Jud y 1

Hom e Alone Sch ick, Eleanor 1

Year o f t he Pand a, The Sch lein , Mir iam 2

Gingerb read Man Schm id t , K. 1

That 's No t All Schneid er , R. 1

Hanukkah ! Scho t t er , Ron i 2

No t h ing Ever Hap p ens on 90 th Street Scho t t er , Ron i 2

Char lie Brow n Ser ies Schulz, C. 1

Fr iend s Are a Sp ecial Par t o f Chr ist m as Schulz, C. 1

Annab elle Sw if t , Kind ergar t ner Schw ar t z, A. 1

Bea & Mr .Jones Schw ar t z, A. 2

Begin at t he Beginn ing Schw ar t z, A. 1

In a Dark Dark Room Schw ar t z, A. 1

Tales o f Tr ickery From t he Land O Schw ar t z, A. 4

How Much is A Million? Schw ar t z, D. 1

At the Seashore Schwartz, David M. 3

Fighting Fish (Life Cycles) Schwartz, David M. 3

Frog Pr ince Con t inued , The Scieszka, Jon 2

True St o ry o f t he Th ree Lit t le Pigs, The Scieszka, Jon 3

Kn igh t s o f t he Kit chen Tab le Scieszka, Jon 2

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 110

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Not -So-Jo lly Roger , The Scieszka, Jon 3

Anne Sullivan Seld en , B. 4

Chest er Cr icket 's New Hom e Seld en , G. 5

Chest er Cr icket 's Pigeon Rid e Seld en , G. 2

Cr icket in Tim es Sq uare Seld en , G. 3

Greg's Microscop e Selsam , Millicen t 2

St range Creat ures That Really Lived Selsam , Millicen t 2

Ch icken Soup w it h Rice Send ak, M. 1

Higglet y Pigglet y Pop Send ak, M. 2

Pier re Send ak, M. 1

Where Wild Th ings Are Send ak, M. 1

Wh it e St ag Sered y, K. 5

Who Said Red ? Ser f ozo , M. 1

Tur t le and To r t o ise Serven t y, V. 1

St inker From Sp ace Service, Pam ela 4

St inker 's Ret urn Service, Pam ela 4

What Do You Do , Dear? Seslyle, J. 2

Robert & The Hairy Disaster Seuling, Barbara 2

Teeny Tiny Wom an Seuling, Barb ara 1

Crocod iles and Alligat o rs Seven t y, V. 1

Black Beaut y Sew ell, A. 4

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 111

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Whales Seymore, Simon 3

Gorillas Seymour, Simon 3

A Bad Case o f St r ip es Shannon , David K

Too Many Toys, 2008 Shannon , David K

Lizard 's Song Shannon , G. 1

Myst ery o f t he Haun t ed House, The Shannon , J. 1

Big Fat Enorm ous Lie Sharm at , M. 1

Gregory, t he Ter r ib le Eat er Sharm at , M. 1

I'm Ter r if ic Sharm at , M. 3

Maggie Marm elst ein Ser ies Sharm at , M. 4

Mit chell is Moving Sharm at , M. 1

Nat e t he Great Ser ies Sharm at , M. 1

Sherm an Is A Slow p oke Sharm at , M. 1

Pizza Monst er , TheSharm at , Majo r ie and


Paul t he Pit cher Sharp , P. 1

It Looked Like Sp ilt Milk Shaw , C. 1

Nest o f Wood Ducks Shaw , E. 1

Meet Kirst en Shaw , J. 4

Am er ican Gir ls Ser ies Shaw -Ad ler -Tr ip p 4

Am azing Rescues Shea, George 2

First Fligh t Shea, George 2

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 112

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Billy Jo Jive, Sup er Pr ivat e Eye Shearer , J. 2

Sharks Sheikh-Milles, Jonathan 3

Young Wo lf and Sp ir it Ho rse Shelelm an , Jan ice 1

Reluct an t Dragon , The Shep ard , E. 5

Klond ike Go ld Rush , The Shep erd , Donna Walsh 4

Righ t Num b er o f Elep han t s, The Shep p ard , J. 1

Last o f t he Moh icans Sh iela/Kem p 4

I'm King Of The Cast le Sh igeo , W 1

C is f o r Co lo rad o Sh ir ley, G. 1

Digby Shook Hazen, Barbara K

What Hap p ens t o a Ham b urger? Show ers, P. 2

Where Does t he Garb age Go? Show ers, Paul K

Flunking o f Joshua T. Bat es Shreve, S. 3

Wh it e St allion Shub , E. 2

Runaw ay To Freed om : A St o ry o f t he Und erground

RailroadShucker , Barb ara 5

Kat e's Book Shura, M. 3

Welcom e Hom e Jellyb ean Shyer , M. 5

Man Who Drop p ed From t he Sky Shyne, K. 3

Whale In The Sky Sib erell, A. 2

David ’s Journey on t he Und erground Railroad Sib ley, Lind a 4

Ind ians Silver , D. 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 113

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Giving Tree Silverst ein , S. 2

Missing Piece Meet s Big O Silverst ein , S. 3

Who Want s A Cheap Rh inoceros? Silverst ein , S. 1

House That Jack Built Sim on , D. 1

Super Storms Simon, Seymour 1

Danger ! Vo lcanoes Sim on , Seym our K

Ch inese New Year 's Dragon Sing, R 2

Comets and Meteor Showers Sipiera, Paul 2

No Mail Fo r Mit chell Siracusa, Cat her ine 1

Fo llow The Dream Sis, Pet er 2

Mo lly's Monst ers Slat er , Ted d y 1

In t o t he Dream Sleat o r , W. 4

Brocco li Tap es, The Slep ian , J. 3

Hungry Th ing Slep ian , J. 2

Eye o f t he Need le Sloat , Ter i 2

From One t o One Hund red Sloat , Ter i 1

Cap s f o r Sale Slob od kina, E. 1

C.O.L.A.R. Slo t e, A. 4

Hang Tough , Paul Mat her Slo t e, A. 4

My Rob o t Bud d y Slo t e, A. 3

My Tr ip t o Alp ha 1 Slo t e, A. 3

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 114

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Im ogene's An t lers Sm all, D. 1

Lam b Who Cam e t o Dinner , The Sm allm an , St eve K

Tast e o f Blackb er r ies Sm it h , D. 2

Seasons, The Sm it h , Ian K

What ’s in t he Sky? Sm it h , Ian K

Sh ip w recks o f t he Exp lo rers Sm it h , KC 5

There's A Wit ch Und er t he St airs Sm it h , Maggie 2

Choco lat e Fever Sm it h , R. 3

Jelly Belly Sm it h , R. 3

Most ly Michael Sm it h , R. 3

War Wit h Grand p a Sm it h , R. 4

Peak Sm it h , Ro land 5

Sam ant ha Slad e: Monst er Sit t er Sm it h , S. 4

Am azing Lizard s Sm it h , T. 3

Important People of the Revolutionary War Smolinski, Diane 5

Land Bat t les o f t he Revo lut ionary War Sm o linski, Diane 5

Naval Warfare of the Revolutionary War Smolinski, Diane 5

Revo lut ionary War Hom e Fron t , The Sm o linski, Diane 5

Revolutionary War Soldiers Smolinski, Diane 5

Dancing Teep ees Sneve, Virg in ia 2

Lib b y On Wed nesd ay Snyd er , Z 5

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Blair 's Nigh t m are Snyd er , Z. 5

Egyp t Gam e Snyd er , Z. 5

Am azing Pow er o f Ashur Fine, The Sob o l, D. 4

Encyclop ed ia Brow n Ser ies Sob o l, D. 2

Miracles on Map le Hill So rensen , V. 5

Plain Gir l So rensen , V. 3

Hurricane Sorneson, Margo 4

Sign o f t he Beaver Sp eare, E. 4

Wit ch o f Blackb ird Pond Sp eare, E. 5

Flag for Our Country, A Spencer, Eve 3

Call it Courage Sp er ry, A. 4

Crash , Bang, Boom Sp ier , Pet er 2

Fox Wen t Out on Ch illy Nigh t Sp ier , Pet er 1

Gob b le, Grow l, Grun t Sp ier , Pet er 2

Noah 's Ark Sp ier , Pet er K

Oh, Were They Ever Hap p y! Sp ier , Pet er 1

Rain Sp ier , Pet er K

St ar Sp angled Banner , The Sp ier , Pet er 2

Knots in My Yo-Yo String Spinelli, Jerry 5

Loser Spinelli, Jerry 4

Man iac Magee Sp inelli, Jer ry 5

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 116

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Aliens f o r Breakf ast Sp inner , St ep han ie 2

Lit t le Sure Sho t : The St o ry o f Ann ie Oakley Sp inner , St ep han ie 2

So You Want to Be PresidentSt. George, Judith & Small,


Best Lit t le Monkeys in t he Wor ld St and if o rd , Nat alie 1

Bravest Dog Ever , The St and if o rd , Nat alie 1

Wash ingt on Irvings, The Head less Horsem an St and if o rd , Nat alie 2

Am azing Monkeys St eed m an, S. 3

Anna's Gard en Songs St eele, Mary Q. 2

Buf f alo Kn if e St eele, William O. 3

Per ilous Road , The St eele, William O. 5

War Par t y St eele, William O. 3

Ab el's Island St eig, William 3

Am azing Bone St eig, William 3

Am os & Bor is St eig, William 2

Brave Irene St eig, William 3

Caleb & Kat e St eig, William 2

Doct o r DeSo t o St eig, William 1

Real Th ief St eig, William 3

So lom on t he Rust y Nail St eig, William 2

Sylvest er and t he Magic Peb b le St eig, William 1

Conq uist ad o res: Build ing a Sp an ish Em p ire in t he

Am er icas, The St ein , Conrad 5

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 117

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Lew is And Clark St ein , R. Conrad 4

Muf aro 's Beaut if u l Daugh t ers St ep t oe, J. 2

St o ry Of Jum p ing Mouse St ep t oe, J. 3

Freed om Train St er ling, D. 5

Blood Bro t hers: Four Men o f Science St erne, E. 5

Deb ra Sam p son Goes t o War St evens, B. 3

Lily and Miss Lib er t y St evens, Car la 2

Who 's That ? St evens, H. 1

Pr incess and t he Pea St evens, J. 1

Tor t o ise & The Hare, The St evens, J. 1

Jackalop e St evens, Janet 1

Beast in t he Bat h t ub St evens, Kat h leen 1

George Wash ingt on , Our First Lead er St evenson , August a 2

Could Be Worse St evenson , J. 1

Em m a St evenson , J. 2

Fr ied Feat hers f o r Thanksgiving St evenson , J. 2

Nigh t Af t er Chr ist m as St evenson , J. 2

Ch ild 's Gard en o f Verses, A St evenson , R. 3

Walk In Wo lf Wood St ew ar t , M. 5

Am azing But t er f lies and Mo t hs St ill, J. 3

Diagnost ic Syst em , The St ille, Dar lene R. 2

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 118

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Red Is Best St inson , K. 1

Bed t im e f o r Bear St od d ard , Sand o l 1

Mouse Coun t St o llw alsh , Ellen K

Ballad o f t he Civil War , A St o lz, Mary 3

Bully o f Barkham St reet St o lz, Mary 5

Cat Walk St o lz, Mary 3

Dog on Barkham St reet St o lz, Mary 3

Em m et t 's Pig St o lz, Mary 2

Alligat o rs and Crocod iles St one, L. 3

Scruf f y St on ley, J. 3

On t he Move, 2000 St rand ling, Jan K

George Bush-St o ry o f 41st Presd en t Suf r in , M. 4

Day We Walked on t he Moon , The Sullivan , George 4

Paul Revere Sullivan , George 3

Wr igh t Bro t hers, The Sullivan , George 4

Alpha Kids Series Sundance Publishers K

Mo lly's Wish To Mo lly's Sp ecial Wish Sup raner , R 1

Am azing Mark Sup raner , R. 1

Mo lly's Wish Sup raner , R. 2

Myst ery o f t he Lost Ring Sup raner , R. 2

No Room For A Sneeze Sup raner , R. 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 119

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Angel Ch ild , Dragon Ch ild Surat , Michele Mar ie 2

In Our Coun t ry Susan Can izares 1

Me and t he Weird os Sut t on , J. 4

Ob on Suyenaga, R. 2

Dest inat ion : An t arct ica Sw an , Rob er t 5

First Passover , A Sw ar t z, L. 2

Korean Ch ild ren 's Day Syenaga, R. 2

Have You Seen My Duckling? Taf ur i, N. K

Gif t f o r Tia Rosa Taha, Karen 2

Park Bench , The Takesh it a, F. 3

We're Back ! A Dinosaur 's St o ry Talb o t t 2

Bur ied Cit y o f Pom p eii, The Tanaka, Shelly 4

Frog Pr ince, The Tarcov, Ed it h 1

Fr iend sh ip , The Taylo r , Mild red 4

Go ld Cad illac, The Taylo r , Mild red 5

Mississip p i Br id ge Taylo r , Mild red 5

Ro ll o f Thund er Hear My Cry Taylo r , Mild red 5

Song o f t he Trees Taylo r , Mild red 4

Well, The Taylo r , Mild red 4

All-o f -A-Kind Fam ily Taylo r , S. 4

Troub le Wit h Tuck Taylo r , T. 2

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 120

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Cay Taylo r ,. T. 5

St o rm is Com ing Tekavec, Heat her K

In A Pickle and Ot her Funny Id iom s Terb an , M. 4

Johnny Lions Book Thacher Hurd, Edith K

Cream o f Creat ure f rom t he Schoo l Caf et er ia Thaler , M. 2

Hip p op o t am us At e t he Teacher Thaler , M. 1

Teacher From The Black Lagoon , Th Thaler , M. 2

There's A Hip p op o t am us Und er My Bed Thaler , M. 1

Book Rep or t f rom t he Black Lagoon Thaler , Mike 1

Gus Was a Real Dum b Ghost Thayer , J. 2

Pup p y Who Want ed a Boy, The Thayer , J. 3

Pop corn Dragon , The Thayer , Jane K

Com eb ack Dog Thom as, J. 4

Star Wars, Episode I: Danger of the Core Thomas, Jim 2

Star Wars, Luke’s Fate Thomas, Jim 2

Out o f t he Bug Jar Thom as, K 4

Escape on the Missouri Thom asm a, Kennet h 3

Naya Nuki Thom asm a, Kennet h 4

Om -Kas-Toe o f t he Blackf eet Thom asm a, Kennet h 4

Pat hki Nana, Koo t enai Gir l Thom asm a, Kennet h 3

Soun Tetoken Thom asm a, Kennet h 3

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 121

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Title Author Gr

Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Our Journey West Thompson, Gare 3

Our New Life in America (National Geographic Reading

Expeditions)*Thompson, Gare 3

West, The Thompson, Gare 4

SacagaweaThompson, Kathleen & Gleiter,


Lit t le Quack’s New Fr iend Thom p son , Lauren K

Natural Disasters - Earthquakes Thompson, Luke 3

Natural Disasters - Volcanoes Thompson, Luke 4

Ef f les Bat h Thom p son , R. 1

Can You Hear Me, Grand ad ? Thom son , P. 1

Amazing Sharks Thomson, Sarah L. 1

Pum p kin , Pum p kin Tit her ingt on , J. 1

Basil Ser ies Tit us, E. 2

List en ! To lan , St ep han ie 4

Great Big Enornous Turn ip , The To lst oy, A. 1

Lit t le Fox Goes t o t he End o f t he Wor ld Tom p er t , A. 2

We Wish You A Mer ry Chr ist m as Trad it ional 1

Tet : The New Year Tran , Kim -Lan 2

Susan B. An t hony Trem ain , J 5

Mit t en Tresselt , A. 1

Wh it e Snow , Br igh t Snow Tresselt , D. 2

One Woo ly Wom b at Tr inca, R. 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 122

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Hap p y , Hap p y Mo t her 's Day Tr ip p , V. 1

Penguins Pain t , The Tr ip p , V. 1

Em m a's Chr ist m as Tr ivas, I 3

Forces & Motion Trumbauer, Liza 3

Mailing May Tunnell, Michael O. 1

Blizzard! Snowstorm Fury Turck, Mary C. 2

Deep in t he Fo rest Turkle, B. 1

Do No t Op en Turkle, B. 2

Thy Fr iend , Ob ad iah Turkle, B. 1

Three Tim es Lucky Turnage, Sheila 5

Dako t a Dugout Turner , Ann 1

Heron St reet Turner , Ann 2

Kat ie’s Trunk Turner , Ann 2

Net t ie’s Tr ip Sout h Turner , Ann 5

Who Has t he Lucky-Duck in Class 4? Tw oh ill, M. 4

A Jar o f Dream s Uch id a, Yosh iko 4

Journey Hom e Uch id a, Yosh iko 4

Wise Old Wom an, The Uch id a, Yosh iko 2

Let 's Be Enem ies Ud ry, J.M. 1

Tree Is Nice, A Ud ry, J.M. 1

Cr ict o r Ungerer , T. 2

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 123

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Muscles and Bones Usborne Science 4

An im al Inn Vail, V. 3

Go ing West Van Leeuw en , Jean 2

Hugh Pine Vand eWet er ing, J. 3

Am and a Pig & Her Big Bro t her Oliver VanLeeuw en , J. 1

Ben jy & t he Pow er o f Zingies VanLeeuw en , J. 4

Great Cheese Consp iracy VanLeeuw en , J. 4

Great Chr ist m as Kid nap p ing Cap er VanLeeuw en , J. 4

Tales o f Am and a Pig VanLeeuw en , J. 1

Tales o f Oliver Pig VanLeeuw en , J. 1

Mond o “Book Shop ” Ser ies Level A - I Var ious K

Jack and The Beanst alk Var ious Aut ho rs 1

Let 's Read -And -Find -Out Science Ser ies Var ious Aut ho rs 1

Beaut y and t he Beast Var ious Aut ho rs 3

Charact er Ed ucat ion Ser ies Var ious Aut ho rs K

Choose Your Ow n Ad ven t ure Ser ies Var ious Aut ho rs 2

Meet …(Ser ies) Ben Franklin and Thom as Jef f erson Var ious Aut ho rs 2

Mot her Goose Var ious Aut ho rs 1

Nat ional Geograp h ic Science Read ers Ser ies Var ious Aut ho rs K

Over In t he Mead ow Var ious Aut ho rs 1

Paul Bunyan Var ious Aut ho rs 2

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 124

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Rigb y: Lit eracy Tree Ser ies Var ious Aut ho rs K

Scho last ic New s Non f ict ion Read ers Ser ies Var ious Aut ho rs K

Science Vocab ulary Read ers ser ies b y Scho last ic Var ious Aut ho rs K

Three Billy Goat s Gruf f Var ious Aut ho rs 1

TIME for Kids Nonfiction Reader Series Various Authors 2

Weekly Read er Ser ies: Let 's Read Ab out An im als Var ious Aut ho rs K

Diego Rivera Vasquez, Sarah 2

Flight to Freedom Veciana-Suarez, Ana 5

Star Wars, Episode I: Anakin to the Rescue Venn, Cecilia 1

Tw en t y Thousand Leagues Und er t he Sea Verne, J. 5

Lit t le Boy Who Loved Dir t & Alm ost Becam e Sup erslob Vigna, J. 1

Alexand er & The Ter r ib le Hor r ib le No Good … Vio rst , Jud it h 1

Alexand er Who ’s No t (Do You Hear Me? I Mean It !) Vio rst , Jud it h 2

I'll Fix An t hony Vio rst , Jud it h 2

My Mam a Says There Aren 't Any Zom b ies Vio rst , Jud it h 1

Solar System Vogt, Gregory 3

Lovab le Lyle Wab er , B 3

An t eat er Nam ed Ar t hur Wab er , B. 2

But Nam es Will Never Hur t Me Wab er , B. 3

Firef ly Nam ed Torchy Wab er , B. 3

Ira Says Good -Bye Wab er , B. 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 125

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Ira Sleep s Over Wab er , B. 1

Just Like Ab raham Linco ln Wab er , B. 2

Lorenzo Wab er , B. 1

Lyle Find s His Mo t her Wab er , B. 3

Lyle, Lyle, Crocod ile Wab er , B. 3

You Look Rid iculous Wab er , B. 1

Can ’t You Sleep , Lit t le Bear Wad d ell, Mar t in 2

Let ’s Go Hom e, Lit t le Bear Wad d ell, Mar t in 2

You and Me, Lit t le Bear Wad d ell, Mar t in 1

J.T. Wagner , J. 2

Ab igail Ad am s, Gir l o f Co lon ial Days Wagoner , Jean Brow n 2

Rab b it s On Ro ller Skat es Wah l, J. 1

Laura Ingalls Wilder Walker, Pamela 3

Danger On Pan t her Peak Wallace, B. 5

Fer ret in t he Bed room , Lizard s in t he Fr id ge Wallace, B. 5

Fr iend sh ip , The Wallace, B. 5

Red Dog Wallace, B. 5

Pep p erm in t s in t he Par lo r Wallace, Barb ara Brooks 5

Up chuck and t he Ro t t en Willy: The Great Escap e Wallace, Bill 3

Flying Flea, Callie, and Me, The Wallace, Caro l & Bill 3

Cells and Syst em s Wallace, Ho lly 5

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 126

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Diving Dolphins Wallace, Karen 2

Rocket s & Sp acesh ip s Wallace, Karen 2

Valen t ine Exp ress, The Wallace, Nancy Elizab et h K

Cit y Mouse, Coun t ry Mouse Wallner , J. 1

Mouse Pain t Walsh , Ellen St o ll K

Just in & t he Best Biscuit s in t he Wor ld Walt er , M. 3

Frog Pr ince, The Wang, Mary Lew is 1

I Can Build A House Want anab e, S. 1

I Can Take A Walk Want anab e, S. 1

Cookies Week Ward , C. 1

Fo llow a Raind rop : The Wat er Cycle Ward , Elsie 2

Biggest Bear , The Ward , L. 1

Boxcar Ch ild ren Warner , G. 2

Schoo l Mouse Myst ery Warner , G. 3

I Can Read Ab out Trees and Plan t s War ren , E. 1

Boat t o Now here War t sh i, M. 5

What A Good Lunch ! Wat anab e, S. 1

Sarah Mor t on 's Day Wat ers, K. 2

Aesop 's Fab les Wat son , C. 3

Fat her Fox's Pennyrhym es Wat son , C. 2

Beet les Wat t s, B. 1

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 127

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Grasshop p er and Cr icket s Wat t s, B. 1

Lad y Bugs Wat t s, Bar r ie 1

Max t he Dog That Ref used t o Die Wayne, P. 5

Hungry Crocod ile Web b , M. 1

Mrs. McNosh and t he Great Big Sq uash Weeks, Sarah K

Forget f u l Bears Weinb erg, L. 1

Forget f u ls Give a Wed d ing Weinb erg, L. 1

Oh Beans ! Weiss, E. 2

Funny Feet Weiss, L. 1

My Teacher Sleep s in Schoo l Weiss, L. 2

Don’t Call Me Beanhead! Wejciechowski, Susan 2

Ben jam in & Tulip Wells, Rosem ary 2

Max's Chr ist m as Wells, Rosem ary 2

Mor r is's Disap p ear ing Bag Wells, Rosem ary 2

No isy Nora Wells, Rosem ary 1

St an ley and Rhod a Wells, Rosem ary 1

Mr. Linco ln ’s Wh iskers Wenn ick, Karen 3

Pard on Said t he Giraf f e West , C. 1

Myst ery o f t he Cough ing Dragon West , N. 5

Have You Seen t he Crocod ile? West , R. 1

Pokem on – I Choose You West , Tracy 3

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Skip t o My Lou West co t t , Nad ine Bernard K

End angered An im als-Zoob ooks Wexo , J. 3

Hannah Whelan , Glo r ia 2

Ind ian Schoo l, The Whelan , Glo r ia 2

Next Sp r ing an Or io le Whelan , Glo r ia 3

Nigh t o f t he Full Moon Whelan , Glo r ia 2

Shad ow o f t he Wo lf Whelan , Glo r ia 3

Silver Whelan , Glo r ia 2

Char lo t t e's Web Whit e, E. 3

St uar t Lit t le Wh it e, E. 2

Trum p et o f t he Sw an Whit e, E.B. 3

Best Thanksgiving Book Whit ehead , P. 1

Here Com es Hungry Alb er t Wh it ehead , P. 1

Monkeys Wh it ehead , P. K

Lit t le House Chap t er Book Ser ies Wild er , Laura Ingalls 2

Lit t le House on t he Prair ie Ser ies Wild er , Laura Ingalls 2

On The Banks Of Plum Creek Wild er , Laura Ingalls 3

On The Way Hom e Wild er , Laura Ingalls 4

Schoo l Days Wild er , Laura Ingalls 2

Lazy Bear , The Wild sm it h , B 1

Trunk Wild sm it h , B. 1

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Bunny Troub le Wilhelm , H. 1

Tyrone---Cheat er Wilhelm , H. 2

Please Don ’t Go ! Wilhelm , Hans K

Ch ild ren Around t he Wor ld Wilkins, Verna K

Spacebusters - A Race to the Moon Wilkinson, Philip 4

Sim p le Pict ures Are Best Willard , Nancy 2

Alb er t 's Too t hache William s, B. 2

Kevin 's Grand m a William s, B. 1

Mit zi and Fred er ick t he Great William s, B. 4

Mit zi and t he Ter r ib le Tyrannosaurus William s, B. 4

Fam ilies Share William s, Roxanne Lan izak K

We Can Make Grap hs William s, Rozanne Lanozak 1

I Wen t Walking William s, Sue K

St r ingb ean 's Tr ip To The Sh in ing Sea William s, V 2

Chair f o r My Mo t her William s, V. 1

Cher r ies and Cher ry Pit s William s, V. 2

Three Days On A River In A Red Canoe William s, V. 2

Velvet een Rab b it William s/Plat t 1

At Hom e in t he Rain Fo rest Willow , Diane 2

An im al St r ike at t he Zoo Wilson , Karm a K

Bear ’s New Fr iend Wilson , Karm a K

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Never , Ever Shout in t he Zoo Wilson , Karm a K

Where is Hom e, Lit t le Pip ?, 2008Wilson , Karm a & Chap m an,

Jane K

How I Survived t he Oregon Trail Wilson , Laura 2

Mr . Brow n 's Magn if icen t Ap p le Tree Winer , Y. 1

Bear and t he Fly, The Win t er , Paula K

Cast le in t he At t ic Win t h rop , E. 4

Slop p y Kisses Win t h rop , E. 1

Mor r is & Bor is Ser ies Wisem an , B. 1

Shad ow o f a Bull Wo jciechow ska, M. 4

Banza Wolkst ein , D. 2

Wo lves Fo r Kid s Wo lp er t , T. 3

Quick As A Cr icket Wood , A 1

King Bid good 's in t he Bat h t ub Wood , A. 1

Nap p ing House Wood , A. 1

Moo Moo , Brow n Cow Wood , J. K

Skeletons Wood, Lily 3

Touch – What do you feel? Wood, Nicholas 3

Toliver’s Secret Wood-Brady, Ester 5

Dear Levi (Let t ers From t he Over land Trail) Wood ruf f , Elvira 2

George Wash ingt on 's Socks Wood ruf f , Elvira 4

Will We Miss Them? Endangered Species Wright, Alexandra 3

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* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 131

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Can We Be Fr iend s? Wr igh t , Alexand ra 3

Do llhouse Murd ers, The Wr igh t , B. 4

Ghost s Beneat h Our Feet Wr igh t , B. 4

Kid s Th roughout Hist o ry: Kid s Dur ing t he Am er ican Civil

WarWrob le, Lisa A. K

Kid s Th roughout Hist o ry: Kid s Dur ing t he Renaissance Wrob le, Lisa A. K

Kid s Th roughout Hist o ry: Kid s in Co lon ial Tim es Wrob le, Lisa A. K

Kid sThroughout Hist o ry: Kid s in Ancien t Greece Wrob le, Lisa A. K

Kid sThroughout Hist o ry: Kid s in Pioneer Tim es Wrob le, Lisa A. K

Kid sThroughout Hist o ry: Kid s in t he Mid d le Ages Wrob le, Lisa A. K

Ch icken Pox Par t y, The Wyet h , Sharon Denn is 2

Fishy Co lo r St o ry Wylie, J. 1

Funny Fish St o ry Wylie, J. 1

Sw iss Fam ily Rob inson Wyss, J. 5

St rongest One o f All, The Y. Kim Cho i K

Crane Wif e, The Yagaw a, S. 3

Crow Boy Yash im a, T. 2

Am os For t une, Free Man Yat es, E. 5

Dragonw ings Yep , L. 5

Boy Who Sp oke Ch im p Yo len , J. 3

Com m and er Toad Ser ies Yo len , J. 2

Ow l Moon Yo len , J. 1

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

Picn ic w it h Piggins Yo len , J. 2

Encoun t er Yo len , Jane 5

Piggins Yo len , Jane 2

Sleep ing Ugly Yo len , Jane 2

Casey Jones York, C. 2

Feb o ld Feb o ld son- The Fix-it Farm er York, C. 2

Miss Know -It -All Yo rk, C. 3

Miss Know -It -All Ret urns York, C. 3

Old St o rm along York, C. 2

Sam Pat ch -The Big Tim e Jum p er York, C. 2

Johnny Ap p leseed York, Caro l Beach 2

Mike Fink York, Caro l Beach 2

Lon Po Po Young, E 3

Three King 's Day Zap at er , Beat r iz McConn ie 2

Rum p elst ilt skin Zelinsky, P. 2

Best Cast le Ever , The Zief er t , H. 1

Clean House f o r Mo le & Mouse, A Zief er t , H. 1

Dozen Dogs Zief er t , H. 1

New Coat f o r Anna Zief er t , H. 2

Nicky's Chr ist m as Surp r ise Zief er t , H. 1

Pr ince's Too t h Is Loose, The Zief er t , H. 1

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Elementary Approved Literature List by Title

So Sick Zief er t , H. 1

Where's My East er Egg? Zief er t , H. 1

Where's The Hallow een Treat ? Zief er t , H. 1

Worm Day Zief er t , H. 3

Fo llow Me Zief er t , Har r iet 2

Hur ry Up , Jessie Zief er t /Sm it h 1

Bears 1,2,3 Zief ur t , H. 1

Henny Penny Zim m erm an , H. Werner 1

Dear Garb age Man Zion , G. 2

Har ry t he Dog Ser ies Zion , G. 1

Beaut if u l Chr ist m as Tree Zo lo t ow , C. 3

Bunny Who Found East er Zo lo t ow , C. 1

Hat ing Book Zo lo t ow , C. 1

I Know a Lad y Zo lo t ow , C. 1

Sleep y Book Zo lo t ow , C. 1

William s Do ll Zo lo t ow , C. 2

Ligh t and Shad ow 2

up d at ed Ap r il 10, 2015

* p reviously ap p roved at h igher grad e level 134