Electronic bypass of spinal lesions Activation of lower motor neurons directly driven by cortical neural signals Li, Yan; Alam, Monzurul; Guo, Shanshan; Ting, Kh; He, Jufang Published in: Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation Published: 01/01/2014 Document Version: Final Published version, also known as Publisher’s PDF, Publisher’s Final version or Version of Record License: CC BY Publication record in CityU Scholars: Go to record Published version (DOI): 10.1186/1743-0003-11-107 Publication details: Li, Y., Alam, M., Guo, S., Ting, K., & He, J. (2014). Electronic bypass of spinal lesions: Activation of lower motor neurons directly driven by cortical neural signals. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 11(1), [107]. https://doi.org/10.1186/1743-0003-11-107 Citing this paper Please note that where the full-text provided on CityU Scholars is the Post-print version (also known as Accepted Author Manuscript, Peer-reviewed or Author Final version), it may differ from the Final Published version. When citing, ensure that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination and other details. General rights Copyright for the publications made accessible via the CityU Scholars portal is retained by the author(s) and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing these publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. Users may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain. Publisher permission Permission for previously published items are in accordance with publisher's copyright policies sourced from the SHERPA RoMEO database. Links to full text versions (either Published or Post-print) are only available if corresponding publishers allow open access. Take down policy Contact [email protected] if you believe that this document breaches copyright and provide us with details. We will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Download date: 30/07/2020

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Electronic bypass of spinal lesionsActivation of lower motor neurons directly driven by cortical neural signalsLi, Yan; Alam, Monzurul; Guo, Shanshan; Ting, Kh; He, Jufang

Published in:Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Published: 01/01/2014

Document Version:Final Published version, also known as Publisher’s PDF, Publisher’s Final version or Version of Record

License:CC BY

Publication record in CityU Scholars:Go to record

Published version (DOI):10.1186/1743-0003-11-107

Publication details:Li, Y., Alam, M., Guo, S., Ting, K., & He, J. (2014). Electronic bypass of spinal lesions: Activation of lower motorneurons directly driven by cortical neural signals. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 11(1), [107].https://doi.org/10.1186/1743-0003-11-107

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Li et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:107http://www.jneuroengrehab.com/content/11/1/107

RESEARCH Open Access

Electronic bypass of spinal lesions: activation oflower motor neurons directly driven by corticalneural signalsYan Li1, Monzurul Alam1,3, Shanshan Guo1, KH Ting1 and Jufang He1,2*


Background: Lower motor neurons in the spinal cord lose supraspinal inputs after complete spinal cord injury, leadingto a loss of volitional control below the injury site. Extensive locomotor training with spinal cord stimulation can restorelocomotion function after spinal cord injury in humans and animals. However, this locomotion is non-voluntary, meaningthat subjects cannot control stimulation via their natural “intent”. A recent study demonstrated an advanced system thattriggers a stimulator using forelimb stepping electromyographic patterns to restore quadrupedal walking in rats withspinal cord transection. However, this indirect source of “intent” may mean that other non-stepping forelimb activitiesmay false-trigger the spinal stimulator and thus produce unwanted hindlimb movements.

Methods:We hypothesized that there are distinguishable neural activities in the primary motor cortex during treadmillwalking, even after low-thoracic spinal transection in adult guinea pigs. We developed an electronic spinal bridge, called“Motolink”, which detects these neural patterns and triggers a “spinal” stimulator for hindlimb movement. This hardwarecan be head-mounted or carried in a backpack. Neural data were processed in real-time and transmitted to a computerfor analysis by an embedded processor. Off-line neural spike analysis was conducted to calculate and preset the spikethreshold for “Motolink” hardware.

Results: We identified correlated activities of primary motor cortex neurons during treadmill walking of guinea pigs withspinal cord transection. These neural activities were used to predict the kinematic states of the animals. The appropriateselection of spike threshold value enabled the “Motolink” system to detect the neural “intent” of walking, which triggeredelectrical stimulation of the spinal cord and induced stepping-like hindlimb movements.

Conclusion: We present a direct cortical “intent”-driven electronic spinal bridge to restore hindlimb locomotion aftercomplete spinal cord injury.

Keywords: Spinal cord injury, Multielectrode array, Extracellular recording, Neural spikes, Functional electrical stimulation,Intraspinal microstimulation, Intracortical microstimulation, Locomotion, Neuromotor prostheses

BackgroundLower motor neurons (LMNs) and interneurons losesupraspinal controls after complete spinal cord injury(SCI). Although the restoration of volitional control ofparalyzed limbs after complete SCI remains challenging,intracortical recording and functional electrical stimula-tion (FES) techniques have been successful in many

* Correspondence: [email protected] of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong2Department of Biomedical Sciences, City University of Hong Kong, Tat CheeAvenue, Kowloon, Hong KongFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2014 Li et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. TCommons Attribution License (http://creativecreproduction in any medium, provided the or

studies [1-8]. Research in regenerative medicine hasdemonstrated the reconnection of corticospinal neuronsin adult mice, which provides great hope for functionalrecovery after SCI [8-11]. Stem cell research also sug-gests that paralyzed patients could regain the ability tomove after trauma [12,13]. However, such research hasbeen limited to animal experiments or single human tri-als, and no treatment approaches are currently ready forclinical implementation in human patients [14,15]. Al-though FES has been used to activate paralyzed musclesto restore movements such as hand grasp, standing up,and taking a few steps, this stimulation is externally

his is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creativeommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andiginal work is properly credited.

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driven and does not arise from internal “intent” signals.Furthermore, FES may cause muscle fatigue afterchronic use [16,17]. However, the activation of motorneurons in the spinal cord through intraspinal microsti-mulation (ISMS) can induce standing and walking incats after SCI without producing major fatigue [18-22].Also, tonic electrical stimulation of the epidural spinalcord has enabled a human patient to stand and take acouple of steps [8].As an alternative approach to SCI treatment, neuro-

motor prostheses use cortical motor activities to controlexternal devices to replace lost function [23-29]. Amultichannel microelectrode array implanted in the cor-tex permits recording of neuronal signals—particularlymotor command signals—from a patient’s brain, whichare sent to a prosthetic device that can move a computercursor [30] or a robotic arm to perform elementary ac-tions such as self-feeding [31]. Excitingly, recent studiesin monkeys show that cortical signals can be transformedto trigger muscle stimulation, leading to the restoration ofgoal-directed movements in transiently paralyzed arms[32,33]. These previous studies have mainly focused onthe restoration of upper limb functions, with few studiesattempting to restore locomotion [34-38].In particular, Garasimenko et al. [39] demonstrated

quadrupedal walking in cats after epidural electricalstimulation of the spinal cord with no input from thebrain after complete spinal transection. This groundbreak-ing work was followed by several successful experimentsin which locomotor function was similarly enhanced inboth rats [40-43] and humans [44]. However, all of thesestudies required an external device to operate the stimula-tor. By contrast, a very recent study demonstrated an ad-vanced system that triggers the stimulator using forelimbelectromyographic (EMG) patterns to restore quadrupedalwalking in rats with spinal cord transection [45]. Thoughepidural stimulation represented robust muscles activation


M1 mapping in acute anima1. Hindlimb EMG recording

electrodes implantation2. Intracortical microstimulati3. Animal sacrificed


Detection1. Animal walked at different

speeds (5.6 and 11.1 cm/s2. Extracellular recording3. Forelimb EMG recording4. Kinematics recording

Figure 1 Flow chart of the series of experiments and procedures.

in previous investigations [8,39,41,43,45], intraspinal stimu-lation has shown better efficacy and selectivity of musclesactivation than epidural stimulation [46,47]. Other re-searchers propose that stepping movements after SCIcould be controlled with one or two independent corticalsignals using ISMS with an assistive computer system [48].In the present study, we tested the feasibility of trig-

gering stimulation of LMNs in the spinal cord from dir-ect cortical neural recordings in guinea pigs aftercomplete mid-thoracic spinal cord transection. As suchwe also evaluated the feasibility of utilizing a new animalmodel, as the restoration of walking has already beendemonstrated in cats and rats. Finally, we developed anelectronic spinal bridge, called “Motolink”, which by-passes the spinal cord lesion. This “Motolink” hardwareis comprised of low-noise, high-gain recording amplifiersand a programmable neural processor in a surface-mounted stimulator circuit board, which can be mountedon the head or carried on a backpack by small animalsubjects.

MethodsExperiments were conducted in compliance with thePrinciples of Laboratory Animal Care (National Institutesof Health, No. 86–23, revised 1985), and all experimen-tal procedures were approved by the Animal SubjectsEthics Sub-Committee at The Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity. The flow chart of the series of experimentsprovides detailed explanation (Figure 1).

Hardware developmentAn electronic spinal bridge, called “Motolink”, was devel-oped in the Laboratory of Applied Neuroscience at TheHong Kong Polytechnic University. “Motolink” is a mini-ature prosthesis that amplifies neuronal spikes, comparesthem to pre-calculated and preset thresholds, and convertsthe signals into stimulation pulses using a microprocessor-



Surgical steps for chronic animals 1. Cortical electrodes array

implantation2. Spinal cord transection3. Spinal stimulating electrodes

implantation4. Forelimb EMG recording

electrodes implantation

4-6 days recovery

Training & Testing


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based chip (89C2051, ATMEL, San Jose, CA, USA;Figure 2A). Intracortical microelectrode arrays recordedextracellular neural spikes (Figure 2B), which were ampli-fied and decoded to generate stimulation patterns thatwere applied below the lesion of the spinal cord. Amplifierand stimulator circuits were combined (Figure 2C), al-though they received separate power supplies to avoidinterference. Another amplifier was attached to thestimulator and recorded EMG signals from the left fore-limb. Dipswitches placed on the circuit for multi-choice




Spinal cord

Lesion site


Brain of rat or guinea pig




Connector for neural signal input and stimulation signal output

Cables for neural signal output

RF transmitter


signal from cortex



Output:Stimulation to

spinal cord

Microprocessor with stimulation mode





Filter and




Figure 2 Schematic diagram and overview of electronic “Motolink” spinrecording. C. Wireless hardware. D. Remote signal receiver. E. Hardware blockfiltering and are then compared to a preset threshold for generation of spina

selection of stimulation pattern and enabled linkage be-tween the recording and stimulating channels. Amplifica-tion ranges from 1 to 10,000 in theory but was setat ~4,000 in practice. This amplification was sufficientfor recording action potentials from the cortex and EMGsignals from skeletal muscles. Neural signals were appliedand detected from the analog form. Five ms after detec-tion of a supra-threshold signal, five monophasic stimula-tion pulses (91 Hz) with variable amplitudes (3–7 V) weregenerated.


Electrode array of extracellular recoding



rator with threshold

Refined extracellular


RF transmitter



RF receiver Charger



al bridge. A. Conceptual diagram. B. Electrodes array for extracellulardiagram. Neural signals undergo three stages of amplification andl cord stimulation.

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The system was comprised of different cascading mod-ules of amplifiers and filters with an effective frequencybandwidth between 300 Hz and 5 KHz, followed by asmoother and microprocessor-based neural stimulationcircuit (Figure 2E). Raw spikes were transmitted by aradio frequency transmitter module to a host computerfor real-time analysis. Neural and EMG signals were sentto the computer with a sampling rate of 10 kHz and re-ceived by a Radio Frequency receiver (Figure 2D).

Primary motor cortex mappingBefore surgical implantation, motor cortex mapping wasperformed to determine the electrode array implantationsite in acute animals. Four adult Hartley albino guineapigs were used to map the primary motor cortex (M1)in the right hemisphere using intracortical microstimula-tion (ICMS) [49,50]. Animals were mounted in a stereo-taxic device, and body temperature was controlled by ahomoeothermic system. To obtain a fine map of thehindlimb region of the M1, we monitored EMG signalsfrom the gluteus superficialis, bicep femoris, semitendi-nosus, and tibialis anterior muscles. Under anesthesia(sodium pentobarbital, 40 mg/kg i.p. initially and 10 mg/kg/h afterward; Ceva Sante Animale Co., France), fourwires with exposed tips (1–2 mm) were inserted intomuscle bellies and served as EMG recording electrodes[51]. The wires were sutured at their entrance intomuscle bellies and looped around the entrance site to re-lieve stress. Craniotomy was performed to expose theright M1. After carefully removing the dura matter, alow impedance tungsten electrode (10–100 kΩ, FHCInc., Bowdoin, ME) was slowly advanced into the cortexusing a micromanipulator. Stimulation pulses were de-livered with respect to a reference electrode placed onthe scalp, and evoked motor responses were carefullyobserved. We slowly varied current intensity to find athreshold that could evoke motor responses (13-pulsetrain, 0–250 μA, 333 Hz, generated by TDT system,Alachua, FL). When the contralateral forelimb/trunk/hindlimb responded to the stimulation, that stimulationsite was considered positive. After that, the electrodewas inserted into another site adjacent and repeated thestimulation procedure until the whole map was achieved.At the end of the experiment, guinea pigs were sacrificedby overdose of pentobarbital sodium (60 mg/kg, i.p.).

Animal preparation and surgeryBased on the results of M1 mapping performed in acuteanimals, surgery under aseptic conditions was performedon chronic adult guinea pigs (Caviaporcellus, 400–800 g,both sexes, SPF). Animals were pretreated with atropine(40–200 pg/kg, s.c.; Sigma, USA) to reduce respiratorysecretions. Anesthesia was initiated with pentobarbitalsodium (40 mg/kg, i.p.) and maintained by supplemental

doses (10 mg/kg/hr, i.p.). Animals were mounted in astereotaxic device, and body temperature was controlledby a homoeothermic system. Craniotomy was performedto access the right M1. After careful removal of the duramatter, the hindlimb region of the right M1 was identifiedthrough visual observation of left hindlimb movement inresponse to intracortical electrical stimulation. An elec-trode array was implanted into the hindlimb region of theright M1 with minimal lesion using a pneumatic-ally actuated microelectrode array inserter (BlackrockMicrosystems, UT, USA). The center of the recording elec-trode array was located at −2.3 mm AP relative to bregmaand 2.0 mm ML relative to the midline. The array wascomprised of 2 × 3 or 3 × 3 Teflon-coated tungsten elec-trodes (50 μm diameter, 200–500 kΩ impedance) with 0.5-mm spaces between electrodes (SM Tang’s group, Instituteof Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Figure 2B).The electrode tips were exposed by 10–30 μm. A stainlesssteel reference electrode (Teflon-coated stainless steel,1 mm exposed tip, A-M Systems, USA) was placed on thesurface of a non-M1 area of the cortex in the right hemi-sphere. The opening of the skull was covered with silicone(World Precision Instruments, USA). Five screws wereplaced in the skull, with a ground wire wrapped aroundone of the screws. The electrode array and ground wirewere connected to a socket. The electrode array, screws,wires, lower portion of the socket, and exposed skull wereall covered by dental cement.The animal’s body was lifted up and fixed by two clips

on the spinous process at lumbar and sacral levels. Lamin-ectomy was performed to expose the T12 and L2-L3spinal cord. T12 was carefully transected with microscis-sors. Care was taken not to damage the spinal arteries. Areference stimulating electrode (Teflon-coated stainlesssteel wire, 225 μm diameter, 25 kΩ impedance, 1 mm ex-posed tip, A-M Systems, USA) was placed on the epiduralsurface near L5 or in the back muscles close to the lumbarspine. After carefully removing the dura matter, fivestimulating electrodes (Teflon-coated stainless steel wire,75 μm diameter, 50–100 kΩ impedance, cross-section ex-posed tips, A-M Systems, USA) were manually implantedvertically into the left ventral horn at level L2-L3 withelectrical stimulation to target the LMNs 1.0–1.5 mmbelow the surface of the spinal cord. After confirmingtheir location, microwires were embedded in siliconeelastomer for fixation. All stimulating wires were led sub-cutaneously to the head socket.Because we assumed that forelimb stepping was initi-

ated by the cortical “intent” signals in the forelimb re-gion of M1 during treadmill walking, we recordedforelimb EMG. Two EMG recording electrodes (Teflon-coated stainless steel, 50 μm diameter, 30–100 kΩ im-pedance, A-M Systems, USA) were inserted and suturedinto the bellies of left forelimb muscle triceps brachii.

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Figure 3 M1 mapping in anesthetized guinea pigs. A. Forelimb,trunk, and hindlimb representations. Star: stimulation site of panel B.B. EMG signals of four hindlimb muscles stimulated by variedcurrents (0–80 μA). ES: electrical stimulation, GS: gluteus superficialis,BF: biceps femoris, ST: semitendinosus, TA: tibialis anterior.

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An EMG reference electrode (Teflon-coated stainlesssteel, 225 μm diameter, 25 kΩ impendance, 1 mm exposedtip, A-M Systems, USA) was sutured on the tendon of tri-ceps brachii near the elbow joint. All EMG electrodeswere led subcutaneously to the head socket. The spinalopening and forelimb incision site were sutured.After electrode implantation, animals were given bupre-

norphine (0.1 mg/kg i.s., twice a day for 3 days) and peni-cillin (50,000 units/kg i.m., once a day in case of infection).Recovery was carefully monitored for 4–6 days beforestarting treadmill experiments.

Experimental procedureGuinea pigs were placed on a treadmill with a custom-made harness. The hind part of the body was lifted witha bodyweight support system, thus allowing only fore-limb steps. “Motolink” hardware was plugged into thehead socket during experiments. Firstly, we turned onthe amplifier circuits but turned off the stimulator cir-cuit to collect signals without stimulation. Neural andforelimb EMG signals were recorded while animalswalked at different speeds (5.6 and 11.1 cm/s). Signalswere fed into a computer through a data acquisition sys-tem (AxoDigiData 1440, Molecular Devices Co., Chicago,IL). Neural activity in the hindlimb area of the M1 was fil-tered at 300 Hz to 3 kHz, and forelimb EMG signals werefiltered at 30 Hz to 500 Hz. The onset of neural and EMGsignals were determined by previously described methods[52]. The triggering threshold was calculated and preset toachieve a reasonable correlation between left forelimb andhindlimb movements. Then we turned on the stimulatorcircuit to enabled linkage between the recording andstimulating channels.Kinematics of treadmill walking were recorded by a

Vicon system (Vicon Version 370, three camera system,operating at 60 Hz, LA, CA) and a video camera (720 ×576 resolution, GZ-MG27AH, JVC, Japan). Retro-reflectivemarkers (10 mm diameter) were attached to the skin ofthe left forelimb and left hindlimb for offline analysis.

HistologyAfter experiments, animals were deeply anesthetizedwith pentobarbital sodium (60 mg/kg, i.p.; Sigma) andperfused transcardially with 400 ml 0.9% NaCl followedby ice-cold 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphatebuffer (pH 7.4). The brain and spinal cord were removedand post-fixed for 4 h in the same fixative. The brainand spinal cord were cut into coronal sections (40 μm),and the spinal lesion was cut into horizontal sections.Nissl staining of sections was performed.

Data analysisData were analyzed offline using custom scripts writtenin MATLAB (MathWorks, Nitick, MA). Extracellular

data were processed by Axon Clampfit 10.0 (MolecularDevices Co., Chicago, IL). Neural spikes were detectedand sorted using a MATLAB-based open source electro-physiological data processing toolbox [53]. Raster plotsand spike time histograms were generated for each de-tected unit. Neural signals were compared with EMGsignals and Vicon data using custom-written MATLABscripts. Student's paired t-test was performed in eachsubject to compare the time lags between hindlimb andforelimb movements at different speeds. Data are shownas mean and standard error (SE).

ResultsM1 mappingWe first mapped the M1 of guinea pigs under anesthesia,focusing on the forelimb, trunk, and hindlimb areas(Figure 3A). The hindlimb area ranged from 1.5–3 mmlateral from the midline and 0.5–3.5 mm posterior tobregma, whereas the forelimb area ranged from 1.5–4 mm lateral from the midline and 0–2 mm anterior tobregma. ICMS current threshold was ~60 μA. EMG activ-ity was recorded in four hindlimb muscles above thresholdstimulating currents of 60 μA (Figure 3B). As ICMS in-creased from 60 to 80 μA, the amplitude and duration ofEMG signals increased (Figure 3B). Evoked movements ofthe forelimb, trunk, or hindlimb were also taken into con-sideration when identifying cortical regions of interest.

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M1“intent” signals during treadmill walkingNext, we recorded neural spike activity from differenthindlimb area M1 neurons in eight guinea pigs duringtreadmill walking (Figure 4). We identified four singleunits in different animals with activity corresponding toforelimb locomotion during the treadmill ON and OFFphases at different treadmill speeds (Figure 4A). Theseneurons showed firing rates between 0 and 15 Hz. Ofthese neurons, the activity of unit #3 best matched theforelimb steps taken by the guinea pig, although all unitsshowed clear patterns of activity matching patterns offorelimb locomotion. For stand-to-walk transitions,spike activity of each unit increased during the 5 s aftercommencing steps (Figure 4B, shaded area; unit #2showed an obvious change). Likewise, for walk-to-standtransitions, spike activity of each unit decreased duringthe 5 s after completing steps (Figure 4C, unshaded area;Unit #1 and 2 showed obvious changes).

Spinal stimulation directly driven by cortical recordingsTo record cortical signals corresponding to voluntarymovement, we trained three guinea pigs to walk on atreadmill with their forelimbs. Neural signals in the M1were recorded in real-time by our “Motolink” hardware.The neural activity of one channel was selected and usedas a triggering signal. When guinea pigs walked at aspeed of 11.1 cm/s, we observed rhythmic neural activityin the left hindlimb region of the M1 that followed leftforelimb EMG signals by ~100 ms (Figure 5A). As the

Figure 4 M1 “intent” signal in guinea pigs during treadmill walking. AThe small black rectangles inside the histogram of each panel indicate indi(B) and walk-to-stand (C) transitions. The shaded areas indicate time period

spinal cord was not yet stimulated, hindlimb movementswere passive and indistinct (Figure 5B). After the stimu-lator was turned on, neural signals were detected anddecoded, triggering electrical stimulation (5-pulse train,91 Hz) of the spinal cord (Figure 5C). Although stimula-tion artifacts were present in the recording channel, the“Motolink” processor ignored these artifacts by applyinga delay in its spike-counting algorithm. The triggeringthreshold was set to achieve a reasonable correlation be-tween left forelimb and hindlimb movements (0.2 V inFigure 5D, indicated by arrowhead). An interval of 5 mswas set between detection of the neural “intent” signaland stimulation of spinal cord neurons.We observed hindlimb movements in response to

spinal cord stimulation, with left forelimb movementspreceding those of left hindlimbs by 92 ± 23 ms (n = 3).During a representative 15-s period of recording/stimu-lating and treadmill walking at 11.1 cm/s (Figure 5E-F;Additional file 1), the left forelimb took 39 steps, but theM1 electrode failed to detect the “intent” signal in 5 in-stances, resulting in a corresponding absence of 5 lefthindlimb movements (double-headed arrows). Thesesteps occurring but not detected were false negatives,which were due to insufficient amplitude of M1 activityof some forelimb stepping. Also, two odd electrical stim-ulations were observed during this recording/stimulatingperiod (Figure 5E-F, single-headed arrows), for which theleft forelimb took one step but the M1 electrode detectedtwo “intent” signals, resulting in additional movement of

. Single-unit firing rates during forelimb steps on a moving treadmill.vidual steps. B–C. Raster plots for each unit showing stand-to-walks immediately following the commencement of steps.

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Figure 5 Stimulation of LMNs from cortical signals in guineapigs during treadmill walking at 11.1 cm/s. A. One-channelextracellular left hindlimb (LHL) M1 signal (upper) and left forelimb(LFL) EMG signal (lower) during treadmill walking while the stimulatorwas switched off. B. Movements of LHL and LFL. C. Recordings of M1(upper) and LFL EMG (lower) signals while the stimulator was switchedon. Electrical stimulation was apparent as artifacts in the recordingelectrodes, indicated by arrows. D. Zoomed view of M1 recordingchannel. The trigger threshold was set at 0.2 V, indicated by a horizontalarrow. The neural signal triggering electrical stimulation is indicated byan arrowhead. E. Representative 15-s period of M1 and EMG recordings.F. Corresponding LHL and LFL movements.

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the left hindlimb, which was considered as false positives.It came from the detection of spontaneous activities fromM1. The neural activity from another guinea pig was con-sistently observed when it walked at a speed of 11.1 cm/s(Additional file 2: Figure S1).When treadmill speed was slowed to 5.6 cm/s, step-

ping rhythm became almost half of that at 11.1 cm/s,and M1 neural activity followed left forelimb EMG sig-nals by ~200 ms (Figure 6A-B). After the stimulator wasturned on, cortical signals reaching a preset thresholdvoltage triggered electrical stimulation of the spinal cord.Movement of the left forelimb preceded movement of theleft hindlimb by 153 ± 42 ms (n = 3). During a representa-tive 17-s period, 5 of 28 left forelimb steps were not de-tected by the M1 electrode (Figure 6A-B, double-headedarrows; Additional file 3). One odd electrical stimulationwas observed (Figure 6A, single-headed arrow).Regular neuronal firings were consistently observed in

the hindlimb regions in the motor cortex, after the

spinal transection. The M1 activities in HL preservedtheir function to control the HL, although their actualdescending connection had been lost. The time lag be-tween intact forelimb and stimulated hindlimb move-ments significantly shortened when treadmill speedincreased from 5.6 to 11.1 cm/s (Figure 6C; n = 3 p <0.01), suggesting greater neural activity rhythm in theM1 at faster walking speeds. This reduced time lag be-tween forelimb and hindlimb movements indicates thatthe triggered signal did not originate from the forelimbregion of the M1, sensory feedback, or other body partmovements.

Histological analysisAt the end of the experiment, we checked the placementof electrodes in the M1, the location of spinal cord tran-section, and the location of stimulation sites in thespinal cord (for experimental set-up, see Figure 7A)using Nissl staining. Recording electrode tips were lo-cated in layer V of the M1 (Figure 7B, right panel). Pos-terior to the spinal cord lesion site (Figure 7C), thestimulating electrodes were implanted in the ventralhorn of the spinal cord (Figure 7D) to stimulate LMNs.These staining results confirm that neural signals wererecorded from the M1 and that spinal cord LMNs werestimulated.

DiscussionThe goal of this proof-of-concept study was to test theability of “Motolink” to bypass spinal cord injury andcreate a direct functional connection between uppermotor neurons in the M1 and LMNs in the spinal cord inguinea pigs. Our low-noise, high-gain amplifier recordedthese neocortical signals, which were sent to a pro-grammed microprocessor that generated an electricalpulse train directly stimulating lumbar spinal cord motorneurons, thereby activating hindlimb muscles. Similarwork has been done to restore upperlimb function [54].As this was a proof of concept study, only one electrodein the multi-electrode array was selected to detect neur-onal signals from the hindlimb region of the right M1,and stimulation was applied through one electrode in theleft ventral horn, which is the location of LMNs that in-nervate the left hindlimb. Instead of using constantcurrent as stimulation, we used a constant voltage of 3–7 V. As the impedance of the stimulating electrode was50–100 kΩ, the estimated stimulation current was 30–120 μA, which is comparable to the intraspinal stimula-tion currents used in other studies [21,22] and the corticalstimulation currents used in our previous studies [55,56].As our stimulation current was relatively weak, possibleelectrical stimulation from the reference electrode (placedat the L5 epidural surface) was unlikely to effectivelystimulate spinal cord motor neurons, as has been shown

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Figure 6 Stimulation of LMNs from cortical signals in guinea pigs during treadmill talking at 5.6 cm/s. A. Representative 17-s period ofM1 and EMG recordings. B. Corresponding LHL and LFL movements. C. Time lag of intact LFL and stimulated LHL movements at different treadmillspeeds. Data points were sampled from three animals (n = 10 per animal) and compared between different speeds within animals (**p < 0.01, t-test).

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in previous studies [39,57]. We used trains of five mono-polar pulses (91 Hz) to allow us to distinguish stimulatedhindlimb twitching. We also tested other configurationssuch as ‘5 pulses, 40Hz’, ‘5 pulses, 167Hz’, ‘5 and 10 pulses,91Hz’ in pilot studies, whereas ‘5 pulses, 91Hz’ has thebest effect on generating hind limb locomotion.The insertion of electrodes into the cortex causes both

acute and chronic damage to brain tissue, which is anunsolved issue in chronic experiments [58]. However,our recording electrodes, which are made of Teflon-insulated tungsten, are biocompatible and thus lessharmful to brain tissue. In chronic experiments, thegradual changing of electrode impedance across days

may necessitate an increase in stimulation voltage. Also,the ability to record spike activity is often lost a shortperiod after electrode implantation [59]. At present,studies on “Motolink” have been limited to one monthbecause almost no meaningful signals can be acquiredfrom electrodes after this length of time. However, re-cent encouraging evidence for reduced reactions to andgreater long-term functional stability of implanted elec-trode arrays raise hope for using neural prosthetic de-vices for months to years [60].In this study, we recorded EMG signals from two

groups of muscles. The gluteus superficialis, bicepsfemoris, semitendinosus, and tibialis anterior were four

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Figure 7 Recording and stimulating sites. A. Schematic drawing of experimental set-up. Triggered movement of the left hindlimb is indicatedby a double-headed arrow. B. Recording sites in layer V of the M1. Left: Recording electrode traces (arrows). Scale bar = 1 mm. Right: Highermagnification of electrode traces. Scale bar = 200 μm. C. Spinal cord lesion 21 days after transection. Scale bar = 1 mm. D. Left: LMNs in the ventralhorn of the spinal cord at L3 level. Right: Stimulating electrode trace in the spinal cord. Scale bar = 200 μm.

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superficial hindlimb muscles used in acute experimentfor mapping hindlimb region of M1. We found thatsupra-threshold stimulation consistently resulted inEMG activity of these four muscles. In some cases, ISMSrequired high voltages (e.g., 7 V) for generating hindlimbmovement, possibly due to high impedance of some

stimulating electrodes. EMG recordings of these muscleswere primarily used to map the hindlimb region of theM1, as EMG activity allowed better resolution than vis-ual observations of hindlimb movements. In chronic ex-periments, forelimb muscle triceps brachii was used toinsert EMG electrodes but not hindlimb muscle. This

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was because forelimb stepping could be observed fromtreadmill walking and hindlimb activities of M1 followedand could be predicted by forelimb activities.A future goal of this line of research is to use multi-

channel “Motolink” to record signals from ensembles ofcortical neurons in real-time, which can be transferredto a group of microstimulators that activate motorneuron pools in the spinal cord below the lesion site,thereby reanimating paralyzed hindlimbs to producesmooth and graceful movements. Non-linear conversionlearning between the input and output functions ofLMNs is currently under consideration, and neuralnetwork control algorithms will be explored for betterdecoding of neural activity. Also, an effective microsti-mulation program may be developed to utilize corticalcommands to produce natural and smooth hindlimbstepping in animals with SCI. A wireless version of thestimulator would facilitate this research [61]. Further-more, sensory feedback control through intact reflex arcscould be utilized to regain movements, and visual feed-back could be used along with proprioceptive inputs torelearn motor skills.Our method of bypassing the site of injury to recon-

nect the brain and spinal cord has advantages over usingEMG signals to trigger stimulation of hindlimb move-ment, as multichannel electrodes in the M1 should beable to acquire more detailed movement signals in amuch more sophisticated manner. If these cortical sig-nals can be connected to corresponding LMNs, animalsmay be able to perform coordinated movements. How-ever, such a system would require a non-linear processorlinking the multichannel recorded cortical signals to themultichannel stimulator.Quadrupedal walking depend on posture and intralimb

coordination [62,63], and thus may have influences incortical signals between different limb areas, we tried toeliminate the possibility of one’s influence into anotherby carefully selecting the electrodes by intracorticalmicrostimulation. We assumed that the cortical record-ing would be solely from hindlimb area and thus forhindlimb movements, not forelimb. We found that thetime lag between the forelimb and hindlimb movementsshortened when treadmill speed was increased, showingthat we accurately implanted the recording electrodeinto the hindlimb region of the M1. If the “intent” signalfrom the recording electrode was actually due to cross-talk from sensory forelimb feedback or the movement ofother body parts, this time lag would not have decreasedin proportion to an increase in treadmill speed. Thus,the “intent” signal most likely did not originate from theforelimb region of the M1. A further investigation onthe kinematic data of FL and HL in normal animal dur-ing treadmill locomotion at 5.6 and 11.1 cm/s speedswould add further evidence to the above claim.

Instead of stimulating spinal cord motor neurons to in-duce hindlimb movements, we could have directly stimu-lated the individual muscles. An advantage of directlystimulating the muscles would be better selectivity, as dif-ferent muscle groups are naturally separated. As motorneurons controlling different muscle groups are very closeto each other in the spinal cord, it is challenging to select-ively stimulate different motor neurons with our currentsystem. An electrode array with a three-dimensional de-sign and low stimulation current could possibly provide asolution to this problem. However, an advantage of stimu-lating the spinal cord is that muscle fatigue may be de-creased [64-66], as muscles are activated via physiologicalinnervation and not artificial electrical stimulation.Epidural spinal cord stimulation (ESCS) works by alle-

viating the overall excitability of spinal networks [67],whereas intraspinal microstimulation (ISMS) producesdirect stimulation generated evoked movements [68].ESCS mainly relies on combined effects of low intensityexcitability of spinal neurons and their network alongwith different afferent inputs [69]. In contrast, ISMS ac-tivates selected motor neuron in the spinal cord to generatemotor responses [20]. Thus, carefully selecting sequence ofISMS should produce an animated limbic movement. BothESCS and ISMS hold great potentials of restoring motorfunctions in the paralyzed; however both miss critically theintention information to activate the stimulator. At the mo-ment, both ESCS and ISMS are externally controlled by anoperator. In real prosthetic application one should be able tocontrol these stimulations from his/her natural “intent”.Hence, an artificial spinal bridge could provide the “intent”information and thus trigger the stimulation accordingly.With ISMS, the lower motor neurons could be directly acti-vated following the cortical input. It would also leave thelearning capability intact in the motor cortex for futuremotor skill acquirement.

ConclusionIn conclusion, we developed an advanced technique ofusing cortical activity related to forelimb stepping to dir-ectly stimulate LMNs in the spinal cord, thereby produ-cing stepping-like hindlimb movement in guinea pigs withspinal cord transection. This direct “intent”-driven systemis an important first step in building a complete electronicspinal bridge to restore movement after SCI. This one-channel, one-way connection between cortical signals andLMN stimulation was shown to be effective, albeit limitedin fine movement control and long-term maintenance.

Additional files

Additional file 1: Video demonstrating a guinea pig with spinalcord transection walking on a treadmill at 11.1 cm/s.

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Additional file 2: Figure S1. Stimulation of LMNs from cortical signalsin another guinea pig during treadmill walking at 11.1 cm/s. Stimulationof LMNs from cortical signals in another guinea pig during treadmillwalking at 11.1 cm/s. A. One-channel extracellular left hindlimb (LHL) M1signal (upper) and left forelimb (LFL) EMG signal (lower) during treadmillwalking while the stimulator was switched off. B. Recordings of M1(upper) and LFL EMG (lower) signals while the stimulator was switchedon. Electrical stimulation was apparent as artifacts in the recordingelectrodes, indicated by arrows. C. Zoomed view of M1 recordingchannel. The trigger threshold was set at 0.2 V, indicated by a horizontalarrow. The neural signal triggering electrical stimulation is indicated byan arrowhead.

Additional file 3: Video demonstrating a guinea pig with spinalcord transection walking on a treadmill at 5.6 cm/s.

AbbreviationsSCI: Spinal cord injury; M1: Primary motor cortex; LMN: Lower motor neuron;FES: Functional electrical stimulation; ICMS: Intracortical microstimulation;ISMS: Intraspinal microstimulation; EMG: Electromyography.

Competing interestsThe authors declare no competing interests.

Authors’ contributionsYL and JH designed the study; JH and MA developed the hardware; YL, GS,KT, and MA conducted the experiments; YL, MA, and JH analyzed the dataand prepared the results; YL, MA, and JH wrote the manuscript. All authorsread and approved the final manuscript.

AcknowledgmentsWe thank Zhigang He for critical reading of the manuscript, Sik-cheong Siufor helping develop the “Motolink” hardware, Iat Keong Chan for compilingmicrocontroller programs, and Kai Yu for assistance with histology. We alsothank the Mr. & Mrs. P. K. Yu Memorial Scholarship, The Charlie Lee CharitableFoundation, Fong Shu Fook Tong Foundation, and Fong’s Family Foundationfor generous supports to the project. This work was supported by grantsfrom the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (CRF09/9, 561410, 561111,561212, T13-607/12R) and National Key Basic Research Program of China(2012CB966300, 2013CB530900).

Author details1Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 2Department of BiomedicalSciences, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, HongKong. 3Department of Neurosurgery, University of California, Los Angeles, CA,USA.

Received: 12 April 2013 Accepted: 20 June 2014Published: 3 July 2014

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doi:10.1186/1743-0003-11-107Cite this article as: Li et al.: Electronic bypass of spinal lesions: activationof lower motor neurons directly driven by cortical neural signals. Journalof NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014 11:107.