Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations ELC Art and Design Entry Level Certificate R300-R306 OCR Report to Centres June 2016

ELC Art and Design - OCR · 2020-02-18 · CONTENTS Entry Level Certificate Art and Design (R300 – R306) OCR REPORT TO CENTRES . Content Page . Overview 4 Coursework Portfolio 5

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Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations


Art and Design

Entry Level Certificate R300-R306

OCR Report to Centres June 2016

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OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA) is a leading UK awarding body, providing a wide range of qualifications to meet the needs of candidates of all ages and abilities. OCR qualifications include AS/A Levels, Diplomas, GCSEs, Cambridge Nationals, Cambridge Technicals, Functional Skills, Key Skills, Entry Level qualifications, NVQs and vocational qualifications in areas such as IT, business, languages, teaching/training, administration and secretarial skills. It is also responsible for developing new specifications to meet national requirements and the needs of students and teachers. OCR is a not-for-profit organisation; any surplus made is invested back into the establishment to help towards the development of qualifications and support, which keep pace with the changing needs of today’s society. This report on the examination provides information on the performance of candidates which it is hoped will be useful to teachers in their preparation of candidates for future examinations. It is intended to be constructive and informative and to promote better understanding of the specification content, of the operation of the scheme of assessment and of the application of assessment criteria. Reports should be read in conjunction with the published question papers and mark schemes for the examination. OCR will not enter into any discussion or correspondence in connection with this report. © OCR 2016

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Entry Level Certificate

Art and Design (R300 – R306)


Content Page

Overview 4

Coursework Portfolio 5

Assessment Objective 1 – Develop 6

Assessment Objective 2 – Experiment 7

Assessment Objective 3 – Record 8

Assessment Objective 4 – Present 9

OCR-set Work 10

Summary and Guidance 12

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OCR Report to Centres – June 2016



General Comments

The 2016 series of the Entry Level Art and Designqualification, now in its sixth year has continued to bea successful and rewarding experience for bothteachers and candidates.

Year eight and nine candidates along with Key Stage4 candidates from a range of centres, includingIndependent, Secondary and Academy schools, EBDand MLD centres, Residential, Referral Units andother Specialist Centres were entered for ELC. Mostcandidates achieved success in this qualification.

Centres displayed work both flat on table tops andvertically on boards depending on the availability ofspace. Presentation was varied in centres. Somecandidates used art journals whilst others presentedwork on sheets. For most, clear teacher guidance hadencouraged candidates to be selective and thisconsequently led to displays being far morerepresentative of the candidate’s best work.

The use of the electronic interactive assessment form(GCW335i) downloaded from the OCR website isstrongly recommended to avoid mathematical errors.

Most centres completed administrative proceduressatisfactorily and met the May 15th deadline for thereturn of mark sheets. Some Centres submitted markswell before the deadline and this in turn facilitated anearly moderation visit. The CCS160 (CentreAuthentication Forms, one per endorsement) areessential and Centres are reminded that without thesemoderation cannot commence.

Centres are reminded that moderators apply anagreed standard without consideration of potentialoutcomes in terms of levels for candidates. Severalcentres this year were too harsh when applying theassessment criteria. It is recommended that Artteachers attend one of the CPD ELC Training coursesto be held in London and Birmingham. Details can befound on the OCR CPD Hub.

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OCR Report to Centres – June 2016


Coursework Portfolio

The response of most candidates to the tasks set byCentres is genuinely enthusiastic and manyoutcomes clearly reflect the pleasure andsatisfaction derived from undertaking the work.

Work was seen across the range of endorsementsbut most work viewed for moderation was from (R300) Art and Design and (R301) Fine Art.

Most candidates had followed courses with a clearlydefined structure. Themes for task settingappropriate to the needs of the candidates weredetermined by the centre. These includedPortraiture, Natural Forms, Identity, Figures, Coast,Bugs and Insects and Still Life. Popular artists usedfor contextual references included, GeorgiaO’Keefe, Paul Cezanne, Vincent van Gogh, JulianOpie, Andy Warhol, Claus Oldenburg, L.S. Lowry,David Hockney, Frida Khalo, Roy Lichtenstein andBanksy.

An appropriate and wide range of skills, media andtechniques in the Portfolio component had givenvariety and focus to the candidates’ artwork.

Digital photography remains popular as a means ofgathering initial source material. Photoshop, Photo Editor, Picasa and Gimp were used in several schools providing opportunities to manipulate images and explore colour schemes. These were either presented as final outcomes in the Photography endorsement or used to help with compositions for prints, paintings and textile work.

Many candidates make excellent use ofsketchbooks and art journals to support andenhance their outcomes. Others prefer individualstudy sheets or worksheets with checklists.Thoughtful, short written annotation can help toexplain candidates’ thoughts and intentions.

The requirement for a clearly defined project gavegreater access to the ELC qualification to allcandidates of all abilities.

Most Centres had encouraged candidates tocarefully select and present their CourseworkPortfolio in response to a single theme. Centres arereminded that only the most successful projectshould be presented for assessment andmoderation and not the whole of the candidate’scourse.


Download and use the Assessment Summary Form GCW335i, which is available on the OCR web site. This option allows for the entry and addition of marks, thus avoiding arithmetical errors.

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OCR Report to Centres – June 2016


Assessment Objective 1 – Develop

In the Coursework Portfolio, where themes werestructured and showed strong contextual links,candidate’s ideas were well developed. In Centreswhere this teacher structure was removed this was aless successful assessment objective.

Some candidates made visits to galleries, museums,churches and other public buildings such as theLondon Eye, Botanical Gardens, the Pitt Rivers andAshmolean Museums, which inspired the candidatesand generated energetic responses.

Successful candidates had shown a cleardevelopment of personal ideas based on initial artist’sresearch throughout their portfolio in written and visualforms.

Less successful developments resulted in candidatesmerely copying images from secondary sourceswithout developing their ideas.

References to modern and contemporary artists andpractitioners were in evidence this year. AntonyGormley, Nikki de Saint Phalle, Keith Haring andAlberto Giacometti inspired figurative responses.Responses to ‘Coast’ showed research into MikeSalven, Vincent Scarpace, Mary Feddon, Judy Ungerand Maggi Hambling. Pop Artists such as AndyWarhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Jasper Johns proved apopular contextual source. Julian Opie, Frida Khalo,Francis Bacon, Sarah Moreno and SofonisbaAnguissola (Italian Renaissance painter) were popularin Portrait based projects. Artists and designers suchas Lisa Milroy, Tony Cragg, FriedensreichHundertwasser and Zaha Hadid were well researchedfor unusual textile interpretation. There wereresponses to the work of Alexander Calder, EduardoPaolozzi and David Hockney. Still Life studies showedthe influence of artists such as Klaus Boekhoff, PeterBurgess. Michael Craig Martin and Tracy-AnnMarrison.

It is candidates’ response to ‘artworks’, in whichcritical evaluations are made and appreciation ofcontext shown, that positively informs thedevelopment of ideas.


Use a wide range of sources to develop ideas and establish a balance between the use of media and photographic imagery. Avoid too much reliance on secondary sources from the Internet or magazines.

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OCR Report to Centres – June 2016


Assessment Objective 2 – Experiment

This assessment objective was accomplishedwell by the majority of candidates and the one inwhich they seemed to have most confidence.

Painting, drawing, printmaking and collage werethe most popular techniques used butmoderators noted large bold constructions incard and paper, papier maché, mod roc, wire andfound objects. Textile work included embroidery,fabric printing techniques, batik, quilting, feltingand appliqué.

Centres had encouraged candidate use ofPhotoshop and other digital programmes to helpwith experimental composition. For higher levelcandidates this proved beneficial and examplesof layering and colour manipulations were usedto create final photographic compositions or toinspire large paintings.

A culture of exploration and development ofideas was fostered and when supported by arange of media, candidates’ enjoyment of andengagement with this aspect of their studies isself-evident.

Occasionally candidates find it difficult to reviewand modify their initial research andconsequently lack confidence in their ownpractical abilities. As a result the work producedshows little sense of purpose. Often ideas areevident but there is little development betweenthese and the final outcome.

Most candidates showed sound research skillsand the ability to be experimental and selectivewhen refining ideas towards practical outcomes.


Encourage candidates to select the relevant and best experimental work for assessment in a way that clearly shows the creative journey through the Assessment Objectives.

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OCR Report to Centres – June 2016


Assessment Objective 3 – Record

Moderators commented that recording wasundertaken in a variety of ways withphotography, drawing and painting the mostcommon methods. Candidates recording fromdirect observation using maquettes to recordthree-dimensional responses or stitchery withinthe Textiles endorsements were noted.

Best practice is where the recording is clearlyrelevant to the intentions and informs thedirections taken. This could be seen clearly withthose candidates achieving at a higher level andwas also evident for those candidates achievingmarks in the mid and lower range where astructured course based upon the developmentof skills was presented through the work.

Many candidates endeavour to find relevant andexciting resources to inspire their recordingideas. Visits to museums and galleries bycandidates with guidance from teachers on whatto include in observations had a positive impacton this assessment objective.

In some centres, this proved to be the weakestobjective and skills varied widely. WhereCentres had given clear guidance to themethods of recording appropriate observationsrelevant to the area of study and the ability ofthe candidates, the work was cohesive.

Responses to personal experience often relatedto family and friends, identity, pastimes,celebrations, fears and aspirations and this workproved more individual and original.

Visits, often in the local community, to galleries,museums, fairs, parks, zoos, churches andother public buildings provided strong startingpoints.


Make the most of local resources:

1. Museums or galleries.2. Botanical gardens, parks and zoos etc.3. Artists and designers4. Community Arts Centres5. Carnivals, fairs and parades

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OCR Report to Centres – June 2016


Assessment Objective 4 – Present

Most candidates demonstrated an appropriatebalance between the volume of preparatorywork produced and the time spent in realisingintentions.The majority fulfilled their potential andexpanded their development work intoconsidered final outcomes.

Candidates in some Centres had beenencouraged to make evaluations of theirprojects. The satisfaction of completing onepiece of work is often all the stimulus needed tostart the next.

Stronger submissions were the result of goodpreparatory ground work across the AssessmentObjectives. In particular, the study of contextsand the work of other practitioners informedideas and the connections made were clearlyevident in outcomes.

Weaker candidates made tenuous or superficiallinks and often their submissions appearedlacking in cohesion with final pieces appearingdisconnected from preliminary studies.

Many candidates presented outstandingoutcomes for moderation because they hadresponded positively to the requirements of theEntry Level specification.


Candidates should be encouraged to select and present the very best work from their coursework portfolio and to be discouraged from submitting everything that they have completed.

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OCR Report to Centres – June 2016


OCR-set Work

In most instances the OCR-set work was thehighlight of the year for candidates, providingthe most successful candidates with anopportunity to select and present work from achosen theme, using experiences and skillsacquired earlier on in the course.

The 2016 OCR-set Work paper was very wellreceived and the majority of Centrescommented favourably on the range of startingpoints and on the prompts accompanying thestimuli. There was sufficient scope within thepaper for candidates of all abilities and intereststo respond in an appropriate and creative way.Centres are reminded that candidates enteredfor R306/02 should select starting points fromSection 3: Art Appreciation. This section shouldnot be used for any other endorsements.

Most candidates presented work thatdemonstrated the advice and guidance given bytheir teachers. Consequently most submissionsshowed an even achievement across all fourassessment objectives.

The most successful submissions built uponprevious experience and learning, displayedthoughtful and in-depth preparatory work.Stronger candidates presented final outcomesthat demonstrated innovative ideas and skilfulaccomplishment displaying strong contextuallinks.


Attend OCR CPD training events to improve confidence in applying the assessment objectives and to see a range of work from other centres


For the OCR-set Work candidates should be advised to use materials and techniques they are familiar with. For example, those used with success in their Coursework Portfolio.

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OCR Report to Centres – June 2016


Centres are reminded that the OCR-set Work paper should be opened upon receipt so that appropriate advice and guidance may be given and suitable resources and support materials prepared.

There were responses to all the starting points and for the written section the following were popular:

‘Bicycle Parts’- encouraged a variety of responsesin paint, print, card construction and wire.Responses to works by contemporary artistsMarius Black and Velo Gioielli were seen.

‘Houseplants’- encouraged examples of paintings,drawing and prints of a wide range of plants. Themajority of work displayed demonstrated effectiverecording practices through paint, pencil and penmany of which were influenced by the plantpaintings of Georgia O’Keefe. Paper sculpturalwork representing leaves and stems inspired by thework of Joshua Abarbanel was noted.

‘Small Pets in Cages’- inspired a variety ofapproaches to include compositional collage,drawings and paintings. A three dimensionalapproach using card, wire and mod roc provedpopular. Candidates were inspired by the work ofSaxon Lynn and Michael Chaikin.

‘Washing Up’- was favoured by many candidateswith unusual close up compositions created bycandidates own photographs of a range of washingup paraphernalia. Roberto Bernardi and PierreBonnard were amongst the artists researched forthis starting point.

‘Small Wooden Toys’- generated a variety ofapproaches from drawings of Russian dolls andwooden toys to creating toys from wooden foundobjects.

Both the visual starting points proved popular. ‘Rooms at Home ’- Inventive compositions were created by studies into the work of a wide range of modern and contemporary artists such as Michael Craig Martin, Patrick Caulfield, Roy Lichtenstien, Vincent van Gogh, Edward Hopper, David Hockney and William Morris. ‘Horses’ – work influenced by studies of horses from cave paintings, the paintings of George Stubbs, the horse sculptures of Edgar Degas and imagery from the film ‘War Horse ’was seen . ‘Fish’- was the most popular starting point for Section 3: Art Appreciation and candidates made good use of the images in the paper to inspire their work.

Candidates responded to the other stimuli equally and the prompts proved accessible to all

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OCR Report to Centres – June 2016


Summary and Guidance

In most Centres visited, candidates had benefitedfrom the dedication of teachers who provided wellstructured courses for candidates who in turn haddeveloped individual directions that showedcreative, expressive and skilled artwork.

Centres continue to enter year eight and ninecandidates for ELC as a foundation to GCSE Artand Design.

The specification is designed to meet therequirements of candidates with a wide range ofabilities and interests. Much work was seen of ahigh standard in which candidates’ commitment,enthusiasm, engagement, creative flair and highskill levels was clearly evident.

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OCR Report to Centres – June 2016


Once again this year inspirational teaching, wellconceived coursework structures and appropriateresources ensured that candidates performed totheir full potential in both components of thisspecification.

Support and guidance are available through theSubject Area Support Team from the AutumnTerm. Teachers of Art and design are encouragedto contact OCR to discuss their requirements. Thisis especially recommended to teachers deliveringELC to Year 8 and 9. Details for CPD can be foundon the CPD Hub on the OCR websitewww.ocr.org.uk, by contacting OCR Training on02476 496398 or by email to [email protected]

Teachers are reminded that they can join the OCRArt & Design e-list via the OCR website. The e-listcovers all OCR Art & Design specifications and canbe used as a forum to ask questions, share goodpractice and contact colleagues delivering the OCRspecifications in your local area.

The exemplar photographs used in this report show a small selection of the work produced this year. OCR thanks the candidates, teachers and moderators for making this possible.

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