1 In this paper I intend to compare and contrast the leadership philosophy of Jesus with that of a significant leadership figure or author, Ie Albert Einstein.

Einstein & Jesus- A Leadership Comparison

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A leadership paper focused on the "Indirect Leadership styles" of both A.Einstein & Jesus Christ, and how this helped them to create lasting leadership impact upon people and society.

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Page 1: Einstein & Jesus- A Leadership Comparison


In this paper I intend to compare and contrast the leadership philosophy of Jesus with

that of a significant leadership figure or author, Ie Albert Einstein.

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The choice of leader that I will comparatively contrast with the leadership style of Jesus is

the European Physicist Albert Einstein. This essay will search out the delineating factors in

both of their leadership styles seeking to see them as unique individuals and also as

transformational leaders in the environments that they operated in. It will show as leaders

how they influenced through their personal convictions as leaders and the level of impact

that their beliefs have had in the world as we perceive it today.

The idea of this contrast is not to play off Einstein against Christ and their leadership

differences, but to look at what their leadership styles produced in terms of a paradigmatic

change in the lives of humanity and the way they created change by overcoming the

limitations of human capacities and natural complexities.

Both leaders operated in completely different spheres of influence and had completely

different callings and endeavours relating to what they wanted to achieve, but both can

teach us a lot in their similarity of leadership style. We will conclude with a realization that

both leadership styles though they differed dramatically due to the context of their

application the leadership skills that they displayed gave them greater scope for success

being applied with both vision and determination. Thus achieving extraordinary results

from their labours.

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In approaching this essay my natural tendency would have been to choose a stereotypical

type of charismatic and commanding leader, who portrayed a direct and traditionally

strong leadership style. But after much contemplation I chose against it. I realize that the

more I have looked at the leadership style of Jesus the Leader, the more I have come to

see that his style is more indirect than direct more passive than aggressive. Thus, my

reason for choosing Einstein (a largely indirect leader) as a leadership comparison to Jesus.

Understanding and having the ability to influence people indirectly is a trait of true leaders.

Both Jesus and Einstein are both renowned for having changed the way we see and

perceive the world we live in both by their beliefs and convictions. Surprisingly my

leadership comparison shows they had a lot more in common than I had first imagined.

Incredibly both leaders in their lifetime didn't just leave a legacy of their work but a legacy

of their lives that still has its influence felt in the 21st Century and beyond.

“Einstein was much more than a great physicist. To most people he was an undisputed genius some have even said he

was the greatest Jew since Jesus” 1

“And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that

even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.” 2

1 Michael White “Einstein a life in Science” Penguin Books USA Inc 1993 pg 02

2 John 21:25 The Holy Bible “King James Version” See also John 20:30,31; Job 26:14; Psa. 40:5,

71:15; Eccl. 12:12; Matt. 11:5; Acts 10:38; Acts 20:35; Heb. 11:32

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Both Jesus and Einstein had a profound level of insight and understanding towards their

leadership calling as discerned by them both at a young age. It is said of Einstein that he

was set on the road to scientific inquiry at the age of 5 when given a pocket compass as a

gift from his father while unwell and resting in bed. Einstein recalls this moment, “That

this needle behaved in such a determined way made a deep and lasting impression upon

me. Something deeply hidden had to be behind things.” 3 Jesus also in his early childhood

had a determination about his leadership call. “know ye not that I must be about my

Father’s business?” 4

Both were born Jews and were raised in the traditions of their fathers. Both were born in a

dispensation when much uncertainty of the times abounded and people were primed and

ready for a leadership figure to bring new hope and light into the world. 5 Both suffered

anti Semitic sentiment at differing levels during their lifetime, but showed and inward

strength in and through these times of personal trial.

Einstein reflects, “In the past we were persecuted despite the fact that we were people of

the Bible, today, however it is just because we are people of the book that we are

persecuted” 6 * And with Jesus the Book of Matthew states, “And when they had platted a

crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed

the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews”! 7

Jesus as well as Einstein showed their leadership capacity in that while both grew in their

field of influence they both held down positions of responsibility within the community in

which they lived. Jesus perfected the technique and trade of carpentry. While Einstein

3 Michael White “Einstein a life in Science” Penguin Books USA Inc 1993 pg 10

4 Luke 2:49 The Holy Bible “King James Version” See also Psa. 40:8; Mal. 3:1; Matt. 21:12; John 2:16,

17, 4:34, 5:17, 6:38, 8:29; John 9:4 5 The significance of Einstein’s appearance was heightened by the chaos that had followed only a year

earlier when the decline of World War 1 had seen the lives of millions of innocents perish , empires had fallen leaving countries in a state of uncertainty.

6 Albert Einstein “Ideas and Opinions” Crown Publishers , New York , 1954 , pg 198

* Einstein had experienced raw anti – Semitic feeling directed at him as an individual and he was both bemused and appalled by it.

7 Matt 27:29 The Holy Bible “King James Version” See also Matt. 26:67; Job 30:8-10; Isa. 49:7, 50:6, 52:14, 53:3, 7; Micah 5:1; Mark 15:19; Luke 18:32, 33

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made many of his groundbreaking discoveries while also working in full time employment

as a patents clerk. 8 “Perhaps the most remarkable feature of all this work, however is that

it was not carried out by an academic secure in a university post, but by an apparently

failed academic, working as a civil servant in the Swiss Patents Office” 9


Though outwardly we seem to be enamoured by direct leadership's influence it is indirect

leaders who seem to have had a significant impact in areas of leadership influence and

development. Einstein was never an outwardly charismatic individual, some biographers

citing him for creating the image of the dishevelled absent minded professor. But the

scientific truths that Einstein discovered and made practically explainable to the masses

were the source of his influence and power as a leader.

In turn Jesus the leader declares in many instances that it is only spiritual Truths that can

and will set people free. Unlike Einstein, Christ's Truth's bring liberty to our whole person,

for Christ the leader was Truth incarnate. 10

Looking at the lives of both of these leaders it is plain to see that they as leaders sought to

discover and make plain revelational truths that would change people in a powerful way.

We then see that both Einstein and Jesus had great ability to convince others as leaders

because they were convinced of the truth that they were communicating to others.

Both had the ability to focus their wills toward intellectual inquiry. We see that both Christ

and Einstein had a tremendous ability to harness and direct the power of their minds to

imagine and integrate all that they believed needed to be implemented through their

leadership influence. The New York Times quotes Einstein as saying, “Every man should

find his sphere in which he can effectively absorb himself.” 11 John the disciple of Jesus

quotes his master, “Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from

8 The beginnings of His “Theory of Relativity” and other scientific breakthroughs were done while he

was holding down a very responsible job as a Patent Officer. 9 Michael White “Einstein a life in Science” Penguin Books USA Inc 1993 pg 60

10 John 8:32, 45:14:6”And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”. The Holy

Bible “King James Version”

11 New York Times Publication , 15th

March , 1931

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this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour”. 12

Due to their leadership convictions and influence both leaders had an incredible

popularity, and were seen as approachable and personable leaders who had genuine care

and compassion for those around them. These are valuable leadership commodities seen

as distinct in both Einstein and Jesus. The Bible notes of Jesus, “The common people

heard him gladly”, 13 and again denoting his popularity, “Jesus took the boat for the

crowds had pressed in upon him.” 14 A German Publication similarly notes, “Einstein’s

mass appeal had been strengthened by his opinions.” 15 The Palestine Weekly goes on to

say “There was no holding back the crowd that had assembled outside.” 16

Both showed that Leadership is more of a developed skill than a character or personality

driven trait.

It is evident in looking at the lives of both Einstein and Jesus that neither were relying on

the strength of their persona or the flare of their charisma to win them points in having

their leadership acknowledged. Both understood the need to impart inwardly developed

truths ignoring the temptation of creating an outward performance that would only win

them short term favour.

Both leaders showed a unique ability to transform the world around them. Jesus led his

disciples from a place of carnal unbelief and transformed their lives so that they became

followers that exuded the beliefs and ethos that Christ wanted them to exemplify. Einstein

also took ground breaking truths to a scientific arena where he was met with unbelief and

scepticism, but was acknowledged even by those that didn't want to agree with him.

Sceptics were forced to go away and reconsider what they currently believed, having had

what they believed as being the truth, disproved before their very eyes. 17

In the area of leading others it is Jesus who shows the way by initiating teams of disciples

12 John 12:27 The Holy Bible “King James Version” cf. John 18:37; Luke 22:53; 1 Tim. 1:15; Heb.

2:14, 10:5-9 The Holy Bible “King James Version”

13 Mark 12:37 The Holy Bible “King James Version” See also Matt. 11:5, 25, 21:46; Luke 19:48, 21:38;

John 7:46-49; James 2:5 14 Luke 5:1-3 The Holy Bible “King James Version” See also Luke 8:45, 12:1; Matt. 4:18-22, 11:12;

Mark 1:16-20, 3:9, 5:24

15 Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant Publication , 9th

November , 1919

16 The Palestine Weekly , 9th

February , 1923

17 Not only was Einstein not and Atheist but his writings have influenced people to turn away from atheism, although he undoubtedly had never intended to convert any body to his own conviction. He discussed religion only in response to requests by people who asked him about his religious outlook. Many of the writers admitted that they had been atheists until they read Einstein’s concept on religion, which inspired them to become deeply religious.

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to work with him, then giving them clear goals and measurable mandates to respond to

and achieve. The Scriptures note this, “And he ordained twelve, that they should be with

him, and that he might send them forth to preach, 15And to have power to heal sicknesses,

and to cast out devils”. 18

The success of Jesus as it is with all other leadership personalities is dependent on their

ability to appoint and raise a team around them. When we compare Einstein, who worked

in virtual exclusivity and solitude allowing no one or nothing to distract him from his

endeavours in scientific research, and discovery there is significant comparison. It is said of

Einstein that, “He had many friends but nobody got really close to him. He was often seen

to be remote at social gatherings and frequently went off into a vague, dreamy, mood in

the company of others, when he was quite unaware of what was going on around him” 19

One of the major contrasts between the two leaders was that Einstein developed theories

and worked on them, while Jesus developed people and spent time working with them.


Changing the way somebody thinks and what someone believes is not necessarily easy,

especially when you are leaders like Einstein and Jesus. You are predominately perceived

as non conformist and unconventional in your beliefs. Both Einstein and Jesus managed

to reinvent how people were thinking about well established and entrenched truths in their

current day and age. Jesus took the religious system of the day and showed that it was

flawed and then brought new truth's, thus convincing many leaders in the religious system

of the need for change. 20 Einstein was also a leader of leaders in the way that he turned

around the thinking of the current day scientists to what he knew was the truth of the

matter. They completely revolutionized the belief systems in their area of influence and

18 Mark 3: 14-15 See also John 15:16; Acts 1:24, 25; Gal. 1:1, 15-20 Mark 6:7-9. The Holy Bible “King

James Version” Note: Jesus not only gave instruction but the authority with which to carry out these instructions

19 Michael White “Einstein a life in Science” Penguin Books USA Inc 1993 pg 153

20 John 11:45 “And so at last many of the Jewish leaders who were with Mary and saw it happen, finally

believed on him”. The Holy Bible “King James Version” See also John 11:19, 31, 2:23, 10:41, 12:9-11, 17-19, 42

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everyone in it that is what makes both of these leaders so impacting in their leadership

influence and style. This leadership style shows that it is not the ability to convince from

argument that wins people over, it is your internal beliefs and convictions that bring about

paradigmatical change in others when effectively communicated. Both were able to

influence others by the revelation that they conveyed. Both leaders also had an incredible

ability to make quick clear decisions in situations of great outward pressure and

organizational complexity.

Both Einstein and Jesus could respond to the rhetoric of opponents and validate their own

stance in what they believed and why they believed it. Luke notes of Jesus, “And they

could not take hold of his words before the people: and they marvelled at his answer, and

held their peace”. 21 White also notes of Einstein, “Many commentators have remarked

that they have found Einstein’s ability to reach and almost instantaneous and invariably

correct decision about the usefulness of an idea unnerving. He was said to have an

amazing facility to see a problem simultaneously from a number of angles and to judge in

advance all the possible consequences of a particular decision.” 22

Unlike the traditionally direct leader the indirect leader is not self seeking and is normally

quite happy to make quick and quiet progress without having to be outwardly

acknowledged for their efforts. Einstein and Jesus both had and looked for a childlike

quality within themselves and those around them. “Einstein was like a little boy, honest,

unpretentious, but not naive” 23 24

Matthew notes,

“And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, and said, Verily

I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter

21 Luke 20:26 they could: Luke 20:20,39, 40; Job 5:12, 13; Prov. 26:4, 5; 2 Tim. 3:8, 9

and they marvelled: The Holy Bible “King James Version” Luke 13:17; Matt. 22:12, 22, 34; Rom. 3:19; Titus 1:10

22 Michael White “Einstein a life in Science” Penguin Books USA Inc 1993 pg 70

23 Abraham Pais “Einstein lived here” Clarendon Press , Oxford , 1994 pg 253

24 G.S Viereck “Glimpses of the Great” McCauley Press , New York , 1930, pg 186 Viereck states from Einstein: “We are in the position of the little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages.

The child knows that someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the language in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn’t know what it is. That it seems to be the attitude of even the most

intelligent human being toward God. We see the universe marvellously arranged and obeying certain laws but only dimly understand these laws”.

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into the kingdom of heaven”. 25

Neither was politically motivated and disliked regulations and restraints that would hinder

their progress towards what as leaders they wanted to achieve in their spheres of influence.

Liberty Magazine notes that, “Professor Einstein argued that the strict regulations laid

down by educational foundations sometimes stifled the man of genius , “Red Tape” the

professor exclaimed “encases the spirit like the bands of a mummy” 26

Most importantly they both had the ability to take the mysterious and make it a tangible

and calculable reality. This is the real asset test of leadership quality and character. You are

able to make what seems unreachable, reachable, the unknowable, knowable.


Both Jesus and Einstein brought about a lasting legacy that remains from their leadership

efforts. Part of this legacy was to promote peace seeking individuals who wanted

civilization to value and love each other. The New York Times notes Einstein as saying,

“The goal is to raise the spiritual values of society.” 27 Jesus states, “These things I

command you, that ye love one another.” 28 Both have devotees that continue to build on

the ground breaking truths that they put into motion. Both have reaped eternal results in

showing faithfulness to their leadership gift and calling. Einstein has been critically dubbed

the father of the atomic bomb. 29

The realization (to Einstein) that the discovery of the atom would be the tool that would

bring premature death to more people than he could fathom would be an initiator for

Einstein as a leader to become proactive in human rights issues until the time of his death.

25 Matt 18:2-3 The Holy Bible “King James Version” cf. Mark 10:14, 15; Luke 18:16, 17; 1 Cor. 14:20;

1 Pet. 2:2

26 Liberty Magazine Publication , 9th

January , 1932

27 New York Times Publication, 20th

September, 1954.

28 John 15:17 The Holy Bible “King James Version” See also John 15:12; 1 Pet. 2:17; 1 John 3:14-17

29 Contrary to popular belief Einstein had absolutely nothing to do with the Manhattan Project to build

the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He was also never present at any nuclear tests. Nonetheless the Horrors of the devastation that this invention had was a source of great sadness for him in the later years of his life.

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So to Jesus in his unswerving obedience to follow his fathers will for his life laid down his

own self and brought about the opportunity for man to be at eternal peace with God. A

leader that brings about significant change will be one that believes that the cause that he

stands for is the best most noblest cause, and that this cause is worth both living and dying


Both leaders showed generosity in their personal and public leadership it was Einstein who

gave his first wife all the proceeds of the money that he received from his Nobel Prize that

was awarded to him. Abraham Pais states, “It had been stipulated that he (Einstein) would

give her the Nobel Prize money when the prize came. In 1923 the entire award sum of

$32,000 was indeed transmitted to her” 30* White candidly reveals that, “Einstein was

selling photographs of himself to journalists, with the money going directly to the starving

children of Vienna.” 31

Both promoted a dualistic approach towards creating a learning culture as a leadership

culture. It was Einstein who built and funded his own college as one of his personal

leadership goals, to forward and champion the causes he believed in. Ironically both

Einstein and Jesus were rejected by their peers as eccentric and irrelevant. And as is

historically most often the case, both leaders and their achievements were not fully

appreciated or acknowledged until after their decease. Pais again notes of Einstein,

“He has passed from among us into the indelible record of history, where his lofty place

has been long assured” 32

30 Abraham Pais “Einstein lived here” Clarendon Press , Oxford , 1994 pg 160 * The payment of the Prize money took 4 years to reach Einstein and he had previously bequeathed it

to his divorced first wife Mileva. To this he kept his word revealing not just a generosity to his previous wife but that as a leader he held no room in his life for animosity of any kind.

31 Michael White “Einstein a life in Science” Penguin Books USA Inc 1993 pg 144

32 Abraham Pais “Einstein lived here” Clarendon Press , Oxford , 1994 pg 255

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In studying both of these distinct leadership figures, I have come to the conclusion that an

indirect leadership style is a vital key to achieving long term leadership success. Although

as mentioned earlier I resisted the urge to write on a direct leadership style due to the fact

that I feel that I am that kind of leader and so are most of the leaders that I gravitate

toward which is why this essay has been so revelational for me. The above essay breaks the

paradigm that I have always seen in leadership circles, and shows me a new horizon as to

indirect leadership's effectiveness and outcomes when convincingly initiated. Ironically my

leadership comparison has made me see that Einstein’s passion was ultimately to discover

and explain the mysteries of creation of which Jesus was the Creator. 33 It is my conviction

that Einstein had discovered enough about the complexities of creation to understand that

there was a Divine Creator behind the forces that he had been able to discover. Jammer

quotes Einstein as saying, “There must be a being, intangible, indefinable, even

unimaginable, but something infinitely superior to all we know and are capable of

conceiving” 34

It is an understatement to say that the works of both Einstein and Jesus have had a

notable influence in the world today, but this is what belief biased leadership creates. The

challenge for me as a leader is who and what am I changing, and will that change leave a

lasting legacy.

33 Eph 3:9 And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of

the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ. The Holy Bible “King James

Version” See also : Psa. 33:6; Isa. 44:24; John 1:1-3, 5:17, 19, 10:30; Col. 1:16, 17; Heb. 1:2, 3, 3:3, 4

34 Max Jammer “Einstein and Religion” Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1999, pg 96

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Einstein, A “Ideas and Opinions” Crown Publishers, New

York, 1954.

Jammer, M “Einstein and Religion” Princeton University

Press, New Jersey, 1999.

Liberty Magazine Publication, 9th January, 1932.

New York Times Publication, 20th September, 1954.

Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant Publication, 9th

November, 1919.

Pais, A “Einstein lived here” Clarendon Press, Oxford,


Palestine Weekly The, 9th February, 1923.

Viereck, G.S “Glimpses of the Great” McCauley Press,

New York, 1930.

White, M “Einstein a life in Science” Penguin Books USA

Inc 1993.