IT1(IDW/SW) Javon Burden

Eidws 112 intelligence

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IT1(IDW/SW) Javon Burden

Page 2: Eidws 112 intelligence

Intel References

Joint Publication 2-0 (JP 2-0)Executive Order 12333Joint Publication 2-01Navy Doctrine Publication-2 (NDP-2)Intelligence Specialist 3 &2NTTP 2-01.2DoD INST 5105.58SECNAVINST 5250.1R

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Intelligence Defined

Not the same as information! Information is a fact or a series of facts that may be of

utility, but when related to other information combined with experience, INTEL is the byproduct. Intel allows anticipation or prediction of future situations

and circumstances, informs decisions by illuminating the differences in

available courses of action (COAs)

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Intelligence Oversight

Intelligence Oversight Act of 1980 U.S. Federal law that amended the Hughes-Ryan Act and

requires U.S. Government agencies to report covert actions to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI)

Oversight Publications Executive Order 12333

United States Intelligence Activities

Public Law No. 95-511 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance

Executive Order 12334 Presidents Intelligence Oversight Board

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Intelligence Oversight Fundamentals The House Permanent Select

Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence provide oversight on all overt and covert intelligence collection and counterintelligence functions that fall under the ODNI.

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Purpose of Joint Intelligence

Inform the Commander

Identify, Define, and Nominate Objectives

Support the planning and execution of operations

Counter adversary deception and surprise

Support friendly deception efforts

Assess the effects of operations

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Principals of Intelligence

Perspective -Think like the adversary

Synchronization - Synchronize intelligence with Plans and Operations

Integrity - Remain Intellectually Honest

Unity of Effort - Cooperate to Achieve a Command End State

Prioritization - Prioritize requirements based on CDR guidance

Excellence - Strive to achieve the highest standards

Prediction - Accept the risk of predicting adversary intentions

Agility - Remain flexible and adapt to changing situations

Collaboration - Leverage expertise of diverse analytic resources

Fusion - Exploit all sources of information and intelligence

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Intelligence Disciplines

GEOINT - Geospatial Intelligence IMINT - Imagery Intelligence

HUMINT - Human Intelligence SIGINT - Signals Intelligence

COMINT - Communications Intelligence ELINT - Electronic Intelligence FISINT - Foreign Instrumentation Signals Intelligence

MASINT - Measurement and Signature Intelligence OSINT - Open Source Intelligence TECINT - Technical Intelligence CI -Counter Intelligence

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Levels of Intelligence

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Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace Environment

Systematic and continuous analysis of the adversary, terrain, and weather in the assigned or potential battlespace.

Element in the Commander’s Preparation of the Battlespace and key part of our decision making process.

Goals include: Understanding the adversary’s forces Doctrine Tactics Probable courses of action

Identifies gaps in knowledge that require intelligence collection efforts. Five elements1. Define the Battlespace Environment

2. Describe the Battlespace Effects

3. Evaluate the Threat

4. Determine Threat Courses of Action

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Intelligence Specialist

Core NECs IS-3910 - Naval Imagery Interpreter IS-3912 - Naval Special Warfare Intel

Specialist IS-3923 - Strike Planning Applications IS-3924 - Operational Intelligence

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Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance

Combatant Commanders require ISR capabilities in order to effectively engage the enemy

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Office of Director of National IntelligenceDefense Intelligence AgencyNetwork Centric OperationsDepartment of Homeland SecurityFederal Bureau of InvestigationDrug Enforcement AgencyDepartment of EnergyDepartment of Transportation

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Intelligence Leadership Structure

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Office of Director of National IntelligenceHead of the Intelligence Community

Oversees and directs the implementation of the National Intelligence Program

Acts as the principal advisor to:PresidentNational Security CouncilHomeland Security Council for Intelligence

Primary goal is to effectively integrate foreign, military and domestic intelligence in defense of the homeland and of Unite States interests abroad.

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Defense Intelligence Agency DoD combat support agency and an important member of

the U.S. Intel Community. Provide timely, objective, and cogent military intelligence

to warfighters, defense planners, and defense and national security policymakers.

Mission is to satisfy the military and military-related requirements of the Secretary & Deputy Secretary of Defense, CJCS, and DNI

Subordinates Air Force Intelligence Army Intelligence Marine Corps Intelligence Naval Intelligence

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Network Centric Operations A theory that proposes that the application of information

age concepts to speed communications and increase SA through networking improves both efficiency and effectiveness of military operations.

Relies on computer equipment and networked communications technology to provide a shared awareness of the battle space for U.S. Forces.

Shared awareness increases synergy for Command and Control Superior decision making

Smaller units

Independent operations

Ability to coordinate complex military ops over long distances for an overwhelming war-fighting advantage

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Organizations Department of Homeland Security

Mission is to lead the unified national effort to secure the country and preserve our freedoms.

Created to secure our country against those who seek to disrupt the American way of life, but also for preparation and response to ALL hazards and disasters.

Four divisions Border and Transportation Security Emergency Preparedness and Response Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear

Countermeasures Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection

Subordinates Coast Guard Intelligence

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Federal Bureau of Investigation To protect and defend the U.S. Against terrorist and

foreign intelligence threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the U.S., and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners.

The National Security Branch (NSB) was established on 9/12/05, in response to a presidential directive to establish a “National Security Service” that combines the missions, capabilities, and resources of the counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and intelligence elements of the FBI under the leadership of a senior FBI official. Strengthens the integration of the FBI’s intelligence and

investigative missions.

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Organization Drug Enforcement Agency

Role of intelligence in drug law enforcement is critical. Helps initiate new investigations of major drug

organizations, strengthens ongoing ones and subsequent prosecutions, develops information that leads to seizures and arrests, and provides policy makers with drug trend information upon which programmatic decisions can be based.

Specific functions of the intelligence missions are: Collect and produce intelligence in support of the Administrator and

other federal, state, and local agencies.

Establish and maintain close working relationship with all agencies that produce or use narcotics intelligence.

Increase the efficiency in the reporting, analysis, storage, retrieval, and exchange of such information

Undertake a continuing review of the narcotics intelligence effort to identity and correct deficiencies.

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Department of Energy Activities are focused on protecting our nuclear weapons

secrets, but also emphasize a high priority on protecting our other sensitive scientific endeavors, and on combining with other Department elements in our efforts to defeat terrorism.

Strategic goals to achieve the mission are designed to deliver results along five strategic themes:

1.Energy Security

2.Nuclear Security

3.Scientific Discovery and Innovation

4.Environmental Responsibility

5.Management Excellence

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Department of Transportation DOT Office of Intelligence, Security and Emergency

Response Ensures the development, coordination, and execution of

plans and procedures for the DoT to balance transportation security requirements with the safety, mobility and economic needs of the Nation through effective intelligence, security, preparedness and emergency response programs.

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