Saturday 20th August 2011 10:00am – 3:00pm OPEN DAY

EHU Open Day 20th August 2011

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Edge Hill University Open Day Programme 20th August 2011

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  • Saturday 20th August 201110:00am 3:00pmOPEN DAY

  • Welcome

    I am pleased to welcome youto Edge Hill University

    Todays Open Day will giveyou the chance to find outabout our range of coursesand opportunities and lookaround our vibrant campus,which, with an investment ofover 130m, is amongst thebest inBritishhighereducation.

    Edge Hill is committed toproviding a high qualitystudent experience to thoseable tobenefit fromauniversityeducation and through thecourse of today you will meetstaff and current studentswho will be able to provideyou with an insight into life atthe University.

    Applications to study at Edge Hill University increased by 30% in the last year.It is one of the fastest growing universities in the UK with applications increasingfourfold in the last decade.

    Here are some of the reasons why :

    - Top five in England for Graduate Employment(Higher Education Statistics Agency 2010)

    - Top two in England for Students Personal Development(National Student Survey 2010)

    - Top in the North West for Overall Student Satisfaction(National Student Survey 2010)

    - Shortlisted forTimesHigherEducationUKUniversity of theYear2010and2007- Continued investment in facilities with a 14m Student Hub opening

    September 2011- Grade 1 Outstanding result in the latest Ofsted Initial Teacher Education

    inspection, 2011

    Please make the most of this opportunity and have a very enjoyable day.

    Dr. John Cater, Vice-Chancellor

  • We recommend that you begin your visit with the KeyInformation Session: Edge Hill University, 2012 StudentFinance and Accommodation presentation which takesplace at 10:00am, 11:00am, 12:00pm and 1:00pm in H1(Faculty of Health and Social Care).

    The presentationwill introduce you to the University,our courses, facilities and campus developments as well asincluding overview information of undergraduate StudentFees and Finance and Student Accommodation.The presentation will last approximately 30 minutes.

    If you have any questions about information in thisprogramme or comments about how we can improve yourvisit please speak to any member of staff at a Helpdesk orin the Registration Area.

    "Edge Hill University has along tradition of quality andexcellence, which is deeplyrooted in everything we do.I am proud to be Chancellor ofthis institution and privilegedto be part of its exciting andsuccessful future"

    Professor Tanya Byron,Chancellor of Edge Hill University


    Planning your day

  • Plan your day

    Time Activity











    Dont forget to ask

    How did we fare in the most recent National Student Survey? Howmany students are there in the University, in the department or on the

    course you are interested in? How big are tutor and seminar groups? What facilities does the department have related to your chosen course? Is the library well stocked? Are there plenty of PCs and other IT equipment? What is Ormskirk like? Are public transport links good? What can you do if you dont get enough UCAS points or meet other conditions

    of your offer? Are there any opportunities for exchanges abroad? If your chosen course includes placements, e.g. Teaching and Nursing, where

    will you be sent and what support do you get while you are out on placement? What scholarships and bursaries are available? Is the course professionally accredited?

  • The information in this booklet is designed to help youmake the most of your day. It contains details about:


    04 Campus Tours08 How to apply to Edge Hill11 Student Accommodation13 Student Fees and Finance14 Student Services17 Careers18 Business and Computing20 English and History22 Law and Criminology24 Media26 Natural and Geographical Applied Sciences28 Performing Arts30 Psychology32 Social Sciences34 Sport and Physical Activity36 Faculty of Education40 Faculty of Health and Social Care43 Emergency Procedures


  • Natural and Applied Sciences

    CMIST Social & Psychological Sciences

    Discover the Campus

    A stunning, award-winning 160 acre campus of landscapedgrounds, historic architecture and modern spaces to study,live and socialise. During the Open Day you can lookaround our buildings and facilities using our colour codedsignage to find your way.

    Campus ToursAlternatively, you can take a guided tour of the campus, led by one of our currentstudents. Tours leave approximately every 20 minutes from Caf Rewind inthe Faculty of Health. Our Student Guides will show you around our extensiverange of facilities and talk to you about their student experience. A full campustour takes up to 45 minutes and the last tour of the day will leave at 2:15pm.

    All tour routes are fully accessible.

    Please note that to view accommodation you need to take a separate tour asdetailed on page 11.

    Open Day cateringComplimentary refreshments are available in various locations around campus.Please ask amember of staff or a Student Guide for directions. Refreshments andmeals are also available to purchase in our catering outlets and the College Shop.

    Wilson Centre

  • The Business School

    Faculty of Education

    Faculty of Health

    In addition to the fixedsignage around campus wehave colour coded routes tohelp you find your way around.Please see the key below


    to get to Performing Arts forPerforming Arts courses


    to get to CMIST forMedia-related courses


    to get to the Faculty ofEducation for Initial TeacherTraining, PGCEs and othereducation -related courses


    to get to the Wilson Centrefor Sports courses


    to get to the Faculty ofHealth for all Health-relatedcourses. Student Finance,Accommodation and otheradvice


    to get to Social andPsychological Sciences forPsychology courses


    to get to Business School forBusiness, Accountancy,Computing, English,History & Film Studies,Law & Criminology andSocial Sciences courses

    Performing Arts

  • Campus Map

    The Hollies

    Graduates Court: Halls of Residence

    Founders Court: Halls of Residence

    Faculty of Health

    Faculty of Education

    Centre for Performing Arts


    Rose Theatre

    Learning Innovation Centre (LINC)

    Student Information Centre (SIC)

    Lady Margaret and John Dalton: Halls of residence

    University Library

    Main Building

    The Hub (opening winter 2011)

    Forest Court: Halls of residence

    Clough and Stanley: Halls of residence

  • Social and Psychological Sciences (SPS)

    Media and Computing (CMIST)

    Business School

    Natural and Applied Sciences (NAS)

    Milton House

    Students Union

    Animation Studio

    Maths and Technology (MATEC)

    Halls of residence

    Wilson Centre: Sport & Performance

    Sports Rehabilitation Centre

    The Laurels

    Sporting Edge

    Durning Centre


  • Applying to Edge HillThe application process varies depending on the type of courseyou are applying for and whether you need to apply through theUniversity Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS), Graduate TeacherTraining Registry (GTTR), UKPASS or direct to Edge Hill University.

    UCAS: Apply through UCAS for full-time courses leading to a first degree, including InitialTeacher Training programmes. You should also apply through UCAS for pre-registrationnursing degrees, midwifery, operating department practice progammes and full-timehealth Foundation Degrees.

    GTTR: Apply through GTTR for Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE).

    UKPASS: Apply through UKPASS for all Masters programmes offered by the Faculty ofArts and Sciences.

    Edge Hill University: Applications for most part-time programmes (excluding Mastersoffered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences) and all professional development should bemade direct to Edge Hill University.

    Access ProgrammesEquivalency ProgrammeIf you do not have the necessary GCSE grade C or above in English Language, Mathematicsor Science, or level 2 in Literacy and Numeracy, for a course you wish to apply for thena member of the Access Programmes team will be available to offer advice about theappropriate Edge Hill Equivalency programme.

    They can also be contacted on [email protected]

    FastrackPreparation for Teaching (30 weeks + 6 weeks)Preparation for Higher Education (7 weeks)Fastrack is an intensive 30 week part-time and 6 week full-time Preparation for InitialTeacher Training or a 7 week full time Preparation for Higher Education programme foradults, designed to give you the skills and knowledge to prepare you for entry to a degreeprogramme at Edge Hill University.

    Successful completionwill enable you to start a full-time degree from the following September.

  • 09

    Find out more today;

    The Admissions Team are available today in E2 in the Faculty of Educationto talk to you about the application process and to answer any specific questionsyou may have.

    Returning to studyIf you do not have the traditional qualifications but still want to apply for acourse at Edge Hill the Pre-Entry Advice and Guidance Worker is availabletoday in E2 and can advise you on topping up qualifications, Higher Educationoptions to suit you and how to prepare an application to study at Edge Hill.

    Members of the Access Programmes team will be on hand in E2 to talkabout these programmes.

  • Starting University may mean moving away from home forthe first time. Aside from choosing your course, decidingwhere to live will be one of the most important decisionsyou make.


    On-Campus AccommodationEdge Hill has 31 Halls of Residence, located on the Ormskirk campus providingover 1,000 single study bedrooms.

    Our 2011 prices will be held for 2012 to support students and their families inbudgeting for higher education and prices range from 56 to 97 per week,including utility bills.

    Visit our website to find out more about the available optionsedgehill.ac.uk/study/accommodation


    Find out more today;

    Find out about on and off-campus accommodation in the Key InformationSession: Edge Hill University, 2012 Student Finance and Accommodationpresentation which takes place at 10:00am, 11:00am, 12:00pm and 1:00pmin H1 (Faculty of Health) and lasts 30 minutes.

    Members of the Accommodation Team are available in the Faculty of Healthfoyer to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have.You will also be able to find out about off-campus accommodation options inOrmskirk and the surrounding area.

    You can view examples of our Halls of Residence by taking a tour led by one ofour current students. Tours depart approximately every 20 minutes from CafRewind in the Faculty of Health and will take up to 45 minutes.

    Please note that the range of rooms on show is subject to availability and youmay not be able to see an example of every room or request specific halls.

  • Finance

    The cost of studying and the support available variesdepending on the courses you are interested in and theyear you will begin your course.

    Please visit our website for the most up to date informationedgehill.ac.uk/feesandfinance

    Find out about Student Fees and financial support in the Key InformationSession: Edge Hill University, 2012 Student Finance and Accommodationpresentation which takes place at 10:00am, 11:00am, 12:00pm and 1:00pm inH1 (Faculty of Health) and lasts 30 minutes.

    There is also the following course-specific presentation;

    Finance for NHS (Nursing, Midwifery and ODP) courses 12:00pm 12:30pmin H2 (Faculty of Health)

    Members of the Student Financial Advice Team are available in the GardenCaf in the Faculty of Health to answer any of your questions, address anyconcerns you may have and discuss your individual circumstances. You canalso find out about our Excellence Scholarships.


  • Student Services

    A friendly one-stop-shop to help your student liferun smoothly

    Health andWellbeing; the Milton Centre houses essential services includinga GP practice, the Universitys Nursing Sister, emergency room, wellbeing adviceon topics such as stopping smoking and counselling services

    Accommodation; the team can helpwith everything related to living on campus,at home or in private accommodation. Please see page 11 of this programmefor further information.

    Inclusion Team; the team supports students with a range of needs fromphysical or sensory impairments to mental health needs and other disabilities.A support service is also available for students with particular learning difficulties.Members of the Inclusive Services team are available today in the Faculty ofHealth foyer to offer one to one advice on academic and personal supportavailable. Space is available for confidential discussions.

    Finance; the team can offer advice on money management and budgeting,funding entitlements and accessing emergency funds. Please see page 13 ofthis programme for further information.

  • 15

  • Careers Centre

    An award winning and innovative Careers Centre for youto use from your first year onwards.

    Edge Hill is top in the North West for graduate employment (for the third yearrunning) for full time first degrees and in the top five in England for GraduateEmployment (Higher Education Statistics Agency, 2010)

    The Careers Centre: A Job Club to help you find part-time work on campus and within a

    20 mile radius of Edge Hill including work at regional events such asthe Grand National at Aintree

    Opportunities to work abroad during your summer vacation at Disneyor Camp America

    Help to get involved in volunteering and gain vital work experience todevelop your skills and enhance your CV. If you already volunteeryou can apply for a volunteering entrance scholarship worth 2000to help fund your activities

    The Edge Hill Employability Programme endorsed by the Institute ofLeadership andManagement to help you develop essential graduate skills

    Regular careers fairs and workshops giving you the opportunity tomeet prospective employers and develop contacts for the future

    Excellent practical advice and support with graduate job applications.

    You can access the award winning website at: edgehill.ac.uk/careers


    Find out more today;

    Meet the Careers Team in the Faculty of Health foyer to find out about theService and career options open to you following your chosen course.

  • Edge Hill Business School

    The 8m Business and Law building wasopened in January 2009. Set in the heart of thecampus the state-of-the-art facility containsmodern seminar and meeting rooms and sociallearning areas which allow a more informaland interactive style of learning.

    The Business School is actively engaged withthe business community, undertaking researchand consultancy, meaning that courses aredesigned in discussion with leading employers,which allows students to develop the skillsdemanded in the industry.

  • Find out about our courses today;

    All activity takes place in the Business School

    Courses Tutor Location Presentation Time(lasts approx 30mins)


    Accountancy Business School2nd Floor

    10:30am and1:30pm


    Business &Management(routes in Accounting,HumanResourceManagement,International Business,Leisure and TourismManagement,Marketing)

    Business School2nd Floor

    10:30am and1:30pm


    Chinese Studies& Business

    Business School2nd Floor

    10:30am and1:30pm


    Computing*(routes in ApplicationDevelopment, ControlandEmbedded Systems,Information Systems,Systems& Software)

    Business School2nd Floor

    10:30am and12:30pm


    Digital MarketingSubject to validation

    Business School2nd Floor

    10:30am and1:30pm


    InformationTechnologyManagementfor Business*

    Business School2nd Floor

    10:30am and12:30pm


    Marketing Business School2nd Floor

    10:30am and1:30pm


    Marketingwith Advertising

    Business School2nd Floor

    10:30am and1:30pm


    Marketingwith PR

    Business School2nd Floor

    10:30am and1:30pm


    Web SystemsDevelopment*

    Business School2nd Floor

    10:30am and12:30pm


    *Visitors will be shown the Computing facilities in the CMIST Building followingthe subject presentation

    Masters level studyTutors are also available to talk to about our range of Masters programmes inBusiness, Computing andMarketing.


  • Department ofEnglish and History

    The department offers a student-centredexperience in a friendly and encouragingatmosphere, where students are taught byexperienced and approachable tutors at thecutting edge of their subject. Teaching andlearning activities are varied, with traditionallectures and seminars complimented by studentparticipation in workshops, presentations,independent research projects and groupactivities.

    The skills that graduates develop, includingwritten and oral communication, teamwork,research skills, critical thinking, independentstudy and self-expression, are valuable in theworkplace and demanded by employers,meaning graduates progress to a range of jobsin a variety of settings.

  • Find out about our courses today;

    All activity takes place in the Business School

    Courses Tutor Location Presentation Time(lasts approx 30mins)


    Creative Writing B005 11:00am B003

    English B005 11:45am B003


    B005 11:45am B003


    B005 11:45am B003

    English andChinese Studies


    Film Studies B004 12:30pm B003

    History B004 1:15pm B003

    Masters level studyTutors are also available to talk to about our range of Masters programmes inCreative Writing, English, History and Culture, andWomens Narrative.


  • Department ofLaw and Criminology

    The department is based in an 8mstate-of-the-art building with a 140-seat lecturetheatre, law library and Moot room. A range ofinnovative, career-focused qualifying law degreesand degrees in criminology and criminal justiceare on offer, which examine the complex, andoften contradictory relationships, between crime,justice and the law. Courses are designed tohelp students achieve their full potential andthe Department of Law and Criminology isconsistently rated one of the best in the UK bystudents (National Student Survey).

    Students on LLB courses will be studying fora Qualifying Law degree which means that,provided specified modules are passed, thereare exemptions from the professional bodiesfor their educational requirements and studentswill meet the academic requirements for enteringa Legal Practice course. The conditions a lawdegree must meet to be termed a 'qualifyinglaw degree' are laid down by the Law Societyand Bar Council who govern the qualificationregulations for anyone seeking to qualify as asolicitor or as a barrister.

  • Find out about our courses today;

    All activity takes place in the Business School

    Courses Tutor Location Presentation Time(lasts approx 30mins)


    Criminology andCriminal Justice

    Business School1st Floor

    11:30am B001

    Criminologywith Law

    Business School1st Floor

    11:30am B001

    Law Business School1st Floor

    12:30pm B001

    Law withCriminology

    Business School1st Floor

    12:30pm B001

    Law withManagement

    Business School1st Floor

    12:30pm B001

    Masters level studyTutors are also available to talk to about our range of Masters programmes inCriminology, International Sports Regulation and Research.


  • Department ofMedia

    The Media department is based in the CreativeMedia and Information Systems Technology(CMIST) building which contains full access toMAC studios with audio and video editing, thelatest digital media design software and a fullyequipped television studio, digital dark roomand animation studio.

    The department has links with the BBC,ITV Granada and advertising and PR agenciesgiving students access to a wide network ofprofessionals. The department also hosts anannual Media Week with lectures from keyfigures within the media world and interactiveworkshops. All of these opportunities allowgraduates to progress on to a range ofcareer paths.

  • Find out about our courses today;

    Courses Tutor Location Presentation Time(lasts approx 30mins)


    Advertising CMIST Room 8 12:00pm SPS101

    Animation Animation Studio 11:00am Animation Studio

    Digital SFXAnimation

    Animation Studio 11:00am Animation Studio


    CMIST Room 6 11:00am and1:00pm


    Media, Filmand Television

    CMIST Room 6 11:00am and1:00pm


    Media, Musicand Sound

    CMIST Room 9 1:00pm SPS101

    Music, Sound,Enterprise

    Performing ArtsBuilding


    CMIST Room 8 11:00am SPS101


    Animation Studio 11:00am Animation Studio


    CMIST Room 6 11:00am and1:00pm


    After attending the Media Subject presentations we would encourage you tovisit the TV Studio for a tour and demonstration of the facilities available.The industry-standard High Definition TV Studio refurbishment has recentlybeen completed incorporating state-of-the-art technologies used in mainstreamTV studios.

    Tours anddemoswill take place at 12:00pmand2:00pm in the Learning InnovationCentre (LINC). Technicians will be on hand to answer questions and show youthe facilities throughout the day should you miss the scheduled activity.


  • Natural, Geographicaland Applied SciencesDepartment

    Based across two well-equipped buildingshousing a range of laboratories, ICT facilities,prep rooms and lecture rooms the departmentoffers a close-knit community, allowing tutorsto provide tailored support and guidanceto students.

    Courses consist of an engaging mixture ofpractical and fieldwork lessons along withopportunities to participate in trips both inthe UK and overseas to destinations such asthe Lake District, Scotland, Mallorca andAmsterdam.

    Students graduate with a broad range ofmarketable skills such as problem solving,communication, teamwork, research andproject management.

  • Find out about our courses today;

    Courses Tutor Location

    Biology Natural andApplied SciencesBuilding


    Geography Block

    Geography Geography Block


    Geography Block


    Geography Block

    PhysicalGeography& Geology

    Geography Block

    Masters level studyTutors are also available in the Natural and Applied Sciences Building to talkto about our Masters Programme in Conservation Management.


  • Performing ArtsDepartment

    Performing Arts students at Edge Hill haveaccess to high quality rehearsal and performancespaces including two theatres, dance studioswith fully sprung floors, black box drama studios,a theatre construction workshop, costumeconstruction area, a digital sound studio anddigital design suite as well as seminar roomsand social spaces.

    EdgeHill University offers an aerial performancemodule for second and third year undergraduateson a number of degrees. This module is uniqueto Edge Hill and the first of its kind - offeringan overview of the history and influences withinthe genre, and a thorough grounding in thephysical conditioning, safety aspects, and practicesthat will enable students to understand thisexciting field.

    Edge Hill is one of only a handful of UKuniversities with a professional arts venue oncampus, which offers students unrivalledopportunities both to take part in, and tostudy, performance. The Rose Theatre openedas a public venue in 1993 and plays host tohigh-profile touring companies, alternativeartistes and, of course, student performances.

  • Find out about our courses today;

    All activity takes place in the Centre for Performing Arts

    Courses Tutor Location Presentation Time(lasts approx 45mins)


    Dance Centre forPerforming Arts

    10:30am and1:30pm

    Studio Theatre

    Danceand Drama

    Centre forPerforming Arts

    10:30am and1:30pm

    Studio Theatre

    Dance andDrama withPhysical Theatres

    Centre forPerforming Arts

    10:30am and1:30pm

    Studio Theatre

    Design forPerformance

    Centre forPerforming Arts

    10:30am and1:30pm

    Studio Theatre

    Drama Centre forPerforming Arts

    10:30am and1:30pm

    Studio Theatre

    Music and Soundwith Drama

    Centre forPerforming Arts

    10:30am and1:30pm

    Studio Theatre

    Music, Sound,Enterprise

    Centre forPerforming Arts

    Performanceand Health

    Centre forPerforming Arts

    10:30am and1:30pm

    Studio Theatre

    Visual Theatre Centre forPerforming Arts

    10:30am and1:30pm

    Studio Theatre

    Masters level studyTutors are also available to talk to about our Masters programme inMaking Performance.


  • Department ofPsychology

    The Department of Psychology has been offeringundergraduate degrees since the mid-1990s andis renowned for its innovative teaching practicesand high-quality research. The Department israpidly expanding and we currently have 13full-time members of academic staff who areall based within our purpose-built Psychologybuilding. Specialist Psychology laboratoryfacilities include observation rooms, completewith video recording facilities, experimentcubicles, and a dedicated IT suite withsubject specific software installed to supportexperimental work.

    Within the Department, we focus on providingundergraduates with an experience that willafford them the skills necessary to secureemployment in a highly competitive job market.

    Each of our degrees is accredited by the BritishPsychological Society (BPS) to provide GBC(Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership),which is an essential qualification for thosewishing to enter into professional post-graduatetraining programmes in areas such as ClinicalPsychology and Forensic Psychology.

  • Find out about our courses today;

    All activity takes place in the Social and Psychological Sciences Building

    Courses Tutor Location Presentation Time(lasts approx 30mins)



    SPS014 12:00pm SPS001


    SPS014 12:00pm SPS001

    Psychology SPS014 12:00pm SPS001

    Sport & ExercisePsychology

    SPS014 12:00pm SPS001

    Masters level studyTutors are also available to speak to about ourMasters Programme in Psychology.


  • Social Sciences

    The department offers a wide range ofprogrammes, attracting students with avariety of interests to study with us.This makes for a lively and thought-provokingacademic environment.

    Students enjoy a real sense of empowermentas they are encouraged to develop an in-depthunderstanding of their particular subject areaand ultimately pursue their own independentresearch.

    The department has a mature and dynamicresearch culture, with many of our staff leadingthe way in the studies of their field. They candraw on their own experiences and provideanecdotal support to sessions which will givestudents great confidence.

  • Find out about our courses today;

    All activity takes place in the Business School

    Courses Tutor Location Presentation Time(lasts approx 30mins)


    Childhood &Youth Studies

    B106 11:30am B002

    Early ChildhoodStudies

    B106 11:30am B002

    Sociology B106 1:30pm B002

    Masters level studyTutors are also available to speak to about our Masters Programme in Youth &Community Work.


  • Department ofSport andPhysical Activity

    The facilities in this department are amongstthe best available for Sports students withaccess to dedicated psychology, biomechanicsand physiology laboratories, a sport and exerciserehabilitation centre, sports therapy clinic aswell as the recreational facilities in SportingEdge, the Universitys 4m sports complex.These excellent facilities have led to Edge Hillbecoming an accredited Pre-Games TrainingCamp for the 2012 Olympic and ParalympicGames in four sports.

    Programmes are delivered by research-active,friendly and enthusiastic staff at the forefrontof local, national and international developmentsin their specialist areas and across the sportindustry as a whole. The department alsodelivers a variety of individual rehabilitationor team fitness programmes to sports teamsincluding Wigan Athletic FC and WarringtonWolves RLFC.

  • Find out about our courses today;

    All activity takes place in the Wilson Centre

    Courses Tutor Location Presentation Time(lasts approx 30mins)


    Coach Education WilsonCentre

    11:30am W1

    Physical Educationand School Sport


    11:30am W1

    Sport and ExerciseScience


    11:30am W1



    11:30am W1

    Sports Studies WilsonCentre

    11:30am W1

    Sports Therapy WilsonCentre

    11:30am W1

    Masters level studyTutors are also available to speak to about our Masters programmes in AppliedSport and Exercise Science and Football Rehabilitation.


  • Facultyof Education

    Edge Hill is the second largest provider ofteacher training in the country and the largestprovider of secondary teacher training.

    The University has achieved Grade 1Outstanding' results across all 33 possiblegraded areas covering every phase of initialteacher training - Primary & Early Years,Secondary and Post-Compulsory Education andTraining in the recent Ofsted inspection, 2011.

    It's the first time that a University offering allthree phases of initial teacher training hasachieved the highest possible grades in allareas of the inspection.

    The Faculty also has an excellent reputationfor providing the highest quality programmes,with staff who are active in research, regularlypublished and with high profiles in ExaminationBoards and subject associations as well asstrong links with over 2,000 partner schoolsand colleges giving excellent opportunities forwork experience.

    Programmes are delivered in a 9mpurpose-builtlakeside building featuring a 300-seat lecturetheatre, well-equipped ICT suites, teachingrooms complete with the very latest technologyalong with a popular caf.

    Science and PE students make use of theexcellent ICT facilities, a range of laboratories,prep rooms and a lecture theatre in the Naturaland Applied Sciences building.

    The Mathematics, Art and Technology buildingincludes three resistant materials workshops,an electronics laboratory, a graphic studio,a CAD CAM room, a textile and food room,applied art and design studio and two art studios.

  • Find out about our courses today;

    All activity takes place in the Faculty of Education

    Primary and Early Years Education

    Courses Tutor Location Presentation Time(lasts approx 45mins)


    Early YearsEducationwith QTS

    E1 10:15am, 11:15am,12:45pm & 1:45pm


    Early YearsPGCE

    E18 10:15am, 11:15am,12:45pm & 1:45pm


    PrimaryEducationwith QTS

    E1 10:15am, 11:15am,12:45pm & 1:45pm



    E18 10:15am, 11:15am,12:45pm & 1:45pm


  • Key Stage 2/3 and Secondary Education

    Courses Tutor Location

    English E23

    Geography E23

    History E23

    Modern ForeignLanguages


    Music E23




    Science E6

    Mathematics E6



    Psychology E6





    Applied Art& Design


    Design& Technology


    ICT E7Creative&Applied


    Undergraduate QTS Presentations at 10:30am, 12:30pm & 1:30pm in E22

    PGCE Presentations at 10:30am, 12:30pm & 1:30pm in E25

  • Post-Compulsory Education and Training(FdA, CertHE, PGCE and Professional Development)

    Courses Tutor Location Presentation Time(lasts approx 30mins)


    Post-CompulsoryEducation andTraining

    E20 10:30am, 11:30am,1:30pm, 2:30pm


    Professional Development and Progression Routesfor Teachers, Teaching Assistants, School Support Staffand Early Years Practitioners

    Courses Tutor Location

    Early YearsProgrammes(Early Years Education,Early Years Leadership,Early Years Practice,Early Years ProfessionalPractice and Leadership,pathways to Early YearsProfessional Status)


    UndergraduateProfessionalDevelopment(Teaching, Learning &Mentoring Practice,Children&Young PeoplesLearning&Development,ProfessionalDevelopment,LifelongLearning&Skills)


    Courses Tutor Location

    PostgraduateProfessionalDevelopment(MAProgrammes,subject knowledgeboostermodules)



    Future Teachers ProgrammeAn innovative, new method of training to be a teacher

    Train to teach Mathematics, Chemistry or Physics A one-year, full-time programme where all study takes place in a school A training salary of 13,500 Leads to a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)

    Tutors are available to speak to in the Foyer Meeting Room(Faculty of Education) to find out more

  • Facultyof Health and Social Care

    The Faculty of Health and Social Care is one ofthe main providers of education for health careprofessionals in Merseyside and the NorthWest, with approximately 4,000 traineeseducated at Edge Hill University every year.

    The 14 million purpose-built accommodationhouses some of the best facilities for healthstudents in the country, including clinicalskills facilities and ward simulations withindustry standard equipment.

    There is also a base in the grounds of UniversityHospital Aintree and some programmes aredelivered from Armstrong House inManchester.

    A variety of placements are available at over600 locations in Merseyside, Cheshire andLancashire. 50% of students are out in theworkplace at any one time, typically spendingmore than 2,000 hours in real life healthcaresettings during their degree.

  • Find out about our courses today;

    All activity takes place in the Faculty of Health


    Courses Tutor Location Presentation Time(lasts approx 30mins)


    Childrens Nursing& Social Work

    H202 11:30am& 2:00pm



    H241 1:00pm H2

    Counselling H241 1:00pm H2

    Health Sciences H240 1:00pm H2

    Health & SocialCare (AssistantPractitioner)

    H241 1:00pm H2

    Health &Social Wellbeing

    H240 1:00pm H2

    IntegratedPractice-Early Years &Children-Young People

    H241 1:00pm H2

    LearningDisabilities Nursing& Social Work

    H202 11:30am& 2:00pm


    Management &Supervision ofOffenders

    H241 1:00pm H2

    Midwifery H203 11:00am& 1:00pm


    Nutrition& Health

    H240 1:00pm H2


    H203 12:00pm& 2:00pm



    H204 10:30am, 11:30am,1:30pm& 2:30pm


    Playwork H241 1:00pm H2

  • Courses Tutor Location Presentation Time(lasts approx 30mins)


    Pre RegistrationNursing-Adult-Childrens-Learning Disabilities-Mental Health


    11:30am& 2:00pm


    Public Health H241 1:00pm H2

    Womens Health H240 1:00pm H2

    Social Work H202 11:00am H2

    Working withFamilies andCommunities

    H241 1:00pm H2

    Working withVulnerableAdults

    H241 1:00pm H2

    A Student Finance presentation specific to Health students will takeplace at 12:00pm 12:30pm in H2.

    Tours of the facilities are available today.Please ask for more information at the Helpdesk.

  • Emergency proceduresFor your own safety and well-being, visitors are asked to take noteof the following information:

    What to do...

    On hearing the fire alarm- The alarm sounds continually- Leave the building by the nearest available exit- Signs for Fire Exit can be recognised by white letters on a green background- Assemble at the Assembly Area as directed: if in doubt go to the car park closest

    to Main Reception- Do not return to the building until advised it is safe to do so- Visitors are asked to ensure that parked vehicles do not cause an obstruction should

    emergency vehicles require access on to campus

    In case of personal injury or illness- Go to the nearest Helpdesk (all buildings have one) or Registration area- Helpdesk staff will be able to arrange first aid assistance and can call for an

    ambulance if required- Report any injury to members of staff at Helpdesks, or the Registration area

    If property is lost or mislaid- Report details to staff in the Registration area


  • Find out moreTelephone our Advice and Guidance Teamon 01695 657000 or [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook atfacebook.com/edgehilluniversity

    Create your personalised Edge Hill Website atthink.edgehill.ac.uk

    Follow us on Twitter attwitter.com/edgehill

    Become part of our thriving online community

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    Edge Hill UniversitySt Helens Road,Ormskirk,Lancashire,L39 4QPUnited Kingdom

    EHU Open Day 20th August 2011.pdfProject6_Layout 1.pdfAMENDED CS-801b - Open Day - 44pp B5 2Koff_Ruth Slater - EDL - 44pp B5 2Ko*A.pdf