Introducing the ‘Food Introducing the ‘Food Hygiene Rating Scheme’ Hygiene Rating Scheme’ in in [name of local [name of local authority] authority] and and switching from the switching from the [name of existing [name of existing local scheme] local scheme] [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number] Email: [relevant email address] [Meeting details]

[EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

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[Meeting details]. Introducing the ‘Food Hygiene Rating Scheme’ in [name of local authority] and switching from the [name of existing local scheme]. [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number] Email: [relevant email address]. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

Introducing the ‘Food Introducing the ‘Food Hygiene Rating Scheme’ in Hygiene Rating Scheme’ in

[name of local authority] [name of local authority] and switching from the and switching from the [name of existing local [name of existing local

scheme]scheme][EH Team member][Local Authority name][Local Authority address]: [relevant telephone number]Email: [relevant email address]

[Meeting details]

Page 2: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

What will this presentation cover?

• What is the ‘Food Hygiene Rating Scheme’?

• How does the scheme work?

• What types of businesses are given a rating?

• How are ratings calculated and how does this differ from now?

• How do customers find out about ratings?

• What safeguards are there to ensure ratings are fair?

• What are the benefits for businesses and their customers?

• When will the switch be made to the national scheme?

• What should businesses be doing now?

Page 3: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

• Similar to the [name of local scheme].

• Helps consumers choose where to eat out or shop for food by giving them information about the hygiene standards in food premises.

• Provides an incentive to businesses to improve standards.

• Overall aim is to reduce the number of cases of food poisoning.

What is the ‘Food Hygiene Rating Scheme’?

Page 4: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

• When food safety officers undertake food hygiene inspections of premises, they give them scores.

• The ‘Food Hygiene Rating Scheme’ converts these scores into simple ratings and makes these available to the public.

• National scheme is a local authority/Food Standards Agency partnership initiative for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

• This is better for consumers and for businesses.

How does the scheme work?

Page 5: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

• The scheme was developed by the Food Standards Agency with advice and guidance from a Steering Group which included food industry representatives.

• It is designed to- be clear and easy to understand by consumers- give businesses recognition and an incentive to improve

hygiene standards- be fair to businesses- be simple and practical to operate by local authorities.

How does the scheme work?

Page 6: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

What types of businesses are given a rating?

• Restaurants, takeaways, cafés, sandwich shops, pubs, hotels, supermarkets and other retail food outlets, and any other business where consumers can eat or buy food.

• Certain exemptions apply:- 'low-risk' premises which are not generally recognised by

consumers as being food businesses- certain businesses operating from private addresses – e.g.


• Under certain circumstances, exempted businesses can request to opt into the scheme.

Page 7: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

• At inspection, scores are given for three areas - - how hygienically the food is handled- the condition of the structure of the premises- how the business manages and records what it does

to make sure food is safe.

• The scores are then converted to a food hygiene rating.

How are ratings calculated and how does this differ from now?

Page 8: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

Criteria ScoreHow hygienically the food is handled 0 5 10 15 20 25

Condition of structure 0 5 10 15 20 25

How you manage and document food safety. 0 5 10 20 30

Total score 0 80Level of compliance High Low

Food safety officers use guidance to determine how to score each of these areas.

How are ratings calculated and how does this differ from now?

Page 9: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

• The rating depends on how well the business does overall and the area(s) that need improving the most - the business may do better in some areas and less well in others.

• To get the top rating, you must score no more than 5 in each of the three areas.

Total score 0 - 15 20 25 - 30 35 - 40 45 - 50 > 50

Additional scoring factor

No score > 5

No score > 10

No score > 10

No score > 15

No score > 20 -

Rating 5 (top) 4 3 2 1 0 (bottom)

Hygiene standards Very good Good Generally



Major improvement





How are ratings calculated and how does this differ from now?

Page 10: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

[Name of existing scheme] – how ratings are calculated

[Note: This or a similar table should be completed by the LA to show current mapping, number of tiers, symbols used etc.]

Total score

Additional scoring factor

Rating Top Second Third Fourth Fifth Bottom

Hygiene standards -- ---- ------ -------- none

How will ratings be calculated and how will this differ from now?

How are ratings calculated and how does this differ from now?

Page 11: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

• Standards are rated from ‘0’ at the bottom to ‘5’ at the top

• Simple words are used to describe each rating

How are ratings calculated and how does this differ from now?

Page 12: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

How do customers find out about ratings?

• Ratings are published online at www.food.gov.uk/ratings so your customers can look them up.

• Free mobile phone apps are available.

Page 13: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]
Page 14: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

How do customers find out about ratings?

Page 15: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

How do customers find out about ratings?

Page 16: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

What safeguards are there to ensure ratings are fair?

• You will be notified of your rating within 14 days.

• You can appeal the rating if you think it is unfair.

• You have a ‘right to reply’ so that you can comment on your rating.

• You can request a re-visit when you have made improvements.

• Guidance is available on the FSA website.

Page 17: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

• You can appeal the rating if you think it is unfair.

• Your appeal will be considered by the Lead Officer for Food or a deputy.

• You will be notified of the outcome within seven days.

• Your rating will not be published online until you have been notified of the appeal outcome.

What safeguards are there to ensure ratings are fair?

Page 18: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

• You have a ‘right to reply’ on the website so that you can comment on your rating.

• You can explain any actions you have taken since your inspection to improve hygiene standards.

• You can say if there were unusual circumstances at the time of the inspection that might have affected your rating.

What safeguards are there to ensure ratings are fair?

Page 19: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

• You can request a re-visit when you have made the improvements identified at inspection.

• Generally, no re-visits in first three months after the inspection.

• Re-visits will be unannounced.

• Re-visits will look beyond the non-compliance identified at the previous inspection.

• Ratings may go up, down or remain the same.

What safeguards are there to ensure ratings are fair?

Page 20: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

• A good rating will be a good advertisement - good food hygiene means a good hygiene rating, and a good hygiene rating is good for business.

• The scheme will provide consumers with at-a-glance information to help them to make informed choices about where they buy and eat food across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

What are the benefits for businesses and their customers?

Page 21: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

• Look at your last food hygiene inspection report to check that you have taken all of the actions needed to ensure that you meet legal requirements.

• If you have any queries about the improvements you need to make to get a better rating, then the food safety officer should be able to provide advice.

What should businesses be doing now?

Page 22: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

• Initial notification that you will receive a rating & data checking [month].

• Notification of switch date and supplied with certificate and sticker in [month].

• Switch [number of weeks] weeks later

• You will be asked to [remove existing certificates and stickers and] display new certificate and sticker.

• Ratings published at www.food.gov.uk/ratings

When will the switch be made to the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme?

Page 23: [EH Team member] [Local Authority name] [Local Authority address] : [relevant telephone number]

• Further Information: - from Food Safety Team

[Officer’s name and telephone number]

- on Food Standards Agency website at: www.food.gov.uk/ratings

Further information and questions?