members.thebreakupdoctor.com€¦ · EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It is a revolutionary technique of tapping on various acupuncture points in order to balance your

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Page 1: members.thebreakupdoctor.com€¦ · EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It is a revolutionary technique of tapping on various acupuncture points in order to balance your
Page 2: members.thebreakupdoctor.com€¦ · EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It is a revolutionary technique of tapping on various acupuncture points in order to balance your

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How to Release Fears & Emotional Blocks Using EFT and TAT © 2008 Ryan Randolph

Table of Contents

How to Overcome Any Fear using EFT .................................................................3The Setup ..........................................................................................................4The 9 Gamut Procedure ....................................................................................5

How to Let Go of an Emotional Trauma using TAT ................................................8What is TAT? ......................................................................................................8The TAT Pose ....................................................................................................9How to perform TAT ...........................................................................................9

The 10 Stages of Releasing Fear ........................................................................12

Page 3: members.thebreakupdoctor.com€¦ · EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It is a revolutionary technique of tapping on various acupuncture points in order to balance your

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How to Release Fears & Emotional Blocks Using EFT and TAT © 2008 Ryan Randolph

How to Overcome Any Fear using EFTBy Ryan

Have you ever experienced crippling fear? Perhaps it made it hard for you to speak, move or otherwise function. You logically understood there was nothing to fear, yet it seemed like your fear took control of your body and there was nothing you could do to stop it.

Others may tell you to just push through it, and you want to, yet that feeling of fear can be so powerful that you are overwhelmed. It’s like the fear is rooted deep inside you and there is little you can do to overcome it. In some cases, fear may dictate a person’s lifestyle, making their life much harder than it has to be (such as in the case of the fear of flying or the fear of approaching women).

When I was younger I had a fear of public speaking. My palms and forehead would get sweaty, my stomach tense and nervous, my throat dry, my voice would waiver; it was not fun. I just kept pushing through and little by little I gained the confidence to become a very good public speaker. It took years of practice to overcome that fear.

If I had used EFT, I could have overcome that fear in days or even minutes.

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It is a revolutionary technique of tapping on various acupuncture points in order to balance your body’s energy. The theory behind EFT states that “The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.” So by balancing your body through tapping, you can clear out any negative emotions stored deep within you.

Watch this introduction video about the effectiveness of EFT and some of the incredible success stories, and then read my guide on EFT below.

The acupuncture points are located along your meridians, which are your body’s energy pathways. By tapping on the various points, your meridians balance themselves out which allow for the energy to flow properly. Once the disruption is removed, the negative emotion is also removed.

This is how negative emotions are caused:

1. You think of a distressing memory or experience a specific situation.

2. This triggers a disruption in your body’s energy system.

3. You feel a negative emotion (fear, sadness, anger, etc).

Through the use of EFT, you treat #2 (the disruption), which prevents experience #3 (the negative emotion). This goes against conventional psychotherapy which attempts to treat #1 by addressing either the memory or the situation in the hopes that it will stop the negative emotions from happening.

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How to Release Fears & Emotional Blocks Using EFT and TAT © 2008 Ryan Randolph

So if you have an extreme fear of flying, people may explain to you all the safety precautions and statistics of airplanes, yet you still feel the fear. It’s not until you clear out your energy system that your fear goes away. It can take many years of retraining your body using the traditional methods or a few minutes with EFT.

So how do you perform EFT?

There are four steps to EFT. Once they are memorized, a full run through can be completed in about 1 minute.

1. The Setup

2. The Basic Recipe

3. The 9 Gamut Procedure

4. The Basic Recipe again

The Setup

The setup is used to properly orient your body’s energy system for healing. Sometimes we experience Polarity Reversal, which is like a self-sabotage effect that the ego creates with problems it doesn’t know how to handle properly.

Through the use of the setup, we temporarily remove this polarity reversal long enough for EFT to fix the disruption. This step is crucial to success because, in some

cases, the polarity reversal is so strong that nothing will work unless the setup is done first.

To do the setup, simply rub your lymph area on either side of your chest about 2 inches above your nipple. This is known as the Sore Spot. You will know you hit the right area when you feel a very sensitive twinge.

While you are rubbing, you must say an affirmation statement three times. “Even though I have this ________, I deeply and completely accept myself.” In the blank, you fill in the fear or problem you are experiencing.

So for the fear of flying you would say, “Even though I have this fear of flying, I deeply and completely accept myself.” Say this three times while rubbing the sore spot and you’ve completed The Setup. The Sequence

The sequence is the set of acupuncture points which you tap to balance your energy system. Simply tap each point about 7 times with your index and middle finger.

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How to Release Fears & Emotional Blocks Using EFT and TAT © 2008 Ryan Randolph

You can use either hand, though your dominant hand is preferable.

The list of points is as follows:

1. Eyebrow - Located just above the nose where the eyebrow starts, slightly to the side.

2. Corner of the Eye - Located on the bone alongside the corner of the eye.

3. Under the Eye - Located an inch under the pupil.

4. Under the Nose - Located in the area between your nose and upper lip.

5. Under the Mouth - Located below your bottom lip and above your chin.

6. Collar Bone - Located where your collarbone and first rib meet. To find it, locate the U shaped indentation at the top at the bottom of your throat (where a man knots his tie), then move down 1 inch and to the side 1 inch.

7. Under the Arm - Located about 4 inches below the armpit.

8. Under the Nipple - Located about 1 inch below the nipple.

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How to Release Fears & Emotional Blocks Using EFT and TAT © 2008 Ryan Randolph

9. Fingers - Located on the outside tip of each finger where the nail and the skin meet.

10. Karate Chop - Located on the fleshy, outside part of the hand between the top of the wrist and the bottom of the pinkie finger.

Tap all points in any order about seven times each (The under the nipple point can be skipped for ladies in social situations). You can use either the right or left side for any of the points.

Each time you tap you must say a reminder phrase. The reminder phrase is a shortened version of the Setup affirmation. For the example we used above, the reminder phrase is simply, “fear of flying.” So in this case we would simply say “fear of flying” once for each point during the tapping. This reminds the body to fix it’s energy system for that specific fear or issue.

The 9 Gamut ProcedureThe 9 Gamut Procedure is used to engage various parts of the brain while

tapping on the Gamut Point. The point is located on the back side of either hand between the knuckles of the ring finger and the pinkie and about an 1/2 inch back (toward the wrist).

Simply tapping the Gamut Point by itself can be very effective in reducing fear, so when it’s combined in this procedure, it’s even more powerful.

To perform the 9 Gamut Procedure, simple tap the Gamut Point then perform these 9 steps:

1. Close your eyes

2. Open your eyes

3. Look hard down right (don’t move your head)

4. Look hard down left (don’t move your head)

5. Roll your eyes in a clockwise circle (imagine your nose is the center of a clock and you are looking at each of the numbers, without moving your head)

6. Roll your eyes in a counter-clockwise circle (without moving your head)

7. Hum 2 seconds of a song such as “Happy birthday to you”

8. Count rapidly from 1 to 5 out loud

9. Hum 2 seconds of the song again

After the 9 Gamut procedure, simply do the entire sequence again (while saying the reminder phrase for each point).

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How to Release Fears & Emotional Blocks Using EFT and TAT © 2008 Ryan Randolph

Sometimes after doing one round of EFT, the fear will be gone forever. Other times you may need to do multiple rounds of EFT for the fear to subside. Also, there may be various “aspects” that you need to get through before the fear is completely gone.

For example, a person who is afraid of flying may need to do multiple rounds of EFT like this:

The first round they can say “Even though I have this fear of flying, I deeply and completely accept myself” for the setup, then do the sequence with the reminder phrase “fear of flying,” then do the gamut, then the sequence again with the same reminder phrase.

The second round they may do the exact same thing exact change the phrase to fear of takeoff. For the third round, they can change it to fear of heights, or fear of tight spaces and so on.

Many times our emotions get entangled with each other and what seems like a simple fear of flying could actually be many fears that are triggered all at once. By doing rounds of EFT on each aspect, you become closer and closer to completely overcoming that fear.

I have personally used EFT hundreds of times on many things. I’ve used it before I gave business presentations, before I played in softball games, and even when I’ was feeling nervous about surfing in big waves.

The results are so subtle and instantaneous that I often look back and think “Was I really afraid of that, no way.” It’s like I can’t even relate to being afraid anymore. EFT can also be used for

• Pain or trauma

• chronic illness

• addictions

• allergies

• weight loss

• anger

• sports

• and anything you can think of

For more info on EFT, visit http://www.emofree.com

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How to Release Fears & Emotional Blocks Using EFT and TAT © 2008 Ryan Randolph

How to Let Go of an Emotional Trauma using TATBy Ryan

Life can seem hard sometimes. We do our best to deal with life’s challenges as they come up and maintain a positive outlook on life. We’ve all experienced a sudden trauma in our life that we weren’t expecting.

A death in the family, a bad breakup, a business failure, or a debilitating physical injury are just some of the types of traumas that can overpower our most powerful mindset and lead us into a spiral of negative beliefs and toxic emotions.

If we aren’t careful, these traumas can live in us for so long that we forgot how we felt before they happened. A trapped pain can taint our every interaction until our anger, frustration, or depression are just accepted as part of our personality by ourselves and everyone who knows us.

We think, “It would feel so good to be a kid again, free of all the pain and hardship that life has bestowed upon me.” The reality is that although we can never be a kid again, we can still feel as good as we did when we were young.

How? Just as life has been a journey with it’s road bumps, the journey back to childlike glee is a similar journey.

Some things that have helped me include meditation, affirmations, EFT, energy work with chakras and healers, being present, understanding and using the law of attraction, and T.A.T.

What is TAT? TAT stands for Tapas Acupressure Technique and is the most powerful method

of releasing emotions from painful traumatic memories that I know of.

It’s an easy process of holding a few acupressure points while going through a series of statements that allow your mind and body to let go of trauma or negative beliefs. It allows your body to dissipate negative emotions and leaves you with greater energy, personal power, and inner peace.

To do TAT, find a quiet place where you can spend 10 minutes to yourself. I usually do TAT before I go to sleep since it helps relax me and clear my head. Sit down and hold the TAT pose.

The TAT Pose Using one hand, gently touch the thumb to the area just above the inner corner

of your eye. With the ring finger of the same hand, gently touch the finger to the area above the inner corner of the other eye.

Place the middle finger at the point midway between both eyes, and about 1/2 inch above (near your third eye point). No pressure is necessary.

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How to Release Fears & Emotional Blocks Using EFT and TAT © 2008 Ryan Randolph

Now take your other hand and gently place the palm against the back of the head with the thumb resting just above the hairline so that the palm cradles the skull.

Either hand can be in front or back. You can have your eyes open or closed. You may also lie down if you’d like.

[Special Thanks to Celebration Healing for the Images]

How to perform TATBegin with this intention (aloud or silent):

The healing I am about to do will also benefit all of my ancestors, my family, everyone involved, all parts of myself and all points of view I have ever held.

Hold the TAT pose and focus on the following statements for about 1-2 minutes each. If your hands get tired, simply rest for a moment then begin again.

Limit TAT to 20 minutes a day and be sure to drink lots of water.

Step 1 - The Problem: This happened. Replace “this” with whatever traumatic event happened for each statement.

Step 2 - The Opposite of the Problem: This happened, it’s over and I’m okay. I can relax now. This refers to the eternal part of yourself that always exists and always will exist. If it’s an ongoing problem you can say This is happening and I’m okay.

Step 3 - The Places: All the places in my mind, body and life where this has been stored are healing now.

Step 4 - The Origins: All the origins of this are healing now.

Step 5 - Forgiveness Part 1: I apologize to everyone I hurt related to this and wish them love, happiness and peace. It is not necessary to name all

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the people in these three parts.

Step 5 - Forgiveness Part 2: I forgive everyone who hurt me related to this and wish them love, happiness and peace.

Step 5 - Forgiveness Part 3: I forgive everyone I blamed for this, including God and myself.

Step 6 - Parts: All the parts of me that got something from this are healing now. This heals the painbody or psychological reversal part of you which may receive some benefit from the pain such as attention and sympathy.

Step 7 - Whatever’s Left: Whatever’s left about this is healing now.

Step 8 - Choosing: I choose ________. Fill in the blank with a statement of how you want to feel or any positive outcome that you want. Make sure it’s positive such as “I choose to feel love towards my parents,” and not “I choose to forget all the pain my parents caused me.”

Step 9 - Integration: This healing is completely integrated now. Next, swap hands so that the one in back is now in front and review this statement again.

Then put the fingers tips of each hand around each ear so that the thumb is touching the bottom of the earlobe and the pinkie is touching the top of thr ear with all the other fingers touching around the outer part of the ear and review the statement again (As if you were cupping your ears with your finger tips).

Step 10 - Gratitude: Simply give thanks to God, life, source energy etc. for the healing that has taken place.

You may feel dramatic shifts immediately or a more subtle shift within a few days. You may feel like a weight has been lifted or you just feel happier or more emotionally free.

This is the process of regaining that youthful joy of being a kid again. Feel free to be creative with the wording. Say the words that feel best for your situation.

Also, during your first time doing TAT, do the pose and focus on this statement:

I deserve to live and I can accept love, help and healing.

I have personally used TAT, dozens of times to overcome many things in my life. I like to focus on one trauma or limiting belief at a time and do it every night for about 5 days straight.

I’ve done on things that I logically thought that I was beyond and I’ve found that it’s helped a lot since there was still a bit of pain buried deep within my psyche.

Throughout the day if anything comes up I may go into the TAT pose and reaffirm the “I choose” statement from step 8 to refocus myself. It’s a great way to center yourself and refocus your energy. Try it on a painful event you’ve experienced

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in the past right now and see how it works for you.

For more info on TAT and various TAT products,

visit: http://www.yangtown.com/tatlife

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How to Release Fears & Emotional Blocks Using EFT and TAT © 2008 Ryan Randolph

The 10 Stages of Releasing FearBy Alex

Now that you are a pro at using EFT to overcome fear and TAT to let go of traumatic memories, let’s take a look at the various stages of releasing negative emotions.

Just as life, this is not an exact step-by-step process but more of a something to help and guide you in your path. You will jump around from stage to stage at different times during your life. 1. Poor me stage

If you are in this stage you are filled with fears and insecurities but it is too much for you to face so you lay comfortably numb, accept it as a way of life and do nothing to change. “This is the way things are, I might as well accept them” is the unwavering mantra.

The majority of people are stuck in this stage. Most of the time they will lash out at anyone who tries to tell them about the prison they have enclosed themselves in. They will get emotional, defensive and even violent reactions if you TRY and explain to them that they are the prisoners and guards at the same time.

Everything to them is external; happiness and pain come from out there. They look outside of themselves for happiness and joy through jobs, cars, clothes, women and so on. “Once I get this, I will finally be able to be happy.”

Their pain comes from external sources as well, “my BOSS pisses me off so much” or “god doesn’t love me”, or “SHE did that to ME.”

They take little or no response-ability in creating their world because they are stuck in the poor me victim mentality of the developmental stage of evolution.

Everything is on autopilot for these people. If someone is rude to them, they have an instant reaction of being pissed off and blaming the other person for how they feel as in “he made me mad.” There is no personal choice on how they react outside events. They go through life asleep at the wheel.

This is the stage that the majority of people stay and most will never get out of. It will take them several lifetimes of reincarnation for them to learn the Karmic lessons involved with being stuck in poor me mentality before they can move on to the next stage. 2. You know something is “wrong” and it is time to do something about it.

You have the guts to push through and face your fears. You are tired of living in fear and you are ready to do something about it.

This stage can often be the scariest stage to go through. At stage one you felt

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safe and protected playing the victim role because you could easily blame someone else for your doings.

Now that you are finally taking response-ability for shaping and creating your own reality, it scares the hell out of you because if you try and fail, you have only YOURSELF to blame. 3. Projection and Unsolicited advice

You are no longer on autopilot and are now aware of your ‘problems’. This will cause you to see your problems in other people and to react negatively to other people because the world is your mirror. You point a finger at them because they remind you of the ‘problems’ that you have inside of yourself that you still judge.

Point a finger at the world and three will point right back at you.

A lot of people at this stage will try and help people who are stuck at stage one instead of realizing that the problem is internal. They want their problems to go away but like most people try to fix the outside, thinking it will take care of the problem on the inside.

“I am needy and I see you are needy. I will try and help you even if you didn’t ask for it. I will try and convince myself that it is you that needs the help but really I’m trying to fix the mirror.” 4. The world is my mirror

After trying to help everyone see their problems, trying to convince them that you are right but being met with strong resistance, you begin to realize that you are projecting your OWN insecurities and fears onto them.

You begin to understand that you aren’t trying to help your needy friend but trying to get rid of the neediness inside of you.

Its no longer “god his neediness is annoying.” Its now, “I hate his neediness because it reminds me of my neediness, ohhh.” It is an a-ha or satori moment when you realize that the world is merely a reflection of yourself. 5. Awareness

You become aware of your problems and notice how often the issue floats to the surface and how often you project it into the world. You are conscious and your problems are no longer on autopilot.

An important part is to not judge but rather take the observer role and watch your emotions and thoughts. Some people get scared and freak out when they become aware of how often the problem surfaces. They think “oh god, it’s worst then I thought.”

They get so scared and judge their problems so much so, that they regress

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back to the first stage of fear and denial. They simply weren’t ready to face the truth. 6. Compassion

After awareness is achieved, you no longer desire to hold onto your problems and now you are ready to let go.

You run the compassion formula and begin to ask “why did I create this situation? How did I invite this into my life?” and so on until you learn the lessons.

[The compassion formula is part of the Girlfriend Training Program. If you don’t own the GTP yet that’s ok, you may use TAT in it’s place.]

If you are unable to cleanse and release and still feel angry, upset, emotional or whatever, it simple means that you haven’t learned all the lessons involved. You can numb it down out of frustration of but it would only give you temporary relief and will resurface stronger.

You can try and avoid dealing with your problems but the universe will keep sending you a lesson over and over until you finally wake up. At first the universe sends you a soft little whisper in your ear that most of the time you will not hear or just ignore. But the universe is persistent and will keep sending the message.

By the tenth time that you don’t listen, the universe sends you something huge that knocks you on your ass like your girlfriend cheating on you, your boss firing you, going broke and so on.

There are times where you can’t fully see all of the lessons involved in a situation right away. At this point, I suggest writing down what you were working on and just walk away from the problem for a couple of days. What happens is your mind will continue to work on the problem even if you aren’t consciously thinking about it.

This is similar to what they teach in schools on how to take tests. They say if you are having trouble with problem one, leave it and come back to it once you have gone through the rest of the test. Your brain will find the solution and just needs time to work on it. A very important part of compassion is “I accept full response-ability for creating my reality.” If you can’t accept full response-ability for creating everything in the situation and play the victim role, you will be unable to have full compassion and learn all of the lessons. I have a couple of guide lines or things I like to keep in mind when I am doing the compassion formula.

A) If anything bothers me, makes me angry, stings my ego or whatever-it’s time to do compassion.

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Many times we will just let things go and sweep them under the carpet instead of dealing with them. Not with me. I get excited when something bothers me because it gives me an opportunity to learn and grow by doing the compassion formula. B) If I am unable to accept full response-ability for creating my reality, which is essential for compassion, find out what you will lose and what you have to let go of by having compassion? When you do the compassion formula there are things that you have to let go of that you might not want to part with. There are certain things that you gain from not accepting your role in creating your reality so you put up sort of a road block to prevent yourself from having compassion. For example, my girlfriend overheard her mother talking badly about her when she was in the next room over and listened to the entire thing. I was running the compassion formula and asking her why she didn’t just go into another room where she couldn’t hear her mother talking badly about her. She was kind of ‘stuck’ so I asked her what she gains from NOT having compassion? She was a bit confused but I explained to her that there are things that you get out of NOT having compassion. “You get to enjoy anger, revenge on your mother, self righteousness, poor me energy, drama, excitement and so on”. She was resisting accepting full response-ability and put up a wall in order to not let go of these things these energies. So if you find yourself ‘stuck’ stop and ask yourself “what do I have to let go of if I have compassion?” C) Everyone’s world is right I only date bisexual women who will hunt for new girlfriends. I train women. I only do polarized relationships where I am dominate and the women is submissive. I don’t clean dishes ever. I just get up and walk away when I am done eating.

This is the way that I live my life and I believe that there is nothing wrong with it - My world is right. Other people may disagree and think that the way I live is wrong but I know my world is RIGHT. In order to have compassion, you must first understand them. In order to understand someone you must assume that the way they live their life is right.

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What prevents most people from understanding and completely seeing where the other person is coming from is them imposing their own judgments and views onto the other person. They project what they would do and how they would act and what is right or wrong onto the other person. This is why religious people can’t have true compassion. The second that they try and understand a drug addict, rapist, whore or anyone they judge them so much and project their views onto other people. They don’t even come close to touching compassion. Assume that a rapist, killer, whore, drug addict or anyone’s world is right in the way that they do things. Know that the behaviors that they have, the thoughts they think and the beliefs they hold are right for them, otherwise they wouldn’t be doing it.

7. Prescribing the symptom

So you have run the compassion formula but still the problem lingers. At this point it is smart to prescribe the symptom.

Everything is energy and we play with certain energies to learn deeper lessons, even if they are dark energies.

To prescribe the symptom you take your problem and actively, purposefully, do the problem, fully engage in the problem. If you have a problem with neediness, you actively become needy in order to learn the lessons. You don’t fight being needy or deny that part of you, you simply bring full awareness into being needy.

This works extremely well for releasing the stuck energies like neediness, anger, sadness and so on because you are no longer repressing the emotions that you feel, which allows them to flow through you. Repression is a sin.

Continue to prescribe the symptom until it is no longer serves you. 8. Cleansing

When you run the compassion formula and you have learned ALL of the lessons involved, you almost instantly release the anger, guilt, shame or whatever fear based emotion that you were feeling at the time.

But there are still energtic ‘junk’ that is stuck inside of you that is clogging up your chakras. When we get yelled at, energy vamped, cheated on, lied to, feel anger and so on, these emotions get absorbed into us like a sponge. Its like emotional residue that needs to be cleaned out through scooping and bubbling the bad emotions, situations, experiences.

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Most people skip over this part because they don’t understand how much stuck energy has an affect them. When you don’t shower for a while you can tell that you are dirty since you can clearly see the dirt. Though with bad experiences, energy vamping, anger, depression and so on, you can’t see visibly see it yet it’s definitely there. Here is a real quick, simple cleansing technique:

Imagine yourself meditating by a river in a very calm relaxed manner. Take the ‘bad’ experiences, stress, guilt or any other unwanted fear based emotions or experiences and scoop them out by imagining etheric white hands going into your solar plexus and then sending it down a river. Imagine the river as white light that dissolves anything.

When you are doing this, a lot of other experiences will float to surface that you haven’t thought of in years such as repressed memories. Just continue to scoop those memories out and send them down the river. 9. Surfacing

When you do the master cleanse and clear out all the “bad” foods that you have eaten over the years, you will have an incredible, intense desire for these junk foods. All of the bad foods are coming to the surface and you crave it big time. This is the same with clearing out stuck, negative energy and emotions.

As you release certain stuck energies, the pain that has been numbed down in the past rises to the surface and you experience it as intensely or stronger than when it first happened. You will feel as depressed, as angry, as sad as you initially did. These will result in very dark nights of the soul.

If you fight your emotions and thoughts it will only serve to make them stronger. At which point the emotions will become too much for you to handle and it will force you to numb them down and start all over again.

Instead of saying “I hate feeling depressed for no reason,” feel it fully. It will pass through you quicker if you don’t fight it and allow it to be just like when you are prescribing the symptom.

Become the observer and watch this whole process go down inside of you. Watch your emotions go crazy and simply observe.

The meditator’s life is one of a schizophrenic going from periods of Zen, nothing can touch me to feeling depressed, needy, scared. It is truly beautiful life to life and a chaotic one as well. 10. Release

You finally let go of of your fear based emotions and feel thirty pounds lighter.

Page 18: members.thebreakupdoctor.com€¦ · EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It is a revolutionary technique of tapping on various acupuncture points in order to balance your

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How to Release Fears & Emotional Blocks Using EFT and TAT © 2008 Ryan Randolph

Final Stage: Repeat

Then you get to repeat the process all over and peel another layer off. Know that one layer peeled back will lead to another layer that is wanting to be released. You will repeat the process many many times because there is tons of stuck energy and repressed emotions dwelling beneath the surface just waiting to let go.

Yang Town helps men develop masculine power, emotional strength, a sense of purpose, personal integrity, and an open heart

Visit www.YangTown.com for more personal development and spirituality concepts such as the Law of Attraction, Energy Techniques, Chakras, The Power of Now, Chinese Taoism, Ideagasms Relationship Model, 5D Compassion, and more.

Alex shares his relationship insights and girlfriend training tips at his blog
