Efficient solutions for professionals 专业从业者的效率解决方案 Control and management of potato quality in stores

Efficient solutions for professionals - WUR · Evaporation of water into ventilation air gives a higher Relative Humidity and a lower Temperature . Humidification Practical case in

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Efficient solutions for professionals 专业从业者的效率解决方案

Control and management

of potato quality in stores

July 2016

Mr. Michiel Eilander, Managing Director @ APH Group

Mr. Zhang Xiaofeng, Commercial Director @ Beijing APH Omnivent Trading Co., Ltd


1. Introduction APH Group and Omnivent

2. Efficient solutions in potato storage

a) Return on Investment on humidification

b) Return on Investment on frequency controllers

3. Discussion


APH Group delivers and services machines and equipment to increase the

efficiency of professionals in potato, vegetable and irrigation business. We

deliver integral and innovative solutions.

We do this by means of skilled specialists, operating out of 4 knowledge

centers, namely:

APH Group

Field equipment Irrigation In-store solutions Engineering

What is APH Group?

Our goal is to improve efficiency for your company by increasing yields, by

improvement of quality, and by the lowest Total Cost of Ownership.

The demand for safe food in the world increases rapidly, very rapidly. A

high knowledge level and integral approach, makes APH Group the partner

for professionals in irrigation, potato and vegetable business.

APH Group wants continuously to improve the Efficiency for her clients by:

Increased yields (Mass)

Improvement of quality (Create quality)

Decreased costs of usage (Cost of ownership)

This results in the APH approach: E = MC2



Contribute to increase the efficiency of professionals in potato, vegetable

and irrigation business by integral and innovative solutions

Dealer organization

We are a:

Dealer organization of A-brands:






T-L Irrigation systems

Project organization (turnkey projects)

With always the focus on delivering efficiency for our customers by

dedicated support from our Commercial Technical Advisors.

10 subsidiaries and several dealers world-wide

APH Group in China

Active in China since 2004

Beijing APH Omnivent Trading Co., Ltd

JV between APH Group & Omnivent

Office + spare part storage in Beijing and


Sales & service

Control and management

of potato quality in stores

Where can potato quality reduction


In the field:

Seed bed preparation


Ridge forming


Vine killing


During handling:





How does Miedema intake equipment help?

By knowing what enters the storage with support of a sampling system.


How does Miedema intake equipment help?

Don’t empty the bunker every time

Transport product in a flow


Avoid angles of movement

Central outlet

Prevent 90 degree angles


How does Miedema intake equipment help?

Avoid 90° drops

Smooth transition moving floor to

roller unit

On low volume, keep speed down

Variable transport speeds


How does Miedema intake equipment help?

Use automatic swivelling

Prevent unloading at 1 place

Terrace filling


Storage = maintaining quality, reducing risks.

Prevent storage diseases by good curing and drying

Prevent humidity, and thus weight, loss Use Omnivent pad humidifiers

Reduce running hours or

reduction of ventilation capacity?


Evaporative pads

30 cm thickness

Efficiency app. 88%

Cooling effect

RH increase


Evaporation of water into ventilation air gives a higher Relative Humidity

and a lower Temperature


Practical case in Inner Mongolia

3000 MT cell

Price of 1.400,- RMB/MT

Price of 0,75 RMB/ kWhr

ROI calculations for humidification and frequency drives


Conditions in January


Conditions in March


Conditions in early May


Conditions end of May


Jan Feb March Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Avg Min. Temp -16.6 -13.1 -4.4 3.8 11.1 16.6 20.4 19.3 11.9 4.1 -4.2 -12.5

Avg RH 60% 50% 40% 40% 40% 55% 60% 60% 40% 40% 40% 45%

Saving Weightloss 0.01% 0.02% 0.05% 0.31% 0.43% 0.04% 0.04% 2.35% 0.51% 0.05% 0.02%

Cooling with H yes yes yes yes yes no no yes yes yes yes

Cooling without yes yes yes yes no no no yes yes yes yes

ROI Humidification equipment 1.7 years

Average potato price 1,400¥ per ton

Advantage and Return on Investment for Omnipad Humidification equipment

Climate Data from Chifeng region in China


Humidification, practical situation

Humidification, practical situation

Capacity control on fans

Running Hrs/day* Running Hrs/day VFD Advised Capacity Number of days PU VFD (kW) PU Normal (kW) Costs VFD Costs Normal

Cooling Down to Healing Temp. 24 24 100% 0 56.0 56 -¥ -¥

Healing Temp 24 24 100% 14 56.0 56 14,112¥ 14,112¥

Cooling Down to St. Temp 8 8 100% 16 56.0 56 5,376¥ 5,376¥

Holding Phase 4 4 50% 205 3.5 28 2,153¥ 17,220¥

Warming Up 6 10 60% 5 7.2 33.6 271¥ 756¥

Total 1314 21,911¥ 37,464¥

VFD = Variable Frequency Drive (or Inverter)

* = for good condition potatoes and weather conditions allow lower volumes for cooling the crop

* = total hours estimation

PU = Power Uptake

Project: Estimated Return on Investment Inverters

Storage capacity: 3000 MT

Harvest Temp. 15 Degrees

Healing Temp 15 Degrees

Cooling Down to Healing Temp. 1 Degrees/day

Cooling Down to St. Temp 0.3 Degrees/day

Storage Temp. 7 graden celcius

Storage Period 8 months

Number of fans 14

Number of fans Holding Phase 7

Power per Fan 4.0 kW

kWh price (RMB) 0.75¥

Extra Investment in Inverters 66,400.20¥

Return on Investment 4.3 years

References in China

Beidahuang Potato Group

2005: 20.000MT seed potato storage and box filling

2008: 25.000MT flake potato storage and intake lines

2009: 10.000MT seed potato storage and box filling

2010: 10.000MT seed potato storage and box filling

References in China


2008: Fertilizers spreaders, power harrows, potato planters, ridgers, sprayers,

windrowers, intake lines

2011: Power harrows, fertilzer spreaders, ridgers, haulm toppers, bunker harvesters,

intake lines, tipping trailers,

2015: Miedema planters (CP42 & Structural), minituber planters, ridgers, toppers,

receiving hoppers, store loaders

References in China


References in China

McCain Harbin

2013: Ventilation + humidification for 24.000 MT potatoes

2014: Ventilation + humidification for 54.000 MT potatoes

References in China

Xisen (Shangdu, IM)

2008: 7 x Minituber planter + bunker harvesters

2009: Complete project for 7.000 ha of potatoes, including all field machinery, intake

lines and grading installation.

Efficient solutions for professionals
