Effectiveness of Training and Development for Employess in Adiya Birla Group

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In Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the 2-years full-time MBADEEPSHIKA COLLEGE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION,

JAIPUR Submitted To Submitted By Swati Kumari Sonal Jain(HOD) (MBA(2011-2013CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY

I,Swati Kumari having Enrollment No. of Batch 2011-2013, do hereby certify and declare that this research report titled Effectiveness of Training and Developmenet for Employees in Aditya Birla Group is the result of my own work. This report contains no materials or information which has been previously submitted for any other academic diploma or degree, expect where indicated otherwise.

`DATE: Signature of student

SWATI KUMARI APPROVAL PAGEThis report, entitled Effectiveness of Training and Developmenet for Employees in Aditya Birla Group prepared and submitted by SWATI, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT is here by accepted.



PREFACEClassroom technique helps students by making conceptual base clear, but the summer training or on job training is a way, which helps the students to get the applied knowledge of the concept. Basically the students are not aware of the actual requirement of practical field, keeping in view this fact, a system of summer training has been established to make the students acquainted of actual difficulties that are to be faced in the demanding corporate sector. Aditya Cement is highly equipped, well-managed and Multinational Corporation. This experience gave me a lot of confidence and knowledge, which will help me in building the carrier in this field. Summer training, has given me a great experience. I was required to prepare a training report on the Topic The Effectiveness of Training and development for employees in aditya birla group. The department of HRD gave me great support for making this report.DECLARATION BY THE STUDENT

I Swati Kumari student of MBA SEM IV(2012-2013) hereby declare that I have completed a project

Under the subject Project Study(M-404) on the topic The Effectiveness of Training and development for employees in aditya birla group For the partial fulfillment of the degree of MBA course.It is my original work and it has not been copied from others.



Date:ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe role of HR Management is going a rapid change in the changing economic, social and business environment. The human resources in any organization, being the most important and valuable assets have to remain at the core of all the management activities. HR management on one hand is expected to be a partner in evolving and achieving organizational goals and objective and on the other hand, it has to be Employee Champion.

I would like to thanks my project guide SWATI KUMARI for providing me continuous

guidance for their valuable inputs during the course of project.

I am indeed thankful to the Management of Aditya Cement to permit me to carry out this Internship Project on HRD and Training Systems at this prestigious Unit of Aditya Birla Group.

My special thanks to my Guide Shri Harshvardhan Pancholi, HOD-HR and Manager, Aditya Cement, who has provided all support and guidance to complete this project report. His focused approach and in-depth understanding of the processes has been great source of motivation and learning for me. I would also like to thanks to my parents

whose support always gives me strength and power to face challenges.

And finally I would like to thanks the entire faculty of DEEPSHIKA COLLEGE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION, JAIPUR. SWATI KUMARI EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This project deals with the assessment of EFFECTIVENESS OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT For EMPLOYEES IN ADITYA BIRLA GROUP. Training and development is the method of evaluating the behavior of employees in work spot, normally including both quantitative ad qualitative aspect of job.There are the 2 types of training process, which is provided to the employees that is on the job training and off the job training .In on the job training, training is provided to employees in their working area ,where as off the job training is provided out side their working area.

With the help of Questionnaire I analyze the effectiveness of training and development for employees. I also identify that how training and development increases the motivation of employees for their work.All responded gave me great support while I were asking them questions, they gave me all right and proper information which is taken by me to them.






Serial No Topic

1. Introduction











CHAPTER 11.1). overview of Cement Industry

Cement is one of the core industries which plays a vital role in the growth and expansion of a nation. It is basically a mixture of compounds, consisting mainly of silicates and aluminates of calcium, formed out of calcium oxide, silica, aluminium oxide and iron oxide. The demand for cement, depends primarily on the pace of activities in the business, financial, real estate and infrastructure sectors of the economy. Cement is considered preferred building material and is used worldwide for all construction works such as housing and industrial construction, as well as for creation of infrastructures like ports, roads, power plants, etc. Indian cement industry is globally competitive because the industry has witnessed healthy trends such as cost control and continuous technology upgradation.

The Indian cement industry is extremely energy intensive and is the third largest user of coal in the country. It is modern and uses latest technology, which is among the best in the world. Also, the industry has tremendous potential for development as limestone of excellent quality is found almost throughout the country.

The most general sense of the word, cement is a binder, a substance which sets and hardens independently, and can bind other materials together. Cement used in construction is characterized as hydraulic or non-hydraulic. Hydraulic cements (e.g. Portland cement) harden even underwater or when constantly exposed to wet weather while non-hydraulic cements (e.g. lime and gypsum plaster) must be kept dry in order to gain strength.

The most important use of cement is the production of mortar and concrete used by the construction and real estate sectors. The world production of hydraulic cement is dominated by China (1.2 billion MT), followed by India and Brazil, with these 3 countries contributing to over half of global production. There are a number of employment opportunities within the sector such as site engineer, packaging engineer, surveyor, geologist, contractor, and supervisor amongst others.

Typically, the industry is characterized by few large players due to the high entry barriers such as economies of scale, high capital requirements, long gestational period of over 3 years and the need for capacity augmentation in large increments. These producers tend to have high bargaining power due to their limited numbers and the lack of any substitutes for their product, which is quintessential for secondary industries. The largest global players are Lafarge (France), Holcim (Switzerland) and Cemex (USA). THE CEMENT INDUSTRY STRUCTURE

Presently the total installed capacity of Indian Cement Industry is more than 200 million tones per annum, with a production around 184 million tones. The whole cement industry can be divided into Major cement plants and Mini cement plants.


Plants: 140

Typical installed capacity Per plant: Above 1.5 mntpa Total installed capacity : 195 mntpa Production 08-09: 178 mntpa All India reach through multiple plants Export to Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, UAE and Mauritius Strong Marketing network, tie-ups with customers, contractors Wide spread distribution network Sales primarily through the dealer channelMINI CEMENT PLANTS:

Nearly 300 plants located in Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP mainly

Typical installed capacity

Installed capacity around 9 mntpa

Production around : 6 mntpa

Mini plants were meant to tap scattered limestone reserves

Most of the plants use vertical kiln technology

Production cost / tonne Rs 1,000 to Rs 1,400

Growth Potential Prospects for the industry remain bright over the coming years, given Indias dominance of global markets and relatively low cost of production. Also, the overall economic prosperity of the country, with a burgeoning middle class, growing infrastructure demand, significant technological change and increasing government spending all bode well for the future. On the flip side, some caution has to be maintained due to the current demand- supply gap leading to over capacity and falling margins and prices. Also, given the close linkages between them, the effect of a slowdown in global real estate and infrastructure demand or hike in interest rates should also be evaluated. Facts of Indian Cement Industry (1982 2009)

The Industry recorded an exponential growth with the introduction of partial decontrol in 1982 culminating in total decontrol in 1989.

The capacity, which was 29 Mn.t in 1981-82, rose to 219 Mn.t at the end of FY09.

While it took 8 decades to reach the 1st 100 Mn.t capacity, the 2 nd 100 Mn.t was added in just 10 years.

India ranks second in world cement producing countries.

It contributes to environmental cleanliness by consuming hazardous wastes like Fly Ash (around 30 Mn.t) from thermal power plants and the entire 8 Mn.t of slag produced by steel manufacturing units.

As a part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the cement Industry employs around 0.1 million people and takes care of the social needs not only of the employees but also adopts several villages around the factories providing free drinking water, electricity, medical and educational facilities.

The cement Industry produces a variety of cement to suit a host of applications matching the world's best in quality.

Exports Cement/Clinker to around 30 countries across the globe and earns precious foreign exchange.


Figures in Million Tonnes

Description May2012April2012May20112012-20132011-2012

(April and May)

Cement Production 16.2016.0114.2732.21 28.87

Cement Despatches 16.2615.50 14.2031.76 28.58

Key Drivers of Cement Industry

Buoyant real estate market

Increase in infrastructure spending

Various governmental programmes like National Rural Employment Guarantee

Low-cost housing in urban and rural areas under schemes like Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) and Indira Aawas Yojana.

Future Prospects

According to the recent surveys, one metric ton of cement generates job opportunities for around 1.4 million people. In most cases, one needs to have some type of expertise in architecture in order to get a good job in this sector. Given that most of the jobs for qualified graduates have a good pay package with other benefits and perks coupled with positive growth prospects, working in the cement industry is considered a lucrative career option for new graduates, especially for those with an interest in architecture.

It is believed that in the coming years, more than 2.5 million people will be directly employed by cement companies. To cater to this growing demand, a number of colleges and educational institutes have introduced various courses and study programs related to the cement industry such as a Post Graduate Diploma in Cement Technology. 1.2 ).Introduction of companyAditya Cement Brief Introduction

Aditya Birla Group Truly Indian MNC The Aditya Birla Group is Indias first truly multinational corporation. Global in vision, rooted in Indian values, the Group is driven by a performance ethic pegged on value creation for its multiple stakeholders. A US$24 Billion conglomerate, with a market capitalization of US$23 billion, it is anchored by an extraordinary force of one lac employees belonging to over 25 different nationalities. Over 50 percent of its revenues flow from its operations across the world. The Groups products and services offer distinctive customer solutions. Its 74 state-of-art manufacturing units and sectoral services span India, Thailand, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, Phillippines, Egypt, Canada, Australia, USA, UK, Germany, Hungary, Brazil, Italy, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Malaysia and Korea.

In India, the Group has been adjudged The Best Employer in India and among the top 20 in Asia by the Hewitt-Economic Times and Wall Street Journal Study 2007.

A premium conglomerate, the Aditya Birla Group is a dominant player in all the sectors in which it operates. Among these are viscose staple fibre non-ferrous metals, cement, viscose filament yarn, branded apparel, carbon black, chemicals, fertilizers, sponge iron, insulators, financial services, telecom, BPO and IT services.

Globally the Aditya Birla Group is

A metal powerhouse, among the worlds most cost-efficient aluminum and copper producers. Hindalco, from its fold, is a Fortune 500 Company. It is also the largest aluminum rolling company and one of the 3 biggest producers of primary aluminum in Asia, with the largest single location copper smelter .

In World

No. 1 in viscose staple fibre

The 3rd largest producer of insulators

The 4th largest producer of carbon black

The 11th largest cement producer globally and the 2nd largest in India

Among the worlds top 15 BPO companies and among Indias top 3

Among the best energy efficient fertilizers plants.

In India

A premier branded garments player

The 2nd largest player in viscose filament yarn

The 2nd largest in the Chlor-alkali sector

Among the top 5 mobile telephony companies

A leading player in Life Insurance and Asset Management.

Rock solid in fundamentals, the Aditya Birla Group nurtures a culture where success does not come in the way of the need to keep learning afresh, to keep experimenting.

Beyond Business Working in 3700 villages

Reaching out to 7 million people annually through the Aditya Birla Centre for Community Initiatives and Rural Development, spearheaded by Mrs.Rajashree Birla

Focus areas are : health care, education, sustainable livelihood, infrastructure and espousing social causes

Run 45 Schools and 18 Hospitals ABG Vision, Mission & Values Group Vision

To be a premium global conglomerate with a clear focus on each business

Group Mission

To deliver superior value to our customers, shareholders, employees and society at large. Group Values






Kumar Mangalam BirlaChairman, The Aditya Birla Group

Aditya Cement Vision

To be a Super Model Plant with focus on Technological innovations, productivity, consistent quality, cost effectiveness, employee satisfaction and social obligation.

Aditya Cement Brief Introduction

Aditya Cement is one of the latest cement divisions of Grasim Industries Ltd. and was initiated in March, 1993, with a record time commissioning in 1995 in just 22 months and is a green field one million tonne per annum cement unit. The plant is located at Shambhupura in Rajasthan (15kms from Chittorgarh Railway Station). The second plant was commissioned in March08 and with this the total capacity has gone to 5.2 million tonnes per annum.

Aditya Cement is one of the most modern cement plants with all its major equipments supplied by the world major and renowned Krupp Polysius of Germany and quality control systems by Gamma Matrix of USA. Highlights of this plant also include Energy efficient operations and it consistent quality. Its 82% of power requirements are met through captive sources requirement is met with Thermal Power 50MW.

Aditya Cement has adopted the most modern and latest dry process precalcination technology with sophisticated control instruments from internationally renowned firms like Krupp Polysius & IBAU of Germany and Gamma Matrix of USA for ensuring the manufacture of consistent and top quality cement. The entire manufacturing process is made automatic, using highly sophisticated state-of- the-art technology, having on-line process computers with color VDU control panels.

Aditya Cement took the lead in the country for energy conservation by installing High Pressure Roller Press for raw material and cement grinding & vertical roller mills imported from the world renowned KRUPP POLYSIUS & IBAU of Germany for coal grinding. For conservation of environment in and around our unit high efficiency Electrostatic Precipitators, Bag House & Bag filters have been installed in consonance with the international standards. Intensive plantation has also been undertaken to keep the environment free from pollution.Aditya Cement Organization ChartOrganization hierarchy is well defined with focus on functional approach. This has facilitated organization to clarify role, responsibilities and delegation levels.Product RangeApart from manufacturing of regular products, major thrust is on value added products like Sulphur Resistant Cement for Indian Railways. Aditya Cement also has capability to produce other value-added products for specific use. Products, marketed under the brand name of UltraTech Cement 43 & 53 Grade is leading brand commanding premium.

Profile of Competition

Cement industry is passing through major expansion for the last five years which has resulted in stiff competition in the market. This has also resulted in higher demand. Many Cement Companies are in expansion mode. Entry of MNC with deep pocket and high knowledge has further aggravated the situation. Power and fuel consumption being two major cost drivers having around 60% impact on cost management, greater focus is laid on cost reduction measures.

The present capacity of around 180 million tones may touch 230 million tonnes per annum by 2010.

Customer Service

Internal - Unit has embarked on internal customer satisfaction by setting Internal Service Standards with an objective to strengthen and institutionalize service orientation in the unit. This has facilitated in qualitative improvement and better team work across the organization.

External - Aditya Cement is We are dedicated to maintain consistent premium quality and services for customers. Moreover, regular feedback is taken from customers about their perception of product and expectation of services. Based on the customer feedback and subsequent remedial measures, Unit could bring down product quality complaints to zero level and also improved our service orientation.Product Quality StandardsAditya Cement product quality standards are adjudged as the best in the industry as per the cement strength standards shown below

Type of CementIS CodeBIS Norms


3days 7days 28days

OPC 43 Grade 8112 23Mpa 33MPa 43MPa

OPC 53 Grade 12269 27MPa 37MPa 53MPa

Product Quality Complaints

Product Quality complaints have been zero for 2006-07 & 07-08

Excellence in Service QualityAditya Cement is committed for providing total customer satisfaction by supplying products meeting regulatory requirements and required quality at the right time & right place. This is achieved by continual improvement in productivity, cost reduction, technological innovations, supplier relations and the employee satisfaction. Highly competitive customer driven market and neck to neck competition over quality and cost with new technological challenges, the excellence in service make us perceptible superior than others, where we are able to market our product at a premium cost. The major training customers are all the employees in Technical, Mines, Commercial and HR Functions. All the different departments viz. Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Process, Quality Control, D.P.H., Technical Services, Thermal Power, Drawing Office, Packing Plant, Mines, Civil, P&A, HRD, Finance & Accounts, Materials, Information Technology etc. are serviced by way of satisfying their manpower and training requirements, internal customer satisfaction surveys, improving inter-departmental relations, etc. There is a documented and standardized Quality Service Standards for each department specifying the standard parameters for service orientation to their customers. Besides, in order to improve the departmental working, a quality audit is conducted for every department periodically which not only ensures adherence to quality standards set but also revitalizes the commitment to internal customer service orientation.

To Conclude Aditya Cement is largest cement plant at single location.

Aditya Cement has modern state-of-art plant with high automation.

Greater focus is laid on basic quality standards so s to maintain its premium position in themarket.Unit has track record of recognitions and rewards bestowed on it by national and international organizations.

1.3).Project ProfileTraining is defined as an attempt to improve employee performance on currently held job or related job by means of knowledge, skill, attitudes or behavior. To be effective, training should involve a learning experience as per identified needs to meet individual and organization goals. Whereas Development is defined as learning opportunities designed to help employees grow the focus being long term.

The focus of training and development is

Enhancing human capital

Improving human efficiency

Aligning training with business goals

Culture building

Training Methodology followed:

Training Methodology

Focused Area


On-the-Job Training Skill Upgradation

Apprenticeship, In-Plant Training

Craftsmanship Training

IISimulating Situations Role Playing

In Basket Training, Workshops

IIILaboratory Training Micro Labs

Sensitivity Training

Transactional Analysis, Meditation

IVSampling Real Life

Incidents, Case Method/Case Studies

Root Cause Analysis

Why-why Analysis

VIndividualized Training or Counseling Practicing Specific Skills

Reading and Written Assignments

Programmed Instruction

Mentoring, Counseling

VIDiscussion Methods Brain Storming

Task Forces, Group Discussion

Syndicate Method, Seminars, Conferences

VIIThe Lecture Method Conceptual Knowledge Transfer

Training Evaluation

At the end of the programme, within feedback is taken from the participants in which senior persons at the level of Departmental Heads / Functional Heads alongwith HR Head also join the feedback. This is followed by written feedback.

The training department then compiles the feed back and does the evaluation. Based on the effectiveness of the programme, whether further programme by the same faculty is to be conducted or not, will be decided.

To assess whether the training objectives have been met and matched with the identified organizational needs following methods are used:

Pre-Test and Post-Test Evaluation: An objective type questionnaire on the relevant subject is administered before and after the training is administered, so as to measure the learning retained by the participants. The test is designed to find out whether the trainee has been able to conceptualize or has merely memorized. Further, in order to assess the learning gained, the following formula for calculating the learning score, is used :

Post-Training Score (%) Pre-Training Score (%)

Learning = ------------------------------------------------------------

(100 Pre-Training Score (%) Development of Action plans by participants: At the end of the training programme, an action plan is prepared by each participant along with an overall action plan formulated jointly by the Faculty and the participants with fixed accountabilities. This is periodically monitored so as to ensure continuous improvement in respective areas.

Feedback from Shopfloor: Feedback is also obtained from the shopfloor manager in terms of improvement in the performance of trainee. It is relatively easy to assess the actual demonstration on the job by the superior as the skill level improvement by way of higher performance standards is being set by the trainee himself.

Measuring Results of Training Effectiveness: The methods adopted for measuring results of Training Effectiveness are given below :

Calculation of Overall Effectiveness (in %): Immediately after the training is imparted, the respondents feedback is obtained on the feedback sheet, which in turn, is analyzed in terms of participants ratings. The ratings (i.e. Excellent, Good, Fair, and Poor) are further analyzed. Finally, the overall effectiveness % is calculated as under :

Obtained Score

Overall Effectiveness (OE%) = ----------------------- X 100

Maximum Score

Calculation of Cost of Planning a Training Programme:The cost of Planning a training programme is calculated as follows:


Where CP = Cost of Planning for a Training Programme

CC = Cost of Consultant or Cost of Faculty

CTI = Cost of Training Need Identification

CE = Cost of Evaluation

CSO = Cost of Share overhead (for the Department) Periodic Review: After six months review, a quick assessment is done by way of a survey on the external learning events attended by executives. This survey facilitates evaluation of performance improvement on the job, in addition to the practical relevance of the learning event and its subsequent transfer to the job at hand. Feed back from HODs: This method is more informal method of collecting data and feedback on the results of training imparted. However, it has proved effective particularly in case of behavioral / developmental training aimed at bringing change in attitude and mindset of the participants. It has helped develop several role models at the shopfloor, where the strong emotional feeling of the role model is dominated by nothing is impossible to achieve or even beat the best.


Measures being taken to review and follow up feedback received from the trainees:

Follow up feedbackAction taken

Involvement of superiors in improvement areas HODs made responsible for review implementation of suggestions after programmes

Integrated improvement areas with KRAs & Goals

Shift the responsibility of self development to individual Aligned self development with Group competency development model

Shopfloor training for operatives OJT initiated for operators

Regular review of training effectiveness TPM model for training effectiveness being implemented

Other programmes:

Apart from the Functional / Behavioural needs, all employees are trained on the following aspects:-

1. Safety Apart from the safety norms and safety systems, it is focused how to imbibe a safety culture i.e. safety as a behaviour at all levels of employees.

2. Fire Fighting

3. World Class Manufacturing (WCM) how to link the WCM dimensions with the business to extract the best results.

4. Quality Management Systems

5. Environment Management SystemMotivational Value Adding Training Programmes Following motivational value adding training programmes are regularly conducted for workmen and staff with the help of external faculty.

Target GroupProgramme NameFrequency

WorkmenBulandi Ki Aur Ek SafarMonthly

Ek Kadam AageMonthly

Sanwad Ki ShaktiMonthly

Interpersonal SkillsMonthly

Staff / ProfessionalSupervisory DevelopmentOnce in two months

Effective Communication & Presentation SkillsOnce in two months

Section HeadsManagerial EffectivenessOnce in two months

Leadership & Interpersonal SkillsOnce in two months

HODs & aboveManagement Development Programmes at GyanodayaQuarterly

Methods used for Faculty development :

(a) Direct Method

Classroom coaching under trained facilitator

Providing course material

Working as a co-faculty


Shop floor exposure in problem analysis

(b) Indirect Method Deputation as a Guest Faculty

Motivational Incentive Scheme

Knowledge Integration Visits

Training Need Assessment at Aditya Cement

Before the training programmes are conducted, it is necessary that the training needs are identified. Training Manager should know what training inputs are required by its employees.Training Need Assessment(TNA) is a systematic procedure to identify individual needs which will help to establish effective linkages between individual and organization performance for achieving goals

Training needs are assessed through (a) Appraisal System (b) Job Performance (c) Skill Inventory and (d) organizational analysis. The Training in-charge compiles the data and identify common training areas as well as individual specific needs.

Aditya Cement approach to training need assessment is an integral part of human resource planning. Training need assessment is a systematic, objective and goal driven process at Aditya Cement. The HOD-HR presents these findings to Sr. Management Team and after approval Training Calendar is formulated for Technical, Behavioural and General Training and Development Programme. Sample is given below for such programme.Types of Training Program

There are mainily 2 types of training program given in the orgsnization1) On the job training 2)off the job training

On the job training: Demonstrtion Coaching Job rotation Projects Off the job training

Distance learning,Block release course, computer based training

Aditya Cement Approach to Training Need Assessment

Aditya Cement has evolved following systems model for training and development to achieve Unit Goals

Training Needs Formats

Following formats are being used to assess individual training needs at Aditya Cement.Techniques of Training Used

Following techniques of training are used at Aditya Cement

Lecture Course

On the job simulations

Case Study

Role Play

Task Force Understanding Assignments

Job Rotation

Audio Visual Aids

Programmed Learning



Training Evaluation is discussed in details in the next chapter Training and Development Programmes and their Evaluation

Focus of Training and Development


While focus is given on training the employees, it is also equally important to retain the talents. Hence, a well planned developmental planning is required in any Organization. Aditya Cement is in the front in planning and implementing career development initiatives.

Aditya Cement, in line with the Group, has the following career development initiatives:-

(1) Internal Recruitment System

(2) Job rotation / Job enlargement

(3) Employee welfare / Motivational schemes

(4) E-learning

(5) Organizational Health Study

(6) Talent Management

(7) Communication channels

(8) Structured Induction programme

(9) Competitions and Awards

Internal Recruitment System The Internal Recruitment System (IRS) was first launched in 1998 with the objective of facilitating career development & internal movement of employees within the Group. The policy was made with the following objectives:-

-To speedily fill up positions and reduce the transition issues usually faced by new employees hired from outside the Group

-To reduce the cost of hiring

-To leverage the Groups diversity and size to provide for career progression / talent management for internal talent, thus ensuring their retention

-Provide an opportunity to employees to gain varied exposure in Group companies / businesses

-Make use of expertise available internally leverage our human capital.

The advantage is Groups talent is available within the Group with highly motivated and satisfied as they are getting career progression and exposure.

Job Rotation / Job enlargement Employees are given, in Aditya Cement, job rotation / job enlargement in the relevant fields to make them multi-skilled and also to prepare them for shouldering higher responsibilities. Employee welfare & Motivational SchemesRecently, the unit has revisited its suggestion scheme and modified the scheme to improve employee participation. Also the canteen has been renovated.Employee Satisfaction Survey was conducted 3 months back across all levels. The unit has identified the areas of improvement and working in a very focused way. E-Learning (through GVC)

The Group has Aditya Birla Institute of Management learning named Gyanodaya which runs MDPs for senior managers of the Group. Gyanodaya is also running a virtual campus which runs a lot of e-learning courses which helps employees to improve their skills sitting at their working place.

Organizational Health Study (OHS)

The Group is measuring the Organizational Health, through outside consultant, across the Group so that continuous improvements can be done to improve employee satisfaction. The OHS scores of the last 3 OHS (years 2004, 2006 & 2008)are tabulated below :-



Overall Satisfaction73%78%68%



The Group has now introduced on-line OHS Survey and the survey will be conducted every year henceforth instead of once in two years.

Talent Management

The Group has a well structured Talent Management System for identifying the high potential candidates and grooming them up for holding higher responsibilities.The system has different competency levels applicable to various levels of employees. The employees after assessed by the Unit and an outside consultant, will undergo Individual Development Plan (IDP) exercise which ensures structured development of the individual.Communication Channels The unit holds Mass Communication Meeting once in a month in which employees present their departmental performance. This is again for developing them on communication and presentation skills. This is also used as a forum for awarding the eligible employees under various schemes.

Induction Programme

The unit has modified its induction programme to make it more meaningful for the new entrants in the unit to familiarize them in the unit. They become comfortable before they take charge in their departments. Mentoring

For the entrants as GETs / DETs, the Group is running mentoring process which helps the trainee to be comfortable in the group and ensure getting proper guidance.Competitions and Awards The Group is running group wide competitions in which employees can participate. There are competitions for the units also.

The winners are awarded by the Chairman during Chairman Award Function celebrated once in a year.

The Awards are for different categories as follows:-

1).Young Professional

2).Distinguished Achiever

3).Exceptional Contributor

4).Outstanding Leader Chapter 2 Review of literature on performance appraisalA project report on training and development. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT

In simple terms, training and development refers to the imparting of specific skills, abilities and knowledge to an employee. A formal definition of training &development is it is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an employees ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employees attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge. The need for training & development is determined by the employees performance deficiency, computed as follows: Training & Development need = Standard performance Actual performance. We can make a distinction among training, education and development. Such distinction enables us to acquire a better perspective about the meaning of the terms. Training, as was stated earlier, refers to the process of imparting specific skills. Education, on the other hand, is confined to theoretical learning in classrooms. Furthermore, no training programme is complete without an element of education. In fact, the distinction between training and education is getting increasingly blurred nowadays. As more and more employees are called upon to exercise judgments and to choose alternative solutions to the job problems, training programmers seek to broaden and develop the individual through education. For instance, employees in well-paid jobs and/or employees in the service industry may be required to make independent decision regarding there work and their relationship with clients. Hence, organization must consider elements of both education and training while planning there training programmes.Development refers to those learning opportunities designed to help employees grow. Development is not primarily skill-oriented. Instead, it provides general knowledge and attitudes which will be helpful to employees in higherReferance Projectsformba.blogspot.comNATURE


.To bring the distinction among training, education and development into sharp focus, it may be stated that training is offered to operatives, whereas developmental programmers are meant for employees in higher positions. Training means investing in the people to enable them to perform better and to empower them to make the best use of their natural abilities. The particular objectives of training are to: Develop the competences of employees and improve their performance; Help people to grow within the organization in order that, as far as possible, its future needs for human resource can be met from within; Reduce the learning time for employees starting in new jobs on appointment, transfers or promotion, and ensure that they become fully competent as quickly and economically as possible. INPUTS IN TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENTS Any training and development programmed must contain inputs which enable the participants to gain skills, learn theoretical concepts and help acquire vision to look into distant future. In addition to these, there is a need to impart ethical orientation, emphasize on attitudinal changes and stress upon decision-making and problem-solving abilities.SkillsTraining, as was stated earlier, is imparting skills to employees. Referance:www.Ishanfamily.comChapter 3.Research Methodology3.1 Project title

Effectiveness of training and development for employees in aditya birla group3.2.Objective of Study:

1. Identify the effectiveness of training and development.

2. Identify that level at which training and development programs increase the motivation of employees.3. Identify the number of training program which is provided to employees in a year.The study basically catches attention towards the effect of training program on the job performance of employees in aditya birla group. It was done with the help of questioner,survey and current information of company3.3.Scope of the study1). Help in increase the motivation of employees.2).Provided sufficient knowledge to employees if any changes is going on in the company related to technology and others.3).Provide help to identify the problem of employees and give them appropriate solution.

3.4 Duration of the Project: During the Summer internship program with Aditya birla group(Grasim Cement) from 11th June 2012 to 26th July 2012.

3.5Type of Research: Type of research : Analytical3. 6 DATA SOURCE

Research included gathering both primary and secondary data. Primary data is the first hand data, which are selected a fresh and thus happen to be original in character. Primary Data was crucial to know various retailers views about cement and to calculate the choice of this brand in regards to other brands.

Secondary data are those which has been collected by some one else and which already have been passed through statistical process. Secondary data has been taken from internet, newspaper, magazines and companies web sites.

3.7 Sample Size: 30 3.8 Limitation of Study

1. Research work was carried out in one unit of aditya birla group so that we cant say

that it applied on all employees of aditya birla group.2. The sample size was small.3. Shortage of time is also reason for incomprehensiveness.

4. The views of the people are biased therefore it doesnt reflect true picture.

Chaper.4Analysis of DataAnalysis through graph1). Is training and development program motivates you?Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeDont know


Interpretation: Most of the employees are agree that training and development program provide helps in increasing their motivation , but some employees are not agree with this statement.2).Do the employees are satisfied with training problem?Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeDont know


Interpretation: Most of the employees are satisfied with the training program which is provided in aditya birla group but some are disagree with it.3).Do you attended all the training session provided to you?yesnoSometime


Interpretation most of the employees attended all the training session provided to them.4).Is the training program gives you knowledge related to your job profile?Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeDont know


Interpretation Most of the employees are agree that the training program given to them is related to their job profile and also gives knowledge to them which help in their job.Analysis through pie chart5).Is the training program well structured?Strongly agreeagreedisagreeStrongly DisagreeDont know


Interpretation most of the employees are agree that the training provided to them is well structured.6).Is your supervisor/superior gives you proper feedback during training program?

Strongly agreeagreedisagreeStrongly disagreeDont know


Interpretation the superior of employees does not gives proper feed back during the training program.7).Which is the most suitable way of training program?

Class roomDemonstrationJob rotationComputer basedProjects


Interpretation Job rotation and projects both are the most suitable way of training program.8).Is training program helps in increase the skills and attitude towards the job?Strongly agreeagreedisagreeStrongly disagreeDont know


Interpretation Training program helps in increase the skill and attitude of employees but some employees think that the training program does not helps in increase their skill and attitude..9).Do you think training program is really effective?

Strongly agreeagreedisagreeStrongly disagreeDont know


Interpretation Training program is really effective for employees.Chapter.5

Conclusion-Being the most modern cement plant, Aditya Cement has taken series of initiatives to constantly upgrade knowledge and skills of its employees in technical, behavioural and attitudinal areas.-There is a structured Training Need Assessment(TNA) process to identify individual training needs with effective linkages to achieve organization goals.-It has been observed that TNA is systematic a objective and goal driven process at Aditya Cement. Superiors and Sub-ordinates are actively involved in the TNA process.-Training and Development programmes are evaluated to understand its impact on knowledge, skills, attitude and culture building.-Superior of the employees does not gives proper feed back during the training program and it can give negative impact to employees.

-The program has help the employees to achieve their goal.

-The program succeed in fulfilling their need,

-The program has affected their job behavior positively.

-The program was helpful in increasing employees effectivevness,\.

-The program was helpful in affecting personal growth and development of the employees.

Chaper.6Suggestion1). Many employees are not satisfied with the training session of the aditya birla group,so that management have to identify, what are the reason of their unsatisfaction.

2). Some employees do not attend all training session provided to them, so that there is need for strict order for all employees that they will attend all training session.

3). Number of employees in each session should be decrease so that every employees can pay attention.

4). The way of training should not be similar.

5). Superior have to give proper response to their subordinate.6).Training program should be well planed and executive.

7). Employees should be made aware of the objective of training program.

8). Training program should also focus on polising employees in the quality.

9) training program should also include suggestion from the employees.

Unit Head




HOD- Mech

FH Commercial



HOD- Maintenanace









HOD Instrument


HOD Project

HOD-Technical Services


HOD-Packing Plant

HOD Admn//Sec/CSR

HOD- Civil

HOD Safety




Trg. Need Assessment

Evaluation Training

Outcomes by -


Learning Index

Attitudinal Change

Organization Change

Job Efficiency

Appraisal System

Job Performance

Skill Assessment

Learning principles

Characteristics of learner

Developing training materials/methods

Design Training Objectives

Conduct of Training








No. of Complaints

Product Quality Complaints

