Effective Recalling: The Key to High Profitability

Effective Recalling: The Key to High Profitability

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Effective Recalling: The Key to High Profitability

What’s in it for me?

Administrative Business• Questions

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From a text message

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3 Key Questions

1. Why recall?

2. What method?

3. How to implement?


Tell your neighbour one thing you want to learn from this presentation. Write it down on a sticky.

Why recall?



Bottom line:# of Missed Full





Lost $$

- Management and Business Academy for Eye Care Professionals (2012)

What should we do?

- vanVuuren, Roberts-Lombard, & vanTonder (2012)

Marketing research says:

- Berry, L. (2001)

“You’re due…”

• Post cards• Letters• Emails• Text

messages• Telephone

Two-way communication:

Makes our clients feel important Critical to developing trust

- Berry, L. (2001)

3 steps to telephone recalling

1. Overcome your apprehensions

2. Help your recallers succeed

3. Increase your expectations

Step 1: Overcome common apprehensions

Too expensive Pesters patients Shy staff Waiting for perfect circumstances

Step 3: Increase your expectations

Client loyalty Educated clients Accurate database Growing database Clients prepared to purchase eyewear

Schedules Value Loyalty Communication Dialogue


Call to action.


Alcon and Essilor of America Inc. (2012). Best Practices of Spectacle Lens Management. Management and Business Academy for

Eyecare Professionals.

Key Metrics: Assessing Optometric Practice Performance: 2012 edition, from Alcon and Essilor’s Management and Business Academy.

Dilleyah, S.M. (2006). Ways to improve patient loyalty. Review of Otptometry, 143, 8-8.

Berry, Leonard L. (2001). Relationship marketing of services: Growing interest, emerging perspectives. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 23(4), 236-245.

vanVuuren, T., Roberts-Lombard, M., & vanTonder,E. (2012). Customer satisfaction, Trust and commitment as predictors of customer loyalty within

an optometric practice environment. Southern African Business Review, 16 (3), 81-96.

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Pauline Blachford Company

Canadian Journal of Optometry

Many saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why.



[email protected]
