Effect of isospin- dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions Yingxun Zhang ( 张张张 ) 2012 张 8 张 10 张 张张 张张张Zhuxia Li, (CIAE) Chengshuang Zhou, (CIAE, GXNU) M.B.Tsang (MSU) China Institute of Atomic Energy

Effect of isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions

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Effect of isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions. Yingxun Zhang ( 张英逊 ). China Institute of Atomic Energy. 合作者: Zhuxia Li, (CIAE) Chengshuang Zhou, (CIAE, GXNU) M.B.Tsang (MSU). 2012 年 8 月 10 日, 兰州. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Effect of  isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions

Effect of isospin-dependent cluster recognition on the observables in

heavy ion collisions

Yingxun Zhang ( 张英逊 )

2012 年 8 月 10 日, 兰州

合作者: Zhuxia Li, (CIAE)Chengshuang Zhou, (CIAE, GXNU)M.B.Tsang (MSU)

China Institute of Atomic Energy

Page 2: Effect of  isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions

• Transport model is one of the powerful methods for understanding the mechanism of SHE synthesis and the properties of nuclear matter

General view of transport models

Three parts in the transport models

1, Initial condition 2, Motion of equation

Cluster recognition methods

3, Observables

1), Nucleonic potential2), In medium XS

1), proj., targ.,2), density profile3), BE, rms4), Ebeam, b5), stability

Page 3: Effect of  isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions

A, BUU type: f(r,p,t) one body phase space density

Two-body collision: occurs between test part.

Mean field

Solved with test particle methodsEOS, symmetry energy

B, QMD type: solve N-body equation of motionnucleon

Two body collision: occurs between nucleons

Rearrange whole nucleon-> large flucturation

EOS, symmetry energy

Motion of Equation

Page 4: Effect of  isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions

also play very important roles on the final observables as well as on EOS and in-medium XS!

Cluster recognition methods in the QMD and BUU models:

1. MST, Aichelin, et.al., PR202(1991)2. ECRA, C. O. Dorso and J. Randrup, Phys. Lett. B 301, 328 (1993).3. SACA, R. K. Puri and J. Aichelin, J. Comput. Phys. 162, 245 (2000). 4. MSTB, P. B. Gossiaux, R. K. Puri, C. Hartnack, and J. Aichelin, Nucl. Phys. A 619,

379 (1997). 5. Cluster Correlation, Danielewicz et al., NPA533 (1991) 712 , A.Ono, 20126. Coalescence model, LWChen, et.al., NPA 2004

Cluster recognition methods

Page 5: Effect of  isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions

Problems in current QMD models simualtions:1 Z=1 largely overestimated, Z=2, underestimated,

A. Ono

K. Zbiri, A Le Fever, J. Aichelin, et.al, PRC75, 2007

Page 6: Effect of  isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions

2, Enhancements of the productions of neutron-rich isotopes observed in isoscaling,

Y2/ Y1TZN pne /)(

Not well predicted by the transport models

TXLiu, et.al., Phys.Rev.C 69, 014603(2004)

The predicted final isotope distributions are narrower than the experimental data, ……

Page 7: Effect of  isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions

3, Strong enhancement of heavy fragments in neutron-rich reaction system,


P.Rustto, et.al., PRC81

The result shows that the dynamical process is about twice as probable in the neutron-rich system as in the neutron-poor one.This unexpected and significant difference ….

~ 2 times

Page 8: Effect of  isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions

4, Predict more transparency than that observed experimentally in central collisions at intermediate energy

Insufficient production of fragments in the mid-rapidity region

R.Nebauer, J.Aichelin, NPA658(1999)

Page 9: Effect of  isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions

All the problems are not fixed by only changing the EOS or in-medium XS in previous studies!

It naturally require an improvements on the cluster recognition methods in the transport models !

Page 10: Effect of  isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions

Rnn0= Rnp0= Rpp0= R0 3.5 fm∼

In Regular MST, nucleons with relative distance of coordinate and momentum of |ri − rj |<R0 and |pi − pj |<P0 belong to a fragment.

roughly be in the range of nucleon-nucleon interaction, and is determined by fitting the global experimental data, such as the IMF multiplicities.

However, previous algorithms do not address the lack of isospin dependence in cluster recognition, which is the main focus of this work.

Failed in details, such as problem 2) and 3)

Page 11: Effect of  isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions

Isospin dependent MST

Rnn0= Rnp0~6.0 fmRpp0~3.0fm

Physical point of view:

1. properties of neutron-rich nuclei, such as neutron skin or neutron halo effect

2. long-range repulsive Coulomb force between protons in the cluster

3. hints from neutron-rich heavy ion collisions


Isospin dependent cluster recognition methods (iso-MST)

Page 12: Effect of  isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions

Effect of iso-MST on observables

112,124Sn+112,124Sn, b=2fm, E_beam=50AMeV

Reaction systems:

Transport models:


Page 13: Effect of  isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions

Improved Quantum Molecular Dynamics model (ImQMD05)

the mean fields acting on nucleon wavepackets are derived from Skyrme potential energy density functional

potential energy density functional:


Surface symmetry energy term

Detail of code: Zhang, et alPR C71 (05) 024604, PR C74 (06) 014602, PRC75,034615(07)., PL B664 (08) 145, PRC85(2012)024602

Page 14: Effect of  isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions

Isospin dependent nucleon-nucleon cross sections are adopted, the medium corrections are


mednp )/1( 0


medppnn ,0, )/1(

ddfreeppnnnp /,)(,

Cugnon, et al., Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys. B111, 215(1996)

h depend on the beam energy

Well reproduce the data of charge distribution, direct flow, elliptical flow and stopping power (30-400AMeV)

Page 15: Effect of  isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions

Effect of iso-MST on observables

YXZhang, Zhuxia Li, Chengshuang Zhou, MBTsang, PRC85,051602(2012)(R)

1, Charge distribution

1, obviously reduce the yield of Z=1 part.

2, enhance the yield of fragments with Z>=2.

3, strongly enhance the yield of heavy fragments. (Z>=12)

Sn+Sn, Ebeam=50AMeV

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Rapidity distribution for n,p2, n, p, t, He3 production

1, reduce the yield of both neutron and protons,

2, enhancement of the n/p, t/He3 ratios appears at mid-rapidity and lower kinetic energy

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n/p, DR(n/p), t/He3, DR(t/He3)

3, enhancement of the DR(n/p), DR(t/He3) ratios appears at mid-rapidity and lower kinetic energy

Zhang, et.al., PLB2008

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3,isotope distribution and isoscaling


YXZhang, Zhuxia Li, Chengshuang Zhou, MBTsang, PRC85,051602(2012)(R)

1, enhance the production of the neutron-rich isotope, especially for neutron-rich reaction system

2, predict larger values of isoscaling parameter, alpha

Page 19: Effect of  isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions

4, Effect of iso-MST on equilibrium

MST: Vartl=0.58Iso-MST: Vartl=0.62

YXZhang, Zhuxia Li, Chengshuang Zhou, MBTsang, PRC85,051602(2012)(R)

• the equilibrium or stopping power of the system also depends on the detailed description of cluster formation implemented in the transport models as well as on the mean field and the in-medium NN cross section.

Page 20: Effect of  isospin -dependent cluster recognition on the observables in heavy ion collisions


1. we introduce a phenomenological isospin dependence in the description of cluster formation in transport models by adopting different R0 values for pp, nn, and np, Rpp0= 3 fm and Rnn0= Rnp0= 6 fm.

2. The isospin-dependent minimum spanning tree method show suppression of Z = 1 particles and enhancement of fragments, especially for heavier fragments with Z >=12.

3. Furthermore, we find enhanced production of neutron-rich isotopes at mid-rapidity. Consequently, isospin-sensitive observables, such as the double ratios, DR(t/3He), and isoscaling parameter α increase to larger values.

4. The widths of the longitudinal and transverse rapidity distributions of Z = 1–6 particles also change, the degree of equilibrium become higher.

5. The isospin dependence of the cluster recognition can be easily implemented and should be included in nuclear transport models.

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