Original article Effect of exercise on calf muscle pump function in patients with chronic venous disease D. Yang, Y. K. Vandongen and M. C. Stacey University of Western Australia Department of Surgery, Fremantle Hospital, Fremantle, Western Australia 6160, Australia Correspondence to: Professor M. C. Stacey Background: Musculoskeletal dysfunction may be associated with poor calf muscle pump function in patients with chronic venous ulceration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of physical exercise on calf muscle pump function. Methods: Twenty patients were recruited into a 6-week intensive exercise programme. Calf muscle function and calf muscle pump function were assessed using an isokinetic device and air plethysmo- graphy respectively, before and after the exercise programme. Results: There was signi®cant improvement in calf muscle pump function, measured as increased ejection fraction and decreased residual fraction P <0á05); however, venous re¯ux was not altered P >0á05). Calf muscle strength and endurance parameters all increased, but not signi®cantly P >0á05). Conclusion: Poor calf muscle pump function in patients with chronic venous ulceration can be improved by physical exercise. Paper accepted 5 September 1998 British Journal of Surgery 1999, 86, 338±341 Introduction Calf muscle pump failure is considered to be the main aetiological factor in patients with chronic venous ulcer- ation 1 . Previous studies have shown that patients with venous ulceration have histopathological changes of de- generation in the calf muscle 2 . Arthropathy with a limited range of motion at the ankle is a signi®cant factor 3 . Pre- vious studies in this department have shown that patients with venous ulcers have impaired calf muscle function 4 . These studies suggest collectively that musculoskeletal dysfunction of the leg is associated with poor function of the calf muscle pump. There are few data showing the in¯uence of physical exercise on calf muscle pump func- tion in patients with chronic venous insuf®ciency 5 . The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate the effects of physical exercise on calf muscle pump function in patients with chronic venous insuf®ciency. Patients and methods Patients Twenty patients with recently healed venous ulceration 20 legs) were recruited into the study from the Leg Ulcer Clinic at Fremantle Hospital. There were seven women and 13 men, of median age 68 range 34±88) years. All patients were mobile without evidence of arterial insuf®- ciency on Doppler pressure measurement and with no limitation of ankle motion. All patients had both deep and super®cial veins assessed by duplex imaging. The presence of re¯ux was de®ned as a re¯ux duration of more than 0á5 s. The presence or absence of venous obstruction was determined by duplex imaging. Failure of the duplex sig- nal to augment with distal compression of the veins was taken as evidence of venous obstruction. Results of duplex imaging and the `CEAP' clinical manifestations, aetiolo- gical factors, anatomic involvement, pathophysiological features) classi®cation 6 of the venous disease are listed in Fig. 1. Patients did not wear compression bandages or stockings during the exercise programme. This study was approved by the Human Rights Com- mittee of the University of Western Australia, and informed consent was obtained from each patient. Exercise programme An intensive exercise programme speci®cally tailored for each patient was used. The exercise comprised heel rises tip-toe exercise). The programme was carried out in the home, and the training was monitored by medical research staff. The exercise routine was as follows: the patient 338 British Journal of Surgery 1999, 86, 338±341 Ó 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd

Effect of exercise on calf muscle pump function in patients with chronic venous disease

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