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100 學年度學科能力測驗第二次聯合模擬考試



考試時間: 100 分鐘



﹒選擇題共 56 題


﹒非選擇題共 2 大題


考試日期: 100 年 9 月 7-8 日

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第 1 頁

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第壹部分:選擇題(占 72 分)

一、詞暈(占 15 分)

100-2 學測英文考科

說明:第 1 題至第 15 題,每題 4 個選項,其中只有一個是最適當的答案,畫吉已在答案卡之「選

擇題答案區」。各題答對得 1 分;未作答、答錯、或畫吉己多於一個選項者,該題以零分


1. As a newcomer, Peter was not 一一一一_ with the neighborhood and needed someone to show him around. (A) skillful (B) direct (C) familiar (D)阿íent

2. Because Joanna 一一一一_ to provide all the information on time, the company couldn't accept her application for the job. (A) served (B) failed (C) seemed (D) tended

3. It is for older children to feel insecure and jealous when there is a newbom baby in the family. (A) unique (B) private (C) humorous (D) natural

4. As the saying goes,“Beauty is only sk:i且 deep," so we should judge people by their character, not by their (A) appearance (B) entrance (C) performance (D) tolerance

5. In the 1960s, coals we自一一一一_ with cheap and plentiful oil, and new production methods were introduced (A) replaced (B) inspired (C) recorded (D) prevented

6. Paul the Octopus became intemationally famous for correctly 一一一一一 the win且ers ofGermany's seven matches at the 2010 FIF A World Cup. (A) complaining (B) 仰的ting (C) measu血g (D) struggling

7. When reading nursery rhym間, songs or poems wri扯開 for children, we often recall those 一一一一一memories of Care企ee childhood. (A) horrible (B) loyal (C) pleasant (D) violent

8. Some animals are considered to stand for particular ideas or meanings; doves, for example, are usually

thought of as a 一一一一一_ ofpeace. (A)p呻ose (B) custom (C) leisure (D) symbol

9. Jay Chou's lat芯st album is 一一一一一_ online now; after paying fees, you can download his songs at home without going out to a music store. (A) available (B) miserable (C) reasonable (D) probable

10. Chen Shu-chu, a vegetable vendor in Taitung, was listed as one of the 100 most influential people in 2010

by Time Magazine for her generous donations to charitable 一一一一﹒(A) a杜ractions (B) organizations (C) inventions (D) communications

11. In many Third W orld coun甘ies, it is very common to see people still living under 一一一一一_ poor conditions, without water and food to support themselves (A) suddenly (B) ex甘emely (C) silently (D) mentally

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100-2 學測英文考科 第 2 頁

共 7 頁

llull-bph!!it 12. Fe啊 people in the class w啥時 willing to be friends wi也 Steven, who would use 一-一一一一 language

whenever he was in a bad mood. (A) ne明ssary (B) confident (C) offensive (D) divided

13. Robert had a great sense of 一一一一一_ when he successfully completed the difficult 拖拉 0咀 his OWll.

(A) 加lfillment (B) 缸ea加ent (C) investment (D) disappointment

14. Shanghai drew large numbers of visitors when it hosted the 2010 World Expo, an event showcasing

various technologies and 一一一一 from around the world (A) victories (B) 自actions (C) cultures (D) sources

15. 1n early August of 2009, Typhoon Morakot wiped out Xiaolin Village, but 一一一一_, tho間 villagers

仕apped in the mountains were rescued in 由e end. (A) gen前ally (B) originally (C) frequently (D) fortunately

二、綜合測驗(占 15 分)

說明:第 16 題至第 30 題,每題一個空格,請依文意退出最適當的一個答案,畫記在答案卡

之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對得 1 分;未作答、答錯、或畫記多於一個選項者,該題


16】20 題為題組

First played in 1981 , p但ntball is a fairly nβw but very popular sport. It is a game in which players compete, in teams or individual勻, to eliminate opponents. The game is named so _1豆_ play臼s , often wearing protective masks, use guns to shoot paint bullets at one ano也er in indoor or outdoor fields. Once hit by bullets , players with colorful marks have to quit the game. Rules for paintball va旬, b叫tmay 一 17

defending or attacking a particular area, or s臼zing flags or 0吋ects hidden in the field. In fact, paintball is an ef良心tive activity to _1主_ teamwork as well as an exciting sport. The fast

pace a叫 competition in the game require play闊的 work ωgetherω 一」旦_ winning strat疋gies. 1n the process,也ey come to bond as a team and appreciate the impo此ance of cooperation. Obvious旬, p剖ntball is

2立一 to the workplace, where p叩ple also communicate and cooperate to achiev它也e same aI血,16. (A) although (B) since (C) while (D) if

17. (A) include (B) ∞叩pare (C) deliver (D) 時sp臼t

的. (A) prefer

19. (A) give up on

(B) P臼tend

(B) end up in

(C) promote

(C) look up to

(D) protect

(D) come up with

20. (A) famous (B) opposite (C) common (D) simil前

21-25 題為題組

Google Maps, in廿四duced in 2005 by the 1ntemet company Google, is an int前active web mapping service that sho附s you any part of the world the way it is. People 21 rely on paper maps to find their way around, but now Google Maps has made that much easi前也an ever. 2主 1個 help , you can quickly find important landmarks like hotels or st的:ions, efficiently make 甘avel plans, and accurately measure distances between two locations. Mor凹V缸, because Google Maps offers images taken from satellites, it ___1_主_ you ωexpen叩ce a three-dimensional v閻明r of city streets.

AI也lough Google Maps brings us much 一三生一, it also causes worries. Various countries have complained that terrorists may use i的 satellite images to plan attacks. Some people have expressed concem about 出leir own privacy. They think photos ___1_主_ on Google Maps are so graph時 that th目r personallives may be invaded. 1n response to these complain紹, Google has made some major changes , but the public still thinks that the effì扯tisali吐Ie too late and not enough

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第 3 頁

共 7 頁

2 1. (A) led to

22. (A) In

23. (A) makes

24. (A) convenience

25. (A) show

26】30 題為題組

(B) refusedω

(B) For

(B) lets

(B) disaster

(B) showed

(c) used to


(c) has

(C) 仕adition

(C) shown

100-2 學測英文考科

(D) afforded to


(D) allows

(D) pr臼sure

。J) showing

Sea turtles have existed on e訂th for over 150 million years. What' s so special about sea tu此les is 血leir

mating behavior and ___l豆_ characteristics, as well as 也eir 80-year-Iong lif<臼pan. Male sea turtles spend their life mostly under 血也 water. 27 一, females, after mating at sea, need to go ashore on a sandy beach, dig holes to make nest耳, lay eggs inside, and cover them with sand. ___l笠一 looking slow on land with their bony shells, sea tu此les can swim fast in 也.e 0間組 withpo內lI'erful paddle-like flippers.

Regrettably, these ancient creatures are endangered. For one thing, sea turtles' nesting areas are threatened by ∞mrnercial activities asho起;也均 noise and 甘ash made by visitors on the beach may cause female tu此l臼 to re個m to the 田a 29 coming offshore to lay eggs. For another,間a turtles are illegally hunted 晶or their meat and shells. People 肝en collect their eggs for food. Indeed, human __1立 and

hunting have resulted in a sh叫p decrease in 也e sea 個rtle populati也n.

26. (A) creative (B) physical (c) tragic

27. (A)Ho啊ever (B) Then (C) Besides

28. (A) Except (B) Through (C) Despite

29. (A) in addition to (B) because of (C) according ω

30. (A) development (B) enco咽咚e咽ent (C) governm凹t

三、文意選墳(占 10 分)

(D) religious

(D) Otherwise

(D) Without

(D) instead of

(D) advertisement

說明:第 31 題至第 40 題,每題一個空格,請依文意在文章後所提供的 (A) 到(J)選項中分


1 分;未作答、答錯、或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。

No也ing beats a good piece of creamy 叩d smooth chocolate. Due to its mood自enhancing qualities, chocolate has been 一立_1_ with Valentine's Day, as a gift for lovers. While chocolate is norrnally eaten for pleasure, some kinds of chocolate have been proven to offer pote且tial heath __1三一﹒ Dark chocolate, for instance, is rich in antioxidants, found to __1主_ blood press凹e. Accordingly, it has been suggested that ea恤gd叮k chocolate on a 3生_ basis can help keep us away from heart dis開se. Though chocolate has positive effects on our circulatory system, we should pay 一立主_ to its high-calorie content. That is, we may be at high, risk of weight gain when such energy-lich food as chocolate is 一立豆_ in great quantiti自What's worse, chocolate is found to 37 caffeine, an addictive substance. You are very 一立主 to eat chocolate so often that it be∞m品 your daily sweet. Once you stop eating chocolate, you may experience negative __1旦一 like 企ustrations and depression.

Given all the facts about chocolate, we now understand that it is perfectly 一丘立_ to have an occasional 缸.eat of chocolate, which makes us feel good and even does us some good. However, we should remember to do it in moderation.

(A) regul缸

(F) emotions

(B) acceptable

(G) lower

(C) connected

個) likely

。J) contain

(I) benefits

(E) consumed

(1) attention

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100-2 學測英文考科

四、閱讀測驗(占 32 分)

第 4頁

共 7頁

說明:第 41 題至第 56 題,每題 4 個選項,請分別根據各篇文章之文意退出最適當的一個答案,

畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對得 2 分;未作答、答錯、或畫記多於一個


41-44 題為題組

1n a classroom in any coun旬, instructors teach more th祖 art, history or lan邵lage. They also teach culture, for each educational system is a mirror that reflects 也e ideas and be!iefs of the society

1ri a Westem society such as the United States or Canada, which is known for i的 national, reli直ious, and e也nic diversities, p叩ple highly valu也 individualism and independent thinking. Teachers co咽monly stress 血。se qualities that make each student sp即詛1 a且dun詢問 Rather 也an memonzm直 inforrnation, students tend to work individually, fmd answers on their own, and exp咽ss their ideas freely in class discussions. The Westem educational system helps students leam ωforrn their values and opinions at an early age and take the initiative 一 to take action without anyone telling them what to do. However, one drawback to the system is that students may not acq叫re as many basic rules and facts as those in other ∞untries do.

By contrast, in an Asian society like Ch曲a, Japan or Korea, which is typically characterized by the same l祖guag潭, hist刀ry and culture, people place lots of importa且ce on gro叫p goals and 甘aditions. Teachers adopt a very forrnal teaching method in which they lecture and students listen with li位le interaction. Students work together, help each other wi也 as到gnme帥, and recite rules or in自orrnation 也ey have memorized beforehand Although the Asian educational system is often criticized for i臼 heavy use of rote memorization, it indeed prepares s仙d凹的 for a soc也tyth必t values discipline and self-con廿四1. That is, Asian students not only learn much more math and science than Western students, but the于 also leam the inIportant social skill of collaborati阻n

41. What is the passage mainly ab∞臼

(A) Each educational system generally has i包 own advantages

(B) Th隨時 is no such thin耳 as a drawback-fr,臼 educational system

(C) The Westem and Asia且 educational systems have much in common (D) Cultural di能rences glve nse 切 different educational systems.

42. Acωrding to 也epa心sage, which of也e following statements 的甘ue?

(A)WI臼tem stude曲曲irik highly of personal di位rences.

(B) Western students tendωengage in teamwork.

(C) Asian students e月 oy solving problems by themselves.

(D) Asian students learn le田 basic facts in science.

43. What does the phrase “take the initia討ve" in the second paragraph most !ikely mean?

(A) To be unique. (B) To be independent (C) To be active. (D) To be individual

44. It can be inferred 企om 也e passage that an Asi祖 studying in the U.S. might have greater difficulty

(A) sharing thoughts publicly (C) leaming by heart

(B) working with peers

(D) behaving properly

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第 5 頁

共 7 頁

45-48 題為題組

100-2 學測英文考科

Habits 缸e behaviors that people repeat again and again, often unconsciously - for e法ample, the writer

who scratches his n咽e while working or the student who taps her foot during an exam. According to psychologis的,也e formation of such habits usua11y indicates 出at people are experiencing a problem or some sort of stress, and these habits just serve t刀 relieve the tension that they are under

M祖y psycholog間的 suggest that people will maintain a habit only if they can benefit from it. In other

WOI吐s, as soon as that habituaI behavior becomes worrisome or e河en annoying, they may do 也eir best to eliminate it. Kicking a habit, nevertheless, is not easy, for it takes considerable determination and will-power. Luckily, help is at hand. There 缸e ways to do away with your bad habits.

To beg姐 with, find out what causes a habit and make an effort to avoid repeating it under the same conditions. Sec口凶, try to relax and take a deep breath to help yourself 自duce s仕的 s. Third, imagine

constantly how good you will feel after ge仕ing rid of a pesky habit, so as to be more motivated in the process. What's more, reward yourself for every sma11 improvement. For instance、 when 甘ying to break the habit of procrastinati陣風 you can treat yo叫rself to a movie or c泊的叫 if you fmd yourself getting 也ings done on time mo咽 and more often. Aside 企om giving rewards, practice self-con甘01 as we11. Whenever you feel like performing your habitual behavior, try to resist 也e urge for a while rather th阻 give in to it immediately.

Every time you fight against it, you will be∞mem心re ∞nfident of breaking the habit. Fina11y, remember not to get discouraged when you find yourself occasiona11y fa11ing back into your bad habit. Rath明, keep your faith,仕Y to focus on your steady progress, and s胸前 叫lov官 agam

45. What is the main purpose of th也 passage?

(A) To discuss how people may de明lop certain habits.

(B) To explain why people may have 甘ouble kicking habits.

(c) To sugg阻st what people can do to break habits.

(D) To indicate when people can benefit from habits.

46. Acc四rding to the passage, which of the fo11o研ing stateme叫s isNOT 甘ue?

(A) When engaging in a habitual behavi缸" one is often unaware of doing so.

(B) Habits can be good to us in some way in that they can help us relax.

(C) One will continue to perform a habit until it becomes unpleasant.

(D) Five useful tips 剖:e given by the author for getting rid of habits.

47. Which ofthe fo11owing is NOT re∞rnmende社 in the passage as a way to kick habits?

(A) Visualize how pleased yo叫 may feel with the elimination of a habit

(B) Determine causes, ignore setbacks, and conce沮恤te on improvements

(C) Encourage yourselfwith “ prizes" when your effort pays off.

(D) Surrenderωthe temptationωrepeat a habit and 也en resist it

48. What does the word “procrastina位。n" in th晦 third paragraph probably mean?

(A) The behavior ofplanning a 怯sk at times.

(B) The behavior of completing a task on time.

(C) The behavior of doing a task at a later time.

(D) The behavior offinishing a 個sk 址lead oftime

49-52 額為題組

People a11 need to eat every day and may eat a variety of foods, for ex到nple, rice, frui胞, vegetables, and meat. Yet, are you aware 由at sometimes you may expose yourself to health hazards by u且knowingly eating spoiled or contaminated food?

According to statistics by health offici帥, each year millions of people suffer from or even die of foodbome illnesses. Meat, in particular, can be potentia11y hazard以1S to on峙's health. Compared with 企叫ts

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100-2 學測英文考科 第 6 頁

共 7 頁

Jul--1llJf and vegetables, whose spoilage is easy to observe by simply looki且g at them, meat hardly has any obvious signs for people to determine whether it has been contaminated. Though in many countries 約1ct

govemmental regulations have been imposed on meat producers, some experts estimate 血at m 也e U.S., for instance, more than half the meat products sold still contain harmful bacteria.

For the last three decades, much research has been conducted on possible solutions to eliminating those harmful bacteria before meat is sent to markets. 0且e feasible way to do so is through irradiation, a process in which food is 仕eated with radiation to kill bacteria, without affecting the food itself. Free of spoilage-causing elements, irradiated meat can last longer and taste belter for a period of time. It might even be cheaper because the cost of preventing spoilage would be greatly reduced

With all tiIe advantages of irradiated food, people still have some concem over its safe句﹒ That is why now irradiation is still used on a relatively small scale. However, food safe句, experts agree 也at if consumers were convinced to buy irradiated products and irradiation was implemented on a wider scale, tiIe number of ilhIesses or deaths from eating contaminated food would definitely decJine significantly 49. In which ofthe following would the information mentioned in the passage LEAST likely be seen?

(A) A science magazine. (B) A food recipe. (C) A medicaljoumal. (D) A healtiI guide.

50. According to the passage, which ofthe following statements is true? (A) Some people still doubt if irradiated food do臼 no harm to them (B) Irradiation can be used to freeze harmful bacteria contained in food (c) It is as easy to take notice of contaminated meat as it is of spoiled 企uits.

(D) There has been a regulation in many countri臼 banning sale of meat.

51. According to the passage, tiIe advantages of irradiated meat may incJude all of tiIe following EXCEPT (A) longer preservation (C) belter flavor

(B) more sales (D) fewer cases of iJlnesses

52. What is the au由or's altitude toward 也e application ofirradiation in the prevention offood contamination? (A) Uncert帥(B)Worried. (C) Hopeful. (D) Indifferent

53】56 額為題組

Have you ever heard of a time capsule? A time capsule is a tube-shaped container filled with articJes fromap缸tiω1叮lIme 由前 lSωbe buried underground and opened by p凹'ple living in the fu倒時 to understand what life was like back then.

The history of time capsules can be traced back to ancient Babylon, when people would put obj自ts under stones set at the boltom of a building. In 1938, the term “ time capsule" was used for the first time by the Westinghouse Elec仕ic & Manu馳lIuing Company, which buried one in the ground at tiIe site of the 1939 Ne啊 York World's Fair in celebration of its opening. The conte咀ts of tiIe capsule were carefully chosen, with specialists participating in the selection, to represent the life in the 1930s. Among the items placed were newspap因此 newslelt位S, magazln間, and common articJes, such as a telephon峙, a can opener, and a lamp of coal. Since then, time capsules began to gain popularity and by the 1950s, they we自 being buried all over the United States

In 1987, a bus扭曲sman in Califo叩泊, Alvin Will凹, Jr. , added a ne叩 twist by tuming time capsules into a means of preserving personal belongings a咀d family histories. The idea first struck Willis when he was looking for a time capsule to put in a new addition to his home. He was surprised to discover that no one was making time capsules. Thinking that there might be 0也er people like him, who wanted to pass family mementos on to future generations, he soon sta此ed up a business of selling time capsules and became 、 eηsuccessful in a short time. To make time capsules meaningful to historians, Willis even suggested 由atthey

should also have owne妞, personal thoughts and feelings about c油田nt even的 Alth∞gh Willis 侃.pected

buyers ωbury time capsules somewhe時, most of them ended up being d吐splayed on shelves and coffee tables as great conversation pieces.

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第 7頁

共 7頁

53. What is the best title for the passage?

(A) Historical Developme且t of Time Capsules

(B) Typical Items to Put in Time Capsules.

(c) Di臨時ntUs臼 ofTime Capsules.

(D) Suitable Sites to Bury Time Capsules.

54. Which ofthe following descriptions oftime capsules is accurate?

(A) People began to put objects in time capsules as early as ancient Babylon.

(B) In 1938, tÎme capsules were used ωinclude items 句pical of the life then

(c) Time capsules had not been popular with people until the 1950s

(D) In 1987, time capsules were officially named so by Willis in his business.

55. Why did Willis want to look for a time capsule in the first place?

100-2 學測英文考科

(A) To leave mementos to historians. 個) To have something as a reminder.

(C) To display a conversation pi郎e. (D) To start up a business.

56. What does the pronoun “ them" in the last paragraph refer to?

(A) Time capsul閱 (B) Buyers. . (C) Current events

第貳部分:非選擇題(占 28 分)

一、中譯英(占 8 分)

(D) Historians.

|說明:1.請將以下中文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的英文,並將答案寫在「答案卷」上。2. 請依序作答,並標明題號。每題 4 分,共 8 分。

1.人們直到失去他們的健康才開始了解到健康有多麼寶貴(It is ... that...)。

2. 因此,為了維持健康,不論我們多忙,我們應該盡可能時常運動。

二、英文作文(占 20 分)


2 文長約 100 至 120 個單詞(words)

提示 請仔細觀察以下三幅連環圖片的內容,並想像第四幅圖片可能的發展,寫出一個涵蓋連環圖片



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全國公私立高級中學 100 學年度學科能力測驗第二次聯合模擬考試

英文考科解析 考試日期: 100 年 9 月 7-8 日

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5 A

25 C

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26 27 28 29 30 B A- C D A 46 47 48 49 50 D D C B A

1. Peter 因為剛搬來,對這附近不空盤,需要人來帶他到各處


(A)有技術的 (B)直接的 (c)熟悉的 (D)有耐心的

2. 因為 Joanna 丞盤準時提供所有資訊,所以公司無法接受她的工作申請。

(A)服務 (B)未能(c)似乎 (D)傾向3. 對年長孩于而言,當家族有新生兒時,他們感到不安、忌


(A)獨特的 (B)私人的 (c)幽默的 。)自然的4 就如諺語所說, r美麗是膚淺的J '所以我們應該以品格


(A)外表(B)入口 (c)表演。))容忍5 在 1960 年代,煤炭被便宜又充足的石油所里益,而新的


(A)取代 (B)鼓舞(c)記錄 。))預防6 章魚哥保羅因為準躍單單1德國隊在 2010 年世足賽,七場比賽的輸贏而變焊國際知名。

(A)抱怨(B)預測(c)測量(D)奮鬥7 當閱讀專為兒童所寫的歌或詩之類的童謠時,我們時常會想起那些在無憂兒時的盤盤回億。

(A)可怕的 。)忠心的 (c)令人愉快的 。))暴力的8 某些動物被認為代表特定的概念或意義。例如,自鴿通常就被認為是和平的畫盤。

(A)目的 (B)習俗(c)休閒 (D)象徵

9 周杰倫的最新專輯現在在網路上就旦旦堡J' 付費後,你便可在家下載他的歌曲,而不用去唱片行。

(A)可取得的 (B)悲慘的 (c)合理的 。))可能的

10 台東*販陳樹菊因為她對慈善盤鐘的慷慨捐款而被時代

雜誌列為 2010 百大最具影響力人士之一。

(A)吸引 (B)組織(c)發明 。))通訊器材(工具)

11 在許多第三世界國家,看到人們仍然生活在盔基貧窮環境


(A)突然地 (B)續其地(c)寂靜地 (D)心理上

12. 班上很少人願意和 Steven 做間友,因為他每當心情不好就會使用宣猩本也言語。

(A)必需的 (B)自信的 (c)冒犯人的 。))分離的

的,當 Robert成功靠自己之力完成這個艱難的任務時,他很有

盛益感。(A)成就 (B)對待(c)投資 。))失望

14. 上海舉辦展示來自全世界多樣科技及主益的 2010 年世博會時,吸引很多遊客。

(A)勝利 。B)反應(c)文化。))來源

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 B C A C D B A C D D

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 C G A J E D H F B

51 52 53 54 55 56 B C A B B A

15 在 2009 年 8 月初,莫拉克颱風徹底摧毀了小林村,但主




正主立噩噩噩詛興起於 1981 年,漆彈是一個相當新穎但又受歡迎的運


(individually adv) 形式比賽,來道主主(eliminate v)盟主(opponent n) 。此遊戲被如此命名,是“圓盛穿著區重(protective aqη面具的遊戲者會使用槍在戶內或戶外場地裡來對彼此發射漆料彈。一旦被漆彈擊中,身上留有彩色標記

的遊戲者必須翠品(quit v)遊戲。漆彈的規則很奎星星(vaη v) , 但可能會 17盤盤有區宣(defend v)或亟鑿(attack v)某一特定區

域,或奪取(seize v)旗幟或藏在場地裡的物品。

事實上,添彈除了是刺激的還動外,也是一個 18鎧進圓墮金

i'F(teamwork n)的宜室主(em凹tive a<!J)活動。遊戲中的快速笙噩

(pace n)及競爭畫畫(require v)遊戲者去合作來 19靈也致勝盤盤(stra紐gyn) 。在過程中,他們逐漸團益(bond v)成一隊,並

工盤(appreciate v)到盒的cooperation n:洲重要性。堡題益型

(obviouslyadv) ,漆彈 20盤盤於王佳盪血(workplace n) , 因為在當中人們也為了達成相同且堡(aim n)而精通及金i'F(ωoperate v) 。

16. (A)雖然 。)因為(c)當 (D)假如

17. (A)包括(B)比較(c)遞送 (D)尊敬

18. (A)偏愛 (B)假裝 (c)促進。))保護的 (A)放棄... (B)以..作結果 (C)尊敬 仰)想出…

20. (A)有名的(B)相反的(c)普遍的。))類似的

且主主噩噩噩詛由網路公司 Google 在 2005 年引進, Google Maps 是一個

五塾益區.(interactive acý)網路地圖服務,可以將世界上任何地

方真實地顯示給你。人們 21道主堂益盟(rely on v phr)紙本地圖來尋路,但現在 Google Maps 已經使得尋路這件事變得更


站的重要扭捏(Iandmark n) , 查盤奎盟(efficientlyadv)擬定旅

遊計畫,盤盤盤(accurately adv)測量兩地距離。另外,由於Goog1eMaps 提供從衛星所拍攝的影像,所以它可 n壟你體驗

到2且立體自立(thre←d恤ensional adj)城市街道景象。

雖然 Google Maps 帶給我們許多"堡扭,但也引起憂慮。許多國家都益重(complain v) , 墅區益主(組叮orist n)可能會利用

GoogleMaps 的重重(satellite n)影像來策劃攻擊。一些人也表達對自己處fL.(privacy n)的單霆(concem n) 。他們認為在

Google Maps 上所 25題主的照片太過畫畫(graphic acij) , 可能

會讓私生活被旦旦(invade v) 。益工且盛(in response to… phr)

這些鈺證(ωmplaint n) , Google 己做出一些重大改變,但大眾仍然覺得 Google 的室主(effortn)太晚也不夠。

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21. (A)導致.. (B)拒絕﹒ (c)過去常... (D)負擔的起-

22. (A)在... (B)為了... (c)藉由... (D)往

23. (A)使. (B)讓 (C)使... (D)讓...

雖然(A)(B)(C)開在語意上相近,但在文法上, (A}-(C)當

使役動詞時,均早日原形動詞連用,即 make/letJhave + 0 +

叭 ,而 allow 則是和不定詞連用,即 allow+O+ 個V


24. (A)便利 (B)災難(。傳統。))壓力25. (A)-(D)顯示文法上,此句含有簡化後的形容詞子旬,原旬應為“They

think photos which 缸'e shown on Goo!!le Maos 缸'eso

graphic......" ,將畫紡苦容詞子句中的“which 肛e咱略,即可得知答案應選(C)


別之處除了長達 80 年的重盒(lif<的pan n)外,還有他們的主區

(mating n)行為及 26盈盈盟笠堡.(characteristic n) 。雄性海龜一生中大多在海底下度過。 27益巨,雌性海龜在海中交配潑,

必須主崖(ashore adv)至海灘,挖洞來;甚墓1\(0間t n) , 在裡面

下蛋,然後以沙子覆蓋它們。 28崖笠因為還姐宜盟(bony al晶。龜還(shell n)而在陸地上看起來行動緩聾,海龜卻因為擁有似

堡(paddle n)的強力盟盤(flipper n)而能夠在水中游很快。

金主還盤盤(閱grettably ad'舟,這些宣畫也(ancient adj)圭亞盟(cr甜甜甜 n)正遭受到重宣(endanger v) 。草生的r one thing phr) , 海龜的築巢區域遭受到岸上直星星(commercial a.物活動

的盛查(threaten v) ; 海灘上遊客所製造的噪音及垃圾可能迫

使雌龜返回海中, 29 rm送至上岸來下蛋。噩翠的r another

phr) , 海龜因為牠們的肉及殼而被這盜生也iIIegaUyadv)l蝕殺。人們甚至收集牠們的蛋當食物。人類的知登屋及獵殺盟籃

(ind甜dadv)已經造盛(result in... v phr) T海體堡(populatonn)的金邊(sha叩 acij)減少。26. (A)有創意的價)身體的:生理的(c)悲慘的 (D)虔誠

27. (A)然而(B)然後 (C)除此之外 ρ)否則

28. (A)除之外(B)透過﹒(c)僅管... (D)沒有..

29. (A)除...之外還有... 0日)因為﹒ (C)根據. (D)而沒有...

30. (A)發展開鼓勵 (C所治,政府(D)廣告



to... phr)會使人企盤盤藍色(mood-enhancing adj)特生,巧克力 直都和情人節 31.(C)鹽墊在一起,當作是送給情人的禮


設重(proven '來自 pr肝e v)對健康提供盪主且(potentialadj)32.(力益盛。舉例來說,黑巧克力富含有可以 33.(G)墜盔血

壓的革氫起盟(antioxidant n) 。圍坐(accordinglyadv)'盲人建議34.(A)主旦旦地吃黑巧克力可以使我們遠離心臟病。{堇管巧克力


35.(乃迋盡它直塾量且(high-calo吋e acij)成份。也就是說,當巧克力這樣高能量食物被大量 36.(E)鑫旦時,我們可能會有增重

的高凰隘(risk n) 。更糟的是,巧克力被發現 37.(D)盒查會堡

本主靈盟(addictive a,φ)且盟E區(caffeine n).翅籃(substance n) 。你很有 38.問旦旦會時常食用巧克力,而導致巧克力變成你


39.σ)宜鐘,如追查(frustrations n)及畫畫畫(depres血n n) 。主最重~(given pr中)所有關於巧克力的事實,我們現在了解

到,且璽(occas岫nal adj)吃巧克力室全ωerfectiyadv)是適當而


宜益盧(do...good v ph汁。然而,我們應該記住要籃皇l

(moderation n)地去食用巧克力。31.此處應填動詞的被動式,故選(c) conn血ted (和盤盤在

一起 be connected with ...= be associated with...) 。32 此處應填名詞,從後面文意可知是在說明巧克力對健康的

益盛,故選的 benefits 0

33 此處應填動詞,從後面文意可知是在說明巧克力因可援鎧

血壓而能使我們遠離心臟病,故選(G) lower 。

34 此處應填形容詞,故選(A) regular (以頻率﹒ ona ... bas蹈,如是旦旦地 onareguI盯 basis) 。

35. 的處應填名詞,故選的甜ention 位重. : payatten包onto ...)。

36 此處應填動諒,從文意得知是在說明盒里太多巧克力的後

果,故選(E)開nsumed 。

37 此處應填動詞,從文意得知是在說明巧克力金宜咖啡因,

故i罩。i>) contain 。38 此處應填形容詞,故選間 likely 也盤會... ; be likely to

V...) 。


喪及憂鬱之宜鐘,故選(F) emo誼。ns 。40 此處應填形容詞,從前面文意得知因為巧克力對健康的好


acceptable 。



在任可國家的教室裡'靈童畫(ins甘uctor n)不只教授藝術、歷史、語言。他們也教授文化,因為每一教育制度其實

是一面星盟(refl叫 v)其所處社會的思想及信念之鏡子。

在以民族、畫畫畫{religious Qli的、盤盤(ethnic adj)奎5Ï:'佳(diversity n)聞名的西方社會中,如美國或加拿大,人們非常重視盤斗過登陸(individualism n)及獨立思考。教師通常墊盟

(stress v)那些使學生特殊又獨特的特質。學生盪查(rather

thanphr)盤ç(memo血:e v)資訊,反而且血(tend to V... v phr) 個別地工作、靠自己獨立找答案、在課堂討論中自由地表達


盤盤盤(valu的 n)及室里,(opinion n) , 並採取主塾(initiative n)一沒有人告知要做甚麼即採取行動。然而,這制度的盤盤

(drawback n)就是,比起其他國家的學生,西方學生可能沒有筆畫(acquire v)到一樣多的基礎規則及事實。姐且主主(by contrast phr) , 在基相同語言、歷史、文化

墨笠盤(characte血e 吟的亞洲社會中,如中國、日本、韓國,

人們相當注重(place impo吋ance 08...ν phr)團體目標及傳統。教師盤里(adopt v)他們證亟(Iec個re v) 、學生聆聽、幾乎無互動的拘謹教學主基(method n) 。學生一起工作、在笙盞

(as甸nmentn)上彼此幫忙、宣讀(recite v)主並(beforehand adv) 所記憶的規則或資訊。雖然亞洲教育制度常因使用盤盤基

(rote acij注墮(memo也ation n)î地盟(criticize v) , 但它卻使學生準備好面對一個重視起堡(discipline n)及自我控制的社會。換言之,亞洲學生不但比西方學生學到更多的數學及科

學,也學習到盒笙(ωlIabora位。n n)的重要社交技能。41 此文章的大意為何?




【解析】由本文的主題旬明eyalso個ch culture, for each educational system is a mirror 血at reflects 也e ideas and

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beliefs of the so即可"可得知答案為ρ) 。

但根據本文,下列敘述何者為真?(A)西方學生重視個人差異 (B)西方學生傾向從事團體合

作(c)亞洲學生喜歡獨立解決問題 (D)亞洲學生在科學


【解析l (B)為對亞洲學生的敘述, (C)(D)則是對西方學生


43 第二段中的片語 ítake the initiativeJ 最有可能的意思為何?

(A)獨特的 (B)獨立的 (C)主動的 (D)個別的

【解析]由接在其後面的同位語“to take action w岫out

祖lyone telling them what to do"可得知答案為(C)44 由本文可推論出,在美國唸書的亞洲人可能較有困

難。(A)公關分享想法 。B)和同儕工作 (C)靠記憶學習



“:rote memorization" ‘ selιdiscipline" ‘加油 little int虹action"

可得知答案為(A) 。

益差旦單盛盟主旦習價是人們通常在盤盡盡量.(unconsciously ad,吵下不斷重複

的行為,例如在工作中詛盔(scratch v)鼻子的作家,或考試時

盤剝.p v)腳的學生。根據企盟笠窒ωsychologist n)所說,如此習價的重盛(formation n)通常顯示人們正在經歷問題或某種

壓力,而這些習慣正是且都erve to V... v phr'溫飽:relieve v)

他們所處的監室盤盟(tension n) 。許多心理學家提出,人只有當他們可以聳一個習慣當中

盤益(benefit from... v phr)時,才會將它籃益(maintain v) 。換句話說,一旦宣宜生{habitual al初行為變得全A盤盤(worrisome ad;)或甚至宣壓(annoying ad;)時,他們可能會盡

力去將它去f!*(eliminate v) 。益血(nevertheless acJv) ,盈隘但ickv)習慣是不容易的,因為它需要姐童金盤(四nsiderable ad;)決

心及童車:tJ(will-power n) 。幸好,幫助就近在眼前。有一些方式可來巫隘(doaway咐tb... vph圳甜的壞習慣。

董主(to begin 咐th phr) , 找出導致習慣的原因,並奎:tJ

(make an effort to V... v ph吋去避免在相同情況下重複它。第二,試著放鬆並深呼吸來幫忙自己遞整(reduce v)壓力。第三,

丕區盤.(constantly 叫)想像自己在盟且(get rid of... v phr).宣壓盤。peskyali的習慣後,將會感覺到多麼快樂,且堡(so as to

V...phr)在過程中更查塾藍色(motivate v)。還有,墾區(reward 內自己的每一個小改善。例如,當試著要戒除進星

(procr甜tination n)的壞習慣時,如果你發現自己愈來愈常準


工.(aside from phr)提供獎勵,皇室(as well phr)實行自我控制。每當你覺得想要做你習慣性行為時,試著去籃里(resist v)

此盈盈(urge n)一段時間,不要立即就盛盤.(give in to... v phr) 0 每次當你對抗它時,你會感到更有信心來戒除習慣。最


得不要感到迫室:(discouraged acÿ) 。反而,保持信心,嘗試墨

迋.(focus 00... v phr)於你的益主(st個dy acÿ)進芝包rogr的Sn) , 再重新開始。

45. 本文的主要目的為何?




【解析】由本文的主題旬叮'herc 缸'e ways to do away wi由yourbadha卸的"可得知自事案為(C) 。

46. 根據本文,下列敘述何者不是真?




【解析】由文中的轉折詞,如O"to begin with" 、自ond"

‘油Ir.宜,“what'smo時"可side from" “白13.lly" 可得知作者共提出六項建議,故(D)為錯。

47 下列何者在文中沒有被推薦為戒除習慣的方法?

科)想像你對某習慣的戒除會有多麼的喜悅。 (B)確定原


畫畫,再抗拒它。【解析]由本文的敘述心...try 個 resist the urge for a while 吼叫恤gIvmg 血 toitimm耐臨ly'"可得知p鴻錯。

48 第三段中的單字 íprocras個ationJ 可能的意思為何?



when trying to break the habit of procrastination, you can treat yo山selfto a movie or concert ifyou find yo腔self

gettiog 由ings done on自由 more and more often."可得知答案為(C)。


人每天都需進食,並可能吃下金主全盤盤.(a variety of ... phr)食物,如米飯、水果、蔬菜、肉類。但你是否劉道(be aware o占.... phr)你有時會丕皇笙(uoknowiogly a.申)吃下盛盤盤

。p叫led ad;)或堂姐噩盛益區(contamina但d a.副食物而使自己靈靈(呵。臨 v)'在健康的重宣(hazard n)中嗎?

根據衛生室星(official n)的益註盤空(statisti四 n) , 每年有好幾百萬人因為金塑造盛飪(foodborne ad;)疾病而莖荳

(suffer from... v phr)或甚至互主(die of... v ph吟。肉類主基(inpa吋叩lar p的可能查室(h自:ardous at(j 於健康。和那些靠肉

眼就能注意至;1)盛監(spoilage n)的水果和蔬菜比較起來,肉類幾


v) 。雖然許多國家對肉類製造商都盤盟軍盤。mpo阻 v還盤盤

(strict 呻)政府還墨(r嗜血tion n) , 但專家並註(estima但 v)拿美國來說,超過半數賣出的肉類產品仍然含有宜重(harmful

acÿ 血直(為 bacteriumn 之複數少在過去的 30 年當中,許多研究都專門在找出可能的解決


豆笠宜](feasible 呵。方式是透過盤盤盤盤 irradiation n) , 也就是將食物以盤盤堡(radiati個 n)處理來殺死細菌,且不靈童

(a伯語氾t v):食物本身的過程。一旦遠盔(甜甜 of...p的7導致腐敗

的靈靈(elem阻tn) , 受過輻身心相句肉類食物可以保存較久,且會有一段時間嘗起來較好吃。受過輻射的肉類食物甚至可能較

便宜,因為預防腐敗的盛丕(cost n)1曹大為降低。

僅管輻射食物帶來的監虛(advaotage n)'人們還是對它的


a ...s個le phr)地被使用。但食品安全專家同意,若逍室主

(consum的)被盟且(convince v)去購買輻射產品,且輻射技術

被廣泛地室主甚仙nplem凹t v) ,那麼那些因吃下細菌感染的食


(significantlyadv)遞必decline v) 。49 本文所提及的訊息最不可能在下列何處被看到?




50 根據本文,下列敘述何者為真?

第 3 頁共 5 頁


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細菌,非冷凍。 (C)錯是因文中提到比起腐敗水果,受






(A)f果存較久扭過重整奎(c)味道較佳 ρ)疾病案例


【解析】由本文的最後一段“Wi由 all 也e aðvanta耳目 of

立祖dia阻d food, people stiU bave some concem ov缸臨時fety.

That is why now irradiation is still used on a relatively small 扭曲" ,得知輻射食物並不一定會刺激銷量,因為消費者


52 作者對於輻射技術在預防食物受細菌感染的應用上,所持


(A)不確定的 (B)擔心的 (c)充滿希望的。))冷漠的

【解析】由本文的結論旬尸 irradiation were implemented

on a wider scale, the number of illnesses or d聞自.s from

eating contaminated 品。d would defmitely decline signifi凹.ntly."可得知答案為(c)。

盟主丘單盛噩詛你是否曾經聽過時空盤靈(capsule n)? 時空膠囊其實是

裡面裝滿某一時期盟員(a吋cle n)的笠lIJ((個be-shaped ad;)~至

盎.(container n) , 被用來埋在地下,之後讓未來的人打開以了解那時的生活是如何。

時空膠囊的歷史可追盟主(be 甘aced back to... v phr)古代的巴比倫時期,那時,人們會把物品放在建築物底部的基石

底下。在 1938 年, í時空膠囊」這一詛(term n)第一次被

Wes恤ghouse 電動學童(manufacture v)公司所使用,當時此公

司在 1939 年紐約世博會的盤盤(site n)埋下了一個時空膠囊,

來盧盔(in celebration of... phr)世博會的開幕。膠囊的內容物

在專家的奎皇(participate in... v phr)下,被仔細地挑選,來1~室(represent v)1930 年代的生活。放置的血益(item n)包括報

紙、壁畫道詛(newsletter n) 、雜誌及普通物品,如電話、開繪

器、煤燈。自那時起,時空膠囊開始逐漸流行,到了 1950 年


到T 1987 年,名叫 Alvin Willis Jr.的加州商人把時空膠

囊增加新的變生(訊社st n) , 將它盤盤(組m. 扭曲... v phr)為堡查(pr田erve v)個人也且(belongings n)及家族歷史的盤企(ameans of .•• phr) 0 Willis 有此想法,是當他在尋找時空膠寶來放在住家新的墮鑫扭扭ddition n)時。他很驚訝發現當時並沒

有任可人在製作時空膠囊7 。想到或許還有其他人,和他一

樣想要把家族起金盤(mementon):堡丞畫畫(pass...on to... v phr) 未來重金(genera誼。n n) , 他便馬上發展販售時空膠囊的生


星星。lÏstorian n)有研究意義 'Wi血s 甚至還建議時空膠囊也應該包括擁有人對壁畫(current event n phr)的個人看法及感受。雖然 Willis 期望買時空膠囊的人能把膠囊埋在某處,但


是型單益墨色墓直.(conversation piece n phr) 0

53 本文的最佳標題為何?



【解析】從文中對時空膠囊在各個年代(l938,the 1950s, 1987)的情Jf;介紹,故答案為(A) 。

54 下列對時空膠囊的描述何者正確?


但)在 1938 年時,時空膠囊被使用陳包括代表當時生活的

物品。 (C)時空膠囊直到2盟主1~才開始受人歡迎。

。);在 1987 年,時空膠囊正式由 Willis 在他的生意中命名。


下,並非時空膠盡量裡。(,。錯是因文中有提到自 1938 年起,時空膠嚷開始逐漸而于。(D)錯是因文中有提到時

空膠費這一詞是由W臼tinghouse 公司所提出的。

鈣,為何 Willis 起初想要尋找時空膠囊?


憶之物。 (C 為7展示引起話題的東西。 (D)為了發展


【解析】由文中敘述“﹒。由前P曲Iple like him, who wanted to pass family mem阻t050n 扭曲拍間 generations..."可得知答


56 最後一段中的代名詞「由emJ 所指為何?

(約時空膠.. (B)購買者 (c)時事 p 歷史學家


几上,故答案為(A) 。



1. ]t is也包幽幽主且到H且也挂包到h盟出包的

也eirhe叫出 H由師也ey l!銘i且包盔的的些重盤里包且坐笠臨g/

捶旦的 //how型且也k 包盟巫盟~/i旦旦且1) it is [解析]



直到才..(沒有..一直到) : .. .nol... until..。多麼之感嘆旬 :How+ 盤空茵通且+主詞+軒旺。

2. Th盟色盟(Th旦旦/旦旦/亟型的, //旦旦單坐坐立立在立kee且

垣過血主 /1旦旦垣旦控且h堅l血 /t:) keeo in goöd shan, /1旦旦虹且

也且連迪亞), //旦旦且坐立基旦旦(且堅堅l<r) busywe 也包且, // we should旦旦旦旦位旦旦盟ise /旦控堡包ise /虫也盟的血



為7做. : (In 0吋er) 個 V...' 主詞+動詞...。

無論... : Noma加+疑問詞也盟/旦出旦出+主詞+動詞 ,主詞+動詞,。

=區旦旦U宜且也旦rfWh旦旦旦+主詞+動詞 ,主詞+動詞...。

盡可能.. : ...35 +監室詛直盟 +as+ 主詛且且主且尬/

也盟且里。評分標準: 1 每錯 1 個拼字或文法扣。 5 分。

2每一題以雙斜線畫u分為四小部分,每小部分各佔 1 分。

3 該小割的于最多扣 2次 0.5 分。4旬首未大寫或標點符號不妥,各扣且5 分,



參考範文Yes扭曲y morniog, ! fouod myself oversleeping uotil eight.

! jwnped out of bed, got dressed, and put 血ings into my

schoolba呂While inah叮叮, it sudd凹ly occurred 岫 me 也叫 !had

forgotten to p阻:pare for the English 阻st. What was worse, late for

第 4頁共 5 頁

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school for a second time, 1 would surely be punished by 也e

teacher. H晶晶恤19 over whether to go to school or not, 1 c個主eup、抽出 a “'plan" 抽 get myself out of 5uch an awkward situation

1 went to my mom and told her 1 had a high fever and did not feel well. As expected, she immediately called the teacher for sick leave on my behalf. Just when 1 felt 間1ieved 由at 1 had succeeded

in my ''plan,'' my 血om got 50 nervous as to insist on 姐姐ngmetosee a doctor. 1 個ed in vain to persuade her to let me just stay home for some 由此 Terrified at the thought ofbeing given a shot, 1 to1d her 1 w品 only pretending to be sick to avoid going to

schoo1. Upon hearing this, she scolded me for worrying her for no由ing 阻d decided to have me grounded for a week. From 也is

incident, 1 learned the lesson 血at it is always better to tell 也e

但且也血也e beginning 曲曲 su叮叮血e consequences of tel1ing lies

in the end 評分標準

等級 給分 英文作文1給分參考標準說明


劣 0-4分 正確性幾無正確句子。



差 5-9 分 正確性.文法或拼字錯誤很多。


份量.字數足夠(約 120 字)。

可 10-14 分正確性.文法使用尚可,錯字不多。



份量:字數足夠(120 字或以上)。

優 15-18 分 正確性文法順暢,錯字少。


份量:字數足夠(120 字或以上)。正確性文法和字彙使用富變化,幾無錯

特優 19-20 分 字。組織:內容創新(如加入個人想法) ,段落分配適當。

英文作文採整體式評分,分為五等級:特優(19-20 分)、

優(15-18 分)、可(10-14 分)、差(5-9 分)、劣(0-4分) ,批改老師於閱證完考生試卷後,於腦海裡產生一個整體分數,再以


標包含下Jil) 5 項:內容(5 分)、組織(5 分)、文法、旬構(4 分)、

字彙、拼字(4 分)及體171)(2 分)。另外,字數不足扣 1 分:未依

提示分段扣 1 分。

內容 組織文法、旬

字彙、拼字 體例構

文不對 全文毫無 全文文法 只寫出或抄 違背基本題或沒 組織或未錯誤嚴 襲與題意有 的寫作體

寫(凡文 按提示寫 重,導致 關的零碎字例或格

不對題 作。 (0分) 文意不 詞。 (0分) 武,標點、

劣或沒寫 明。 (0分) 大小寫等

者,其他 錯誤甚

各項均 多。 (0分)以零分


(0分)主題不 重點不 文法錯誤 用字、拼字 格式、標

差明,大部 明、前後 多,且明 錯誤多,明 點、大小寫分相關 不連買。 顯影響文 顯影響文意等有錯

敘述發 (2-1分) 意之表 之表達。 誤,但不影



題 無關。 (2-1


夠清楚或 突






主 題


楚 切題,並有

優 具體、完




(5-4 分)

第 5 頁共 5 頁

達。 (2-1 (2-1分) 響文意之

分) 表達。 (1分)

重點安排 文法錯誤 字詞單調、 格式、標

不妥,前 少,且未 重複,用字 點、大小寫

後發展比 影響文意 偶有不當, 幾無錯

例與轉承 之表達。 少許拼字錯 誤。 (2-1分)語使用欠 (3-2分) 誤,但不影

妥。 (3-2 響文意之表

分) 遠。 (3-2分)

重點分 全文幾無 用字精確、

明,有開 文法錯 得宜,且幾

頭、發誤,文句 無拼字錯

展、結 結構富變 誤。 (4-3分)

尾,前後 化。 (4-3連貫,轉 分)承語使用


(5-4 分)