EE76 Power System Simulation Lab

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EINSTEIN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Sir.C.V.Raman Nagar, Tirunelveli-12 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Subject Code: EE76 Power System Simulation Lab Name: Reg No: Branch: Year & Semester: EE76 Power System Simulation Lab Einstein College of Engineering Page 2 of 57 TABLE OF CONTENTS S.NoDateName of the ExperimentPage No MarksRemarksStaff Initial 1Computation of Line Parameters 2Formation of Bus Admittance and Impedance Matrices and Solution of Networks 3Solution of Load Flow and Related Problems Using Gauss-Seidel Method. 4Solution of Load Flow and Related Problems Using Newton-Raphson Method 5Solution of Load Flow and Related Problems Using Fast Decoupled Methods 6Symmetrical Fault Analysis 7Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis 8Economic Dispatch in Power Systems 9Load Frequency Dynamics of Single and Two Area Power System 10Electromagnetic Transients in Power Systems 11Transient and Small Signal Stability Analysis of Single Machine Infinite Bus System 12TransientStability Analysis of Multi- MachineSystem EE76 Power System Simulation Lab Page 3 of 57 Einstein College of Engineering COMPUTATION OF LINE PARAMETERS AIM: TodeterminethepositivesequencelineparametersLandCperphaseperkilometerofa three phase single and double circuit transmission lines for different conductor arrangements . Objectives: i)Tounderstandthemodelingandperformanceofshort,mediumandlongTransmission lines. ii) To write a MATLAB program to determine the Line parameters Software required: MATLAB 6.1 Formula: 1.Single Phase - Two Wire System GMD = DGMR = re-1/4 = r r = radius of conductor 2.Three Phase - Symmetrical Spacing GMD = DGMR = re-1/4 = rr = radius of conductor 3.Three Phase - Asymmetrical Transposed GMD = (DAB DBC DCA)1/3 GMR = re-1/4 = rr = radius of conductors 4.Composite Conductor Lines The inductance of composite conductor - x., is given by 0.2lnxxGMDLGMR| |= |\ . Where GMD = [(Daa Dab Dam ) (Dna Dnb.. Dnm )]mn GMRx = [(Daa Dab D an) (Dna Dnb.. D nn)] n2 ra = ra.e-1/4 5.Bundle Conductors: GMR for two sub conductor Dsb =[Ds x d]1/2 GMR for three sub conductor Dsb = (Ds x d2)1/3

GMR for four sub conductor Dsb = 1.09 (Ds x d3)1/4 Where EE76 Power System Simulation Lab Page 4 of 57 Einstein College of Engineering Ds is the GMR of each sub conductor d is the bundle spacing 6.Capacitance:

GMR= rb for bundled conductors rb=[r*d2]1/3 for 3 conductor bundle 7. Three-phase Asymmetrical - transposed : GMD = [DAB DBC DCA] 1/3

GMR = r ; for solid conductor GMR = Ds for stranded conductor = rb for bundled conductor where rb = [r*d]1/2 for 2 conductor bundle rb = [r*d2]1/3 for 3 conductor bundle (1.20) rb = 1.09 [r*d3]1/4 for 4 conductor bundle Where r = radius of each sub conductor d = bundle spacing 7. Three-phase double circuit - transposed :

GMRc = [rA rB rC]1/3 Where

rA rBand rC are GMR of each phase group obtained as rA =[rb Da1az]1/2 rB =[rb Db1bz]1/2 rC =[rb Dc1cz]1/2 Where rb =GMR of for bundled conductor EXERCISES: 1)Asinglephaselinehastwoparallelconductor2metersapart.thediameterofeach conductor is 1.2 cm. calculate the loop inductance per km of the line. 2)Asinglephasetransmissionlinehastwo parallelconductor 3m apart, theradiusofeach conductorbeing1cm.Calculatetheloopinductanceperkmlengthofthelineifthe material of the conductor is(i)Copper(ii)Steel with relative permeability of 100. EE76 Power System Simulation Lab Page 5 of 57 Einstein College of Engineering 3)Findtheinductanceperkmofa3phasetransmissionlineusing1.24cmdiameter conductors when there are placed at the corners spacing of an equilateral triangle of each side 2m. 4)The3conductorsofa3phaselinearearrangedatthecornersofatriangleofsides 2m,2.5m&4.5m.Calculatetheinductanceperkmofthelinewhentheconductorsare regularly transposed. The diameter of each conductor is 1.24cm 5)Twoconductorsofasinglephaseline,eachof1cmdiameter,arearrangedinavertical planewithoneconductormounted1mabovetheother.Asecondidenticallineis mountedatthesameheightasthefirstandspacedhorizontally2.5mapartfromit.The twoupper&thetwolowerconductorsareconnectedinparallel.Determinethe inductance per km of the resulting double circuit line. 6)The spacing of a double circuit 3phase overhead line. The phase sequence is ABC & the lineiscompletelytransposed,theconductorradiusin1.3cm.Findthe inductance/phase/km. 7)Asingle phase line has two parallel conductors 3m apart, radius of each conductor being 1cm. Calculate the capacitance of the line /km. given that 0 =8.854*10-12 F/M. RESULT: EE76 Power System Simulation Lab Page 6 of 57 Einstein College of Engineering FORMATION OF BUS ADMITTANCE AND IMPEDANCE MATRICES AND SOLUTION OF NETWORKS. Aim: To understand the formation of bus admittance matrix(Ybus) of a given power system network, to effect certain required changes on this matrices & to obtain network solution using this matrices. Objectives: 1.To write a program in MATLAB to determine the bus admittance matrix(Ybus) 2.To obtainthemodifiedYbustoeffectspecifiedmodificationsintheconfigurationof the network. 3.To determine the bus impedance matrices Zbus Software Required: MATLAB Formulae: Y.V = IZ.I = VTWO RULE METHOD FOR YBUS FORMATION: Rule 1: Matrix form: Ybus= Y11Y12 Y13 Y21Y22 Y23 Y31Y32Y33 Where, Y11 = y11 + y12 +y13 Y22 = y11 + y12 +y13 Y33 = y11 + y12 +y13

Y12 = -y12 Y13 = -y13 Y23= Y32 Ykk = y/a2 ; Ymm = y ; Ykm = Ymk = -y/aAlgorithm: Step 1: Initialize Y with all elements set to zero. Step 2: Read the line list, one line at-a-time and update Y by adding the respective EE76 Power System Simulation Lab Page 7 of 57 Einstein College of Engineering Contribution.Step 3: Read the transformer list, one transformer at-a-time and update Y by adding the respective contribution. Step4:Readtheshuntelementlist,oneelementat-a-timeandupdateYbyaddingthe respective contribution. EXERCISES: 1.FindtheYbusforthegivenpowersystem.TheimpedancesareZ12=j0.4p.u;Z13=j0.3 p.u and Z23=j0.2p.u. find the bus admittance matrix given the admittance value. LineAdmittance 1-2 1-3 2-3 2-4 3-4 2-j8 1-j4 0.666-j2.6641-j4 2-j8 3.To find bus admittance value given the impedance value. LineR(p.u) X(p.u)1 3 2 EE76 Power System Simulation Lab Page 8 of 57 Einstein College of Engineering 1-2 1-3 1-4 2-4 3-4 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.15 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.15 Result: EE76 Power System Simulation Lab Page 9 of 57 Einstein College of Engineering SOLUTION OF LOAD FLOW AND RELATED PROBLEMS USING GAUSS-SEIDEL METHOD. Aim: To understand, in particular, the mathematical formulation of load flow model in complex form& a simple method of solving flow problems of small sized system using gauss seidal iterative algorithm. Objectives: 1.To build mathematical model of load flow problem using Gauss-Seidel method. 2.TowriteMATLABprogramtosolvetheloadflowproblembyusingGauss-Seidel method. Software Required : MATLAB 6.1 Formulae: ((((

= + ==+++ni jkijijkij kki iiikj jiiV Y V YVjQ PYV1111*11. .1 ((

+ = ==+ +ni jkijijkijkikj j iV Y V Y V al P . . . Re111 * 1 ((

+ = ==+ +ni jkijijkijkikj j iV Y V Y V a Q . . . Im111 * 1 Algorithm for GSLF: Step1: Read the input data Step2: Find the admittance matrix Step3: Choose the flat voltage profile 1+j*0 Step4: set the iteration count p=0 and bus count i=1 Step5: check the slack bus, if it is the generator bus then go to the next step otherwise goto step7. Step6: Before the check for the slack bus if it is slack bus then go to step11 otherwise go to next step. Step7: Check the reactive power of the generator bus within the given limit. Step8: If the reactive power violates a limit then treat the bus as load bus. Step9: Calculate the phase of the bus voltage on load bus. Step10: Calculate the change in bus voltage of the repeat step mentioned above until all the bus voltages are calculated. Step11: Stop the program and print the results. Exercise: 4-BUS, 5-LINESPOWER SYSTEM The systemdata for a load flow solution are given in table. Determine the voltages at the end of first iteration by gauss seidal method. Given =1.6. EE76 Power System Simulation Lab Page 10 of 57 Einstein College of Engineering LineAdmittance 1-2 1-3 2-3 2-4 3-4 2-j8 1-j4 0.666-j2.6641-j4 2-j8 Bus specification: Bus code PQVRemarks 1 2 3 4 - 0.5 0.4 0.3 - 0.2 0.3 0.1 1.06