Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview

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The 2007 activity overview of Education exchanges support foundation.

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2007 Activity Overview

Page 2: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview

The Education Exchanges Support Foundation is a Lithuanian national agency entrust-

ed with the task to administer the Lifelong Learning Programme, other initiatives funded

by the European Commission and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania in the area

of general education and vocational training. The Foundation was established in 2007

having merged the EU Socrates and EU Leonardo da Vinci support foundations that had

been active in Lithuania since 1998. During that period over one third of the Lithuanian

secondary schools have participated in various European partnership projects, over 7000

students of the Lithuanian institutions of higher education, and nearly 3000 teachers were

afforded a possibility to gain new expertise while studying or working in the EU States

under the Erasmus programme, about 5 000 persons took the opportunity to join the Le-

onardo da Vinci mobility projects. We are proud to see more than 3000 foreign students

since 2000 to choose Lithuania as a temporary place for residence and studies. Socrates

and Leonardo da Vinci programmes have for the first time ever offered Lithuanian teachers

and students an opportunity to participate in the European cooperation and international

mobility projects. Our purpose is to help Lithuanian people to take advantage of the extensive opportunities offered by the interna-

tional cooperation projects. The specialists at the Foundation offer advice to all those interested and provide information about a

range of educational and vocational training programmes, actions and activities.

While maintaining close cooperation with the EC Representation in Lithuania, other institutions in charge of managing various EC

initiatives and jointly with organisations implementing other programmes the Foundation has been an active participant of various

other events: every year it hosts the already traditional meetings of the Baltic national agencies that have become an excellent fora

for the discussions of the most topical issues related to the administration of the Lifelong Learning Programme, exchange of informa-

tion and best practice, dissemination of news on other initiatives offered to education, research and vocational training institutions.

The year 2007 was the first year of the activity of the Foundation, and, a rather dynamic one. It is for you now to judge whether

the year was a success: 1,672 applications received, 782 grant agreements concluded. In excess of 1,050 various projects are

correctly in process and managed, the staff members of the Foundation have hosted 90 events for applicants and project execu-

tors, published the promotion and information items of nearly 100 titles, provided personal advice on almost 6,000 occasions.

We have assisted in obtaining more than 98 percent of all funds required for the projects. The staff members of the Foundation

participated in 6 international promotion projects and have joined three associations – ŽEF (Knowledge Economy Forum), LPVA

(Lithuanian Project Management Association) and ACA. We feel fully justified to believe to have worked efficiency after the ISO

9001:2000 Standard compliant Quality Management System was implemented and certified in the autumn of 2007.

While planning our activities we are confident that the experience gained and accumulated while working with the programmes

and the projects supported by the European Commission will become rather instrumental in successful administration of Nordplus –

the new cooperation programme within the Nordic countries and the Baltics. December 2007 was marked by a solemn opening-day

of the programme held in Vilnius, and we are accepting the applications for various activities starting from March.

We are confident that the Lithuanian education specialists will never lack ideas and the energy to develop new projects and

will manage to take advantage of all possibilities generously offered when being part of the international cooperation network.

2007 Activity Overview

Daiva Šutinytė,


Page 3: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview


Comenius – school education,

erasmus – higher education,

Leonardo da VinCi – vocational training,

GrundtViG – adult education,

study Visits – visits of education specialists and decision makers,

european CertifiCate is a programme designed to assess and award the innovative language teaching and

learning projects.

EUROGUIDANCE – vocational guidance and consultations;

EUROPASS – the common European skills and qualifications recognition documents;

CEDEFOP – study visits for vocational training managers, business representatives actively involved in the vocational

training area;

ERASMUS MUNDUS – joint master degree programmes and mobility;

TEMPUS – education reforms development in partnership countries;

BOLOGNA PROCESS – information about the creation of the European area of higher education;

ACADEMIC EXCHANGES – State grants and research study placements under bilateral agreements.

EUROSKILLS – vocational skills competition.

During 2007, the employees of the Education Exchanges Support Foundation were actively participating in various activi-

ties. We are the members of the ESF 2.4-085 project “The development of the data base of the science and studies institutions

activities and the assessment of qualifications acquired abroad“, actively disseminating the information about the activities

of the European Centre for Modern Languages, we have also participated in five projects EC-launched projects for the pro-

motion of Comenius, Grundtvig and Erasmus programmes and two Leonardo da Vinci Thematic monitoring working groups.

Nevertheless, our main assignment and activity is the administration of international programmes and projects.

Programmes and projects under the administration of the Education Exchanges Support Foundation

2007 Activity Overview

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ComeniusThe purpose of the Comenius programme is to achieve the overall improvement of the secondary education quality and reinforce the European dimension while supporting the international school cooperation and mobility.

Comenius partnership shall be school cooperation Project jointing the edu-

cation institutions from the States participating in the Lifelong Learning pro-

grammes. The projects are arranged as bilateral or multilateral projects with two

years in duration. Comenius partnership budget for 2007 – EUR 1,423,772.00.

The Lithuanian general education institutions in total filed with the Educa-

tion Exchanges Support Foundation 365 applications of which 32 applications

were intended for Comenius bilateral partnerships and 333 for Comenius multi-

lateral partnerships.

The largest number of applications foe the bilateral Comenius partnerships

was filed by institutions from Kaunas and Vilnius counties (6 applications each),

5 applications were received from Panevėžys County, 4 applications were re-

ceived from each of Alytus and Šiauliai counties. In respect of Comenius mul-

tilateral partnerships the Foundation was filed the applications from Kaunas

County (85), Šiauliai– 68, Vilnius – 66, Klaipėda County– 36 applications.

In 2007, the European Commission amended the Project funding rules. The

duration of all projects is two years and the grant shall be also allocated for

a period of two years, as opposed to the previously applicable one year grant

period. For that reason, the number of funded projects in 2007 decreased and

in total the grants were allocated to 145 Comenius partnerships of which 9 were

bilateral and 136 multilateral partnerships.

The Education Exchanges Support Foundation allocated the grants to bilat-

eral partnerships from Panevėžys County. The largest number of funded multi-

lateral Comenius partnerships was from Kaunas County (38), in Vilnius County

27 grants were allocated, 23 in Šiauliai County and 17 in Klaipėda County.

Secondary schools proved to be most enthusiastic about the participation

in the Comenius partnerships, as they have filed 28 applications for bilateral

partnerships and 258 for multilateral partnerships. We have been observing a

growing interest in the matter on the part of the preschool educational institu-

tions. In 2007, among the applicants there were 16 such institutions in addition

to 19 applicants from vocational training institutions.

146 108

148 121

182 89

292 183

385 195

398 203

365 144


submitted financed


2001–2007. Comenius projeCts: submitted and finanCed appLiCations ratio

2007 Activity Overview

Page 5: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview

2001–2007 Comenius assistant traineeship proGramme: submitted and finanCed appLiCations ratio

24 11

19 10

35 10

25 20

25 19

27 19

25 12


submitted financed


2001–2007 Comenius improVement of quaLifiCations: submitted and finanCed appLiCations ratio

76 39

54 38

59 31

207 113

207 136

175 120

215 116


submitted financed


Preparatory visits. The objective of this activity is to help the representatives

of schools willing to draft a Comenius partnership project get better acquaint-

ed with the future partner institutions and offer a possibility to jointly prepare

the project. The budget allocated for the preparatory visits under Comenius

programme for 2007 – EUR 55,500.00. During 2007, the largest number for the

Comenius preparatory visits was received from the Kaunas County (22 applica-

tions), Šiauliai County – 20, Vilnius County institutions filed 19 such applica-

tions. In terms of the number of grants under this axis Šiauliai County was lead-

ing having received 13 grants, followed by Kaunas (11) and Vilnius counties (9).

Like for the partnerships under Comenius, secondary schools were most active

applicants for Comenius partnerships, having filed 74 applications, of which 38

were awarded and received funding. 4 applications were filed by pre-school and

primary educational institutions that were allocated the grants to visit the part-

ner institutions or participate in inception workshops.

Improvement of qualifications. The purpose of the activities is to pro-

vide a possibility for teachers and other specialists of educational institutions

to enhance their knowledge, develop professional skills and competences,

get better familiarised with the education systems and trends within Europe.

The budget allocated for the Comenius improvement of qualifications activi-

ties for 2007 – EUR 277,365.00. In 2007, the European Commission amended

the procedure for filing the applications for the improvement of qualifications

2001–2007 preparatory Visits under Comenius: submitted and finanCed appLiCations ratio

43 21

54 33

71 37

90 55

118 70

122 61

90 50


submitted financed


axis under the Comenius programme. The Commission has introduced three

application filing periods, thus bringing into uniformity the procedure for fil-

ing of these application in all countries participating in the Lifelong Learning

Programme. The largest number of applications for this kind of activity was

received from the general education institutions of Vilnius County (67), fol-

lowed by Kaunas (47), Šiauliai (30), Klaipėda (19) counties. The recipients of

the grants for the Comenius improvement of qualifications activity were most

numerous from Vilnius County (39), Kaunas (27), Šiauliai (18) and Klaipėda

(19) counties. 180 applications for the participation in the Comenius qualifica-

tions improvement activity were filed by specialists from secondary schools,

and 100 of them were awarded.

Comenius Assistant Traineeship. The purpose of this activity is to pro-

vide a possibility for the future teachers to enhance their awareness of the

European dimension, improve the knowledge of foreign languages, get famil-

iar with and learn about other European States and their education systems,

further improve their teaching habits and skills. The Comenius assistant train-

eeship programme budget for 2007 – EUR 92,454.00. Most of the applications

for the Comenius assistant traineeship programme were received form Vilnius

County, and the grants were allocated to 4 future teachers. Participants from

each of Panevėžys and Kaunas counties filed 3 applications, respectively, and

were granted 3 and 2 grants.


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Leonardo da Vinci programme is designed to promote and support cooperation between the EU States in the area of improvement of vocational training. The underlying goal of the programme is to bring together the institutions of different European States including the vocational train-ing institutions of all levels, local authorities, employer organisations and other public organisations for the pur-pose of designing of the future vocational training policy.

Leonardo da Vinci

2000–2007 Leonardo da VinCi proGramme mobiLity projeCts: submitted and finanCed appLiCations ratio

90 41

68 45

102 56

185 58

193 59

162 65

148 78

93 65


received financed


Mobility projects. The mobility projects provide for a possibility to visit 31

European countries participating in the programme for the purpose of profes-

sional development, improvement or professional knowledge and skills, also go

to practical traineeship in enterprises; get better familiarised with the novelties

in vocational training area, the most state-of-the-art technologies, exchange ex-

perience with colleagues, etc. The total duration of the mobility projects is from

6 to 24 months. In 2007, the allocations for the mobility projects amounted to

EUR 1,289,586. Funding was provided to cover the project-related administra-

tive, travel, subsistence and language and cultural preparation costs.

2007 Activity Overview


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2000–2007 proCedure b (sinCe 2007 – innoVations transfer projeCts) under the Leonardo da VinCi proGrammes: submitted and finanCed appLiCations ratio

34 2

16 4

27 4

32 4

25 6

17 4

16 4

11 5


applied projects funded projects


During 2007, applications for the participation in the mobility projects un-

der the Leonardo da Vinci programme were received from all 10 counties of

Lithuania. The largest number of such applications were received from Viln-

ius County (30), however counties of Kaunas, Šiauliai and Klaipėda were also

quite active having submitted 10-18 applications each.

Currently, the Education Exchanges Support Foundation is administering 143

of mobility projects under the Leonardo da Vinci programme (in 2006 – 78, and in

2007 – 65 projects), the grants allocated to the projects total EUR 2,862,386.

August 2007 marked the launching of new projects – the preparatory visits

designed to ensure the preparedness for the new Project under Leonardo da

Vinci programme by participating in kick-off workshops hosted by foreign na-

tional agencies or going to meet the potential partners from foreign countries.

The preparatory visits are being funded from the general programme budget.

This year 75 applications have been received applying for the grants for the

preparatory visits, of which 34 were awarded by allocating total EUR 30,256.

The Innovations Transfer Projects. The innovations transfer projects are

the multilateral projects designed to contribute to the improvement of instruc-

tion systems focusing upon the transfer of innovations in the area of voca-

tional training including the linguistic, cultural and legal adaptation of various

innovative products developed under diversified conditions. The maximum

support for the programme per year has been fixed at EUR 150,000.

In Lithuania for 2007, the total allocations from the European Commission

funds for the innovations transfer projects amounted to EUR 1,171,847.

Currently, the Education Exchanges Support Foundation is managing 20

projects of the Procedure B (since 2007 – the innovations transfer projects)

under Leonardo da Vinci programmes (in 2004 – 6, 2005 – 4, 2006 and

2007 each – 5 projects), the total grant allocations for such projects amounted

to EUR 4,282,407.

2000–2007 proCedure b (sinCe 2007 – innoVations transfer projeCts) under the Leonardo da VinCi proGrammes: appLied for and aLLoCated Grants ratio (eur)

4 837 197 958 733

3 526 705 899 254

2 507 177 1 171 847


grant applied funding granted


1 590 195 554 763

2 329 495 593 692

2 569 310 609 600

4 702 013 1 226 606

3 888 819 1 323 000

3 269 076 1 572 800

2 091 566 1 289 586


gant applied grant awarded


2001–2007 m. Leonardo da VinCi proGramme mobiLity projeCts: ratio of appLied and awarded Grants (eur)


Page 8: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview


The objective of the Grundtvig programme is to improve the quality of education of adults and the accessibility of education by supporting the international cooperation among the adult education institutions and mobility initiatives.

2001–2007 GrundtViG projeCts: submitted and finanCed appLiCations ratio

10 9

26 16

42 20

69 48

109 57

122 80

132 58


submitted financed


Grundtvig Learning Partnerships. The purpose of the activity is to further

improve the adult education process according to the European Union stand-

ards. The Grundtvig learning partnerships budget for 2007 – EUR 585,077.00.

The Education Exchanges Support Foundation was filed by the Lithuanian

adult education institutions total 132 applications. The most numerous were the

applications filed by the institutions from the Vilnius County (59), while Kaunas,

Šiauliai and Klaipėda counties filed, respectively, 20, 12 and 10 applications.

In 2007, the European Commission amended the Project funding rules. The

duration of all projects is two years and the grant shall be also allocated for

a period of two years, as opposed to the previously applicable one year grant

period. For that reason, the number of funded projects in 2007 decreased and

in total the grants were allocated to 59 Grundtvig learning partnerships.

Grundtvig 2007 Activity Overview


Page 9: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview

2001–2007 GrundtViG preparato-ry Visits proGramme: submitted and finanCed appLiCations ration

The Education Exchanges Support Foundation allocated 24 grants to part-

nerships from Vilnius County and to 9 partnerships from Kaunas County.

The adult education and continuous education institutions total filed 25

project applications of which 10 were awarded the funding. The non-State

15 10

20 9

19 6

26 18

44 20

61 36

39 22


submitted financed


2001–2007 GrundtViG improVement of quaLifiCations proGramme: submitted and finanCed appLiCations ratio

10 4

15 11

16 10

48 28

80 34

44 39

96 30


submitted financed



and non-profit organisations filed in total 21 applications, of which 10 were

funded, the higher education establishments filed 20 applications of which 8

were awarded.

Preparatory Visits. The objective of this activity is to help the representa-

tives of adult education institutions willing to draft a Grundtvig learning part-

nership project get better acquainted with the future partner institutions and

offer a possibility to jointly prepare the project. The budget allocated for the

preparatory visits under Grundtvig programme for 2007 – EUR 20,000.00.

In 2007, the largest number of applications in respect of the Grundtvig prepara-

tory visits were received from Vilnius County, totalling 14, Šiauliai County 7

applications and Panevėžys and Kaunas County institutions filed 5 applications

each. Accordingly, the Vilnius County institutions were allocated most of the

grants - 7, while the Kaunas, Šiauliai and Panevėžys County institutions were

allocated by 4 grants each.

Improvement of qualifications. The purpose of this area of activity – to en-

able the teachers, instructors and other persons engaged in adult education

to participate in the professional development courses on the European level.

Grundtvig improvement of qualification programme budget for 2007 – EUR

67,231.00. In 2007, the European Commission amended the procedure for

filing the applications for the improvement of qualifications axis under the

Grundtvig programme. The Commission has introduced three application fil-

ing periods thus bringing into uniformity the procedure for filing of these ap-

plications in all countries participating in the Lifelong Learning Programme.

The largest number of applications for this axis of the activity came from

the adult education institutions operating in the Vilnius County – 50 (22 appli-

cations awarded), Kaunas County – 18 (10 applications awarded), Klaipėda –

12 (4 applications awarded).

Page 10: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview


ErasmusErasmus programme has been dedicated to the pro-motion of cooperation institutions of higher educa-tion, ensuring of the quality of studies, exchange of students, teachers and administrative personnel, development of intensive studies programmes, and the provision of support to language course hosting.

Activities under Erasmus mobility programme


Total institutions implemen-ting the students‘ studies mobility programme 44

Total institutions implemen-ting the students‘ traineeship mobility programme 23

Total institutions implemen-ting the students‘ with disabi-lities mobility programme 1

Total institutions implemen-ting the teachers‘ teaching mobility programme 45

Total institutions implemen-ting the teachers‘ with disabili-ties mobility programme 1

Total institutions implementing the personnel training/place-ment mobility programme 38

The year 2007 marked the beginning of the new Erasmus programme stage.

During this period some new types of activities have been successfully integrat-

ed, such as the students‘ placement in foreign enterprises, training and place-

ments of the academic and administrative personnel of higher education insti-

tutions in foreign countries, Erasmus preparatory visits and Erasmus intensive

programmed projects.

Seeking to become participants in the Erasmus programmes in 2008–2013,

as many as 49 Lithuanian higher education institutions filed the applications

with the European Commission, of which 46 institutions were awarded the Er-

asmus University Charter. The Erasmus University Charter is a document cer-

tifying that the institution complies with the criteria stipulated by the Erasmus

programme, and granting the right to participate in activities under the Eras-

mus programme. As many as 33 Lithuanian higher education institutions were

awarded the extended Erasmus University Charter that entitles the institution to

organise the students‘ traineeship placements in foreign enterprises under the

Erasmus programmes.

The total managed budget for the year 2007 amounts to EUR 4,478,199 of

the European Commission funds to be allocated for the implementation of the

Erasmus programme in 2007/2008. Each year some additional funding is allo-

cated by the Ministry of Science and Education, thus in 2007, LTL 13,836,000

additional budget funding was granted for the implementation of Erasmus and

other EU programmes.

Erasmus mobility programme represents the activity enabling the Lithua-

nian higher education institutions and research institutes authorised, in coop-

eration with the universities, to organise doctoral studies, organise the student,

teacher and other specialist exchanges with the foreign higher education estab-

lishments and enterprises.

institutions partiCipatinG in the erasmus mobiLity proGramme in 2007/2008. breakdown by types of hiGher eduCation institutions

mobiLity proGramme appLiCati-ons awarded in 2007 (by types of aCtiVities)

Colleges 26

Universities 18

Researchinstitutes 1


2007 Activity Overview

Page 11: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview

This year was the first year when the programme was joined by research

institutions. Erasmus mobility programme attracted the interest of 3 research

institutes, however, the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics was the only

institution that was granted support in 2007 for activities under the mobility

programme. Currently the activities under the mobility programmes are being

pursued by 45 higher educations institutions: 18 universities, 26 colleges and

1 research institute.

In the school year of 2006/2007, 42 higher schools participated in Eras-

mus mobility programmes. The preliminary total number of students visiting

foreign institutions under the programme activities in 2006/2007 – 2082 stu-

dents and 755 teachers.

Although the number of students outgoing from Lithuania has been nota-

bly increasing with every year, in earlier years there have been very few for-

eign students coming to study to Lithuania. However, during the recent years

Lithuania has become one of the leading States in Europe in terms of the per-

centage increase in the number of students coming to study to the country.

Erasmus intensive language courses (hereinafter – EILC) represent the

specialised language courses designed to study the less known and rare lan-

guages of the countries participating in the Erasmus programme.

As of 30 March 2007, the applications to organise the EILC courses were filed

by 9 institutions: 8 higher education institutions and one language and commu-

nication centre, of which 5 institutions were selected and awarded the funding.

In summer of 2007, the language courses were organised by three higher

education institutions: the Vilnius Pedagogical University, the Vytautas Mag-

nus University and the LCC International University. The Vilnius Pedagogical

University, the Vytautas Magnus University had two groups of students, and

the LCC International University organised one group of students. Total 80 stu-

dents from 14 and other countries enrolled the courses, including Germany,

Denmark, Austria, France, Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Poland,

Finland, Turkey, Spain, Estonia and Norway. Kaunas University of Technology

students‘ mobiLity deVeLopment( VisitinG students)









teaChers‘ mobiLity deVeLopment( VisitinG teaChers)











approVed projeCts under the erasmus intensiVe proGramme (ip) projeCts 2007


incoming outgoing


inCominG and outGoinG students under erasmus proGramme in 1999–2006 (*2006/2007 sChooL year number are preLiminary)

Institution Project title

Klaipėda University

MUSTUFE. ”Play Music, Study and Enjoy“ –The International Festival of Chamber Music

Vilnius Gediminas Technial University

MULTISTUDIES Multidiscip-linary multinational studies in Informatics– Automation–Robotics

Klaipėda University


Mykolas Römeris University

WASPOLSS Tracking New European Ways in Social Policy, Legal and Social Services

and Vilnius University organised such EILC courses in January 2008.

Erasmus intensive programmes are a short-term study programme joining

students and teachers from various universities representing the participant

countries. The purpose of the activity is to provide the conditions to students

and teachers to work jointly in international groups, in a specifically tailored

teaching and learning environment, look at the subject from a different per-

spective, exchange experience about the contents of the studies and the

methods of the studies programmes. The target group of the activity are the

institutions of higher education and studies. The intensive programmes (IP)

are the short-term undertaking bringing together the students and teachers

from different participant countries. Prior to 2007, the Erasmus intensive pro-

gramme projects were managed by the European Commission, in 2006/2007

school year there were only 2 projects approved under the management of the

Lithuanian higher education institutions.

As of 30 March 2007, the Education Exchange Support Foundation had

been filed 6 IP project applications, of which one application concerned the

project to be renewed, and 5 applications concerned new projects, of which 3

projects were selected and funded including the renewed project.

Coordination of Erasmus preparatory visits. The purpose of Erasmus

preparatory visits is to facilitate visits to future partner institutions to discuss

cooperation under the Erasmus programme and conclude the inter-institu-

tional agreements, also the visits to foreign enterprises to discuss the future

cooperation when organising the Erasmus students’ placements, meeting the

partner institutions when intending to participate in the Erasmus intensive

programme activities.

By 30 November 2007, the Foundation had received the applications from

9 higher education institutions of which 7 were selected as eligible for fund-

ing. Certain priority was allowed to institutions participating in the activities

for the first time.

36 361

56 624

85 829

137 1001

218 1194

414 1473

628 1910

1008 2082


Page 12: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview


the number of subsidies aLLoCated to Lithuania for Cedefop Visits in 2000–2007 (number of subsidies)

Cedefop visits are visits intended for political decision-taking persons, training specialists (researchers and practicians), designed for facilitation of information and expertise exchange.



subsidies grantedused


2 1

2 2

3 3

3 2

8 8

11 11

12 12


2007 Activity Overview


Cedefop visits are visits intended for political decision-taking persons,

training specialists (researchers and practicians), designed for facilitation

of information and expertise exchange.

The target group of the Cedefop Project: vocational training develop-

mental process specialists, representatives of vocational training centres,

employer organisations, enterprises, directors of personnel departments,

owners of small and medium-sized companies, researchers, etc.

Annually two calls for submission of applications are announced under

Cedefop Programme. In 2007, the first call for submitting applications was an-

nounced until May 18, 2007 (the deadline for submission of applications).

For Cedefop tender, 54 applications were submitted. Six places were giv-

en to Lithuanian vocational training managers, social partners, representa-

tives of business enterprises, actively participating in the vocational training

process, while at the meeting of the Cedefop visit selection commission it

was decided to grant funding to the six applications, which were best evalu-

ated by the experts.

From January 1, 2008, the Cedefop Programme has been joined to the

Study Visit Programme, therefore the second call for submission of applica-

tions was announced until October 15, 2007 (the deadline for submission

of applications) together with the study visits. Since 2008, this programme

will be titled the Study Visit Programme and it will be intended not only for

vocational training specialists but also for the specialists of the entire edu-

cational system.

Page 13: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview


the number of subsidiesaLLoCated to Lithuania forstudy Visits in 2000–2007(number of partiCipants)

Study Visits

In 2007, subsidies for the Study Visit Programme of Lithuania totalled EUR

46,093 (31 subsidies). In 2007, two calls for submission of applications were an-

nounced for a study visit tender. During the first call to submit applications, 37

applications for study visits were received. Since in total 31 subsidies were allo-

cated for Lithuania in the 2007 academic year, at the meeting of the commission

for selection of study visit applications during the first call for submission of ap-

plications it was decided to grant funding to 17 best applications (the remaining

14 subsidies were left for the second call to submit applications).

In 2007, the first call for submission of applications was participated by 23

organisations, of which 13 are educational institutions (kindergartens, second-

ary and basic schools, colleges, and universities), 5 town and regional munici-

palities, and 15 training and educational centres.

During the second call for submission of applications, 47 applications for

study visits were received. At the meeting of the commission for selection of

study visit applications, funding was granted to 20 applications (14 from the

Study Visit Programme and 6 from Cedefop Programme).

In 2007, in the second call for submission of applications, 47 organisations

took part, including 32 educational institutions (kindergartens, secondary and

basic schools, colleges, and universities), 2 town and regional municipalities,

6 training and educational centres, 3 institutions providing vocational consul-

tancy services, 2 private capital companies, and 2 other establishments.

Since January 1, 2008, the two programmes – the Study Visits and Cede-

fop – have been merged into one (called the Study Visits) programme, and from

January 1, 2008, it has been coordinated in Europe by the Cedefop (European

Vocational Training Development Centre) agency.

Study visits are visits of education specialists and decision-taking persons, aimed at facilitating transna-tional information and expertise exchange. The target group of the Project: specialists from the Ministry of Education and Science, administration staff of town and regional educational departments, heads of edu-cational institutions, inspectors, teacher trainers, high-quality education specialists, etc.











2007 Activity Overview


Page 14: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview


The 2007 programme priorities were the preparation of teachers, qualifi-

cation improvement and stimulation of diversity of the languages offered for

learning. The ceremony for the European Certificate Programme awards was

held on December 14, 2007 in Vilnius, where the 2007 European Certificate

Programme winners were given awards: Language Learner of the Year 2007,

Language Teacher of the Year 2007 and Language Project of the Year 2007,

other competitors for the 2007 European Certificate Programme were awarded

with the letters of gratitude and prizes.

Margarita Santos Cuesta, the laureate of the nomination of the Language

Learner of the Year, during the event told of how it was most difficult when

learning the language to learn to stress the words correctly and to persuade

Lithuanians to speak Lithuanian rather than English with her.

The title of the Language Teacher of the Year was awarded to Lionė Galinienė,

an English language teacher from the Marijampolė College. The teacher, award-

ed with the European certificate, underlined the importance of the role of the

teacher in motivating students to study languages and that today a good teach-

er not only teaches languages, but also teaches how to learn them.

The Language Project of the Year nomination went to the Project of the

Institute of Foreign Languages of Vilnius University – Socrates Lingua 1 ”Open

to Every Citizen“.

2006–2007 number of appLiCations for european CertifiCation Competition

The objective of the Programme is to evaluate and award the innovative language teaching and learning projects, present them to teachers, pupils and lectur-ers, to encourage the wider application of innovative teaching methods and forms in the diverse fields and institutions of language teaching.

European Certificate

Nomination Appli-cations received in 2006

Appli-cations received in 2007

Language Teacher of the Year

3 4

Language Project of the Year

2 6

Language Learner of the Year

15 2

Total: 20 12

2007 Activity Overview


Page 15: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview


Academic Exchange under Bilateral Agreements

Lithuania has signed cooperation agreements in the field of culture, education, science and sports with 31 countries. Academic exchange programmes with Japan and the Swiss Confederation are annually extended.

The objectives of the bilateral cooperation agreements are as follows: to

support the participation of researchers in the joint projects and programmes;

to stimulate the direct relations of the institutions of science and studies; to

exchange students of undergraduate and/or postgraduate studies, teachers of

the institutions of science and studies, scholars, summer language and culture

course students. Duration of the studies supported by the Academic Exchange

Programme is from 3 to 10 months and of placements from 1 to 5 months.In

2007, the Education Exchanges Support Foundation together with the Ministry

of Education and Science organised competitions for fellowships for studies

and scientific placements (14 competitions), administered agreements on stud-

ies abroad, agreements on scientific placements abroad and agreements on the

use of funds with the Lithuanian institutions of science and studies admitting

foreigners for studies. Since September 2007, the Education Exchanges Support

Foundation has concluded 24 agreements for studies abroad, 17 agreements on

scientific placements abroad and 6 agreements on the use of funds with the

Lithuanian institutions of science and studies admitting foreigners for studies,

into which 31 foreigners have arrived from September.

appLiCations of Lithuanian nationaLs for studies and sCientifiC pLaCements abroad in 2007/2008 aCademiC year






4 3

3 0

22 21

4 4

number of foreiGn students and sCientists who haVe Come to the Lithuanian institutions of sCienCe and studies admittinG foreiGners for studies sinCe september 2007

Vilnius University 24

Kaunas University 3

Vilnius Gediminas 1

Technical University 1

Vytautas Magnus University 1

Šiauliai University 1

Vilnius Pedagogical University 1


1 1


1 1






7 6

20 0

16 7

2 0

7 7

2007 Activity Overview


25 15

9 8

8 4

3 3





Page 16: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview



The Europass Project is aimed at promoting the use of Europass documents which would help the EU citizens to get a job more easily, to do practical work or to con-tinue studies in all European Union countries.

europass doCuments issued in 2005-2007






2007 Activity Overview


The Europass documents, issued in all EU countries, contain information

in the standard form about education, occupational qualifications, the compe-

tences possessed as well as skills and competences gained during the place-

ment or practical training abroad.

The Education Exchanges Support Foundation in 2007 published once

again 4 publications about Europass documents with the updated informa-

tion and new samples and the joint booklet about Europass and Euroguidance

projects: here the Europass Project and its documents are presented.

On the initiative of the Europass Project coordinators we started cooper-

ating with job search websites www.cv.lt, www.cvmarket.lt, www.visidarbai.

lt, www.naujasdarbas.lt. Those websites gave the opportunity for their clients

alongside the Standard CV form also to fill in the Europass CV form.

In 2007, the Europass language passport was distributed in foreign lan-

guage schools, language departments of universities; this document was also

presented in the joint event with the European Certificate Programme.

Europass documents were distributed in the informative seminars of Le-

onardo da Vinci, Erasmus, Comenius programmes. In the seminar “Youth in

Action”, organised by the Youth International Cooperation Agency, Europass

documents were presented to youth, participating in the activity of the Euro-

pean volunteer programme.

Page 17: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview



The objective of the Euroguidance project is the de-velopment of vocational information and counselling in Lithuania and Europe. In 2007, three informative publications, designed for project dissemination, were prepared and published, as well as three me-thodical publications, intended for vocational guid-ance specialists.

In 2007, the Euroguidance Project coordinators organised four informative

and five training seminars, participated actively in various events disseminating

information about the Project activity. In 2007, they started cooperating with the

Vocational Information Centres, organising joint seminars for pupils on career

planning and to circulating publications and films about professions, created

during Euroguidance Project. In June-November 2007, events were organised in

Ukmergė, Druskininkai, Vilnius, and Šilalė schools of general education.

In 2007, the Ploteus portal was further administered, information was dis-

seminated about the portal, questions were answered to foreign and Lithua-

nian users on learning opportunities in Lithuania, translations, intended for

integration of Ploteus data bases into AIKOS systems, were made.

In collaboration with Europass Project coordinators a virtual tool “Your Ca-

reer School” was created, it includes all the products created during Europass

and Euroguidance projects.

Two cooperation agreements with the Lithuanian Labour Exchange (LLE)

and Lithuanian Labour Market Training Service (LLMTS) were implemented.

In 2007, under the cooperation agreement with LLE, five films about the most

popular professions were created, and in accordance with the cooperation

agreement with LLMTS, two publications were prepared and published, train-

ings for vocational consultants were also organised. Euroguidance Project

coordinators participated actively in the development of the vocational guid-

ance system, got involved in the activity of the international working groups

“Creation of the Common Euroguidance Website“ and “Training”.

2007 Activity Overview


Page 18: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview

Erasmus MundusErasmus Mundus is a cooperation and mobility pro-gramme, intended to enhance the quality of higher education in Europe and cooperation throughout the world by organising high-quality Master courses in the European universities.

erasmus mundus masters Courses in Lithuania (number of appLiCations)

On March 30, 2007, an informative seminar “Higher Education Programmes and

Individual Mobility” was held. The 2007 call for submission of applications for

Erasmus Mundus Programme was presented to the staff members of the Lithua-

nian institutions of higher education and studies, practical information on the

preparation of applications was shared and questions arisen were answered.

Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses. In 2007, six Lithuanian institutions

submitted seven applications: six for partnership projects and one for coordi-

nating project. Kaunas University of Technology intended to participate in three

projects, and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in two projects. After the

applications were evaluated by experts, the project “EMSRHS – European Mas-

ter in Sustainable Regional Health Systems”, coordinated by Vilnius University

and the Klaipėda University partnership project “EMBC – Erasmus Mundus Mas-

ter of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation” were approved.

Scholarships. Scholarships are granted for students and scholars of other

(not EU) countries, willing to participate in Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses.

Until this year the Lithuanian institutions have not got the approved Erasmus

Mundus Masters Courses, therefore applications for scholarships could be sub-

mitted only since the year 2008.

Partnership. This is cooperation between the consortium of the approved Eras-

mus Mundus Master Courses (Action 1) and at least one higher education institution

from another country. The Lithuanian institutions until this year have not approved

Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses, therefore they could not submit applications.

Enhancing attractiveness of education. The projects under this Action

propagate European higher education. In 2007, four Lithuanian institutions sub-

mitted five applications for partnership projects: Kaunas University of Technolo-

gy, Vilnius Pedagogical University, Vilnius University, and Lithuanian Agricultur-

al University intended to take part in two projects. After expert evaluation of the

applications, the projects from the Lithuanian institutions were not approved.


submitted approved


7 0

8 0

4 0

5 0

7 2

2007 Activity Overview


erasmus mundus masters Courses, approVed in 2007

in coordinationpartnership

3 2


314610381121 216 2 4141233












Page 19: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview



The Trans-European mobility programme for university studies (TEMPUS) is one of the European Community programmes designed to help the restructuring of higher education systems in the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the Western Balkans and the Mediterranean Sea Region countries. The Programme focuses on the development of the higher education systems in these countries and improvement of the process of social and economic reform through coop-eration with institutions from the EU Member States.

tempus projeCts in Lithuania

The call for applications was not announced in 2007. Currently, one project

for structural measures and four joint European projects are under way, with

the participation of the Lithuanian institutions. In one of these, Kaunas Univer-

sity of Technology is the beneficiary.

The joint Tempus information seminar was organised for the three succes-

sive years in the Baltic countries. On October 5, 2007, it took place in Riga and

was designed to celebrate the 15-year participation in the Tempus Programme.

Of 83 seminar participants, 33 were the staff members from the Lithuanian in-

stitutions of higher education and studies. In the seminar, the European Com-

mission representative Helene Skikos presented Tempus IV stage structure

and the planned action schedule, while the representatives of the national

Tempus offices from Croatia, Egypt, Belarus and Armenia acquainted with edu-

cation systems of their countries and shared experience of participation in the


Joint European projects are structural projects, organised by the consor-

tium of institutions, possessing the clearly defined goals for restructuring

of higher education institutions. Structural measures are the short-termed

measures, aimed to support national reforms and other needs. Complemen-

tary measures are measures for supporting conferences, organised by the Eu-

ropean Commission, dissemination actions or national Tempus offices.




Individual mobility scholarships

Structural and com-plementary measures

Joint European projects

13 1


2 1


2007 Activity Overview

Page 20: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview


Lithuanian National Bologna Expert GroupWithin 2007/2008 academic year, the Foundation implements the project “Lithuanian National Bologna Group”, funded by the European Commission and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania.

The key goals are: to systematically disseminate information, acquainting

the academic community members of the higher education institutions (stu-

dents, teachers, administrators) and the staff of organisations, operating in

the field of higher education, with the Bologna process objectives, regula-

tions, and the most important documents; to train the academic community

members of the higher education institutions and the staff of organisations,

operating in the field of higher education (organising national level events,

meetings of Bologna propagators with the representatives of higher educa-

tion institutions and organisations, operating in the field of higher education),

how to implement the Bologna process regulations in the specific academic or

other activities.

The Lithuanian National Bologna Group is constituted of the representa-

tives of the six Lithuanian higher education institutions and students.

The Bologna experts disseminate information and provide recommenda-

tions, evaluations on the issues of Bologna process implementation in Lithua-

nia, concentrating on the priority areas of Bologna process:

– quality assurance (internal and external),

– three-cycle system (study programme reform, qualifications system),

– recognition (ECTS, diploma supplement, Europass, Lisbon Convention).

The Bologna Process Expert Group activity was launched on May 1, 2007.

More information on the progress of the Bologna expert project and Bolo-

gna process is available at the address www.smpf.lt.

2007 Activity Overview


Page 21: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview



EuroSkills vocational skills competitions are indi-vidual and team competitions organised bi-annually at a European level, where young students, pupils and staff members are competing through demon-strations of their vocational skills in solving different practical tasks.

The goal of EuroSkills is not only to expand the vocational knowledge of

young people, but also to promote excellence in the vocational area.

In 2007, Lithuania was officially approved as a member of the European

Skills Promotion Organisation (ESPO) and will be able to participate in the

2008 EuroSkills competitions. In March 2007, the National EuroSkills Action

Committee was approved by order of the Minister of Education and Science. In

2007, it was convened twice.

The first EuroSkills competition will be held in September 2008 in Rotter-

dam, the Netherlands. Over 500 young people from 20 European countries will

compete for the title “The Best of the Best.”

EuroSkills is open for all young people from 17 to 25 years, seeking for spe-

cialised vocational knowledge – from builders and florists to Internet website

creators and fashion designers. The participants of those competitions will

compete in 50 different categories. Young people should demonstrate their

vocational skills. They will compete among themselves and will solve practical

tasks. The best will be awarded with medals.

In December 2007, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic

of Lithuania together with vocational schools organised craftsmanship com-

petitions of the pupils of vocational schools – the future florists, car repairers,

joiners, hairdressers, cooks, confectioners, waiters and barmen.

A total of 79 best vocational school pupils participated in the events. The

florists’ competition was attended by 6 competing schools, 24 schools took

part in the car repairers’ competition, 20 schools in the joiners’ competition,

10 schools in the cooks’ and confectioners’ competition, 13 schools in the wait-

ers’ and barmen competition, and 6 schools in the hairdressers’ competition.

All winners of the competitions became candidates for participation in the

2008 EuroSkills craftsmanship competitions.

2007 Activity Overview


Page 22: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview

Dissemination of Information

The key goal and major task of information activities in 2007 was to present the new foundation. A logo and dimensions for the new joint

style of the foundation were created at the beginning of the year. Seeking to

use the allocated funds and its time more purposefully, in July we prepared and

approved the “Communication Strategy.” We hope that by informing systemati-

cally and in a coordinated way the potential beneficiaries and the public we shall

enhance interest in the opportunities provided by the international support to

the education.

Events. The Foundation staff organised information events for the potential

and present beneficiaries, as well as participated in the conferences, seminars

and discussions, organised by other organisations, also diffusing information

on the actions supported by the Education Exchanges Support Foundation. In

2007, as each year, we participated in the exhibition “Learning. Studies. Ca-

reer.” Last year a total of 70 national and international events of different types

were organised: thematic conferences, exhibitions-fairs, information semi-

nars, monitoring seminars, events for the dissemination of results, events

advertising the programme or specialised actions. They were attended by a

total of 5010 people.

2007 Most Important Events.

2007.04.20. In the constituent conference of the Lifelong Learning Pro-

gramme, a report was delivered by Odille Quintin, Director General of the

Directorate for Education and Culture of the European Commission. During

the visit the Director General had meetings with the Minister of Education

and Science, the Minister of Culture, and the Youth International Coopera-

tion Agency.

2007.05.21–25. During the Erasmus 20 week in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda and

Šiauliai, thematic conferences and festive concerts were held. Competitions

for students and teachers were arranged on the occasion of Erasmus 20.

2007.11.26. The conference of dissemination and valorisation of the results

of school improvement projects under Comenius programme “Comenius

Projects – a Good Opportunity to Improve School.”

2007.12.10. Nordplus constituent conference.

2007.12.14. An event for awarding the 2007 European certificate laureates

and Leonardo da Vinci quality competition laureates.

2007 Activity Overview


Page 23: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview

Publishing. An important part of information activities is the publishing and

production of information and advertising publications providing publicity to

programmes. Project collections, programme activity surveys, research, re-

sults of dissemination projects, and information booklets are published. In

2007, the publications of 30 titles with the total circulation of 44,650 copies

were published; over 18,000 advertising products of 20 kinds were produced.

The most popular articles: Erasmus scarves which we give as a gift to the in-

coming students, Euroguidance/Europass bracelets for pupils and cheerful

magnets advertising the internet website address of the Foundation.

2007 Most important publications.

(See picture) The Education Exchanges Support Foundation prepared and

published the periodical “Vocational Guide 2007” (a book and CD), it was dis-

tributed in secondary school libraries, vocational guidance centres and voca-

tional information centres.

(See picture) We started publishing the Education Exchanges Support

Foundation newspaper “We Learn the Whole Life.” We are planning it to be a

semi-annual publication.

(See picture) Erasmus 20 posters and postcards with an Erasmus 20 an-

them, created specially for that occasion. Student photos, sent to the competi-

tion “My Erasmus Friends”, were used.

Publication (picture) – Mobility projects under Leonardo da Vinci projects,

which were most successful in implementing their goals, the results of which

were most beneficial to the participants and institutions, are awarded each

year. The collection of the 2005 quality competition laureates was published.

(See picture) Collections: of the European Certificate laureates (2002 –

2007), Comenius projects (2006–2007), Leonardo da Vinci projects, funded

in 2007.

The Education Exchanges Support Foundation administers three Internet

websites: www.smpf.lt, intended for the support beneficiaries of the pro-

grammes administered by the Foundation, and for all those interested in the

opportunities of transnational cooperation; www.euroguidance.lt, designed

for vocational consultants and those who are choosing the profession or want

to change it; www.europass.lt, familiarising with the file of EU documents Eu-

ropass. In 2007, we updated one of the most important means of our com-

munication and assistance to support beneficiaries – the Internet website. A

new website was created aiming to present more clearly all the opportunities

for support, the opportunities were implemented and will be used in creating

thematic forums and discussion groups; already now the website users may

subscribe the most important news, which for convenience are divided accord-

ing to the programmes. The necessity of such information source shows the

fact that the Foundation website was frequented by 192,000 visitors.

We understand that good administration of the programmes is impor-

tant, but also of importance is to show how many good results were achieved

through the use of the allocated funds. Therefore we invited the representa-

tives of mass media to our events, circulated communications about the most

important events through the BNS news system. We are of the opinion that this

work yields results, since according to the data provided by the Cission Lietuva

company, from July 2007 in the national and regional mass media 180 articles

on the Foundation and its administered activities have been published.


Page 24: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview


One of the most important stages of project administration is the monitoring. Its aim is to ensure the qualitative project activity implementa-

tion and the efficient and expedient use of the granted subsidy. To achieve that

purpose, in 2007 the monitoring strategy was created and approved.


Individual consultations. The Foundation staff provides consultations

permanently to the subsidy beneficiaries on the issues related to the project


Thematic seminars. Counselling seminars are organised for subsidy ben-

eficiaries seeking to supply information on the urgent issues (agreement con-

ditions, quality assurance, dissemination, valorisation, etc.).

Follow-up Visits. The coordinators of the Foundation projects visit the ex-

ecuting organisation, seeking to meet the project administration group, par-

ticipants, to get acquainted with the project documentation, products, and

in-place project publicity strategy. After completion of the follow-up visit,

conclusions and recommendations are provided to the project executors. The

Foundation staff also participates in the meetings of the project partners, final

conferences, exhibitions, concerts, etc.

Analysis and Evaluation of Reports. The coordinators of the Foundation

projects verify and analyse the project implementation reports (interim and

final) by the subsidy beneficiaries. Where necessary, they are assisted by the

external experts.

Audit. In accordance with the established requirements, an audit is conduct-

ed to a certain percentage of the administered projects in the project imple-

menting institutions. In 2007, 13 audit visits of such type were undertaken: in

10 Leonardo da Vinci and 3 Erasmus programmes implementing institutions.

Programme Number of consultation

Erasmus approx. 10 000Comenius approx. 15 000Grundtivig approx. 5000Leonardo da Vinci approx. 5000Academic exchange approx. 5000under bilateral agreements TOTAL approx. 30 000


Erasmus 6 364Comenius 10 608Grundtivig 7 226Leonardo da Vinci 14 394Academic exchange 2 130 under bilateral agreementsStudy visits 4 185TOTAL 43 1907

Programme Number of visits

Erasmus 8Comenius 10Grundtivig 5Leonardo da Vinci 45TOTAL 68

Programme Number of reports

Erasmus 363Academic exchange 21 under bilateral agreementsComenius 607Grundtivig 250Leonardo da Vinci 97Study visits 32TOTAL 1370

2007 Activity Overview



ber o





ber o




Page 25: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview

The Foundation: Structure and the Staff

After merging of the two organisations, the important structural, manage-

ment and cultural changes were unavoidable. Therefore in 2007, efforts were

made to improve the Foundation management and work quality, to develop pro-

fessional and management competences, to form new organisational culture

and to try to understand the expectations of the staff.

The staff is the most valuable property of the organisation. Current-

ly, the whole staff working in the Foundation are 43 qualified specialists with

a higher education, more than a half of them are with a Master’s qualifica-

tion degree, one with a Doctor’s degree. We are the organisation, propagating

permanent learning, therefore we are delighted that even 30 percent of the

Foundation staff is currently involved in studies.

The Foundation staff policy is being formed seeking to achieve that the

Foundation employees would be competent specialists in their fields. Develop-

ing staff competences is one of the most important tasks of personnel policy.

The Foundation is constantly investing in the training and development of its

staff. All the Foundation employees have the opportunity to choose freely the

courses, training, and seminars that would allow them to improve themselves

and to help to achieve the better results in everyday labour activities. There-

fore, the best return of those investments, which is received by its staff, is the

effective and efficient work, qualitative and professional solutions and compe-

tence in their work. Within 2007, the Foundation employees participated in 31

qualification improvement events.


In 2007, for the implementation of the Life-long Learning Programmes LTL

46,701,000 were allocated by the Directorate for Education and Culture of the

European Commission and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Repub-

lic of Lithuania. Within 2007, 80 percent of the funds allocated for the potential

subsidy beneficiaries were paid out.

In 2007, LTL 5,016,000 were allocated by the Ministry of Education and Sci-

ence of the Republic of Lithuania and the Directorate for Education and Culture

of the European Commission for the activities, administration of the centralised

programme, and other project activities.

Within 2007, five dissemination projects were completed. The funds, allo-

cated from the State budget and the Directorate for Education and Culture of the

European Commission for the implementation of the foreseen activities, were

used by 100 percent.


in 2007, for administration of the foundation aCtiVities, CentraLised proGrammes aLLoCated (mLn, LtL)

in 2007, for impLementation of the Life LonG proGramme aLLoCated (mLn, LtL)







ErasmusComeniusLeonardo da VinciGruntvigStudy visitsBilateral agreements

Activity administrationProjectsCentralised activity





General Develop-ment and Adult

Education Programme

Department 9

Cleaner 0,5

Director 1

Deputy Director 1

Deputy Director 1

ChiefAccountant 1

Higher Education

Department 5

IT specialists 1,5

Vocational Training

Programme Department 6

Finance and iAccounting

Departments 5

Project department 4

Information and dissemina-

tion specialists 2

Lawyer 1Personal specialist 1

Office administrator 2

2007 Activity Overview

Page 26: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview

The Education Exchanges Support Foundation is a public legal entity of lim-

ited liability, its Founder is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic

of Lithuania. The sole stakeholder of the Foundation is the Ministry of Education

and Science of the Republic of Lithuania. The Foundation bodies are the General

Meeting of Stakeholders and the sole management body – the Director of the

Foundation, appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders.

On February 14, 2007, by Order ISAK-208 of the Minister of Education and

Science the Steering Committee of the Education Exchanges Support Founda-

tion was approved.

Chairman of the Committee is Dainius Numgaudis, the State Secretary of

the Ministry of Education and Science.

Members: Gitana Jurgelaitienė – Director of the Department of Studies of

the Ministry of Education and Science; Arūnas Plikšnys – Director of the Gen-

eral Education Department of the Ministry of Education and Science; Romualdas

Pusvaškis – Director of the Department of Vocational and Continuing Training

of the Ministry of Education and Science; Virginija Rinkevičienė – Head of the

Academic Mobility Division of the Studies Department of the Ministry of Edu-

cation and Science, the delegated member of the Education Committee of the

European Union Council. Jurga Strumskienė – Head, of the International Coop-

eration and. European Integration Division of the Ministry of Education and Sci-

ence, the delegated member of the Education Committee of the European Union

Council. Jolanta Spurgienė – Chief Specialist of the International Cooperation

and. European Integration Division of the Ministry of Education and Science,

the delegated member of the Long-Life Learning Programme Committee of the

European Union; Daiva Šutinytė – Director of the Education Exchanges Support

Foundation.; Jūratė Vlaščenkienė – Head of EU Aid Coordination Division, EU

Programmes Management Department, Ministry of Finance.

The main functions of the Steering Committee: to submit proposals to the

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania and the Foun-

dation on the strategy of implementation of the EU education programmes in

Lithuania and national priorities in implementing the Life-Long Learning Pro-

gramme in Lithuania; to evaluate the activity results of the Foundation, to adopt

strategic solutions on the issues of the Foundation activities.

The Steering Committee 2007 Activity Overview


Page 27: Education exchanges support foundation 2007 Activity Overview

This publication reflects the views only of the author,

and the Commission cannot be held responsible

for any use which may be made of the information

contained therein.

Education Exchanges Support Foundation

Geležinio Vilko str. 12, LT-0112, Vilnius, Lithuania

Phone: +370 5 24 9 7134, 261 0592, fax +370 5 24 9 7137

E-mail: [email protected], www.smpf.lt

Design UAB „Interse“

Printed UAB „Sapnų sala“

© Education Exchanges Support Foundation, 2008