EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

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Page 1: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two






















Page 2: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two
Page 3: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

Page 1 Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Document established by Chalmers’ President

02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Priority Operational Development 2015-2019 Please note that this document is a translation of a Swedish original


Based on our mission "Chalmers shall be an outward-looking technical university with a global

appeal that conducts internationally recognised education and research, coupled with a

professional innovation process1", Chalmers is developing greater social responsibility. By

focusing on education, research, and utilisation2, Chalmers will play a vital, attractive and

demonstrable role in society. This role has local, national and global perspectives and the overall

objective is to contribute to sustainable technological shifts, where problem-solving for new

sustainable competitiveness is at the centre, where detailed knowledge is captured from the

scientific depths and where long-term prosperity is a clear objective. All in accordance with our

vision Chalmers – for a sustainable future. Chalmers bachelor and PhD graduates are our most

important contribution to meeting societal renewal. Through collaboration with business and society

our students will be prepared to become agents of change, our PhD graduates will be crucial door

openers in the future and prospective employers will demand and receive change for a sustainable


Chalmers' management is responsible for business development and, in support of this, a systematic

approach in which institutions, areas of advance, undergraduate organisation and the

ChalmersSphere (see Figure 1-2) contribute to Chalmers's overall goals, world-class education,

excellence in research, effective utilisation and an excellent internal environment. In 2015,

Chalmers management team will also be responsible for guidelines or action plans developed


Preliminary work will begin on a new version of Chalmers' vision and strategy

document (also known as the Water Book3).

A common brand strategy for the business.

A strategy for international recruitment, collaboration and visibility.

Chalmers institutions must continually develop their strengths, the commitment of individual and

ensure critical mass and attractiveness to topic-specific interfaces within and outside Chalmers.

Over the next five years, the economic distribution model we apply at Chalmers today will be

changed to better support our mutual business goals. An internal investigation is underway with

the mission to create an alternative model for the allocation of Chalmers' basic resources. This

applies to both faculty and undergraduate education resources. Decisions must be made in 2014

and a potential, new model will arise that will be implemented during 2016. The intention is to

promote Chalmers' development compared with the targets established in the model. This gives

Chalmers greater opportunities to make a good impression in the planned national evaluation of

university departments in 2018.

1 The knowledge triangle defines the integration of education, research and innovation, where Chalmers describes its contribution to

innovation as "utilisation". 2 The concept of utilisation at Chalmers includes the communication mission, collaboration mission and innovation mission from the

government's description of higher education data. 3 ”Chalmers för en hållbar framtid. Vision, mål och strategier 2008-2015 med utblick mot 2020" and an updated version in English

"Chalmers - for a sustainable future. Vision mission and strategies 2010-2020". Available at http://www.chalmers.se/insidan/SV/om-


Page 4: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

Page 2 Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Document established by Chalmers’ President

02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

The prioritised activity development will create better conditions for

Chalmers to strengthen its position and activities

Prioritised Operational Development from 2015 to 2019 is, together with Chalmers' vision

document, Chalmers' overall governing document. The Prioritised Operational Development is

an annually updated development plan based on management's overall priorities and the

Chalmers Sphere's (Figure 2) potential to achieve our common goals. Chalmers' overall goal

world-class education, excellence in research, effective utilisation is supported by a fourth goal

an excellent internal environment, which forms an essential foundation for the success of the

other goals. The four goals are established by the board at Chalmers University of Technology.

The primary objective of the Prioritised Operational Development is to describe what Chalmers

as a whole should achieve in the coming years by everyone working together towards a defined

goal. The plan only describes Chalmers' management's overall priorities and not all what

institutions and Chalmers employees do day-to-day. The task of the departments is to develop

their subject areas into the highest quality. The departments have also been asked to contribute to

Chalmers' common appeal both locally and globally in education, research and utilisation, as

well as integration. In interdisciplinary terms, this takes place through by a good balance

between depth and breadth of our Faculty. The meeting with other disciplines, business and

society provides additional value through the opportunities that the areas of advance have to

tackle interdisciplinary and societal challenges.

Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and

Chalmers' organisation in the two dimensions of line and process. The line consists of departments, library and

activity support. The main processes are education, research and utilisation, which are integrated into the areas of


Page 5: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

Page 3 Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Document established by Chalmers’ President

02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Figure 2. Schematic illustration of the Chalmers Sphere's overall activities. Solid line shows the legal link.

Conditions for unique added value

The ability to navigate in a complex organisation is determined by how clearly and attractively

each person's participation can be described. Therefore, a two-dimensional image of Chalmers

been developed (Figure 1) where the line and Chalmers' overall development constitutes its

dimension. The figure shows that the departments, the library and the joint operational support

represents the line structure, where all staff are employed and where the departments' subject

depth and breadth are developed. The departments and their employees are offered unique added

value in their performance by the second dimension. The main processes of educating,

researching and utilising for a sustainable future add quality and efficiency of implementation

while the areas of advance give visibility and a regeneration force through researchers'/teachers'

and students' involvement in profiled areas. Together, this increases Chalmers' appeal and

contributes to the development and growth of our cooperation partners.

Prioritised development of the areas of advance – AoA 2.0

After an initial period of five years the areas of advanced will a new phase in 2015 - AoA 2.0.

The transition has been triggered by the state fund providers evaluating in 2014 the strategic

research areas (SRA) for the next funding period on behalf of the government. AoA 2.0 involves

Page 6: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

Page 4 Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Document established by Chalmers’ President

02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

a further development and update of the areas of advance and strategies relative to the original

plans. During 2014 Chalmers' management clarified the financing for incentives and activities in

the areas of advance until 2016. The framework decision allows for challenge-driven and

interdisciplinary research, training and utilisation in parallel with, and complementary to, the

departmental activities. This provides a clarification of the task of the departments and areas of

advance to be responsible for the development of depth and breadth of subject for each profiled

activity that requires collaboration across disciplinary boundaries, both basic and applied.

In the new Areas of advance (AoA) 2.0 the following is prioritised: (1) increased

collaboration between the areas of advance to tackle complex issues; (2) increased resource

repatriation to achieve objectives; and (3) an increased rate of development of the three areas of

advance without SRA funds. Guidelines for AoA 2.0 for the next five years will be established

over the course of 2014. They describe the purposes, goals and role within Chalmers of the areas

of advance and shows their mission, organisation and formal decision making process.

For the prioritised operational development of the areas of advance they must:

• Observe Chalmers' driving forces: (i) sustainable development and (ii) innovation and


• Provide added value relative to the activities funded by faculty funding through the department.

• Help create readiness and strengthen Chalmers for the 2018 evaluation of Swedish universities in

terms of quality and relevance.

• Take into account the larger Chalmers investments such as graphene and "energy on campus."

• Support the development of incentive structures for interdisciplinary meetings within "basic


• Develop the hospitality of the areas of advance for centres and research facilities in accordance

with the respective policies4, especially regarding communication and innovation.

• Stimulate broad interdisciplinary long-term partnerships with academia, industry and

communities that provide added value to Chalmers and our partners.

• Develop and strengthen challenge-driven training, such as Challenge Lab, and the CDIO project.

• Strengthen the areas of advance as a key showcase both outwards and inwards.

• Support strategic communications planning.

General funds, SRA funds as well as the common AoA funds will be used to finance the AoA


Skills provision and skills development in focus

The provision of skills must include an innovative, strategic planning from departments where

quality, diversity, equality and efficiency follow the highest international standards. Chalmers'

skills policy must also have clear and measurable career paths, a proactive recruitment policy

4 Chalmers research infrastructures, Roadmap for 2014 – 2018 and beyond, reg no. C2014-0092. Policy and guidelines

for centre at Chalmers, reg no. C2013-0668. 5 Functions of the areas of advance (AoA functions) have been developed and established during spring 2014. Reg. no.


Page 7: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

Page 5 Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Document established by Chalmers’ President

02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

and a clear link to the strategic development of undergraduate education. Increased equality must

be achieved through innovation, foresight and courage to break ingrained traditions.

Chalmers still recruits locally, both for students and researchers/teachers. Equality and

diversity are also far from desired levels. On the initiative of the government Chalmers'

management has set a target where 25% of new professors will be women, which is a step in the

right direction.

Those trained at Chalmers are expected to play a crucial role in solutions promoting a

sustainable future being developed and becoming widespread in society. Chalmers annual

Sustainability Day will be the most visible evidence of the integrated power of our vision within

Chalmers and towards the outside world. This needs to be supported by a culture that builds trust

and allows an appropriate level of risk. The trend of increased globalisation continues with

increasingly tough competition for students, resources and partnerships. Chalmers must act to

take advantage of the opportunities these changes provide. Our development plan requires

willingness to change, further development of forms of cooperation and ability to deliver results

that add value for all parties. It also means that we are active in the public debate and contribute

with our knowledge.

How will be work together in the future with prioritised development of


This Priority Operational Development describes what should be achieved and prioritised for the

period 2015-2019. The document describes the overall areas in which Chalmers employees

should join forces to make progress together. The Priority Operational Development does not

describe everything that departments and Chalmers' employees do day-to-day. This year's

version is decided upon by the Chancellor and approved by Chalmers' board of directors in June

2014 and is then used as a basis for a five-year development plan. Every activity has the task of

solidifying the plan's overall goals into action within their own area of responsibility. All

activities are encouraged to conduct interdisciplinary dialogues within the ChalmersSphere to

show how we can take the business towards the prioritised objectives together. There are two

"mandatory" interim targets for each overall Chalmers target for the departments and areas of

advance in their respective business plans and if necessary there is space for additional interim

targets. The mandatory and "own" interim targets shall be supported by measurable key

performance indicators (KPI’s).

The key indicators in this document are part of four different sets of key indicators that

together paint a picture of Chalmers' development. KPIs are set for: Chalmers owners'

foundation (relative measurement within the university sector), Chalmers board (fulfilment of

the overall objective), Priority Operational Development (activity performance against targets).

For ongoing support there is a decision support system introduced from 2014. Detailed

instructions for working with activity planning from 2015 to 2019 will be published from

September 2014.

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Page 6 Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Document established by Chalmers’ President

02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

World-class education

Chalmers goal is to provide world-class education, where our vision is:

We recruit highly motivated, knowledgeable students from all over the world and provide an

education that gives them the ability to create sustainable, social and technological solutions that

make a difference locally and globally.

Chalmers' education is conducted in creative and inspiring learning environments by

outstanding teachers and researchers with high levels of subject-related, professional and

educational competence, in close contact with student support and the working world.

Chalmers' alumni have deep subject knowledge combined with the ability to take leadership

roles in the development, implementation and operation of technology systems, processes and

services. Chalmers alumni can interact with other professions and contribute to a solid technical

foundation for solving complex social problems.

Chalmers' alumni have developed personal qualities such as curiosity and courage, as well as

the self-knowledge that gives the ability to continuously develop their skills and take on

challenges in new areas. Chalmers alumni use a value-creating mindset and ethical approach and

have the ability to bring their deep theoretical knowledge to a wider context.

Undergraduate education; quality today and in the future

Chalmers' education is well positioned nationally and employability is good; one year after

graduation6 93% of civil engineer graduates and 91% of bachelor's graduates are in relevant

employment and alumni give an average rating of 7.9 out of 10 when asked how satisfied they

were with the education. At UKÄ's quality assessment 2012-2013 result was by far the best,

which was commented on by the evaluators. Chalmers' comprised 13% of evaluated exams

nationally, but our courses accounted for 36% of those receiving a rating of "Very High

Quality", and only 1.8% of those with a rating of "A lack of quality". By continuing to work

together methodically, according to "Plan-Do-Check-Act", by raising the quality of education in

courses, programmes, learning environments and student support, we are well positioned to

achieve the vision of our undergraduate education.

Chalmers will use learning-centred education planning (constructive alignment), which is an

internationally recognised approach and an effective tool to encourage students to adopt a deeply

oriented learning strategy. It can also improve teachers' didactic abilities. Continuous development

takes place in collaboration with student representatives and the course evaluation process will

result in more satisfied students. The target is an average of 3.5 (out of 5) for the course survey

question on how satisfied they were with each course as a whole. Quality work also affects the

throughput, especially if you include increased support for students' personal development. Of the

students admitted today an average of 50-60% graduate. However, there is great variation between

the programmes. The target for the key figures for the throughput in the first year of study is that

90% of the admitted students remain in education after one year and that 90% of these have

completed at least 45 credits.

6 2010 graduates mapped in the alumni survey 2013

Page 9: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

Page 7 Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Document established by Chalmers’ President

02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Development of challenge-driven learning and engineering science

In the undergraduate education vision developing the ability to create sustainable, social and

technological solutions that make a difference locally and globally is emphasised. To meet these

broad challenges requires an increased use of problem-oriented education in which students and

teachers with different skills work together to solve industry-relevant problems. Sustainable

development and interaction between people, technology and society can be integrated better

when the student uses his or her future professional identity in projects where the inspiration for

the problems is found in the outside world. Areas of advance play an important role and can both

identify important future problems and be a meeting place, preferably in collaboration with

industry. We have also installed Chalmers first Professor of the Practice to further strengthen the

vocational relevance of the education. To give students the opportunity to deal with

professionally-relevant problems, Chalmers' own business development within IT, for instance,

can be used as a scenario.

In five to ten years' time, every educational programme at Chalmers could have qualified

teachers in educational science. With the academic teaching profession as a principle and with a

link to the growing field of research in engineering education science good conditions exist for

our teachers to participate in the discourse of the relevant pedagogical and educational journals.

Examples of this can be found in Chalmers participation in the development of CDIO7, a model

for engineering education. Today, the model has been adopted by over 100 universities and has

an annual international pedagogical conference. More teachers at Chalmers have chosen to

become assistant professors, mainly due to pedagogical credentials. The interest in this and its

possibilities are set to increase for a career in research in the area of engineering education


Development of digital and physical learning environments

One area that is believed to affect higher education is the rapidly increasing volume of online

courses. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are free, where you build up a knowledge base

in a network. We believe that in the future, most of the training has to be campus-based,

software-focused and contain practical elements. However, the trend is heading towards us

needing to design a digital, creative and inspiring learning environment with more elements of

so-called blended learning. Chalmers will develop some pilot MOOCs in order to participate in

the dissemination of knowledge in society, but also because through these experiences our own

digital learning environment will develop. The physical environment is just as important and

there work is ongoing to clarify strategies while the rebuilding of the civil house creates a

modern learning environment. As a campus university, student life is an important part of the

experience, and Chalmers has a long term project, "Student 2020", which aims to identify the

most valuable aspects of student life on campus and find a good co-existence between student

life and working on campus.

7 CDIO; Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate.

Page 10: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

Page 8 Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Document established by Chalmers’ President

02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Internationalisation and diversification in recruitment

Chalmers strives to educate about 9,000 full-time students per year with 30% of international8

students at masters level to ensure an international study environment. Today, 24% of master's

students graduates are from another country. An important piece of the puzzle for

internationalisation is to increase the proportion of Chalmerists travelling abroad. Recruitment of

students to Chalmers, both Swedish and international students, is a tough test in light of

declining numbers of Swedish young people up to 2019 (when the number of 19-year olds

increases again) and fees for students from third party countries9. In the Student Recruitment 2.0

project, the focus has been on identifying the roles and responsibilities of institutions,

programmes and central recruitment to develop cooperation and methods. Well-functioning

digital channels are targeted towards prospective students and increased support and information

between admission and registration then plays a very important role. In addition, local

recruitment is being expanded geographically and communication between Chalmers and

primary and secondary schools continues to develop. The secondary school teacher education

that Chalmers has offered since autumn 2011 strengthens links with secondary schools and the

experience gained should be used in enhanced recruitment efforts.

Development of process-based work

The "Educating" process describes the all steps of undergraduate education from the student

becoming aware of the education and recruitment, to their time at Chalmers and graduation.

Through management by objectives with the student in focus, the process is aimed at prioritising

and streamlining the use of undergraduate funds. Here efficiency results for improved reception,

common course evaluation system, recruitment collaboration, quality control or exam

management can be seen here. Collaboration between educational management, institutions,

areas of advance and educational departments needs to be further developed. In particular, this

applies to the parts of the process where transitions occur between recruitment, admission,

follow-up, throughput and employment. It is also important to create an educational environment

that is inviting and provides good conditions for everyone so that together we can achieve the

vision of world-class education.

World-class education

U1. Education and quality development.

Chalmers' education quality is being developed

continuously and professionally by programme

managers and teachers. The objective is to give alumni

a foundation of science and proven experience, a

foundation that is coveted worldwide for its ability to

work with the ever changing challenges of a

sustainable society.

The students are happy and implement and

complete their studies at a nominal pace.

Key indicator10


U1:1 Proportion of Chalmers courses graded "very high

quality" in the HSV/UKÄ's evaluation 2013-2014.

U1:2 Proportion of students who remain at Chalmers

after a year of study and the proportion of these

student who have completed at least 45 credits.

8 International students means students who do not have a Swedish passport or do not have a permanent residence permit in Sweden. 9 Students from third party countries means students from outside the EU / EEA and Switzerland. 10 Definitions and descriptions of the key indicators can be found in the annex at the end of the document.

Page 11: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

Page 9 Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Document established by Chalmers’ President

02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

U2. Student recruitment

From a broad recruitment basis both nationally and

internationally, Chalmers fills its programmes with

students who have good opportunities to take the exam

and become excellent engineers, architects, maritime

officers and high school teachers.

Chalmers master's programmes are implemented in an

international environment.

Key indicator:

US:1 Proportion of international students registered for

courses within Chalmers' master's programmes.

U2:2 Number of qualified first-choice applicants per

person accepted to Chalmers' courses.

Excellence in research

Throughout the five-year period the priority is increasing the quality and relevance of research,

increasing its depth and breadth as well as improving interdisciplinary areas of advance. Together

with our students and with the community we can become even stronger and create a larger base to

increase our utilisation, where the research results play an important part. Over the next two years a

peer process will be implemented to develop overall goals and a strategy for research on the level

between the Priority Operational Development and departments and the respective strategies and

development plans of the areas of advance. The process begins with a series of talks by

representatives of various sections of the activity on key issues that will guide our development: our

interpretation of the term excellence.


Special focus is placed on the continued development of Chalmers as an internationally visible

research institution. We are concentrating on continued internationalisation of the Chalmers'

research and the faculty, through collaboration and international recruitment, is helping to make the

campus even more multicultural. Co-publication with international partners will be monitored.

Publishing and recruitment in focus

Chalmers' management intends to continuously track the progress of the public awareness of

Chalmers' research with several composite bibliometry measurements in terms of volume and

impact but also in terms of the development of collaboration, networking and other activities and

dissemination channels. It aims to provide a broad picture the progression of the institutions and

areas of advance over time and help strategic comparisons for future evaluations. Departmental

managers should follow their researchers and production activities at an individual level by, among

other things, encouraging wide registration in the CPL. Quality is also monitored via external

databases such as Web of Science and Google Scholar. Increased quality in research, and in

publications as a result, will have a positive impact on our position in the ranking lists.

Chalmers' recruitment of new academic staff, not least to the highly qualified positions, will

increasingly be made in consultation between departments, areas of advance and areas of study to

ensure proper compliance our strategies. To contribute to broad international search fields of a high

quality and with gender balance, Chalmers recruitment process will evolve to include more

proactive elements.

Page 12: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

Page 10 Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Document established by Chalmers’ President

02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

The investments made in centrally advertised assistant services in the areas of advance and

the basic sciences have been both successful and instructive. Chalmers' management intends to

come back with various forms of action; e.g. central advertisement of services and introduction to

the Swedish research culture, to ensure that we can attract successful, young scientists at Chalmers.

Research assistants are an important source of subsequent growth for senior researchers in the

Faculty and it is important that they are given the opportunity and support for development in the

role of successful researchers/teachers within the academy.

Departments and areas of advance have different roles to play in the

development of research

The institutions are responsible for intra-disciplinary information on developments in terms of both

depth and breadth and a strong scientific research is a prerequisite for successful cross-disciplinary

meetings and utilisation of knowledge. Researchers/teachers are employed within the department

that best benefits their subject basis, where the institution is responsible for, among other things,

seminars offering incentives for development of the subject in terms of depth and breadth. The

mission of the areas of advance is to engage researchers and teachers, with sustainable

development, innovation and entrepreneurship, and as driving forces, to collaborate across

disciplinary boundaries internally and with the private and public sectors externally to help solve

major societal challenges.

Via areas of advance three different types of AS functions11

: 1) Areas of advance and profile

development; 2) Relationships and meeting places as well as 3) management, coordination, and

culture, are offered to researchers/teachers as incentives and support in the interdisciplinary

dimension. The ability to work across different boundaries and the integration of research with

education and utilisation of the knowledge triangle is thus enhanced. In the coming years the basic

sciences will have increased visibility and the ability to collaborate across disciplines. The areas of

advance are responsible for researchers in basic sciences being offered participation in creative

communities, where the initiative seminars are important for the identification of new cutting-edge

areas and the exchange of knowledge between academia, industry and society. Research assistants

are recruited via the areas of advance to the selected department, giving international appeal and

helping to strengthen the networks between Chalmers young researchers and to catalyse the natural

synergies between different subjects' depth and breadth. The areas of advance are Chalmers

showcase both for the scientific community and society's other stakeholders from a local to global

perspective, which is ensured by joint communication plans at different levels.

The importance of strengthening research infrastructure, research centres and

graduate programmes at Chalmers

Chalmers' research infrastructure is central to our continued ability to be at the forefront of science,

and our attractiveness as a partner. Chalmers has put forward a strategy for 2014 - 2018 and

launched a systematic effort to develop central research infrastructures12

. The strategy will be

updated annually. In addition to the relatively few central research infrastructures there are also

other critical infrastructures that support interdisciplinary research.


Read more about the areas of advance and their functions in the introduction to the PBD. 12

Chalmers research infrastructures, Roadmap for 2014 – 2018 and beyond, reg. no. C2014-0092.

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Page 11 Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Document established by Chalmers’ President

02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Chalmers' centre is a meeting place for structured collaboration in research, training and

utilisation within Chalmers and between Chalmers and external partners. A centre is open, dynamic

and changing and its activity aims to highlight, focus on and create critical mass around a specific

area. Our centre plays an important role and in the boundaries between them, areas of advance and

external partners are identified, developed and new challenges and issues are resolved. In the

coming years Chalmers' new policy and guidelines for the centre13

will be developed further,

including descriptions of the roles of host institution and host areas of advance, guidelines for co-

financing etc.

Recruitment of students is a concern not only for the supervisor but for the whole subject area,

the department and the university. The number of PhD students in the system and their connection

to service quality is therefore a key strategic issue. Within the "Admit PhD students" sub-process,

during the period a prioritised effort is carried out to develop an efficient, quality assurance and

sustainable recruitment process so that those who are admitted to postgraduate studies have interest

in and capacity to implement the programme on schedule. The contents of the post-graduate

programme are further reinforced in communication and leadership through the continued

development of "Generic and Transferable Skills" in parallel with the acquisition of scientific

knowledge. This emphasise professional development and PhD students will be better prepared for

professional life, regardless of the choice of career after graduation.

Excellence in research

F1. international appeal

Chalmers' research is characterised by academic

excellence and international collaboration. Chalmers'

areas of advance for increased appeal.

A proactive search process is used to recruit the best

researchers and to ensure greater external and more

equal recruitment.

Key indicator (F1:1 is new):

F1:1 Number of articles co-published with universities

outside Sweden, in international peer-reviewed


F1:2 Proportion of people who are employed in services

that require a PhD.

F2. Publications

Chalmers researchers to publish with increased quality

and volume, both disciplinary and interdisciplinary.

Chalmers publications to have a greater impact.

Key indicator:

F2 Chalmers' overall Cf (field-normalised citation


Effective utilisation

During the last decade, the task of utilisation has been increasingly clarified and is now regarded as

a task that is completely equal with information researched and taught. We are also experiencing a

growing and increasingly clear expectation from industry and society that Chalmers' activities will

become even more useful.


Policy and guidelines for centre at Chalmers (reg. no. C2013-0668).

Page 14: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

Page 12 Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Document established by Chalmers’ President

02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Meaning of the term "utilisation"

In its new articles of association for 201414

Chalmers clearly emphasises that utilisation is one of its

main tasks. The Swedish Higher Education Act also provides guidance. "The task of higher

education must include interacting with the community and providing information about their

activities and seeking to ensure that research results of the college will be put to use." In practice,

three sub-missions combine to form the content of the term "utilisation" at Chalmers:

Collaboration mission ("…collaborating with the community…") means that we will

collaborate in research and education in such a way that conditions for innovation processes

are created for those whom we interact with.

Innovation mission ("…work towards the research findings benefitting the university.")

means that we initiate and drive innovation processes based on research-based knowledge,

such as through demonstrators, software, databases, business development in new or

existing businesses.

Communication mission ("…information about their activities…") means that we will utilise

through communicating research-based knowledge with the community in order to influence

attitudes and encourage innovation processes to be created within and outside of Chalmers.

The communication mission is currently being investigated in a separate process. The

definition given here is "narrow" and the interpretation of the mandate could be broadened.

However, this has no direct impact on the prioritised activity objectives described below.

These three missions are therefore three ways to operate in order to create innovation processes. In

particular, these are innovation processes that contribute to sustainable development in a social,

economic and / or environmental sense.

Priority business development for effective application

The target of prioritised business development for Chalmers' overall goal of effective application is

that we are better able to demonstrate, monitor and communicate the ways in which Chalmers'

research-based knowledge can be applied. This target demonstrates how we work with application

integrated into both research and educational activities.

Effective application comprises three interim targets - one for each of the three sub-missions:

collaboration, innovation and communication. The interim targets indicate priority focus for the

respective sub-missions and do not cover the respective missions in their entirety, rather they focus

on a development that is expected to significantly improve conditions for the entire mission.

The interim targets N1 and N2 have been adjusted compared with last year's document. The

reason is that the previous interim targets were perceived as difficult to understand and related to

the business and therefore did not have any clear impact on operational planning. The new targets

(N1-N2) have been designed in cooperation with business representatives (prefects and strong area

leaders) in an attempt to shape the goals that are perceived as both understandable and meaningful.

In this year Priority operation develoment document there is also an interim target for the

communications mission within effective utilisation (N3).


Reg. no. C2014-0886.

Page 15: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

Page 13 Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Document established by Chalmers’ President

02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

The focus of the interim targets is operational development and it is important that we can

determine the degree of target attainment. Key figures in the traditional sense (quantifiable and

measurable, usually in terms of results) do not quite determine target attainment. We therefore

choose to provide both key figures and what we choose to call indicators for each of the targets.

Target indicators are not quantifiable or measurable, but rather describe that certain essential

conditions for effectiveness are met. It is intended that the key figures and target indicators

collectively describe target attainment.

Description of interim target

N1. Target within collaboration mission: A common Chalmers model for continuous monitoring

and evaluation of collaborative activities to be developed and deployed. The model should include

all forms of collaboration in research and education and its main purpose will be to stimulate the

development of collaboration in quantity, quality and new ways of working. The model should also

include the effect of utilisation (impact).

Key indicator: Number of long-term cooperation agreements with external parties that include

skills provision at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, research and research/development.

Target indicator: Growing number of institutions and areas of advance within which monitoring and

evaluation of the interaction is carried out at departmental, unit, profile area or individual level.

A common Chalmers model for monitoring and evaluation of the interaction is motivated

primarily by such a model and activity stimulating development by highlighting and clarifying

existing synergies and create new ones. Future demands, from the government, mean that

interoperability must be reported and evaluated so that such assessments should be the basis for the

allocation of government funding. The model must comply with future requirements.

Significant opportunities for target attainment: a) A working group for the development of a

grounded model of interaction. b) Operational support to facilitate and coordinate follow-ups.

N2. Targets within the innovation mission: Chalmers' research and educational activities

inventorise and make intellectual assets available more systematically and increasingly with a view

to stimulating innovation processes operating in synergy with existing businesses and start-ups.

Key indicator: The number of identified intellectual assets.

Target indicator: Growing number of institutions and areas of advance within which departments,

units, profile areas or individuals systematically inventorise and present intellectual assets.

The innovation mission aims to have Chalmers initiate and drive innovation processes. These are

based on knowledge that is associated with a possible benefit and its purpose is to realise and

deliver this benefit in an efficient way, i.e. to utilise the knowledge. This business development is

motivated by that we should develop the business ability to identify knowledge in the form of

intellectual assets that can be the basis for innovation processes. Intellectual assets refer to

knowledge in the form of amounts of data, methods, processes, structures, theoretical models and so

on that can be defined and documented. Intellectual assets should not be confused with intellectual

property. Intellectual property, such as patents, is a way to package and format rights around an

intellectual asset, such as an invention.

Page 16: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

Page 14 Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Document established by Chalmers’ President

02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Significant opportunities for target attainment: a) Education which explains the concept of

intellectual assets and creates momentum to continuously identify and inventorise intellectual

assets. b) Tools and operational support for inventorising and evaluation of intellectual assets. c)

Integration of the management of intellectual assets in all forms of collaboration in research and


N3: Target within communication mission: A clearer and more systematic communication of the

utilisation of activities aimed at strengthening Chalmers' brand, appeal and competitiveness.

Key indicator: To be worked out in 2014.

Target indicator: a) A number of systematic and continuous ways to communicate utilisation have

been developed and selected. b) Increased number of institutions and areas of advance that

systematically present utilisation activities in their internal and external communications.

This business development is motivated by utilisation providing significant opportunities for

differentiation, i.e. there are strong reasons to make utilisation a substantial part of the values

associated with the Chalmers brand. Chalmers is already regarded as an institution that is strong on

collaboration and this can be used and further enhanced if we systematically communicate

utilisation from Chalmers, with a focus on communicating the actual benefit (and not just potential

benefit) and communicating what Chalmers does for the potential use of research-based knowledge

to become real benefit.

Significant opportunities for target attainment: Development of tools and operational support for

communication of utilisation.

Effective utilisation

N1. Collaboration mission (reformulated from last


A common Chalmers model for continuous monitoring

and evaluation of collaborative activities to be

developed and deployed. The model should include all

forms of collaboration in research and education and its

main purpose will be to stimulate the development of

collaboration in quantity, quality and new ways of

working. The model should also include the effect of

utilisation (Impact).

Key indicator15

: (same as last year)

N1 Number of long-term cooperation agreements with

external parties that include skills provision at

undergraduate, graduate and doctoral

programmes, research and research-based


N2. Collaboration mission (reformulated from last


Chalmers' research and educational activities

inventorise and make intellectual assets available

more systematically and increasingly with a view to

stimulating innovation processes operating in

synergy with existing businesses and start-ups.

Key indicator: (reformulated)

N2 The number of identified intellectual assets.

N3. Communication mission (new interim target)

A clearer and more systematic communication of the

utilisation of activities aimed at strengthening Chalmers'

brand, appeal and competitiveness.

Key indicator:

N3 To be worked out in 2014.

15 Definitions and descriptions of the key indicators can be found in the annex at the end of the document.

Page 17: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

Page 15 Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Document established by Chalmers’ President

02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Excellent internal environment Chalmers has initiated a project to plan and monitor common activity targets for the entire

ChalmersSphere. The work is done through systematic dialogue meetings linked to a joint year

wheel. The joint work will lead to new, more efficient procedures and working methods for the

entire ChalmersSphere. Furthermore, efforts to develop a more effective organistion within the

ChalmersSphere will continue. The current institutional structure is undergoing an adjustment

during the next five years, to ensure an effective organisation and to increase the opportunities

for feedback between managers and employees.

Chalmers development of a management system, with a clear and transparent approach to

performance management, sets good conditions for achieving high levels of quality across the

activities where opportunities are exploited and unwanted risks can be eliminated. In order to

maintain long-term balance in Chalmers's economy, arrangements for Chalmers' economic

governance will continue to evolve. A process-oriented approach is an important tool for achieving

Chalmers' business goals. The business support's process orientation is also one of the preconditions

for giving an appropriate and cost effective support that also allows for a better working

environment. Good IT support with high stability and availability and updated continuity plans to

deal with any interruptions are important means of improving the efficiency of business support.

The Chalmers campus should reflect our ambitions in sustainable development through

attractive surroundings and by setting good examples. There is a responsibility for the needs of

education, research and utilisation for a good physical environment to be catered for and to hold

meeting where a consensus on overall targets is promoted. With this focus, the three technology

parks at Johanneberg, Lindholmen and Sahlgrenska will develop their role in enabling value-

creating meetings and activities in an open innovation environment.

To change the approach and culture requires a conscious and courageous leadership and

committed and professional colleagues. Working with leadership and employee development linked

to culture, work environment, and equality has been prioritised and will remain a priority in the

coming years. Employee performance is a prerequisite for the development of proper, efficient

work environment and an important part of business planning. The prerequisite for leadership in

terms of training, support resources and time allocation must be ensured so that professional

leadership can be performed.

Excellent internal environment

I1. Leadership

Chalmers managers at all levels to have the

resources, opportunities and training to pursue a

professional and egalitarian leadership.

Key indicator16


I1 Proportion of Chalmers' organisational units where the

number of employees for whom the manager is

responsible is ≥ 10 och ≤ 30.

I2. Operational support

Operational support provides meaningful support

both centrally and locally and is cost effective.

Key indicator:

I2 Chalmers' proportion of indirect costs compared with

total costs, current year, compared to 2012's

proportion of indirect costs.


Definitions and descriptions of the key indicators can be found in the annex at the end of the document.

Page 18: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two
Page 19: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

1 Appendix to the Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Established by the President 02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Appendix to

Priority Operational Development 2015-2019

Reg. no. C2014-0795



Definitions and descriptions

Page 20: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

2 Appendix to the Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Established by the President 02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.


This compilation and description of the key indicators in the POD 2015-2019 is intended as

help for institutions, areas of advance, training areas and the "ChalmersSphere" in work related

to the interim targets that Chalmers management is prioritising for achieving the overall targets:

world-class education, excellence in research, effective valorisation and excellent internal

environment. The key indicators are, besides minor adjustments in definitions and

formulations, the same as in the POD 2013-2017.

The key indicators are intentionally quite few and focused on measuring in areas where

Chalmers needs to improve itself in order to achieve set interim targets. This means that the key

indicators do not cover all interim targets and that important areas that are currently successful

do not have targets or key indicators, e.g. the graduate programme.

The key figures are measured at different levels and it is not always easy for an institution, for

instance, to see how one can contribute to key indicators that are not measured at an

institutional level. The most important thing is not the key indicators but the interim targets. By

focusing on the fact that there are interim targets to be achieved, in all parts of Chalmers we

should able to see how our own activities can contribute. This increases Chalmers' ability to

achieve the overall objectives and should push the key indicators in the right direction.

Institutions can set up the own indicators to measure the important partial steps in their own

action plans, contributing towards Chalmers as a whole achieving the specified interim targets

in education, research, utilisation and internal environment.

Key indicators in the POD are:

U1:1 Proportion of Chalmers courses graded "very high quality" in the HSV/UKÄ's evaluation 2013-


U1:2 Proportion of students who remain at Chalmers after a year of study and the proportion of these

students who have completed at least 45 credits.

U2:1 Proportion of international students registered for courses within Chalmers' master's


U2:2 Number of qualified first-choice applicants per person accepted to Chalmers' courses.

F1:1 Proportion of articles co-published with universities outside Sweden, in international peer-

reviewed journals.

F1:2 Proportion of people who are employed in services that require a PhD. (NOTE: the key figure is

broken down and reported for each service category).

F2 Chalmers' overall Cf (field-normalised citation frequency).

N1 Number of long-term cooperation agreements with external parties that include skills provision

at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, research and research/development.

N2 The number of identified intellectual assets

I1 Proportion of Chalmers' organisational units where the number of employees for whom the

manager is responsible is ≥ 10 and ≤ 30.

I2 Chalmers' proportion of indirect costs compared with total costs, current year, compared to

2012's proportion of indirect costs.

The Department for Planning, analysis and economy is responsible for the publication of

key indicators. Data is updated afterwards. Values for all key indicators except N2 are for

2013 and are reported at: http://www.chalmers.se/insidan/SV/om-chalmers/rutiner-och-

styrande/overgripande-mal and partly in the decision support system, QlikView address:

HYPERLINK "https://qv-server1.ita.chalmers.se/qlikview/" https://qv-


Page 21: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

3 Appendix to the Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Established by the President 02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Main target: world-class education

Interim target U1: education and quality development

”Chalmers' education quality is being developed continuously and professionally by

programme managers and teachers. The objective is to give students a foundation of science

and proven experience, a foundation that is coveted worldwide for its ability to work with the

ever changing challenges of a sustainable society.

The students are happy and implement and complete their studies in the nominal rate.”

Key indicator (U1:1) Proportion of Chalmers courses graded "very

high quality" in the HSV/UKÄ's evaluation


The key indicator indicates: How well the quality of Chalmers' courses

meets the highest standards set by the state.

This in turn indicates how well the interim

target is met. The quality work at all levels,

from management to the course as a whole is

indicated for each evaluated course.

Formula Number of courses with "very high quality"

grades / Total number of courses evaluated.

Unit of measurement %

Levels at which the measurement take place Chalmers level

Course area level

Programme level

Institution level (the programmes that have

been evaluated and that the department has

courses in)

Target for Chalmers level 75 %

When target should be reached 2013-14

Reading time(s) 1 September 2013 partial reconciliation

1 September 2014 final reconciliation

Party responsible for producing data PAE

Party responsible for compiling key



Support for analysis of key indicators HPL GRU + PAE

Party responsible for key indicators Undergraduate Vice Chancellor / UOL

Page 22: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

4 Appendix to the Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Established by the President 02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Main target: world-class education

Interim target U1: education and quality development

"Chalmers' education quality is being developed continuously and professionally by

programme managers and teachers. The objective is to give students a foundation of science

and proven experience, a foundation that is coveted worldwide for its ability to work with the

ever changing challenges of a sustainable society.

The students are happy and implement and complete their studies at a nominal pace.”

Key indicator (U1:2) Proportion of students who remain at Chalmers after a

year of study and the proportion of these students who

have completed at least 45 credits.

The key indicator shows Whether Chalmers is recruiting the "right" students,

both in terms of interest and prerequisites and whether

Chalmers is taking advantage of opportunities to give a

good start to their education - which from experience

means that there is a high probability that studies will be

completed. Institutions' work with first-year courses and

the throughput into them give a clear indication for this

key indicator.

Formula Number of students registered to study in academic

year 2 / Number of students registered to study in

academic year 1.

Number of students with at least 45 credits at the

start of academic year 2 / Number of students

registered to study in academic year 2

Unit of measurement Two % rates

Definitions: Applies to all courses (civil engineer, architect,

bachelor of science and maritime officer), except


Reading of the numbers takes place after registration

in years 1 and 2 (October)

Reading of the number of credits takes place in

October, i.e. after the results of the resit period have

been recorded.

Levels at which the measurement take


Chalmers level

Course area level

Programme level

Aggregated by type of course (civil engineer, architect,

bachelor of science, maritime officer).

Target for Chalmers level 90 % are left after one year

90 % of these have completed at least 45 credits.

When target should be reached 2016

Reading time(s) Once per year (October)

Party responsible for producing data Student dept. / course secretary

Party responsible for compiling key


Student dept. / course secretary

Support for analysis of key indicators HPL GRU + PAE

Party responsible for key indicators Undergraduate Vice Chancellor / UOL

Page 23: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

5 Appendix to the Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Established by the President 02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Main target: world-class education

Interim target U2: student recruitment

"From a broad recruitment basis both nationally and within Europe and beyond, Chalmers

fills its programmes with students who have good opportunities to take the exam and become

excellent engineers, architects, maritime officers and high school teachers.

Chalmers master's programmes are implemented in an international environment.”

Key indicator (U2:1) Proportion of international students registered for

courses within Chalmers' master's programmes.

The key indicator shows: Whether Chalmers has an international

environment on the master's programmes, but also

how well the work with different student exchange

programmes functions.

Formula Number of international students registered for

courses within Chalmers' master's programmes. /

Total number of international students registered

for courses within Chalmers' master's programmes.

Unit of measurement %

Definitions: International students means students who

have not had their undergraduate education

(bachelor's degree) in Sweden.

International students who are not registered

on the whole master's programme but are here

as exchange students, e.g. through ERASMUS,

are also included.

Levels at which the measurement take place Chalmers level

Course area level

Master's programme level

Course level

Target for Chalmers level 30 %

When target should be reached 2015

Reading time(s) Once per year (end of October)

Party responsible for producing data Student dept.

Party responsible for compiling key


Student dept.

Support for analysis of key indicators HPL GRU + PAE

Party responsible for key indicators Undergraduate Vice Chancellor / UOL

Page 24: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

6 Appendix to the Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Established by the President 02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Main target: world-class education

Interim target U2: student recruitment

"From a broad recruitment basis both nationally and internationally, Chalmers fills its

programmes with students who have good opportunities to take the exam and become

excellent engineers, architects, maritime officers and high school teachers.

Chalmers master's programmes are implemented in an international environment."

Key indicator (U2:2) Number of qualified first-choice applicants per

person accepted to Chalmers' courses.

The key indicator shows: Chalmers' and individual courses' attractiveness

to students. Attractiveness is built up over the

long term through a well-functioning course

that provides a sought-after job. The

institutions' involvement in the training courses

they participate in is an important component of


Formula Number of qualified first-choice applicants to

Chalmers courses / Total number of students

admitted to these courses

Unit of measurement Ratio

Definitions: Only those candidates who have opted for

Chalmers Education as their first choice and are

qualified for this are counted.

Levels at which the measurement take place Chalmers level

Programme level

Aggregated by type of course (civil engineer,

architect, bachelor of science, maritime officer).

Target for Chalmers level The ratio increases

The ratio is above the national average (also

applies to respective course)

When target should be reached 2017

Reading time(s) Once per year (1 September)

Party responsible for producing data Student dept.

Party responsible for compiling key


Student dept.

Support for analysis of key indicators HPL GRU + PAE

Party responsible for key indicators Undergraduate Vice Chancellor / UOL

Page 25: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

7 Appendix to the Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Established by the President 02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Main target: Excellence in research

Interim target F1: international appeal

"Chalmers' research is characterised by academic excellence and international collaboration.

Chalmers' areas of advance for increased appeal.

A proactive search process is used to recruit the best researchers and to ensure greater

external and more equal recruitment."

Key indicator (F1:1) DRAFT

Proportion of articles co-published with

universities outside Sweden, in international

peer-reviewed journals.

The key indicator shows: How attractive Chalmers is as a partner,

internationally. The appeal may be due to

subject depth created by the institutions and

the ability to work internationally stimulated

by AS and various centres.

Formula The number of articles, co-published with

universities outside Sweden, that in a given

period are published in international

scientific journals / Total number of articles

in the same period published in international

scientific journals.

Unit of measurement %

Definitions: The term "international peer-reviewed

journals" means the journals that are

available at Web of Science.

Levels at which the measurement take place Chalmers level

Institution level


Target for Chalmers level Among the five best universities in Sweden.

For this comparison, Leiden ranking's

values for international co-publication are

used. This is published annually in May

and is based on a three-year average.

When target should be reached 2019

Reading time(s) Annually (31 Dec)

Party responsible for producing data Library

Party responsible for compiling key



Support for analysis of key indicators Library and PAE

Party responsible for key indicators Pro-chancellor / Vice chancellor SO

Page 26: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

8 Appendix to the Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Established by the President 02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Main target: Excellence in research

Interim target F1: international appeal

"Chalmers' research is characterised by academic excellence and international collaboration.

Chalmers' areas of advance for increased appeal.

A proactive search process is used to recruit the best researchers and to ensure greater

external and more equal recruitment."

Key indicator (F1:2)

Proportion of people who are employed in

services that require a PhD.

The key indicator shows: How effectively Chalmers' departments

adopt a proactive search process. To

implement a balanced recruitment a high

percentage of international applicants will be

necessary, which in turn leads to enhanced

quality of search fields.

Formula The number of people in a given period

employed in services that require a PhD. /

Total number of people in the same period

employed in services that require a PhD.

Unit of measurement %

Definitions: The term "employed in services that require a

PhD" means that both new employees and

promotions are included.

Levels at which the measurement take place Chalmers level (total and by category of

services) Department level (total and by

category of services)

Target for Chalmers level ≤ 75 %

When target should be reached 2017

Reading time(s) Three times per year (30 Apr, 31 Aug, 31


Party responsible for producing data HR department

Party responsible for compiling key


HR department

Support for analysis of key indicators HR department and PAE

Party responsible for key indicators Vice Chancellor for research and research

training / Pro-Chancellor / Head of HR

Page 27: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

9 Appendix to the Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Established by the President 02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Main target: Excellence in research

Interim target F2: Publications

"Chalmers researchers to publish with increased quality and volume, both disciplinary and

interdisciplinary. Chalmers publications to have a greater impact.”

Key indicator (F2) Chalmers' overall Cf (field-normalised

citation frequency)

The key indicator shows: How visible Chalmers researchers' results are

in the scientific community.

Formula Calculation of Chalmers' relative citation rate

using bibliometric data for the subjects

within which Chalmers researchers publish.

For exact formula, see the library's

bibliometrics function.

Unit of measurement Relative frequency

Definitions: Cf measured in relation to any

publication within Chalmers' subject

areas worldwide

The value 1.0 means that Chalmers

researchers are quoted as frequently as

the average of all scientists in the same

disciplines. 1.20 means 20% higher than

the average citation frequency.

Self-citations are not included.

No fractions.

Five-year measurement period, but for

stabilisation a rolling three-year average

is used.

Levels at which the measurement take place Chalmers level

Institution level

Level of area of advance

Target for Chalmers level ≥1,20

When target should be reached 2016 (cannot be calculated until April 2018)

Reading time(s) Once per year (December 31), but the

calculation cannot take place until April

when Chalmers has access to summarised


Party responsible for producing data Library

Party responsible for compiling key



Support for analysis of key indicators Library + PAE

Party responsible for key indicators Vice Chancellor for research and research

training / Vice chancellor AS / Pro-


Page 28: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

10 Appendix to the Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Established by the President 02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Main target: Effective Utilisation

Interim target N1: Collaborative missions

"A common Chalmers model for continuous monitoring and evaluation of collaborative

activities to be developed and deployed. The model should include all forms of collaboration

in research and education and its main purpose will be to stimulate the development of

collaboration in quantity, quality and new ways of working. The model should also include

the effect of utilisation (Impact)."

Key indicator (N1) Number of long-term cooperation

agreements with external parties that

include skills provision at undergraduate

and postgraduate levels, research and


The key indicator shows Chalmers' appeal as a long-term cooperation

partner for businesses and other social actors,

nationally and internationally.

Formula Reading the number of long-term

cooperation agreements

Unit of measurement Number

Definitions: "Long-term" means a period of at least 5


"Collaborative agreement" means that the

parties formulate projects together,

collectively producing the results and

working together in the application and

utilisation of the results.

Minimum sum SEK 5 million in total per

year and agreement.

Levels at which the measurement take place Chalmers level

Level of area of advance

Target for Chalmers level ≥ 16 (≥ 2 per SO)

When target should be reached 2015

Reading time(s) Once per year (31 December)

Party responsible for producing data CRO

Party responsible for compiling key



Support for analysis of key indicators CRO + PAE

Party responsible for key indicators Vice-Chancellor for Collaboration / Vice-

Chancellor SO

Page 29: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

11 Appendix to the Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Established by the President 02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

Main target: Effective Utilisation

Interim target N2: Innovation mission

"Chalmers' research and educational activities inventorise and make intellectual assets

available more systematically and increasingly with a view to stimulating innovation

processes operating in synergy with existing businesses and start-ups.

Key indicator (N2) The number of identified intellectual


The key indicator shows Chalmers researchers' ability to be involved

in the production of requested intellectual

assets and Chalmers' ability to create

productive collaboration environments, such

as meeting spaces, infrastructure and

platforms for open innovation.

Formula Reading the number of intellectual assets


Unit of measurement Number

Definitions: "Intellectual asset" means all or part of

databases, data, codes, software or

patents, for example.

Levels at which the measurement take place Chalmers level

Level of area of advance

Departmental level (in the long term)

Target for Chalmers level Annual increase

When target should be reached Every year 2013 - 2017

Reading time(s) Once per year (31 December)

Party responsible for producing data IKV

Party responsible for compiling key



Support for analysis of key indicators IKV + PAE

Party responsible for key indicators Vice-Chancellor for Collaboration / CRO

Inventory methods and reporting channels must be clarified / created for the key

indicator to be measured.

Page 30: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

12 Appendix to the Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Established by the President 02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

For all primary objectives an excellent internal

environment is required Interim target I1: Leadership

"Chalmers managers at all levels to have the resources, opportunities and training to pursue

a professional and egalitarian leadership."

Key indicator (I1) Proportion of Chalmers' organisational

units where the number of employees for

whom the manager is responsible is ≥ 10

och ≤ 30.

The key indicator shows Chalmers leaders' ability to create an

organisation where managers have a realistic

opportunity to fulfil their duties as directors,

which includes conducting performance

appraisals and salary reviews.

Formula Number of Chalmers' organisational units

where the number of employees for whom

the manager is responsible is in the range of

≥ 10 and ≤ 30. / Total number of

organisational units at Chalmers.

Unit of measurement Number

Definitions: Employee = staff member

Organisational unit = unit with wage-setting


Levels at which the measurement take place Chalmers level

Institutional level (incl. AoS)

Departmental level

Target for Chalmers level 95 % 2014

100 % 2016

When target should be reached 2014

Reading time(s) Once per year (31 December)

Party responsible for producing data HR department

Party responsible for compiling key


HR department

Support for analysis of key indicators HR department + PAE

Party responsible for key indicators CPO / Head of HR

Page 31: EDUCATION - Chalmers · 2015. 8. 10. · Figure 1. Sketch of Chalmers in two dimensions. The figure describes both Chalmers' management team and Chalmers' organisation in the two

13 Appendix to the Priority Operational Development 2015-2019, reg. no. C2014-0795. Established by the President 02/06/2014. Approved by Chalmers University of Technology Board 18/06/2014.

For all primary objectives an excellent internal

environment is required

Interim target I2: Operational support

"Operational support to provide an efficient and cost effective support both centrally and


Key indicator (I2) Chalmers' proportion of indirect costs

compared with total costs, current year,

compared to 2012's proportion of indirect


The key indicator shows Chalmers' ability to translate the efficiencies

that will result from the process orientation

into real savings.

Formula (Chalmers' indirect costs in one year / Sum of

all Chalmers' costs over the same period) /

(Chalmers' indirect costs in 2012 / Sum of all

Chalmers' 2012)

A specific calculation model has been


Unit of measurement %

Definitions: Indirect costs means all indirect costs

according to the SUHF model + scaling that

occurs for the GRU organization.

Levels at which the measurement take place Chalmers level

Institution level

Target for Chalmers level ≤ 1 for 2013

From 2014 < 1 so that 2017 is ≤ 0.9

When target should be reached 2017 (with interim targets every year from


Reading time(s) Once per year (31 December)

Party responsible for producing data Admin. managers + PAE

Party responsible for compiling key


Admin. managers + PAE

Support for analysis of key indicators PAE + Admin. managers

Party responsible for key indicators CPO / Process managers