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Over the past several months it has been my pleasure to work along side a dynamic and diverse team. Each of you brings a unique dimension to ROGERS TV! The truth is … without you there is no us.

In addition to skillful camera, audio and inscriber operators and videographers, we have so many talented writers, photographers and inspirational thinkers, it seemed obvious to encourage you to partake in the creation of your newsletter. Thank you! It has been a highlight for me to work with you on this creative endeavour scheduled to go out 3 times this year: July, September and November.

I encourage our readers to participate in providing feedback @ [email protected] to help us improve, modify and transform your volunteer resource to connect, update and communicate. We took on a large project to complete in one month; therefore, you will see it evolve with each issue.

Speaking of evolution, we have grown from 30 active volunteers this winter (not including our college placement students and high school co-ops) to more than 120 community volunteers in the past 5 months!   

by Marcy Demelo

With great volunteers come great achievements! Our inaugural volunteer newsletter is certainly an exceptional case in point.

Many of you are assisting us in addition to full-time work, raising children and enjoying leisure,

others are trying to get a jump start on your schooling for the Fall, and yet others are honing new skills and giving back your extensive, professional experience. Whatever your story, we are thrilled to have you. You are an interesting bunch!

With our new studio and office renovations underway, and innovative programming in the works, rest assured you are definitely in the right place this Fall with ROGERS TV, Cable 13, London.

Enjoy! This is for you.


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When Shobhita Sharma thinks of her recent trip to the United Arab Emirates, two words come to mind, “It was really grand!” Shobhita spent two weeks in Dubai and Abu Dhabi at the end of May and this small nation made a big impression on her.

“I was so surprised … I wanted to hold my head and scream!” she says, recalling her first impression of Dubai’s opulent nightlife. Dubai is known for thinking big …it is home to the world’s tallest building, the world’s largest shopping mall, the world’s first seven-star hotel, the world’s largest indoor ski resort and three massive manmade islands, known as the Palms.

But it’s not just the architecture that makes Dubai grand, according to Shobhita, it’s the grace and hospitality of the people. “They make you feel like kings and queens,” she says, recalling how shopkeepers would open doors for her and address her as “Ma’am.”

Shobhita ventured outside the city on a desert safari; a chance to go “dune bashing” in a 4x4 jeep followed by a tasty Arabic buffet, complete with henna, Sheesha pipes and belly dancers. While many parts of the Middle East present significant dangers to foreigners, Shobhita never felt unsafe in Dubai, even when out on her own. This may be one reason Dubai has such a vibrant community of ex-pats, turning nightlife in the city into a living cultural mosaic.

Escape to Dubai

“They make you feel like kings and queens”

By Christine Newton

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“I would hear so many different languages when I went out, ” Shobhita laughs, “ it was like Canada … only condensed!”

Shobhita had only one gripe about Dubai: “It was really hot.” With temperatures averaging more than 40 degrees Celsius it felt, according to a local radio host, like “Everything out there is melting.” Because Dubai is a desert climate, everything from plants to food must be imported, driving the cost of living sky high.

At first, Shobhita found this manmade environment a little artificial. But she was quickly overwhelmed by its beauty and was able to appreciate these feats of construction, engineering and design for what they are: amazing.

A Middle-Eastern traveller amongst us as a volunteer … Who Knew?

If you have a story to tell, contact us at [email protected] and you could be featured next!

Would Shobhita go back? In a heartbeat. “It’s expensive,” she admits, particularly if you want to enjoy all that Dubai has to offer. But as a holiday destination, it’s just grand.”

Staying with her uncle on one of the Palms, Shobhita got a real taste of life in Dubai. True to her Rogers TV roots, Shobhita toured Dubai Media City, a global media hub which houses a number of major television broadcasters as well as other media outlets.

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Life Lessons with Teacher Christine

A recent university graduate with a steady pay cheque and a stellar job. That was the life of Christine Newton in 2004. But sometimes a steady pay cheque just doesn’t fill the need for life experiences and traveling … so Christine set out to change that.

She was unsure how to fill that hunger to travel, so she he started with somewhere on the globe she recognized - Central America. In 2003 Christine had traveled to Dominican Republic for two weeks with Habitat for Humanity. Ever since that experience she gained an “itch to travel,”especially to Central America.

While travelling is nice, it doesn’t pay for itself, so Christine decided to research the possibility of teaching while in Central America to pay for her stay.

“I sent emails to many different schools. I found volunteer positions posted on www.goabroad.com and accepted the first school that got back to me.”

by Tabitha Lavoie

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 “The school was just excited to have a new teacher,” she says. Because the students were taught in both Spanish and English, Christine explains the teaching wasn’t like a “normal ESL [English as a Second Language] experience”.

Christine had been teaching her students a normal, first grade curriculum and although they were supposed to pick up the English through conversation, Christine modified the lesson plans and teaching materials because most of the kids just didn’t pick up English that easily.

“I had a teaching assistant for some of my classes who helped with the extra one-on-one,” says Christine. “But for the most part, trying to help the kids understand a language that wasn’t their own was the biggest challenge,” she says.

Although the job had its challenges, the rewards were just as great when the experience was viewed as a whole.

“I would get to a point where I would say ‘I can’t do this!’ But then the other teachers would help you cope, and I realized I could do it.” says Christine.

It was a Spanish/English private school in the little town of Puerto Cortes, Honduras. They were eager for a first grade teacher and Christine accepted right away.

A Honduran Teacher is amongst us as a volunteer … Who Knew?

If you have a story to tell contact us at [email protected] and you could be featured next!

The hardest part was leaving the kids behind. “That experience was so crazy and so amazing … I still have a really special place in my heart for them.”

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Anderson, Alisa Dougall, Allysa Johnson, Ryan Mortensen, Sonia

Anderson, Scott El-Sabawi, Yasmine Ker, John Moussa, Moses

Armsrong, Harley Evans, Chris Kiss, Csaba Nabhani, Ola Schives, Dale

Baig, Fahran Fijal, Pawel Kondrat, Ben Naidu, Renira Sharma, Shobhita

Bendels, Tony Flatley, Tricia Kovach, Mike Nanassy, Dez Sparling, Rod

Boudreau, Chelsea Forbes, Shawn Koval, David Newton, Christine Stankovich, Matt

Brachenbury, Reid Francis, James Kowalek, Mike Nguyen, Tramy Swinn, Nathan

Brady, Jess Friesen, Alyssa Laforet, Trevor O'Leary, Pierce Taal, Kimberly

Brunton, Rebecca Fuller, Nathan Lavoie, Tabitha Orellana, Jose Tadgell, Amanda

Brys, Daria Givens, Jonathon Lawlis-St.Onge, Zack Palach, Rachel Taylor, Dave

Buchanon, Megan Gonzales, Marlene Lowe, Matt Peach, Sterling Taylor, Eunice

Caldwell, Hope Goodine, Richard Machado, Dave Penny, Aleisha Tiffin, Pat

Campbell, Scott Gouldings, Marg Marksteiner, Florin Picard, Shawna Ulch, April

Capson, Lauren Hadland, Dexxter Martinez, Vanessa Presnell, Andrew Van Den Berge, Dylan

Carter, Ariel Haezel, Alexa Masseo, Vic Rancourt, Danielle Viau, Ashley

Chalmers, Matt Hallman, Stephanie McGarry, Rob Raymer, Justin Vyse, Lindsay

Chamberlain, Marg Hartery, Amanda McGhee, Jamie Redford, Jacqueline Walsh, Allie

Cheeseman, Ross Hashem, Nada McNeil, Ian Revington, Adam Waters-Houser, Garrett

Chobotiuk, Kayla Hayes, Justin Mellow, Mike Rojas, Justin White, Lauren

Cook, Cortney Healey, Matt Mercado, Fernando Romero, Manuel Whyte, Garry

Cook, Gary Hill, Andy Miller, Grant Sawlor, Truda Wilkins, Caolin

Dapp, Bailey Horne, Paul Minter, Jordan Scalasi, Stacy Wise, Shannon

Dawson, Shirley Isaza, Camilo Mitchell, Katie Scarrow, Jesse Wolff, Shayla

De Keyser, Patricia Johnson, Dan Mortensen, Kai Scherle, Teresa Wynen, Melissa

London St. Thomas Woodstock


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By Kayla Chobotiuk

Each month we bring you topical and relevant issues to inform, advise and enlighten you! Check it out …

Summer Activities on a Budget

Summer is here and the sun is hot! What better time to get outside and explore the great outdoors? Plus, you deserve a break from work and volunteering. Don’t have a car? Lacking in funds? That’s no problem; there are plenty of fun and

affordable activities right here in London, only a short walk or bus ride away.

Escape the OrdinaryAlways wanted to go on a road trip but lacked the time, money or the car? Try this alternative: instead of a long-term, wide scale excursion, keep it local. If you’re feeling adventurous, throw a dart at a local map and travel to where it lands.

Choose as many locations as you want, this is your trip! It doesn’t have to be far. You’re guaranteed to discover something new, whether it’s a restaurant, park, a beautiful garden or nature at its finest.

Take the family to a farmer’s market. The Covent Garden Market, for example, offers a variety of vendors with ample selections of ethnic food, fresh produce, meats, and cheese from local farmers and artisans.

Feeling creative? The market is also a Mecca for local artists who gather every Sunday to participate in a free art show. Anyone is welcome to showcase their art for free.

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By Kayla Chobotiuk

Festival FunTake time to check out all the free outdoor activities and festivals that take place this summer. Festivals usually bring together a diverse crowd, such as Festa Italiana – a three day festival that celebrates all that is Italian with food, music, dancing and more. There is surely something for everyone. It takes place August 14-16 at the Covent Garden market (located at 130 King Street).

Beat the Heat If you need to escape the heat of the city, Grand Bend is only a hop, skip, and a bus ride away. With a weekend shuttle from Norma Jean’s (1332 Huron St.), a day of sun, sand and swimming can cost you as little as ten dollars (five for children). Visit www.beachbus.cafor information.

If the beach isn’t your scene, free public swimming is available at pools across London. A schedule of swim

times and locations can be found at any Tim Horton’s.

Take a HikeJog, walk the dog, rollerblade, bicycle, or take a leisurely walk along the various pathways and trails throughout the city. Enjoy the scenery along the Thames Valley Parkway – a 30 km multi-use pathway which stretches along the Thames River and extends into neighbourhoods and parks, including Gibbons Park and Springbank Park.

Whether you’re with family, with friends, or on your own, London in the summertime has an abundance of activities for everyone. If you have a little time and a lot of imagination, you can take advantage of the weather to get out and explore something new. London is yours to discover!

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For every live show aired in the past 12 months, one volunteer in particular has been in the studio -- Pawel Fijal. For the smooth days, the hectic days and sometimes all day, Pawel handles whatever the producers throw his way.

By Alyssa Friesen

“I think it was on First Local and Marilyn and I were working together, I was the only volunteer and I had to do VTR, which I think was probably stressful and funny for her as I was new,” says Fijal with a chuckle, “I’m sure she remembers.”

A year later he has experienced every position both in the studio and out on mobiles. His favorite, regardless of show or location, is a camera operator. A sports enthusiast Pawel especially likes being behind the camera during the OHL playoff games.

Born and raised in Poland, Pawel came to Canada in 1991 after living in Austria. He studied at Fanshawe College and attained degrees in broadcast post-production and multimedia design, in addition to a certificate in computer animation. Looking for a job, Pawel stumbled across the Rogers TV website. He says that he signed up hoping volunteering would create the skills and experience required for a future job in the field.

“Pawel is a very hard worker. He is very committed and always a pleasure to work with. No doubt he will attain his goal.” says Marcy Demelo, Volunteer Services Coordinator.

Be sure to nominate a “Shining Star” volunteer at [email protected]

“All of the producers are great to me. They each have taught me unique skills and I appreciate it and want to thank them for their patience,” Pawel says.


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By Alyssa Friesen

The players hustled onto the ice for the OUA hockey game at the John Labatt Center in October 2005 and Kai Mortenson stood ready behind his camera. It was his first production as a volunteer. A rush of excitement pounded in his veins, his hands gripped the arms of camera six – this was it.

Three years and eight months later Kai, 17, still can’t get enough of mobiles. The Grade 12 student at Sir George Ross Secondary says his passion for television production, which was realized that October day, has motivated him to explore every volunteer position within Rogers TV. The audio position for OHL Primetime is his specialty.

“I push the limits of that audio board almost every week and get great results. I work with a 24 channel Mackie board with every channel utilized.”

“Whether it be one of the 15 microphones strategically placed throughout the JLC, or the nine line inputs from tape or compressors, I just love the audio that building produces.”

Kai’s enthusiasm for Rogers TV inspires those who work with him. His has been noted to be quick to share his knowledge with new volunteers, giving tips and answering questions. His positive presence on mobile productions and his unnecessary efforts toward helping with the renovations of the studio have scored deep appreciation among the staff and his volunteer friends.

“He puts his heart and everything into Rogers TV,” says Allysa Dougall, a fellow volunteer, “he loves it.”

Be sure to nominate a “Shining Star” volunteer at [email protected]


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How did you get your start or fine out about the open position?My girlfriend forwarded me the job posting saying, “This is totally you, you have to apply.” So I did.

What is your favourite part of your job?I love people and I like variety. I am a creative person by nature and this role allows me to put a creative spin on everything I do from interviewing people to organizing to creating new procedures to recognizing volunteers.

Where did you grow up? Here in London with a number of summers spent in Europe.

by Rod Sparling

Each month we feature a Rogers TV employee to help you get to know the staff better.

We thought it natural to start with our Volunteer Services Coordinator, because without her, there would be no us!

Meet Marcy…..

What is your favourite holiday destination? It has to be REALLY hot, have beaches, great history, exotic food and cocktails with little umbrellas. What is your favourite food? I love Italian food but I will never turn down surf and turf. Lobster is my favourite.

What is the funniest thing you have ever seen/experienced? My children. They say and do the funniest things.

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If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?I would like to appreciate each day more and not take for granted that I have tomorrow. It makes you look at life with a whole new perspective and with gratitude.

If you were stranded on an island, what one item would you like to have with you?Stranded on an island?? I’d probably die and go to heaven and you can’t take anything there!

What vehicle would you really like to drive/own? Do you??I’d like a sporty, red vehicle with a convertible top and a great sound system. I have the red part.

When your new office is built and your desk is in place, what will be the first item you place on your desk? My head.

What is your dream job? My dream job would be part-time, with lots of travel around the world ,meeting people, seeing amazing sites, eating exotic foods and taking fabulous photos. Sounds like my favourite vacation!  Share a little-known or surprising fact about yourself. I started my own jewellery company 7 years ago and am a designer.

Nominate a staff member you would like to get to know better @ [email protected]

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Tony Bendel, A+ volunteer is working on both of the latter two productions and had this to say:

What was the best story you have covered so far?It was a service that was held for The Liberation of Holland. I learned how much these services mean to the veterans. They just want to tell their stories and to be remembered. (most of all to remember their buddies; who never came home). What did you enjoy about it?  I enjoyed hearing two personal, war vet stories and about the good times that they had overseas The appreciation in their faces for covering this story and for just listening to them was moving. What is your dream story to cover?To give the people of St. Thomas hope that a new factory is going to open up here in town or that a major employer is going to hire hundreds of people. I’m looking forward to coming back strong. Why do you do it?I want to continue to learn as much as possible and become a hired staff member of Rogers TV. I think of a story that I want to do, I go out and shoot it, I come back and edit it, I put it all together and then it goes to air and people watch it! It is just awesome!

James Elsdon, Associate Producer

St. Thomas Prepares for a Fall Line-Up of Promising Shows!

INSIDE ELGIN: A half-hour, lifestyle program that will be airing live, five-days a week. The set is in, the shots are blocked, and the lighting is set. FIRST LOCAL: It is tried, tested and true and we look forward to being able to provide a weekly news source to our community.HERITAGE MINUTES: They highlight and explore historic landmarks in Elgin County.HAUNTED PLACES of St. Thomas and Elgin County: A unique look at spooky locations in and around St. Thomas.

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Here’s What’s in the News!

•Amanda Hartery and Stacy Scalasi are putting together a video to promote the volunteer program in Woodstock. They expect to have it completed by the end of the summer.

•Summer training started July 7th and ran every Tuesday and Thursday for the month of July. In August we are doing a week-long training session Monday to Friday to get ready for the upcoming fall season. The Workshops are focusing on the studio production side of television and will offer training in camera, VTR, audio, graphics and directing. Sign up is posted on the volunteer board.

•Coming this fall we are adding a new program to the Oxford County area. It’s “Talk Local”: A 1 hour program highlighting hot issues in and around Oxford County. We will be contacting volunteers to attend a pre-production meeting to go over the details of the new program and to express their thoughts and ideas.

Just want to say a big “thank you” to everyone who helped out with Inside Oxford this past season. The show has been picked up by some of the other systems. This is a testament to the dedication and talent of our volunteers who have helped make it work …. and made it look easy!

Thanks again to everyone. We hope to see you out in the fall.

And to those of you who are moving on to higher education: Good luck! Stay in touch.

We’ve had a great season this year with a number of dedicated volunteers returning and new faces joining the team. Woodstock is attracting talented volunteers and I like it!

Joe Brown, Producer

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FOND FAREWELL Jayne Simons, our London Administrative Assistant, will be finished in her role as of July 30th. We wish her all the best! Please join us in welcoming Lynn Farrimond to her new role with Rogers TV.

CREW CALLSPlease double check the CREW CALL times for all upcoming London mobiles for changes.Just a reminder that we request 48hrs notice for cancellation of shifts and appreciate a quick call if you become ill. This allows us time to fill your position. Thanks.

RENOVATIONS and FALL LINE UP. Thanks for your patience as we undergo renovations here in London. Please remember it is unacceptable to have any food or drink in the studio, control room or renovation areas. We want to keep it looking good!! Thank you!

FALL LAUNCH IS SEPTEMBER 21st. HERE’S YOUR SNEAK PEAK!Scheduling will follow shortly. Stay posted for volunteer shifts.•OUA Sports Coverage - MOBILE•OHL Sports Coverage - MOBILE•Warm-up, London Knights Hockey - JLC NEW•The Wrap, London Knights Hockey - IN STUDIO•Forest City Living – REPORTING, ON LOCATION NEW•daytime- IN STUDIO•High School Back Stage - ON LOCATION NEW•McLeod - IN STUDIO•Newsmakers Live - REPORTING, IN STUDIO•TV Fanshawe – ON LOCATION, PRODUCED BY FANSHAWE NEW

MOBILE SCHEDULE- Stay posted for the play-off schedules coming out soon by email!

VACATION ALERTMarcy Demelo will be on vacation July 31st, returning August 10th. Andrew Rosser, daytime Producer, London, will be assisting in her absence @ [email protected]

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Did you know ….

•That you have a 1 in 649, 739 chance of being dealt a Royal Straight Flush when you play poker? Your chance of getting struck by lightning is actually higher. Shocking!

•In 1932, when a shortage of cash occurred in Tenino, Washington, notes were made out of wood for a brief period. The wood notes came in $1, $5 and $10 values. Now that’s hard cash!

•80% of millionaires drive second-hand cars. Who says being thrifty doesn’t pay off?!

•In the 1940s, the FCC in the United States, assigned television's Channel 1 to mobile services (two-way radios in taxicabs, for instance) but did not re-number the other channel assignments. That is why your TV set has channels 2 and up, but no channel 1. But we’re still # 1!

•No word in the English language rhymes with month. You’re gonna try it aren’t you!?


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FAVE FOOD Thanks to Yasmine El-Sabawi for dishing it out.

Tabitha Lavoie

Caramelize two small, chopped white onions in a sautee pan. •Add one part biryani seasoning to two parts curry powder and mix in with the onions. •Add about half a tub of plain yogurt and mix it in. If you want your curry a little heartier, use sour cream instead. •Add three tablespoons of tomato paste and stir. Adjust amount to your preference. The tomato paste also gives it that nice pumpkin colour. You can also add a finely chopped tomato if you like. •Add one cup water. Adjust to your preference if you want your curry thicker. •Finally, add two cups of chicken broth (or if you use cubes, just add one). Stir and let it come to a slight boil, then simmer. Stir again every 4-5 minutes.•Optional: add three or four small bay leaves and a tablespoon of chili powder if you can handle the heat. •Remember you can always add potatoes, carrots, chicken or shrimp just as the curry comes to a boil. •Serve over steamed rice with side salad. Enjoy!

QUOTE OF THE MONTHThanks to Lauren Capson for having her say.

"Everything successful is a series of mistakes."  -- Billy Joel Armstrong of Green Day

Got a great recipe or a rock' in quote contact us @ [email protected]

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Rod Sparling


Kayla Chobotiuk


Tabitha Lavoie



Christine Newton



Alyssa Friesen



Marg Chamberlain


Tricia Flatley


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See you next time!

Contact us @ [email protected] to provide feedback and contributions.