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  • 7/27/2019 Edena Alcetis.docx


    Alcetis EdenaAge: 23Gender: Female

    Body Figure:55; petite.

    Slender body; not suited for athletic activities.

    Moderate sized chest; Estimated C cups.

    Voluptuous hips; considerably wide.


    1.) It is a strange habit, but it is out of reminiscing for her savior. Edena will hold her hairon each side of her head to imitate the one who showed her the light. Dione. These

    actions are not to mock this person she holds dear, but does it out of amusement.

    2.)She will sometimes watch birds from afar, just admiring their ability to fly away fromwhoever tries to catch them. She genuinely believes that they are amazing creatures

    who surpass those who wishto run away freely. Freedom. That is what she believes

    those birds represent. Sometimes, she will have bread crumbs on her hands to lure

    them and pet them.

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    3.) There is one man that she feels most comfortable around, and does not fear at all.His name is Calypso, who most likely has relations with Dione. Although, she doesn't

    know that Dione is a Gladima spirit of Calypso.


    Her past would represent the meaning of a tragedy; anybody else with a past so

    similar would say the same. She wasn't alone in this, but for so long, she was left alone.

    Helpless.In order to survive, she had to do what she did to keep living. To die by the

    ugliness and hate of the human race was not an option; to die by the hands of someone who

    is supposed to love her, would be silly. The thought would humor her if only for a moment.

    She did not wish for a normal life, as a normal lifeno longer had meaning to her.How could a kid remember something so vividly? Her birthdays, the first time she

    spoke, she could never remember those unimportant things. But standing in front of the

    candle lit room, watching two shadows push and pull at each other before hearing glass

    shatter to the floor below. Huge, crimson pools glistened at the sight of watching the

    motherly figure fall to the floor. So swift, so quicklyshe became a corpse. Fresh blood would

    mix with the clear wine that stained the floor.


    Soon enough, she became victim to the man who was supposed to be a father. If

    only she could describe the feeling she felt as a child; how it felt to be throttledaround like a

    stuffed animal, to be hit like a disobedient prisoner, to be spit at, almost as if she was the

    trash that he walked on every day. Every time, he would smile as he took out his rage on a

    small human being like her. This was why.He is the exact reason why she hated how weak

    humans were. She would pity them for their need to beat on someone weaker than them to


    It wasn't a surprise to her when she discovered that everyone in Kyrad found out the

    story ofAlcetis Edena: The Tragedy.

    There was a point in her life where she realized that this pain was the only thing she

    felt. This pain wasn'tthe only thing she had to be alive for, right? She had to believe that, it

    had to be true. She couldn't have been alive for the sole purpose of relieving someone else's

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    wrath. With a determined mind and feet ready to take off in the dead of the night, she ran--

    she ran as fast as she could, she took off leaving notrace of her disappearance. This child

    ranin hopes of finally escaping the cursed life that was blessed to her; running away from

    the only emotion that surged throughout her whole existence: pain.

    Three tall men stood in an alley, two tall, one very short. Their feet circled around her

    like predator to prey, grotesque smiles contouring their faces as their smelly caverns slurred

    obscenities at each other. "Wh'ta pritty lil' girl," One of them purred, "S'herr hair s'dark n'

    beutaful like th' night," Another one of them chuckled deeply. Was this it for her? Was this

    where her chapter ended? A chapter where she was supposed to escape from this reality

    was already ending.

    Her bones were chilled from the rugged clothes she wore, but her outline trembling in

    fear like leaves on a tree blown by the wind; a leaf at this point of its life was still so delicate

    and fragile, that if it's even broken from the tree it was born from... It was ultimately be torn

    and obliterated by the casualties of life. The little girl attempted to hold herself together as

    she felt the sticky, strange substance cover her hurt and vulnerable body. She held herself in

    the darkness, the scars on her wrists burning deeply into her skin to numb her from the pain

    she felt. Her hips hatched together with a threatening lock. Her tears were eminent and

    came down like an isolated stream of crystal clear water flowing to the ocean beneath her.

    Her whines and whimpers sounded like squeals of agony; the light in her eyes were dimmed

    as her heart stopped beating. Her body was no longer hers. Without hesitation, she would

    bring these men pain, as they brought to her. With the same knife that tore her clothes apart,

    she pierced the sharp blade into his cavity while his body was throttled against the wall. The

    only man who decided to stay was now being murdered. He would become one with this

    knife, as he became one with her.

    This was only how it's supposed to be. This kind of revenge should never be

    surprising. So why are you surprised, old man?

    At first, he made no sound, and it was obvious that he was so shocked at how much

    it hurt to be stabbed. Repeatedly. Soon after, his screams of horror reverberated throughout

    their surroundings--

    She felt nothing but gratification for scum like him.

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    Why was he becoming quiet? Come on, scream. Scream

    A voice shouted within her brain so loudly while her crimson pools watched the blood

    rapidly trickling down. Within each stab came another scream of horror. What a reward. She

    was no longer being possessed by a human soul.

    "Scream! Scream, scream, scream, scream!"

    She wouldn't stop; she didn't want to stop. There was no longer life in him after all

    this time of him slowly slipping away from reality. The small frame panted heavily, still

    stabbing, a blood pool forming under her feet and the corpse beneath her.

    Each stab was so unique, sogratifying. How could she have the feeling of humanblood splattering all over the walls, the ground, the trees-- the back of this building. She

    wanted more blood; more screaming, more sounds of horror pumping into her veins. She

    wanted this. She needed this.

    It was almost as if she wanted to sneak back under the shimmering stars just to

    surprise her father with the bittersweet revenge that she should have done.

    A grin graced her pale features as she pushed back the obsidian tinged strands of

    hair, her free hand wiping off the blood near her mouth to stain it even further.

    "Ahah... Ahahah!!"

    It seemed like a while that she began to laugh so hysterically that she fell to her

    knees, the light returning to her crimson orbs--

    What was this? Why is there so much? He's... Dead. He's dead, he's dead, he'sdead. Did I do this?

    Her hands were stained with the blood of this man. Her clothes, her skin, this whole

    place had been painted by red. Her eyes widened,shocked, before she could feel herselfgagging.

    She needed to go somewhere safe. She killed someone. She didn't mean to do it,

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    but she killedsomeone.The emotion of helplessness was too strong for someone as youngas her. Her heart raced briskly, but not as fast as her feet sprinting far into the darkness.

    Run. I need to run. Run, run, run... Run!!

    She eventually ended up living in an orphanage and chose to shut herself from the

    world. Being abused by people was not her forte, but how could she avoid such a thing? The

    last thing she wanted to happen was to have her dark side take over completely. It

    happened so vividly in her mind, replaying constantly, and she never knew what to make of

    such a situation.Blood lust.It was there to satiate such a thirst for something like that.

    All Edena wanted was a place to call home, and hoped herself to be good enough forsomeone that didn't consider her a punching bag. Once she joined the academy to become

    a Knight, her life with her father came right back to her. She was no longer being abused by

    her father, but due to her silent persona and lack of parents, the children would focus their

    bullying on Edena. Throughout the years, it quickly escalated from words to being molested.

    If one were to look at her crimson orbs, they would see nothing. They would see eyes devoid

    of everything and anything. She was unable to smile like the rest of the girls, but it was quite

    obvious as to why. From there on, she never focused on making acquaintances and she was

    not keen on achieving a dream. Constantly, she was being touched lewdly by those who

    wanted to take advantage of her. She could never stop those who often molested her, but

    she did resist.

    Every single day, the number of people trying to inflict pain on her increased because

    of her unwillingness to fight back.

    Her tears glistened in the cold moonlight, and the smile she made was broken and

    fake. Why can't I smile? She'd constantly think this to herself. One of the boys reached

    forward and grabbed her books from her hands and threw them against the wall. She

    already knew what was going to happen, but she didn't know what to do anymore. She was

    all alone. It was always like that. She had no friends to rely on, or friends who would come to

    the sound of her plea. She was surrounded by them once again, yet, she could feel nothing

    but the emptiness within her chest cavity. There wasn't hope anywhere for her in this world.

    This same scene happened before. I'm so familiar with it...

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    They removed their tops as they grinned foolishly at their perverted thoughts, whichmade her grimace with disgust. Their tongues wet their lips with saliva. It's coming.Shewasn't stupid to think that there was a prince charming riding on a white horse to save her.

    There was nothing of that sort in this world. Not for her. There was no solution to fix her

    shattered heart; there was no home for her no matter where she went. She could fear death

    no longer, as she's died a thousand times. All that existed of Edena now was just a shadow

    of what she once was. Her bangs covered her eyes completely and she had no will to comb

    it back.

    One of the students grabbed her hand, suddenly startling Edena who responded with

    a shriek of fear. in a moment, the boy reached forward to grab onto Edena's Graduation

    robe, pulling it with all of his strength. He tore the fabric away like it was a napkin wrappedaround her shoulders. Her ritual permit dropped onto the ground as the boy clawed viciously

    at her clothes until they've reached visibility of a simple white bra. Edena, being desperate to

    cover herself attempted to, but to no avail. Her wrists were being pinned by his hands; she

    wasn't able to overcome them. All she could do was scream, like usual.

    Just before her bra was snatched from her body with force, a slim hand flashed

    forward to block her vision of the boy gripping tightly onto her. She grabbed at the boys arm,

    twisting it as he cried in pain while his hand slowly gets grappled tightly bysomeone whowore a black, frilly arm sleeve. Who was this? Edena couldn't see the person's face, but

    could clearly see what she was adorning. She stared in shock once realizing that her arms

    were no longer being pinned, her orbs staring to the girl as the boy was thrown against the

    wall and nearly being choked to death.


    A singular word that rang loudly had so much bitterness and venom. Somehow, it

    seemed as there was hope...

    Her back slid down the wall as she watched intently, somewhat amazed that finally...

    Someone helped her. Someonelistened to her plea.

    "Hahaha!! How is it!?" The girl shouted abruptly with a very self-centric tone as

    Edena raised her head. She could see the girls back, who had a black, vermillion red corset

    that was held up by a red silk strap hovering around her shoulder.

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    "The tides have turned, hasn't it?" She moved her body back as the first boy charged

    at her and axed kicked him down onto the ground. She stepped onto the boys head and

    kicked it briefly, before specifically aiming for his jaw to ram it into the wall. She rose the

    target into the air with one arm, eyes glaring deeply with a displeased countenance.

    The girl was obviously a handful and no boy wanted anything to do with her, let alone

    say a single nasty word to her as she pinned three people down with her strength alone. Her

    dress was like obsidian. It was frilly and fashionably pleasing to the eye. Her eyes shone a

    beautiful red under the setting sun, like a bleeding horizon. Edena watched as the girl threw

    the guy she raised off the ground into the wall and releasing the restraint on the rest of them.

    "Dione--" A male called, entering the alleyway with a girl who's hair shimmered in

    silver under the sunset. "That's enough, let's go." He commanded sternly.

    So the girl's name was Dione.

    She watched the boy and the shimmering silver haired girl turn their backs to her.

    The guy threw a guy onto the ground that had Edena surrounded earlier today and left the

    alley. Dione looked back at Edena with a sinister smirk and smile, her hand raising to

    gesture Edena, "Good luck." before taking her leave from the alley. The girl with silver hair

    bowing at Edena before leaving with the two.

    This was an unexpected turn of events for Edena. Throughout her ritual as her soul

    was just being split, all she could think about was to meet this Dione person again. Dione felt

    almost like an angel who had swept and cleansed the heart of Edena from the life she had

    thought was hopeless. She yearned to be like Dione, a strong and competent girl.

    If she could be like Dione, she'd never have to rely on miniature glimmers of hope

    again to feel that she's been shackled to the ground of this world only to suffer.

    The Gladima she thought she'd want to be was going to be like Dione. Maybe this

    made her feel as though she had an attachment to her life. The first time she hopped,

    skipped and jumped around like a child. She completely forgot that she was already twenty

    years old, but she couldn't help such a phenomenon. She hummed and held her face,

    hoping one day she would see the three saviors of her life again someday.

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    She found her Gladima stuck into the ground in disguise of a silver winged blade

    thrust into the ground, calling for her. She was fascinated by the design of the sword and

    went after it without hesitation. Once reaching forward and gripping her hand on the handle

    of the sword, a temporal space opened up right in front of Edena, consuming her into the

    black and red nether.


    Edena wondered off after falling onto the ground that was plagued by a red and black

    creep. There was nothing there, and it wasn't particularly hot or cold. She couldn't

    understand, or grasp what happened or how this happened. A girl who looked exactly likeher appeared, standing in front of her and also holding a sword. The sword had a demonic

    design and was colored like human flesh. Edena takes a step back, afraid of the Edena that

    approached her with an obscure and crimson tinted sword.

    "W... Who are you?"

    "I am you..."

    The other Edena smiles, finally the shadow that covered the top half of her body

    brightened. She wore a similar outfit like Dione, but hers was a dark black and purple unlike

    Dione's who had colors of red. The girl had long twin tails as to her small tie at the very

    bottom of Original Edena's hair.

    "I will be what you want to be... I will be like the girl you met a few hours ago, and I

    will fulfill everything that you've suppressed."

    The clone took a step closer to the her.

    "I will be everything you've always wanted to be."

    She reached forward, placing her hand on Edena's face before grinning. The grin

    was that of a murderer and in a flash, Edena remembered what had happened all those

    years ago when she was raped. Edena kneeled down, holding her head,screaming inreminding her every single time she wanted to kill someone.

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    "Just sleep... And I will face the world for you."

    The clone raised her hand, absorbing Edena's form into her sword before smiling.

    "I will burn everyone you hate to the ground for you. So just sleep..."

    Edena concealed the black and red plague nether, returning herself back to the

    sword this time, broken from its illusion. The silver angelic sword was no longer there. The

    sword was the color of flesh now. She took the sword, leaving into the woods while

    pretending nothing happened.

    The only thing Edena could do was to be trapped in a world her spirit gave to her. No

    matter how happy the world was given to her, Edena knew that it was just an illusion. She

    was back to square one, fighting, struggling,just as she was years ago before she attended

    the Knight Academy. She was constantly running away from life being inside an illusion

    created by her spirit. Last but not least, all she could do was scream for help.

    Her voice would never reach the outside world, and only resonate across the small

    temporal space her spirit created for her. Rather than a paradise, Edena felt as though she

    was locked in a prison; aPandemonium .

    Mistress of Tragedy, Alcetis Edena Erebus

    Battle Theme:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh0Hg5XAciI

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    Appearance Theme:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKQQJVvfAnMVoice:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsxQ0FIZIQY

    Favoritism:4.) When there is bloodshed happening, then you will clearly see Edena enjoying it

    ultimately. One might ask, why? She oddly takes great pleasure in watching Dione

    fight. Another obscure habit of hers would have to be holding her face in ecstasy

    when Dione is serious.

    5.) Edena often teases Calypso out of enjoyment.6.) Once again, she has a soft spot for birds despite her murderous nature. Birds tend to

    find their way over to her, often landing on her body when she is alone. She dislikes

    the thought of presenting her favoritism of birds to the crowd and prefers to be

    solitary when enjoying their company to save herself some dignity.

    HistoryA lot of citizens of Kyrad and other provinces who ever met eye to eye with Edena

    have gone missing. Unfortunately, no one has lived to tell the tale of how she kills people or

    how they have disappeared when meeting her. However, there was one thing for sure;

    Edena never emits an aura of pleasantry around her. Looking her in the eyes, anyonewould

    be able to tell that she lusted for something.Blood? Death? Anyone who looked her in the

    eyes would feel these malicious intentions; they would sense the murderer inside of her just

    itching to get them.

    Despite her having a nature that sent chills down anyone's spine, she is still a

    woman, well endowed with beautiful looks and desirable features. She portrays herself to be

    elegant, and has good manners for someone so murderous. Edena's long black twin tails to

    compliment the original Edena's wish to be like Dione. Her eyes are a deep crimson, a color

    similar to fresh blood. Her stature is petite, but very curvy as her breasts and wide hips

    appeal to those who are interested in maturity. There really is no difference between Original

    Edena and SpiritualEdena besides personality.

    Because of her elegance and her good manners, people find it hard to read what's

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    going inside of her head. It is almost impossible to figure out what she's thinking when

    people first meet her, as she most likely acts polite but has intentions no one would ever

    depict. After all, it is a masquerade. The way she feels towards humanity mostly consist of

    disgust, hate and mistrust. This was something Original Edena and SpiritualEdena shared

    in their debut. She has a talent for acting; putting on facades. It is her specialty to put on an

    act of innocence for her audience and will humorthem until they realize what fools they are.

    She is no other than a curious, but very intelligentyoung girl when she needs to. She will

    sometimes play the victim to lure in her prey. However, under that mask of lies is a

    psychotic, merciless woman ready to engorge the person who falls in her trap. She is a

    woman who possesses a laugh so insane, no soul would consider it human. She regards life

    as a source of power to her Sword "Erebus", disposable. Somewhere inside Edena also liesa sick and corrupted justice behind her methods. She will use clones to target specifically forthe unlawful people that manage to get away with vulgar and unrighteous acts such as rape;

    reasonless stealing; individuals filled with avarice and bullying.

    In a retrospective approach, Edena's personality sometimes possesses some degree

    of innocence that her psychotic corruption has not entirely ruined. She tolerates those who

    want to change and sometimes, she would spare a killers' life if she sees that he's not too far

    gone.This shows to Calypso ( In the future, when they meet. ) that Edena does have desire

    to have a normal life; a chance at redemption for the things she did such as trapping the

    OriginalEdena in a prison of what she believed is her harmony.

    Hemorrhage Dome[Passive]Every kill she makes she will drain the victim s blood filtering the blood from the person she

    transfused toTrue Blood.Her swordMistress of Tragedycan spillTrue Blood onto theground at any given time by herBlood Elementals and herself. TheTrue Bloodthat spills onthe ground will gradually become larger and larger whenever an opponent or herBloodElementalstake an injury. Any form of blood that spills on her creep plague of vermillion redTrue Blood will becomeTrue Blood and will add to the width of herHemorrhage Dome.

    Edena can travel freely within theHemorrhage Dome.She can descend into the creep and

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    ascend from a creep elsewhere wherever she pleases so long its within the creep pool. She

    can recall otherBlood Elementalsfrom other time by descending them from another placeinto her temporal space,Nether. Then ascend from them her temporal space into thelocation she desires so long its drenched byTrue Blood.

    She can freely transfer you into her temporal space,Nether. She has total control over themovement, placement and attacks of her ownBlood Elementals. She can call all theBloodElementals she posses all over the West to fight you if she choose to once youre in herNether.

    So long youre moving and walking onTrue Blood,you are within herHemorrhage Dome.She cannot control your characters movement but she can freely take you toNether.Since it is herdome.

    Blood Elemental[Tier 1]She can reconstructTrue Blood that she possesses into aBlood Elemental.ABloodElementallooks exactly like Edena.TheBlood Elementals can use Edenas skills from her[Passive] to her[Tier 3]. The Blood Elementals also carries little bits of memories of theoriginal Edena and travels the world upon Edenas bidding.Everything that happens to theBlood Elementals will be remembered by Edena.TheBlood Elementalscan fight, can learn,can eat and can do everything that Edena can do. (That includes die, poisoned and

    corrupted.)TheBlood Elementals are substances of EdenasTrue Blood.She can withdrawtheTrue Blood whenever she pleases so if aBlood Elemental is conducting somethingagainst her will. Edena can erase thatBlood Elementalfrom existence to her choosing.

    Life Extortion

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    [Tier 2][Toggle/Active]

    When she togglesLife Extortion,her sword is engulfed by an eerie, red aura-- they resembleflames burning off of the sword.Every time she clashes with an enemy weapon or Gladimathe sword will weaken her opponents upon every clash causing them to feel that their

    powers are being drained from them.

    Every clash gives the weapon aLife Extortion Counter.[The Counters are indicated by the blood orbs floating around her weapon ][The Maximum Number of Life Extortion Counters the original Edenas Weapon is 10.][The Maximum Number ofLife Extortion Counters on Edenas Weapon is 8.][The Maximum number ofLife Extortion Counters onBlood Elementals is 3.]

    Pristine Deity of the Shadow, Asteria[Tier 3]Edena can consume theLife Extortion Counters on her weapon accordingly to how muchCounters it requires to perform a devastating attack as followed:

    [The Counters are indicated by the blood orbs floating around her weapon ][The Maximum Number of Life Extortion Counters the original Edenas Weapon is 10.][The Maximum Number ofLife Extortion Counters on Edenas Weapon is 8.][The Maximum number ofLife Extortion Counters onBlood Elementals is 3.]

    Dark(One)Corruption Wave: She slams her weapon onto the ground to unleash a dark and

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    murky red shockwave that strikes at the opponent at a distance.

    Ice(Two) Banishing Spiral: She swings her sword horizontally creating an enormous darkand murky red spiral pressure so powerful that pierces through an opponent upon impact.

    The sharp ice spear will pierce through the enemy and the murky red spiral following the

    sharp ice spear will splatter onto the enemy with blood.

    Lightning(Three) Electro Confinement: Raven black chains burst from the HemorrhageDomeor Netherswings itself around the enemy pinning their legs onto the ground. Thechains will then burst into lightning electrocuting the target that has been bounded by those

    chains. The chains will not burst into lightning if it does not find its target.

    Primordial God of Darkness, Erebus[Tier 4]Edena can consume theLife Extortion Counters on her weapon accordingly to how muchCounters it requires to perform a devastating attack as followed:

    [The Counters are indicated by the blood orbs floating around her weapon ][The Maximum Number of Life Extortion Counters the original Edenas Weapon is 10.][The Maximum Number ofLife Extortion Counters on Edenas Weapon is 8.]

    Fire(Four)Sanguine Nova: Edena pushes a ball into her opponents body turning theopponent into a walking bomb. Within a snap of a finger the ball will explode from inside

    outwards causing the enemy to feel all sort of pain in the world as the explosion stretches

    outwards and can sometimes consume a persons personality as a whole corrupting them

    forever. That or leave burnt wounds on their bodies if the corruption does not affect them.

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    Neutral(Five)Spirit Infusion: Edena fires fiveLife Extortion Counters up into the air and theball will descend quickly finding their way to her wounds. The five parts of her wounds will

    infuse with the blood orbs and promptly reform her wounds back to its original state.

    Note: If you know what those blood orbs do, when they ascend into the air you can blowthem up to stop the restoration.

    Dark(Six)Defilement of Life: Edena calls forth a dark mist from beneath the HemorrhageDomeorNether. The mist will surrounded the enemy and tightly grappling them like havingtwo walls crushing them in between while raising them up into the air. A few moments after

    the enemy that has been captured by the attack will rupture into blood. The blood will then

    reform itself by finding its way to each other after raining onto the ground and become a Blood Elemental.Note:This requires a lot of concentration to use and can be stopped if you can distractEdena from fully completing the channel.

    Earth(Seven) Fissure of Malevolence: Edena slams her weapon onto the ground inflicting ashockwave so strong that sharp and hard bones burst from theHemorrhage Dome orNetherdiagonally aiming for her opponent. The bones are covered in blood and four five of them will

    pierce through the ground in a short time period. If a Non-Gladimauser is impaled by this

    attack and kills them; they will rupture into blood raining onto the ground as True Blood.

    Neutral (Eight) Nightmare Swap: In an instant Edena will ascend into the air switchingposition with the originalEdena. The spiritual Edena will be transferred into the dome where

    the original Edena had been kept. When the swap is successful swordMistress of Tragedy,Alcetis Edena Erebus will maintain 10Life Extortion Counter at all times for accepting the

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    righteous Gladima user.

    Reason:Because the Gladima user was the power source for the Gladima it is unstablecausing it to not be able to use its abilities without shedding blood. However once the

    Gladima spirit became the power source of the Gladima, the Gladima user can use the

    sword to its full potential.

    Creator of Life, Alcetis Edena Phanes[Tier 5]Edena can consume theLife Extortion Counters on her weapon accordingly to how muchCounters it requires to perform a devastating attack as followed:

    [The Counters are indicated by the blood orbs floating around her weapon ][The Maximum Number of Life Extortion Counters the original Edenas Weapon is 10.]

    The weapon Mistress of Tragedy, Alcetis Edena Erebus will lose its original form once theoriginal Edena takes possession of her weapon. The weapon's color scheme and design

    changes to the silver white sword she had once found in the forest when she had first seen

    the weapon. Edena will maintain 10 Life Extortion Counterson her weapon at all times andno longer need sacrifices to produce True Bloodor Blood Elementals.

    Dark(Nine)The End of Nightmare: Edena can close the worldNetherchanneling all thepower it gained from the deaths of millions of people into her sword. She lounges forward

    and stabs one person with the sword transfusing the energy from her sword into the enemy

    causing the enemy to sink down into a crater from the amount of energy being infused into

    their body and like an overcharged battery; they will explode from inside out.


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    TerminologyHemorrhage Dome:This Dome refers to the creep ofTrue Blood spreading on the ground as the two fights. Its afighting ground where Edena and her Blood Elementals can freely descend and ascendwherever she wants.

    Nether:This is a temporal space that exists inside theMistress of Tragedysword.Its a wide flatarea covered in darkness and somewhere within theNether lays the originalEdena cryingfor help. You can hear sobbing sounds in the background when you

    re in theNether.

    Life Extortion Counter:This counter can be physically indicated by the amount of blood orbs floating around her

    sword. She must use this amountof counters to activate her abilities and if she used less

    than theLife Extortion Counter she needs, the floating counters will remain. (So if she uses1 Counter while having 5 counters, she will still have 4 counters on the weapon.)