EconEWEWWhispaper Updated 041116

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  • 8/18/2019 EconEWEWWhispaper Updated 041116



    This paper will analyze the reasons behind the reorganization and devolution of various

    Philippine government departments,  namely: he Department of Housing and Urban

    Development (DHUD), Department of nformation and !ommuni"ations Te"hnology (D!T), and

    the Department of Tourism (D#T)$ The Department of %gri"ulture and &ood 'ngineering will be

    e"luded from the analysis, but will in"lude history of agri"ulture in this paper $ efore we "an

    dis"uss the rationale of reorganization and devolution of these departments,  the proper 

    definition of reorganization and devolution must initially be dis"ussed first ,  so as not to be

    "onfused with more "ommon terms, su"h as privatization and deregulation$

    Privatization and devolution have strongly similar definitions wherein power and

    ownership of a firm or institution is transferred to another entity$ The main differen"e between

    the two terms is that the former situation gives the power from a government entity to the private

    se"tor , while the latter gives the power from "entral government to the lo"al government (*orld

    an+, n$d$)$ Privatization is usually done for the firm to be more effi"ient and produ"e uality

    goods and servi"es$ Devolution o""urs when the "entral government-s a"tions are too broad for 

    a spe"ifi" region, hen"e the responsibility is given to the lo"al government that +nows the needs

    of its area of .urisdi"tion better $

    /eorganization and deregulation are fairly similar in that new entities are formed,  but

    star+ly "ontrast ea"h other with the former being the result of the addition of two previously

    eisting entities while the latter is when a new firm is put into position after the removal of the


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    previously in "harge government institution$ Deregulation is done to in"rease the mar+et-s


    A. Review of related literature

    There are a myriad of literature pertaining to the "ause and effe"ts of reorganization and

    devolution separately as well as simultaneously, albeit mostly being *estern literature with little

    to no "ontet appli"able to a developing nation su"h as the Philippines$  There are well1

    do"umented reorganization and devolution suggestion papers 11 on both the private and publi"

    se"tor levels 11 that "an be eamined for a "andid perspe"tive on the matter $

    However ,  do"uments regarding the histori" "ontet of the assigned departments is

    severely la"+ing$ %part from the histori"al ba"+ground of ea"h department displayed on the

    respe"tive offi"ial websites as obligated by the Transparen"y %"t, there are almost no in1depth

    e"onomi"al, histori"al, nor politi"al a"ademi" tets of the Philippine government-s departments$

     % paper by /i"hard !ha"+erian (0223) from &lorida 4tate University analyzed the

    "auses and effe"ts of reorganization from %meri"an 4tate 5overnments data in the vast

    epanse of time from 026610278$ The methods of this wor+ was e"onometri" in nature,  and

    shied away from des"riptive statisti"s and data that revealed superfi"ial answers su"h as state

    governments answering to "ertain publi" whims instead of others$  The "on"lusion to this

    statisti"al study reveals that reorganization was more prone to o""ur after long1wave e"onomi"

    de"lines to answer for rising short1term issues, with no profound long1term effe"ts, whi"h may

    eplain why another reorganization is li+ely to be around the "orner $


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     % fairly re"ent .ournal entry by one !harlie effery (9663) des"riptively eamined

    devolution and its effe"ts on lo"al governments in the United ;ingdom $ Unli+e !ha"+erian-s

    paper that dis"ussed the economic "auses and effe"ts of a parti"ular stru"tural "hange,

    effery-s wor+ is more politi"al in nature as it delves into the relationships and trust issues

    between lo"al governments in the United ;ingdom brought up by devolution$ His "on"lusion

    reveals that "learly,  different ualities of trust and relationships eist between devolved and

    lo"al governments in the United ;ingdom, o""asionally getting in the way of post1devolution

    de"ision ma+ing despite the "ommitment of full engagement$ %ny sense of "ommon general

    interest and goals are noneistent in debates on the introdu"tion of '/%s in 'ngland$

    /esear"h by /ay Hudson (9663) ta"+led the uestion whether a region-s devolution led

    to regional e"onomi" su""ess$ #n"e again the data this study utilized is 'uropean in nature ,

    spe"ifi"ally the north1east region of 'ngland$  Hudson-s method is to "riti"ally analyze the

    regions- histori" "on"epts of power , governmentality, politi"al and so"ial "onstru"tion, among a

    plethora of other fa"ts and figures before .umping to "ontemporary issues on devolution and

    e"onomi" su""ess$ His "on"lusion uestions the effi"ien"y of devolution to a region-s e"onomi"

    growth$ &ollowed by further uestions su"h as who ea"tly is the main benefi"iary in the region,

    and the etent of devolution in transferring power to the lo"al governments$

    B. Analytical framework

    The study on the departments in"luded in this paper are dis"ussed and identified

    individually in the following parts, and only eamined "olle"tively in the identifi"ation of +ey

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    issues, fa"tors, impli"ations of the reorganization and devolution pro"esses undergone by the

    said departments, and the summary at the "on"lusion of the paper $ =ost of the arguments in

    this resear"h were an"hored on the available Philippine resour"es on the internet , and were

    heavily influen"ed and based on news and information "on"erning the government of the

    "ountry, whi"h may refle"t the "ulture in the Philippines$ #ther spe"ifi"ations are as follows:

    0$ /eorganization and devolution were defined and eplained,  "oupled with supporting and

    eisting literature on these "on"epts$9$ !entral uestions were identified and served as the foundation of the study regarding the

    respe"tive departments$

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    were driven by the yields of eport "rops su"h as banana,  pineapple, "offee, and other fruits

    and vegetables "ontributed to agri"ultural growth$ =arginal produ"tivity of the Philippines was

    stable until the 02E6s then eperien"ed a drasti" de"line due to de"eleration in total fa"tor 

    produ"tion (T&P) growth 11 this also "aused the agri"ulture se"tor to be stagnant $ n terms of 

    agri"ultural "ompetitiveness, the Philippines was lagging "ompared to its neighboring "ountries$

    The in"ompeten"ies of the se"tor were eplained by Habito and riones (9668) as brought

    about by poli"y inadeua"ies$  !hanges in the poli"ies regarding pri"es,  as well as trade

    "ontributed to the defi"ien"ies of the agri"ulture se"tor in the "ountry$  %lso,  the authors

    mentioned about la"+ of investments in agri"ulture, and flaws and wea+nesses of institutions

    and governan"e also affe"ted the development of the se"tor $ They emphasized on the need to

    improve and modernize Philippine agri"ulture for it to be able to be "ompetitive, as well as wor+

    at its optimal level$

    B. Housing and urban development

    o"al "ommunities have been lobbying for housing and urban development sin"e the era

    of %guinaldo$ %s small groups of "ommon "itizens,  their vying for urban development merely

    forms a small platform with little to no power $ The foundation of a housing department would

    allow these small platforms- reuests to be answered $ However , it would not be until de"ades

    later when histori"al eviden"e of a housing department "an be found$

    4o"ialized housing "an be tra"ed as far ba"+ as uly 02

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    "hairman appointed to the PH! board was %le.andro /o"es 4r $ This was the first housing

    agen"y of its +ind in the nation ,  before eventually be"oming a subsidiary of the Gational

    Development !ompany (GD!)$ The PH! was partnered with the GD! si years after the

    foundation of the PH!$ Two years after , the two agen"ies were merged to be"ome the People-s

    Homesite and Housing !orporation (PHH!)$ 4i housing related agen"ies were formed to

    respond to the distin"t shelter reuirements the "ommunity needed in the years that followed $

    Gamely, these are:

    The Presidential %ssistant on Housing and /esettlement (P%H/%)

    Tondo &oreshore Development %uthority (T&D%) !entral nstitute for Training and /elo"ating Urban 4uatters (!T/U4) Presidential !ommittee on Urban and /esettlement (P/'!HU/) 4apang Palay Development !ommittee (4PD!) nter1%gen"y Tas+ &or"e to Underta+e the /elo"ation of &amilies

    y the year 02E8,  the housing and urban development efforts of the nation were

    streamlined into the Gational Housing %gen"y (GH%) whi"h is in operation up until present day

    (&elipe, 9600)$ The GH% is "urrently one of the +ey housing agen"ies of the Housing and Urban

    Development !oordinating !oun"il (HUD!!)$

    C. Information and communication technologies. 

    nformation and !ommuni"ations Te"hnology or !T "an be defined as the Idiverse set

    of te"hnologi"al tools and resour"es used to "ommuni"ate , and to "reate, disseminate, store,

    and manage informationJ$  (lurton 0222) !T enables people to innovate ways to a""ess

    information by providing means to "ommuni"ate, "ollaborate, and "ompute$ !T in general is


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    still yet to be understood properly as to what it is and its fun"tions for the "ountry $ Gevertheless,

    the government has done its efforts in establishing institutions for the development of !T in the

    "ountry$ %""ording to a press release, 4en$ 5ra"e Poe stated that KThe Philippines remains one

    of the few "ountries that still do not have a separate !T ministry $ *e donLt have an integrated

    e1governan"e fa"ility that would provide the frontline servi"es of all government agen"ies$K

    (IPoe: Use !TJ, anuary 06, 9603) !onsistent with her advo"a"y, 4en$ Poe suggests that the

    "reation of a separate department solely for !T matters "an play a "entral role in the so"io1

    e"onomi" development of the "ountry$ 

    The nformation and !ommuni"ations Te"hnology #ffi"e (!T#) of the Department of 

    4"ien"e and Te"hnology (D4T) was "reated under the 'e"utive #rder >E (series of 9600) $ t is

    the lead implementing agen"y of the government in all !T1 related efforts with spe"ial fo"us on

    areas of industry development, poli"y,  infrastru"ture development, resear"h and development,

    "apa"ity building of the publi" se"tor , and the administration of the '15overnment &und$

     %""ording to an arti"le published by the !T# website, one of the earliest efforts was the

    establishment of The nformation Te"hnology and '1!ommer"e !oun"il (T'!!) in uly 09 ,

    9666, serving as the highest poli"y ma+ing body on !T $ (I*hat is '5& n$d$) n %pril 9< 966

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    • 'nsure su""essful "ompletion of high1impa"t !T pro.e"ts that would

     .umpstart the development and implementation of e15overnment throughout the "ountry@


    • &a"ilitation of professional evaluation, sele"tion and monitoring pra"ti"es

    for !T pro.e"ts that would result in more effe"tive andMor effi"ient "ross1agen"y


    nitially,  the T'!! proposed that by setting aside 8B of the mandatory "uts on

    maintenan"e and other operating epenses (=##') and "apital outlays (!#) from the

    proposed 966< national budget$ However , only 9B of the !# and =##' of ea"h government

    agen"y was allo"ated for e1government pro.e"ts whi"h amounted to approimately four billion


    #n uly 96 966>, the T'!! was abolished under the 'e"utive #rder Go $ 

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    . !ourism

    Tourism is "onsidered as a vital fa"tor that influen"es e"onomi" growth, and has been a

    primary drive for sustained development for the Philippines$ Pilapil1%nas"o and izada (960>)

    dis"usses and eplains the history and evolution of the tourism industry in the "ountry in a

    paper $ &our main periods in the history of the "ountry were identified whi"h served as the ma.or 

    divisions of the analysis of Philippine tourism of the paper $ The aforementioned periods were

    namely, 0) pre1martial law era@ 9) martial law era@ ) 90st "entury

    era$ The earliest re"ord of Philippine tourist arrivals were in 0236 and this ehibited an upward

    trend sin"e then until the present$ The in"rease and de"rease in tourist arrivals were in line with

    the growth and politi"al instability of the e"onomy, thus tourism was identified as a +ey fa"tor 

    that strongly influen"ed the "hanges that happened in the business "y"le of the "ountry$

    Pre1martial law was in the aftermath of the *orld *ar , and tourist arrivals "ontinued to

    grow and flourish despite the damages in"urred from the war $ The Philippine Tourist and Travel

     %sso"iation (PTT%) was formed in 0286 to address and a""ommodate the influ of tourists in

    the "ountry$ The asso"iation was geared towards improving tourist eperien"e,  as well as

    generating foreign "urren"y and employment$ %s tourism "ontinued to "ontribute largely to the

    growth of the e"onomy, the national government institutionalized and formalized the PTT% in

    0289 through the issuan"e and approval of the /epubli" %"t Go$ E06$ The oard of Travel and

    Tourist ndustry (TT) was "reated in 0283 to aid the PTT% in its endeavors$ The government

    "ontinued supporting the efforts of the private se"tor and this generated more tourist arrivals 11 it

    was estimated that the number was 80,666 in 0236 and rea"hed 0>>,666 in 02E0$  5ross

    domesti" produ"t of the "ountry also relentlessly rose$ The main "aveat that was fa"ed for 


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    tourism in this period was the la"+ of fa"ilities and developed infrastru"tures to support and aid

    tourism efforts$

    &oreign tourist arrivals un"easingly in"rease even in the 02E6s until 0276 11 the estimate

    was from 033,666 in 02E9 to 0,667,666 in 0276$  The Department of !ommer"e and and

    ndustry was reorganized as the Department of Trade and Tourism and formally ,  in 02E

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    tourist arrivals in 0229 and was later affe"ted by the %sian &inan"ial !risis $ '"otourism was also

    developed in this period and was an integral part that "onstitutes tourism in the "ountry $

    The 90st "entury era fo"used on the promotion of e"otourism in the Philippines ,  and

    improved uality of goods and servi"es provided by the travel agen"ies,  tourist destinations,

    and other tourism1related bodies in the nation, whi"h also aided in the a"hievement of its set

    goals$The Tourism %"t of 9662 (/epubli" %"t Go$ 282 =edium Term Philippine Development Plan (=TPDP) and the =illennium

    Development 5oals of the Philippine Development Plan for 960019603 highlight on tourism as a

    +ey body that promotes in"lusive growth$ n 9606, tourist arrivals started to heighten on"e more$

    Henderson (9600) eplains that there are ma.or limitations fa"ed by the "ountry in terms of 

    improving tourism 11 su"h as politi"al turmoil,  infrastru"ture,  weather ,  transport,

    a""ommodations, mar+eting, and others 11 and these may hamper investment and development

    of the se"tor $ 4till,  at present, the D#T "ontinues to strongly advo"ate for its "ampaign It-s

    more fun in the Philippines,J and wor+s to maintain its title of being a main fa"tor that

    "ontributes to the in"lusive growth of the Philippines$

    Agenda and "actors Involved In !he Reorgani#ation and evolution $rocesses

    A. epartment of Housing and %rban evelopment &H%'


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      The Housing and Urban Development !oordinating !oun"il (HUD!!) was

    "reated by then President !orazon !$ %uino by virtue of 'e"utive #rder Go$ 26 dated

    0E De"ember 0273$  The '#, whi"h also abolished the =inistry of Human 4ettlements,

    pla"ed HUD!! under the dire"t supervision of the #ffi"e of the President to serve as the

    highest poli"y ma+ing body for housing and "oordinate the a"tivities of the +ey housing

    agen"ies to ensure the a""omplishment of the 5overnment 4helter Program$

      #n 98 =ay 0272 and =ay 97,  9660, 'e"utive #rder Go$ 

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    &rom 0273 to present,  there are several ee"utive and legislative issuan"es

    in"luding the three laws mentioned above,  that provide or authorize HUD!! with

    spe"ifi" fun"tions andMor reuire it to underta+e "ertain tas+s related to housing and

    urban development$ These legal and legislative fiats assigned duties and responsibilities

    to HUD!! that are related to its original mandate as the lead agen"y in housing and

    urban development (n$d$)$ 4in"e the problem on housing has been pressing on our 

    e"onomy for the past years, !hamber of /eal 'state and uildersL %sso"iations or 

    !/'% strongly vied for the "reation of the Department of Housing and Urban

    Development (DHUD) (5orayeb,  9608)$ % senate bill introdu"ed by senator &erdinand

    IongbongJ =ar"os, whi"h was filed on uly

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    The "oun"ilLs- "omposition (spearheaded by the HUD!! "hairman) is as follows:

    (ey housing agencies: Gational Housing %uthority (GH%),  Gational Home =ortgage &inan"e

    !orporation (GH=&!),  4o"ial Housing &inan"e !orporation (4H&!),  Home 5uaranty

    !orporation (H5!), and Housing and and Use /egulatory oard (HU/) (ey finance agencies: Home Development =utual &und (HD=& or Pag15 &und),  4o"ial

    4e"urity 4ystem (444), and 5overnment 4ervi"e nsuran"e 4ystem (544)@ )upport agencies: Gational '"onomi" and Development %uthority (G'D%),  Department of 

    &inan"e (D#&), Department of udget and =anagement (D=), Department of Publi" *or+s

    and Highways (DP*H),  Development an+ of the Philippines (DP),  =etro =anila

    Development %uthority (==D%), and Presidential =anagement 4taff (P=4) !wo representatives from the private sector representing any of the following groups :

    developers,  ban+ers, "ontra"tors,  professionals, and low1in"ome benefi"iaries$ %t present,  the

    private se"tor is represented by the following real estate developers engaged in low1"ost

    housing with etensive eperien"e in real estate development: =r $ esus %ten"io and =r $ 5

    iovanni #livares$

    B. epartment of Information and Communications !echnology &IC!'

    The Department of nformation and !ommuni"ations Te"hnology (D!T) is still

    going through the pro"ess of being "reated@ it is the youngest department dis"ussed in

    this paper $ /e"ent development on the progress was on une 90 9608 when the senate

    was able to pass a bill for the "reation of the D!T$ However , it has not been signed by

    the "urrent president Goynoy %uino due to several issues "on"erning the matter $ %t

    present, nformation and !ommuni"ations Te"hnology (!T) matters are being handled


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    under the nformation and !ommuni"ations Te"hnology #ffi"e (!T#), whi"h is under 

    the 4"ientifi" and Te"hnologi"al servi"es of the Department of 4"ien"e and Te"hnology

    (D#4T)$  Despite efforts being made by passing bills sin"e as early as 966>, there still

    seems to be more wor+ to be done for the pushing of the D!T $ 

    'fforts of pushing the "reation of D!T started in 966>$ During the 02 and 4$$ 0E28, both filed by 4en$

    =agsaysay r $  oth bills "ontain the same intentions,  whi"h was to push for the

    reorganization of the D#T! into two separate departments,  the Department of 

    Transportation and D!T$ However , both bills ended up pending with the !ommittees on

    the 4"ien"e and Te"hnology and on !ivil 4ervi"e and 5overnment /eorganization

    &inan"e by the end of the "ongress$  The following year ,  on the 0>th  !ongress,  two

    4enate bills were filed, whi"h were 4$$ Go$ 296 by 4en$ egarda, and 4$$ Go$ 98>3

    by 4en$  '.er"ito1'strada,  4e$ %ngara and 4e$  egarda$ oth the bills "ontained the

    same provisions as the aforementioned bills$ Then on the 08th "ongress, four bills were

    passed, whi"h were 4$$ Go$ 06, 4$$ Go$ 0E7 and 4$$ Go$ 86$ %ll

    four bills "ontained the same intentions, whi"h was to push for the reorganization of the


    !urrent progress on the "reation of D!T was last une 9608 where the

    Philippine 4enate passed its third and final reading of the bill pushing the "reation of 

    D!T$ %""ording to a press release, Ia bill see+ing the "reation of a new government

    agen"y whi"h would fo"us on the development of the "ountryLs growing information and

    "ommuni"ations te"hnology (!T) se"tor $J (I4enate passes bill "reating D!TJ 9608)


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    4enate President /alph 5$ /e"to being the "hair of the 4enate !ommittee on 4"ien"e

    and Te"hnology and sponsor of the 4enate ill 9373 mentioned that this bill aims to

    promote digital litera"y and !T epertise$ The bill was approved on #"tober 9608 by the

    !ongress$ Despite its approval, president %uino is against the bill sin"e he believes that

    "reating the D!T would only overlap some fun"tions of the "urrent agen"ies and thus

    be redundant$ 

    C. epartment of !ourism &*!'

    The Department of Tourism was formally established on =ay 00, 02E< by virtue

    of the Presidential De"ree Go$  072, whi"h was arranged by the =inistry of Tourism

    (=#T)$ efore its formation,  tourism in the "ountry was represented by the Philippine

    Tourist and Travel %sso"iation (PTT%) whi"h too+ effe"t in 0289 through the /epubli" %"t

    Go$ E06$ The PTT% was originally a private enterprise, and not a government institution$

    n 0283,  the PTT% was "oupled with a body that served as its poli"y1formulating

    "omponent 11 the oard of Travel and Tourist ndustry (TT)$ %long with the "reation of 

    the D#T in 02E

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    that "ertain fun"tions of the D#T were devolutionized and passed to lo"al government


    The vision of the Department of Tourism in"ludes: 0) provision of easier a""ess

    to travel lo"ations and destinations@ 9) improvement of tourism goods and servi"es in

    terms of pri"e and uality@

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    pro"esses and a"tions undergone by the


    !reates poli"ies, programs, plans, rules

    and regulations4"rutinizes the Tourism =aster Plan and

    ma+es the final .udgment %dviser to the president regarding tourism

    issues and "on"erns

    Tourism Promotions 4e"tor Promotes the Philippines as a lo"al and

    international tourist destination=ar+eting and promotions4upervisor of international operations of

    field offi"es

    Tourism 4ervi"es and /egional #ffi"es


    n1"harge of uality servi"e for tourists %""reditor and inspe"tor of tourist

    establishments abiding with international

    norms, rules and regulations4upervisor of regional bodies for tourism

    Planning, and Produ"t Development and


    !reates the Tourism =aster Plan, along

    with relative programs, and monitors its

    ee"ution and implementationPlans for new produ"ts and investment

    options for the improvement of tourist

    lo"ations and fa"ilities

    nternal 4ervi"es 4e"tor =anages and supervises over the internal


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    se"tors in the department, su"h as human

    resour"es, general servi"es, finan"ial and

    budgetary operations, and others

    (ey issues and implications

    The reorganization and devolution of the DHUD, D!T, and D#T are targeted to improve

    the uality of goods and servi"es at the lo"al level and thus in"rease e"onomi" growth and

    stability$ %s mandated in the o"al 5overnment !ode of 0220, the shift of power over "ertain

    pro"esses to the lo"al level will ensure that the ne"essary and "orresponding needs of ea"h

    area will be addressed more effi"iently by the respe"tive lo"al government units (5Us)$

    However , "ontrary to the promising goals and ob.e"tives of the devolution and reorganization

    pro"esses, there were more problems that arose after the implementation of these pro"edures$

    !han"o (9600) argued that lo"al government units often "omplain about having inadeuate

    finan"ial resour"es for the implementation of "ertain pro.e"ts and improvements in spe"ifi"

    areas, but he added that the la"+ of revenue was not the only main problem that was atta"hed

    with the lo"alized operations$ The author eplained that there was an absen"e of eperien"ed

    and +nowledgeable wor+ers to wor+ for ea"h of the devolved units in all lo"alities ,  and the

    delivery of servi"es were degrading throughout the "ourse of operations$ He strongly advo"ated

    for uality training first before the government "ontinued with devolution$ %n eample "ited by

    !han"o was that of the "ase of the Department of Tourism wherein the evaluation and


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    "lassifi"ation of hotels raised issues 11 I% hotel whi"h merits a five star rating in ohol will

    probably merit a two star in =anila and no star internationally $J

    udd (9666) also argues that de"entralization in some provin"es meant that offi"ials

    reinfor"e "orruption and nepotism 11 that they will use the power that they gain over a "ertain

    area, only to use it to their advantage and personal interests , and pass these onto friends and

    relatives for them to benefit most from the resour"es$ 5onzales- (022E) statement in his paper 

    "onfirms the in"apa"ities entailed at the lo"al level 11 he said that 5Us still la"+ed human ,

    te"hni"al, and finan"ial "apa"ity, despite the a""omplishments of the said lo"al units $ =oreover ,

    he eplained that a trend of Ire"entralizationJ was o""urring,  and inherently erased lo"al

    autonomy$ This shows that the implementation of de"entralization and reorganization has lost

    its essen"e, ultimately$

     % big impli"ation that "an be derived from the establishments of the said departments,

    along with other lo"alized bodies in the "ountry,  gives rise to another uestion: Is

    de"entralization and reorganization the +ey to attaining a better status of the e"onomy?J There

    are "ertainly advantages and disadvantages atta"hed with devolution and reorganization,  as

    mandated in the o"al 5overnment !ode of 0220, and other de"entralization laws and poli"ies

    of the government, but the implementation of all these poli"ies boils down to the effi"ien"y and

    appli"ability of these laws in the Philippines$ Politi"al instability was mentioned as a ma.or issue

    in almost all se"tors dis"ussed in this paper ,  and it "annot be denied that the Philippines

    "ontinues to eperien"e politi"al turmoil, and that this ultimately influen"es the stru"ture and the

    fun"tions ee"uted by the different bodies that represent the government, su"h as those of the

    D%&', DHUD, D!T, D#T, and others$ ssues su"h as graft and "orruption, plunder , deepening


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    in"iden"e of poverty and in"reasing unemployment 11 these will remain evident $  ut in the

    advent of issues eperien"ed by the Philippine e"onomy,  the reliability,  produ"tivity,  and

    effi"ien"y should be brought about by government institutions to fundamentally eplain the

    e"onomi" "apability of the Philippines, yet these remain to be in uestion$

    Conclusion and summary

    The institutions themselves as departments of the government are fairly young@ having

    only eisted in a matter of a handful of de"ades ,  although there have been generations of 

    agen"ies that performed identi"al fun"tions in the past$ The reorganization and devolution of the

    departments throughout the years are attempts to form a sustainable stru"ture that "an perform

    their duties properly$  These a"tions are mostly underta+en on"e "omplaints against the

    standard operations of the departments regarding the insuffi"ien"y to meet demands have

    be"ome highly vo"al@ reorganization and devolution are not done by the departments out of 

    initiative nor long1run outloo+s at the future of the department and the growing needs of the

    e"onomy$ The reorganization and devolution themselves are not smooth su""essful operations

    seeing as how there are still issues left to be desired$ This short"oming urges the departments

    to reorganize and devolve even further $  The paper has effe"tively answered the resear"h

    uestion regarding the ba"+ground,  vision and mission,  and "urrent a"tivities of the

    departments,  as well as the history of the fields their operations ta+e pla"e in su"h as

    agri"ulture and housing$


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