ÉCOLE SPERLING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2200 Sperling Avenue, Burnaby, B.C. V5B 4K7 (604) 664-8836 Fax (604) 664-8651 http://sperling.sd41.bc.ca/ Principal: Mme K. Floyd Head Teacher: Mme Alex Spence Secretary: Mrs. S. Bonvino Days to Remember: JANUARY First day back after Winter Break Hot Lunch (pizza) Soccer (primary classes) Hot Lunch (Subway) Ski Day #1 (Gr. 4-7) Skating (Gr. 4-7) Soccer (primary classes) Young People’s Concert (Div. 1-9) @ 10:15am Family Literacy Day & Pajama Day Ski Day #2 (Gr. 4—7) Skating (Gr. 4—7) December 2016 Bulletin #5 Winter Break December 19 - January 2 School re-opens on Tuesday, January 3 OUR PHONE NUMBER IS CHANGING! Effective January 19, 2017 our school phone number is changing. Our new phone number is 604-296-9030. Please update our number on your cell phones or any other device where you may have it stored. A Frosty Fête Winter Concert The primary concert took place on Wednesday, De- cember 8 th and Wednesday, December 14 th . It was a great success thanks to Ms. Hintersteininger and Ms. Hanna Thank you to the primary teachers for all of their help and to the intermediate teachers and students for the festive decorations in the gym. This is a time of celebration and a time to reflect on the events and achievements of this past year and the first term of school. The children at École Sperling continue to strive for their personal best and take pride in their achievements. The spirit and generosity has been bountiful over the last few weeks as the students and their families of Sperling School have worked hard to provide for our Burnaby community. A special thank you to all the Student Council who worked very hard in reminding us about the spirit of giving during the holidays. Gr. 7 Student Council organized a toy drive at Sperling and stu- dents brought in 209 toys for Burnaby children in need of some Christmas Cheer this season. Thank you to the parent community for all the ways you support your children’s learning: by reading to and with them each evening; by helping with homework; by supporting our teachers, Thank you also to our very hardworking PAC and their fundraising efforts throughout the year. We look forward to a positive and successful 2017. On behalf of Sperling staff, I wish you a safe, relaxing and joyful holiday. Karen Floyd Principal

ÉCOLE SPERLING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL · Please update our number on ... gan, Nilsa Nilli, Aoife O’Brien, Jaya Parmar, Claire Roe, Pia Sung, Rachel Tong, ... Vijay Tupper, Brian Wu

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ÉCOLE SPERLING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2200 Sperling Avenue, Burnaby, B.C. V5B 4K7

(604) 664-8836 Fax (604) 664-8651 http://sperling.sd41.bc.ca/

Principal: Mme K. Floyd Head Teacher: Mme Alex Spence Secretary: Mrs. S. Bonvino

Days to Remember:


First day back after Winter Break

Hot Lunch (pizza)

Soccer (primary classes)

Hot Lunch (Subway)

Ski Day #1 (Gr. 4-7) Skating (Gr. 4-7) Soccer (primary classes)

Young People’s Concert (Div. 1-9) @ 10:15am

Family Literacy Day & Pajama Day

Ski Day #2 (Gr. 4—7) Skating (Gr. 4—7)

December 2016 Bulletin #5

Winter Break

December 19 - January 2

School re-opens on Tuesday, January 3

OUR PHONE NUMBER IS CHANGING! Effective January 19, 2017 our school phone number is changing. Our new phone number is 604-296-9030. Please update our number on your cell phones or any other device where you may have it stored.

A Frosty Fête Winter Concert

The primary concert took place on Wednesday, De-cember 8th and Wednesday, December 14th. It was a great success thanks to Ms. Hintersteininger and Ms. Hanna Thank you to the primary teachers for all of their help and to the intermediate teachers and students for the festive decorations in the gym.

This is a time of celebration and a time to reflect on the events and achievements of this past year and the first term of school. The children at École Sperling continue to strive for their personal best and take pride in their achievements. The spirit and generosity has been bountiful over the last few weeks as the students and their families of Sperling School have worked hard to provide for our Burnaby community. A special thank you to all the Student Council who worked very hard in reminding us about the spirit of giving during the holidays. Gr. 7 Student Council organized a toy drive at Sperling and stu-dents brought in 209 toys for Burnaby children in need of some Christmas Cheer this season. Thank you to the parent community for all the ways you support your children’s learning: by reading to and with them each evening; by helping with homework; by supporting our teachers, Thank you also to our very hardworking PAC and their fundraising efforts throughout the year. We look forward to a positive and successful 2017. On behalf of Sperling staff, I wish you a safe, relaxing and joyful holiday. Karen Floyd Principal


First Trip - January 20

The first Ski day for Gr. 4-7 stu-dents in the Sperling Ski Pro-gram is January 22nd. Mark your calen-dars and set your alarms! Registered stu-dents will need to be at the school by 6:00am.

BOOK LENDING POLICY Students who do not have any overdue

books may take out books for the Winter Break. Please encourage your son or

daughter not to take these books away from your home if you are traveling some-where over the holidays as these items can get lost easily. Thank you for your assis-tance with this, and have a very Merry


Mme Hunger

Congratulations to our Volleyball Teams!

Congratulations to the boy’s and girl’s volley-ball teams for another great season. Thank you to Mr. Kelsey, Mme Godel, Mme Stringer, Ms.

Marriott, Mme Chow and Mrs. Schiffo for coaching this enthusiastic group of students.

Girls Lillian Brichon, Makenzie Campbell, Elise Chen, Jasmine Cheng, Ellysia Chisholm, Marin Dobson, Marina Faccone, Aaliyah Gill, Sahanah Gill, Sarah Hartman, Ava Henderson, Valerie Hung, Nadia Izadi, Aaliyah Jado, Kaitlyn Johnson, Ida Khanlou, Inaara Khimani, Kaitlyn Lee, Bridget Li, Isabella Lian, Anya Liu, Bruna Masteck, Jacquie MacLean, Claire McConnell, Harriet Milli-gan, Nilsa Nilli, Aoife O’Brien, Jaya Parmar, Claire Roe, Pia Sung, Rachel Tong, Annie Vincalek, Laiba Wardak, Anabelle Yee, Kristen Young, Olivia Zecca, Jessica Zhang, Victoria Zhang

Boys Sebastian Brugger, Eric Cao, Ethan Chan, Claudiu Colobanea, Calvin Ji, Con-nor Johnson, Braden Leong, Biagio Lupinacci, Leighton Ng, Andrew Mak, Drake Malli, Julien Munro-Macintosh, Reuben Painter, Lucas Saplairoles, Jason Sorbo, Vijay Tupper, Brian Wu

Girls Competitive Lillian Brichon, Sarah Hartman, Nadia Izadi, Inaara Khimani, Anya Liu, Jacquie MacLean, Claire Roe, Kristen Young, Victoria Zhang

Boys Competitive Aiden Domino, Robert Gilhespy, Nathan Heyde, Enoch Hsu, Kobe Kong, Cory Kwan William Sim, Joshua Thorpe-Dorward, Isaac Trenton

Co-ed Team Mattias Bello, Cory Kwan, Nathan Heyde, William Sim, Nadia Izadi, Anya Liu, Lillian Brichon, Kristen Young

Thank you to all the parent drivers for driving our students to the games and tournaments!


On Friday, December 16th, Sperling had a very special visitor...Santa Claus shared pancakes with all our Sperling School community. Thank you to our PAC Hot Lunch Committee for organiz-

ing such a wonderfully festive event. Thank you Sperling families for the food bank donations.

Merry Christmas/Joyeux Noel


First Trip - January 20

The first Ski day for Gr. 4-7 students in the Sperling Ski Program is January 20th. Mark your calendars and set your alarms! Registered students will need to be at the school by 6:00am.

INTERMEDIATE SKATING This year all intermediate students who are NOT participating in the Sperling Ski Program will be going skating at Kensing-ton Ice Arena on Janu-ary 20, 27, and February 3, 2017. Permission forms will be sent home in early January.

Christmas Craft On Friday, December 9th, students made a Christmas craft in the gym at lunch. Great fun was had and students took home their snowman. Thank you to Maria Scarcelli for organ-izing this event and all the parent volunteers for helping out. $700 was raised and donated to Burn-aby Community Services, which provides healthy snacks for students in need.

DIVISION 1: “NO SUGAR ZONE” Division 1 has been learning about the im-

pact of sugar on our bodies. They have been reading labels on food and know that 4grams of sugar = 1 teaspoon. There was an open house whereby they taught their schoolmates how to read labels. They also discovered that there are ways to deal with sugar cravings.

Hour of Code On December 9th students in Mr. Kelsey’s class and grade 6 students in Ms. Cera’s class par ci-pated in the Hour of Code. The Hour of Code is a global movement by Computer Science Educa-

on Week and Code.org reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries through a one-hour introduc on to

computer science and computer pro-gramming. Students used block program-ming to solve logic puzzles, draw digital pictures and create simple video games. It was an introduc on that will hopefully increase student interest in learning more about computer science.

Foundation Skills Assessment

(FSA) The Foundations Skills Assessment is an annual province-wide assessment of students’ reading

comprehension, writing and numeracy skills. The FSA will be administered between January and February of this year to students in grades 4

and 7. The FSA is designed to provide a snapshot only of how students are doing in

relation to the learning outcomes for the school year. Results from the FSA are not used for

report card purposes. Assessment by classroom teachers is done on a regular basis by using a variety of methods (e.g.

presentations, projects, tests, observations, collections of work samples, conferences) in all

curricular areas. This information gives teachers and parents a more comprehensive picture of

student achievement. Testing will take place during the period of

January 9th - February 17th, 2017. Individual student results will be available to parents and

guardians in late spring. For further information about the FSA, please contact Mme Floyd at the school, or visit the

Ministry of Education website (www.bced.gov.bc.ca/assessment/fsa/).


REMEMBER’ (A parent only event)

Meet and chat with other parents. Coffee, tea, a potluck dessert...in addi‐tion to a wine selection for your enjoy‐

ment (no host bar).

Friday, February 24, 2017 7:00—10:00 in the gym

An email will be sent in January with a sign up for dessert, cheese tray, fruit,

etc. and to reserve your seat.

No cost to attend.

Stay tuned!