EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM FOR THE CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN MODERN LANGUAGES ORAL COMMUNICATION Guided Conversation Level A2 The individual Personal particulars What do we learn about each other when we introduce ourselves? What are your most important particulars, when is your birthday? What nationality are you? Where do you work, what is your job? Appearance/clothing What do you like wearing most, what are your favourite colours? What do people wear when they go to the theatre, a concert, when they are invited as guests? What do you think about fashion? What do you wear in summer / in winter? Have you got a favourite piece of c1othing? What colour c1othes do you buy? What do young people like wearing most? Daily routine Is routine important in your life? Why? What is your daily routine like during the week and at the weekend? Is there anything you don't have time for?

ECL Guided Conversation A2 B1 B2 C1

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ECL Exams * Oral Communication * Guided Conversation25




Guided Conversation

Level A2The individual

Personal particulars

What do we learn about each other when we introduce ourselves?

What are your most important particulars, when is your birthday?

What nationality are you?

Where do you work, what is your job?


What do you like wearing most, what are your favourite colours?

What do people wear when they go to the theatre, a concert, when they are invited as guests? What do you think about fashion?

What do you wear in summer / in winter?

Have you got a favourite piece of c1othing? What colour c1othes do you buy?

What do young people like wearing most?

Daily routine

Is routine important in your life? Why?

What is your daily routine like during the week and at the weekend?

Is there anything you don't have time for?

What do you like doing during the week / at the weekends?


Relatives, acquaintances, friends

How many people are there in your family?

How often do you meet your relatives? On what occasions?

Where can you make friends?

Colleagues, classmates

Where do you work / study?

Have you got a favourite colleague / c1assmate? Why do you like him / her? What do you usually do together?


Family members

Talk about your close family!

Have you got any brothers or sisters? Are they younger or older than you?

Where do your parents / does your husband / wife work?

Introduce one of your family members!

Family occasions

How does your family celebrate birthdays / namedays?

Which is your favourite family holiday / celebration? Why?

Place of living


Do you live in a detached house or a block of flats? What is your address?

Describe your flat / house? What rooms are there?

How have you furnished your living room / kitchen?

Which is your favourite room?

What are your neighbours like?

The street/town

Tell us where your town / village is situated.

How can one get to your house from the centre?

What means of transport do you go to work with? How long does it take you to get there?

Why do you or don't you like living here?


What kind of housework do you like doing?

How often do you do these chores?

Who helps you at home?

Are there any typically male or female household chores? What are they?


Means of transport

What means of public transport do you usually use?

Have you ever travelled by plane / ship? Where?

What means of public transport are there in your town?

Have you got a driving licence?

Buying tickets/travelling documents

How and where do you buy tickets for the bus / tram / underground? How much does a ticket cost?

Where do you buy plane and train tickets?

What documents do you need if you travel abroad by car?



Where do you prefer to buy food?

What food products do you buy daily?

How do you prepare for the weekend?

What kind of fruits and vegetables do you buy? Where?


Where do you like buying clothes?

What kind of clothes do young people buy? What kind of clothes do you like wearing? What do you wear on festive occasions?

Communication/keeping in contact

Post office

How do you send a postcard / letter?

What services does a post office offer?

When do you send a postcard and to whom?


How do you make domestic and international calls?

Who do you often call?

Have you got a mobile phone?

What is the difference between a normal phone and a mobile phone?

What role does the answer phone play?

What number do you call when you are in trouble?


Restaurants (menu, ordering, paying)

When do you go to a restaurant?

What do you order there?

Do you know any famous restaurants in your neighbourhood? Why are they famous? You would like to celebrate your birthday with friends in a restaurant.

How do you reserve a table?

If you are satisfied with the service, do you give a tip?


Which are the most famous hotel chains in the world?

How can you book a hotel room?

What does a hotel room look like?

What services do the "better" hotels offer today?



When were you invited to somebody's house the last time? Where?

How do you prepare to receive friends at a birthday party?

What do you take with you when you are invited somewhere?

Cinema, theatre

Do you often go to the cinema / theatre?

Which film / play did you see last?

How much does a cinema / theatre ticket cost?

Which do you prefer: cinema or theatre? Why?



What kind of whether is typical of the individual seasons?

Which is your favourite season? Why?

Weather forecast

Do you usually listen to the weather forecast?

What should we wear in the summer / winter?

What is the weather like in your country in summer / winter?


At the doctor's

When were you ill the last time? What were your complaints?

How do you feel when you have the flu?

What should we do if we feel the symptoms of a cold?

Why do we go to the dentist?

How often do you go to the dentist / doctor?

1-2 illnesses

What are the symptoms of flu?

What can we do if we have a bad headache?

What do you have to do if there is a hole in your tooth?

What do you eat / drink / do to stay healthy?


Popular sports

Which sports are popular in your country?

What kind of sports do people do in summer / winter?

Doing sports

Do you or did you do sports earlier? What?

Why is regular exercise important in your opinion?

What sports programmes do you like to watch on TV? Why? Do you ever go to watch a match / game? Why?


Television / Radio

Do you watch TV? Which are your favourite programmes? Why?

How much time do you spend watching TV every day?

Newspapers / MagazinesWhat dailies and weeklies do you read?

Do you know any foreign papers?

When do you read newspapers?

What artic1es do you like reading in the papers?

Do you go to the library, to the reading room?


Reading / Listening to music

What do you like reading?

What kind of music do you like?

What did you read last?

Who is your favourite writer / composer?

Favourite free time activity of candidate

If you have any free time, how do you like sp ending it?

Do you agree that people have less and less free time?

How do you spend the weekend?

Studying / Work

School subjects

Which were your favourite school subjects at school? Why?

What was the class community like?

Did you do anything together outside school?

Popular professions / Workplaces

What is your profession / what would you like to become?

What professions are fashionable today?

What did you want to become when you were a child?

Did your dreams come true?

Level B1The individual

Personal particulars

How do you identify yourself?

What data are there in your ID?

What is your nationality?

What is your job?

Where do you work?

How long have you been working there?

When is your birthday?Appearance/clothing

What is your favourite colour/style in clothes?

What do people put on at the theatre/concert?

What do you put on in winter/summer?

Inner characteristics

Why are your friends inner characteristics important for you?

Which inner characteristics are important to you?

Can people change? What or who can change people?Partnership

Relatives, acquaintances, friends

How many people are there in your extended family?

On what occasions do you meet your relatives? Where?

Why are relatives and friends important?

How can you make friendships these days?

What is a good relative/friend like?


Do you have a favourite classmate/colleague? Why do you like him or her?

Tell us about one of your classmates/colleagues.

What do you two do together after school or work?

Are classmates or colleagues important to you? Why?


Family members

Who are the members of the family?

Have you got any brothers or sisters? Are they older or younger than you?Where do your parents / does your husband / wife work?

Please, tell us about the appearance of your ..?

How do you share housework in your family?

Family occasions, celebrationsHow do you celebrate Christmas/Easter in your family?

How do you celebrate birthdays/namedays in your family?

Which is your favourite family occasion? Why?

Who do you invite? What do you cook? What kind of presents do you buy?

Place of living


Do you live in a flat or in a house?

Please, tell us about your flat/house.

How is your living room/bedroom/kitchen furnished?

Why do you or dont you like living there?

Have you ever moved?

Why did you change your place of living?

What is your dream house like?

What kind of bills do you pay?

The street/town

Please, tell us about the village/town where you live.

What facilities are there?

Please, tell us about the neighbourhood where you live.

Why do you or dont you like living there?

Where would you like to live?


What housework do you or dont you like doing? Why?

Do you have a favourite type of housework? What is it?

How often do you need to clean the flat/house?

Who helps you with the housework?

What kind of housework do men and women usually do? Why?


Means of transport

Which means of public transport do you use?

Have you ever travelled by air/ship? Where to?

What is public transportation like in your town/city?

Who can get travel discounts?

Do you have a driving licence? When did you get it? Do you like driving?

Buying tickets/travelling documents

Where and how do you buy tickets for the bus/tram/underground?

How often do you travel abroad?

Where did you last travel?

How do you buy air tickets/train tickets?

What kind of travelling documents do you need if you travel abroad by car?

How do you prepare for a journey abroad?



How often do you do your shopping?

Where do you prefer to do your shopping: at a supermarket or in a small shop?

What is the difference in prices on the market and in shops?

Why is it worth it to buy things at end of season sales?

How do you do your shopping if you give a party?

How often and where do you buy clothes?

Do you think it is important to buy label clothes? Why?

Where do you buy your electrical appliances?

Communication/keeping in contact

Post office

What services does a post office offer?

Do you get letters? Who from?

Do you write traditional letters or emails?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of writing e-mails?

What role does the Internet play in your everyday life?

Do you use the Internet in your job?


Do you have a mobile phone? What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?

What is the role of answering machines?


Financial services (transfer, exchange)

What do you use the bank for?

How do you choose the best bank?

What kind of services do banks offer?

How do you pay your bills? By bank transfer or the yellow postal cheques? Why?

Restaurants (menu, ordering, paying)How often do you eat out? On what occasions?

Which is your favourite restaurant? Why?

Do you know of famous restaurants in your town/city?

What made them famous?

When was the last time you went to a restaurant? Were you satisfied with the choice and the service?

What do you usually order?


How can you book a hotel room?

How do you choose the hotel?

What kind of services do hotels offer?

What types of accommodation do you know at home and abroad?What are the advantages and disadvantages of camping?



When and where did you last go somewhere as a guest?

When did you last invite guests to your home?

How do you prepare for having guests?

What do you take as present when you are invited somewhere as a guest?

Do you ever go over to your neighbours?

Cinema, theatre

How often do you go to the cinema, theatre?

What did you see last time? How did you like the performance?

What do you put on when you go to the theatre?

Please, tell us about your most memorable theatre/cinema experience.

What do you do after the cinema/theatre performance?

Do you ever rent video films or DVDs?


How often do you go to museums?

Where did you go last time? What did you see?

What did you like best?Time/weather


What are the characteristic features of the seasons?

Which is your favourite season? Why?

How have the borders of the seasons changed in the last decade?

Which do you prefer: rain or snow?

What do you do when there is a heavy rain?

Weather forecast

Do you listen to the weather forecast?

What do you wear in summer and in winter?

Are you sensitive to changes of the weather?

What is the weather forecast for today/tomorrow?


At the doctors

When were you ill last time?

What were your complaints?

How can we prevent illnesses (eating right, sport)?

What do you do if you have a cold?

Why/when do you go to the doctor/dentist?

Common illnesses and their symptoms

What are the symptoms of the flu?

What can you do when you have a strong headache?

What are the most frequent illnesses nowadays?

What do you do when your relative or friend is ill?

What can an ill person eat and drink?


When you are ill, how do you treat yourself?


Popular sports

What kind of sports do people do in winter/summer?

Which are the most popular sports in your country?

What are the national sports?

Doing sports

Have you ever played any sports?

Why is regular exercise important?

Do you watch sports on TV?

What cheap sports do you know?

Do you go to football matches?



Do you watch TV regularly? What are your favourite programmes? Why?

When do you watch TV or listen to the radio?

How do you choose the interesting programmes?

Who is your favourite TV personality? Why?


What kind of newspapers/magazines do you read? Why?

Do you read newspapers in a foreign language?

What kind of articles do you like to read?

What are the advantages of subscribing to a newspaper/magazine?

Do you discuss your readings with someone? With who?


Gardening / do-it-yourselfDo you like gardening / DIY? Why or why not?

What do you like doing / would you like to do in the garden / around the house?

What kind of garden do you like? What is your garden like?

Do you like working outdoors or indoors in a workshop?

Reading / Listening to music

What do you like reading?

Who is your favourite writer?

Tell us about the last book you read.

What kind of music do you like?

Where do you prefer listening to music: at home or at a concert?

Do you go to concerts / the disco?


What are the different uses of the computer?

Have you got a computer of your own? Do you have internet access?

How does the internet help you? What are its advantages / disadvantages?


School subjectsWhat type of school do / did you go to?

Which are / were your favourite subjects? Why?

Which subjects do you think are important to learn? Why?

Do you / did you have a favourite teacher? Why do / did you like him/her?

How do you best learn foreign languages?

Popular professions / workplaces

What is your job? / What would you like to be? Why?

Do you like your job? Tell us about it.

Which are the most popular professions today?

European Union

Members of the EU

Which countries do you know about that are members of the EU?

What does belonging to the EU mean for a country?

What does belonging to the EU mean for your country?

Which are the candidate countries (that would like to become members of the EU)?

What advantages will EU membership mean for these countries?

Culture and civilisation

Knowledge about the home country

What would you show a foreigner in your country?

Why do tourists like to visit your country?

What is the weather like in your country?

Knowledge about the target language country

Have you ever been to an English speaking country? If yes, what have you seen?

What are the similarities and differences between your country and England / the USA?

How would you organize a day for a foreign visitor in your city?

Where can you learn about interesting sights and programmes for tourists?

Do advertisements help in booking accommodation or a table at a restaurant?Level B2The individual

Age related characteristics

What is characteristic of childhood and adolescence?

When do young people become independent in your country?

At what age do people retire in your country?

How do people of different age spend their free time?


What does fashion mean to you?

Do you find appearance important? Why?

What kind of clothes do young people wear?

How do you keep fit? What do you do in order to stay in good health/shape?

What is the role of advertisements in beauty care?


Roles in the family

What is the image of the ideal family for you?

What are the different roles like in your family?

Do you think the traditional family model is still valid?

How does divorce influence the life of the children?

Men and women

Do you think it out of date to get married at a young age? Why or why not?

What is the relationship like between young people? Are they ready make compromises?

How do young couples share housework?

How can a career woman have a family?

What do divorce statistics show in your country?

FamilyFamily/raising children

What is the ideal family like in your opinion?

Whose responsibility is the raising of children? Why?

Which are the most important factors in raising children?

What role do schools play in raising children?

The relationship of generations / living together

How do the different generations live in your country?

What do you think about generations living together?

What are the advantages / disadvantages of this?

What kind of division of labour / tasks can be established among those living together?

Marriage / divorce / forms of partnership

What do you think of marriage as an institution?

What makes a good marriage?

Why are there so many divorces in the world?

Is there an ideal form of living together?

Place of living


What is your dream house/flat like?

Would you like to live in your own house or would you rent one? Why?

What kind of help do young people get if they want to build or buy a house?

How often do you decorate your flat? What kind of renovation does your flat need?

Do you get on well with your neighbours?

Are there jack-of-all-trades in your family? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the do-it-yourself movement?


Driving/highway code

At what age do young people get a driving licence in your country?

Do you have a driving licence? What were the parts of the driving test?

What is the speed limit in your country on the motorways/highways/in towns?

What is the role of speed limit?

Have you ever been in a dangerous situation on the roads?

Is parking a serious problem in your country/town?

What is the role of police traffic control?

How is the use of public transport motivated in your country?

Road accidents

How do weather conditions influence traffic?

Are there disco accidents in your country?

What do you have to do if you witness an accident?

Do you drive your car in winter? How do you prepare for driving in winter?

How often do you check the condition of your car? Why?

Going on foot, by bicycle

Where do you like to go on foot? Why?

How popular is cycling in your country? Why?

Do you cycle? How often?

Aims and forms of travelling abroad

Which are the most popular destinations abroad? Why?

Why are many business meetings held in resorts?

What are the most frequent forms of travel? Why?

Why is it useful to travel abroad, to see the world?


Shopping habits

Where do you do your shopping in supermarkets or in specialist shops? Why?

How do shopping centres affect our shopping habits and how do they influence the trade of the corner shops?

Do you order things from catalogues? /advantages, disadvantages/

Customers complaints

What do you do if you buy sub-standard goods?

Have you ever returned faulty products into the shop?

What kind of papers do you need if you want to complain?

Communication/keeping in contact

Reasons of the popularity of mobiles

What is the difference between the use of mobiles and ordinary telephones?

Why are mobiles so popular among young people?

What is the role of the answering machine?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of sending SMS (text message) and MSM?

The role of language knowledge in communication

What are the most popular foreign languages in your country?

How long have you been learning foreign languages? What are your motives?

Have you ever been in a situation when you had to use a foreign language?

In which fields of communication is language proficiency important?

Why is English becoming more and more important?


Travel agencies/banks

What kind of services do travel agencies offer in your country?

Have you ever been on a package tour? How did you like it?

What kind of services do banks offer?

What are the dangers of using credit cards?

Public utilities

What kind of public utilities do you use? How do you pay the bills?

Are you satisfied with the services they offer? Why or why not?

Is selective refuse collection common in your country?


Musical trends / taste

Do you go to concerts?

What musical genre do you like?

What is the difference between a classical music and a rock concert? And the audience?

What is the difference between going to a concert and listening to a CD?

Cinema, theatre versus TV, video

How often do you go to the cinema, theatre?

What did you see last time? How did you like the performance?

What is the difference between the atmosphere of small cinemas and that of the multiplexmovies?

Please, tell us about your most memorable theatre/cinema experience.

Do you think the video and DVD have decreased the popularity of theatre/cinema? Why?What makes a film a box-office hit?

What is the role of films in increasing violence?

Books versus Internet

Why do you think electronic literature hasnt decreased the popularity of book reading?

Please, tell us about your most favourite book.

When do you prefer using the Internet instead of reading books?

What opportunities does the Internet/computer offer in libraries?


Weather and well-being

How do weather conditions influence your well-being, mood?

What symptoms can warm/cold fronts cause?

What do you think of folk wisdom about the weather?

What do you think about medical meteorology?

What effect does a lot of rain or snow have on you?Role, accurateness of forecast

Do you think weather forecasts are reliable?

Which field of economy is especially dependent on forecast? Why?What damages can extreme weather cause?

The relationship between climate and flora / fauna

How does the climate influence the evolution of the flora / fauna?

How do climatic changes affect the flora /fauna?

What is the climate like in your country?What is the connection between the climate and the diet?


Homeopathy medicine

Do you see a doctor or do you cure yourself at home?

Have you ever seen a natural healer? What kind of alternative methods do you know?

Under what circumstances do people become addicted to medicine?


What kind of screening do you know? How does public health care support screening?Do you think the x-ray is dangerous?

Is screening compulsory or optional?


Doing sports healthy lifestyle

Do you do sports or did you use to do sports?

Why do you think regular exercise is important?

Which are the most popular sports in your country?

Have you ever taken part in a mass sport event? If yes, what kinds?How would you convince your friend of the importance of sport?

Ball games/team sports

Have you ever played any team sports?

How are rules kept in team sports?

What is the influence of team spirit on personality?

Is long term friendship possible with sport club members? How do you care for such friendships?

What is your opinion on dangerous sports? Have you every tried any?


Type of dailies, their columns

What dailies do you read? Why those?

Which column do you read first? Why?

How do articles affect the opinion of people?

In what respect are individual papers different from each other?

Sensation and news

Do you watch TV regularly? What are your favourite programmes? Why?

What is the role of TV/radio in everyday life?

How do media influence the opinion of viewers/listeners?

What are the differences between the programme of private and public service channels?

Media and culture

How do culture events appear in the media?

What channels do you prefer watching? Why?

Do you like watching theatre performances on TV? Why, why not?How do you choose between programmes?


Hobby and work

Many people say that their hobby is their job. What do you think of that?

Do you have hobbies? Describe them.

Do you know anybody who has an extraordinary hobby? What is that?

Pursuing amateur arts

What do you think of amateur arts?

Tell us about your opinion of amateur arts and its importance in cultural activities.

Who take part in amateur art activities?

Where do amateur art clubs get support from?


Language knowledge/skills/career

What foreign languages have you studied, how long, where and with what results?What makes a good language class?

Is learning foreign languages at school effective enough?

What is your qualification? What is your dream job?

Does everybody have equal chances for further education?

What are the most popular jobs?

What opportunities do university leavers have?

Scholarships / studies abroad

Why do students look for scholarships abroad?

How can you apply for a scholarship?

What are the advantages / disadvantages of a scholarship abroad?

Where would you like to study abroad? Why?

Mass education vs. Elite education

What is the objective of the educational institutions in your country?

Is there any elite education in your country?

What financial sacrifices does elite education require?

What kind of people require elite education?

European Union

Work in the EU

What problems may mobility cause?

How do governments try to protect their own labour market?

How does mobility influence employment rates in certain countries?

What are the most appealing countries among employees?

EU programmes

What opportunities do student exchange programmes offer?

Have you ever participated in such a programme? Where? When?

Who can take part in such programmes?

Culture and civilisation

The home country and the foreign language country

Please, give us the most important information about your country.How can minorities exercise their rights?

Describe the values of your country to a foreigner.

What cultural and tourist events does your country offer?

Public life

Public institutions/bureaucracyHow often do you have to go to public institutions?

Does anybody help you with arranging your things?

What kind of public institutions can you use?

National holidays

Describe the most important national holidays.

What are the symbols of state in your country?

When and how are they used?

Public safety

What is your opinion about the public safety in your town?

What is your opinion about criminal offence in economy?

What is your opinion about capital punishment?

What roles are there in maintaining public safety?

Environmental protection


What environmental disasters do we face in our age?

What do you know about the green movements?

What damage is caused by the greenhouse effect?

Selective waste management

What can the individual do for a healthier environment?

What means of recycling are there?

How can local governments promote selective waste management?

Alternative sources of energy

Where and how can alternative sources of energy be used?

What do you think of using nuclear energy?

How could thermal energy be used?

How can you save energy in your own household?

Current topics

What do you think of globalisation?

What do you think of international terrorism?

What catastrophes threaten mankind?

What do you think of the future of space research?

Level C1The individual

Ambition/career buildingWhat does successful life mean to you?

What is the relation between profession and career?

When do young people become independent in your country?

What fields of study are the most popular among young people?

Which jobs do you think are overpaid and overestimated? Do you agree?What difficulties, challenges do young career women face?

The individual and the society

How are people supported by the government in your country?Does the government help families with many children with special attention?

What is the role of NGOs?

In which ways can citizens express their opinion?

What do you think of racial discrimination?


Forms of partnershipHow do people tolerate the living together of same sex couples?

What do you think of young people living together from a relatively young age?

Are there problems with national minorities?

What is the role of the churches in your country?

FamilyThe social status of familiesDo you think the traditional family model is still valid?

How does divorce influence the life of the children?

What means of supporting a family do you know?

What is the image of the ideal family?

Why are elderly people alienated?Overpopulation / the shrinking population

What problems does overpopulation cause?

What could we do against it?

Why is the shrinking population a problem?

In which parts of the world is overpopulation and the shrinking population typical? Place of living

Housing situation

What is your dream house/flat like?

Would you like to live in your own house or would you rent one? Why?

What kind of help do young people get if they want to build or buy a house?

How often do you decorate your flat? What kind of renovation does your flat need?

Are you satisfied with the offers of the real estate market?

What is the size of an ideal flat?Does your choice of job depend on where you live? Homelessness and its causes

How does the government/local government support the homeless?

What are the causes of homelessness (social problems and problems in the family)?

Is there a way out? What may be the solution?


Public transport vs. cars

What are the advantages of public transport over cars?

Why do people still prefer the car to the bus, underground or tram?

What should city transport be ideally like?

Transport and environmental protection

How can the construction of a motorway affect the development of a region?

Are there environmentally friendly ways of transport?

Are there nature conservation areas in your country? What means of transport can be used there?

Tourism as a source of income

What is the role of the tourism industry in your country?

Which is the high season winter or summer?

What do you think of village/rural tourism?

What means of marketing are used to help the tourism industry?


Consumer society

Where do you prefer to do your shopping? Why?

What are the effects of big shopping centres on our shopping habits?

Are there shopaholic people? What are the causes?

What is the role of advertisements or commercials in shopping habits?Buying on instalments / with a credit card / via the Internet

What are the advantages / disadvantages of buying on instalments?

What do you usually buy on instalments? Why?

Why do more and more people do their shopping via the internet?

Why has paying with a credit card become so popular?

Multilevel Marketing

What kind of products are sold in the MLM system? Why?

Do people like this in your country?

Would you like to be part of such a network? Why?

What are the advantages / disadvantages of this system?Shopping tourism

Is shopping tourism well known in your country?

What are the most popular goods/products among tourists in your country?

How do customs regulations support shopping tourism?

Communication/keeping in contact

Internet in business communication

How does the Internet support international trade?

Does the Internet change the job market?

What do you mean by working from home?

Fax, e-mail vs. traditional letter writing

Where are faxes and e-mails more widely used: in official or private correspondence? Why?

Do traditional letters have a future?

Less widely used languages / national cultures

National cultures and language proficiency: how are they related?

How can speakers of less widely used languages preserve they mother tongue through their culture?


Role and significance of services

What kind of services do travel agents offer?

Have you ever been on a package tour? How did you like it?

What kind of bank services do you usually use?

What are the dangers of using credit cards?Have you ever used catering services? What was your experience like?

Public utilities

What kind of public utilities do you use? How do you pay the bills?

Are you satisfied with the services they offer? Why or why not?Have you ever had any complaints with a public utility company? What did you do? Is selective refuse collection common in your country?

Do you do your shopping with the help of home delivery service or on the Internet? Why, why not?Culture/entertainment

Role of arts in the past and present

What are the most popular forms of art in your country?

How has the role of art patronage changed?

What is kitsch in your opinion?

Do you think electronic literature has decreased the popularity of reading? How?When do you prefer to use the Internet instead of reading books?

What opportunities does the Internet/computer offer in libraries?

What effects does commercialisation have on culture?

What examples and counter-examples do you know proving that culture is a commodity?


Natural catastrophes and their consequences

What natural disorders do you know in our age?

How can they be prevented?

How can the consequences of natural catastrophes be decreased?

What damage is caused by the greenhouse effect/hole in the ozone layer?


Science/research serving medical care

What research is done in order to prevent serious illnesses (cancer, AIDS, cardio-vascular diseases)?

What are the medical and ethical questions of transplantation?What should the government spend more money on, prevention or rehabilitation?

What is the role of research in the field of genetics in medical treatment?

What kind of preventive screening do you know?

How is preventive screening supported by the public health care?

Do you think x-ray is dangerous?

Is screening compulsory or optional in your country?

SportFirst-class sports mass sports/dopingCan better results be reached without using doping?

Why does professionalism eliminate amateur sports?

Have you ever taken part in a mass sport event?

Why do you think regular exercise is important?

Sport and womenOn what basis do we make a difference between male and female sports?

What do you think about women who do physically demanding sports, such as weight lifting?

Why are there more male chess champions than female ones?

Extreme sportsHave you tried any extreme sports? When and where?

Who do you think does extreme sports? Why do they like it?

Where can you do such dangerous sports?MediaPublic and commercial TV/radio

What is the role of TV/radio in everyday life?

How do media influence the opinion of viewers/listeners?

What are the differences between the programme of private and public service channels?

What do you think of the advertising policy of the commercial channels?Do you think there is freedom of the media in your country?HobbyPromoting traditions

What kind of folk traditions do you know in the target country (music, dancing, etc)?

How can young people learn about folk traditions?

How receptive are young people to folk traditions?From what sources can you learn about folk traditions?Exclusive hobbies

What are exclusive hobbies in your opinion? Why?

Is golf for the high society?

What do you think of scuba diving?

Do you ride a horse?

Do you like sailing?

Hobby and work

Many people say that their hobby is their job. What do you think of that?

Do you know anybody who has an exclusive hobby? What is that?

What do you think of amateur arts?

Tell us about your opinion on amateur arts and its importance in cultural activities.


Lifelong learning

Why does lifelong learning play an increasing role?

What does labour market mobility mean?

Why do people change jobs?

Is it worth learning more than one profession?

Why are refresher courses important?

Chances of disadvantaged individuals / groups

How are disabled people provided for in your country?

How can access of disabled people to schools be facilitated?

Can visually impaired / blind people go on to higher education?

What technical devices can disabled people use to promote their learning?

Finding work / mobility

What foreign languages have you learned so far, where, how long and with what results?

Are equal chances for studying provided for all in your country?

Which are the popular professions today?

What chances of finding a job do young graduates have?

The European Union

The role of the EU in world politics

What positive and / or negative effects will enlargement have concerning the candidate countries and the individual citizens?

What role does the EU play in world politics?

How do you assess the EU as an important player in the world economy and a power?

What problems arise from the free movement of persons within the EU?

How does the flow of workforce affect unemployment in the individual countries? What possibilities do student exchange programmes within the EU offer?

What advantages will EU membership bring for candidate countries?

What is the role of the common currency?

Culture and civilisation

Knowledge about the home and the target language country

Talk about the cultural values and assets of your country to a friend living abroad.

What cultural and tourist programmes does your country offer for foreigners?What do you think of shopping tourism?

What are the most important industries in your country?

What are the most important export and import products in your country?

What do you think about economic globalisation?

How well-known is your country in other parts of the world?

What are your most important traditions? What are their effects on other countries?

Have you ever compared your country with Britain or the USA?

What advertisements did you find interesting about Britan or the USA?

Public life

Constitution / legislation / administration / justice

What is the constitutional form of your country?

How long has it been this? How has it changed in the course of history?Why are the actions of the law enforcement bodies unsuccessful?

When do they need the help of the population?

What do you think about the death sentence?

What are the rights and obligations of employers and employees?

Political parties, NGOs

What is the relationship of the political parties to each other?

How does the parliament work in your country?

What is the role of the head of state / government?

How well informed are you about politics? Who do you discuss these issues with?

Do young people feel they have a say in what is happening in their country? How can they influence this?

How can minorities living in your country exercise their rights?Trade unions / enforcing interestsHow can trade unions express and enforce their interests?

What political changes have there been in the past years?

Which are the ruling and which the governing parties?

What is the role of NGOs?

The purity of public life

How can and should we fight corruption?Elections / referendum

What are the general elections like?

How often are there general elections in your country?

Environmental protection

Prevention in environmental protection

What hazards to the environment do we encounter at the beginning of the 21st century?

What do you know about the "green" movement?

What harmful consequences does the greenhouse effect have?

Where, in what areas can alternative sources of energy be used? (e.g. solar energy)

What do you think of the use of nuclear energy?

How do you think hydrothermal energy can be used?

What can you do in your home to promote the efficient use of energy?

How is household waste disposed of in your country?

What environmental damage can the chemical industry cause?

What natural catastrophes endanger the whole world?

Is it worth investing in the environment? Why? Why not?

Current topics / events

How can you get informed about currently undergoing events / programmes?What art events are supported by audience?What events (political, arts, sports) are supported by sponsors?

Who are the people who like to form the public life of the country?

What catastrophes threaten mankind?


What is your opinion on globalisation?

What effect do multinational companies have on the economy and cultural life of your country?

What is your opinion on the world getting uniform and the disappearing national characteristics?

How could we preserve our national characteristics?

What worldwide protests against globalisation do you know of?

How do you see the worldwide expansion of the English language?

Why is English getting more and more popular?

In which fields of life is language proficiency important?

Current questions of ethics

Do you approve or disapprove of genetic engineering, cloning?

What do you think of euthanasia?

Which do you agree with: the death penalty or its abolition?How do animal experiments help the prevention and treatment of illnesses?

How could we stop discrimination?

What do you think of nuclear experiments?

Current questions on economy / society

Why is international terrorism getting stronger?

Why is the number of economic crime increasing?

What could we do to stop corruption?

How could we stop the smuggling of goods and people?

What are the legal means of immigration and employment in a foreign country?

Why is the number of unemployed graduates growing?

What are the negative effects of long term unemployment?How does the government help addicts in your country?

Are there any NGOs in your country? What is their role?

What are the most important aims and objectives of trade unions in your country, what methods do they use, what actions do they organise to realise their aims?

In your opinion is the street or the parliament the more important scene of democracy? Why?

State or private companies play a more important role in the development of the economy of your country? Why?

Are small retail shops still necessary or do shopping centres fully satisfy all the needs of the customers?

Which were the most important political, economic, cultural and sports events that have appeared in the news recently?