Echauffement Please, share 3 things about yourself with your partner: “If you knew me, you would know that ….” Mme Thuillier: 1. If you knew me, you would know that after High school, I moved to Dublin, Ireland to learn English and I did not go to college until I was 25. 2. If you knew me, you would know that my mom raised my big sister and me by herself. 3. If you knew me, you would know that I have jumped out of an airplane twice!

Echauffement Please, share 3 things about yourself with your partner: If you knew me, you would know that …. Mme Thuillier: 1. If you knew me, you would

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Page 1: Echauffement Please, share 3 things about yourself with your partner: If you knew me, you would know that …. Mme Thuillier: 1. If you knew me, you would

EchauffementPlease, share 3 things about yourself with your partner:

“If you knew me, you would know that ….”

Mme Thuillier:

1. If you knew me, you would know that after High school, I moved to Dublin, Ireland to learn English and I did not go to college until I was 25.

2. If you knew me, you would know that my mom raised my big sister and me by herself.

3. If you knew me, you would know that I have jumped out of an airplane twice!

Page 2: Echauffement Please, share 3 things about yourself with your partner: If you knew me, you would know that …. Mme Thuillier: 1. If you knew me, you would

Les devoirs

La lecture sur la routine de Fabienne + les questions

OOPS! Please make these changes to your text:

Je me réveille à 6h15. Je me lève à 6h30.

J’arrive au lycée à 8h00.

Page 3: Echauffement Please, share 3 things about yourself with your partner: If you knew me, you would know that …. Mme Thuillier: 1. If you knew me, you would

Correction avec les tableaux magiques

Page 4: Echauffement Please, share 3 things about yourself with your partner: If you knew me, you would know that …. Mme Thuillier: 1. If you knew me, you would

Les réponses en français

a) Elle se lève à 6h30.

b) Parce qu’elle commence à 9h05.

c) Elle va/descend dans la cuisine.

d) Avec sa soeur.

e) Elle se brosse les dents.

f) Elle se rince les cheveux.

g) Avec un séchoir

h) Elle se démêle (untangle) les cheveux.

i) Advanced +: 25 minutes

Page 5: Echauffement Please, share 3 things about yourself with your partner: If you knew me, you would know that …. Mme Thuillier: 1. If you knew me, you would

Answersa) 6:15 am

b) A skirt, a tee-shirt, a sweater, sneakers or boat shoes and a short coat.

c) She feeds her dog (Adv: She says good bye to her dog)

d) Maths class

e) Recess/ she has fun (Adv: talks) with her friends

f) French/ social studies/ English classes

g) High school (lycée)

h) 5:30pm

i) With her parents (Adv: because her parents come home late)

j) No, because she has fun with the internet

k) She hangs out with friends at the mall or swimming pool (Adv: She thinks her like is typical)

l) She does her homework (Adv: She used soap instead of shower gel)

Page 6: Echauffement Please, share 3 things about yourself with your partner: If you knew me, you would know that …. Mme Thuillier: 1. If you knew me, you would

Examen de lecture- Format

1. Vrai-Faux?

2. Questions en français> réponses en français3. Questions en anglais> réponses en anglais

Page 7: Echauffement Please, share 3 things about yourself with your partner: If you knew me, you would know that …. Mme Thuillier: 1. If you knew me, you would

Vrai ou faux? (Collaborer avec votre partenaire si nécessaire)

1.Fabienne mange toujours des céréales le matin.2.Elle se lève plus tard le mercredi.3.Elle se brosse les dents après le petit déjeuner.4.Elle aime porter des chaussures bâteau.5.La récréation est entre 9h30 et 9h45.6.Elle a un chien qui s’appelle Milou.7.Elle n’aime pas les jeux vidéos.8.Elle joue au foot après l’école.

Advanced +: Créez des phrases VRAIES ou FAUSSES sur le texte

Page 8: Echauffement Please, share 3 things about yourself with your partner: If you knew me, you would know that …. Mme Thuillier: 1. If you knew me, you would

Tableaux magiques

Utilisons vos questions!

Page 9: Echauffement Please, share 3 things about yourself with your partner: If you knew me, you would know that …. Mme Thuillier: 1. If you knew me, you would


Le mardi

Se lever

Se réveiller

Le samedi

Se relaxerSe laver

Du dentifriceUne brosse à cheveux

Une serviette

Un séchoir






tardTous les jours


Le peigne

Le rasoir

Le gant de toilette

Le rasoir

Le vendredi



La glace

Le savon


Se dépêcher

Se coiffer

Le lundi



Parce que

