启航英语——提高篇 (学生用书) 高等教育“十二五”规划教材 崔秀敏 科学出版社 职教技术出版中心 www.abook.cn

高等教育“十二五”规划教材 启航英语——提高篇北 京 启航英语——提高篇 (学生用书) 高等教育“十二五”规划教材 崔秀敏 主 编

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北 京



崔秀敏 主 编




Page 2: 高等教育“十二五”规划教材 启航英语——提高篇北 京 启航英语——提高篇 (学生用书) 高等教育“十二五”规划教材 崔秀敏 主 编

内 容 简 介














 启航英语:提高篇(学生用书)/ 崔秀敏主编.—北京:科学出版社,


ISBN 978-7-03-039075-2

 Ⅰ.①启… Ⅱ.①崔… Ⅲ.①民英语-高等职业教育-教材

Ⅳ.① H31

 中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字(2013)第 264035 号

责任编辑:王 彦 / 责任校对:马英菊

责任印制:吕春珉 / 封面设计:金舵手




 双 青 印 刷 厂 印刷

科学出版社发行 各地新华书店经销

*2014年1月第 一 版 开本: 787×1092 1/162014年1月第一次印刷 印张: 12 1/2

字数: 281 000



销售部电话 010-62134988 编辑部电话 010-62130750



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主  任 崔秀敏

委  员 (以姓氏拼音为序)

崔晓红 韩 琳 冯映丽 蒋朋朋

李伯芳 李秋畹 李淑红 李显宁

李小芹 马 巍 马爱娟 毛维维

束金龙 宋海波 王朝杰 王墩田

魏静静 杨敏女 叶新才 张金会

赵 敏 邹爱民


主  编 崔秀敏

副主编 冯映丽 张金会 赵 敏 韩 琳

编  者 (以姓氏拼音为序)

崔晓红 蒋朋朋 李秋畹 李淑红

李显宁 李小芹 马 巍 马爱娟

毛维维 宋海波 王墩田 王朝杰

魏静静 杨敏女 叶新才 邹爱民




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第一,突出职业性。《启航英语》内容涉及工作岗位、职业场景。譬如 Writing Practice部分包括商务信函的写作等内容,训练学生在工作岗位上所用到的职业英语,旨在培养学

生的实用英语技能。Listening and Speaking 部分也加入了模拟职业场景的相关内容,更便于














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2013 年 8 月 1 日

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前 言









Leading-in 设置在每单元开始的位置,提供若干张与课文主题相关的图片、提示词

或提供 2 ~ 3 个与主题相关的讨论话题,引导学生就课文主题展开讨论,引领学生进入


Reading A 精选反映学生校园文化、西方文化传统、现代科技、体育、娱乐、语言




Vocabulary Snapshop 针对课文中出现的重要单词和词组提供了例句,使学生能够


Performing 针对课文中的主要词汇和句型结构而设计的强化练习,目的是结合所




Reading B 精选了一篇与单元主题相关的短文,短文后附有阅读理解选择题和常用



Reading Skills 覆盖《基本要求》中的语言技能表中所有阅读技巧和翻译技巧。这部




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iv ·



Grammar Tips 语法条目的复习和精讲,旨在全面系统地对语法知识进行梳理和归


Listening and Speaking 每单元围绕一个主题展开听力和口语训练。一、二级侧重



1. 编写原则






2. 教材特色

先进的教学理念 本套教材贯彻“工学结合,能力为本”的职业教育理念,突出





创新的教学模式 高职教学在英语教学模式上,强调以学生为主体,教师为主导,




实用的教学内容 本套教材在内容的选择上,以语言技能的策略性应用为主,而

不是以语言知识的理解和记忆为主。新的教材强调语言技能的实践性 , 学完后能够听说







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目 录

Unit 1 Music············································································· 1

Unit 2 Happy New You ······························································· 24

Unit 3 Good Faith ····································································· 47

Unit 4 Environmental Crisis ························································· 68

Unit 5 Opportunity & Competition ················································· 92

Unit 6 Success········································································· 114

Unit 7 Technology ··································································· 138

Unit 8 Looking for a Job ····························································· 163




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Unit 1


Leading-in Before you start to work on this unit, please look at these two pictures and

discuss with your partners:1. Do you know who he is?2. Can you tell us his contribution to world music?

 We are going to study the first lesson. It’s about music. After learning this unit, you will know more about Michael Jackson and the importance of his music.




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2 ·


Reading A

1 Michael Jackson, the legendary singer, is an Afro-American born on August 29, 1958. He started to show his talent at the age of 5 along with his brother. They played in New York and became the famous Jackson 5. The little singer continued his journey and successfully became a superstar at a very young age of 11. Michael Jackson presented his first solo song at the age of 13.2 This African-American boy got in love with plastic surgery and got his nose and eyebrows reshaped. He started to look cute and attract the attention of everyone. By the age of 27 he has become fabulously rich and was performing excellently. He had a team of people to take care of all his needs. Their job is to ensure the safety of this young superstar. 3 It was not only the music that won him fame but also his kind heart. He made great contributions to the welfare of Africans. His service was praised by the then American President Regan. His services and music made him the model for youth. Even kids started to imitate his walking style.4 At the age of 29, the superstar started to face certain issues. His skin suddenly turned white which made many of his fans comment as he is suffering from vitiligo. People started to comment on his voice that he is on female hormones so as to lose hair on the face and also to maintain the pitch of his voice. Despite the comments

Think More

1. How much do you know about the Jackson 5?

2. Michael Jackson composed and sang some songs for charity. Can you name one or two of them?

3. Do you know Michael Jackson’s walking style? Can you imitate it?

Pre-reading Questions

1. Who is Michael Jackson? How much do you know about him?

2. Do you like his songs? Can you name one or two of his songs?

A Short Gist of Life of Michael Jackson

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Unit 1 Music

3 ·

from his fans, he continued with his lipstick and started to change his lip colors every week. Whenever people question him about his plastic surgery or other details of skin color, he did not love to comment on them. Repeated plastic surgeries have finally damaged his nose shape and he had to use an artificial nose tip.5 At the age of 34, his child abuse charges came into light and ruined his career to some extent. Many of his sponsors cancelled his contracts. This broke him badly and turned him into alcoholic. However, he continued his journey and reached the sales peak again at the age of 44. Thus, his journey continued with ups and downs.6 Even after receiving high applause from his fans he remained humble. It was this humble nature and smiley face that gave him the passion to compose every popular song. Michael Jackson has become so popular that his music and videos continued to make huge sales all through his life.

(438 words)

4. How much do you think scandals affect well-known persons’ lives? Is there anyone whose l i f e or career was ruined by a scandal?

5. What do you think of Michael Jackson?

Word Shooting legendary /'ledʒEndri/ adj. 非常著名的,传奇的

* talent /'tAlEnt/ n. 天才,天资,天赋

* present /'prɪ'zent/ v. 提出,提交,展现,表现

* plastic /'plæstɪk/ adj. 整形的,塑料的,可塑的★ surgery /'sɜ:dʒəri/ n. 外科,手术

fabulously /'fAbjʊlEsli/ adv. 极其,非常

* perform /pə'fC:m/ v. 演出,表演,履行,执行

* excellently /'eksələntli/ adv. 优秀地,极好地

* ensure /ɪn'ʃʊə(r)/ v. 保证,担保,确保★ contribution /7kɒntrɪ'bju:ʃn/ n. 贡献,捐款

* welfare /'welfeə(r)/ n. 幸福,安全与健康;福利

* imitate /'ɪmɪteɪt/ v. 模仿,仿效

* comment /'kɒment/ v. 评论,注解

n. 评论,意见

vitiligo /7vɪtɪ'laɪgəʊ/ n. 白斑病,白癜风




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4 ·


hormone /'hɔ:məʊn/ n. 荷尔蒙,激素★ maintain /meɪn'teɪn/ v. 保持,维持

pitch /pɪtʃ/ n. (乐音的)音高,(事物的)最高点

* despite /dɪ'spaɪt/ prep. 即使,尽管

lipstick /'lɪpstɪk/ n. 口红,唇膏★ artificial /7ɑːtɪ'fɪʃl/ adj. 人工的,假的★ sponsor /'spɒnsə(r)/ n. 赞助商,发起人

v. 赞助,主办,促成

cancel /'kænsl/ v. 取消,撤销,终止

alcoholic /7ælkə'hɒlɪk/ n. 酗酒者★ applause /ə'plɔ:z/ n. 鼓掌,喝彩 ★ humble /'hʌmbl/ adj. 谦逊的,谦虚的

* compose /kəm'pəʊz/ v. 创作,作曲;组成

get in love with 爱上

attract the attention of... 吸引⋯⋯的注意

so as to 以便,为了

come into light 被发现,公布于众

to some extent 某种程度上

ups and downs 沉浮,兴衰

reach the peak 达到顶峰

Phrases and Expressions

The Jackson 5 杰克逊五人组

President Regan 里根,美国第 40 任总统(1981 ~ 1989 年)

Proper Names and Key Words

Words Related to the Topicclassical (music) 古典乐

jazz 爵士乐

pop 流行乐

rock 摇滚乐

rap 说唱乐

country 乡村乐

opera 歌剧

gospel 福音音乐

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Unit 1 Music

5 ·

Vocabulary Snapshot

presentShe presented her paper to the professor. 提交

Titanic was presented by Twentieth Century Fox in 1997. 上演,推出

There were 300 people present at the meeting. 出席,在场

The present situation concerns all the students. 目前的,现在的

I received a present from my sister yesterday. 礼物

perform Cats, the renowned musical, was first performed in 1981. 演出,上演

The young surgeon ( 外科医生 ) performed the operation successfully. 做(手术)

All staff should perform their own duties. 履行

This company has been performing badly over the past year. 表现

ensure Careful planning and hard work can ensure our success. 确保

I can not ensure that train arrives on time. 保证

contribution The invention of paper was a great contribution to human civilization. 贡献

I made a contribution of $1000 to the Red Cross. 捐款

welfare We are concerned about the little girl’s welfare. 幸福安康

The government decided to promote public welfare. 福利 appreciate Her talent for art was not appreciated. 欣赏,赏识

I really appreciate your timely help. 感激,感谢

We did not fully appreciate that Jane was seriously ill. 意识到

salsa 萨尔萨

folk music 民间音乐

heavy metal 重金属音乐,电子摇滚乐

trumpet 喇叭,小号

piano 钢琴

violin 小提琴

guitar 吉他

saxophone 萨克斯

composer 曲作者

song writer 词作者

conductor 指挥

orchestra 管弦乐,管弦乐队

symphony 交响乐

solo 独唱,独奏

duo 二重奏,二重唱

melody 旋律




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6 ·


imitate His style of painting has been imitated by other artists. 模仿

I wish you would imitate your brother a little more. 仿效

comment He made no comments on our proposal. 评论(名词)

She refused to comment on what I said. 评论(动词)

He commented that this poem was a masterpiece of British literature. 表达意见

maintain The two countries have maintained close relations. 保持

Dick maintains his car very well. 保养

She maintains that she is innocent. 坚持(意见)

artificialThe first artificial satellite was launched on October 4, 1957. 人工的,人造的

I can’t stand her artificial smile. 造作的,不自然的

ruinThe heavy rain ruined our holiday. 破坏,毁坏

We paid a visit to the ruins of the castle. 废墟,遗迹

sponsorWe are trying to attract sponsors. 赞助商

The company has sponsored the sports events. 赞助

The US is trying to sponsor negotiations between the two sides. 促成

cancelDue to bad weather, all flights have been cancelled. 取消

Their partner agreed to cancel debts of $30 000. 撤销,免除

applauseThe audience broke into applause. 鼓掌,喝彩

composeShe began to compose (songs) at an early age. 创作,作曲

The jury ( 陪审团 ) is composed of 12 people. 组成,构成


Task 1 Choose the best answer according to the passage.

1. Put the following statements in time order according to Para. 1. ① Michael Jackson became a superstar. ② Michael Jackson and his brother became the famous Jackson 5.

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Unit 1 Music

7 ·

③ Michael Jackson started to show his talent in music. ④ Michael Jackson presented his first solo song. A. ③④②① B. ③②①④ C. ④③②① D. ④②①③

2. What does the word “fabulously” in Para. 2 mean? A. Awfully. B. Terribly. C. Very. D. Foolishly.3. All of the following factors brought Michael Jackson fame, EXPECT _______. A. his talent in music B. his kind heart C. his contributions to the welfare of Africans D. his walking style4. According to Para. 4, which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Michael Jackson’s skin suddenly turned white because he is suffering from vitiligo. B. Michael Jackson is said to be on female hormones so as to maintain the pitch of

his voice. C. Michael Jackson did not love to comment on his plastic surgery or details of

skin color. D. Michael Jackson didn’t like his nose shape so he used an artificial nose tip.5. Which of the following statements is true? ① Plastic surgery made Michael Jackson look cute and attractive. ② Michael Jackson’s nose shape was damaged by repeated plastic surgeries. ③ The scandal of plastic surgery ruined Michael Jackson’s career to some extent. ④ Michael Jackson stopped changing his nose and chin by plastic surgeries at 44. A. ①② B. ③④ C. ②③ D. ①④

Task 2 Read the following words and match them with their explanations in the right column.

1. legendary a. reputation 2. maintain b. well-being 3. perform c. emulate, copy 4. fame d. remain 5. welfare e. unnatural, unreal 6. imitate f. destroy 7. compose g. remark 8. comment h. famous 9. artificial i. write (music, opera, etc.) 10. ruin j. play




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8 ·


Task 3 Choose the right forms of the words in the brackets to complete the sentences.

1. Michael Jackson, the (legend, legendary, lengendarily) singer, is an Afro-American born on August 28, 1958.

2. The little singer continued his journey and (success, succeed, successfully) became a superstar at a very young age of 11.

3. This African boy got in love with plastic surgery and got his nose and eyebrows (reshape, reshaped, reshaping) .

4. By the age of 27 he has become (fabulous, fabulously, fabulousness) rich and was performing excellently.

5. He made great (contribute, contributor, contributions) to the welfare of Africans.

6. His service was (praised, praise, praising) by the then American President Regan.

7. Even kids started (imitate, to imitate, imitating) his walking style.8. His skin suddenly turned white which made many of his fans (comment, to

comment, commenting) as he is suffering with vitiligo.9. (Despite, In spite, In spite that) the comments from his fans, he continued

with his lipstick and started to change his lip colors every week.10. Even after receiving huge (applaud, to applaud, applause) from his fans

he remained humble.

Task 4 Match the words or phrases in Column A with the translations in Column B.

Column A Column B 1. show one’s talent a. 保持音高

2. become a superstar b. 表演极好

3. attract one’s attention c. 展现才华

4. perform excellently d. 得到掌声

5. make... the model e. 吸引注意

6. maintain the pitch f. 成为巨星

7. cancel contracts g. 创作音乐

8. receive applause h. 保持低调

9. remain humble i. 撤销合同

10. compose music j.(使)成为楷模

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Unit 1 Music

9 ·

Task 5 Translate the following sentences into English with the phrases or patterns given in the brackets.

1.这个非洲裔美国男孩儿爱上了整形手术。(get in love with)

2.给迈克尔挣得荣誉的不仅是他的音乐,更有他的慈爱之心。(not only... but also)

3.他给非洲捐助了大量款项。(make contributions to...)

4.他的演艺事业总是起起落落(ups and downs)


舞的激情。(It is... that)

Task 6 Rewrite the following sentences after the models.

Model 1

Not only the music but also his kind heart won him fame. It was not only the music that won him fame but also his kind heart. 1. I met George in the street yesterday.

2. Emily did not realize she had lost her keys until she got home.

3. Not only scientists but also doctors, teachers and engineers need special trainings.

Model 2

Michael Jackson has become very popular. His music and videos continued to make huge sales all through his life.

Michael Jackson has become so popular that his music and videos continued to make huge sales all through his life.

4. The question was very difficult. Nobody could answer it.

5. The child was very tired. He went to bed immediately after supper.




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therapy / 'θerəpi/ n. 疗效,疗法☆ indicate /'ɪndɪkeɪt/ vt. 指出;表明

☆ promote /prə'məJt / vt. 促进,提升

* critical /'krɪtɪkl/ adj.关键


* appreciation /ə7pri:ʃi'eɪʃn/

n. 感谢,增值,欣赏

☆ motivate /'məJtɪveɪt/ vt. 刺激,使有动机☆ substantial /səb'stænʃl/ adj. 大量的,实质的

recovery /ri'kQvəri/ n. 复原

6. She spoke very fast. We couldn’t catch what she was saying.

Task 7 Dictation of highlighted words or expressions.

Reading B

Is Music Therapy Effective?

1 Is healing music or music therapy effective in the treatment of medical, physical, and emotional illness?2 Scientific research has indicated that healing music can promote the spirit of an individual, improve the life quality of a patient and induce hope and faith in overcoming illness. The ancient Greeks, Chinese, Egyptians, Indians and Jews had successfully utilized the healing power of music to promote health. Indeed, healing music plays a critical role in a wide range of illnesses and disorders.3 But healing music is not just about music appreciation. What exactly is healing music if it is not music appreciation or music relaxation?4 Healing music is planned interaction and interference with specific goals based on the patient’s specific needs, strengths and weaknesses. It is used in connection with physicians, physical occupational and speech therapists, nurses, and educators to achieve the desired healing effects of music. Essentially, healing music is utilization of the healing spirit of music by trained medical professionals to motivate or change feelings and behavior patterns that may have substantial long-term health benefits for the patient.5 The ultimate goal of healing music is recovery of a patient from an illness or disorder. It is especially

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Unit 1 Music

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advantageous in this day and age, when many people are suffering from emotional and mental problems. Healing music can help one manage stress more efficiently and effectively. It can help one to express feelings of anger and resentment and therefore is often used to enhance the impaired memory of patients as a result of mental disorder. Healing music is also effective in improving communication sk ills of individuals who are socially withdrawn. Moreover, through its healing spirit, healing music can teach social skills. Physiologically, the healing power of music not only facilitates physical recovery for stroke patients, but also reduces their physical pains.6  It must be remembered that healing is more than just about the physical. The emotional and spiritual aspects should also be taken into consideration. Healing music benefits both the mind and the spirit of the patients.

(338 words)

resentment /rɪ'zentmənt/ n. 愤恨,怨恨☆ enhance /In'hɑ:ns/ vt. 提高,增加

impaired /im'peəd/ adj. 受损的

withdrawn /wIð'drɔ:n/ adj. 偏僻的,沉默寡言的

obstacle /' ɑbstEkl/ n. 障碍


Task 8 Complete the following questions by using information in the text.

1. Is music therapy effective in the treatment of medical, physical, and emotional illness?

2. How many countries had successfully utilized the healing power of music to promote health ?

3. What did the medical professionals do by utilizing the healing spirit of music?

4. What’s the ultimate goal of music therapy?

5. What does the author mean by saying that “healing is more than just about the physical”?




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Task 9 Translate the following into English.

1. 发挥作用,扮演角色 2. 连同,共同,与协力

3. 遭受⋯⋯

4. 不能,没有能力

5. 考虑到

Reading Skills

GuessingYou don’t have to understand every single word to understand the text. Pick out key

words or phrases you don’t know and write them down. But don’t reach for the dictionary just yet! Try to guess the meaning of the word from context—the words or phrases around it. After you’ve taken a guess, go ahead and use the dictionary to see how close you were. You might be pleasantly surprised!

Reading Skill Practice

Task 10 Please read the following passage, pick out the words or phrase you don’t know and guess the meanings of them.

Lawn tennis is a good sport, being based on the ancient game of court tennis, which probably came up in Egypt or Persia some 2005 years ago. Major Walter Wingfield thought that something like court tennis could be played outdoors on lawns, and in December 1873, he introduced his new game, which he called Sphairistike, at a Lawn part in Wales. The sport became popular very rapidly, but the strange, difficult name disappeared almost at once, being replaced by the very simple term “lawn tennis”.

By 1874 the game was being played by British soldiers in Bermuda, and in the early months of that year a young lady named Mary Outerbridge returned from Bermuda to New York, bringing with her equipment necessary to play the new game. With the help of one of her brothers, she laid out a court on the grounds of the Staten Island Cricket and Baseball Club, and there, in the spring of 1874, Miss outerbridge and some of her friends played the first game of Lawn tennis in the United States. And just two years later, in 1876, the first National Lawn Tennis Tournament was held — at Nahant near Boston.

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Unit 1 Music

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Grammar Tips

不定式(Infinitive)★ 不定式用在动词后作宾语。常见的

这类动词有:attempt, begin, agree, ask, afford, continue, mean, intend, forget, remember, prefer, hope, like, decide, pretend, promise, refuse, try, wish, start, offer, tend, determine, happen, prove, want, plan, long, hesitate, resolve, undertake 等。

He likes to swim in summer. 他夏天喜欢


I want to do it myself. 我想自己做。

He promised to keep the secret for you. 他答应替你保守秘密。

I happened to be out when she called.她打电话时我恰好出去了。

★ 表示喜怒哀乐、运气好坏的形容词经

常与不定式搭配,如:sad, happy, glad, lucky 等。

He was very surprised to see me at the airport. 在机场见到我他很吃惊。

★ 动词不定式做主语时,常用先行词 it作形式主语,不定式移到谓语之后做实


It is easy to answer such questions. 这样的问题很好回答。

I found it difficult to finish the task myself.我发现我很难独立完成任务。

★ 不定式在某些感官动词 feel, hear, see, watch, observe, look at, notice,以及使役

动词 let, make, have 后作宾语补足语时,

省略 to,但在被动语态中 to 不可省去。

I felt the house shake. 我感觉房子在颤动。

Let me hear you play the piano !让我听


Her mother never has her do that heavy work. 她妈妈从来不让她干那么重的活。

★ be to do 和 be about to do 表示即将发


Our professor is to visit New York nest month. 我们老师下个月要去纽约参观。

He is about to leave when the bell rings.铃声响起的时候他正打算离开。

★ 在 can’t but, can’t help but, had better/ would rather... (than)/ would... rather than/ would sooner... (than) 等后接省略 to 的不


They couldn’t help but wait for the next train to come. 他们不得不等下一趟火车。

You’d better leave soon. 你最好马上离开。

★ 在 do nothing/ anything/ everything but (except) 后接省略 to 的不定式(注:如果

没有实义动词,则后面跟带 to 的不定式)。

Can’t you do anything but ask these silly questions?你能不能别问这么愚蠢的问题?They told me nothing but to remain silent. 他们除了让我保持沉默之外,什





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★ 由 the only, the first, the second, the last, the next, the best 等序数词或形容词最高


She was the only one to survive the air crash. 她是飞机失事的唯一幸存者。

Mary was the first to arrive. 玛丽是第一


★ 不定式的几个特殊结构及其含义:

“too + 不定式”表示“太⋯⋯而不能”;

“not too + 不定式”表示“并不太⋯⋯所

以能”;“too... not+ 不定式”表示“忍不


The news is too good to be true. 这消息太好,恐怕不可靠。

She is not too old to drive a car. 她并没有老得不能开车。

I am too angry not to say it. 我在盛怒之


★“only too, all to+ 不定式”表示“非常”,

too 后面常出现 apt, ready, easy, willing等词,其中的不定式不表示否定。

I shall be only too pleased to come. 我很


This kind of shoe is too apt to walk on wet ground. 这种鞋子非常适宜在湿地上


★ happen, prove, tend, appear, seem 等动


I happened to be out when she called me. 她给我打电话时,我碰巧出门了。

You seem to have lost weight. 你似乎


★ 不定式的主动语态有时表示被动。 The house is to let. 此房出租。

Bobody is to blame for it. 没有人会因此受


There is a letter to write. 有一封信要写。

★ 不定式的完成时所表示的动作通常发


The old lady seems to have been rich. 这位


She is said to have been to America. 据说


★ so as + 不定式;so... as + 不定式;in order+ 不定式。

Come early so as to get a good seat. 早点


They started early in order to get there on time. 为了及时赶到那里,他们很早就动



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Unit 1 Music

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★ It is + adj. for (of) sb. to do 句型中,常

用 for sb. 或 of sb. 引出不定式的逻辑主


常用 for 引出不定式的逻辑主语,此类

形容词有:difficult, easy, hard, important, imposs ible , in teres t ing, necessary, unnecessary, possible 等。

It is very kind of you to help me. 您帮助


It is not an easy thing for us to ignore such a rude behavior. 让我们忽略这种粗


It takes sb.+ 时间 / 金钱 / 精力 +to do sth.表示“某人花时间 / 金钱 / 精力去做某


It will probably take us a few days to find a good buy. 要购买一件物美价廉的



个不定式的 to;like 和 prefer 在与 should, would 连用时,

须跟带 to 的不定式作宾语补足语。

I intend to sit in the garden and write letters. 我打算坐在花园里写信。

The teacher would prefer the question to be discussed at next class. 老师希望这个


I should like you to finish the work as soon as possible. 希望你能尽快完成这项


Task 11 Choose the best answer from the four choices.

1. John is sorry so impolite to your guest last night. A. to be B. having been C. being D. to have been2. When I was in England, I had intended London, but I failed to do so. A. to visit B. visiting C. having visited D. to have visited3. There was no choice but his suggestion. A. act on B. to act on C. acting on D. acted on4. It is really kind . A. of you saying so B. of you to say so C. for you saying so D. for you to say so5. The engines are made at full speed. A. to work B. work C. working D. to be worked6. She hurried to the post office only that she had forgotten to bring the

letter. A. to find B. finding C. found D. having found





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7. She did nothing but the whole time she was there. A. complain B. to complain C. complained D. complaining8. He was very sorry her at the airport. A. not to meet B. to not meet C. to have not meet D. not to have met9. The father was delighted to hear the child that. A. to say B. to have said C. say D. said10. You’d better the water until it has been boiled. A. not to drink B. not drink C. not drunk D. not drinking

Task 12 Identify one mistake in each of the following ten sentences.

1. If he made better use of his time, he would be more likely finishing his research. A B C D

2. It is extremely important for an engineer to know to use a computer. A B C D

3. He did not hesitate asking her to sit beside him. A B C D

4. It is often more difficult finding trained men than to get financial support for A B C D

scientific research.5. Although working very hard, he failed turning in his research paper on time.

A B C D6. We used to going to the seaside for the summer holiday.

A B C D7. I watch them to play football on the playground.

A B C D8. My teacher doesn’t look sick at all. He seemed to recover completely.

A B C D9. Our hometown is said to be developed into an industrial city.

A B C D10. He didn’t expect himself to being inviting.


Practical Writing

Letter of Introduction介绍信是用来介绍联系接洽事宜的一种应用文体。它具有介绍、证明的双重作

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Unit 1 Music

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要向收信人表示感谢,做到不失礼节。 (3)篇幅不易过长,言简意赅,在有限的篇幅中突出重点,同时文字要顺畅,


Related Expressions:

1.Please allow me to introduce one of my best friends to you. 请允许我向您推荐我最好的朋友。

2.I am writing to introduce Li Ming, one of my college classmates in Beijing. 我写信是要介绍我在北京读大学时的同学李明(给您)。

3.I am very glad to have this chance to write to you to... 很高兴能有这次机会向您写信⋯⋯

4.I take pleasure in introducing to you the bearer Mr. Li. 很高兴能向您介绍这封信的持有者李先生。

5. The bearer of this letter is Mr. Li whom I personally know to be a most deserving person for your position.


6.Thanks for your attention and hope to receive your reply. 多谢您的关注,希望能收到您的回复。

7.It would be appreciated if you can give her some help. 如果您能给她提供帮助,我将不胜感激。

8. I would be most grateful if you could lend due attention to this letter and contact me at... 如您能对此信给予一定的关注并通过⋯⋯和我联系,我将非常感谢。

9.In addition, I want to express my sincere thanks for your attention. 另外,真诚地感谢您的关注。




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Sample 1

Dear Mr. / Ms.××, This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new

marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business.

We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.

Yours faithfully, Yang Ning

Dear Tom,

How time flies. I’m very happy that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and so on. I’d like to introduce the Spring Festival to you. Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China. It usually lasts for 15 days.

Days before the festival, people clean their houses. They think cleaning sweeps any bad luck. They decorate their houses with paper cuts. On the eve of the festival, family members get together and have big meals. Then they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV. At midnight,they set off fireworks to welcome the new year. During the festival,kids get lucky money from old people. People visit their relatives and friends. They wish each a happy year and good luck. How happy we are.

Best wishes!Yours,


Sample 2

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Unit 1 Music

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Writing Practice

Task 13 Write a letter of introduction according to the following information.


学年给学生开设中文课,或可有一中文教师之空缺。从 1980 年起,李全志一直在





Listening and Speaking

Task 14 There are some useful sentences related to the hot topic—music. Try to refer to these and discuss with your partner.

1. I heard that listening to classical music is helpful in reducing stress. 我听说 有助于减轻压力。

2. There is clear evidence that people who listen to light music are lively people. 有充分的证据表明 活得也快乐。

3. Madonna is my favorite rock star. She performs with so much energy. 麦当娜是我最喜欢的明星。她的表演 。

4. I like the words of the songs. They can naturally arouse your feeling. 我喜欢 ,它可以很自然地引起你的共鸣。

5. The songs are so upbeat and easy to dance to. 这歌唱得很轻快,而且容易 。

6. When I am down, music cheers me up. When I lost, music guides me through. When I am tired, music soothes me gently. When I am weak, music lifts me up.






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Task 15 Listen to the dialogue and complete the table below. The conversation will be read twice.

Name Instruments They Play Music They Like

Martin(1) (2)

(5) (6) (7) (8)

Lauris(3) (4)

(9) (10)

Task 16 Listen to the conversations twice and fill in the blanks. And then practice the conversations with your partner.

Conversation 1 A: It’s great that we both love music. I don’t know if anyone could (1) . B: I agree with you. When I am down, music (2) . When I am lost, music

(3) . When I am tired, music soothes me gently. When I am weak, music (4) .

A: Music is our world. Linda, I have to get off now. It seems we could (5)and on.

B: Maybe we should meet on a nice weekend and we will just talk about music all day. Does that sound good?

A: Absolutely. I will call you. Bye! B: Bye! Have a good day! A: You, too.Conversation 2 A: Do you want black or white coffee?B: White, please.A: Look! There’s a (1) tomorrow evening. Do you want to go?B: I don’t like (2) very much.A: What kind of music do you like?B: I like (3) . Do you?A: Not very much. Classical music (4) .B: I don’t believe you.A: It’s true.B: You are funny!

Vocabulary Assistantwhite coffee 加糖或加牛奶的咖啡

black coffee 黑咖啡

folk concert 民间音乐会

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Unit 1 Music

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No one thinks of early rock and roll without thinking of Elvis Presley, the “King of Rock and Roll”. No one thought that this young man (1)would (2) . He sang throughout the South, and teenagers (3) over his (4) and his attractive performances. His music was an exciting mixture of (5) blues.With his long hair and tight pants, he became a teenage idol. In two years, he was a national phenomenon.

Task 18 Listen to the conversations twice and answer the questions.

Conversation 1 Question: What is Ben good at?Key: Conversation 2 Question: What does the woman ask the man to do?Key: Conversation 3 Question: What does the woman like?Key: Conversation 4 Question: What’s the woman’s suggestion?Key:

A: So are you! How about (5) ?

Task 17 Listen to a short passage three times and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

Vocabulary Assistantguitarist /ɡi'tɑ:rist/ n. 吉他手

band /bAnd/ n. 乐队

net bar 网吧

download /'daunlEud/ vt. 下载

classical music 古典音乐

concert /kEn'sE:t/ n. 音乐会

Vocabulary Assistantrock and roll 摇滚乐,摇摆舞

Elvis Presley 埃尔维斯 · 普莱斯利(1935 ~ 1977 年,美国摇滚乐歌手)

King of Rock and Roll 摇滚乐之王

performance /pə'fɔ:məns/ n. 表演

blues /blu:z / n. 布鲁斯音乐,蓝调音乐

pants /pænts/ n. 裤子

idol /'aidəl/ n. 偶像




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Conversation 5 Question: What does the woman mean?Key:

Task 19 Read the following passage aloud. Give your presentation in the class.

The people responsible for the pop revolution were four Liverpool boys who joined together in a group and called themselves the Beatles(甲壳虫乐队). The Beatles wrote their own words and music. They had a close personal relationship with their audience, and they expected them to join in and dance to the “beat” of the music. Audience participation is an essential characteristic ( 特点 ) of pop culture. The Beatles finally won the affection and admiration of people of all ages and social backgrounds. As they developed, their songs became more serious. They wrote not only of love, but of death and old age and poverty and daily life. They were respected by many intellectuals(知识分子) and by some serious musicians. Largely thanks to the Beatles, pop music has grown into an immense(巨大的) and profitable(盈利的) trade(行业).

Study Guide

How to Improve Your Oral English (1)1. Improve your pronunciation so that you are understood. Choose one standard accent

(American, British or Australian) and attempt to imitate the pronunciation. 2. Don’t think too much of grammar when you speak. Try to speak the key words

clearly and correctly if you cannot speak the whole sentence.3. Pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying

emphasis on the grammatical correctness.4. Try to use gestures and facial expressions to go with your verbal communication.5. Talk to yourself every day before you write your diary, describing what you have

done during the day and what you have felt about the day.

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Unit 1 Music

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Take Minutes

Review this unit and make a summary of key words, useful expressions, important structures and grammar points for your future study.

Vocabulary Structure Grammar Listening and Speaking


Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. “What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?”

“I gave it to a poor old woman,” he answered. “You’re a good boy,” said the mother proudly. “Here are two cents more. But

why are you so interested in the old woman?”“She is the one who sells the candy.”




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Unit 2

Happy New You

Leading-in Before you start to work on this unit, please discuss these two questions with

your partners:1. Are you satisfied with yourself ? 2. What would you like to do in the coming New Year to change yourself ?

 We are going to study Unit 2. It’s about how you can become a happy new you.

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Unit 2 Happy New You

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Reading A

1 I’m walking along a dry riverbed in California and it’s a beautiful day. The future stretches out ahead, in the valley, hills and mountains that surround me. The past is there too, but today I prefer to walk forward: to live “in the now”. The air is warm and dry. White clouds float high in the bright blue sky. People walk and ride bicycles on the bike path that follows the river. They talk and laugh together, as they enjoy the day off from work. What a beautiful and peaceful scene it makes!2 My heart is suddenly full of joy as I remember that it is New Year’s Day—a day to start afresh. I feel great gratitude for the gift of life that God has given me. I pass by a man and his son, a kid sitting on the “lofty” wooden fence by the path, but held safely in his father’s arms. His face is a study in pure joy and wonder. A man sits on a rock and gazes into the distance. He looks sad and lonely. I am reminded of other days in the past when sadness and hopelessness were my only companions. I say a silent prayer for him.3 A young couple lower next to a “bicycle built for two” that has thrown its chain. As they look up, I smile and say “Happy New Year”! They laugh and wish me the same. It is a simple thing, but for a moment we have become one with the world and a sudden joyful excitement takes my breath away. An old woman leans on a fence post, looking into some other time. She doesn’t seem either happy or sad, just gazes into the past, or maybe the future. Her lovely eyes have seen in the time that

Think More

1 . Wha t do you f ee l gratitude for on New Year’s Day?

2. Can you guess what the old woman leaning on a fence post is thinking?

Pre-reading Questions

1. What do you usually do to celebrate New Year’s Day?

2. Is New Year’s Day a new start for you? Why or why not?

Happy New You!




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she has spent in this world. Where has she been? What amazing things has she witnessed? A lifetime lays hidden behind her eyes. A feeling of timeless peace flows through me and all fear of what the future may bring passes away. 4 I am almost home. I walk by a cluster of young trees swaying in the wind. A loud burst of cheerful chirping and tweeting erupts from the little grove. It’s a party of the birds! As I reach home, go inside, and close the door, I know I’m home with a most precious gift—“now”. It has taken a long time to find it, and although I can’t seem to keep it with me, all of the time, I know how to open the door again. I know that whatever the New Year will bring, there will be joy, and enough treasures of “now”.5 Happy New Year! Happy New You!

( 470 words)

3. How do you understand the word “now”?

Word Shooting★ stretch /stretF/ v. 绵延,延续,伸展

* surround /sE'raJnd/ v. 包围,围绕,环绕

* float /flEJt/ v. 浮动,散播,飘浮

afresh /E'freF/ adv. 再度,重新★ gratitude /'grAtItju:d/ n. 感谢的心情

gaze /geIz/ n. 注视,凝视

v. 注视,凝视

* distance /'dIstEns/ n. 距离,远处,路程

* remind /rI'maInd/ v. 提醒,使想起,使记起

* companion /kEm'pAniEn/ n. 同伴,伴侣

* couple /'kʌpl/ n. 一对,一双(尤指男女)

* lower /'lEJE(r)/ v 放下,降下

n. 较低,下等,低级,下部

adj. 较低的,下等的,低级的,下部的

* lean /li:n/ v. 倚靠,依赖,倾斜★ witness /'wItnEs/ n. 目击者,证人

v. 目击,见证,证明

* hide /haId/ v. 隐藏,隐蔽

timeless /'taImləs/ adj. 永恒的,长期的

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cluster /'klQstE(r)/ n. 串,群,丛

sway /sweI/ n. 摇动,摇摆

v. 摇动,摇摆

* burst /b\:st/ n. 破裂,爆发,突发

v. 爆炸,冲,闯,破裂,突然出现

chirp /tF\:p/ n. 喳喳声,唧唧声

v. 尖声尖气地说,发啁啾声

tweet /twi:t/ n. 小鸟的啁啾声,吱吱声

v. 鸣叫

erupt /I'rʌpt/ v. 爆发,喷出

grove /grEJv/ n. 小树林★ precious /'preFEs/ adj. 宝贵的,珍爱的★ treasure /'treVE(r)/ n. 财富宝物,珍宝

v. 珍重,珍爱(某事物)

stretch out 伸展

gaze into 凝视

remind... of 使⋯⋯回想起

flow through 流过,流程

pass away 带走

a cluster of 一丛⋯⋯,一团⋯⋯

a burst of 突然一阵⋯⋯

Phrases and Expressions

Phrases Related to the Topicfull of joy 充满欢乐

feel gratitude for... 对⋯⋯充满感激

look back on the past 回忆过去

sadness and hopelessness 悲伤和失望

feel blue 感觉沮丧的

look into the future 展望未来

make up one’s mind 下决心

start afresh 重新开始




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Vocabulary SnapshotstretchDon’t forget to warm up and stretch! 伸展

The forests stretch for hundreds of miles. 连绵

He stood up and had a stretch. 伸懒腰

peacefulSwitzerland is a peaceful country. 和平的

I enjoy my peaceful life in the countryside. 宁静的

afreshThe work will have to be done afresh. 重新

gratitudeHis heart was filled with gratitude. 感激之情

She felt an immense gratitude to Wilson. 感激

gaze She turned to gaze admiringly(钦佩地)at her husband. 凝视

He turned his gaze to the new comer. 凝视

remindThe story reminds me of my childhood. 使想起

Please remind me to write to my mother tomorrow. 提醒

witnessI was a witness to their quarrel. 目击者

I witnessed the traffic accident. 目击

swayBranches sway in the wind. 摇摆

Nothing could sway him from his decision. 动摇

eruptThe volcano could erupt at any time. 喷发

The mystery is that crises erupt so rarely. 爆发

preciousWisdom is more precious than wealth. 宝贵的


Task 1 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

( ) 1. The author describes a beautiful and peaceful scene.

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( ) 2. The author passes by a woman and his son, a kid sitting on the “lofty” wooden fence by the path.

( ) 3. The man sitting on a rock doesn’t seem either happy or sad.( ) 4. The young couple couching next to a “bicycle built for two” don’t know

what’s wrong with the bicycle.( ) 5. As reaching home, the author says another thanks to God.

Task 2 Read the following words and match them with their explanations in the right column.

1. stretch a. sparkle, flash 2. float b. calm 3. glitter c. extend 4. peaceful d. fly easily or lightly 5. gratitude e. made of wood 6. kid f. gentle wind 7. wooden g. thankfulness, appreciation 8. companion h. look steadily at sb. for a long time 9. breeze i. a child between one and three years old 10. gaze j. company or friend

Task 3 Choose the right forms of the words in the brackets to complete the sentences.

1. The future (stretch, stretches, stretching) out ahead, in the valley, hills and mountains that surround me.

2. My heart is suddenly full of (joy, joyless, joyful) as I remember that it is New Year’s Day.

3. I pass by a man and his son, a kid (sit, sat, sitting) on the “lofty” wooden fence by the path.

4. A man sits on a rock and (gaze, gazes, gazed) into the distance. 5. I am (remind, reminding, reminded) of other days in the past when

sadness and hopelessness were my only companions.6. For a moment we have become one with the world and a sudden joyful

(excite, excitement, exciting) takes my breath away.7. What amazing things has she (witness, witnessed, witnesses)?8. A lifetime (lie, lays, lying) hidden behind her eyes.9. I walk by a cluster of young trees (sway, sways, swaying) in the wind.




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10. A loud burst of cheerful chirping and tweeting (erupt, erupts, erupting) from the little grove.

Task 4 Match the words or phrases in Column A with the translations in Column B.

Column A Column B 1. look into the future a. 凝视远方

2. feel blue b. 继续前行

3. sadness and hopelessness c. 下定决心

4. gaze into the distance d. 展望未来

5. feel gratitude e. 重新开始

6. make up one’s mind f. 充满欢乐

7. look to the past g. 充满感激

8. move on h. 回忆过去

9. full of joy i. 悲伤失望

10. start afresh j. 感觉沮丧

Task 5 Translate the following sentences into English with the phrases or patterns given in the brackets.

1.在这山谷、土丘和大山的怀抱中,我畅想着自己的未来。(stretch out)

2.片片白云在湛蓝的天空中飘荡。(float high)

3.这一切简直是一幅美丽祥和的风景画! (what)


(pass away)

5.我走过了一丛在风中摇曳的小树。(a cluster of)

Task 6 Rewrite the following sentences after the models.

Model 1

It seems that she is neither happy nor sad.She seems neither happy nor sad.

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1. It seems that he is right.

2. It seems that she is a little homesick.

3. It seems that she is very careless.

Model 2

May you have good luck!Wish you good luck!4. May you have the best Christmas Eve!

5. May you succeed at your goal!

6. May you recover quickly!

Task 7 Dictation of highlighted words or expressions.

Reading B

A New Year’s Resolution Changed My Life

☆ resolution /7rezə'lu:ʃən/ n. 决议;决心

lament /lə'ment/ vt. 哀


* gravity /'ɡræviti/ n. 庄


1 My name is Linda Finstad, and I am a middle aged English woman. Every year as long as I can remember, I made the same “To Do List” of New Year’s resolutions that would make me a nicer person. Every year I had to remake those very same resolutions at the first of January. 2 Then, on my 45th birthday, I had a light bulb moment. Instead of lamenting that I was middle aged and gravity was having a negative effect on my appearance, I thought “What if I live to be 90? I may only be half way through my life! I may have another 45 years to complete any task I set my mind to.”




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3 I didn’t want to follow the pattern of the previous 20 or so years. It’s time for something completely different. I decided to make a mid-life career change and become a Professional Photographer. 4 A worthy goal to be sure. However, I don’t know whether it’s a cultural thing, but middle-aged English women rarely go back to school; typically they join a women’s institute or volunteer at the local hospital. This made my New Year’s resolution to go back to school to learn a new profession extremely shocking to my friends and family.5 They thought this one would end up like those of years gone by. Failed and forgotten by February. They were certain that the volume of work involved in learning create professional images would overwhelm me and cause me to quit.6 They were truly shocked when I enrolled for classes at Metro collage, and even more shocked by my genuine enthusiasm to learn everything I possibly could about digital photography, creative lighting and composition.7 After completing all the courses available I still desired to learn more, so I enrolled with an on-line photography school and completed another 100 lessons on advanced lighting and commercial photography.8 You really can teach an old dog new tricks. By the end of the year I was ready to launch my new business — A Sharper Image — Commercial Photography. My target market was small to medium businesses that needed sharp, creative images of their products that they could use in brochures and on the Internet.9 Over the course of my first year I have shot everything from food to fashion, art, and some architecture, Along with a slight diversion from the original plan I attended Equine events where I photographed the competitors, which led to opportunities to do farm shoots where

previous /'pri:viəs/ adj. 以前的;早先的

overwhelm /7əuvə'hwelm/ vt. 压倒;淹没

enroll /in'rəul/ vi. 登 记;

参加;注册☆ enthusiasm /in' θju:ziæzəm/

n. 热心,热忱☆ digital /'didʒitəl/ adj. 数字的;手指的

☆ target /'tɑ:ɡit/ n. 目标;


☆ brochure /'bruʃə/ n. 手册,


architecture /'ɑ:kitektʃə/ n. 建筑学;建筑式样

diversion /dai'və:ʃən/ n. 转移;分散注意力

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families and their animals would gather at a farm for outdoor photo sessions with their horses, dogs and cats. This was great fun for everyone — especially me.10 My work has even been published in a number of magazines. 11 This was a New Years Resolution that truly changed my life.

(472 words)

session /'seʃən/ n. (议会



Task 8 Choose the best answer according to the passage you have read.

1. What did Linda do on her 45th birthday? A. She had a big birthday party with a light bulb. B. She mad her mind to live to be 90. C. She lamented that she was middle aged and gravity was having a negative effect

on her appearance. D. She made a new resolution to be a professional photographer.2. Why were Linda’s friend and family shocked? A. She wanted to go back to school to learn a new profession. B. She wanted to quit her job. C. She wanted to join a women’s institute. D. She wanted to be a volunteer at the local hospital. 3. Which of the following statements is not true? A. Linda almost made the same “To Do List” of New Years Resolutions every year. B. Linda was enthusiastic to learn everything she could about the digital photography. C. Linda continued her study after she finished her study at Metro collage. D. Linda became famous after her work had been published in many magazines.4. What does the word “genuine” mean in Paragraph 6? A. Not fake. B. Not pretended. C. Of the character of something. D. Inherent.5. Which of the following works may not be done by Linda? A. A beautiful waterfall picture. B. Some images of products. C. Photographs about animals in a farm. D. Pictures on fashion.




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Task 9 Use the information to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese.

1. 只要

2. 以⋯⋯结束

3. 从事,拿起

4. 入学,登记

5. 导致

Reading SkillsAsk questions

Ask questions about things you don’t understand. One way to do this is to jot questions down on sticky notes and stick them in the margin of the text. Then look for the answers to the questions as you continue reading. If you can’t find the answers, ask a classmate or your instructor.

Reading Skill Practice

Task 10 Please read the following passage and then answer the questions.

The Golden Gate Bridge joins the beautiful city of San Francisco with the suburbs to the north. Each day about one hundred thousand automobiles cross the bridge taking people to and from the city. With traffic so heavy, the trip is hardly a pleasure.

Now however there is at least one group of happy commuters. They travel under the bridge instead of on it. They go to work by boat and enjoy it so much that most of them say they will never go by car again.

The ferry they take is spacious, quiet and comfortable. “Golden Gate”. People can enjoy the sun on deck. In the morning they can have breakfast in the coffee shop. And in the evening they can order a drink in the bar while watching San Francisco’s famous skyline and the nearby hills.

The trip takes only thirty minutes and is not very costly. Best of all, being on a boat seems to make people more friendly toward each other. There has already been a marriage of two people who met on the “Golden Gate”. Because the experiment has been so successful, there are plans to use other larger boats. Not everyone is happy about that, though. A lot of people feel that half an hour is just enough time to relax.

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1. Why is the trip to cross the bridge not pleasant? Because of .2. Who is considered to be happy? People who go to work by .3. What does the word “ferry” in Paragraph 3 Mean? It is a kind of .4. What can people enjoy in the evening? They can watch San Francisco’s famous .5. What is the best advantage of the trip? People are toward each other on the boat.

Grammar Tips

动名词 (Gerund)


有:admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, finish, practice, propose, deny, enjoy, mind, suggest, risk, keep on, can’t help doing sth. look forward to, put off, give up, object to, be used to, be accustomed to, be devoted to, entitle sb. to 等。

Will you admit having broken the glass? 你承认打碎玻璃了吗?

He suggeated my/me staying here. 他建议


I tried to avoid running over the cat. 我尽力避免压那只猫。

★ mind doing sth. 常用在否定句和疑问


Do you mind waiting a moment? 你等一


Would you mind my opening the window?你不介意我打开窗户吧?

★ 在“It is no use /no good / fun / a waste of time / a pleasure+doing”结构中,动名


It is no use complaining. 抱怨没有用。

It is a waste of time complaining to him.对他抱怨是浪费时间。

★ 主语 +be worth doing(主动语态)

主语 +be worthy to be done /of being done主语 +worthwhile+doing / todo

The book is worth reading again. 这本书


=The book is worthy to be read again.=The book is worthy of being read.




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★ 动名词作后置主语的常用句型有:

It is fun doing sth. ... 做某事有趣

It is a pleasure doing sth. ... 做某事很享受

It is no use doing sth. ... 做某事无用

It is no good doing sth. ... 做某事没有好处

It is foolish doing sth. ... 做某事很愚蠢

It is worthwhile doing sth. ... 做某事值得

It isn’t worthwhile reading that book. 那


注:It is worthwhile to visit New York.纽约值得一游。

It is no use trying to explain. 试图解释是


It is worthwhile going on with my English class. 我坚持上英语课是值得的。

It is no good talking his domestic matters.谈论他的家务事没有什么好处。

★ have difficulty (in) doing sth. ... 做某事


There is difficulty (in) doing sth. ... 做某事


be busy (in) doing sth. 忙于做某事

注:have a good time (in) doing sth. have fun (in) doing sth. have a hard time (in) doing sth. have (no) trouble (in )doing sth. have problem (in)doing sth.spend one’s time/money (in) doing sth.

You shouldn’t have any difficulty (in) learning English. 学习英语,你不应该有


There is little difficulty (in) finding the railway station. 找火车站并不太难。

The students are busy (in) preparing for the final examination. 学生们忙于准备


★ There is no + 动名词, 表示“不可能,


There is no telling what will happen. 无法


There is no denying that women are playing an important role in the modern world. 不容否认,女性在现代社会中扮


★ There is no point in + 动名词, 表示“做


There is no point in crying over spilled milk. 覆水难收。

Is there any point in going on? 坚持还有


★ go+ 动名词,表示“娱乐、活动”等。 Would you like to go shopping with me this afternoon ?今天下午和我去购物好吗?


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He doesn’ t remember having ever promised me that. 他不记得向我承诺过


★ remember, forget, try, regret, mean, stop, like, hate, love 后可接动名词或不





I forgot to close the window. 我忘记关窗


I forget closing the window. 我记不起关


He stopped writing. 他停止写作。

He stopped to write. 他停止了手头的工


★动名词接在want, need, require, deserve等动词和形容词 be worth 后,用主动形




My shoes require mending at once. 我的鞋需要马上修补。

The following language points deserve mentioning. 下面几个语言点值得一提。

This matter demands discussing. 这件事


★“for+ 动名词”表示用途。 The washing machine is a machine for washing clothes. 洗衣机是用来洗衣


★ prefer+ 动名词 +to+ 动名词 = prefer to+ 动词原形 +rather than+ 动词原形 = prefer to+ 动词原形 +instead of + 动名词 ,表示“宁愿⋯⋯而不愿”。

I prefer reading to playing cards. 我喜欢


★ No + 动名词表示“禁止”。 No smoking !禁止吸烟。

No spitting !禁止吐痰。

No littering !禁止乱扔废物。

No waiting! 不准停车等候。

★ allow, advise, forbid, permit,recommend等在不以人作宾语的状况下,后面接动



We don’t allow smoking in the classroom.教室里不许抽烟。

We don’t allow people to smoke here. 这






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Task 11 Choose the best answer from the four choices.

1. It is no use , the company won’t do anything about it. A. you complain B. for you to have complained C. you having complained D. your complaining2. The house is dirty. It needs . A. cleaning B. to clean C. cleaned D. being cleaned3. No one thought that Bob’s suggestion was worth . A. to consider B. considering C. to be considered D. of consideration4. Mary regrets idle when young. A. to have beeen B. her being C. having been D. to be5. The baby needs . A. taking good care of B. to take good care of C. to be taken good care D. to have been taken good care6. I object to on the office phone. A. to make private calls B. his to make private calls C. him making private calls D. his having made private calls 7. It’s no use to her about the importance of the document. A. to talk B. talk C. talking D. talked8. One of my foreign friends is looking forward to my country. A. visit B. visiting C. having visited D. be visiting9. —Susan, what would you say if we go to see the film tonight? —Thank you, Tony, but I don’t think it is worth twice. A. seeing B. to see C. see D. seen10. The new order will mean overtime. A. worked B. to work C. working D. work

Task 12 Identify one mistake in each of the following 10 sentences.

1. In England as early as the twelfth century, young boys enjoyed to play football. A B C D

2. I don’t want to miss to see the singer star on television tonight.A B C D

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3. You shouldn’t have any trouble to locate the high-rise building in the small town.A B C D

4. They have devoted all their time, money and energy to help the disabled person. A B C D

5. Though he was unwilling to listen, I insisted on give my opinion.A B C D

6. These honest men are worth to respect and depending on.A B C D

7. The sick woman needs to looking after. A B C D

8. You regret not taking the doctor’s advice, do you? A B C D

9. When I heard his voice, I couldn’t help to think of my father. A B C D

10. There is no point to complain about the poor living condition here. A B C D

Practical Writing

Letter of Certification证明信是以机关、团体、单位或个人名义证明一个人的身份或一件事情,供接









(5)出具证明的单位署名、日期,加盖公章。 证明信特点:


或某事真实性的一种凭证,所以证明信的第一个特点就是它的凭证的作用。 (2)书信体的格式特点。证明信是一种专用书信,尽管证明信有好几种形式,





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Related Expressions:

1.This is to certify that... 特此证明⋯⋯

2.I hereby certify that... 特此证明⋯⋯

3.Mr. Li was admitted into our hospital on... and will be discharged on... 李先生于⋯⋯入住本院,将于⋯⋯出院。

4.It is suggested that he rest for one week at home before resuming his work. 建议他在家休养一周后再工作。

5.Mr. Li Ming had fulfilled all the requirements prescribed by the syllabus of the Department. 李明同学达到了院系教学大纲规定的所有要求。

6.Mr. Li proved himself to be a diligent and valuable employee through hard work. 李先生通过努力证明自己确实是一名勤勉、有价值的员工。

7.With his friendly manners and loyalty he perfectly fitted into our team. 他的友善和忠诚使他很好地融入了我们的团队。

8.Mr. Li had no problem adjusting to the work in your company. 李先生会很快适应贵公司的工作的。

9.Mr. Li will surely prove adequate to the job in your company. 李先生绝对能胜任贵公司的这项工作。

Sample 1

Dear ICORR Committee,I am writing this letter to certify that Jane Doe is a graduate student

in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Big State University. She finished her master’s degree in our biomedical engineering program. She is currently a full-time student in good standing. She is working in my laboratory on a robotic device for rehabilitation after neurological injury. The paper she has submitted for presentation an ICORR is directly related to that research project. She would qualify for a minority travel award because she is of Native American heritage but would not qualify for the disability travel award.

Please consider her application for a travel award.Sincerely,

Wang HuaDepartment of Biomedical Engineering

Big State University

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Unit 2 Happy New You

41 ·

Sample 2

Writing Practice

Task 13 Write a letter of certification according to the information given in Chinese.

你是 HJ 大学的老师,写一封证明信证明刘佳是你校英语系的学生,自 2010 年



Listening and Speaking

Task 14 There are some expressions related to the following topic. Try to refer to these expressions and discuss with your partner.

1. It’s never too late to change. 改变不嫌晚。

2. At any time, you can decide to change the road you’re on in life, take a new direction, follow a new trail.


3. You are the only one who can fulfill your dreams and receive the joys and happiness that come from reaching those aspiration and goals.



4. You must understand yourself enough to know what you want in life and whether desires you believe are worthwhile for your future.



5. If you have dreams, then you have a purpose. You have something to believe in and

CertificateThis is to certify that Mr. Wang and Mrs. Han are a legal

couple in China. It is certified hereby. marriage certificate No.1314521

Haidian District, Beijing CityCivil Affairs Bureau




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work towards obtaining. 如果你有梦想,你就有目标。你就有值得你信仰和为之奋斗的目标。

6. Dedicate yourself to yourself. Promise yourself a life with love, and then whatever roads you travel will be the roads you want them to be.



7. The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change. 我认为, 我们应该不停地在变化中寻找机会使自己成长。

8. Change is good, change is progress. 变化是好事,变化是进步。

Task 15 You will hear a conversation. The conversation will be read twice. During the second reading, you are required to choose from words or phrases which are provided in the box and fill in the blanks according to what you hear.

make all the difference keep moving encounter have a strong willpositive attitude welcome opportunity have faith build

A: Hello, Susan. What do you think of optimism and positive thinking?B: Hello, Jerry. In my opinion, It’s a (1) of our life. It can bring us

happiness.A: Well, What does optimism or positive thinking mean?B: It means whatever difficulty you meet, you should face it and (2) to

defeat it. You should (3) despite the odds and obstacles.A: If we meet failure, how can we (4) our strong will?B: When you do (5) hard times, (6) that life gets easier

once you get the hang for it. Everyone knows that experience teaches perspective, triumph can follow defeat.

A: I agree with you. Anything else?B: Choose to look at your failure not as a misfortune, but as a (7) .

Refuse to complain, refuse to become depressed, instesd go confidently in the direction of your dreams.

A: What you said is true. Having a positive attitude (8) in the way we perveive our life.

B: It’s true. If you keep forging ahead, you get where you are going. If you keep moving, you win.

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Unit 2 Happy New You

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Vocabulary AssistantPursuit of Happiness(电影名称)《当幸福来敲门》

aspiration /7AspE'reiFEn/ n. 渴望,抱负

chase/ tFeis/ vt. 追逐,追捕,试图赢得

priorty /prai:Criti/ n. 优先,优先权

Task 16 Listen to the conversations twice and fill in the blanks. And then practice the conversations with your partner.

Conversation 1 A: Hi, young man. My name is Rose. I’m eight-seven years old. Can I(1) ?B: Of course you may! What made you take on that challenge at such old age?A: I always dreamed of (2) and now I’m getting one!A: Congrantuations on your success, Rose. What makes you (3) ?B: I have to laugh and find humor each day.A: I agree. You seem to be (4) .B: You’ve got to(5) . When you lose your dreams, you die.Conversation 2 A: What film did you watch?B: The Pursuit of Happiness.

A: What do you think of this film.B: I think, we are all happy in our life. We should not give up trying to do what we

really want to do. In the film, the father told his son “You (1) , you got to protect it.” “You want something, you (2) .” Everybody knows dreams are just (3) . So you should (4) and (5) .

A: Someone has learned how to(6) , but not a life. What do you think?

B: Developing my soul is my first priorty. If you do have larger aspirations, dream them, own them, live them. I always knew I wanted to be somebody. I think that’s where it begins.

A: I agree with you. This is a (7) .B: Yes. No matter how big or how small your goals, (8) . It’s up

to you, not the rest of the world, to make that happen. Put in (9) . It’s (10) .




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Vocabulary Assistantslate /sleit/ n. 板岩;石板

resolution /7rezE'lu:fEn/ n. 决心

Cambridge Business Certificate 剑桥商务英语证书

expertise/7ekspE:'ti:z/ n. 专门技术,专门知识

Task 17 Listen to a short passage three times and fill in the blanks

with the missing words.

The traditional Happy New Year approach is to think of the New Year as something that happens outside ourselves. It is that the New Year, in some magical way, will bring us . We look to the New Year to .

Happiness does not come out of a New Year, it comes out of men and women. when we hang a new calendar on the wall or when the clock strikes midnight and a New Year begins. The only way life

will change for us is when . The source of happiness is within us. We cannot control the outside world but we can control our own thoughts and emotions. All true happiness is an inner experience.

Task 18 Listen to the conversations twice and answer the questions.

Vocabulary Assistantapproach /E'prEutF/ n. 接近,方法

magical /'mædVikEl/ adj. 魔术的,有魔力的

calendar /'kælindE/ n. 日历,日程表

inner /'inə/ adj. 内部的,内心的

1. What are the two speakers to celebrate?They are going to celebrate the coming of .

2. What is the second speaker?He is probably .

3. What is the second speaker’s New Year’s resolution?He wishes to and get a Cambridge Business Certificate.

4.What is the first speaker’s New Year’s resolution?He wishes to develop expertise, help others, and a full-time paid position.

5. What’s the right way to live one’s dreams, according to the first speaker’s understanding?.

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Unit 2 Happy New You

45 ·

Task 19 Read the following passage aloud. Give your presentation in class.

The way to make the New Year the best year of your life is to look to yourself, not to the year, for your happiness. To realize that happiness does not depend on the birth of a New Year, but on the birth of a New You. To know that the months, weeks, days, hours and minutes of the New Year are empty until you fill them with happiness. To face the fact that time is dead until you give it life, and that your happiness depends on the quality of life you give it. Happy New You!

Study Guide

How to Improve Your Oral English (2)1. Pay attention to the different rhythms between English and Chinese. The words with

important information are normally stressed.2. Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is

a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.

3. Vocabularies do matter but only the basic and most frequently used ones are key to your oral English.

4. Retell some articles or English stories in our own words.5. Interpreting what you hear—Changing Roles: Three people make a group: one

speaks Chinese, one speaks English acting as the foreigner, and one acts as the interpreter. Then change roles.


Three turtles decided to have a cup of coffee. Just as they got into the cafe, it started to rain.

The biggest turtle said to the smallest one, “Go home and get the umbrella.”The little turtle replied, “I will, if you don’t drink my coffee.”“We won’t,” the other two promised.Two years later the big turtle said to the middle turtle, “Well, I guess he isn’t

coming back, so we might as well drink his coffee.”Just then a voice called from outside the door, “If you do, I won’t go.”




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Take Minutes

Review this unit and make a summary of key words, useful expressions, important structures and grammar points for your future study.

Vocabulary Structure Grammar Listening and Speaking

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Unit 3

Good Faith

Leading-in Before you start to work on this unit, please look at the following pictures.1. Try to describe the pictures.2. Do you have a credit card? Try to tell us the advantages and disadvantages of a

credit card.

 We are going to study Unit 3. It’s about good faith. After learning this unit, you will know the importance of good credit.




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Reading A

1 A credit score is a number based on the statistical analysis of a consumer’s credit reports, usually between 300 and 850. A good credit score is considered to be between 680 to 740. Any score above 750 is excellent.2 The average credit score is 678. The higher a credit score, the more likely a consumer will be approved for credit and the interest rates will be lower.3 Credit scores are used by lenders and credit card companies to predict if you will be timely in your payments and if you will pay your loan off. Most lenders now use your credit score as the number one factor in granting credit.4 It is critical you know your credit scores before applying for any credit. Since everyone else seems to know your credit score, you must be familiar with it also. Don’t be the last to know.5 Credit scores are often used to assess your “credit worthiness” by the following: ① Credit Card Issuers; ② Telephone Companies; ③ Insurance Companies; ④ Cell Phone Providers; ⑤ Cable Companies; ⑥ Landlords; ⑦ Utility Companies; ⑧ Employers; and ⑨ Some Banks when you open a checking account.6 Many financial advisors believe you only have to check your credit reports and scores twice a year. This is not enough. Credit scores can change daily as new data and bill payment habits are reported by your creditors. The amount of debt you

Think More

1. How can credit scores help consumers wi th their interest rates?

2. Why are credit scores important?

Pre-reading Questions

1. Do you use a credit card? What do you usually use it for?

2. Does any Chinese bank note down users’ credit score?

What is a Good Credit Score?

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Unit 3Good Faith

49 ·

carry and any new credit you apply for is monitored 24 hours a day.7 What determines your credit score?

Payment History (35% of your score)Information from lenders, banks, credit card issuers,

department store accounts, car loans, finance companies, etc., about how timely you make payments.

Information in public records, such as marriage records, divorce records, criminal records or court records.

Basically how timely you pay your bills, especially recent information is heavily weighted.

Amount of Debt Owed (30% of your score)How much you owe on all your accounts. How much credit you have available to use. Length of Credit History (15% of your score)How long ago you opened and used your accounts. How recently you applied for new credit. Recent good credit history following past payment

problems. Types of Credit (10% of your score)The different types credit accounts you have. The total number of accounts you have. Your mix of credit should include a mortgage, unsecured

credit and revolving credit. New Credit (10% of your score)Limit the number of credit applications you filled out.

Applying for lots of credit will bring your score down.8 All of these factors determine your credit score. A score of 720 out of a possible 850 is considered a good credit score. The best interest rates are afforded to consumers with credit scores of 750 and above.

(458 words)

3. How of ten should you check your credit reports?




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Word Shooting★ credit /'kredIt/ n. 借款,贷款;信誉,信用

★ statistical /stE'tIstIkl/ adj. 统计的,统计学的

* analysis /E'nAlEsIs/ n. 分析,分解,解析★ consumer /kEn'sju:mE/ n. 消费者,用户,顾客

* average /'AvErIdV/ adj. 一般的,通常的,平均的

* approve /E'pru:v/ v. 赞成,同意,赞许,批准

* interest /'IntrEst/ n. 好处,利益,福利;兴趣,吸引力

* predict /prI'dIkt/ v. 预言,预料,预报

* payment /'peImEnt/ n. 付款,偿还,支付★ loan /lEJn/ n. 借出物,(尤指)借款

* grant /gra:nt/ v. 同意,准予,授予,转让(财产)

n. 同意,给予,授予物,奖学金

* critical /'krItIkl/ adj. 决定性的,关键的

* apply /E'plaI/ v. 申请,请求

* familiar /fE'mIliEr/ adj. 熟悉的,亲密的,常见的★ assess /E'ses/ v. 确定,评定⋯⋯的价值

worthiness /'w\:WinIs/ n. 值得尊重,可敬佩,有价值

* issuer /'IFu:E(r)/ n. 发行人,发行者

* landlord /'lAndlC:d/ n. 房东,地主★ utility /ju:'tIlEti/ n. 效用,实用,公用事业

adj. 有多种用途的,通用的

* account /E'kaJnt/ n. 账单,账目

advisor /Ed'vaIzE(r)/ n. 顾问,提供意见者

creditor /'kredItE(r)/ n. 债权人,贷方

* debt /det/ n. 债务,欠款,负债情况

* monitor /'mɒnItE(r)/ n. (学校的)班长,监听器,监视器

v. 监控,监听,监测,监视

* determine /dI't\:mIn/ v. 决定,判决,使下决心★ divorce /dI'vC:s/ n. 离婚,离异★ criminal /'krImInl/ n. 罪犯,犯罪者

adj. 犯罪的,刑事的,违法的

* weigh /weI/ v. 测出重量

mortgage /'mC:gIdV/ n. 抵押贷款

* application /7AplI'keIFn/ n. 申请,请求;应用,运用

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Unit 3Good Faith

51 ·

Phrases and Expressionsinterest rate 利率

pay off 清偿债务

be familiar with 对⋯⋯熟悉

checking account 活期存款账户

apply for 申请

unsecured credit 无抵押贷款

revolving credit 循环贷款

debtor 债务人,借方

credit card 信用卡

account number 账号

commercial credit company 商业信贷公司

credit ceiling 贷款额度

loan release 贷款发放

loan approval 贷款核准

bank lending rate 银行贷款利率

deposit rate 存款利率

extension of credits 信贷延期

overdue loans 过期贷款

doubtful loans 可疑贷款

total loan volume 贷款总额

outstanding loans 未偿贷款

service the loan 偿还贷款

short term loan 短期贷款

long term loan 长期贷款

medium term loan 中期贷款

Phrases Related to the Topic

Vocabulary SnapshotcreditI did not give credit to her story. 信用,信赖(名词)

Nobody credited his story. 相信(动词)

statisticalThey provided some statistical information. 统计的,统计学的




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Statistical techniques are regularly employed. 统计的,统计学的

considerPlease take time to consider the problem. 考虑,细想

Michael is considered an expert in computer science. 认为,把⋯⋯视为

approveThe professor does not approve the government’s foreign policy. 赞成 ( 及物动词 )The city council has now approved the scheme for the erection of a new public library.

批准,认可 ( 及物动词 )I’m afraid your parents won’t approve of your going there. 赞成 ( 不及物动词 )interestI have lost my interest in chemistry. 兴趣

I borrowed the money at 5% interest. 利息

predictHe predicted that an earthquake was imminent. 预言

He predicted a good harvest. 预言,预料

loanThe bank made a loan of ten thousand pounds to the factory. 贷款

He loaned me twenty dollars. 借出

utilityThe store deals in objects of domestic utility. 效用,实用

It is called a sports utility vehicle, or SUV. 有多种用途的,通用的

accountThe accounts show we have spent more than we received. 账目

Too much rain accounted for the poor crop. 导致,产生

monitorThe patient was connected to the monitor. 监测器

The nurse monitored the patient’s condition carefully. 监察

determineShe determined to go that very afternoon. 决定

Demand determines supply. 是⋯⋯的决定因素,形成,影响

weighHe weighed the parcel by hand. 称⋯⋯的重量,掂估⋯⋯的分量

Her suggestion weighed heavily in this decision. 有分量,有重要性,有影响

oweI still owe for my car. 欠钱

You owe yourself a holiday. 应给予,应该做

We owe to Newton the principle of gravitation. 应该把⋯⋯归功于

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Unit 3Good Faith

53 ·


Task 1 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).( ) 1. 678 is a good credit score according to the statistical analysis of consumer’s

credit reports.( ) 2. The higher your credit score is, the lower interest rates you can get.( ) 3. When granting credit, most lenders will consider consumers’ credit scores.( ) 4. You don’t have to know your own credit score.( ) 5. According to the author, you only have to check your credit reports and scores

twice a year.

Task 2 Read the following words and match them with their explanations in the right column.

1. analysis a. customer or user2. consumer b. forecast3. lender c. a close or systematic study4. predict d. on time5. timely e. necessary, urgent 6. critical f. decide conclusively7. familiar g. the man who lend8. financial   h. have good knowledge of9. determine i. grant10. award j. concerning money

Task 3 Choose the right forms of the words in the brackets to complete the sentences.

1. A credit score is a number based on the (statistic, statistics, statistical) analysis of a consumer’s credit reports.

2. A good credit score is (consider, considering, considered) to be between 680 to 740.

3. The higher a credit score, the more likely a consumer will be (approve, approving, approved) for credit and the interest rates will be lower.

4. Credit scores are used by (lend, lending, lenders) and credit card companies to predict if you will be timely in your payments and if you will pay your loan off.

5. Most lenders now use your credit score as the number one factor in (grant, granted,




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granting) credit. 6. It is (critics, critical, critically) you know your credit scores before applying

for any credit. 7. Credit scores are often used to determine your “credit (worth, worthy, worthiness)

” by the following.8. The amount of debt you carry and any new credit you apply for is (monitor,

monitoring, monitored) 24 hours a day. 9. Basically how timely you pay your bills, especially recent information is heavily

(weigh, weighted, weighed) .10. Mand financial advisors believe you only have to (check, checking,

checked) your credir reports and scores twice a year.

Task 4 Match the words or phrases in Column A with the translations in Column B.

Column A Column B 1. credit card a. 长期贷款

2. deposit rate b. 过期贷款

3. total loan volume c. 偿还贷款

4. loan release d. 贷款额度

5. long term loan e. 未偿贷款

6. overdue loans f. 存款利率

7. outstanding loans g. 信用卡

8. account number h. 贷款发放

9. service the loan i. 账号

10. credit ceiling j. 贷款总额

Task 5 Translate the following sentences into English with the phrases or patterns given in the brackets.

1. 信用分数是基于客户信誉报告的统计分析数字。(base on)

2. 客户的信用分数越高,越有可能从银行得到贷款。(the higher, the more)

3. 银行和信用卡公司使用信用分数来预测客户是否会按时还款。(predict if)

4. 在申请信贷前,了解自己的信用分数至关重要。(it is critical...)

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5. 在总分 850 分的情况下,720 分的信用分数可以算作良好。(be considered...)

Task 6 Rewrite the following sentences after the models.

Model 1

When a credit score is high, it is more likely that a consumer will be approved for credit and the interest rates will be lower.

The higher a credit score, the more likely a consumer will be approved for credit and the interest rates will be lower.

1. You notice a problem early. It is easier to settle.

2. If I try a lot, I make a lot of mistakes.

3. When I work hard, I get very tired.

Model 2

It is critical for you to know your credit scores before applying for any credit.It is critical you know your credit scores before applying for any credit.4. It is critical for you to ship the goods immediately.

5. It is critical for us to take drastic measures.

6. It is critical for us to build a strong leadership.

Task 7 Dictation of highlighted words or expressions.

Reading B

Maintaining a Good Personal Reputation at Work

1 Besides doing your job well, the most important thing to shoot for in the workplace is maintaining a good reputation. Whether starting off in a new position, or * position /pə'zIʃn/ n. 职




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looking for a promotion, you must maintain a professional manner, must be thought of as a good worker and respected by your co-workers. Not only is a good reputation crucial for progressing in your job, but it is also important that you are liked and admired by your colleagues.There are a few things that a person must watch out for and remember to do.2 Avoid Gossiping. Do not take part in gossip whatsoever. It is an easy trap to fall into, so you must be careful to recognize what it looks like and how to avoid it.3 If one of your co-workers comes to you complaining about another employee, simply tell him or her that they should take it up with the person in question.4 If the gossip is about you, brush it off like it does not bother you. Those people who start rumors and thrive on gossip are looking to see your reaction, but if you do not give them what they are looking for, then it will likely stop. If it does not stop and you feel uncomfortable or threatened, do not hesitate to take it up with someone in human resources.5 Do not listen to the stories to begin with. Though you may not repeat what you have heard, it can be just as bad to listen in the first place. Simply walk away, change the subject, or ignore it entirely.6 Dressing appropriately. How you present yourself represents who you are as a person and as an employee. Take pride in your appearance and make sure that you are well dressed and your clothes are always neat, tidy, well fitting, and work-appropriate. If you are unsure of what your organization’s dress code is, you can always ask someone in human resources.7 Helping others. If a co-worker is struggling with a project or needs advice, do not hesitate to give assistance. They will appreciate it, look to you in the future, and more than likely will tell fellow employees how helpful you are. If you are seen as a team player, you will also be recognized for


promotion /prə'məuʃn/ n. 提升,晋级☆ crucial /'kru:ʃəl/ adj. 决定性的,重要的,定局的☆ colleague /'k Bli:g/n. 同事,合作者

gossip /'ɡɒsIp/ vi. 闲聊,

传播流言蜚语☆ trap /trAp/ n. 陷阱,诡


rumor /'ru:mə/ n. 谣言,


thrive /θraIv/ vi. 繁荣,兴


* hesitate /'hezIteIt/ vi. 踌躇,犹豫

* ignore / Iɡ'nɒ:/ vt. 忽视,


☆ appropriate /ə'prəupri7eit/ adj. 适当地,合适的

assistance / ə'sIstəns/ n. 援助,帮助

* appreciate /ə'pri:ʃieIt/ vt. 欣赏,感激,鉴别

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Task 8 Complete the following questions by using information in the text.

1. What’s the most important thing to shoot for in the workplace?.

2. How to deal with the gossip about you?.

3. What should you do when a gossip begins?.

4. Who can you consult with if you are unsure of what your organization’s dress code is?.

5. What’s the golden rule if you want to act professionally?.

Task 9 Translate the following into English.

1. 保持良好声誉

2. 戒备,小心提防

3. 找某人处理

4. 以⋯⋯为骄傲

5. 依赖,指望,求助于

your leadership skills and willingness to go the extra mile.8 Acting professionally. In addition to the points mentioned above, this means treating others with respect, not choosing sides, not acting rude, maintaining your temper in times of crisis, showing compassion, etc.. Basically, this means following the golden rule—treat others how you yourself would like to be treated.

(454 words)

willingness /'wIlINnIs/ n. 自愿,乐意

compassion /kEm'pAFn/ n. 同情,怜悯

《初入职场》 山东大学出版社

http://www.jobcn.com/ http://www.zhaopin.hk





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Reading SkillsRead critically

Read critically, or question the text. Look for the main points the author of the text is trying to make. Ask yourself if the main ideas of the text are supported with evidence and if the evidence is logical and reliable. Look for any holes in the ideas presented, and don’t be afraid to challenge ideas you don’t agree with.What is a Good Credit Score ?

Reading Skill Practice

Task 10 Please read the following sentences, identify a mistake in each sentence and then correct the mistake.

Jack Friedhamm was born to New York on October 25, 1965. 1.He began school at the age of six and continued until he was18 years. He then went to New York University to study Medicine. 2.He decided on Medicine because he likes biology when he was 3.in school. While he was to university, he met his wife Cindy. 4.Cindy is a beautiful woman with long black hair. They went out for years before they decided getting married. Jack began to 5.work as a doctor as soon as he graduated to Medical School. 6.They have since had two children, named Jackie and Peter, and have lived in Queens since the past two years. Jack is very interested in 7.painting and likes to paint portraits of his son Peter.

Grammar Tips

分词 (Panticiple)分词有现在分词和过去分词两种。现在分词由“动词原形 +ing”形式构成

(doing),表示主动的或进行的动作;过去分词由“动词原形 +ed”(done) 构成,表



★ 单个分词作定语时放在所修饰名词前,


* a sleeping baby 熟睡的婴儿 * fallen leaves 落叶

* a girl standing there 站在那儿的女孩

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※ 现在分词与过去分词作定语时的区别:


doing,being done;过去分词:done。当被修饰的名词与分词为主动关系时,

用 doing;当被修饰的名词与分词为被

动关系且正在进行时,用 being done;当被修饰的名词与分词为被动关系且完

成时,用 done。

* The man walking in the street is Tom.走在大街上的人是汤姆。( 主动,进行 )* the houses being built 正在建设中的房子 ( 被动,进行 )* The bridge built last month needs repairing. 上个月完工的桥需要整修。( 被动,完成 )


★ 分词作表语表示主语的某种性质或状


思;done 来修饰人,表示人的某种感情


* The day was so charming.天气真是好极了。

* She was annoyed at your saying that. 你这样讲她很不高兴。


★ 现在分词 doing 表示动作正在进行,


动关系;过去分词 done 表示被动或者



* I saw the girl crossing the street. 我看见那个女孩在过马路。( 主动 )* I saw the girl knocked down by a car.我看见那个女孩被车撞倒了。( 被动 )* I have my hair cut. 我理发了。( 被动 )


★ 分词在句中作状语,可以表示各种不



※ 解题指导:分词作状语时其形式的选






主动形式 被动形式

一般式 doing being done完成式 having done having been done

* I stood watching her, not knowing what to do. 我站着看着她,不知如何是好。

* Seeing nobody at home, she decided to leave them a note. 因为没见有人在家,


* Having reviewed his lessons, he went to bed. 他复习完功课就睡觉了。

* Being built, the building fell down.( 与


发生 )* Having been told many times, Mary couldn’t still remember it.( 与主句主语为

被动关系,先于主句谓语动作 )* Seriously injured,he had to be taken to hospital.( 与主句主语为被动关系,完成 )





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★ 分词作状语时,如果分词有自己的主

语 ( 名词或主格代词 ),这个结构叫独





* We explored the caves, Peter acting as guide.彼得当向导,我们探察了那些洞穴。

* There being ice on the road, I told the driver to slow down. 路上有冰,我让司


* Everything considered, his plan seems better. 从各方面考虑,他的计划似乎好


Task 11 Choose the best answer from the four choices.

1. What seemed most to me was that no one thought of his own safety. A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised D. to surprise2. Now that we’ve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decision

? A. taking B. take C. taken D. to take3. In the dream, Peter saw himself by a fierce wolf, and he woke suddenly

with a start. A. chased B. to be chased C. be chased D. having been chased4. by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind

farms on their land. A. Being encouraged B. Encouraging C. Encouraged D. Having Encouraged5. Five people won the “China’s Green Figure” award, a title to ordinary

people for their contributions to environmental protection. A. being given B. is given C. given D. was given6. , we started looking for work. A. Being spent B. Having been spent C. All the money being spent D. All the money having been spent7. We went into a large waiting room a large fan overhead. A. with; spin B. with; spinning C. /; spin D. /; spinning8. He was seen upstairs. A. going B. to go C. go D. gone


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9. The house is a big project. A. is building B. has been built C. being built D. built10. This , let us return to our subject. A. had been said B. has said C. has been said D. having been said

Task 12 Translate the following sentences by using participles. Some verbs and part of the sentences are given.

1. 我们不愿意接受这个令人失望的消息 (disappiont)。 We are unwilling to accept the news.

2. 瞧操场上在玩耍的孩子们。多可爱啊! Look at the children . How lovely!

3. 正在印刷的这本书将会很畅销。

The book will sell well.4. 是什么使价格不断上涨 (go up) ?

What keeps the prices ?5. 没有收到他的信,我感到很担心。

, I felt very anxious.6. 尽管生病了,他也没错过一节课。

, he didn’t miss a lesson.7. 她扫去了门前的落叶 (fall)。

She swept away the leaves in front of the gate.8. 他们把在车祸中受伤的人送到医院 (injure)。

They sent the man to the hospital.9. 听到他的话,我们感到很恐惧 (scare)。

We were very much at his words.10. 如果从高处看,这座城市更漂亮。

, the city looks better.

Practical WritingLetter of Recommendation







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信一般由三部分构成,视内容需要通常包含 2 ~ 8 个段落。

(1)开头段落(opening):1 个段落,说明写信推荐的目的,与被推荐人之间的


(2)主体部分(body):2 ~ 5 个段落,对被推荐人的优点、能力及个性的介绍



(3)结尾段落(final paragraph):1 个段落,对被推荐人是否能修读某专业或胜


Related Expressions:

1. with good analytical capability 有较强的分析能力 2. excellent ability of systematical management 有极强的系统管理能力

3. ability to work independent1y 能够独立工作

4. a person with ability plus flexibility 有能力及适应力强的人

5. a stable personality and high sense of responsibility 个性稳重,具高度责任感

6. work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force 能够在不同文化和工作人员的背


7. bright,aggressive applicants 反应快、有进取心的应聘者

8. ambitious attitude 有雄心壮志

9. initiative,independent and good communication skill 积极主动、独立工作能力强,并


10. mature and resourcefu1 思想成熟、应变能力强

Sample 1

To whom it may concern, I’m pleased to recommend Ms. Helen Chen for the position of financial

journalist to your news agency. Ms. Chen has been a trainee journalist in our company, AFP, for the last three summer vacations. She is very enthusiastic about her job and is endowed with an enquiring mind. Ms. Chen is an outstanding candidate. I recommend her highly for this position.

Ben Managing Editor

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Sample 2

Dear Professor Smith, It is my pleasure to recommend my student Mr. Wang Gang for admission

to your department for pursuing a master degree in accounting. I am engaged in accounting teaching at a university in Beijing, China. I

enjoy my work and all my Chinese students are so clever and friendly. However, Mr. Wang Gang excels almost any others. He is not only outstanding in the field of accounting but also gifted for the English language, for he seems to understand almost every word I say in class.

As for his personality, I find him honest, responsible, and cooperative. I bet you’ll like him too.

I recommend him enthusiastically. If you need further information regarding Mr. Wang Gang, do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards, Sincerely yours,


Writing Practice

Task 13 Write a recommendation letter according to the following information.

你是 Susan, 打算向国家体育主管部门介绍你的邻居,同时也是你的合作伙伴

Mr. John Wu,说明他在工作中表现良好,很受领导和同事喜欢的情况。

Listening and Speaking

Task 14 Talk with your partners about how important honesty is to you and how you feel when someone lies to you.

Useful expressions for reference:

1. Honesty is the best policy. 诚实是上策。

2. When one is honest in little things, then he is honest in big things. 小事上诚实,大事上也会诚信。

3. People can rely on you when you’re honest. 你诚信,别人会信任你。

4. Honesty builds the trust. 诚信建立信任感。




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5. A little white lie is ok. 善意的谎言未尝不可。

6. feel cheated 感觉被骗

7. be in deep sorrow 悲伤

8. be angry with sb. at sth. 对⋯⋯很气愤

9. take sth. with a grain of salt 不轻信

10. never trust sb. again 不再信任某人

Task15 Six people are talking about their opinions on honesty and dishonesty listen to it three times and try to sum up their ideas by finishing the following chart.

Is honesty important?

Is it okay to be dishonest?


Man 1 Yes. /when you’re honest in little things, then you’re honest .

Man 2 / when you’re honest.

Man 3 / is to prevent hurting other people.

Woman 1 / Good intention would be .

Woman 2 It dependsSometimes you should be .Sometimes some things don’t need to be said.

Woman 3 builds the trust, but a white lie could avoid hurting others.

Task 16 Listen to the conversations and pay attention to the highlighted expressions. And then practice it with your partner until you can speak it on your own.

Conversation 1 Mary: Hi, Tony. You look unhappy. What’s wrong? Tony: Oh, Mary. I made a big mistake. Mary: What happened? Tony: I really wish I hadn’t done it. Mary: What on earth are you talking about? Tony: I got caught cheating. I feel so ashamed. The teacher saw me and told me I failed.

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Mary: What were you thinking? Tony: You know my father. If I fail, he’ll kill me. I have to do well. Mary: But what you should do is to study hard. Tony: I know... I know... it’s all my fault. I feel awful that I didn’t study, and I

cheated, and I got caught. Mary: So long as you learn from your

mistakes. Tony: I know. I feel like a failure. My

father is going to be so disappointed when he finds out what I’ve done.

Conversation 2 Beth: I heard the boss yelling at Mike for some reason earlier

today. Do you know what it was about?Sally: Steve says that Mike made a mistake and then tried to

cover it, but the boss found out.Beth: Why didn’t he just own up and tell someone?Sally: He was so scared that he would be fired, I suppose.Beth: But when you have made a mistake, it is important to tell someone so that

it can be fixed.Sally: I bet that Mike wished you had told him that earlier.Beth: He won’t do that again—Mike is not a fool, and only fools make the same

mistake twice.Sally: You are always the smart one with good advice.

Task 17 Listen to a short passage and try to answer the following questions.

1. Why has a student been expelled?.

2. What is a public secret?.

3. Why do students cheat?(1) Some students .(2) Some students .(3) Some students think when you choose not

to cheat.

Vocabulary Assistantcheat /tʃi:t/ vi. 作弊

ashamed /ə'ʃeimd/ adj. 羞愧的

awful /'ɔ:ful/ adj. 极坏的,极糟的

own up /'əun ʌp / 坦白

Vocabulary Assistantreveal /ri'vi:l/ v. 泄露

expel /iks'pel/ v. 把⋯⋯除名,开除

misbehavior /'misbi'heivjə/ n. 品行不端

struggle /'strʌgl/ v. 奋斗




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Task 18 Practice dialogues with your partner for the following situations. And then role-play it in front of the class.

Student A☆ ask B whether he knows Peter

did well on the math test this time☆ ask why and say Peter always

fails the math tests☆ guess Peter snuck a peek at

someone’s test paper☆ hope Peter won’t do it again

Student B☆ say he knew it when Peter

finished the exam ☆ say Peter sat by a math genius

that time

☆ say Peter was lucky

Task 19 Read the following humor loudly and try to retell it to your classmates in next class.

A man went to an insurance office to have his life insured.The manager of the office asked him how old his parents were when they died.“Mother had a bad heart and died at the age of thirty. Father died of tuberculosis when

he was thirty-five. ”“I am very sorry,” said the manager, “We cannot insure your life as your parents were

not healthy.”As the man was leaving the office, depressed, he met a elerk who had overheard the

conversation.“You must not be so frank and tell the truth,” said the clerk, “no office will insure you

if you speak like that. Use your imagination a little. ”The man went to another office and was shown into the manager’s room.“Well, young man, how old were your parents when they died?”“Mother was ninety-three, and she died from a fall off her bicycle. Father was ninety-

eight and he died while he was playing football. ”

Study Guide

How to Improve Your Oral English (3)1. Make an oral composition about a certain topic and record the composition on tape at

the same time. Then listen to the composition and find out the room for improvement. 2. Pay more attention to phrases and small words. The idiomatic oral English is abundant

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with short, active and vivid phrases. And most of such phrases are made of small words. 3. Learn and practice transitional phrases. Phrases that connect thoughts and ideas can

improve the flow of your speech. You can use words that add, generalize, exemplify, restate, contrast and summarize.

4. Practice with native speakers. Nothing can substitute for practicing your communication skills with native English speakers.

5. If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves. The most important thing about speaking is to express in the simplest way.


Take Minutes

Review this unit and make a summary of key words, useful expressions, important structures and grammar points for your future study.

Vocabulary Structure Grammar Listening and Speaking

A mother mouse was out for a stroll(漫步,闲逛) with her babies when she spotted a cat crouched(蹲伏,蜷缩) behind a bush. She watched the cat, and the cat watched the mice. Mother mouse barked fiercely, “Woof, woof, woof!”. The cat was so terrified that it ran for its life. Mother mouse turned to her babies and said, “Now, do you understand the value of a second language?”


