Ecclesiology: The Church I. The Nature of the Church II. The Church Universal III. The Church Local I. The Nature of the Church The Church and the Kingdom of God FIRST — We want to mark at the beginning the relationship of the Church and the Kingdom of God. What is the kingdom of God? Well, it is

Ecclesiology: The Church I. The Nature of the Church II. The Church Universal

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Ecclesiology: The Church I. The Nature of the Church II. The Church Universal III. The Church Local I. The Nature of the Church The Church and the Kingdom of God FIRST — We want to mark at the beginning the relationship of the Church and the Kingdom of God. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Ecclesiology: The Church   I.  The Nature  of the Church  II.  The Church  Universal

Ecclesiology: The Church

I. The Nature of the Church II. The Church UniversalIII. The Church Local

I. The Nature of the Church

The Church and the Kingdom of God

FIRST — We want to mark at the beginning the relationship of the Church and the Kingdom of God.

What is the kingdom of God? Well, it is best defined as the rule of God.

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WHERE is the Kingdom of God?

The kingdom of God is present wherever God is reigning.

What is the relationship of the Church to the kingdom?

Surely it is this: the Church is an expression of the kingdom but is not to be equated with it. The kingdom of God is wider and bigger than the Church. Lloyd-Jones, D. M. (1998). The church and the last things (4). Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books.

The Great Division: The World and the Church

QUOTE: DML-J Authentic Christianity p. 77 (1st U.S. ed.) (77).

Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books.)

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The World — Human beings trying to organize themselves and their lives without God.

The Church — Men and women who have been taken from the world, though they still live in it, and are joined to this other body of people whom they resemble in most essential respects— the Christian church.

The Greek word which is translated ‘church’ is the term ekklesia = ‘those who are called out’ — ‘called together’.

In Greek culture this word was not used exclusively of Christians

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It was used to speak of those called out of society for some particular function and purpose.

We can translate ekklesia by the word ‘assembly’.

EXAMPLE: In Acts 19 we have the account of a riot a meeting that took place that in Ephesus which almost became a riot

The town clerk calls it an assembly, an ekklesia — because a number of people had come together.

REMEMBER — The Holy Spirit did not just inspire thoughts — He breathed out the very words to be used in the Scriptures.

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He — by divine choice — took this word — ekklesia

And did to THIS word what He loves to do

Take things common and fallen — and because of the Cross of Jesus — give to them divine meaning and purpose.

Elevate them — use them — to speak of the most glorious works and expressions of God.

EXAMPLE: grace – common greek greeting.

The Holy Spirit chose to use charis to speak of the matchless and undeserved kindness of God in saving us

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In so doing He has forever ELEVEATED that common word — giving it divine meaning and purpose.

He does the same with the word ekklesia

He chooses THAT word to identify and speak of those called out of the world to be the EXPRESSION of the rule of God in a world that is totally outside of that rule.

SO we have this GREAT DIVISION

The ekklesia and the world

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II. The Church Universal

Eph. 1:22-23 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, 23Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

That is the Church universal

The whole number of the redeemed who look to Christ as their life and their authority.

In this sense there could never be such a thing as churches.

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There is only "one body" (Ephesians 4:4) — thus there is only ONE Church,

Within the Church Universal ALL are on level ground BEFORE Christ and IN Christ

III. The Church LocalPhilippians 1:1 To all the saints in Christ Jesus WHO ARE IN PHILIPPI




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These people — gathered OUT of the world — placed INTO Christ — were placed into communities  CRUCIAL: The word "church" in the NT never refers to a building or a place --- It always refers to a people:

Either the total number of believers who have ever lived (Eph 1:22-23 and 1 Cor. 12:28)

Or a local group of those believers in a particular city and/or in a particular house.

Acts 11:22 refers to the "church in Jerusalem,"

1 Corinthians 1:2 refers to the "church of God which is at Corinth,"

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1 Corinthians 16:19 says, "The churches of Asia send greetings. Aquila and Prisca, together with the church in their house, send you hearty greetings in the Lord."

In Colossians 4:15 Paul sends greetings "to Nympha and the church in her house."

And Paul's letter to Philemon is also addressed to "the church in your house.”


The universal body of Christ including all believers of all times --- the saints IN CHRIST

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THEN — we find the CHURCH LOCAL ---

Christians associated because of their geographic togetherness in a city….

Sometimes so few in number that they could all meet in one home.

CRUCIAL INSIGHT: People often CONFUSE the Church with the church.

As you read and study the New Testament

1.) You see the clear distinction between the CHURCH UNIVERSAL and the CHURCH LOCAL

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2.) You can not miss the FACT that God’s plan for exalting Jesus in worship, the Word, in missions --- lies solely with the local assembly.

That being said --- What is it that CONSTITUTES a local church?

I would define a local church like this: a group of men and women who

recognize the lordship of Jesus Christ

are truly born again

and as such are members of the unseen spiritual Church, the true body of Christ. Lloyd-Jones, D. M. (1998). The church and the last things (7). Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books.

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These men and women meet regularly

> to worship God through Jesus Christ

> to be exhorted from the Word of God,

> to celebrate the Lord's Supper

> under the guidance of duly appointed leaders.

By definition — 

Para-church organizations — Home gatherings that do not possess these essentials

Do not constitute God’s ordained economy of the local church.

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Believers should never be content with participation in any of these groups while neglecting the regular life of the local church.

Which leads us to our third point here.

3.) There is no Divinely prescribed authority from OUTSIDE of the local assembly that can dictate in matters of worship, ministry, missions.

We will see in the course of our study in Ecclesiology that Paul appointed elders in all the churches (Acts 14:23),

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He gave instruction about the qualifications of deacons and elders in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1

He said that Christ had given these pastor-teachers to the church to equip

Historically — there have been disagreements about what to call these leaders and how to organize them.

But historic Christianity has always affirmed that

> They must be present in a group in order for that group to be a church

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> And these divinely appointed offices are necessary for

The SAFETY of the flock ---

The NURTURING and GROWTH of the believer

It is crucial that Metro have a clear and Biblical Ecclesiology for




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If NOT – we will INEVITABLY end up with one of two things


Where the strongest personalities push their ways into places of influence


Though not Metro’s official doctrinal position

People will decide that majority rules — and make decisions whether or not pastoral leadership is on board.

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Ecclesiology: Elders and Deacons

I. The Role of Jesus II. The Role of EldersIII. The Role of DeaconsIV. The Role of Members

ALL DOCTRINE begins with a proper CHRISTOLOGY

For men to rule Biblically and effectively in the Church they MUST have a HIGH VIEW of Jesus!

As the male leadership of the Church they should aspire to BE LIKE Jesus

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CHRISTOLOGY is the core component of EVERY ASPECT of theology because THEOLOGY is all about JESUS.

I. ECCLESIOLOGY begins with the understanding that JESUS is THE SENIOR PASTOR of the church.

Jesus is the HIGHEST AUTHORITY in the Church Jesus Christ is the apostle who planted THE Church

Hebrews 3:1 ESV Therefore, holy brothers, ◙ you who share in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession,

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In 1 Peter 5:4 Jesus is called the Chief Shepherd

The elders and pastors of a local church are men chosen by Jesus, doing what Jesus is telling them to do!


Colossians and Ephesians repeatedly say that Jesus is the HEAD OVER the Church.

Matt. 16 Jesus said I will build MY Church

Church growth is the work of Jesus. Evangelism is the work of Jesus.

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Attraction of men and women to a local church is the work of Jesus

CRUCIAL: Jesus said – When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me. (John 12:32)

The Goal of Metro was NEVER to merely plant a church

The goal was to EXALT Jesus — in worship — in the teaching and preaching of His Word!

When Jesus is exalted you get a church.

When Jesus is lifted up

Lives get changed

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People get saved People gather together.


Jesus — in the Book of Revelation — is also the One shuts down local churches when they are faithless or fruitless

He literally turns off the lights — “removes their lampstands.” (Rev. 2:5)

In order to have a proper understanding of the nature of the local church ----

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We MUST understand that it is Jesus Christ who

Plants the church

Leads the church

Grows the church

Disciplines the church

And if need be – closes down the church

AS we look at this thing we call “Metro” we need to read the NT and reflect upon all that God does IN and FOR the church

It is AWESOME to see what is guaranteed by the goodness of God!

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The saving of souls

The growing of the church

The raising up of leaders

The gifting of the people who will be a part of making the work mature

ALL of that is done by God.

The Church is OF Him and BY Him.

We SHOULD find tremendous PEACE and REST and ASSURANCE in this truth!

IF we really believe these things we should SLEEP WELL — rest our sometimes tear stained faces on HIS chest!

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I. The Role of JesusHe is the chief shepherd….

The Object of affection…. The focal point and exalted One of every sermon…

The point of every area of ministry…

The focus of every individual in the local church

Jesus is the One who plants the local church

grows the local church

is going to select the leaders

will gift the people and call them to service

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The Church is HIS — not ours!

Acts 20:28 Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.

Eph. 5:25-27 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.

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We must NEVER have a lower view of the Church than to see it as the blood bought possession of Jesus — the Bride of Christ

IF we do — the result will inevitably be that we dishonor Him and devalue His purchased possession.

we will play church and make the church our play thing.

IF we do — the result will inevitably be that we supplant Jesus as the One doing that work

And we will act as if the ekklesia is somehow the result of our work — ours to do with as we please

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IF we do — the result will inevitably be thatchurch government will be twisted into into church politics

We will make church leadership a matter of

Personal preference


Prestige or personality


Financial power

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The Church/church is the Lord’s

It is HIS to govern — to gift — to call — to direct.



II. The Role of EldersIII. The Role of DeaconsIV. The Role of Members