eCAR portal Help Manual DEV-TSL-CLS-PDC 25 January 2012 Amadeus s.a.s 485, Route du Pin Montard-Les Bouillides B.P. 69 06902 Sophia Antipolis - Cedex France Amadeus Confidential Information: Unauthorized use and disclosure strictly forbidden. ©2011 - Amadeus s.a.s - All Rights Reserved.

eCAR portal Help Manual - Amadeus.comThe Amadeus Cars application offers the capability to book cars worldwide through the Amadeus system and on more than 30 Car rental companies or

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Page 1: eCAR portal Help Manual - Amadeus.comThe Amadeus Cars application offers the capability to book cars worldwide through the Amadeus system and on more than 30 Car rental companies or

eCAR portal

Help Manual


25 January 2012 Amadeus s.a.s 485, Route du Pin Montard-Les Bouillides B.P. 69 06902 Sophia Antipolis - Cedex France Amadeus Confidential Information: Unauthorized use and disclosure strictly forbidden. ©2011 - Amadeus s.a.s - All Rights Reserved.

Page 2: eCAR portal Help Manual - Amadeus.comThe Amadeus Cars application offers the capability to book cars worldwide through the Amadeus system and on more than 30 Car rental companies or


Last update: 1711/2011

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Purpose of this document The purpose of this document is to support the users of eCAR portal in the usage of the application.

Intended Audience This document is aimed at those who will work with the eCAR application . The Help pages can be used by anyone who wants to have a look to the application and understand how it behaves . Cars Marketing ACC-M&D-TBG-CAR-PMG Cars Product Definition DEV-TSL-CLS-PDC Cars Development DMS Team CIS-FK2 Team


Structure of this Document This document is composed of the following parts:

Preface states the purpose of this document, provides details of the intended audience and other supporting information.

Introduction explains the functional and/or technical issues addressed by this product. Product pre-requisites and limitations are outlined in this section.

Detailed screen design gives details on how each page looks like and the behavior for each element present on the page.

Glossary provides a list of general terms and abbreviations

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1.1. Context

The Amadeus Cars application offers the capability to book cars worldwide through the Amadeus system and on more than 30 Car rental companies or group of car rental companies. In order to permit bookings , there are several supporting applications that allow the Car Providers and Amadeus to administrate and manage data . Currently, Car Providers can administrate and manage their data using WebCMU and Car multimedia. Each car provider has defined specific users that can login in these applications , depending on the permissions that they are granted, and perform update /add /delete actions on their own data stored in the Amadeus CARS Database. The access to these applications is done with separate links . The eCAR portal appeared based on the need to have a unique and centralized system , that would allow more flexibility and would be more intuitive for the users .

1.2. Summary

The portal eCAR is car specific and will enable the user – Amadeus employees or Car Providers - to log in and access (depending on rights associated to each user) the following applications :

CAR manual update CAR multimedia CAR maintenance

1.3. Prerequisites

The user has a dedicated Amadeus Office Id defined in the Amadeus Central System that gives him some security access to Amadeus Products, as well as a LSS account where the user permissions are defined.

The user needs to have the specific URL that allows him/her to access the portal.

The user is allowed to access at least one of the applications: WebCMU , CAR Multimedia

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1.4. Limitations

This document concentrates on the description of the eCAR portal; it does not intend to provide information related to WebCMU , CAR multimedia. For these two applications there are dedicated Help Manuals that can be accessed directly from the application.

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This section contains, in detail, the description of each screen the user can interact with when accessing the eCAR portal.


The Login Page screen prompts the user for a user ID, a Company Code, an Office ID, a password and other optional parameters to authenticate the user and allow the user to access the portal. LSS (Login Secure Sign) is called when the Sign In button is clicked to check/grant access based on all given input parameters.

1.5. Screen description

The following screenshot shows how the Login Page screen looks like:

Figure 4.1.1 - Login page

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Figure 4.1.2 - Login page change password

1.6. Access

Everyone (i.e. end-users, providers, travel agents…) can access the Login Page screen. This has different URLs for TEST and Production:

Test : www.post-development.carportal.amadeus.com

Production : www.carportal.amadeus.com

1.7. Page description

The portal login page enables the login of the user. This contains the following elements:

The Amadeus logo

A hyperlink to the Help Page Panel Link to chapter

The login image

The login panel , including the expandable change password

1.7.1. Fields

The following table describes each field of the Login panel: Fields Mandatory

(M)/ Optional (O)

Input format Default Value

User ID M Limited to 10 characters.

Previous value if stored in cookies.

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Company Code O Exactly 2 characters Previous value if stored in cookies.

Office ID O Exactly 9 characters – AAAVVMNNN where AAA is the IATA city code, VV is the company code, M the Corporate qualifier code and NNN is the number of the office from 001 to 999.

Previous value if stored in cookies.

Password M Limited to 10 characters.

Empty (always)

Keep as default sign in parameter

O Check box Unchecked

New Password: O Limited to 10 characters.


Confirmation: M when New Password field is filled in.

Limited to 10 characters.


Whenever the checkbox “Keep as default Sign in parameter” is ticked, the above parameters (except passwords fields) are pre-filled at page load.

1.8. Operations

This part lists all the transactions used by this screen. It provides what happens/what screens to go to dependent on the transaction outcomes.

1.8.1. Sign in

Outcome Next Screen Comments

Login successful Portal –Select application Screen Login successes when Sign in button clicked AND User ID/Company Code/ Office ID and Password are valid

Login failed Login Page screen with error returned as popup


The user ID is invalid.

Login fails if Sign in button clicked AND User ID is invalid for the Company Code entered.

The error is displayed in a popup.

Login failed Login Page screen with error returned as popup


The Organization is invalid.

Login fails if Sign in button clicked AND Company Code is invalid or does not exist.

The error is displayed using a popup.

Login failed Login Page screen with error returned as popup

Login fails if Sign in button clicked AND Office ID is invalid.

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The Office ID is invalid.

The error is displayed using a popup.

Login failed Login Page screen with error returned as popup


The password is incorrect.

Please retype your password. Letters in passwords must be typed using the correct case. Please make sure that Caps Lock key is not accidentally on.

Login fails if Sign in button clicked AND Password is invalid.

The error is displayed using a popup.

Login failed Login Page screen with error returned as popup


Account Locked . Please contact

Amadeus for unlocking the account.

Login fails if Sign in button is clicked 5 times with the incorrect password. In LSS users are allowed to have 5 attempts with their password and then the account is locked.

User has to contact Amadeus to unlock the account.

1.8.2. Change Password

Outcome Next Screen Comments

Change default Password

Login Page screen with error returned as popup


Please change your default password.

Login fails if the user has not yet changed his default password.

The error is displayed using a popup.

Change Password success

Portal –Select application Screen Login successes when Sign in button clicked AND User ID/Company Code/Office ID and Password are valid AND New password and Confirmation fields are valid.

A New password is valid if :

- its length is less or equal than 10 characters

-it matches the Confirm password

- it is different than the current password

The next time the end user signs in, he enters the new password.

Change Password failed

Login Page screen with error returned as popup


The New password exceeds 10 characters. Please try again.

Login fails when Sign in button clicked AND User ID/Company Code/Office ID and Password are valid AND New password field is not valid because :

- its length is more than 10 characters.

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The error is displayed using a popup.

Change Password failed

Login Page screen with error returned as popup


The New password field does not match the Confirmation field. The Confirmation field has to be entered exactly as in the New Password. Please try again.

Login fails when Sign in button clicked AND User ID/Company Code/Office ID and Password are valid AND New password and Confirmation fields are not valid because :

-both are not identical

The error is displayed using a popup.

Change Password failed

Login Page screen with error returned as popup


The New password can not be the same as the current one. Please try again.

Login fails when Sign in button clicked AND User ID/Company Code/Office ID and Password are valid AND New password is not valid because :

- it is not different than the current password.

The error is displayed using a popup.

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The Portal screen prompts the user with the applications that he/she can choose. Depending on the rights a user has, he/she might be able to choose:

CAR manual update CAR multimedia


1.1. Screen description

The following screenshot show how the Portal screen looks like:

Figure 2.1.2: Portal -Application selection –users with rights on CMU and Car multimedia

1.2. Access

The page can be visible to any Car provider or Amadeus employees . When the user is logged in , all the permissions and roles associated to the applications will be retrieved from our User security application. Based on that , if a user does not have rights on Car Multimedia or WebCMU the button/link for this application will not be visible.

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1.3. Page description

The portal page must enable the selection of the application the user needs to work on. This will contain the following elements:

The Amadeus logo

A left navigation menu

The Amadeus Cars image Image Links to the applications :

WebCMU CAR multimedia

1.3.1. Left menu:

Option Description

Help When clicking on Help in the Menu area, a popup window is displayed with the eCAR Portal help content.

Quit When clicking on Quit in the Menu area, the main panel will display the login page

1.3.2. Image Links

Link Description

Car Manual Update

Link to the WebCAMU application main page. This is visible depending on what rights are defined in LSS .

Car Multimedia

Link to the Car Multimedia application main page. This is visible depending on what rights are defined in LSS .

1.4. Operations

This part lists all the operations that can be performed on this screen. It provides what happens/what screens to go to dependent on the transaction outcomes.

1.4.1. Select application

Outcome Next Screen Comments

Click the Car Manual Update Link

Car Manual Update main page

When clicking on the image text, the main page from WebCMU application opens.

Click the Car Multimedia Link

Car Multimedia Main page When clicking on the image text, the main page from Car Multimedia application opens.

Interactivity time out (ITO)

Login Page screen with pop-up warning displayed .

After 60 minutes interactivity time out (ITO) occurs, in case no operation has been performed on the screen. . You are redirected to Login page to sign in again

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1.5. Other information

Only one session per application will be opened at each time. Meaning that, even though the user will click several times on Car Manual Update , only one TAB/new window will be opened – not more . Therefore, the End user might have different windows/tabs at the same time :one for eCAR portal , one for

Car Manual Update and one for Car multimedia .

For car provider user, with rights on their company : The Car Manual Update will be opened by default for the company the user belongs to . The Car Multimedia will be opened at the welcome screen, and then the user can only see and change the data of that specific company.