B Q Q M J D B U J P O H V J E F G P S K B Q B O F T F . T U Z M F F E V D B U J P O D P V S T F 31

修士課程 教育支援高度化専攻 日本型教育グローバ …...(教育部学历证书电子注册备案表) ・Epected raduates Online Veriication eport o Student ecord

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Page 1: 修士課程 教育支援高度化専攻 日本型教育グローバ …...(教育部学历证书电子注册备案表) ・Epected raduates Online Veriication eport o Student ecord

修士課程 教育支援高度化専攻



Page 2: 修士課程 教育支援高度化専攻 日本型教育グローバ …...(教育部学历证书电子注册备案表) ・Epected raduates Online Veriication eport o Student ecord

日本型教育グローバルコース 学生募集要項


1 募 集 人 員 Number of students to be admitted


Program コース



Admission processes


Number of students to be admitted 前期

First round


Second round




Program for Advanced Education Colleagues




Japanese-Style Education


一般選抜 General


A limited number



For applicants from partner universities

* “Partner university” means a university or an institute that holds an academic agreement with Aichi University of Education.

※ 募集人員は変更する可能性があります。 Number of students to be admitted may change.

2 出 願 資 格 Qualifications

一般 General外国籍を持ち,次の各号のいずれかに該当する者 Applicants must have foreign citizenship and have one of the following qualifications.

① 日本の大学を外国人留学生として卒業した者,及び令和3年3月までに卒業見込みの者

Those who graduated from a university in Japan as an international student by March 2021.

② 外国において 学校教育における 年の課程を修了した者 及び令和3年3月までに修了見込みの者 Those who have completed, or expect to graduate from 16 years of formal school education outside Japan by March 2021.

③ 外国において学校教育における 年の課程を修了し,本学大学院が,所定の単位を優れた成績を もって修得したものと認めた者

Those who have completed 15 years of formal school education outside Japan and have their academic records approved by Aichi University of Education.

④ その他本学大学院が,①と同等以上の学力があると認めた者 Others who are recognized to be of equivalent standing as those specified in ① by

Aichi University of Education.

〔注1〕本コースに出願を希望する者は,事前に本学教務企画課( )に相談してく


Note 1: Applicants for Japanese-Style Education Course (General admission process) should consult Educational A airs Division (TEL: 0566-26-2679) beforehand.


Page 3: 修士課程 教育支援高度化専攻 日本型教育グローバ …...(教育部学历证书电子注册备案表) ・Epected raduates Online Veriication eport o Student ecord

〔注2〕出願資格③により出願する場合は 出願資格の事前審査を行います。 ページの詳細を参照 してください。

Note 2: Applicants falling under category ③ must undergo a preliminary eligibility screening, which is described on p. 42.

〔注3〕出願資格④において同等以上の学力があると認めた者とは次の者をいいます。 大学教育修了までの学校教育の課程が 年に満たない国において大学教育を修了した者で,

大学教育修了後,日本国内又は国外の大学若しくは国立大学利用機関等これに準ずる研究機関 において,研究生,研究員等として相当期間(おおむね1年以上とする)研究に従事しており, 令和3年3月 日までに 歳に達する者

Note 3: Qualification ④ is applicable to graduates of a university in a country whose formal education up to university is completed in less than 16 years. They must have conducted research as a research student or a research fellow in a university or equivalent in or outside Japan for approximately one year, and be at last 22 years old

by March 2021.

交流協定締結校特別選抜 For applicants from partner universities上記 (1) の条件に加え,次の各号を全て満たす者 In addition to the requirement of (1), applicants must have all the following qualifications.

① 交流協定締結校に現在在籍する者又は卒業・修了後1年以内である者

Those who are currently enrolled at AUE’s partner universities or those who have graduated from AUE’s partner universities within 1 year.

② 学力成績が優秀で,愛知教育大学大学院教育学研究科のアドミッションポリシーに合致しているとし

て,所属長が責任を持って推薦する者 Those who have excellent academic records, and are recommended by the head of the organization to which the applicants belong (for example, the president of the university, the dean of the faculty, or the director of the department), who are responsible for recommending them as a prospective graduate student sought by the admission Policies of the Graduate School, Aichi University of Education.

3 入 試 説 明 会 Orientation for entrance examinations


日時:7月 日(日)午後

場所:愛知教育大学 本部棟3階 第一会議室(予定)


Date : Sunday, July 26, 2020 Place : Administration Building 3F, Aichi University of Education Details will be notified on the webpage of Aichi University of Education.

4 出 願 期 間 Period of application 前期:令和2年8月7日(金)から8月 日(木)まで 後期:令和2年 月 日(金)から 月 日(木)まで

出願書類の提出は郵送に限る。最終日の 時までに入試課に必着すること。 ただし,前期:8月 日(火),後期: 月 日(火)以前の郵便局受付印(消印)のある「書留


First round : Friday, August 7 through Thursday, August 20, 2020. Second round : Friday, October 16 through Thursday, October 22, 2020.

Applications submitted by postal mail must be delivered to the office by no later than 5 p.m. on the last day.

However, applications that arrive past that deadline will be accepted if they are sent by “registered express mail” and are postmarked on or prior to Tuesday, August 18, 2020 (First

round), Tuesday, October 20, 2020 (Second round).


Page 4: 修士課程 教育支援高度化専攻 日本型教育グローバ …...(教育部学历证书电子注册备案表) ・Epected raduates Online Veriication eport o Student ecord

5 出 願 手 続 Application procedure 志願者は,次の出願書類を一括して提出してください(封筒の表に「大学院日本型教育グローバルコ

ース出願書類在中」と朱書し,必ず書留郵便で送付してください) Applicants are required to submit all of the following documents in one package

Packages if submitted by postal mail must be marked as “Japanese-Style Education Course” in red ink on the front of the envelope and be sent by registered mail

出 願 書 類 Documents to be submitted in the package include


ものをプリントアウトし作成してください。 Note: Please use the form prescribed by Aichi University of Education either by using the form included with this guidebook or by printing off the forms provided on the university website

① 入学志願票・受験票

:本学所定の様式(氏名は,在留カードに記載されるものを記入してください) Application form and examination voucher: Use the specified forms, which can be obtained from Aichi University of Education. (Applicant's name should be written the same as shown on his/her alien registration card.)

② 大学の卒業証明書又は卒業見込証明書 ※コピー不可 :出身大学長が作成したもの。なお,原本を提出できない者にあっては,公的証明機関(大学


認めません。外国語で書かれた証明書等には,日本語訳を添付してください。 ※中国(台湾,香港,マカオを除く。)の大学を卒業した者,又は卒業見込みの者は,“毕


中国教育部認証システム(中国高等教育学生信息网 http://www.chsi.com.cn/xlcx/bgys.jsp)により以下の書類を取得し,併せて提出してください。なお,提出時点でWeb認証の有効期


既卒者の場合:学歴証書電子登録票 (教育部学历证书电子注册备案表) 卒業見込み者の場合:オンライン在籍認証レポート(教育部学籍在线验证报告) A certificate of graduation ( or expectation of graduation ) from a university issued by the president of the university, or its copy which is certified by a notary public (universities, etc.). Certificates without an official seal are not accepted. Certificates or other documents written in a language other than Japanese must have a Japanese translation attached to the original documents. ※If you are a graduate or an expected graduate of a university in China (excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau), please obtain the following documents by downloading it from the website for higher education qualification certificate verification by the Chinese Ministry of Education : “中国高等教育学生信息网(CHSI)” (http://www.chsi.com.cn/xlcx/bgys.jsp), and submit it to us together with the “毕业证书 (Certificate of Graduation) ” and “学士学位证书 (Certificate of a Bachelor's Degree)” (or its copy which is certified by a notary public (universities, etc.)). Be sure to check that there are 6 or more months left until the expiration date of the online verification at the time of its submission. ・Graduates: Online Verification Report of Higher Education Qualification Certificate (教育部学历证书电子注册备案表) ・Expected Graduates: Online Verification Report of Student Record


③ 大学の成績証明書(又はこれに代わるもの) ※コピー不可 :出身大学長が作成したもの。なお,原本を提出できない者にあっては,公的証明機関(大学




Page 5: 修士課程 教育支援高度化専攻 日本型教育グローバ …...(教育部学历证书电子注册备案表) ・Epected raduates Online Veriication eport o Student ecord

Academic transcripts (or equivalents) issued by the president of the university, from which the applicant graduated or its copy which is certified by notary public (universities, etc.). Transcripts without an official seal are not accepted. Certificates or other documentswritten in a language other than Japanese must have a Japanese translation attached to the original documents.

④ 入学検定料受付証明書貼付票・写真票


すること。 前期:令和2年8月 日(木)まで

後期:令和2年 月 日(木)まで 本要項に同封の「入学検定料払込書」の「ご依頼人」欄に,志願者本人の氏名 3か所 ・住所等

2か所 を記入し,最寄りのゆうちょ銀行又は郵便局の窓口に現金を添えて払い込み,検定料 円)を払い込んだことを証明する「入学検定料受付証明書」(振替払込受付証明書:日付





Applicants are required to pay the Entrance Examination Fee (30,000 yen) at a post office or Japan Post Bank through the telegraphic transfer of a postal money order by the following date. First round : Thursday August 20, 20 Second round : Thursday October 22, 2020

Please note that applicants must use the Telegraph Transfer Form (haraikomi-sho) provided in this Application Guide*. Applicants are also required to paste a slip of the Telegraphic Transfer Form (stamped with the date of payment) onto the Proof of Payment of Entrance Examination Fee provided, and submit it with the other required documents. *The Entrance Examination Fee is not required for grantees of Japanese government scholarships, those who are currently enrolled at AUE’s partner universities or those who have graduated from AUE’s partner universities within 1 year.

なお,東日本大震災(平成 年3月)及び熊本地震(平成 年4月),大阪北部を震源とする

地震(平成 年6月),平成 年 月豪雨及び北海道胆振東部地震(平成 年9月)関連で被災又


検定料を支払う前の,出願開始日1週間前までに本学Webサイト「入学検定料の免除について」 (https://www.aichi-edu.ac.jp/exam/info/kentei_menjyo.html)を確認の上,申請してください。 Please note that applicants or persons paying fees on an applicant’s behalf who were directly affected by, or evacuated as a result of the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011, the Kumamoto Earthquake of April 2016, the Osaka Earthquake of June 2018, the Heavy Rain Event of July 2018 or the Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake of September 2018 may be entitled to an exemption from the Entrance Examination Fee; such persons should examine the information presented on the “About Exemption from Entrance Examination Fees” (https://www.aichi-edu.ac.jp/exam/info/kentei_menjyo.html) (Japanese language only) section of the University’s website and submit an application for exemption at least one (1) week prior to the date of commencement of the period for submission of applications, before paying the Entrance Examination Fee.

払い込まれた検定料は,次の場合を除き,返還しません。 ア 出願書類を提出しなかった場合

イ 検定料を誤って二重に払い込んだ場合 ウ 出願書類が受理されなかった場合

The Entrance Examination Fee is not to be refunded, except for the following case only. A. The applicant has failed to submit his or her application form by the prescribed date. B. The applicant has paid the Entrance Examination Fee twice. C. The application form has been rejected by University.


Page 6: 修士課程 教育支援高度化専攻 日本型教育グローバ …...(教育部学历证书电子注册备案表) ・Epected raduates Online Veriication eport o Student ecord

*検定料の返還請求方法 *How to Request an Entrance Examination Fee Refund



大学財務課出納係(〒448-8542 愛知県刈谷市井ヶ谷町広沢1)へ郵送してください。 なお,返還に係る振込手数料は請求者の負担とします。

前期:令和2年9月 日(金)まで 後期:令和2年 月6日(金)まで

Please create an “Entrance Examination Fee Refund Request Form” which includes and specifies the following items (1 to 7) on appropriate paper (letter paper, etc.). Be sure to always attach either a “Certificate of Proof of Postal Transfer” or a “Payment Receipt.” Please send the form via postal mail to Aichi University of Education Finance Division Treasurer Office (1 Hirosawa, Igaya-cho, Kariya, Aichi, 448-8542, Japan) no later than the following date. First round : Friday September 11, 2020 Second round : Friday November 6, 2020 In addition, the bank transfer fee for the refund is at the claimant's expense.


1 返還請求の理由 2 試験区分(教育学研究科日本型教育グローバルコース) 3 氏名(フリガナ) 4 現住所 5 連絡先電話番号 6 返還請求額 7 返還金振込先 ・金融機関名(可能な限り,郵便局・ゆうちょ銀行以外

の金融機関),支店名 ・預金種別(当座・普通),口座番号 ・口座名義人(フリガナ) ・口座名義人が志願者と異なる場合は,志願者との続柄

Graduate School Entrance Examination Fee Refund Request Form

1. Reason for the refund request 2. Test category (Graduate School of Aichi University of Education (Master's course) Major: Japanese-

Style Education Course) 3. Full name (name in katakana registered with the bank) 4. Current address 5. Telephone number 6. Amount requested for refund 7. Financial institution information (required in order to send your refund)

・Name of your financial institution (if possible, please provide us with a financial institution other than Japan Post Bank), and branch name

・Type of account (current account or regular deposit account) and account number ・Name of account holder (name in katakana registered with the bank) ・If the account holder is not the applicant, please tell us how the account holder is related to the


⑤ これまでの研究活動や社会的活動等の報告書(交流協定締結校特別選抜志願者)

:任意の様式を使用してください。氏名とコース名を必ず明記してください。日本語又は英語 で記入してください。論文等,他の参考資料もあれば提出してください。

Descriptions of your past research experiences or social activities (For applicants from partner universities):Free format. Be sure to write your name and course name. Describe them in Japanese or English. Additional documents (for example, academic articles) may be submitted.


Page 7: 修士課程 教育支援高度化専攻 日本型教育グローバ …...(教育部学历证书电子注册备案表) ・Epected raduates Online Veriication eport o Student ecord

⑥ 入学後の研究計画の概要 :任意の様式を使用してください。氏名とコース名を必ず明記してください。日本語又は英語で

記入し,日本語の場合は 字程度でまとめてください。 Summary of your research plan:Free format. Be sure to write your name and course name. Write your research plan in Japanese or English. If you use Japanese, summarize it in about 1,200 Japanese characters.

⑦ 所属長等の推薦書(交流協定締結校特別選抜志願者) :任意の様式を使用し,所属長又は指導教員等の署名を入れてください。

Recommendation letter by the dean or the supervisor (For applicants from partner universities): Free format. Handwritten signatures by the dean or the supervisor must be accompanied.

⑧ 国費外国人留学生証明書 :現在国費留学生である者は,在学している大学発行の証明書を提出してください。

Certificate of Japanese government scholarship: Grantees of Japanese government scholarship must submit a certificate issued by the university in which they are currently enrolled.

⑨ 受験票返送用封筒1枚

:長形3号の封筒を用意し 郵便番号・住所・氏名を明記し 円分の切手を貼ってください。 なお,国内発送に限ります。 One examination voucher return envelope: Please use a rectangular No. 3 size envelope (12cm by 23.5cm); write your name, address and postal code on the envelope, and affix a 374-yen stamp to the envelope. Limited to domestic shipping.

⑩ 宛名票 :本学所定の様式に,受験案内及び合格通知書等の受け取り先の郵便番号・住所・氏名を 明記してください。なお,国内発送に限ります。 Self-addressed Labels: Self-addressed labels must be in the format specified by Aichi University of Education, and must clearly state the name, address and postal code for the recipient of the Examination Guide or Examination Results Notification Form, etc. Limited to domestic shipping.

出 願 先 Mailing address 〒 - 愛知県刈谷市井ヶ谷町広沢1 愛知教育大学 入試課 : Registrar and Admissions Office, Aichi University of Education,

1 Hirosawa, Igaya-cho, Kariya, Aichi 448-8542, Japan そ の 他 Others 出願書類提出後は記入事項の変更を認めません。

また,いったん受理した出願書類は返還しません。 After submission, no change of application documents is accepted.

The documents once received, will not be returned.


Page 8: 修士課程 教育支援高度化専攻 日本型教育グローバ …...(教育部学历证书电子注册备案表) ・Epected raduates Online Veriication eport o Student ecord

6 受験票の交付 Delivery of the examination voucher for the examination

受験票は,受験案内を同封して試験日の約1週間前に発送します。 The examination voucher for the examination will be sent out about one week before the

exam date along with the Examination Guide.

7 選 抜 方 法 Selection Procedure 入学者の選抜は,事前提出書類(入学後の研究計画の概要),本学が行う学力検査,出身大学の

長から提出される成績証明書(又はこれに代わるもの)等を総合して行います。 Selection will be made based on the results of an entrance examination and the academic

transcript issured by the president of the university from which the applicant graduated (or its equivalent).

一般選抜の学力検査は,次の A 及び B の試験によって行い,交流協定締結校特別選抜の学力 検査は,次の B の試験によって行います。 Applicants (General admission process) are evaluated on (A) the written examination in a selected subject of study, and (B) Oral examination in Japanese or English. Applicants from partner universities are evaluated on (B) Oral examination in Japanese or English.

A 専門に関する試験 Written examination in a selected subject of study 専門科目についての学力試験(志望の分野により実技試験も含む) Written examination in the selected specialty or area of specialization. Practical exams may be included depending on the area of specialization.

B 日本語又は英語による口述試験 Oral examination in Japanese or English 主として専門科目に関する内容とし,総合的に判断します。

The interview will focus mainly on the area of study chosen by the applicant. A comprehensive judgment will be made.

学力検査期日 Examination Date 前期:令和2年9月 日(土)

後期:令和2年 月7日(土)

First round : Saturday, September 12, 2020 Second round : Saturday, November 7, 2020

学力検査場 Examination Site 愛知教育大学(詳細は受験案内で通知します) Aichi University of Education (Details will be notified in the Examination Guide.)

試験時間割 Examination schedule

選抜 selection

区分 Admission processes

期日 date

専門に関する試験 Examination in

a selected subject of study 口述試験

Oral examination

前期 First round



9月 日 土

Saturday, September 12

~ ~



For applicants from partner universities

9月 日 土

Saturday, September 12


Page 9: 修士課程 教育支援高度化専攻 日本型教育グローバ …...(教育部学历证书电子注册备案表) ・Epected raduates Online Veriication eport o Student ecord

後期 Second round



月7日 土

Saturday, November 7

~ ~



For applicants from partner universities

月7日 土

Saturday, November 7


Details will be notified in the examination guide. 志願者数等の状況により,口述試験の日時を変更することがあります。

The oral examination time and date may change depending on the number of applicants. 災害等により学力検査の日時を変更する場合は,本学Webサイトにて詳細を公表します。

Should the date or time for the examination change due to a disaster, etc., details will be posted on the university website.

配点 Mark allocation

選抜の種類 Admission processes

一般選抜 General

交流協定締結校 特別選抜

For applicants from partner universities

入学後の研究計画の概要 Summary of your research plan 400 200

専門に関する試験 Written examination in a selected

subject of study 300

これまでの研究活動や 社会的活動等の報告書

Descriptions of your past research experiences or social activities


日本語又は英語による口述試験 Oral examination

in Japanese or English 300 400

総点 Overall score 1,000 1,000


Page 10: 修士課程 教育支援高度化専攻 日本型教育グローバ …...(教育部学历证书电子注册备案表) ・Epected raduates Online Veriication eport o Student ecord

8 合 格 者 発 表 Announcements of Succesful Applicants

日 時 前期:令和2年9月 日(月) 時

後期:令和2年 月 日(水) 時

Date/Time : (First round) Monday, September 28, 2020 10 a.m. (Second round) Wednesday, December 16, 2020 10 a.m.

発表方法 合格者の受験番号を愛知教育大学Webサイトに掲載します。

https://www aichi-edu ac jp/exam/entrance/grad html Means : The list of successful applicants' numbers will be announced on the

webpage of Aichi University of Education. https://www aichi-edu ac jp/exam/entrance/grad html

合格者には,合格通知書を即日郵送します。 なお,入学手続関係書類については合格通知書とあわせて郵送する予定です。 Where an applicant is determined to have passed the examination, an Examination Results Notification Form will be mailed out to that applicant on the same day. Please note that documents relating to admission procedures will be sent out together with the Examination Results Notification Form.


Note: Inquiries by telephone or other means will not be accepted.

9 入 学 手 続 Entrance Procedures

入学手続期間 Entrance procedure period

日 時 Date and Time 場 所 Place


First round

令和2年 月 日(木)~ 月 日(金)

: ~ : (ただし, ~ を除く)

9:00~12:00・13:00~16:00, Thursday , December 10 through Friday , December 11 , 2020 愛知教育大学

Aichi University of


Scond round

令和3年1月 日(木)~1月 日(金)

: ~ : (ただし, ~ を除く)

9:00~12:00・13:00~16:00, Thursday, January 21 through Friday, January 22, 2021

※ 郵送にて手続きの場合(書留郵便),それぞれ下記の期限までに学生支援課へ必着。 前期:令和2年 月 日(木),後期:令和3年1月 日(木) なお,上記期間内に手続きをしなかった場合は,入学する意思がないものとして取り

扱います。※ If the admission procedures are completed by post (by registered post), the required

documents must be submitted to the Student International Division by the following deadlines.

First round : Thursday, December 10, 2020 Second round : Thursday, January 21, 2021

Please note that if the admission procedures are not completed within the deadline specified above, the applicant will be deemed to have waived the opportunity for admission.

※ 入学手続期間までに在留資格が消滅する者は,入試課にお問い合わせください。

Note: In case your visa expires before the entrance procedures begin, call Registrar and Admissions Office at 0566-26-2203 or 2202.


Page 11: 修士課程 教育支援高度化専攻 日本型教育グローバ …...(教育部学历证书电子注册备案表) ・Epected raduates Online Veriication eport o Student ecord

納入金(入学料・入学時諸費用・授業料) Payment 納入金については,合格者宛てに送付する「入学手続要項」にて案内します。大学指定の

払込書にてゆうちょ銀行又は郵便局の窓口で納入してください。 なお,国費外国人留学生及び交流協定締結校特別選抜志願者を除きます。

You must pay the fee at a post office or Japan Post Bank using the Telegraphic Transfer Form provided. (Grantees of Japanese government scholarship and applicants from partner universities are exempted.)

入 学 料 Entrance Fee 282,000円

入学時諸費用 Insurance premium 32,430円(予定) 授業料 前期分 First semester Tuition Fee 267,900円 ( 年額 Per year 535,800円


時諸費用及び新授業料を適用します。 If fees are revised prior to and after enrollment, the revised amount will be applied

from the time of the revision.

注 1.入学料及び入学時諸費用は,入学手続き時までに必ず納入してください。 Note 1: The admission fees and required insurance premiums must be paid before the admission procedures can be completed.

注 2.入学時諸費用は,通学中や実習などの活動中の事故等に係る保険料,教育研究活動,


費用で,入学時のみの費用です。 Note 2: The admission fees include insurance for accidents during such activities as commuting to school and practical training, as well as fees for a variety of student support programs, such as support for educational research activities, university events, employment, extracurricular activities, and welfare. These fees apply only at the time of admission.

注 3.授業料の納入については,入学手続要項において納入方法を指示します。 Note 3: Instructions regarding the payment of tuition fees will be given in the Admission Procedure Guidelines.

注 4.入学手続終了者が,その後入学を辞退しても,納入済の入学料は返還しません。 Note 4: Paid admission fees will not be returned to applicants who complete the admissions procedure and then decline admission.

※ 試験に関する問い合わせ Contact address for other inquiries concerning the entrance examination

問い合わせ先 〒 - 愛知県刈谷市井ヶ谷町広沢1 愛 知 教 育 大 学 入 試 課

電話 ・

Registrar and Admissions Office, Aichi University of Education, 1 Hirosawa, Igaya-cho, Kariya, Aichi 448-8542, Japan

TEL: 0566-26-2203 or 2202

8 合 格 者 発 表 Announcements of Succesful Applicants

日 時 前期:令和2年9月 日(月) 時

後期:令和2年 月 日(水) 時

Date/Time : (First round) Monday, September 28, 2020 10 a.m. (Second round) Wednesday, December 16, 2020 10 a.m.

発表方法 合格者の受験番号を愛知教育大学Webサイトに掲載します。

https://www aichi-edu ac jp/exam/entrance/grad html Means : The list of successful applicants' numbers will be announced on the

webpage of Aichi University of Education. https://www aichi-edu ac jp/exam/entrance/grad html

合格者には,合格通知書を即日郵送します。 なお,入学手続関係書類については合格通知書とあわせて郵送する予定です。 Where an applicant is determined to have passed the examination, an Examination Results Notification Form will be mailed out to that applicant on the same day. Please note that documents relating to admission procedures will be sent out together with the Examination Results Notification Form.


Note: Inquiries by telephone or other means will not be accepted. 9 入 学 手 続 Entrance Procedures

入学手続期間 Entrance procedure period

日 時 Date and Time 場 所 Place


First round

令和2年 月 日(木)~ 月 日(金)

: ~ : (ただし, ~ を除く)

9:00~12:00・13:00~16:00, Thursday , December 10 through Friday , December 11 , 2020 愛知教育大学

Aichi University of


Scond round

令和3年1月 日(木)~1月 日(金)

: ~ : (ただし, ~ を除く)

9:00~12:00・13:00~16:00, Thursday, January 21 through Friday, January 22, 2021

※ 郵送にて手続きの場合(書留郵便),それぞれ下記の期限までに学生支援課へ必着。 前期:令和2年 月 日(木),後期:令和3年1月 日(木) なお,上記期間内に手続きをしなかった場合は,入学する意思がないものとして取り

扱います。※ If the admission procedures are completed by post (by registered post), the required

documents must be submitted to the Student International Division by the following deadlines.

First round : Thursday, December 10, 2020 Second round : Thursday, January 21, 2021

Please note that if the admission procedures are not completed within the deadline specified above, the applicant will be deemed to have waived the opportunity for admission.

※ 入学手続期間までに在留資格が消滅する者は,入試課にお問い合わせください。

Note: In case your visa expires before the entrance procedures begin, call Registrar and Admissions Office at 0566-26-2203 or 2202.


Page 12: 修士課程 教育支援高度化専攻 日本型教育グローバ …...(教育部学历证书电子注册备案表) ・Epected raduates Online Veriication eport o Student ecord

ページ「2 出願資格 ③による出願資格」の事前審査についてPreliminary Eligibility Screening for Applicants falling under category (1)③ (p.32)

本出願資格による志願者は,下記1の要件を満たす見込みについての事前審査を行いますので,下記2の審査書類を前期は令和2年7月3日(金),後期は令和2年 月5日(月)までに入試課へ郵送してください。Applicants with this qualification are requested to send the screening documents listed under number 2 below by post to the Registrar and Admissions Office by Friday, July 3, 2020 (First round), by Monday, October 5, 2020 (Second round) so that preliminary eligibility screening with regard to requirement 1 below can be carried out.

1 令和3年3月までに「外国において学校教育における 年の課程を修了し,本学大学院において,所定の単位を優れた成績をもって修得したものと認めた者」とは,次の条件を満たす者とします。Those who have completed 15 years of formal school education outside Japan by March 2021, must meet the following conditions, in order to have their academic records approved by the graduate school of Aichi University of Education.

教育制度が 年の課程を有している外国において学校教育の 年の課程を修了した時点で,次の条件をすべて満たす見込みであること。Those who have completed 15 years of school education in a foreign country which has a 16 years of school education system must meet all of the following conditions:

① 在学期間について Length of attendance休学期間を除き,外国において学校教育の 年の課程以上の在学期間を有していること。

Total length of attendance must be 15 years or more, without counting the period of absence from school.

② 修得単位数について Credits earned上記に定める期間において,修得する必要のある全ての科目を含め,卒業(修了)要件単位数の %

以上を修得していること。Applicants must have earned more than 80% of credits required for graduation, including those

of compulsory subjects.

③ 学業成績について Academic records上記に定める修得単位数において,修得単位数の %以上が最上位(点数評価の場合は 点以上)を得

ること。More than 90% of the credits earned must be in the top rank (or be marked higher than 85 outof 100 ).

教育制度が 年の課程を有している外国における学校教育の課程修了者については,修得単位数の %以

上が最上位(点数評価の場合は 点以上)を得ること。Those who have completed 15 years of school education in a foreign country which has a 15 years of school education system are required to have more than 90% of their credits be in the top rank ( or be marked higher than 85 out of 100 ).

2 事前審査提出書類

提出書類の詳細については,入試課にお問い合わせください。For details of necessary documents, ask at the Registrar and Admissions Office.

3 その他 Others

事前審査の結果については,出願期間開始日までに本人あてに通知します。なお,出願資格を認められた者が受験を希望する場合は, ページ 5出願手続 出願書類による書類

を出願期間内に提出してください。The result of the preliminary eligibility screening will be mailed to each applicant by the start date of the period of application. Those whose academic records are approved , if they choose to apply, are required to submit the application materials within the period of application printed on p. 34.

本出願資格により入学試験を受験し,合格と判定された者が,令和3年3月までに,前記1の要件を満たさない場合は,入学を許可しません。If the applicants fail to meet all the conditions stated above by March 2021, their candidacy will be cancelled even after they pass the preliminary eligibility screening and the entrance examination.


格を失うことになるので注意してください。Those who have completed 15 years of school education in a foreign country which has a 16 years of school education system, are advised to check, before filing their application, possible disadvantages of withdrawal from their undergraduate program. For instance, they may be disqualified for national examinations which require an undergraduate degree.
