EBVchips Eng End

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  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End



  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


    Ss aba a f bf f ss

  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End




    An AttrActive pArtnerShip

    From the originAl ideAS to the eBvs

    eBvs: even SmAll quAntitieS Are poSSiBle

    A clASSic win-win-win SituAtion

    whAt? when? how long?

    upgrAding And downSizing

    deSigned in europe, mAde in ASiA: no proBlem!

    long-term AvAilABility

    diStriBution iS todAy. tomorrow iS eBv!











  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


    Dear customers,

    True to our new slogan Distribution is today. Tomor-

    row is EBV, EBV Elektronik is taking yet another giant

    step orward: In addition to its role as a well-proven

    distributor o semiconductors or its manuacturing

    partners, EBV will rom 2010 onwards also defne its

    own semiconductors, which will then be produced by

    the manuacturers and distributed exclusively by EBV.

    For the frst time in the history o the semiconductor

    industry, one distributor is now providing even small

    and medium-sized companies with access to specially

    customised products eaturing state-o-the-art technol-

    ogy with the best price/perormance ratio.

    With EBVchips, we now represent the interace between

    many thousands o customers and the manuacturer.

    This takes semiconductor distribution to a whole new

    level. 2009 was the Darwin year o the semiconductor

    industry. Anyone who carries on as beore and ails to

    reach the next evolutionary stage with the products and

    services they oer will fnd things very difcult in the

    long run.

    When it comes to sales and product development,

    semiconductor manuacturers work very closely with

    their major, direct customers. By contrast, contact withsmall and medium-sized companies was, until recently,

    maintained exclusively at the distribution level. EBV,

    however, is now extending this indirect relationship to

    the product marketing and defnition level.

    It is not the strategy o the manuacturers to deal with

    the many thousands o individual customers who

    receive the support rom the distribution team; nei-

    ther can the manuacturers aord to do this rom an

    organisational point o view. In addition, customers in

    the medium-sized enterprise sector cannot generally

    achieve by themselves the quantities required to have

    customised products manuactured. This is where EBVcomes into play.

    Discuss your product ideas with your local EBV partner.

    We appreciate your suggestions and look orward to

    developing new products together!

    Yours sincerely,

    Slobodan Puljarevic,

    President and CEO o EBV Elektronik

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  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


    EBV Elektronik ocuses on customers rom vertical sales

    segments, or example, companies that manuacture

    wind turbines, vendor parts or vehicles, solar panels

    or blood sugar meters. For this reason, EBV has ormed

    specialist sales teams to provide dedicated support

    or customers in the vertical segments Automotive,

    Consumer, General Lighting, Medical, Renewable

    Energies and RFID. With the introduction o vertical

    sales segments, EBV ormed the basis or EBVchips. It

    now provides support or these segments throughout

    Europe, the Middle East and Arica (EMEA) and uses

    them to obtain key data and product requirements or


    It goes without saying, however, that all customers have

    access to EBVchips! EBV is always open to great ideas

    about products, regardless o the application or market.

    With regard to the various related conditions, EBV is

    also happy to make concessions or customers who

    play a key role in defning a new chip.

    EBVchips are produced by our manuacturers. They

    bear an original component number assigned by the

    manuacturer and are also stamped with the manuac-

    turers logo. EBV will then hold exclusive distribution

    rights or the component or between three to fve

    years, a period typical or this particular industry.


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  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


    Once a decision has been made to produce an EBVchip,

    the VSMEs (Vertical Segment Manager or the EMEA

    region) draw up the specifcations or the semiconduc-

    tor. These are then submitted to the manuacturer byEBV to clariy whether or not the semiconductor can

    actually be designed and produced. The manuacturer

    then proceeds to design the chip in accordance with the

    standard design process.

    The marketing and sales employees at EBV may all be

    engineers, but there is more to efcient chip design

    than simply drawing up the specifcations. This is why

    EBV employs experts who act as translators, that is,

    they translate the product marketing specifcations into

    a language that chip designers can understand.

    Even during this early translation process, EBV takesinto account the specifc strengths o the individual

    technologies and manuacturers and defnes what

    is best suited to which application. I more than one

    manuacturer is able to develop and manuacture the

    product in question, EBV will consider all potential

    manuacturers in order to achieve the best solution or

    the customers.

    In around 90% o cases, however, EBV already knows

    which manuacturer would be most suitable because o

    the very good understanding that it has, not only o its

    manuacturers product ranges, but also o their technol-

    ogy portolios. As a result, EBV customers always haveaccess to the technology that best meets their needs.

    The manuacturer is responsible or ensuring compli-

    ance with specifcations. As is the case with all semicon-

    ductors in the range, EBV will act solely as a distribution

    channel or these new, application-specifc semicon-

    ductors. Thereore, issues such as liability, warranty,

    qualifcation and long-term availability are also the

    responsibility o the manuacturers themselves.

    F oa ias eBvs

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  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


    The minimum quantities o EBVchips also vary de-

    pending on the application and type o semiconductor.

    Microcontrollers, or example, generally require several

    million EBVchips. By contrast, power modules or wind

    turbines, or example, may only require between 20,000

    and 30,000 EBVchips. As ar as manuacturers are

    concerned, minimum quantities depend on actors such

    as the application, chip size, housing and price. EBV,

    however, is happy to supply its customers with small

    quantities i required.

    The major direct customers the key accounts o the

    manuacturers have always had access to state-o-the-

    art technology and discuss ideas or products directly

    with the manuacturers.

    Until now, however, this has not been possible or medi-

    um-sized companies. With EBVchips, EBV is bundling its

    strengths to provide even small customers with access

    to brand-new specifcations and customised solutions

    with a more attractive price/perormance ratio. As such,

    EBV now represents the interace between many thou-

    sands o customers and the manuacturer and is taking

    semiconductor distribution to a whole new level.

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  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


    A Classic Win-Win-Win Situation

    The concept o EBVchips is highly attractive not only to

    customers but also to semiconductor manuacturers.

    For years they have been waiting, indirectly, or the op-

    portunity to obtain consolidated and detailed inorma-

    tion about exactly what it is that the many thousands o

    customers who transact their purchases via distribution

    need. This is why all the manuacturers surveyed by

    EBV are extremely enthusiastic about the idea o EBV-

    chips and want to support the initiative.

    EBV Through and Through

    EBV is the intellectual property owner o EBVchips.

    Non-disclosure agreements have been concluded with

    potential manuacturers o EBVchips to ensure that

    ideas remain protected.

    Once legal issues have been clarifed, the expert teams

    concentrate ully on the process o defning and design-

    ing the EBVchips. Depending on the manuacturer, the

    opportunity is always available to integrate not only the

    manuacturers IP blocks but also suitable third-party IPs.

    The Next Step

    With its extremely broad line card, EBV covers a huge

    product and technology portolio. EBV also wants to

    leverage this enormous potential beyond just manuac-

    turers. For example, it is currently planning, with the

    consent o all involved, to consolidate the technology

    developed by dierent manuacturers.

    These chips will initially be combined in a hybrid,although integration will soon take place in a multi-chip

    module as well.

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  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


    What? When? How long?

    EBV will soon be launching the frst EBVchips, although

    everyone is still very much in the learning phase. Ater

    all, this is uncharted territory that is being entered; no

    distributor has ever done anything like this beore. The

    aim now, in practice, is to fnd out the ollowing inor-

    mation: How long is the manuacturers design phase?

    How long does the manuacturer need or testing, qua-

    lifcation and so on? How long beore engineering sam-

    ples are ready? When will the frst orders be received?

    Under normal conditions at the manuacturing plant, it

    will take approximately nine months rom completion o

    the specifcations to completion o the frst set o chips:

    three months or design, three months or manuac-

    turing the frst waers and another three months or

    assembling, testing and packaging.

    Once the production processes have been established,

    EBV will then start integrating chips rom dierent man-

    uacturers or joint processing. EBV already has access

    to partners who are able to integrate dierent chips to

    orm a hybrid.

    The First EBVchips

    The frst EBVchips will be extremely solid and airly

    straightorward semiconductors. The biggest potential

    or these will be in analogue and mixed-signal products.

    Specifcally, EBV is planning to oer EBVchips or power

    modules or applications such as wind turbines. EBV

    will be particularly active in the area o power semicon-

    ductors, which are used in applications or renewable

    energies. Metering will also be another potential appli-cation in this area.

    EBV already has ideas, however, or EBVchips in all the

    other market segments as well.

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  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


    In the area o consumer electronics, EBV is pursuing a

    slightly dierent approach. Manuacturers currently o-

    er special controllers, or example, that eature a range

    o peripheral elements. But because consumer custom-

    ers do not necessarily need all these peripheral ele-

    ments, the corresponding chips are too big and, in turn,

    too expensive or such applications. For this reason, we

    are planning to downsize certain ICs to create smaller

    components in more compact packages and with ewer

    pins, which will ensure that these ICs are o better value

    than the original IC. In this way, the EBVchips can be ad-

    justed precisely in line with the required price point. As

    a result, we are ocusing our eorts on both high-level

    and low-level integration.


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  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


    Designed in Europe, Made in Asia: No Problem!

    Although very ew consumer devices are actually

    produced in Europe, many are designed here and not

    only end products such as TVs and set-top boxes. With

    EBVchips, you can also ultimately be sure that EBV not

    only provides support during the design-in phase, but

    can also deliver the required production quantities.

    Ater all, EBVchips are available exclusively rom EBV

    and, thanks to its parent company Avnet, EBV also op-

    erates a global delivery network.

    Tools, Evaluation Boards and Reference Platforms for


    In many cases, EBVchip customers can use existing

    development tools. However, i the EBVchip is a control-

    ler or similar product that requires special sotware, or

    example, EBV can also provide the relevant support.

    I necessary, EBV can also then collaborate with the

    manuacturer and other partners to create an evaluation

    board or even a reerence platorm.

    Analogue products do not generally require this kind o


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  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


    For many customers in Europe, the availability o semi-

    conductors over a long period is a basic requirement or

    the design-in. In the automotive industry, or example,

    suppliers have to be able to deliver their products or at

    least ten years. In addition to the actual specifcations,

    thereore, long-term availability is oten one o the mostimportant properties o semiconductors and, in turn,

    EBVchips as well.

    I a manuacturer or product area is taken over or sold,

    or a particular technology is discontinued, a fnal order

    can be placed as part o a last call. Since EBV owns the

    intellectual property o the specifcations, however, it

    can arrange to have the component produced by a di-

    erent manuacturer at any time. I necessary, EBV could

    also take the existing masks to a oundry. With EBV-

    chips, thereore, customers are always on the sae side.lt Aaab


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  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End


    The idea behind EBVchips is new and unique, but all

    good ideas will be copied at some point. However,

    the copy will never be as good as the original. Since

    our ounding in 1969, we have constantly redefned

    distribution strategies: rom FAEs and services such

    as laser-marking and programming as well as state-o-

    the-art logistics solutions through to intensive design

    support with reerence platorms developed by EBV

    itsel. The undamental idea behind EBVchips will one

    day be copied by other companies, but you can be sure

    that, as usual, EBV will be thinking o new ideas. Future

    concepts are already being planned, so be prepared or

    more surprises!


  • 8/8/2019 EBVchips Eng End



    Im Technologiepark 2-8 D-85586 Poing

    Tel. +49 (0)8121 774-0 Fax +49 (0)8121 774-422






