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  • 8/14/2019 ebook_Conversations Search for a Physics-Chemistry of Inn


  • 8/14/2019 ebook_Conversations Search for a Physics-Chemistry of Inn


    on the path he set, to determine a powerful protocol for effective action and as a consequence

    on any path designed to make things work as best as possible (routine project) or to make

    things work for the better (a continuous project ever in need of new projects-innovation).

    Why such knowledgeable disdain of Le changement dans la continuit? - Change

    through continuity or more commonly the more the change the less. The less! Could thelatter be the clue? Indeed I first learned of these notions not in my physics, chemistry, nor

    even in my mathematics classes, but upon head changes, within the organisation or strategic

    (undefined) organisational changes in view of unknown projects, seldom on defined project or

    concerning project aims although head counts are common practice. So much for difficult-

    to-grasp concepts & unwittingly in defence of common sense -wide spread, by definition and

    fear pretty well universal. E.F. Schumacher (3) calls this mapping. We find strategy and

    mapping associated in R. S. Kaplan and D. P. Nortons- The Balanced Score Card, (4)included in Harvard Business Reviews Fifteen Key Concepts (5). Strategy, and wait for it,

    the currently much discussed Sustainability, are defined by Porter also in Key Concepts (5)Project managers and IT candidates please read on.


    According to Prof. Latour, the basic problem that all innovators must face is known as The

    Innovators Dilemma which goes something like this: When you know you cant and when

    you can you dont know!

    At the start of the project, the project manage knows nothing or next to nothing of the

    reactions of the public, the financial people, suppliers, colleagues, all of whom together with

    machines must be brought together in order that the project may take shape. He can, however,

    very quickly modify, from A to Z, the nature of his plans in order to respond to his new found

    clients requirement.

    Latour continues, at the end of his project, he will know all he should about the resistance

    of materials, the reliability of components, the quality of sub-contractors, the loyalty of

    bankers and the passion of his clients, but he can no longer change his plans: Too late, they

    are moulded in bronze. The relevance of the situation struck me; pardon the metallurgical

    references, like the work piece by the forge master to such an extent that the innovators

    dilemma is again hammered home in Poster 0 A Zeroth Lawtaking the temperature.

    Cf. Annexe.

    So true! Then I got my wits back.

    This dichotomy (two opposing mutually exclusive propositions) is typical of what E.F.

    Schumacher (3); author of small is beautiful, calls divergent (or open ended) problems.

    The best-known divergent problem concerns educational methods of common knowledge to

    everyone but the most unfortunate under developed regions deprived of this experience:

    - Authority, discipline and obedience versus freedom- Freedom versus order

    And relevant to our models:- Growth versus decay.

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    By opposition, convergent problems can be solved, the more intelligently one studies them the

    more the answers converge, whoever you are, according to the physical and chemical laws of

    inanimate nature (3).

    The conflicting opposites (an understatement if ever there was one), Knowledge and

    Ignorance are obviously in the divergent category.

    But lets see, it may be instructive to liken the project manager to the young candidate seeking

    his first job? He has been confronted from a tender age with parents, family and relatives,

    friends, relations mostly teachers- not real people-to which most youngsters, at least in

    adolescence, will readily testify.

    At this point it is worth recalling that, teachers apart, this is the very group singled out as

    THE life-long, high priority group of people; Family, Friends and Relation, by management

    Guru, Stephan R. Covey. Covey is a Harvard graduate and Founding-Director of the Covey

    Leadership Centre in his very well structured, well illustrated, full of common sense, book

    (6). By the way, Covey is a teacher.

    If this sounds bad for the professional classes, Latours world of financial, industrial,

    commercial people not to mention the anxiety confronting the project manager, for the

    candidate job seeker, this is a disaster. The learning curve can be made to be very painful and

    depressing indeed.

    Funnily enough and perhaps a trifle cynically, salvation for both project manager and the job

    seeker, may have similar roots. Fortunate the enterprising youngsters, who have within their

    family circle some or all of the necessary experienced professionals with the necessary power

    and inclination!

    Now we could be accused of failing in our aim of setting up and evaluating projects which

    make things work for the better, individually and collectively. The latter when elevated to the

    level of a strategy is known as a WIN/WIN strategy a dichotomy in disguise. The

    WIN/WIN strategy is the most recommendable challenge in the eyes to Covey (6) who states

    that high personal qualities of courage, strength and respect of others are pre-requisites

    necessary to rise above, to transcend (3), the contradictions in order to achieve such an ideal.

    These qualities are developed through necessarily long, deep, self-knowledge, conscience,

    imagination, moral integrity and free will. For our purpose, it is sufficient to underline the

    values of gaining experience and independence.


    In the model just outlined :

    The innovator is faced with two intersecting paths or curves, one rising, representing

    knowledge acquisition, the other descending, representing the degrees of freedom or number

    of options open to the innovator. Naturally a good environment for innovation consists of a

    rapid learning curve of the world awaiting the innovator, as rapidly and as inexpensively as

    possible while closing the options available as tardily as possible.

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    Fortunately this is likely to correspond to the natural human desire for freedom and a

    rewarding life. The inspired innovator will try to learn as much and as fast as possible while

    maintaining all options open as far and as long as possible.

    On the basis that a picture is worth a long speech, it is fairly easy to draw up a universal

    framework (model) for the ideas exposed in (2). Life being what it is, Time representing Agecan be conveniently traced from the beginning, (Zero) to end (1 or 100%) and is represented

    by the horizontal X-axis. The Learning and Degrees of Freedom curves can be equally

    represented qualitatively in the same way from Zero to 1 on the vertical Y-axis.

    Thanks to Pareto, now over 150 years of age who bequeathed us the 80/20 Rule and Napier et

    als early worker on Natures natural logarithmic processes (400 years ago!) it is possible to

    draw up the first ideas approach to innovation shown in Graph-Model: 1 below, a veryClassical Model. Assuming the same logarithmic evolution (and coupling -dipole bonding!)

    for both learning and degrees of freedom and smooth progression slowing but no loss in total

    learning experience due to age- conveniently ignoring any Bell shaped clangers an early

    decent into purgatory and early terminal crash- it is an incredible coincidence that for anestimated life span of 100 years the 80/20 Rule describes pretty neatly our current formal

    school education systems in the EU and further a field!

    Graph-Model: 1

    From this it would appear that innovation is distinctly a young persons game. To a large

    extent this may be true and if so, further exaggeration such as Bell shaped normality- is

    likely to increase the incandescent nature of the human existence (7) or dare I suggest,


    However either the desire for eternal youth or the pleasure of seeing things work for the

    better would induce one to graph a more. Ideal Innovators Economy. (Graph-Model 2.)

    whereby all ones Faculties for Learning together with ones Freedom are conserved


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    Graph-Model 2

    Wishful thinking or a programme - political objective and agenda? Answers to such questions

    in fact constitutes the central theme of Latours well-referenced expos.

    The Life Long time scale extrapolation in Model 1, may be restated as; How can one

    make a good thing last? And as such is the sole responsibility of this authors, dare I say it,

    Inventive Unconsumed- Spirit further encouraged by selected refs. (3 7)

    To ensure a steep learning curve (freed from the excessive pressures of and complimentary

    tothe modern education system) Latour proposes the experimental method. Latour recallsthat this is not as easy as it sounds since it goes against common sense embodied in the

    concept: know before you act not to be confused with the still highly relevant look before

    you leap!

    So the good project manager is one who puts into action with the least deviation a plan

    prepared in the most minute detail. In fact the latter method can only be applied in the most

    routine cases rarely encountered in real project management. One does not acquire

    confirmed knowledge without action, one acts in order to gain knowledge, preferably in a

    profitable manner as he justifiably recalls for the benefit of Apprentice Sorcerers

    If I had read the book, I would use the Harry Potter (HP) analogy. I am deeply ashamed ofthis omission. Harry Potter books are an undoubted source of new (universal) models and

    (global) project ideas by all media reports including financial statements. [since corrected ]

    The experimental scientist confronted in permanence with the requirement of confirming or

    infirming theory and improving upon models (idealised or simplified representations of real

    phenomena including some witch craft difficult to attribute exclusively to HP) resolves the

    Knowledge versus Ignorance dichotomy by designing and carrying out an experiment. This is

    the true sense of the word DO (an experiment) in what is known by industrial engineers,

    project managers, quality practitioners and administrators as the Deming Circle or Virtuous

    Spiral: PLAN => DO =>CHECK=>ACT repeat continually.

    Deming was one of the early statisticians who brought quality to the Japanese Economy (8).

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    A First Law Post. 1 underscores the Knowledge vs. Ignorance Dichotomy & presents a

    modified Deming-Latour Circle, to include Latours protocol.

    Cf. Footnote 3-Cautionary note: Four principles of Do-Ing.

    (Cultural note: Ing. is the french abbreviated equivalent of Eng. short for engineer)

    Between Ignorance and Knowledge everyone in the laboratory knows the value of an

    unsuccessful experiment. It can be bungled. It can be non-representative. It can force us to

    abandon a research route or even a whole discipline. Nevertheless it would never cross any

    ones mind to act (experiment) without reporting according to a carefully pre-established

    protocol, the effects of the difficulties encountered, cf. 2nd Law Post. 2 & 3, Wrong 1st

    Time, Deming-Latour energy conservation car-not cycle Then, as if to give unwanted

    substance to my allusion to thermodynamic entropy in my playful poster title, the Bell Labs.

    scandal loomed to mind - a unique case? I knew it would be difficult to avoid the Bell shaped

    curve (statistics) or simply The Bell Curve (visual) -:

    The Bell Curve :

    Not the one of dreams, actually,

    With all its ring of normality,

    And background skewed tonality,

    Neither justifiable of necessity,

    Trying so to avoid all criminality,

    Oft far from proper musicality.

    copyright J.A.

    Prof. Latour continues to enquire:

    Where, in administration, in government or in large companies, are the experimentalists

    designated to report continually on the results positive or negative of the difficulties

    encountered by projects in progress, difficulties to which projects are subjected?

    Who defines the protocol? In military terms, who defines the mission debriefing?

    To answer these questions can I tell you that I was one of these experimentalists and my

    superior(s) carried out the debriefing. It is a delicate task. Like the Mediator on the French TV

    public channel (A2) which offers such a service, the only one of the big 6 in fact, it requiresstrong, firm and fair support (6) of senior management.

    It is wise to let negative results speak for themselves as far as possible and rather to seek

    cooperatively the elementary facts - scientific policing distinguishing facts from

    personalities and highlighting the positive. The expert in industrial quality, research and

    development, quite a portfolio, requires discretionary judgement not to let the situation get out

    of hand. This may help put the ball back in the court so to speak or put an end to hostilities


    For the still unconvinced, Latour enquires rhetorically:

    Can one imagine a research scientist who never learns any lesson from his mistakes?

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    I often ask myself?

    And less unequivocally: a laboratory which never records its results, unless?

    The crimes of Bell Labs, extremely serious as they were, did not take place in the medicalfield, I trust?

    Stranger still, what does one do when one does not know, when the certitudes are lacking?

    Will we design a protocol for serious fiddling and fumbling?

    Fiddling and fumbling with variations,

    Mixing and muddling and even juggling

    With Time and Temperature and Space,

    In order to learn, bit by bit.

    Adapted from From Entropy to Poetry J.A. 2002-3

    If I may use such technological terminology as, bit by bit,

    By working on reduced models, carrying out pilot studies, simulations, representative

    samples, how can one anticipate the results of future actions? No, concludes Latour,

    thoroughly disgruntled, We shall take a decision, a surgically clean cut, a surgical


    Here I add my voice to Latours,

    Surgical action often costs a bomb, big spender.

    Your attitude is ever present, 2003 still tender.

    The situation calls for a Life Saver

    Could this perchance be a banker?

    I do not mean cash hoarding, I thunder,

    You looting, plundering, warmongering murderer.

    (Notice the curves dreams are made of? Bell shape curve rotational transformation,

    gyrations) Copyright J.A. Dolphins @) ADA Euro-Group.

    In the surgical approach, common sense cumulates both inconveniences: it imagines anengineer who knows [with high precision] before he acts and a politician who decides without

    knowing. From any ensuing results, nothing is learned. And a new combination of the

    Innovating Team (IT) will recommence without the necessary cumulative experience. And

    time goes by, nothing sustainable or durable is achieved.

    Does entropys quantum wave(s),

    Universally durable by its very Nature

    Require sustainability, my brave(s)?

    Fully realising the requirement for speed in fumbling ones way forward my very brilliant

    and literally poor sighted, boss for many of my formative years, frequently would pull a coin

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    from his pocket and addressing the protagonists in our admittedly more stressful (for costly)

    industrial situation. Heads or tails? he would calmly enquire.

    Left to my own more modest capabilities, I became an adept of the laboratory experimental

    approach (3) as tentatively exposed herein.

    Oh! I must tell you this story. The same chap, my boss, was about 6 feet tall. His short sight

    gave him naturally enhanced microscopic vision when he removed his spectacles. Well, I

    shall let you imagine the scene when he stuck a (metallurgical macro or micro graph) sample,

    1cm. distant from his eye, but at least 25cm. above the rest of the teams heads, then pointing

    a finger to the sample and exclaiming its obvious, look! All we could see was the underside

    of the sample. Then, satisfied of his comprehension of some strange feature was gone before

    anyone knew what we he had observed. (Footnote 2.)

    Scaling up has always been a considerable problem in engineering.

    Latour proposes the creation of a new power which is no longer defined by knowledge, or

    aptitude for incisive decision making but rather by its capacity to follow experimentation

    underway and to judge the value of the exercise by the quality of learning In sort of new

    observer capable of effective management, pragmatic not as a principle but in practise, when

    need be?

    I hope I got that OK.

    In this system a bad (poor) experiment, is not one which fails but one in which nothing is

    learned (& if possible gained reported to re-invest) for the next one. Conversely a good

    experiment is one in which the difficulties appear early on disturbing the apparent evidences

    upon which the project is based. In plain english this is called cutting ones losses.

    Cf. 1st

    & 2nd

    Laws Posts 1 & 2. cf. Annex [my analogies maybe a bit tenuous but amusing Itrust ]

    Latour calls upon a higher authority to support his proposition in the form of Karl Popper

    according to whom the search for falsification is not the prerogative of the laboratory but

    should be extended to all collective experiences (experimentation) in which one is seriously


    This power does not constrain one by decree (laws and orders) to do this or that but by

    documenting obstinately the learning and which one accepts voluntarily.

    I can add my own strong preference for Auto-discipline, then I am a veteran tried and tested

    as the aerospace ad-age goes there is no such thing as a good or bad driver only old drivers!

    But the story does not tell whether these old drivers are sending their future students,

    employees, younger colleagues, and readers, into the wall?

    Latour hazards where angels fear to tread, adding his voice, to others, criticising the

    Techno-crane a variation on the Techno-c-rat, capable of cumulating political ills with

    scientific and administrative ones with no apparent virtues

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    Latour rightly considers that there is something intolerable in seeing such capacity to ignore!

    Technocrats neither pay the price of popular representation nor that of the difficult process

    (abnegation) of scientific research nor the uncertain follow-up of the evaluation process.

    However this techno-corporatism, in France at any rate, has the enormous advantage of

    being powerful. Latour recommends we discard this strange view of the engineer, assomeone who knows and the politician, as someone who disposes and in doing so perhaps

    forge ourselves a master tool to reform the State.



    It strikes me that Model 3, the Bath-Tubs Model, below, of failure rate for integrated circuits

    (ICs) taken from the semiconductor industry, (9) and inversely, the Corned Hat model ofsuccess rate images rather vividly many of the ideas just expressed. Should anyone feel over

    offended, I hasten to add that in earlier times in Scotland, I too wore something similar. It wasfamiliarly was known as a chip poke hat, from the shape of the carry-out recipient for

    French fries, word discouraged by a certain Oh so certain America. (first publication 2003)

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    Until now he concludes the French, Latour is French (and from all reports much of the

    European Union) have been inspired by the certitudes of science. It is time that we all find

    inspiration in the uncertainties of research.

    May I repeat something, which is obvious for the scientific community and the scientifically


    The century which has come to a close is one in which a major revolution in science tookplace; that of quantum physics and chemistry synonymous to some extent, with the famous

    Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

    The word uncertainty was out, but paradoxically it brought certitude despite its name

    certitude through Natures lower (nano-like) limitation around Plancks Universal constant (h)

    added to the Speed of light (c) more certitude in the form of an upper limit.

    Theory and incredible powers of prediction came from experimental verification and

    widespread indispensable product manufacturing and much gadgetry. Both the certitude of

    boundaries infinitely large and small and for ever and ever were being defined, from

    difficult to grasp theory and experimentation, of great power (nuclear) and finesse, quantumtheory, where the speed of light reigns and its messenger is a particle called a photon with

    wave like properties. Mien Gotte! Such a situation leads even more predictably to an

    increasing sense, of individual human helplessness and fragility.

    To add slick oil to the fire, quite mature information technology has produced exponential

    acceleration and shows no sign of any serious technical obstacle. The power to chose to

    change has seldom been so potent and yet, so too are the corollaries, conservatism and inertia.

    Worse the shadow of change in English is Chop (to chop and change) Project Managers

    and Job Seekers - when common sense would dictate action to the contrary, Latours main

    criticism of the powers that be, lack of experimentation and the experimental method. The

    stock market is todays barometer this to is a tenuous analogy whose consequences havebrutally come into the gas lime-light (2008! Start 2009 in the pipeline)

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    The innovation team, through information technology and communication is more global,

    apprenticeship still rife with corporate fear, arrogance and in some instances some

    megalomania. Latours power must first gain awareness of experimentation underway,

    understand and explain and moderate neither freeze in some death like inertial ignorant bliss

    Cf. 3rd

    Law Crystal Clear Post 4, cf. ANNEXE nor hurtle head long into a thepredictable, wall or precipice-a mechanical view is illustrated as follows:

    Last year we were at the edge of a precipice!

    This year we shall take a large step forward.

    An imaginary punch line from a Presidential address in an some fictitious,

    poorly-developed country or region.

    Or worse become the source, the epicentre of some explosive front- a chemical view whose

    symbol has become, Sept 11. and suicide bombers, so despairingly mislead, misguided. -

    Alfred Nobel must turn in his grave.

    And a nuclear one!

    N as in Nu-clear?

    The highest state of strong order, dawning

    et de ce jour bacteries et champignons

    jailirent lexistance pour dissoudre

    et un nouveau champignon est n

    (3 lines from J.Updike, Facing Nature, trad.Alain Suid Ode la Dcomposition)

    Such is Nature reviewed.

    From Entropy to Poetry copyright J.A.

    The increasing orders of magnitude for mechanical, chemical and nuclear reactions alluded to

    in poetic terms, above, are given in ref. (10).

    This expos has reach deep waters, egos perhaps over-inflated, fatigue gaining ground,

    confusion gaining over clarification (dichotomy a-gain!), but no going back.


    Please believe me, I had hoped to avoid the Bell Shaped Curve recalled in Model 3. It cameto mind early on, suggested by rising and falling exponential curves of our simplified

    idealised smooth curve Life-Long and Career Wise cycles.

    La vie nest pas un long fleuve tranquille, was the title of a film,

    And serious questions concerning the quality and limitations of these system conversations

    are only too obvious.

    But would life today without a bathtub be worth living?

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    Graph 3 the now classical so-called bath-tub model for component reliability especially

    relevant to semiconductors and integrated circuits (ICs) recalls our shared shaky start in life.

    With the so called highly expressive infant mortality phase, the burn-in phase, representing

    initially poor reliability, survivors enjoying a long steady state until dropping-out or burn-out.

    We have touch upon one recipe for turning failure into success imaged by flipping around a

    Yield and Reliability Model and complained of the residual cost involved.

    This also may serve as a caution to our Innovating Team (IT).

    Neither to pretend we collectively did not know for want of an experiment. Nor to be

    content with easy to express pictures in guise of serious models not of reality but to help us

    live, experiment for the better, to enjoy, philosophise, and to share. No getting of the hook.

    Putting my above precepts (Plan) to practise, (Do) I Checked Britannica Ed.1974- 1985 (11)for earlier reports on Innovation. I did not waste my time. Let me share a short summary of

    my findings Post 3 The 3rd Law Crystal Clear Britannica on Innovation.


    No engineer, with the knowledge of experience can be satisfied by high infantile mortality

    (high burn-in loss), for example highlighted, dramatically, here in France at the moment by

    the issues such as Road Safety, much of which is of an apparently avoidable suicidal anti

    nature candidate- unconsciousness, and neglect by the most influential members of the

    Innovation Team. Recent experimental evidence shows substantial improvement and should

    encourage reporting. Unfortunately despite enlargement of the European Union these lessons

    and yardsticks are not yet Pan EU. A particular extreme example of burnout and perhaps the

    ultimate fight for durability is that of Natures supreme in-built obsolescence, the deadly

    component in all of us, Cancer.

    Silence like a Cancer grows.

    From the song The Sound of Silence by Paul Simon.

    For if these are serious issues in ICs they must surely be even more so in life. So, Moore,

    projects and candidates to meet the challenges.(as in MooreLaw nest ce pas) While

    introducing Silence in guise of an Au revoir I have just received an invitation to a

    National Physical Laboratory, NPL (UK) to their workshop on electromagnetic noise

    measurement theory and applications. On the programme; Noise standards, radiometers, careof connectors, repeatability, amplifier noise, and phase noise. I wonder if phonons with

    photons are the good vibrations of interest in cancer care and cure? With Armstrong, Lance

    and Wilson, Matts both cyclists in the 2003 tour vanquishers of cancer, Latour de France,

    Centenary edition is wellon the way to success. (S < 0)

    Dare I edit Britannicas Motto?

    Let knowledge grow from Moore to Moore

    and thus be human life (health, environment) enriched.

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    Probably not.

    Gordon Moore & Associates, brilliant (IT) experimentalists in their specialised field of

    semiconductors and integrated circuits-rich in materials science, may find synergy with the

    encyclopedic approach more adapted to the needs of Latour.


    Let knowledge grow from more to more

    and thus be human life enriched.

    Encyclopaedia Britannica, founded 1768 (11).

    P. -S. Additional Refs (12, 13) from Les Echos FT Grp. 10 July 2003. & (14) indebted to.


    The tram is largely inspired by a short essay in a series of articles Amateur de Science by B.

    Latour in La Recherche. The unusual layout for science is from Alistairr Cookes Letters from

    America (1947 to Date) on BBC available for consultation, sharing and discussion via the

    BBC website, www.bbc.co.ukCookes letter is also a thread to the History of the immense

    power and influence of Ralph Nader already mentioned in Encyclopaedia Britannica,

    acknowledged throughout and especially in Poster 4. Not forgetting J..E. Harris for his

    monthly entertaining and instructive column Material Matters in Materials World or Bob

    (R.W.) Cahn in Materials Today and to all committed to the sustainable and durable

    development of individuals and society through science and engineering, proper business

    practice and governance.


    1). De la Conversation, Theodore Zeldin, Translation en Fraais, E. Diacon, Ed. Fayard,

    Original Title in English-Conversation - How it can change peoples lives. Ed. Hidden Springs

    / Paulist Press.

    2). How to evaluate innovation / Comment Evaluer LInnovation by Bruno Latour,

    Amateur de Science, La Recherche, No 314, 1998.

    3). A Guide for the perplexed E.F. Schumacher, Ed. Jonathan Cape 1977 reprinted Abacus

    1978 and 1980.

    4). The Balanced Scorecard-Measure that Drive Performance R.S. Kaplan, D. P. Norton

  • 8/14/2019 ebook_Conversations Search for a Physics-Chemistry of Inn


    HBR. Jan-Feb. 1992.

    5). HBR., Business Classics Fifteen Key Concepts for Managerial Success (1998).

    6). The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey, Ed. Simon & Shuster

    NY. (1989) French Edition Les 7 Habitudes Ed.. Lavoisier -Tec & Doc First general (1996).

    7). LIncandescent, Michel Serres, Ed Le Pommier, (2003 in French).

    8). Many good references to Deming (1900- Univ. Wyoming 1921-), his US and British

    contemporaries, and the battery of tools built up the by excellent Japanese pupils of the time

    and since. Shewart (1891-UCLA 1914 -), Juran (1904-Romainian emigrated USA 1914- ) .

    The Japanese School- Ishikawa et al.

    a) my lectures in Cross Cultural Management and Total Quality Control, The EuropeanUniversity in Toulouse, (1992). Well researched using available local resources.

    b) A good book in french, La Qualit outils et methods Patrick Lyonnet,

    Ed. Lavoisier Tec & Doc (1997).

    9). VLSI Technology Ed., S.M. Sze, (Bell Labs), McGraw-Hill Series in Electrical

    Engineering McGraw-Hill International (1983) In fact this is a book on materials science,

    materials processing (Si refining , crystal growth, wafer preparation, epitaxy, dielectric and

    polysilicon thin film deposition, oxidation, diffusion, ion implantation, lithography, dry

    etching, metallization, process simulation, VLSI process integration, diagnostic analysis and

    control techniques, assembly & packaging, yield and reliability) all technologies used for

    manufacturing and control of very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits.

    10). Skyscrapers need strong legs, Material Matters, by J.E. Harris, Materials World, Oct-

    Nov. 2002 .

    11). References to Innovation in the Encyclopaedia Britannica Ed. 1985.

    12). L Eurosclerose est de retour, Euro-Sclerosis is back by Erik Izraelewicz, Les Echos

    10/07/2003. themes related to the present Conversations. Cf. footnotes 5.

    13). Patrons, cultivez votre jardin / Bosses should tend to their own back garden by Xavier.

    Mesnard and Laurent Chevreux, A.T. Kearney, Les Echos 10/07/2003. themes related to the

    present Conversations cf. footnote 6.

    14). The 5th

    Discipline The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization by Peter M. Senge

    Systems approach

    FOOTNOTES 1 to 6.

    Footnote 1:

    Yardsticked as abusive corporate governance practice has been boastingly estimated as highas 66% in France, not known to be an innovator but a follower in this field. The boardroom

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    circle still appears disjoint from accepted quality control circle yardsticks and assurance


    Footnote 2:

    When the late Y. Honnorat left to manage materials for a leading aero-engine manufacturer, itwas a challenge and an honour to defend many of the highly contested programmes initiated

    under his direction.

    Footnote 3:

    Most Scientists and Engineers: Physicists, Chemists, Metallurgists, Thermodynamicists will

    recognise elements of phase diagrammes, departures from ideality and much else, whether

    true or false, stretched, twisted and turned, hopefully it will prove thought provoking

    Footnote 3 - Cautionary note: the Four Principles of Do-Ing: (a pseudo-scientific enquiry):

    1. Classical & Biblical- Do unto others, as you would they do unto you. Security2. The so called Business principle: Do them before they do you. Commercial3. The so called Management Model Do it to them before they do it to you. Defence

    Attack being the best form!4. The no-no Model Do them in before they do you in! Totally unlawful but

    Footnote 4: Confusion possible between Brute force and Intelligence.

    Footnote 5: Translated exerts related to the present work.

    Old Europe doubts in herself again. She neglects to spend for the future; on education and

    research and development and in so doing increases her lag on USA. Izraelewicz reports on a

    conservative similarity of the recent European Managers Forun in Helsinki with the EMF in

    1980. (I used as a yardstick Britannicas 15th

    Edition 1974-1985). And concludes that in an

    ageing society the elderly impose their will in a decisive way against all spending which

    designed to prepare for the future money goes to old age homes not to maternity wards &

    kinder garden Decision makers today being closer to the 2nd

    than the 1st

    category this is not

    surprising. Also for the same reason managers and researchers flock to USA to the detriment

    of European Institutions. EU spends (3% PIB on future) 1.5% of PIB on Universities & 1.5%

    on R&D. whereas USA spends twice these rates (6%) 3% Univ. & 3% R&D.

    Criticism: cf. my graphs concerning early age and formative years a period which is longerthan that inferred by a quick reading of Izraelewicz. 20/80 at the very least and perhaps 80/20

    is a more modern life-long approach. Model 3 is a very rough 1st

    approach to defining two

    areas where special attention is required. This needs refinement and differentiation not

    ammunition supply for a general conflict of generations. There is much consensus on the

    abusive power and unwarranted rewards practised at senior management

    Footnote 6: All is in the title Bosses should tend to their own back garden so too should

    they; the competitive advantage theme even if significant (HBR Key Concepts-ref 5 above) is

    incantation no longer creation and innovation. As for the quality of execution, not a popular

    word at this time of detestable reintroduction of military tribunals by the current US admin, I

    wonder in which category will readers class AT. Kearney directors?

  • 8/14/2019 ebook_Conversations Search for a Physics-Chemistry of Inn


    ANNEXE POSTERS 0 to 3.

    Poster 0 Zeroth Law making temperature measurement possible

    In thermodynamics the zeroth law states that when any two bodies, A & B, are inthermal equilibrium with a third body C, they are in thermal equilibrium with each

    other. It is the basis of the scientific concept of temperature.In any natural process heat flows from hot to cold.

    Conversation(1) on the Search for a Physics & Chemistryof

    Innovation, Reward Systems.








    Ignorance Knowledge (exchange)

    An Adiabatically Isolated System and Systems (IT) of unknown

    Temperature or Quantum State, awaiting the discovery of theThermometer.

    REF 2: How to evaluate Innovation / Comment valuer linnovationby Bruno Latour Ecole de Mines de Paris

  • 8/14/2019 ebook_Conversations Search for a Physics-Chemistry of Inn


    dans La Recherche, 314, Nov. 1998.

    (From which much has been liberally translated & acknowledged by use of doubleinverted commas as far as possible in the text).

    Poster 1 First Law In Thermodynamics- Law of Conservation of Energy.

    If a body is completely isolated (does no work & is adiabatically enclosed-no heat exchange

    with the surroundings-environment) the internal energy (U) remains constant (Zero). If a

    system describes a cycle (closed) of transformations whose initial and final states are identical

    then the algebraic some of energy involved; work, heat and all other forms of energy

    received; magnetic, radiation, nuclear is Zero.


    Ignorance Knowledge (exchange to equilibrium status-quo, no

    work-analogous to all quantum states (synapses?) at ground level not

    even one quantum of light (a photon) emitted-

    The mental black-hole!Oops! Knowledge Up-date having slipped into quantum mecha-photons:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adiabatic_theorem

    Excellent descriprion of Quantum Diabatic and Adiabaticprocessesand relevance to systems evolution Sorry for any abuse of



    (Do an)=> EXPERIMENT DO and report=> CHECK with plan and expectations=>ACTION at the very least report.

  • 8/14/2019 ebook_Conversations Search for a Physics-Chemistry of Inn



    POSTER 2. The Second Law Of ThermodynamicsIn adiabatically isolated (closed) systems, Entropy Change (S) can only increase in an

    irreversible process or remain constant (zero) in a reversible process. (S > or=0 ) inopen systems entropy change can increase or decrease (negentropy) at the expense of theenvironment. (S > 0 or < 0 notion of negentropy in information theory)


    Baring Fatal or disabilitating action!


    THE EXPERIMENTAL METHOD an open system approach:

    Knowledge(Do An)

    ======> EXPERIMENT

  • 8/14/2019 ebook_Conversations Search for a Physics-Chemistry of Inn



    Dolphins @ ADA Grp J.A.

    Poster 3 3rd Law- Crystal Clear Yardstick. Entropy (S is given a numerical value.The Entropy of a pure perfect crystal is taken to be Zero at absolute Zero (S=0 at 0K).The 3

    rdLaw of Thermodynamics sets the numerical value of Entropy in any particular

    reference state. The Entropy of any system in thermodynamic equilibrium of absolute zero

    has a finite value. This value is taken as Zero whatever the system. E.g. a pure perfect crystal.

    Britannica on Innovation Information for S Engineers and Scientists).

    -Management function & employee reaction.The modern executive (the historic corporate man).

    The Ivy League.

    Impact of the Corporation. & The Social Role of the Corporation.

    The Great Ralph Nader pushed more significant laws though Congress than all elected

    representitve taken together!Profits, Prices & Executive Salaries, Cost to the Corporation, Cost to the Consumer.

  • 8/14/2019 ebook_Conversations Search for a Physics-Chemistry of Inn


    Key word review Copyright dolphins @ ADA Grp. J.A.