EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide

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  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide



    Fedelal Trade CommissionMr. Donald S. ClarkOffce of the SecretaryRoom II-113 (Annex T)600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.WWashington, DC 20580Re: Proposed Modifications to Used Car Buyers GuideUsed Motor Vehicle Tlade Regulation Rule, 16 CIR 455

    Dear Secretaly Clark:Th9 East Bay Community Law Center is one of the largest legal aid provider.s for low-icomeindividuals in the San Francisoo Bay Area. Our oflce on the border f Oakland and Berkeley(we are affiliated with the UC Berkeley Law Sohool) rnaintains a broad consumer protectionpractice aud regularly sees individuals who buy used cars from dealerships based on iraudulentmisrepresentations or misleading or false informatiot]. The ljsed Motor Vehicle l'radeRegulation Rule (the "Rule") is a crucial tool pl'otecting these individuals from fraudulent andwrongful busiuess practices. I-lowever, neither the Rule as it currently stancls noL the FTC,sproposed changes serve as well as they could the FTC's goal of providing accurate and reliableinformation to car buyets.When our clients purchase a car, it is oflen because public transpol.tation is isuf}cient orunreliable, and they need a vehicle to get to work or br.ing their. kids to school. A 2011 teportanalyzittg 371 tlansit ptovidels in,the nalion's 100 largest metropolitan areas confirmed thisexpetience throughout the country.r 'fhe lepof concluded tltaf 75%o of low- and middle-skilledjobs are latgely inaccessible via public transportation.2 For low-inoome workers in suburbanareas, even fewer jobs are accessible by public transit.3 Although low-income worker.s have littleif^any disposable income to spend on a car', they may need to make the purchase as a necessity oflife.Because these workers clo not have the funds to purchase a new car, tley must rely on used carI Adi" l'o,n ., et al., Misser.l oppolfuniry: Iyqn.tir (tncl Jobs in Metropolitan Anterico, Br.ookingslrrstitution, May 12,2011. Available at: http://www.br ookings.edu/rsear.ch.eports/201 li0511i-jobs-and-t'ansit.2Id.atl.3 Id. at 1 (only 22% ofjobs can be accessed in 90 minutes via public tr.ansit)3130 Shttuck Avenue, Berketey, CA 9470sf 510.548.4064 f 510.849.1536 www.ebclc.org

  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


    #ffiffiffffiffi*1EAS BAYCOMMI,NIIYLW CENTERConclusionIn sum, we believe the FTC can offer stronger protections to consumers \rye serve by making fivecritical changes to the Used Car Buyers Guide.

    1. Require dealers to make a diligent search for existing warranties and to prominentlydisclose known existing warranties in the Buyers' Guide,2. Require dealerships to provide consumers with vehicle history reports.3, Impose penalties on dealers using the internet to sell cars who violate the rule,4. Require dealers who advertise in Spanish to provide a SpanishJanguage buyer's guide.5. Make the second sentence below the as-is warranty box consistent with a consumer'sability to bring a claim for fraud,

    We thank the Commission for its ongoing work in protecting consumers, and for providing usthe opportunity to participate in revising this vital Rule.

    Director, Neighborhood Justice [email protected](5ro) 269-6614

    3130 shaltuck Avenue, Berkoley, cA 94705f 510,548,4064 f 510.849.1536 $ivw.ebclc.org

  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide



  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


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  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


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    i/u/13 2U0U Salurn 4dr

  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


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  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


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    il\113 19V5 Mazda mvp van automactrc

  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


    !)L > SF bayjrea > san francisco > all for sale / wanted > cars & trucks - by ownerllcply to:scc bclow thg l1l nl"cot"oo' ". DlQllllSd i])!ll lS!]lt r^rRI: l0rn0r.0$, r0 r2^1 rs l1995 Mazda rnvp vn utonrctic - $1300 (bay area )1995 mzl rlN,p vrD utorlLrctic look nur good 1.300.00 b.ob4l5 572 9084. tcdti0n:b y rc. i's NOT ok 1() couLact this poslcr will so1iccs or'olhcrco,nrrciiiiDtclsrs

    Posrigll): -l47190980 I'ofcd: 2013-008, 10 22N4 lSl cprnil ro a licn

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    itrJllS 19V5 Mazda mvp van automacttc

  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


    e-L>S.I-ay--aIa>safrancsco>allforsale/wanted>cars&trucks-bvownerIcDly to:scc bclo$' tag lll ni"cat"nn' r"d Dl!l!Ig4 .er! !.!.lj-l1995 Mazda rnvp van autonrctic - $1300 (bay area )1995 mazla rrnp rau a!lourctic look lrur good 1.300.00 b.ob415 572 9084. lclio:by lrc. it's NOt ok lo c0rlacl lhis posror \\'ith scrl,iccs or'olhcr cornrcrcirl iDtc'csrs

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  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


    et > SF -ay-arg? > san francsco > all for sale / wanled > cars & trucks - bv ownerllcply roiscc blow 1at 11 ,IIru*t- proibircd fl4!- ]2qr1!l:1992 ''oyofa 'ferccl automatic - t1400 ( San F rancisco)1993 'lbyola l'erccl aulorafic looks oky lrLs good nrust scll 1400 or best ollcr'41557 29084 l pics. lli,rhr Srr Fncsco. it's NO'ok ro conl ct lis postcr wilh scl1iccs ololhcrcoDcrcill iILcrcsls


  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


    -L > S-y-A-a > san francisco > all for sale / wanted > cars & trucks - by ownerRct)lylorsccbcfow lg11: rscalco?d ptohil)itcd 4D !!!l_qI2001 Ford Taurus 4 tloor - $1200 ( Bav Arca)

    2001 rorcl Taur.s ar.fonrlio 4 door runs good 1200 bcst ollr.hj rilcs 41557 29084. LocrlionrBry rca. it\ NOT ok to conlct lhis posic' wilh scflocs or.orhcrconncrcrlinrcrcs(s

    t'os Lirg ID: 1656956560 )arcd:2011-03-08, l0122AM t St

    , No confurt i f0?_."'"'*""-"'lI il'tlrc rosLcrdiLlrft irr.lLlc a rholc nurnbcr'. cnuil, ol i| (llrcr ulcl ini. uriri!!list r roLilv thcrn vi crnil Isen rrlotcr I I-' ... -.' ' .: l

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    il113 't96E ptymouth caavan automattc

  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


    l > SF bay ata > san francisco > all for sale / wanted > cars & trucks - by ownercDly ro:scc l)clow llne lll ,,,tt!O"n ^ p'.ohibtcd lu31] !!rI_q!l rod.r0-0r,0$, ro::r!A1rs1.l98fl Plynrouth carvan utonatic - f1350 ( San lrrancisco)1988 Pla'nouth calavan artollic looks okay tLxls goodl350 or trcsl oflr. 4155? 29084 l,S no pics. r)crlion:Sn loisco. il'sNOlokroc0tactlhispos(crwitlscryiccsolothclcorntcrciIi,rrunisrs

    Pori"glD;.165401445 l,ar d: 20 l-t):-08, l0:22^M t,S qit !o ticnd

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    19/9 ljodge Uobra motorhome utass u

  • 7/30/2019 EBCLC Proposed FTC Modifications to Used Car Buyers' Guide


    CL > SF bay arei > san francsco > all for sale / wanled > aEr! trucks - by ownerIct)ly riscc bclolv us Lll nriqcaLcpo|i^.d !l!!X4 S!3e lslf-aj1979 Dodgc Cobra rnotorhornc Class C - $2400 ( San lrrancisco)

    . lrction: Sno l"ncisco. i('s NOT ok to co lacl lhis postcr wilh scrviccr or. orhcr comrercI intcrcstsl)osri'rglD Jo5('4u4,,2 n:rcd:2ull-01-U8, I0:22ANi t,sl .,nritrotcn(t

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