EasyVista 2013 Technical White Paper Last update : May 24th, 2013

EASYVISTA Technical White Paper EZV 2013

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  • EasyVista 2013 Technical White Paper

    Last update : May 24th, 2013

  • 24/05/2013 EasyVista 2013 Technical White Paper



    A. Description ........................................................................................ 6

    A.1. Objectives .......................................................................................................... 6

    A.2. Prerequisites ..................................................................................................... 6

    B. EasyVista Architecture ..................................................................... 6

    B.1. Three Tier Architecture ..................................................................................... 6 B.1.1. Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 6 B.1.2. A gradual way of scaling ............................................................................................................... 6 B.1.3. Licensed users vs Concurrent users ............................................................................................. 6 B.1.4. Scale-up vs Scale-out of the servers ............................................................................................ 7

    B.2. How the components are distributed in the architecture ? ........................... 8 B.2.1. Mono server Architecture .............................................................................................................. 8 B.2.2. Multi Server Architecture ............................................................................................................... 9

    B.3. 24*7 availability ................................................................................................. 9

    B.4. Security of the data transferred on the network ............................................ 9

    C. Hardware and system prerequisites ............................................... 9

    C.1. System prerequisites ...................................................................................... 10

    C.1.1. WEB tiers .................................................................................................................................... 10 C.1.2. APPLICATION tiers .................................................................................................................... 15 C.1.3. DATABASE tiers ......................................................................................................................... 16 C.1.4. WEB browser .............................................................................................................................. 16

    C.2. Windows servers ............................................................................................ 17

    C.3. Disk space needed .......................................................................................... 18

    C.4. EasyVista : sizing for less than 10 users ...................................................... 18 C.4.1. SQL Server 2008 Express or SQL Server 2008 Standard? ....................................................... 19

    C.5. EasyVista: sizing for more than 10 users ..................................................... 19

    C.6. Special considerations in architecture sizing .............................................. 21 C.6.1. More than 1 000 PCs inventoried each day: .............................................................................. 21 C.6.2. Many Self Service users: ............................................................................................................ 22 C.6.3. Documents uploaded by users on Service Desk: ....................................................................... 22 C.6.4. Dedicated database or not? ........................................................................................................ 22 C.6.5. How to secure the http traffic: ..................................................................................................... 22 C.6.6. SSO, LDAP, etc: ......................................................................................................................... 22 C.6.7. Easyvista on virtualized platforms: ............................................................................................. 23

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    C.7. Test platform, development platform etc ...................................................... 23 C.7.1. Would you like to test response times and workload increase with these platforms? .......... 23 C.7.2. Would you like to validate on these platforms the whole integration context and needs (LDAP,

    SSO)? ........................................................................................................................... 23

    D. Integration with your database servers ........................................ 23

    D.1. SQL Server ...................................................................................................... 24

    E. EasyVista and access controls ...................................................... 24

    E.1. Access control manage by EasyVista ........................................................... 25

    E.2. Access control by EasyVista and LDAP ....................................................... 26

    F. User rights once connected to EasyVista ..................................... 27

    F.1. Domains ........................................................................................................... 27

    F.2. Profiles ............................................................................................................. 29

    F.3. Users ................................................................................................................ 30

    F.4. Limit the data based on geographical criteria .............................................. 31

    F.5. Limit the data by department criteria ............................................................. 32

    F.6. Limit the data both by geographical and department criteria ..................... 33

    F.7. Data are based on trees to define your organization ................................... 34

    G. EasyVista inventory process ......................................................... 34

    G.1. Automatic discovery or by login script ......................................................... 34 G.1.1. Pros and cons of each method ................................................................................................... 34

    G.2. Discovery Manager ......................................................................................... 36

    G.3. Inventory process can be automatic ............................................................. 37

    G.4. Server Inventory Method ................................................................................ 37

    G.5. Notebook Inventory Method .......................................................................... 37

    G.6. How data is collected ..................................................................................... 38

    G.6.1. Collection points ......................................................................................................................... 38 G.6.2. How many collection points do you need? ................................................................................. 38 G.6.3. How is the data sent? ................................................................................................................. 39

    G.7. Discovery of Windows assets ....................................................................... 40

    G.8. Discovery of non Windows assets ................................................................ 41 G.8.1. SNMP Inventory .......................................................................................................................... 41 G.8.2. Linux Inventory ........................................................................................................................... 42 G.8.3. Usage Inventory .......................................................................................................................... 42

    G.9. Software detection .......................................................................................... 43

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    G.9.1. Description .................................................................................................................................. 43 G.9.2. Other software like information detected ................................................................................ 44 G.9.3. Installed software as listed in the Control Panel ......................................................................... 44 G.9.4. Automatic update of the software catalog .................................................................................. 44 G.9.5. Manual update of the software catalog....................................................................................... 44 G.9.6. Serial number detection .............................................................................................................. 45

    G.10. Antivirus detection ....................................................................................... 45 G.10.1. Antivirus detected ..................................................................................................................... 45 G.10.2. More information detected about Antivirus ............................................................................... 45

    G.11. Movement history ......................................................................................... 46

    G.12. Unique identification of an asset ................................................................. 47 G.12.1. Presentation .............................................................................................................................. 47 G.12.2. Workstations used by several people ....................................................................................... 47 G.12.3. Life cycle of an asset ................................................................................................................ 47 G.12.4. Masterization of machines ........................................................................................................ 48 G.12.5. Consolidation of inventory machines with existing information in the database ...................... 48

    H. Integration of external data ............................................................ 48

    H.1. Goals ................................................................................................................ 48

    H.2. How does it work? .......................................................................................... 49

    I. Linking EasyVista with external data .............................................. 49

    I.1. Active Directory ................................................................................................ 49 I.1.1. Importing Active Directory data .................................................................................................... 49 I.1.2. Authentication done by Active Directory....................................................................................... 49

    I.2. EasyVista and SSO ........................................................................................... 50

    I.3. Integration with Microsoft Exchange .............................................................. 50 I.3.1. Exchange prerequisites ................................................................................................................ 51

    I.4. Integration with your CTI system .................................................................... 51

    I.4.1. Displaying the file ......................................................................................................................... 51 I.4.2. Recorded message ...................................................................................................................... 51

    I.5. Barcode readers ............................................................................................... 51

    I.6. Web Services .................................................................................................... 52

    I.6.1. EasyVista as a service provider ................................................................................................... 52 I.6.2. EasyVista as client of an external web service ............................................................................ 52

    J. Technical Support Agent ................................................................ 52

    J.1. Objectives ........................................................................................................ 52

    J.2. How does it work? ........................................................................................... 53

    K. Annex 1 : Windows Inventory ........................................................ 53

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    K.1. Technical References ..................................................................................... 53

    K.2. Software and OS configuration ..................................................................... 57

    L. Annex 2 : Linux UNIX Inventory ..................................................... 59

    L.1. Technical References ...................................................................................... 59

    L.2. Software References ....................................................................................... 60

  • 24/05/2013 EasyVista 2013 Technical White Paper


    A. Description

    A.1. Objectives The goal of this document is to help you to understand how the EasyVista platform will be integrated

    into your environment.

    A.2. Prerequisites This document is for information purposes only.

    Each project will have its own unique specifications that will need to be analysed during the pre-sales

    process and pre-installation preparation.

    B. EasyVista Architecture

    B.1. Three Tier Architecture

    B.1.1. Objectives

    EasyVista is based on a three tier architecture, meaning that the interface layer (WEB), the application

    layer and the database layer can be installed on different machines and sized depending on the


    According to the number of concurrent users and the security policy of your company, you must define

    how the EasyVista platform will be structured.

    B.1.2. A gradual way of scaling

    The EasyVista architecture is not static and can be modified later according to your changing needs.

    If the number of concurrent users increases, if your security rules change, or if there are several

    phases in your project, you can modify the architecture even after the installation.

    Thats why you can start with a first level of architecture and decide later to upgrade to another one.

    Each tier can be sized separately by adding servers.

    B.1.3. Licensed users vs Concurrent users

    In this document, we propose two different architectures mainly based on the number of concurrent

    users. Basically, concurrent users are up to the maximum number of users defined by your EasyVista


    Even if there are N users in the license, it doesnt mean that they are concurrent: N users can be

    connected, but at any one moment concurrent users are those who request an action at the same


    Thats why you can choose to use a simplified architecture if you calculate that the average number of

    simultaneous transactions is less than the number of licensed users.

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    B.1.4. Scale-up vs Scale-out of the servers

    When you have the choice between adding more capacity on a server or adding new servers, the first

    solution is often the best if the current machines can support an upgrade.

    The same applies if you have the choice between two single processor servers and a dual processor

    or two dual processors and a quad processor. You should consider:

    Less servers to install and manage

    Less Operating System (OS) licenses

    Less rack space

    We do not apply these rules to the database layer, because it can only support scale-up according to

    the current feature of SQL Server.

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    B.2. How the components are distributed in the architecture ?

    B.2.1. Mono server Architecture



    Mono server architecture


    EASYVISTA Application




    Corporatemail server

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    B.2.2. Multi Server Architecture

    B.3. 24*7 availability Maximum availability can be reached by using clusters for the database and the web site.

    With regards to the application layer, our recommendation is to add application servers.

    Your system and database teams should manage the cluster mode installation and maintenance. Our

    teams are not trained to do this sort of work.

    A Load Balancer can also be placed in front of the web server. The load balancer must be session


    B.4. Security of the data transferred on the network You can add an SSL certificate on the Apache server to secure the data exchanged between the web

    server and the clients.

    C. Hardware and system prerequisites

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    C.1. System prerequisites

    C.1.1. WEB tiers

    Component Value

    OS All operating systems supporting Apache and PHP

    Apache Apache 2.2.10, 2.0.55 and more recent supporting PHP 5.4

    Apache 1.x is not supported.

    (We strongly advise that you use the most recent version of

    Apache 2.4.x for security and performance)

    You should avoid having IIS and Apache installed on the same

    server, even if the listening ports are different.

    If you compile Apache yourself you must include the SOCKET

    module. You must send our team the parameters you used to

    compile Apache.

    Following parameters must be set in HTTPD.CONF:

    Modules :

    LoadModule actions_module modules/mod_actions.so

    LoadModule alias_module modules/mod_alias.so

    LoadModule asis_module modules/mod_asis.so

    LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/mod_auth_basic.so

    LoadModule authn_default_module modules/mod_authn_default.so

    LoadModule authn_file_module modules/mod_authn_file.so

    LoadModule authz_default_module modules/mod_authz_default.so

    LoadModule authz_groupfile_module


    LoadModule authz_host_module modules/mod_authz_host.so

    LoadModule authz_user_module modules/mod_authz_user.so

    LoadModule autoindex_module modules/mod_autoindex.so

    LoadModule cgi_module modules/mod_cgi.so

    LoadModule deflate_module modules/mod_deflate.so

    LoadModule dir_module modules/mod_dir.so

    LoadModule env_module modules/mod_env.so

    LoadModule expires_module modules/mod_expires.so

    LoadModule headers_module modules/mod_headers.so

    LoadModule include_module modules/mod_include.so

    LoadModule isapi_module modules/mod_isapi.so

    LoadModule log_config_module modules/mod_log_config.so

    LoadModule mime_module modules/mod_mime.so

    LoadModule negotiation_module modules/mod_negotiation.so

    LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so

    LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/mod_proxy_connect.so

    LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so

    LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

    LoadModule setenvif_module modules/mod_setenvif.so

    Directory Easyvista

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

    AllowOverride All

    Order allow,deny

    Allow from all

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    ServerSignature Off

    Do not allow that folders could be browsed

    EnableSendFile On


    LogLevel warn

    HostnameLookups Off

    LogFormat %a %l %u %t \%r\ %>s %b common

    DirectoryIndex index.php

    Server-Status + ExtendedStatus -> Desactivate if not necessary

    Activate Keep-Alive with a short timeout like 4s


    MaxClients -> Depends of your configuration

    MaxRequestPerChild -> 0 for Windows, 100 000 for Linux

    MinSpareServers, MaxSpareServers -> Depends of your configuration

    ThreadPerChild = 50 -> For Windows only

    Activating compression on Apache 2.2 : Module mod_deflate .

    Add the following in httpd.conf

    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain

    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html

    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml

    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css

    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain

    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml

    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml

    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml

    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript

    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-


    Activating compression on Apache 2.4 : mod_deflate

    Add the following in httpd.conf

    FilterDeclare gzipDeflate CONTENT_SET

    FilterProvider gzipDeflate deflate "%{Content_Type} =~


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    FilterProvider gzipDeflate deflate "%{Content_Type} =~ /css/"

    FilterProvider gzipDeflate deflate "%{Content_Type} =~ /\.js/"

    FilterProvider gzipDeflate deflate "%{Content_Type} =~ /text/"

    FilterProvider gzipDeflate deflate "%{Content_Type} =~ /plain/"

    FilterProvider gzipDeflate deflate "%{Content_Type} =~


    FilterProvider gzipDeflate deflate "%{Content_Type} =~ /xml/"

    FilterProvider gzipDeflate deflate "%{Content_Type} =~ /flash/"

    FilterChain gzipDeflate

    SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \wizard_stream.php no-gzip dont-


    SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI export_csv.php no-gzip dont-vary

    The URL must allow a direct access to EasyVista without using a

    subfolder (i.e. easyvista.mycompany.com and not


    PHP PHP 4.x is no longer supported

    PHP 5.2 is no longer supported

    PHP 5.4.9 to 5.4.x series (more recent versions are not


    Following PHP modules must be available:

    Curl iconv Json so sockets Xcache libXML zlib

    If you compile PHP yourself you must include the socket, GD,

    XML and Apache modules and the following directives :

    './configure' '--prefix=/usr/local/apache2.4.2/php-5.4.11' '-

    -with-curl' '--with-iconv' '--enable-sockets' '--with-

    apxs2=/usr/local/apache2.4.2/bin/apxs' '--enable-json' --

    enable-module=so --

    sysconfdir=/usr/local/apache2.4.2/php-5.4.11 '--disable-

    mbstring' '--disable-pdo' '--disable-pdo_sqlite' '--disable-

    phar' '--without-sqlite3' '--disable-tokenizer' '--without-

    pcre' '--with-openssl' '--with-zlib'

    Configure PHP.INI:

  • 24/05/2013 EasyVista 2013 Technical White Paper


    zend.ze1_compatibility_mode = On

    zend.enable_gc = On

    short_open_tag = Off

    y2k_compliance = On

    allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off

    memory_limit = 192M

    display_errors =off

    log_errors = On

    log_errors_max_len = 1024

    track_errors = on

    error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

    error_log = ( paramtrer)

    register_globals = Off

    register_long_arrays = Off

    precision = 14

    auto_globals_jit = On

    post_max_size = 96M

    include_path = ".;" (version Windows)

    extension_dir = " modifier en fonction de rpertoire de php5 Windows


    upload_max_filesize = 30M ( paramtrer 30M selon Yves)

    session.save_handler = files

    session.save_path = "/repertoire_temporaire_session_php/"

    session.auto_start = Off/0

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    session.cookie_lifetime = Off/0

    session.gc_maxlifetime = 18000

    session.gc_divisor = 1000

    session.gc_probability = 1

    session.cache_expire = 180

    session.bug_compat_warn = 1

    session.use_trans_sid = 0

    session.use_cookies = 0

    session.hash_function = 0

    session.hash_bits_per_character = 5

    session.name = PHPSESSID

    session.serialize_handler = php

    session.bug_compat_42 = On

    session.cache_limiter = nocache

    Expose_php = off


    request_order = "GP"

    default_socket_timeout = 60

    magic_quotes_gpc = Off

    safe_mode = Off

    max_execution_time = 300

    max_input_time = 300

    file_uploads = On

    upload_max_filesize = 30M

    max_file_uploads = 20

    default_charset = "UTF-8"

    If you install a package of a Linux distribution, note that the IENT

    extension must not be included in this package (if included, web

  • 24/05/2013 EasyVista 2013 Technical White Paper


    services wont work).

    PHP hardened is not supported (old release not maintained since

    2006 and that integrates natively the PHP SOAP module that is

    not EasyVista compliant).

    If your Linux distribution only proposes PHP Hardened, yu can

    use more recent packages from :


    REDHAT/ CENTOS : http://iuscommunity.org/packages/

    DEBIAN : http://www.dotdeb.org/

    Others The customer can integrate a reverse proxy of its choice between

    the final users and the EasyVista website.

    Customers technical teams are in charge of the choice, the

    installation and the configuration of such a reverse proxy.

    The configuration of the reverse proxy must guarantee a

    transparent usage for the final users, as if there was no reverse

    proxy (and especially guarantee the transfer of the EasyVista

    parameters either by GET and POST, a correct management oh

    http headers, cache and resource compression, upload and

    download, etc.).

    Installation, configuration and maintenance of the reverse proxy

    are not included in the EasyVista installation nor in the technical


    C.1.2. APPLICATION tiers

    Component Value

    OS The application server works with Windows 2003 Server,

    Windows 2008 Server and Windows 2008 Server R2, Windows

    2012. 32 and 64 bits versions are supported.

    .NET framework 3.0 mini must be installed on the application


    PROCESSOR The application tier works only with x86 processors

    DATABASE client Connection to the database are done by the database client :

    SQL Server client

    ANTIVIRUS Local antivirus must not scan the LOG folder of EasyVista to

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    avoid performance issues.

    C.1.3. DATABASE tiers

    Component Value

    OS SQL Server: WINDOWS 2003 SERVER and WINDOWS 2008


    SQL Server SQL Server 2008 SP1 and next SPs, SQL Server 2008 R2 (we

    highly recommend that you use SQL SERVER 2008 R2), SQL

    SERVER 2012

    SQL SERVER 2005 is no longer supported due to UNICODE

    features of EasyVista 2012

    SQL Server tools available (Database manager, configuration

    tools, BCP, Alias configuration, )


    1 general

    Authentication by SQL Server and not system based

    Automatic growing of tempdb or at least 1GB

    SQL Server 2000 is no longer supported

    Database configured with READ_COMITTED_SNAPSHOT

    To enable EasyVista FullText Search, the FullText Search feature

    of SQL Server must be available and enabled.

    C.1.4. WEB browser

    Component Value

    Version INTERNET EXPLORER 6 is no longer supported

    INTERNET EXPLORER 7 is supported for SELF SERVICE users.

    We strongly advise to use Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10 (with last service

    packs). For Internet Explorer, specific distributions (two letters at the end

    of the version number) are not supported.

    For Internet Explorer 8, the minimal security pack to apply is April 2012.

    Chrome and Firefox are supported in the versions available when

    EasyVista is released. Update frequency of Firefox and Chrome are

    such that we cannot guarantee to be fully compliant with versions that

    we cannot test when EasyVista is released. However, we do our best to

    be compliant in the very next fixes of EasyVista.

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    Configuration JavaScript allowed

    Automatically refresh the pages

    Local cache for temporary files must be large enough (>10MB)

    If you use SSL, check that the cache for secure pages is allowed.

    For Internet Explorer >= 7 :

    Security option / Downloads must allow AUTOMATIC PROMPTING FOR FILE DOWNLOADS.

    Pop-ups must be allowed

    For Firefox, Pop-ups must be allowed for the EasyVista web site.

    Antivirus On the customer PC, the local antivirus should not systematically check

    each .JS (JavaScript) file to avoid performance problem during the

    display of the page.

    Others EasyVista doesnt require APPLET or ActiveX on the client browser

    Flash plug-in 9 or more recent. This is only needed for designing


    C.2. Windows servers Windows servers must use the latest service pack available.

    The socket parameters of the windows machines must have been updated according to Microsoft

    document accessible here: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-US/library/aa560610.aspx (this

    configuration concerns only the servers and not the client PCs).


    MaxUserPort -> 60000

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    TcpTimedWaitDelay -> 30

    C.3. Disk space needed This table shows the space needed for SQL Server based on volume needs.

    Group Information SQL Server



    The size of these databases doesnt vary during usage



    80 MB

    Config database The size of these databases doesnt vary during usage 100 MB

    Data Database Example based on the demo database :

    Assets.......................................... 38400

    Employees ................................... 8750

    Orders ......................................... 500

    Requests ..................................... 24200

    600 MB

    EasyVista is installed by default:

    1 administration database group

    1 demo account (config and data Database)

    1 production account (config and data Database)

    1 test account (config and data Database)

    C.4. EasyVista : sizing for less than 10 users

    Users connected LAN

    5 Mono server XEON double core, 4GB RAM, Windows 2008 32 or 64-bit, 2HD RAID 1 (70GB) and 3 HD RAID 5 (70GB)


    Virtual machine with 2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 40GB HD

    10 Mono server 2x XEON Processor, 8GB RAM, Windows 2003/2008 64-bit, 2HD RAID 1

    (70GB) and 3 HD RAID 5 (146GB)


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    Virtual machine with 4vCPU, 4GB RAM, 40GB HD

    C.4.1. SQL Server 2008 Express or SQL Server 2008 Standard?

    SQL Server 2008 Express can be used for up to 5 connected users. For more users we recommend

    SQL Server 2008 Standard.

    SQL Server 2005 Express is a free, but limited version of SQL Server. Check this link to learn more

    about the differences: http://www.microsoft.com/sql/prodinfo/features/compare-features.mspx

    C.5. EasyVista: sizing for more than 10 users


    These architectures are defined to give you an idea of what the platform will look like. These

    platforms must be adapted according to your own business and number of users.

    An EasyVista platform can always be upgraded at a later stage, but please keep in mind the

    implications to your business and support of your users of shutting down a production system. Its

    better to define the platform as well as possible at the beginning of the project.

    This advice is really important for physical architectures, which our experience says, are not often

    upgraded on the average five years that last such a project (5 years is today the maximum guarantee

    that can be subscribed for most of the servers). The architecture should not only cover todays needs

    but also the changes that could occur during the lifetime project, both on the customer usage (more

    departments, etc) and EasyVista upgrades (one major version per year).

    Virtual architectures, excluded the database server, can be upgraded as needed, based on the

    resources really used, and with very little stops in the product availability. Thats why our prerequisites

    are less important for virtual architecture than for physical ones:

    Virtualized platform administrators prefer to size the resources based on the real usage while the project is growing, instead of reserving too much resources at the beginning. Thats how they can guarantee an optimal usage of the physical resources of the virtual server among all the virtual machines

    Using more than 4 vCPUs on a virtual machine should be considered with precaution because that such configuration can create contention on physical CPUS (vmware CPU Ready indicator).

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    users Physical architecture Virtual architecture

    20 Dedicated web server, XEON DOUBLE CORE, 4GB RAM, LINUX, 2HD RAID 1


    For the application and data server :

    Case 1: Dedicated SQL Server on the

    application server

    Xeon Quad core, 4GB RAM, Windows

    2008 32 or 64 bits, 2HD RAID 1 (70GB)

    Case 2: Non dedicated server

    The EasyVista server will only run the

    application layer :

    Xeon Double core, 2GB RAM, Windows

    2008 32 or 64 bits, 2HD RAID 1 (70GB)

    The SQL Server Instance must have

    2GB of memory allocated and two

    CPUs (or one CPU double core). The

    instance must be dedicated to


    Dedicated web server, 2 vCPU, 4GB RAM,

    LINUX, 1 HD (20GB but could me more

    depending of the forecast about uploaded


    For the application and data server :

    Case 1: Dedicated SQL Server on the

    application server

    2 to 4 vCPUs, 4GB RAM, Windows 2008

    32 or 64 bits, HD 40GB

    Case 2: Non dedicated server

    The EasyVista server will only run the

    application layer :

    1 to 2vCPUs, 2GB RAM, Windows 2008

    32 or 64 bits, HD 40GB

    The SQL Server Instance must have 2GB of

    memory allocated and two CPUs (or one

    CPU double core). The instance must be

    dedicated to EasyVista.

    50 Architecture based on three different servers:

    WEB server:


    1 (70GB) , Linux.

    Application server:


    1 (70 GB), Windows 2008 32 or 64 bits.

    Architecture based on three different servers:

    WEB server:

    2 to 4 vCPUS, 4GB to 6 GB RAM, HD 40GB,


    (more virtual servers can be added if


    Application server:

    2 to 4 vCPUS, 4GB RAM, HD 40GB, Windows

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    Database server:

    SQL Server instance must have 4GB of

    RAM allocated and 4 CPUs (or one QUAD

    CORE). The instance must be dedicated to


    2008 32 or 64 bits.

    (more virtual servers can be added if


    Database server (physical):

    SQL Server instance must have 4GB to 8GB of

    RAM allocated and four to six physical cores.

    The instance must be dedicated to EasyVista.

    100 Architecture based on three different servers:

    WEB server:


    RAID 1 (70GB), Linux.

    Depending of what the final users are doing

    and of the forecast charge, it could be

    necessary to double the web server when

    you have more than 100 users.

    Application server:


    RAID 1, Windows 2008 32 or 64 bits.

    Depending of what the final users are doing

    and of the forecast charge, it could be

    necessary to double the Application server

    when you have more than 100 users.

    Database server:

    SQL Server instance must have 8GB of

    RAM allocated and six to height cores. The

    instance must be dedicated to EasyVista.




    The architecture will be defined with your teams and our experts.

    C.6. Special considerations in architecture sizing

    C.6.1. More than 1 000 PCs inventoried each day:

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    Discovery data integration (Discovery, Usage, SNMP, Citrix) can be very resource intensive. A

    single PC needs 10 seconds to be integrated in the EasyVista database because of all the rules

    applied during the integration process (merges, movement history, etc). Huge imports can potentially

    slow down the performance for end users.

    In this case, it is necessary to either import data outside of working hours (e.g. night shift), or use a

    dedicated back office server to import data: MONO XEON DUAL CORE, 4GB RAM, 2 HD 70GB RAID

    1, Windows 2003).

    C.6.2. Many Self Service users:

    If the number of Self Service users is important, you should consider having a second line of servers

    dedicated to them.

    In this case, standard users will access EasyVista with one URL, and Self Service users with another

    one. You can then guarantee the performance will always be the same for your standard users

    (Service Desk, etc) even when many Self Service users are connected.

    C.6.3. Documents uploaded by users on Service Desk:

    The web server must have adequate disk space to accommodate the uploading of documents by

    users. Documents such as licences, contracts, email attachments and screenshots will all be stored

    on the web server and over the course of time could become huge.

    You can configure EasyVista to store these documents outside of the web server, in a more secure

    area (i.e. File Server).

    C.6.4. Dedicated database or not?

    We always recommend a dedicated database for EasyVista.

    With SQL Server, EasyVista needs to use a specific sort order that could potentially conflict with the

    one already in use.

    C.6.5. How to secure the http traffic:

    Its not mandatory to secure the http traffic, but you should consider using an SSL certificate to avoid

    readable information being sent on your network.

    For larger environments (more than 200 users on the same web server) we would recommend

    installing a dedicated SSL encryption card on the web server.

    C.6.6. SSO, LDAP, etc:

    EasyVista integration in your security environment has no impact on the size of the architecture.

    However, you must validate with your LDAP administrators that EasyVista will have no consequence

    on their servers. EasyVista generates two LDAP queries for each new user login to EasyVista.

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    C.6.7. Easyvista on virtualized platforms:

    You can use virtualized platforms to host EasyVista but you have to follow the rules:

    Workstation platforms must not be used

    There must be enough resources on the platform hosting the virtualization OS (network, memory, CPU, etc)

    Resources dedicated to EasyVista virtual machines must be compliant with the technical white paper, as if it was a physical platform

    The physical architecture hosting the virtualization platform must be designed and configured for performance (lot of memory, high speed disks and SANS, high speed network with Jumboframes, etc)

    You can either use HYPER-V or VMware ESX / VSPHERE (or following).

    Warning: EasyVista performance on virtualized platform is tightly linked to the performance of the

    physical infrastructure hosting the virtualization OS.

    C.7. Test platform, development platform etc

    The right platform architecture and size is based upon the answers to the following questions

    C.7.1. Would you like to test response times and workload increase with these platforms?

    If the answer is YES, then these platforms must be identical to the production platform. Keep in mind

    that this will cost the same price as the production platform, for a platform that will not be used very


    If the answer is NO, then these platforms will only be used to test new versions, develop specific

    interfaces, etc. You can use smaller architectures, and even virtual server environments.

    C.7.2. Would you like to validate on these platforms the whole integration context and needs (LDAP, SSO)?

    If the answer is YES, then these platforms should be the same as the production database in terms of

    OS, and location in the network.

    If the answer is NO, then these platforms will only be used to test new versions, develop specific

    interfaces, etc. You can use smaller architectures, and even virtual server environments.

    D. Integration with your database servers

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    D.1. SQL Server

    E. EasyVista and access controls


    SQL SERVER : Database architecture






    E P









    For each company 50xxx (or 40000 for the demo)




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    E.1. Access control manage by EasyVista

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    E.2. Access control by EasyVista and LDAP

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    F. User rights once connected to EasyVista

    F.1. Domains Domains are designed to limit the quantity of data that a specific user can see.

    A domain is a permanent filter based on several criteria and applied on all the queries where these

    criteria apply.


    EASYVISTA authentication and LDAP





    1 Bind with an account allowed to browse the tree

    2 Search in the subtree allowed for this account?

    Based onthe attribute defined in EASYVISTA

    (Uid or SAMaccountName


    allowed for





    3 Get the DN of the user

    4 Bind with the DN (3) and the password

    5 If binding is Ok, then authenticaion is done

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    Domain 1

    Domain = Limit the data the user can see

    Domain 2

    Domain 3







    Asset type



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    F.2. Profiles Profiles limit the actions that a specific user can do (Add, Update, Delete), the administration level they

    have to manage filters and reports, the screens they access, etc.


    ProfilesProfile = Limit what the user can do










    Add, Update, Delete


    Screens accessible

    Wizard available




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    F.3. Users A user is defined by:

    A login and password

    One or more domains that limit the data he will see

    One profile to define the authorised actions on the above data


    UsersUser = Account allowed to access Easyvista

    Limit the data it can see

    Limit what it can do

    Domain 1

    Domain N


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    F.4. Limit the data based on geographical criteria The first way to define domains is to use geographical criteria.


    Limit data geographically

    Site 1

    Site 2

    Dept 3

    Dept 2.1

    Dept 2.1

    Dept 1

    Site 3

    Dept 3

    Dept 2.1

    Region manager,

    All sites and all department

    Site 3 Manager,

    all departments

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    F.5. Limit the data by department criteria


    Limit data by department

    Site 1

    Site 2

    Dept 3

    Dept 2.2

    Dept 2.2

    Dept 1

    Site 3

    Dept 3

    Dept 2.1

    Department 1 manager

    Department 3 manager

    Department 2 manager

    Departement 2.2 manager

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    F.6. Limit the data both by geographical and department criteria


    Limit by department and localization

    Site 1

    Site 2

    Dept 3

    Dept 2.2

    Dept 2.2

    Dept 1

    Site 3

    Dept 3

    Dept 2.1

    Department 2.2 manager of site 2

    Department 2.2 manager of site 1

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    F.7. Data are based on trees to define your organization

    G. EasyVista inventory process

    G.1. Automatic discovery or by login script Inventory can be done:

    With Discovery Manager, an automatic inventory tool that will discover assets connected to the local network and inventory the ones that can be reached

    With the company login script

    With a local agent installed on the asset

    Each method has its own advantages. You should use each one depending of the result you are


    G.1.1. Pros and cons of each method

    Method Analyze


    Data structure in trees

    Site 1

    Site 2

    Dept 3

    Dept 2.2

    Dept 2.2

    Dept 1

    Site 3

    Dept 3

    Dept 2.1


    the sites

    Site 3


    S1 S2


    the departments

    Dept 1 Dept 3

    Dept 2

    2.1 2.2

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    Discovery Manager Pros:

    User friendly interface to configure the collection point and run an

    automatic discovery

    Quick discovery of the connected and reachable assets


    Only the up and running assets at the very moment of the discovery

    process can be found

    Well designed for:

    First discovery process to collect data

    Scheduled inventory for SNMP assets

    Login Script Pros:

    Each machine connected to the network will be inventoried each time a

    user connects

    The inventory will be completed one PC after the other, each that a user



    The login script must be changed (1 or two lines to add)

    Users must connect to have the PC inventoried

    Well designed for:

    Regular inventory of the assets

    Local installation Pros:

    Useful for PC that never use the login script


    A local agent must be installed, either manually or automatically with a

    deployment tool if you have one

    Well designed for:

    Inventory of servers, notebooks, etc

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    G.2. Discovery Manager Discovery Manager is the tool that will be used to both configure the collection points, and do

    automatic discovery. Please refer to the Discovery Manager user guide for more information.

    Inventory based on WMI:

    WMI must be configured and accessible on the remote assets

    An administrator account will be used to access the assets remotely

    Administrative Disk Shares (C$,) must be available for the configured account, on the remote PCs, and the PC running Discovery Manager

    A shared folder (collection point) must be accessible from each asset, using the administrator account

    Possibility to run a process remotely to the distant PC (enough memory, etc)

    The asset name is found by using the Windows APIs

    Inventory based on SNMP:

    SNMP must be configured and accessible on the remote assets

    A community must be specified if the asset is community protected (SNMP V1/V2)

    SNMP V3 security is not supported for the moment

    Inventory based on SSH:

    SSH must be configured and accessible on the remote assets

    SFTP must be available on the asset to transfer the scripting agent and retrieve the result files

    An administrator account must be defined to access to the asset

    PasswordAuthentication must be set to yes in etc/ssh/sshd_config

    If you use a root account, check that PermitRootLogin is set to yes in etc/ssh/sshd_config

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    G.3. Inventory process can be automatic You can execute EVAGENT.EXE manually on PCs. However, it is recommended to configure this

    process in order to have an automatic inventory during the logon process by adding a line to run

    EVAGENT.EXE in your login script.

    This is the best way to guarantee a frequent and up-to-date inventory, without having to install an

    agent on all the PCs in your company.

    G.4. Server Inventory Method Servers do not use login scripts, and are not restarted often enough to guarantee a frequent inventory.

    You can install a service on the Windows servers you want to inventory. This service will do the

    inventory on regular intervals.

    Workstations that are never rebooted or seldom logged on to can be considered as servers and use

    the service mode.

    G.5. Notebook Inventory Method You can use the EasyVista REMOTE feature to install a local collection point on each notebook. This

    collection point is independent and will inventory the notebook on a regular basis and will keep on

    trying to send the data by FTP or SMTP until it is possible to connect to the EasyVista server.

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    G.6. How data is collected

    G.6.1. Collection points

    A collection point is a shared folder, accessible by a group of users. The folder contains the files

    needed by EasyVista DISCOVERY and is located in this directory.

    To inventory a PC, you just need to run EVAGENT.EXE from within this folder.

    Result files are then encrypted and stored in a sub folder of the collection point folder and are then

    sent to the EasyVista platform on a regular basis via a scheduled task.

    G.6.2. How many collection points do you need?

    It simply depends on how your network is defined:

    If you just have one local network, you should consider having just one collection point

    If you have a more complex network with several sites, you should define one collection point for each site. Even if they are physically connected, and if users can access a shared folder on the corporate LAN, our advice is to create one collection point per site instead of a single central one, in order to avoid heavy traffic on the WAN network and to automatically define the location of collected PCs.

    For each collection point created, you can define an automatic default location (and/or department)

    which will be automatically attached to each newly discovered PC. Consequently, the PCs will be

    available to view for all users belonging to this domain based on these geographical criteria.




    Inventory overview

    Send DATA

    Login ScriptEnterprise equipment






    Others inventories :




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    G.6.3. How is the data sent?

    Collected data must be sent to the main EasyVista platform and imported into the database.

    Data must be sent regularly: our advice is once a day.

    You can send data using three different options:

    SMTP / SMTPS: data are sent to an e-mail account dedicated to EasyVista (e.g. [email protected]). The main platform will access this mailbox to get the collected files. Once imported, e-mails are automatically deleted from the mailbox: you dont need to delete them manually.

    FTP / FTPS / SFTP : data are sent using an ftp web site accessible to the collect points. Once imported you dont need to delete them manually, files are automatically deleted from the FTP site.

    SHARED FOLDER: If you have just one collection point on a single site architecture, you can use a shared folder to send data because most of the time, the server hosting the collect point and EasyVista server will be the same: in this case, thats the simplest way to send data.


    Depending on your network architecture and security rules, you can choose to use SMTP or FTP, or


    You can schedule to send data:

    With a Windows scheduled task

    Using a specific EasyVista service to install on one of your servers


    About Collection Points

    How many collection points (shared folders)?

    Who are the administrators?

    Which physical connections exist between the sites?

    Which data transmission support for each collection point?

    Regroup several physical sites under the same collection point name?

    How are remote collections points installed?




    Collection Point 1 SI Department 1 SI Department 2



    FOLDER Collection Point 4

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    G.7. Discovery of Windows assets

    Windows inventory agent runs on the following OS:

    More recent versions of Windows

    Windows 7

    Windows 2008

    Windows 2003

    Windows Vista

    Windows XP

    Windows 2000

    Windows 98

    Windows 95

    Windows NT4

    See Annex 1 for more details on the information collected by the agent.

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    G.8. Discovery of non Windows assets

    G.8.1. SNMP Inventory

    The SNMP inventory module automatically collects information from the assets using the SNMP


    You can define as many IP subnets and communities as needed.

    You can extend the EasyVista Management Information Base (MIB) extract rules with specific rules for

    your SNMP assets.

    Discovery Manager can be used to:

    Display information directly collected from the SNMP assets

    Add specific information from one kind of asset to have this information collected during the next inventory

    Integrate new constructor MIB to improve the display of the information collected during inventory










    Network Printers Servers / Workstations

    SNMP Layer : MIB Database


    Easyvista SNMP

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    G.8.2. Linux Inventory

    Linux inventory is based on scripts that collect local information.

    It is possible to improve the information collected by updating specific scripts (one for hardware

    characteristics detection, and one for software). This feature is useful to adapt the detection of

    specific Linux distributions or versions that the standard script does not fully cover.

    Scripts can be:

    Copied locally and executed once or scheduled

    Remotely executed with Discovery Manager


    Linux Shell version 2.4 or higher

    Solaris v10 or higher (can work on previous versions depending of their configuration)

    AIX 6 or higher (can work on previous versions depending of their configuration)

    HP-UX 11i v3 or higher (can work on previous versions depending of their configuration)

    Read only access to /DEV/MEM to retrieve BIOS information

    G.8.3. Usage Inventory

    A local agent is installed, either automatically by login script, or with a deployment tool if you have one.

    This agent will collect the information about processes in memory and send them once a day to the

    collection point.

    Following data will be collected:

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    Information about software usage:

    Field Description

    DATE Date of the capture

    COMPUTER_NAME Computer name of the PC captured

    PC_EUID EasyVista unique identifier of the PC (EUID)

    PATH Path of the exe in memory

    EXE_NAME Executable file name in memory

    VERSION Version of the exe in memory

    PUBLISHER Publisher of the exe in memory

    LANGUAGE Language of the exe in memory

    NB_RUN Number of time the software has been launched during the period

    FOUND_IN_MEMORY Duration of the software in memory (in seconds)

    AGENT_VERSION Version of the usage agent that captured the data

    Information about hardware usage:

    Field Description

    DATE Date of the capture

    COMPUTER_NAME Computer name of the PC captured

    PC_EUID EasyVista unique identifier of the PC (EUID)

    TYPE_MEMORY MEMORY_Usage for the total memory used lines VIRTUAL_MEMORY_Usage for the total of the virtual memory used lines

    TYPE_HARDWARE HARDWARE_Usage for the hardware usage lines If the TYPE_MEMORY column is MEMORY_Usage or VIRTUAL_MEMORY_Usage, this column represents the minimum of memory used by the PC during the capture.

    VALUE_1 If the TYPE_MEMORY column is MEMORY_Usage or VIRTUAL_MEMORY_Usage, this column represents the maximum of memory used by the PC during the capture.

    VALUE_2 If the TYPE_MEMORY column is MEMORY_Usage or VIRTUAL_MEMORY_Usage, this column represents the average of memory used by the PC during the capture.

    NB_START For the HARDWARE_Usage lines only, represents the number of time the PC has been started during the day of the capture

    RUNNING_TIME For the HARDWARE_Usage lines only, represents the time the PC has been used during the day of the capture (in seconds)

    AGENT_VERSION Version of the usage agent that captured the data

    G.9. Software detection

    G.9.1. Description

    Software installed on each inventoried machine is collected and checked against the EasyVista

    software catalog during the integration of inventory data in the EasyVista database.

    Following characteristics are collected:

    Software name

    Software editor

    Short version or marketing version if it exists (e.g. Excel 2007)

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    Long version

    Installation folder

    By default, software is detected based on the presence of shortcuts or information in the registry. This

    method guarantees an optimal detection, in terms of speed and quality. Analyzing the whole local

    hard disks would take too much time, and use too many resources.

    If needed, if specific software were not automatically detected, it is possible to configure specific

    searches based on part of file names or folder names.

    G.9.2. Other software like information detected

    Following products are also added as software during the inventory:

    Operating system

    Office suite if available

    G.9.3. Installed software as listed in the Control Panel

    Installed software as listed in the Control Panel are collected and stored directly as components for

    each asset inventoried.

    They are not used as software detected during the inventory process, because we consider that the

    information is not as good as the one collected directly with the method described previously:

    Some software installed is missing (the ones installed without Windows installation process)

    Some software already unisntalled are still present if the uninstallation process failed

    Editor names and software names are not unified and not easily analyzed

    Most of the time, no software version number

    G.9.4. Automatic update of the software catalog

    Our backoffice team improve the software catalog continuously, based on the information collected on

    our platforms.

    This catalog is available:

    For new EasyVista installations

    For update, included in the maintenance contract: you just have to install EasyVista Network on your EasyVista platform

    G.9.5. Manual update of the software catalog

    Inventoried software that are not automatically linked to an entry in the software catalog will be added

    in an unknown software database.

    They are mainly rarely discovered software or specific software of your company.

    Using EasyVista, you can display the list of the unknown software discovered and improve the

    recognition database by adding them in the list of software to discover.

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    G.9.6. Serial number detection

    Software serial numbers are discovered automatically from the registry for the one stored by software


    You can also add specific registry path to retrieve local serial number that are not automatically


    G.10. Antivirus detection

    G.10.1. Antivirus detected

    Software are tagged as Antivirus in the software catalog and grouped as Antivirus in the interface.

    G.10.2. More information detected about Antivirus

    Depending of the Antivirus product and the information published by the editor, here are the

    complementary information EasyVista can collect:

    Antivirus Information

    VirusScan Version

    Date of virus base

    Version of virus base

    Kaspersky Version

    Date of virus base

    ETrust Version

    Date of virus base

    Panda Version

    Date of virus base

    FProt Version

    Date of virus base

    Norton AntiVirus Version

    Date of virus base

    Version of virus base

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    Viguard Version

    NOD32 Version

    Date of virus base

    BitDefender Version

    Date of virus base

    Version of virus base

    G.11. Movement history During inventory data integration, the following changes in the machine configuration will be stored as

    movement history.

    Remark: specific historization can be done, either by configuration, or by specific development for

    more sophisticated needs.

    Data Event



    Changes in one of the following values :


    RAM Size

    Login Name

    OS Language

    OS Serial Number

    Default Printer

    User Time zone

    OS Registered user

    OS Registered company


    User language

    Screen Resolution

    Domain name

    Computer name

    Connected Device Add or remove a connected device

    Network card Changes on a network card


    Component added

    Component deleted

    Software Software installed

    Software uninstalled

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    Changes on a major version

    Changes on a minor version

    G.12. Unique identification of an asset

    G.12.1. Presentation

    Each inventoried asset will be tagged uniquely during its first inventory. This unique tag identifies an

    asset among all the other assets of the database. Its called EasyVista tattoo or EUID.

    Its necessary to create a unique identifier, because theres no natural identifier on an asset:

    COMPUTER NAME: can change and may be duplicate on complex company networks

    IP ADDRESS / MAC ADDRESS: can change during life cycle of the computer

    UUID: many duplicates exist because constructor do not guarantee that this field supposed to be unique, is really uniquely filled for each machine

    SERIAL NUMBER: many duplicates, event for the same constructor, and often not correctly defined (To be filled, 12345, etc)

    ASSET TAG: based on a human action, and not surely unique on a complex estate

    G.12.2. Workstations used by several people

    During the first inventory, EasyVista unique identifier is generated and stored on shared places of the


    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\EasyVista



    On highly secured PCs where users are not allowed to write information in these places, it is

    recommended to do a first inventory using an administrator account. This inventory will generate the

    EasyVista tattoo at the right place and users will be granted to access to it in read only.

    G.12.3. Life cycle of an asset

    If an asset is re-formatted, it will lose its local EasyVista tattoo. The next inventory will create a new

    tattoo for this asset.

    During the integration of the collected data for this asset, the integration process will try to merge the

    old and the new tatoo to avoid creating duplicates in the database.

    To do that, it will compare the following information of both collected data:

    1. Asset Tag 2. Computer Name / Maker / Model / Serial Number / UUID

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    G.12.4. Masterization of machines

    A PC that will be used as a master for duplication on other machines must not contain an EasyVista

    tattoo. Otherwise, this tattoo will be duplicated on several machines, and these machines will be

    considered as a single one.

    G.12.5. Consolidation of inventory machines with existing information in the database

    If some machines already exist in the database (integration of an old database for example), the

    integration process of inventoried data will try to consolidated the inventoried data and the existing


    To do that, the integration process will compare machines in the existing database to the one

    inventoried, based on the following fields:

    1. Asset Tag 2. Serial Number 3. Computer Name

    If no existing machine is found, a new asset is created in the database.

    H. Integration of external data

    H.1. Goals EasyVista uses a powerful layer to import data from different sources and reconciles them before

    integration in EasyVista.

    The integration module in EasyVista is very simple.

    The pre-process system uses the speed and power of the SQL language to prepare the data (convert,

    delete, merge).

    Three steps:

    1. From the different sources of data you have, copy the data in temporary tables, on your EasyVista data server. The pre-import process can work on data coming from LDAP servers, SQL Server, Oracle, and any ADO/ODBC connector.

    2. Once imported, the data can now be selected, converted, purged into a single result table ready to integrate to EasyVista. Example :

    LDAP data separates FIRST NAMES and LAST NAMES: you can use the pre-import process to merge them, and use a template to have the name in capitals for example.

    LDAP data is often full of unwanted information (test accounts, distribution accounts). You can use the pre-import process to delete the data you do not need to avoid importing them into EasyVista

    3. Integrate the data into EasyVista using the Integration tools

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    The whole process can be scheduled for regular integrations.

    EasyVista will allow you to define an automatic process regardless of data complexity, quality, variety

    and sources you need to integrate.

    H.2. How does it work?

    I. Linking EasyVista with external data

    I.1. Active Directory

    I.1.1. Importing Active Directory data

    Your company directory can be imported into EasyVista, either as a one-off or regularly.

    I.1.2. Authentication done by Active Directory

    It is possible to configure EasyVista to validate the login and password given by users via Active

    Directory. In this case, users still type in their login and password through the EasyVista login page,

    but the validation is provided via the Active Directory database and not via the EasyVista database.


    Pre import

    Data source ORACLE or SQL SERVER






    LDAP directory



    Local copy if necessary


    Data post process


    Table ready for importing




    SQL Queries




    Executing queries on Local tables:

    Delete , Insert, merge,


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    Specific access to your Active Directory is required to check what information can be used to map

    users between Active Directory and EasyVista.

    I.2. EasyVista and SSO

    EasyVista can be integrated in your SSO system. Information regarding the already connected users

    must be available either in a cookie, a session variable or a parameter in the HTTP header or URL.

    Other specific identification methods are available. Please describe your system and we will see how

    we can integrate your SSO system with EasyVista.

    | Copyright Staff&Line | 5


    1 Identification 2 - Authentication 3 - Habilitation

    1 Identification 3 - Habilitation

    Done by the corporate Security System

    Done by EasyVista Security Service

    EasyVista with SSO

    2 - Authentication

    EasyVista without SSO

    I.3. Integration with Microsoft Exchange

    EasyVista can be linked to Microsoft Exchange:

    Automatically create new meetings in Exchange calendars for actions defined in EasyVista for consultants

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    Automatically update the meetings in Exchange when a change is done in EasyVista.

    I.3.1. Exchange prerequisites

    MAPI layer must be installed on the EXCHANGE SERVER and accessible.

    OUTLOOK client must be installed on the EasyVista application server in the same version than the

    EXCHANGE SERVER. We require that OUTLOOK be installed to guarantee that tests can be done in

    the same environment than the EasyVista application server with all the MAPI component correctly


    The calendar of each consultant defined in EasyVista must be shared and accessible to the MAPI

    account defined on the application servers.

    EasyVista is compliant with EXCHANGE 2003, 2007 and 2010.

    I.4. Integration with your CTI system

    EasyVista can be integrated with your CTI system to automatically display the requestor file as if the

    Service Desk user had used the EasyVista interface to find it.

    I.4.1. Displaying the file

    The CTI agent of your system (not included with EasyVista) must be able to call an EasyVista web

    page with special parameters identifying the calling user.

    Here is the syntax:

    http:[ web server address]/indexSSO.php?url_account=[EasyVista account]&url_login=[hotliner

    login]&url_password=[hotliner password]&do_quickcall=1&url_requestor=[calling user identifiantt]

    I.4.2. Recorded message

    An incident can also be created by sending a message to a dedicated mailbox. The content of the

    audio message must be associated as an attachment to the e-mail.

    I.5. Barcode readers

    The following barcode formats can be used when connecting barcode readers to EasyVista :



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    I.6. Web Services

    I.6.1. EasyVista as a service provider

    EasyVista web services are published with RPC ENCODED.

    I.6.2. EasyVista as client of an external web service

    EasyVista can call des web services with protocols:




    J. Technical Support Agent

    J.1. Objectives The goal is to automatically create new requests in EasyVista based on e-mail sent by users to a

    dedicated mailbox. The mailbox will be scanned using the POP3 or IMAP4 protocols.

    The text and subject of the e-mail are used to define the new requests. Attachments are saved and

    linked to the new request in the attached documents screen.

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    J.2. How does it work?

    K. Annex 1 : Windows Inventory

    K.1. Technical References Information listed in the next table is collected only if they are available. Quality of information

    collected can change, especially for older versions of Windows (NT4, Windows 95, Windows 98).

    Characteristic Fields

    Inventory Inventory Agent version

    Inventory date

    Path of the collection point

    Collection point name

    Machine Manufacturer



    Technical Support Agent : Principles

    POP3 Server

    Account 1

    Account N

    SMO Server

    New request

    Request number (RFC_NUMBER)

    Creation date (SUBMIT_DATE)

    Requestor (REQUESTOR_ID)Subject (SD_CATALOG_ID)

    Status (STATUS_ID)

    Origin (REQUEST_ORIGIN_ID)Localisation (LOCATION_ID)

    Details (COMMENT)

    Directory www/resources/..

    Document 1 Document 2

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    Serial Number


    Identification Computer name

    Asset tag (if available)

    EasyVista unique Identifier

    BIOS Date



    Memory DOS Memory



    For each memory bank:


    Memory type (DIMM, etc)


    Logical disks For each logical disk :

    Logical letter of the disk

    Total size

    Available size

    Type (Fixed drive, network drive,etc)

    Partition type (NTFS, FAT, etc)

    Path to the network resource

    Physical disks For each physical disk :

    Disk number


    Serial number

    Type (IDE, etc)

    Number of partitions

    For each physical disk that is smart compliant:

    Disk vendor

    Serial number


    Smart Disk information available (current value, threshold value, reference)

    Network IP address

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    Network adapter

    DHCP Active Yes / No

    DHCP Server

    Subnet Mask

    Default Gateway



    DNS Servers

    Mac Address

    Network cards For each network card installed on the machine:




    Printers For each printer linked to the machine:

    Printer number

    Local or network resource linked to this printer


    Printer name

    Full printer name

    Network server providing the resource

    Monitor (if available) Name

    Vertical frequency

    Horizontal frequency

    Model description

    Serial number

    Vendor ID

    Model ID

    Manufacture date

    Peripherals tree For each device listed in the device list of the machine:

    Device number


    Internet Default browser

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    Default mail

    Internet Explorer Default page

    Proxy enable Yes/No

    Security level

    Cookies status

    Active script authorization

    Java Parameters

    Instant messenger ICQ Yes / No

    MSN Messenger Yes / No

    Yahoo Messenger Yes / No

    Screen saver Active Yes / No

    Is secure Yes / No

    Timeout value

    Screen saver name

    Boot Default boot partition

    For each partition configured on the machine:


    Partition name

    USB Devices Number of USB ports available

    For each USB device connected :

    Port number

    Product name


    Vendor ID

    Product ID

    Main board Manufacturer

    Product name

    Serial number

    CPU Frequency

    Vendor string

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    Brand ID

    Number of processors

    Number of used, active and free sockets on mother board

    K.2. Software and OS configuration

    Characteristic Fields

    Software detected

    on the machine

    NETWORK or LOCAL software

    Exe name

    Path to exe name

    Software editor


    Long version

    Short version


    Path to shortcut

    Windows Windows version

    Product ID

    System root folder

    Registered organization

    Registered owner

    Temp folder

    Workgroup or Domain


    Screen resolution

    Default printer

    User ID

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    Time zone


    System language

    User language

    Auto logon Yes / No

    Windows update configuration

    Windows firewall configuration

    License numbers Product name

    License number

    Lotus notes Version

    Outlook Server used

    Connection string

    LDAP / AD Server used

    Connection string

    Antivirus For each antivirus detected (see list of detected antivirus in this document):

    Antivirus name

    Virus def

    Software executed

    at windows startup

    For each software configured to run at windows startup:

    Exe name and path

    Software name

    Services For each service configured and active on the machine:

    Exe name and path

    Service name

    Hotfix For each hotfix applied on the machine :

    Kbase reference of the hotfix

    Name of the hotfix

    Installed software For each software listed in the installed software list of the control panel:

    Installed software number

    Name as listed in the control panel

    IDs and serial


    Office product ID (if available)

    Windows log For each windows log (application, system, security, etc), list the last ten


    Windows log name (application, system, security, etc)

    Error code

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    Date and time

    Error label



    For each variable defined on the machine:

    Variable name


    ODBC Drivers For each ODBC Driver installed on the machine:

    Driver name


    For each USER ODBC DSN configured on the machine:



    Recycler For each recycler defined on the machine :


    Folder used

    DMI Present Yes / No

    Process in memory For each process in memory:

    Process ID

    EXE and path to exe





    TCP/UDP ports open TCP or UPD

    Port number

    IP of the connected machine

    Profiles List of the profiles defined on the machine (each corresponding to a

    different user that has been logged on the machine)



    List of the accounts granted with the local administrator level.

    L. Annex 2 : Linux UNIX Inventory

    L.1. Technical References

    Linux Solaris HP-UX AIX



    Yes Yes Yes Yes

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    Serial number Yes if available in the BIOS

    No Depends of the



    Vendor No HP IBM

    Model Machine Type Yes Yes

    BIOS name

    and version

    No No No

    Main board


    No HP IBM

    Main board

    serial number

    No No No

    UUID N/A N/A

    Mac address Yes Yes No Yes

    IP Address Yes Yes Yes Yes

    DNS server No Name Yes Yes

    Subnet mask Yes Yes Yes Yes



    Yes Yes Yes Yes

    CPU Vendor Yes No Yes Yes

    CPU Name Yes Yes Yes Yes

    CPU Count Yes No Yes Yes

    Monitor Model Depends of the monitor

    No No No

    Monitor serial


    No No No



    No No No

    Memory Total Yes Yes Yes Yes

    Membanks Yes Yes No No



    Name, Physical

    storage, size, free

    space, type

    Name, Physical

    storage, size, free


    Name, Physical

    storage, size, free


    Name, Physical

    storage, size, free


    User ID Name Name Name Name

    L.2. Software References

    Linux Solaris HP-UX AIX



    Based on RPMs or

    packages installed

    Based on packages


    Based on packages


    Based on packages


    OS Information Vendor, version Vendor, version Vendor, version Vendor, version

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